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Conservative pundit slams MLP fanbase as "effeminate" and "un-manly"


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" glue fake unicorn horns to their foreheads. Then go out in public."


Hey guys remember that time when we... wait no we didn't...

If anyone really ever did this it was probably at Brony Con for cosplay. Which is a little ironic that he speaks so highly of Star Trek where some of they're obsessions are pretty equivalent or even more than the even most dedicated Brony!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god this guy is halarious! xD The name calling was just priceless! It's so funny because he talks like a 10 year old kid! Now joking aside, that article was just silly. I thought this was already talked about. It's too late to start writing articles about these so called "sissy girls." It's old news man (not the person who posted this article I mean the guy who actually wrote it.) And how is a U.S soldier not manly by watching MLP? I mean, they had to go through the harshness of boot camp right? I know there are soldiers who are bronies, and that's actually pretty awesome. This guy's perspective on a manly person is just on looks and masculinity. (Oh and there might be some spelling mistakes in this reply, so just try to ignore them kk?) ~Little Miss Fluttershy<3

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I think that it needs to be said that this man is horrible NOT because he's conservative, but because he's desperate for attention.


I never really thought well of bret, now that i see him hear i dont like him.

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Honestly, the fact that we are getting to them this much means that we must have more influence than we originally thought.


And for the record, I'm a Conservative, but you know what? I still like FiM. I'm not claiming that it's the best cartoon ever made, but it is the first time I've ever given a crap about the plot of a My Little Pony show.

Edited by SBaby
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Honestly, the fact that we are getting to them this much means that we must have more influence than we originally thought.


Your right, still, not a lot of people know about bronies, sadly.

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"A story like “Lord of the Rings” may be a bit nerdy – I mean, it has elves – but the lessons there, about the need to overcome one’s fears and to sacrifice one’s self if need be to defend your people, are as vital as ever."


huh guess MLP never had morals like this, you know standing up for what's right no matter what the cost. The Ponies have never gone off to fight an evil and risked their lives to save their country...


Oh wait they do... quite a bit actually... Friendship is Magic Pt1-2, Dragonshy, Swarm of the Century, Return to Harmony pts1-2, A Canterlot Wedding Pts1-2 are all good examples.

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Your right, still, not a lot of people know about bronies, sadly.


Don't worry. It takes awhile for these things to go mainstream. The fact that we're on the news so constantly means that the general public is starting to notice us. It's only a matter of time now.

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"As sickening as it is, we can’t just ban grown men from acting like idiots because we disapprove of their lifestyle choices – after all, we aren’t progressives."


HA! Pushing completely unrelated political agenda... well played

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Don't worry. It takes awhile for these things to go mainstream. The fact that we're on the news so constantly means that the general public is starting to notice us. It's only a matter of time now.


I hope, bc no one in my school has ever heard of a brony, except one guy i know.

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"Yeah, some will say it’s unfair to compare a bunch of harmless fem-boys who stopped maturing at age seven with the heroic men and women facing death or dismemberment on all our behalves every day. "


Hey guys sorry to say but I haven't matured in 11 years. I'm still 4' 11'' and haven't hit puberty.


And your right it isn't an unfair comparison, its just completely senseless!

There are men who never went to war, contributed to society, and had casual hobbies before. We call those civilians. You know that whole point on fighting wars.

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"Yeah, some will say it’s unfair to compare a bunch of harmless fem-boys who stopped maturing at age seven with the heroic men and women facing death or dismemberment on all our behalves every day. "


Hey guys sorry to say but I haven't matured in 11 years. I'm still 4' 11'' and haven't hit puberty.


And your right it isn't an unfair comparison, its just completely senseless!

There are men who never went to war, contributed to society, and had casual hobbies before. We call those civilians. You know that whole point on fighting wars.


Hehehe i matured at like 10, i am 12, and 5' 8"



He thinks were all crazy, were normal, we just like mlp.

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"tired stereotypes of what boys should or shouldn’t like.” "


Well yeah I'm kinda tired of gender stereotypes. According to you I am supposed to be some savage beast man and go to war.




But my favorite quote I'll end off with...


"Trashing positive values is standard operating procedure in Tinseltown. "


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! That's hilarious! Probably the most hypocritical statement I have read in years!

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Breitbart.com? Talking about the intrinsic threat of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic to society? Guess those secret Obama tapes didn't really pan out.


It's funny how we have one or two active servicemen who are members of this forum (one of whom deployed a month ago). I have absolutely no idea how foreign wars and military service relate to MLP outside of the standard rhetoric of emasculating your opponent by questioning their patriotism and willingness to support military ventures. Furthermore, a number of fans aren't even old enough to serve in the armed services, so the point is moot.


On a positive note, this means MLP: FIM has truly become ingrained in popular culture. At first the far-right thought we were weird (e.g., William Krystol and his brief comments on Bronies); now we're the embodiment of everything wrong with modern America. I ask, however, that the Birchers, the Breitbarts, the O'Reillys, and the Limbaughs get one thing right: in the midst of their rants, could they please associate us with the proper generation of MLP? Most of us avoid the previous generations like the plague and desire as little connection with them as possible. Kindly post giant pictures of the Mane Six prior to the eventual venom spewed forth upon us. It would be most appreciated.


Pinkie Pie makes modern American conservatism so much easier to bear.

Edited by Thereisnospoon303
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On a positive note, this means MLP: FIM has truly become ingrained in popular culture.


Yeah I know! We seem to be really hip now that we are being bashed on desperate sites like this!


Soon we'll be right up there with other Pop Culture movements like LGBT rights and legalizing marijuana!

I feel so cool now! :P

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Yeah I know! We seem to be really hip now that we are being bashed on desperate sites like this!


Soon we'll be right up there with other Pop Culture movements like LGBT rights and legalizing marijuana!

I feel so cool now! :P


Actually, the best part about us is that we are not a political movement. Well, we do encourage people to worship Celestia's plot, but that's because we know she'll banish them to the moon otherwise.



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Actually, the best part about us is that we are not a political movement. Well, we do encourage people to worship Celestia's plot, but that's because we know she'll banish them to the moon otherwise.




Movement wasn't the best word to put there! But yeah!

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I find it highly Ironic that they compare us to the men and women fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan. I know for a fact that some of the men in the military overseas are bronies, one being a user of this site, Jawmuncher. If you're going to insult someone, at least get your facts straight, jeezles.


In any case, I'm going to do the same thing i say to all haters, big and small:


Haters gonna hate.

Trolls gonna troll.

Klopps gonna ignore.


And with that, I bid this thread adieu.

Edited by Klopp
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When I saw that the picture on top of the article was of G3, I knew right away that this guy didn't know two bits about G4; still, read bits of the article anyway, to my disgust, and it is quite disgusting. The worst part of it all is, I'm a conservative Christian, and I will be the first to admit, most of the criticism of bronies probably comes from the right, sadly, especially people who simply haven't seen 2 seconds of G4 and have no clue about what they're talking about!!! UHHHH!!! It's freakin' embarassing for the millions of rational and level-headed conservatives out there like myself when the nut-job extremists pull crap like this; but hey, there'll always be nut-jobs, right? On both the left and the right! So, like any good Christian and brony, I'll just do the only thing I should do to them; LOVE AND TOLERATE THE **** OUT OF THEM!!! B)


Also, this:


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Starting off, they already belittled the community in their title by stating "Terrifying New Trend". After that, The use of an image from generation three is a gargantuan misrepresentation of the community. Not only is this not a part of what the fandom enjoys, but is something that the majority of Bronies dislike. Let's see how much of this I can pick apart.



There are grown men out there who devote themselves to the rainbow-unicorn-sparkly-pastel fantasy world of the children’s TV show “My Little Pony.”



The majority of Bronies are between the ages of 13-18. Hardly “grown men”. Also There is a magnificent difference between being a fan of something and devoting oneself to it.


They call themselves “bronies,” a terrifying hybrid of “bros” and “ponies.”


Saying terrifying already prematurely belittles the community further. In addition, bronies are not a hybrid of "bros" and "ponies" but rather derive from the /b/ section of 4chan mixing with pony to form "Brony", also explaining why the members who originated from the /co/ board are called /co/lts. There is bias leaking out of this post from every angle, and the author did not seem professional nor educated on the subject.



But should Hollywood really be enabling this phenomenon?


I honestly don't see what "Hollywood" can to do disable it.



Hell no. It’s a freaking embarrassment.


More pointless belittlement and personal, premature, disrespectful bias.



All the while, as these pathetic sissies giggle like school girls over magic unicorns that spray rainbows from their horns, real men – and women – who have put aside the temptation to retreat into a frivolous fantasy world are tromping through the wilds of Afghanistan. Such young adults, some younger (in years) than the “bronies,” are protecting all of us – including these pathetic weirdoes.


Under his own definition, the author is not a "real man or women". Also a surprisingly high number of Bronies are militarily engaged, including a few members of our own forum. These paragraphs continue to begin and end with pointless insults, additional belittlement, and immature comments.



It makes me want to wretch.


Go ahead.



Yeah, some will say it’s unfair to compare a bunch of harmless fem-boys who stopped maturing at age seven with the heroic men and women facing death or dismemberment on all our behalves every day. People who say that are wrong. These perma-virgins ought to be ashamed of themselves, but if they had the capacity for shame, this disgusting obsession would be a secret they guard almost as closely as a Harvard faculty member might guard the fact that he’s a registered Republican.


Again, the trend of beginning and ending with pointless insults, additional belittlement, and immature comments continues. As stated above, a surprisingly high number of Bronies are militarily engaged and stating that "People who say that are wrong" is not only ignorant, but immature and disregarding of other opinions. You can see the authors Republican bias toward the end, and it's awkward when someone insults a community with an average age in the teens as "perma-vergins" but then complains about teenage pregnancy and problems revolving around teenage sex.



As sickening as it is, we can’t just ban grown men from acting like idiots because we disapprove of their lifestyle choices – after all, we aren’t progressives. It’s still a free country – coincidentally due entirely to the efforts of men and women who put aside childish things to contribute to society instead of feeding at the trough and then sitting on their expansive backsides as they eagerly clap like seals at the antics of colorful cartoon steeds.


There's nothing productive or even point-proving in this paragraph. It's just belittlement. And complaint about how you cannot legally ban a certain lifestyle.



If these losers want to waste their lives lingering in a childhood fugue state, Hollywood has every right to serve them up more of the same cultural slop and pocket the cash proceeds. But it shouldn’t.


Same as above.



Hollywood is famously nonjudgmental about anything that happens to undercut the foundations of American society, gleefully mocking traditional morality, conservatism, and now what the LA Times calls “tired stereotypes of what boys should or shouldn’t like.” Trashing positive values is standard operating procedure in Tinseltown.


Are you kidding? Hollywood is famous for judging about everything that happens to everyone. And they don't only mock traditional morality and conservatism. They mock everything and trash all values.



But perhaps now it’s time for Hollywood to get a bit more judgmental. Perhaps it’s time to say, “Hey, glad you like the show, but it’s for little girls and maybe you man-children ought to find something better to do with your lives. Which would be anything.”


As stated above, I honestly don't see what "Hollywood" can to do disable it. And more pointless belittlement.



Fandom, even potentially nerdy fandom, need not be destructive. For example, the original “Star Trek” had real merit. The character of Captain Kirk provided an example of true manhood – note that the attributes commonly associated with ‘manhood’ are not limited by mere gender, as heroes like Sergeant Leigh Ann Hester proved – even within the concept of science fiction. Watching James T. Kirk teaches young males key life lessons – that violence is an important option for defeating evil, that individual dignity is worth fighting for, and that scoring with green alien chicks is awesome.


Wow. This is the most hypocritical paragraph ever. The entire plot line of My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic is based around promoting constructive ideals not limited by mere gender. Nearly every episode promotes an important life lesson that helps people in more ways then "Violence is an important option for defeating evil". What kind of life lesson is that anyways? I find that more negative then positive. Additionally, when it said that "scoring with green alien chicks is awesome" I honestly began to think this might have actually been a satire essay posted to imitate and mock those who try to belittle Bronies.



A story like “Lord of the Rings” may be a bit nerdy – I mean, it has elves – but the lessons there, about the need to overcome one’s fears and to sacrifice one’s self if need be to defend your people, are as vital as ever.


See the above post. Also the fanbase of My Little Pony; friendship is magic has promoted and advertised more musical, graphic, and creative works then any of the fandoms stated in the article.


And as for the bronies themselves, since they love the world of make believe so much, maybe it will be easier for them to take the advice of a fictional character. As Don Corleone advised, maybe you ought to try and “



All I have to say is go to YouTube, and search for "manliest song ever". Then tell me the first thing to pop up.

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