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open Dusk Labs: Project Coepi Ignis RP


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/146840-dusk-labs-project-coepi-ignis/?p=4361807



Officer Trail Light stood at the now destroyed bunker door. It had taken four shifts of unicorn guards to melt the door over three days to where ponies could safely enter and exit the once prestigious laboratory. A young technician mare smiled at him and walked over to the officer.


"Evening officer Trail Light. Has any bounty hunters shown up to enter the laboratory?" The young mare asked.


"Soon Ms. Watch Eye, the bounty was only posted several days ago. This whole mess reeks of red tape and paperwork." The police officer said.


"Well when they get here, have them report to me so they can be filled in what Dusk Laboratories does here." The technician said, and then she walked away towards a computer terminal scanning the air inside the dark facility, "It's clean, and everything should turn out fine, but it will take time to check all the floors."


"That's what the bounty hunters are for, so make sure everything is safe. We don't want a potential terrorist attack coming out of the facility." Officer Trail Light said. He stepped into his car, and turned on the heater, it was still chilly in Manehatten evenings, but at least there was no snow.

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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The street lights cast an orange glow over Redwood, reflecting off her black bandana, as she trotted towards the bunker door. She was an unusual sight, decked out in a tactical vest and carrying a large shotgun. Redwood produced a flask from her vest, and took a swig as she approached Officer Trail Light's car.


"Ah heard there was an open bounty 'round here involvin' investigatin' some kinda lab. Is this th' place, officer?" She asked.

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A bus arrived near the labs. It stopped, and a single pony dismounted. A sketchy figure, cloaked with a cap that obscured most of his face.


Really, it was just to keep warm in the cold weather.


He trotted up to the entrance of the labs, where the ponies had gathered. He reached underneath his cloak and pulled out the bounty poster. Apparently, ponies were getting paid to investigate the labs, and Second Sight was short on cash. And there he was.


'This is the place'.


After being certain that he was at the correct area, he trotted up the pony who seemed to be in charge, alongside a large mare decked in a vest and a shotgun. 


'Looks like I'm not the only one.'


His eyes darted between the bounty hunter and the officer's indicating his purpose of being: to infiltrate the labs.

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Redwood turned her attention to the cloaked stallion who had just trotted up. She looked him over and gave him a quizzical expression. Redwood didn't particularly like this stallion's mysterious nature. She preferred knowing who she worked with, and Redwood felt obscurity was always an unnecessary obstacle.


"Well, lookit mister dark and mysterious. Are you here fer the bounty too?" She asked.

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Second Sight stiffened at the question. He didn't expect to have to work with other bounty hunters. A quick change of time perception helped him sort his thoughts out.


"Yes. I'm here for the bounty." he answered. He tilted his cap up to look at Redwood in the eye. Time slowing down just for him, he examined the mare. She seemed battle hardened. Strong. A heavy hitter. Her expression and posture was one of inquisition and... slight distaste?


'Must be my clothing' Second Sight concluded, shaking his head. Time resumed its normal pace.


"And my name is ( JOHN CENA!!! ) Second sight, 'missus large and intimidating'" he added.

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@@crispy fries,@,


Officer Trail Light looked between the two ponies. He lowered his window, and felt the warm air of the car exiting. 'Darn it' the mustached officer thought to himself. He raised the window up and stepped out side the car. "Well chaps, I'm officer Trail Light, and we've got a bit of a problem that requires... your expertise. We don't know what is in that lab, a potential terrorist attack, some horrific freak of a pony, a pink dragon, we don't know. That's why we need you. To answer your questions, go the the technician over there. She's the red mare with the techno glasses." Trail Light pointed over to the unicorn mare, who was over a computer scanning something or another.

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Redwood turned back towards officer Trail Light and said, "Alrighty then officer. We'll head on over to that technician, pronto."


Going back to Second Sight, she said, "Howdy Second Sight, ah'm Redwood." Redwood took another swig from her flask and began to walk towards the technician.


"So, what seems to be th' problem requirin' us?" Redwood asked her.

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@@crispy fries@,@,



Foulbearer was quite a ways over in yonder from the other ponies as he sighed and told himself in his mind that he had gotten lost. He quickly opened his left eye staring out in the scenery far wide ahead of him noticing the place where he should be. He quickly closed his eye after and walked over.


Once he got there he went up to the ponies that seemed to be... Peculiar, at least compared to the rest. It was a mare and a stallion with some other, regular looking fellas. He spoke a word of greeting to them ''Hello.'' it wasn't anything but friendly, heartwarming and welcoming voice. Unfit for someone who looked almost as if he had murdered something on the way here. But unbeknowest to him he talked like that, most of the time.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Officer Trail Light just had one look at the green pony. He gave Trail Light the creeps. "Hello? Are you here for the bounty? Clearing out the labs? I'm Officer Trail Light. What's your name." Trail Light just stood there. He glanced over at the other two ponies going over to the technician. "You can get your mission from the mare with the space glasses over there." Trail Light pointed over to the red mare.

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Redwood looked behind her where the hello came from. It was a bit of a surprise to see the appearance of the pony be so different from the voice, but she wasn't a normal sight either, nor was Second Sight. It was strange how this bounty attracted the oddest ponies.


"Howdy kiddo, ah'm Redwood," she said.

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"Pleasure to meet you, Redwood." Second Sight lied. He followed Trail Light's directions to the technician, choosing to let Redwood do most of the talking. He noticed the new pony's arrival. Looking at him, Second Sight could only describe him as-


'Did that pony fall in a tub of green dye?' He scoffed. 'Oh, lord forbid he's here for the booing as well- oh, who am I kidding'

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@@@crispy fries,@,



Plaguebearer did a nod confirming the hello before letting out that chillstakingly friendly voice ''Name's Plaguebearer. I am here for the job as a bounty hunter, although my real job is that of a scientist. I just happen... To be short on... sub- Cash'' he said with his voice not ever turning more or less friendly. He then greeted the other two telling them his name briefly ''Plaguebearer, nice to meet you'' before going ahead to the technician

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Redwood gave Plaguebearer a side-eyed look. While Second Sight may have just been dressed funny, this pony was definitely hiding something. While Redwood had seen a lot in her years, she had never seen something like Plaguebearer. The sooner the technician could give her and the rest of the team their job, the better.

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@@rolle,@@crispy fries,@,


The technician eyed the bounty hunters as they came up to her, a cloaked pony, a heavy pony, and a mad scientist. "Hello Second Sight, Redwood, and Plague Bearer. I am Watch Eye, and I will be overseeing this operation. Your job is to go into the lab and do three things. One, Turn the power back on to the floor. Two, Eliminate any hostiles. Three, Claim any stable projects or equipment. Now normally we would do this ourselves, but this is Dusk Labs, and their... projects, involve genetic engineering and evolution. And some of their experiments have yielded well known individuals."

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"Hold on just a minute, what in the name of Celestia do you mean, 'yielded well known individuals'? Redwood asked, "Are you tellin' us that y'all have created ponies in this lab? And what kind of hostiles should we be expectin' in there? Isn't there anymore Intel you can give us?"

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Watch Eye just stood there during Redwood's barrage of questions. "I am not inclined to let you know what those individuals are. I am not an affiliate of Dusk Laboratories, as for hostiles. I recommend at least a shotgun. But if you wish to request a weapon then do so. As for more Intel, the schematics of the floor plan is highly corrupted, and is nigh inaccessible. Dusk Labs is nearly untracible and probably do not wish to help us. They are a shadow organization for a reason. Also, if you see anything... sensitive, do not tell anypony about it, if fact, sign these forms saying that you will cooperate with with this operation and you will not disclose any information regarding this sensitive materials." Watch Eye huffed and pulled out three forms.

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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Redwood reluctantly took one of the forms from Watch Eye, penned her signature, and handed it back. She turned to Plague Bearer and Second Sight and said, "Alright, before we go in, let's assess our little team. Ah've got mah 4-gauge shotgun, th' Appleoosa Buster, and ah reckon ah can take th' most damage too, so ah'll take the front. What've y'all got to bring to th' table?"

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Second Sight chuckled. "Genetic modifications, huh?" He flipped the pen idly. "Every new addition will be accompanied by a weakness."


He swiftly down his signature. His eyes twinkled. "And I intend to find that weakness."


"Weapons? I brought my own."


Done with the administrative business, he turned to Redwood.


"As for what I have to bring to the table... Since we're going to be working together, I might as well open up." He shrugged. "I am good at avoiding projectiles and fleeing from almost any situation, though my talents can be applied elsewhere. I will also be able to hack and access terminal and pick locks."



"I brought a revolver and several literal aces up my sleeve. My aim is perfect thanks to my talent. You will also notice my prosthetic. This thing..."


He chuckled, holding up the claw and inspecting it.


"Just for punching and writing. And holding stuff. Nothing too fancy about it."

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"Well, I'm sure knowin' a thing or two about computers will come in handy in a place like this, although that revolver you got might not be big enough. What ah'm wonderin' is just what kinda aces you got up yer sleeve, and what exactly your special talent is."

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"Put a cap in the right place and the revolver is more than enough" he replied. "The aces up my sleeve? Just little magic tricks, don't worry about them." He pulled a card from under his cloak to demonstrate.


He glanced at her shotgun. "That's quite the old model. Is it... Automatic or anything? Doesn't look the part."

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"Naw, th' ol' Appleoosa Buster ain't automatic. Y'see, it's a four-gauge, about as big as you can get with a shotgun. Each pellet is a quarter-pound, and it'll put a hole the size of yer hoof in just about anything. It might be an older model, but I keep th' thing clean as a whistle, and it's got a few custom parts that guarantee it don't jam or nothin'."

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He took his form and quickly filled it out. He then heard Redwood asking and listened through before speaking up ''Well, I am a scientist. My subject is Chemisty mainly, as is my talent. If we find materials for me to create something... Special, oh and I got my magic with me. Don't own weapons really'' he said while demonstrating his magic by lifting up a pebble on the ground ''Wish I had something bigger with me now...'' he added to it afterwards.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"Well, ah reckon it ain't th' best idea to go in there unarmed. Why don'tcha go ask the technician fer a gun, she said you can ask fer one. You don't look like much of a fighter, so it might be best if you stuck behind me." 


Redwood took a sip from her flask, began to load her shotgun, and said "Let's quit th' yammerin' and get ready."

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Watch Eye listened to the conversation and the smiled, she then said "I've got several small arms that you can use Plaguebearer." Watch Eye then said, "If that is all, then the lab awaits. It's not going to turn on itself." Watch Eye clicked several eyes on her keyboard, and then she said, "Take these radios, and set them to channel two. We'll be able to track you and listen to you."

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Second Sight raised his claw. It hummed, it's blue strips glowing slightly. His revolver floated above the claw, bullets emerging from his cloak and loading into the gun. He clicked the barrel closed and sheathed his revolver.


He walked up to the door, eyeing the ponies working to open it.



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