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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Well now, whaddaya know, meal time," Redwood said, unlocking Hooligan's door.


She handcuffed Hooligan and shoved him out of his cell, keeping a slight grin on her face while she did so.


"Get movin'," ordered Redwood as she poked him in the back with her baton.

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Nightmare led Missklang across the courtyard and a circular trap door. She levitated it open and said,

"It works with every kind of magic. Discord came to try it out and he couldn't get out. Go ahead look inside, I think there's something small at the bottom of the pit."

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Missklang smiled.


Well, this looks totally safe. I just wonder why they didn't shove Discord in there under his statue form... I can just imagine the door closing behind me with an "it's for your own good" phrase of some sort. It's a perfect Missklang mousetrap. Discord's too in fact. We are just too curious not to avoid it. I would have to consider that in the future for my own good. How does this work is, however, the most interesting question. Is the thing on the bottom some sort of crystal that, like a black hole, syphons the magic out of the air? That could be fun. Well, I'm too curious not to go inside. I wonder if I would be able to use hammerspace in it. 


He jumped down to see if, in fact, there was something on the bottom.

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Nightmare almost  burst out laughing, but she managed to contain herself. She released the door. It slammed shut, plunging the hole into darkness. Nightmare said as she laid down on the trapdoor, 

"Opps, sorry about that. Was there something down there or was it just my eyes playing tricks on me."

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Missklang's eyes glowed a bit, accommodating with the absence of light. he picked up a small transparent crystal rock from the floor. Then, he walked to the corner and looked at the walls that were carved with drawings made by a sharp object.


Well, nothing much. Just a shiny rock. Well, I don't have access to my magic, I can feel it. Neither my hammerspace. But I do however feel that my magic is still inside me, I just can't use it. So I won't die from old age or wounds if I were to be trapped here. I am still as damage proof as I was. As I thought any spell I try to cast is instantly absorbed by something. However, I must say. Discord's coming in here wasn't by curiosity. I can see he was working on a way to actually find a way to escape in case he was trapped here in the future. Very clever. I would do the same... 

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Nightmare got up and said,

"Welcome to Solitary, you'll be here for a day or two."

She got up and started making it sound like she was leaving, but she stayed there and kept quiet.


Shadow went to the cafeteria where he heard that a student walked in. He stormed out angry at himself for tell Missklang to look for Nightmare, and Missklang for looking in there.

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Missklang bursted into laughs.


Well this went better then expected. At least those silent guards won't be able to get me here. And I just started to worry that I would have to kill someponye or at least damage some things or somepony to get here. I must congratulate the princess later. She is after all the first to effectively use my own curiousity against me. Not that this wasn't an obvious trap of course. That's the problem of being curious. You start walking into traps on purpose.


He resumed the studies of the carvings on the wall. 


Looks like Discord didn't loose his time here. Wow. They kept him here for two weeks. Well, I guess sweet revenge from Celestia...


He continued to stare on the wall.


Well what do you know... That might just even work... I will have to keep it in mind...


He walked a bit in circle.


Hmmm. This is boring. Boring indeed. At least I can talk to myself. 


He changed his voice drasticly, imitating perfectly Celestia's voice.


Well well well, isn't it Twilight Sparkle. My faithful 65th student. What did you learn today?


Well, he copied Twilight's voice, today I learned that if I hit my friends with a book on the head, the book is damaged and the friend is upset.


Huhuhuhuhu. How sweet. You earned a pet. Come here. pat pat pat. Now go defeat another crazy mega dangerous villain that I'm to lazy to even consider to battle. You can easily die but that's okay. I will just find another pony to replace you.


Weeee. Best day ever! I will go and call my friends! Hey girls? Celestia asked me to go and to defeat a villain that could kill us all. Let's go! 


Missklang went silent for a bit.


Boooring...   I wonder what Nightmare is doing...

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Nightmare couldn't hold it in, she burst out laughing. She knew that it was wrong, but still. After she stopped laughing, She opened up the door and said, 

"You are really good at impression, maybe you could get a job as a comedian. You do know that mocking a princess will get you in trouble with the guards

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@@crispy fries


"I'm moving, I'm moving, no need to poke me," said Hooligan with fake annoyance. Hooligan began moving with Redwood and smiled as he looked at the cuffs on his hooves. "You know I knew you were tough Red, but I never thought that you were into handcuffs and stuff," Hooligan said with a wink, "talk about 50 shades of hay."

  • Brohoof 2
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Missklang smiled.


You won't believe what the royal guards talk about in their off time. Making fun of the superiors is part of it. But if I annoy a guard, to the point that he attacks, is actually working to my advantage. Angry guards tend to forget about security and protocols and like to mindlessly open doors... And angry guards are easier to defeat as they stop thinking about strategy and just rush towards you. And after all, Discord mocks them as well and he got away with it... Well exept the time he was trapped into stone for thousand years but still... So... What's up?

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"What can ah say? They don't pay me to play nice," grinned Redwood. "Of course, playin' nice ain't no fun anyways."


While she would normally be annoyed by Hooligan's wisecracks, she found herself tolerating them, and even playing along a little. Perhaps it was just the prospect of smacking him around.

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Nightmare levitated Missklang and said as she put him next to her, 

"How was it down there, If you get in any more trouble, you wouldn't be let out for a long time."


Shadow stormed up to Missklang and said, "I heard you went into a staff only cafeteria, looking for Nightmare. You know that you could've asked if Nightmare was in there."

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A bit dark, but not a problem when you see in the dark. I thought of a few ways to escape that could possibly work. But I really liked the acoustics of the place.I could sing loudly and imitate ponies saying things they are not supposed to, for my amusement.


He saw Shadow.


Well, you could have told me where to look for her in the first place. Besides, if I didn't do that I wouldn't attract the attention of the two most important ponies in this establishment, would I? And also, there was no one there to ask to. The door was right there and nopony around. I didn't want to waste my break time on pointless waiting.

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Nightmare was trying not to laugh. She stepped up and said, 

"Missklang has already spent time in solitary and said, that he'll not go to wherever he's not allowed."

She nudged his a little to say that he should keep quiet and agree."


Shadow looked from to the other and said,

"Missklang, is this true?"

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Missklang looked at Shadow a bit absentmindedly but snapped back to reality and started nodding his head.


Yes, yes of course. I will not go to the places I'm clearly not allowed to go to. After all, I don't want to be inside a solitary where no magic can be used and no one can creep out of the shadows to attack me. I like my magic. Even if it is slightly restrained by those silly magic blockers.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


As Redwood ushered Hooligan into the cafeteria, she removed his handcuffs.


"Don't play nice," she chuckled. "Ah'll be watchin' y'all."


Rather than going with Hooligan, Redwood had to hang back near the walls with the rest of the guards who were supervising the cafeteria.

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Shadow stared for a few minute, then said as he left, 
"Ok, don't want to hear that you were somewhere you weren't supposed to."


When Shadow left, Nightmare turned to Missklang and said, as she levitated him into the air, 

"Found the library and half of it is open to students

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Missklang busted into quite laughs while he spun in the air while being levitated.


Oh boy. I just can't wait till I get my hoofs on the books of the forbidden section. Oh blimey, I will get my head screwed off by Shadow if he hears me talking like that.


He laughed a bit again.


I sure like being levitated by you.

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Nightmare laughed and said,

Yeah, he would and by the way, we're even. you covered my back and I covered yours. Oh, been meaning to ask you if the guard was acting strangely before it tried to freeze you."

When they arrived at the library, Nightmare placed Missklang on the ground and said, 

"Try to find a book that won't get you into trouble

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Well, the guard did gave us both a suspicious look. That was a bit cute. But apart of foolishly trying to freeze me when I proposed a hug. Two times actually, hissing at me and laughing with sounds that seemed that they were coming from a dying pony with heavy voice problems, not much really. 


He looked at the bookshelves.


I just think that I won't be able to find the anarchist's cookbook or the necroponycon in here... I even doubt they have manuals about high chaos magic... Perhaps with some luck, there are some of Starswirl's works but I highly doubt it...

Edited by Missklang
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Nightmare said as she looked through the book,

"No, they won't have any powerful dark magic, and that would be for staff only for books that powerful."

She pulled a book off the shelf and placed it on the table with a sigh. Then she burst out laughing and said,

"That's why the guard tried to freeze you/"

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Missklang looked at the books.


Aw, what a shame. I won't be able to summon a demon from the Tartarus to free me. I'll have to find another way. Actually, I know a spell that could let me hide or even escape! How convenient... Yes, freezing me when I have natural temperature resistance isn't the best idea. But what are you talking about? I don't understand.

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Nightmare caught her breath and said, 

"It didn't like that I was being nice to you. The silent guards are what some ponies called old. Guard are supposed to be mean to prisoners. Since they can't punish me for anything without permission, it decided to take it out on you."

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Actually, guards are not supposed to be mean to the prisoners. It's just how psychology works. Did you ever heard of the Stanford experiment? The school simulated a prison, and the "guardians" in only a few days become mean to those who were "prisoners"... But the guard, I kinda provoked it. It tried to freeze me before. Right before you came the first time. I kinda did it on purpose to be able to escape. I even mentioned the freezing while I was taunting it. Besides, I doubt that the cells are equipped with any stuff that can actually damage me. Otherwise, it would be called a torture chamber than a cell...

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Nightmare said as she pulled a book off the shelf and flipped through the page,

"I guess it didn't like you, or it wanted you to behave. the cell have that in place so when a student is not acting right, they push it and it freezes them a bit. They keep doing it until the student stops. Did you find a book yet?" 

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