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private Dragon Ridge Flight Academy (RP)

Drago Ryder

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@Acnologia @Stardust*

The world we live in is filled with fantastical creatures that are capable of great good or cataclysmic destruction. For unlike the humans they share the world with, these creatures are able to use their own unique brand of magic in ways that we could only dream of, but there was only one species that had the most diversity when it came to magic: dragons. They could control 11 different aspects of magic, each pertaining to their personality, which they referred to as flights. Of course, peace was nearly impossible to maintain. Wars broke out between the industrialized humans and beasts of magic, the most destructive of which nearly destroyed the world itself. After that, both species realized that in order to maintain the prosperity of all, they would have to come up with some form of peace that would last through the ages. After many debates on both sides, it was decided that when children were of a specific age and with their parent's full consent, they would taken to a school within the mountains to the north. There, they would learn what they would in any other school, but with a bit added in. The students of this school would learn about magic and have the chance to bond with a dragon of their own, among other things in order to improve relations between the generations of human and dragon to come. As for the name of the school, it was dubbed Dragon Ridge Flight Academy, due to the location and the hope for peace it inspired. Of course, there are those that would wish to see that peace destroyed, but there are those who will strive to maintain it.


Blitz sighed as he opened his eyes to see the sun shining into the moderately sized room that the board of housing had given him. He had arrived at the academy a few days before hand and had next to no idea as to what lied in store for him. His family wasn't that wealthy, so they practically jumped at the chance to send him to one of the best schools in the country and be paid for it. The teen was also happy that he was here. He had seen dragons flying through the air and always wanted to meet one up close, but to be able to bond with one was something that could make him a happy old man at death. "Wonder when we'll finally meet our dragon." He thought to himself.


Star Dancer woke as the sun struck her eyelid and slowly stood, the dust from the night before flowing off her like a sheet. The dragons that stayed in the academy lived in what could only be described as the penthouse version of a stable, which was understandable given their size. They had everything that any dragon could possibly need, and the human staff seemed to be nice as well.

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Aileana had been up for hours before the sun rose. She was anxious to start classes and the stars seemed to calm her. She loved to watch them. Before sunrise she managed to sneak out of her room and onto the roof of her dormitory. She was looking at the property of the school and how vast and incredibly beautiful everything was as the morning light began to peak over the horizon. 


She heard a rustling just a few buildings down and decided that since no one was up and about yet, that she could find some answers. With a sheepish smile on her face she managed to climb down from the roof and quietly move along the buildings to find out what was making such noise. It was a very large extravagant building. Easily the size of two or three dormitories put together. There were two very, very large doors with a window the size of a normal door. Her curiosity got the best of her and she stacked up a few empty crates against one of the massive doors. Peaking through the very bottom of the window her eyes grew wide. The majesty of the creates was beyond words. Their grace was astonishing, they were absolutely perfect. 


Just then a beautiful pure white dragons head poked up from behind the massive door and peered through the opposite side of the glass. Startled, Aileana jumped a bit, but then her heart began to slow as she gazed into the eyes of the magnificent creature. Almost as if they were connected she placed her hand up onto the glass, and the dragon did the same. She then heard some voices coming in that direction, she quickly jumped down off the crates and ran back in the direction of her dorm room. 



Abner watched as the tiny human scampered away. With a small smile peering across his massive jaws he stretched his claws and rump. He knew that the stable masters would be there any moment to let them out one at a time to have a quick flight as they prepared their meals. He looked forward to this every morning. He loved to be the first one out to be able to watch the sun rise and see the earth below begins to wake up. The dew on the grass sparkling and the flowers beginning to poke their little heads out so they can relish in the sunlight. He loved every bit of it, and now that he met that strange little human girl, he looked forward to seeing her again later. 

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@Stardust* @Drago Ryder


Nero watched the ther dragons within the stable and could tell that there wouldn't be many that would hold his interest. Two of those that did were a black dragoness and a white dragon, but he wouldn't interact with them just yet. "Hopefully we get out of here soon." He thought to himself. The dragon was curious as to what would happen over the next few months, though. He had never expected to see peace between dragons and humans.


Kyubi was just walking out of her room when she noticed Aileana running back towards her room, and also notice how flustered the other girl was. "Everything ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." She said.

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 "Everything ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." She said.

Startled Aileana quickly came to a stop. "OH! Goodness! I just saw the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen in my life!" She was out of breath but still full of adrenaline. "The bell hasn't rung yet has it? I don't want to be late for anything!" She took a few deep breaths and started to calm down. She then noticed that her stomach was growling loud enough to echo in the hall. "Sure hope there is breakfast too..." 
She smiled at the other girl. "My name is Aileana." 
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Star Dancer glanced at Abner and couldn't help but smile a little, before deciding to approach the slightly larger dragon. "I've always wondered what humans were like. Looks like they're just as curious about us as we are of them." She said, before realizing that she hadn't introduced herself yet. "My name is Star Dancer, by the way."

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@@Drago Ryder,


"It's nice to meet you Star Dancer, my name is Abner." He had seen her around the stables but he more or less stayed to himself. He was glad that she came to have a chat though. "I like that little human girl. Most humans run and scream at the sight of me. There are days when the stable masters still do. But she outstretched her little hand to me. I look forward to seeing her again." He heard the locks of the door begin to unlock. A smirk ran across his face. "You want to fly together today?" He asked.  

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Kyubi nodded slightly and smiled. "The staff are probably getting something ready. My name is Kyubi, by the way" She said. "So, what were the dragons like?" The teen figured that there would be a dragon for each student, but could only guess as to how they acted.


Nero glanced over at two dragons making small talk and figured that he would probably try to talk to at least one of them in the near future. "Looks like we'll be let out soon. At least I can spread my wings." He thought to himself.

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@Stardust* @Acnologia


Blitz sighed as he got ready for the day. The fact that he would be able to bond with a dragon was mind blowing in of itself, but he could also tell that what he would learn here would most likely help him in the near future. The teen then walked out and down a stone path. The academy was built along the side of the mountain with most of the important structures: classrooms, mead hall, library, and medical center, were all built inside the mountain. Housing for both students and dragons were built on the outside. Nature surrounded the mountain in almost every direction with a moderately sized town to the east. The academy itself was accessible via a path that was carved into the mountain. "It's amazing how much effort went into building this place, and the cooperation both species showed." He thought to himself.


Star Dancer thought for a moment about Abner's proposal before giving a slight nod. "Sure. That sounds nice." She said.


As soon as se said that, the doors to the stables opened, those working the stables motioning that it was ok for the dragons within to exit. Dragons of all sizes began to fly out of the building and through the air.

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"My name is Kyubi, by the way" She said. "So, what were the dragons like?"  


"It's nice to meet you, I haven't met many other students yet." She said with a shy smile. "Oh! The dragons are amazing! There were quite a few of them in the stables. All colors and sizes! They are so elegant and peaceful! A couple of them seemed to be a little rough around the edges, and you could tell some had a bit of a temper. I only got to peak in for just a moment, but the majesty of them all was almost too overwhelming. I can't wait to see that white dragon again. I might head back out to the stables tonight after lights out." That last bit she didn't mean to say out loud. "OH! You didn't hear that part." She looked nervously around, "Well, just don't tell anyone okay, and if you want you can come with me." 


@@Drago Ryder,

 Star Dancer thought for a moment about Abner's proposal before giving a slight nod. "Sure. That sounds nice." She said.


Abner gave her a soft smile, and he was out the door soon as they were open. The air had a chill but it was refreshing after being in a building with so many fire breathers. Most dragons hate the cold and anything about it, but Abner felt just a bit more alive and alert when the weather was a bit cold. 


He took in all the sights, everything was beautiful, he beat his wings and then spread them wide. He got low to the ground and gently dragged his front claw through the moist grass. He noticed that Star Dancer was close behind. He tucked his wings and did a barrel roll then spread his wings again so he was below her now, flying upside down. He was a bit of a show off at times, and he loved to play when he knew he could. He wasn't always the stuffy dragon that most of them thought he was. 

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@Stardust* @Drago Ryder


(You don't have to repeat the last line my or Drago's character says.)


Kyubi gave a sly smile and nodded. "It's ok. I think we'll probably be meeting them today." She said.


Nero noticed the doors to the stable open and he flew into the skies. The morning sun reflected off his scales,warming them This was where dragons were meant to be, high in the air without a care in the world. The dragon then noticed Abner's tricks and rollled his eyes. "Show off." He mutterd to himself.

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@Stardust* @Acnologia


Star Dancer could help but be slightly impressed as she watched Abner fly. If anything, he was pretty good at it. The dragoness then began to fly circles around the larger dragon, twisting her body as she moved around him. She felt like she could relax when she was in the air and couldn't help but look over Abner's body as she flew around him.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"I do hope you are right." Aileana said as she began walking down the hall again.


@@Drago Ryder,


Abner's smile grew larger as he watched Star Dancer play along with him. Seeing her dart along like something out of a dream. She was graceful and fluid. He also noticed a bit of a smug look from one of the other dragons. Abner gave him a wink and beat his wings with gusto making sure to keep up with his new friend the dragoness.


He knew where the boundaries were  and made certain to stay within them. They still had plenty of room to fly about. They usually had about two hours of flying before they headed back for their morning meal. Abner quite liked the morning routine, when he was out on his own, he would go days without eating anything. But here, they had many easy ways to catch their meals. The cattle was endless and they were all just sitting there, to just swoop down and pluck out of the grass like a daisy in the field. 


Abner wasn't greedy though, he made sure to only take enough for his fill. Some of the other dragons though, seemed to engorge themselves like they were never going to eat again. 

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@Acnologia @Stardust*


As he walked, Blitz could see the dragons flying through the sky and was somewhat intrigued by them. "Looks like they'll be the ones we'll be meeting today." He thought to himself, trying not to make it obvious that he was watching them. The teen then walked into the dining hall. Breakfast would be served in an hour, but he had a few ways to pass the time. The teen then opened what looked like a journal and began to write.


Star Dancer noticed that Abner was trying to keep up with her and slowed down a bit. "It feels good, the wind under your wings." She said. The dragoness had since stopped her maneuvers and was now simply gliding along an updraft.

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@@Drago Ryder@@Acnologia,


Aileana noticed a boy coming in from the court yard and he began writing in a book. She looked back to Kyubi and motioned for her to come along. "Hey, you were just outside, did you see anything being set up for possibly later in the day?" Aileana asked the boy. 


Abner dove below the dragoness and then back up again looping her as he agreed with her. "Yes, after a long night all cooped up, it feels fantastic. Who do you think your little human will be?" He asked. The thought of the little red haired, freckled faced human girl popped in his mind again. 

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@@Stardust*, @@Drago Ryder, @@Acnologia,


Lucius woke up I little disorientated, forgetting where he was, scaring him half to death "AHH! Oh God where am I!" Before he then remembered "Oh right yeah the whole school and dragons and magic thing." Lucius chuckled to himself, before getting changes into his typical purple shirt and black jeans before stumbling threw the door. "Well now that is all over and done with, I guess I should get to looking around and see what's up with this place.




Flare had woken up after all the other dragons (who had already left to go for their little fly), naturally Flare was kind of happy about this, it let his have some alone time so he flew off, until he was just outside his permitted boundaries. As he landed the dew on the surrounding grass evaporated with a quiet hiss, and Flare began mindlessly making crosses In the glass with his claw (causing all the grass his claw touched to burn away). 

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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus @Drago Ryder @Stardust*


Kyubi nodded slightly and followed Aileana. She could see Blitz and was somewhat curious about what he was writing. "My name is Kyubi and the other girl is Aileana." She said, feeling like she should at least introduce themselves. If anything, she could learn more about him.

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@Acnologia @Stardust*


Blitz glanced at the two girls that had approached him and felt his heart beat speed up a bit. "Um, no. There wasn't anything of interest that I could see." He said, before Kyubi introduced the both of them. "It's nice to meet both of you, by the way. My name is Blitz Ryu, but most people just use my first name."


Star Dancer gave a slight shrug and smiled. "To be honest, I have no idea. I hope they're nice, though. Of course, I doubt they would've come here without prior knowledge of the academy." She said.

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Acnologia,


"It's nice to meet you Blitz. Sorry for interrupting you though." Aileana gave him a small smile. "We were going to start heading to the dining hall if you would like to join us, I know it will be a bit before anything is served, but not really a whole lot to do otherwise."


Abner nodded, he gently descended and landed on the cool moist grass on the opposite side of the stables. He made his way to the edge of the mountain. This was his normal spot, he would spend hours here just watching the world pass by. 

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@Stardust* @Acnologia


Blitz waved his hand slightly and gave a slight smile. "It's ok. I could use the company." He said. "As for the breakfast, I don't see why I wouldn't want to join you two."


Star Dancer landed behind Abner and slowly followed him. The soft grass felt good on her scales and she was glad that she had met the dragon.

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@Skylord Nexus


Nyx sighed as she flew through the air, brushing her wings along the clouds. She was one of the last dragons that had exited the stables, but she didn't really care. The dragoness then noticed Flare and landed next to the slightly larger dragon. "Do you mind if I join you?" She asked.


Kyubi couldn't help but blush a little as Blitz spoke and nodded. "Thanks." She said, trying to hide the red tinge on her cheeks. "The mess hall shouldn't be to far from here."

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@Skylord Nexus


Nyx sighed as she flew through the air, brushing her wings along the clouds. She was one of the last dragons that had exited the stables, but she didn't really care. The dragoness then noticed Flare and landed next to the slightly larger dragon. "Do you mind if I join you?" She asked.


Kyubi couldn't help but blush a little as Blitz spoke and nodded. "Thanks." She said, trying to hide the red tinge on her cheeks. "The mess hall shouldn't be to far from here."

Evan awoke feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. After getting dressed he made his way to the dining hall, and passed a quartet of other students on the way. He paid them no mind and continued on his way.


'My parents want me to make some friends when I'm just fine on my own.' He thought, 'I don't need anyone else.'-


-Shadowalker awoke to see the other dragons waking up around him and followed suit.


'It's a beautiful day for some more pranks.' He thought as he followed everyone else out of the stable doors and took off into the fresh morning air.

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I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Flare shrugged "Don't see why not it's a free world after all, although word of warning we are technically out of our permitted boundaries so if you don't want to get in trouble I suggest you turn back." Flare then went back to mindlessly scorching lines onto the grass below him, not trying to make any other attempt to talk to the dragon that had landed next to him.


After having a look around Lucius walked into the dining hall making sure to avoid the other students best he could, he didnt not want to make friends but he also didnt was to just walk up and start talking to them (that wasnt really his thing) so Lucius entered the dining hall and found a nice little sucluded table and sat at it as he began to day dream.

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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus


Nyx nodded slightly and laid on the grass a few feet from Flare. "I'm sure we'll be fine as long as we return before anyone notices that we are gone." She said, giving a slight smile. "My name is Nyx, by the way. Do you mind if I ask who you are?" As she made contact with the ground, the dew on the grass seemed to freeze.

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Flare shrugged once again at Nyx "I honestly don't care if i'm caught, I kind of like how stressed the humans get at me for it." As Nyx landed Flare edged away from the frost a bit, leaving a chard spot where he had been laying "Names Flare, and in case you haven't guessed already I'm a fire flight who has no respect for the rules these humans set us." 

Edited by Skylord Nexus
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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@ Everyone


Aileana was making her way to the dining hall after seeing the other couple students make their way in that direction. After she made it there she chose a spot not quite to the front but almost, she knew that being the first day there would more than likely be announcements for the following activities that were planned today. She wanted to make sure that she heard every word, especially about the dragons. 


Abner was enjoying his time with Sky Dancer. She was a very fun dragon indeed. As he laid his body on the cool ground he began to ponder on many things. His mind constantly raced with thoughts big and small. Today, was how massive he may be compared to most, but looking down the mountain and gazing upon the vast landscape he truly was only a tiny needle of grass in a much bigger world. He liked that idea. He liked knowing that there was so much out there that was much bigger than he. He let out a soft sigh and a smile appeared across his lips. 

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