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private Sword Art Online


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In the year 2022, a VRMMORPG that goes by the name Sword Art Online, has been released to the public, and it's large popularity had a mass number of gamers falling in line in front of the local gaming store. Luckily, there were enough copies for every one to enjoy. As for beta-testers, they had already been given a copy and had no need to wait in long lines just to receive the game.

A few days passed, and there had already been more than 10,000 registered users online and been playing since the first day of release. For being the first immersive virtual reality game, it didn't take long for almost everyone to fully indulge in the new technology. However, everything came with a price. The Nerve Gear, the wearable console that was important for a person to even play SAO, didn't came cheap either.

Roleplay Start!
Friday, November 11, 2022

"Man...I'm beat!" Cry exclaimed as she stretched, realizing the long week was over. Brushing her hair with her fingers and fixing her hoodie strings, Cry takes out the earphones and inserts it to her phone. The walk from the local college to her home wasn't too far, though it would take around ten minutes or so, if Cry walked quickly.

With a sigh, Cry looks up at the sunset and smiles, stating, "Thankfully I'm finished with the work due on Monday, now I can finally go on!". She clenches her fists and bobs her head to the music playing until she arrives home, impatiently wanting to play SAO.

After almost halfway towards her house, Cry contemplates to herself. "But first...I gotta know if he will be on too." Edited by Cryatha

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Yuki Yawned as she made her way home, her own music playing loud in her ears. The school day left her tired, but she didn't mind it, especially since when she got home, she could play the only VRMMORPG that had ever come out. She was lucky to get her hands on one. It was expensive yes, but so worth it. She was giddy just thinking about it. when she got home, she pulled out her headphones and studied the game case, reading the packet/ instruction booklet that came with it before soon preparing to plug into the game. She was sure that she would enjoy this, after all, who'd miss a chance like this?

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Arugasi smiles and flipped a pencil, waiting for him system to load. Once it loaded, Arugasi grins and lays in his bed, putting on the Nerve Gear.


"Link on!"


Arugasi looked down at his hand, opening it and closing, smiling. Hm... So this is SAO... Nice... Let's see. Objective should be to get some better gear first... .


Aegentum starts to sprint, pulling out Dragon Cane, and dissapears into the night....

Edited by Shadow Strike

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Shadow threw his stuff into the corner, got in the shower from working outside, then he went to his shelf, pulled a game off the shelf, placed the game in, then placed the gear on as he laid down on his bed.


He opened his eyes to see the world of SAO. He stretch out his neck and headed off to kill something with his scythe trailing behind him

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Blitz sighed as he sat on his bed, and looked at the nerve gear he had bought with a good chunk of his monthly salary and the game that came with it. He had been a massive gamer since his childhood, and enjoyed almost every genre the same. To him, this was like giving the keys to a candy store to a five year old. "Might as well see if it was worth it." He thought, before loading the game onto his computer and putting on the VR helmet.


It didn't take long for gum to appear in the world of SAO, or at less its first time login screen. He entered all the pertinent information, and chose the screen name Blitz Ryu, lightning dragon when translated into English. He didn't hesitate in his movements and after a few minutes of loading, he appeared in a field near a small town. A quick look at his inventory showed a basic steel sword and armor, neither of which sitting well with him. "First priority, get stronger. Second priority, get skills to make better gear so as not to waste money on pointless things I'll just get rid of later. Third priority, never get attached to any relationship." He thought, before heading off to farm for whatever currency the game used and material.

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After a long day at college Jon started heading home having my headset on.

It usually doesn't take him a long time too get home from the college campus it’s usually take like a 10-15min walk.


As Jon approach the door steps he wonders what’s Cry doing right now. Jon wonders if she's already on or waiting for him to get on. So before he steps into the house he calls her but no one answered.So Jon left a mesage for her.


“Hey hun im just got home. i'm gonna head right into SAO. if you want to meet head to “The Town Of Beginning”. I’m heading there to shop for some new armor and weapons.”


Jon heads into the house and gets things ready for him to jump into SAO. Right before he puts on his nerve gear he receives a text from Cry. Jons smiles like an idiot before he says in excitement “Link Start!”

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Cry decided to take a relaxing shower right after she had arrived home, with the thoughts of what to do when she finally goes on SAO.


Leaving the bathroom, she dries herself and blow dries her hair before putting on some comfortable clothes.


Setting her things aside, Cry turns on her Nerve Gear as she places the helmet upon her head.


Bzzt..., went her phone. She checked to see that it was Jon who had left a voicemail. To respond she wrote, "Oh hey there, Jon. Sorry for not replying right away, I'll be sure to meet you there. See you then, hubby! <3"


With that, she relaxes on her bed in an anatomical position and closes her eyes. She could hear the beeping sounds coming from the headgear. When the final beep went off, Cry smiles and shouts, "Link Start!".


Bright flashing lights came into the screen, and after calibrating Cry had finally entered into the virtual world of SAO. Grinning, she decides to meet with Jon in the starting town.


@@reader8363, @, @, @@Drago Ryder, @@Mastermind


Main Objective

Travel to the Town of Beginnings (NO PVP ZONE). From there player can socialize, examine shops and wears.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Yuki smiled as she entered the game, She was so excited to really get into this game. She was going to be a solo player, as she usually was in these MMO's.  She smiled and ran to the town of beginnings, her sword in hand as she slashed through anyone who stood in her way. 


The objective to get the the town of beginnings was still in one of the corners of her vision, and she figured it wouldn't be that hard, considering that it was the only town around. For a while though, it seemed like it took a while for anything to spawn.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Aegentum smiles as he reaches the Town of Beginnings, quickly scanning the sky for the highest building. He soon found a somewhat tall clock tower, and decided to hide up there for now. Sitting on top of the roof of the clock tower, he sat there peacefully, Dragon Cane in hand, watching the others come in, making sure the others can't see him, high above.


"This crowd seems fun to play with...."

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Shadow took out a few mobs on the way there, but only collected the money and experience. He walked to the town, bought a black stone, sat down on the edge of the fountain, and started sharpening his weapon. After he was done, he placed his scythe in his inventory and brought out a big sword

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Ryujo glanced at the new objective and as much as he hated it, it would be a good idea to see what the town had in store. If anything, he could just sell whatever drops the mobs had given him that probably wouldn't go into anything he could use. As he walked, the teen looked at the crafting recipes he could implement as a result of having the blacksmith skill. "The selection should increase the more I level up, along with my stats." He thought, trying to remember what he had seen on a developer blog about the blacksmith tree of crafting. The wiki also proved to be accurate in most cases.


When he reached the town, Ryujo paid a quick visit to a market to sell what he could before heading towards the town center. "Aside from the virtual reality aspect, this is pretty much a standard RPG." He thought.

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Opening his eyes in excitement, Jon rushes out to the Town of Beginning killing any hostile mobs in his way. He sees something on the corner of his eyes it says “Main Objective: Head to The Town of Beginning”. He smiles knowing he's already heading there to get new gear for himself.


Before reaching the Town of Beginning Jon wonders where is Cry right now but he shakes his head while taking a small amount of damage from a boar.


“Focus on the task at hand before I die here and have to restart from the beginning.” Fights off couple of the boars at the entrance of the town and rushes inside, hoping to meet her somewhere around the shopping district.

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"And...here we are. The graphics are as realistic and the developers said they would be." Cry thinks in her mind and she strokes the grass.


She takes a slow look around as the wind blows through her hair gently. The little hud above Cry's head seem to display her in-game name "Cryatha", health points and current level.


"All right, I should probably head to the town. Jon might be waiting there for a long time," Cry sighs happily and unshealths her Anneal Blade. "Sharp, just the way I like it to be,".


A few monsters spawned around the field Cry was currently in, but she didn't waste any time making her way to the Town of Beginnings. Pocketing the gold and gaining experience points, she found herself inside the town, full of new and returning players going about their business.


As she walked further and made it to the shopping district, Cry could see Jon wandering near the weapons stall with his back turned. She took the opportunity and swiftly ran towards him before he had the chance to turn around.






Available Side Quests (Optional)


Beginner's Luck! - Defeat 5 wild boars

Getting Acquainted - Join a Guild or a Party

Ol' Reliable - Buy a new weapon

Lookin' Good - Buy new armor

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Hestia reached the town of beginnings and looked around. The optional quests flashed at the side of her vision, begging her to complete them. With as OCD as She typically tended to be, she decided to take each one except for the Getting Acquainted test. In every MMo she's played, she was considered a solo player. She didn't want to ask anyone for help either. She headed to one of less crowded nearby armor stands, buying a cloak and some light armor to boost her speed, followed by her weapon, an iron rapier.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Aegentum looked down from the clock tower, smiling as he sees his side quests pop up. Jumping from the rooftop into a conveniently placed pile of hay, you were glad you didn't achieve the Failure to Launch status. That would not be pretty.there would have been so much sound,Munich you hate. Stealth is one of the most important assets. Getting out of the hay, Awgentum walked to the nearest shop, pushing open the door as he sighed in relief, for there was no one there. Soon walking out with a cheap scarf [blue Silk Scarf DEF 1] , which gave a exhilarating one (1) Defense Point. You also wield your newly obtained dirk [Rusted Dirk ATK 1] with cheap satisfaction. Smiling as he saw his experience points and gold go up, thinking. Heh. I got the armor and the weapon, and I got my quest rewards. I still have quite a bit of gold left...


Walking back, Aegntum quickly hid, making sure no one saw him. As he got back up the tower, Aegentum smiled at himself, resting his gear on the ground, laying on the wood floor, but making sure the door was locked first, soon after, he drifts off to sleep....

Edited by Shadow Strike

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Shadow walked towards the open field to work on his throwing. He noticed a few boars here and there. Then he started taking them out one by one. When he was done, he walked over to a shop and bought something to hold the throwing knives in, then bought more knives

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As soon as the side quests popped up, Blitz simply shrugged and walked to a local vendor fire buying a better longsword and cloak than what he currently had along with a few books concerning blacksmithing. "Ok, something is bound to happen soon." He thought, drumming his fingers along his new cloak.

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While Jon browses around the shop he notices the side quests. “These Side-Quests seems easy enough already doing two” talking to himself. As He looks around purchasing new armour and weapons completing the side quests. He gains a fair amount of exp. and gold from these quest.


Thinking he should head to the field out front to do the Quest: “Beginners Luck” after he meets up with Cryatha. “Where is she i thought she would be here by now” while scratching his head and looking at some weapons.


As Cryatha jumps and surprises him, he gets scared and jumps a little himself. As he turns around to look who did that he notices the voice and screams in excitement “Hey, hun. You scared me.” Already having bought a new Bronzes Sword one handed sword as his secondary weapon for his right hand. Also with some new steel armour chest piece that boost his reaction time and his speed.

Edited by Mastermind
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"Aw all right, I'll just leave you to do your business..." Cryatha grins jokingly and hugs him tightly before letting go of Jonstal.


Hearing a "ding!" sound, she had seen that there were some side quests available for her to do. None of them looked quite interesting for her tastes, but decided to accept Beginner's Luck! to at least have something to do when she has the time.


"Crowds of players are just flooding everywhere in this town, and it's just Floor 1!", she sighs. Looking up at her boyfriend, Cryatha noticed the weapon her bought and new equiptment. She snickered, but smiled at him happily.


"Well, shall we get going?"




New Main Objective

Train and level to Defeat the Floor 1 boss before proceeding to Floor 2. (Can be done however the player chooses, such as complete right away or as slow-paced if desired).

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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After Purchasing her Gear, Hestia started out of town, getting a nice stretch. She saw the new objective at her screen and figured she could start working on completing the first floor. She'd completed two of the quests, the next one's she could complete while going for the overall gal.

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Aegentum smiled as stood up, waking from his nap. Yawning, he pulled out his rusty dirk, smiling as he examined it Geez, that shop sucks. I should get something better.... The Void Aegis should be my next goal... .




Seeing a girl walk by the base of the tower, Aegentum quickly jumped, eyeing her pouch of gold, making sure she didn't notice as he dived, quietly taking her pouch, disappearing into the shadows. I could totally make a living off this... Maybe another player, then I'll have enough gold . Aegentum smiled coldly as he stood in the shadows, the girl walking past him, not seeing....

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Shadow saw the new quest and headed that way. He killed the mobs that got in his way, but just collected the money and xp, leaving the drops behind for someone to have. When he arrived at the tower. He quietly slipped into the base and closed the door. He sat down, placed his sword next to him and took a small nap.

Edited by reader8363
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Blitz noticed the new quest, but figured that it wasn't important at the current time. What he did notice was someone stealing gold from another player. The teen tightened his grip on his long sword, as he walked through the shadows. When he was close enough, he placed his blade just above the skin of the back of Aegentum's neck. "I suggest you return what you've taken." He said, his voice low and unwavering.

  • Brohoof 1
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Jon look at Cryatha with a excited smile. He noticed a lot of players starting to appear. They started heading out to the field to farm for some exp while also admiring the graphics.


As they head out he thought to himself where could the boss room be located. He thinks that it should be somewhere in the middle or at the far back area. While he has that in mind he asks Cryatha “Have any idea where the boss room might be at?”


Right after they got of town a bunch of boars charged at them. Jon suddenly draws his swords and try to Aggro them so Cryatha can get them from behind.

Edited by Mastermind
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Cryatha, immediately agreeing with Jonstal decides to storm out of the town and to the open plains. She decided to draw her sword and charge towards the boars.


"Boss room...boss room, nope. I don't know where it could be," Cryatha thinks out loud. Grinning at Jon while running, she responds, "I have no clue, but the minimap should locate it easily,"


The boars quickly sensed their presence and rushed at them with their tusks sharp and ready to attack. Jon leaped first, distracting them. With a nod, she dashes towards the enemies from behind and swiftly attacks.


A couple of hit and misses later, Cryatha sits on the grass next to Jon and checks her stats while dividing the dropped gold amongst the two of them.


A notification popped up, and her hud reads:


Beginner's Luck! - COMPLETED

Smiling, she rests her head on Jon's shoulder before Cryatha is finished and ready to go futher into their journey.




Main Objective

Train and level to Defeat the Floor 1 boss before proceeding to Floor 2. (Can be done however the player chooses, such as complete right away or as slow-paced if desired).

New Side Quests (Optional)


Getting Stronger - Train and Reach Level 5

Filthy Rich - Acquire more than 1,000 Gold

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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