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general questions 20 Character Limit

20% Cooler Than Cake
Go to solution Solved by Lightwing,

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You don't. 20 characters is about enough to write "Lol yeah your right xD" which is hardly a post worth of a forum. The general rules are in place for a reason and there's no way to go over them. And nor should there be.

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@20% Cooler Than Cake, the Character Minimum cannot be turned off by any means. This minimum exists to keep a minimum ammount of discussion without constant "No" or "Yes" answers, and it also helps to avoid spam, and to have proper, worthy awnsers for each topic and to give enought material to create discussion when creating a topic.


I don't find any difficulty on writting 20 characters though, it's as simple as this:
"This is a post with 20 characters and even more"

If you find difficulty on meeting the limit, the key is to add just a bit more of depth to your posts, and, to be fair, 20 characters is a really tame minimum, as MLPForums used to have a 100 Characters Minimum threshold.


Just in case, keep on mind that purposely bypassing the character minimum by any means is considered to be a form of spamming, namely Character Minimum Violation, and will be dealt with accordingly, whenever it is hiding or removing the post in question.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm pretty sure it's permanent.


If I recall correctly, they do that to prevent bots, spam, etc.


Just be thankful it's no longer a 100-character limit (except in a rare few sections), as it was until about a year ago.

  • Brohoof 1
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