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Scare Effect

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The batpony known as Mist followed his target into an alleyway in Las Pegasas. Mist didn't know the guys name all he knew was that he had something Mist needed. Blood. Mist was swift in his attack and had the ponies neck in his mouth within an instant. Mist drank slowly, disgusted with what he had become. He drank untill there was nothing left. He stood up and wiped his mouth, that feed should last him about a week. But then he would need more. mosters like him always needed more. Mist spread his wings and flew off into the night

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@@Scare Effect, @,


Ironblade was silent, watching the city grow large through the window. Lights strobed on every building. She didn't bother to speak, instead tapping her knuckles on the glass to get their attention. Without a word, she stood up. Her magic pulled a duffel bag down from the racks overhead while she hung her sword from her back.


Silently, she walked out of the train car as the train train hissed to a halt. They didn't see her again.


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@@Dapper Charmer,

A bright yellow half changeling  Pegasus  filly,who's rather hard to miss, walking through the streets of Los Pegasas. Ginger Lightning's changeling senses brought her attention briefly to an alley...it was a sense of fear that lasted for about a split second. she saw someone flying away from the scene who had a very deep feeling of disgust...She was very curious and so she decided to follow the interesting bat pony...She spread her abnormally large wings and flew after Mist.

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@@Dapper Charmer,@@GingerLightning,


Emerald watched the feeding from the roof tops the other vampire knew nothing of her presence. "Another body to clean up, the young ones always kill them." She then saw another following him, it was not her concern yet at least. She jumped down into the alley and stood over the body. "Maker give you peace." Then pulled out her radio. "Central, code 19 on West and 23rd it's no good send the coroner." She got out her police line tape and went to cordon off the alley. "I hate my job sometimes..." 

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As Mist flew through the sky he made sure to clean any blood he had missed off his mouth. He frowned, he didn't know what was more disgusting the fact that he had to drink blood or that fact that it tasted so good. He landed, "I know you're following me," he said to the half-changeling without moving, "I can smell you."

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@Mentis Soliloquy,

"yeah I'm not very quiet either...Also I'm Ginger Lightning Nice to meet you."Ginger Lightning said as she landed pretty clumsily...

first thing anyone would notice first are her abnormally large wings and her long changeling-like fangs.And if anyone were to look a little closer they would notice the holes in her hooves, split ear tips,and her hidden Changeling-like horn.

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@@GingerLightning, @@Mentis Soliloquy, @@Dapper Charmer,


Ironblade walked the streets. She'd registered at a cheap hotel and left her things there, leaving her free to wander the city. The sights and sounds were numerous, constantly fighting for her attention. She didn't much like it.


The faint, yet familiar tang of blood tickled her nose the barest bit. It made her mark tingle. Another might not notice the scent, but Iron was famliar with the scent of blood. She realised that she didn't even want a break, nor might she get one.


'Such a bloodthirsty mare, you,' she thought. 'Simple pity I forgot my blade. Ah, well.'


Following her nose, Ironblade walked towards the source. She felt comfortable, safe, right. A mare in her element.


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Mist turned to Ginger. He saw that she was half Changeling but he didn't really care. "Don't kid yourself," Mist said bluntly, "you're not glad to meet me. You were following me so i'm sure you saw what a did." He bared his sharp fangs to emphasise the point, "now, if you're here to kill me make it fast."

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@Amorphous, @@Mentis Soliloquy,

"Me? Kill you? hey If I wanted to kill you I wouldn't be talking to you! And besides I'm fourteen what harm can I do?"She said with a laugh before continuing to speak.

     "And you shouldn't try to drink my blood it will be really bad for you...Even Half-Changeling blood is toxic...And bedsides how about we be friends? I mean we both have fangs,feed off of normal ponies in some way,and don't vampires have a queen too? we have a lot in common. I didn't even see anything...I only sensed fear and disgust...So let's be friends, you don't feed on me or try to make me a vampire and I don't feed on you or try to put you into a cocoon and drag you into a hive where you will undoubtedly be converted into a changeling,sound fair?"she asked Mist

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"Frankly i couldn't care less if you cocooned me and dragged me away to be converted," Mist said bluntly, "In fact it'd be a hell of a lot better than the life i'm living." Mist began walking off, "and FYI we do have a queen. Not that i'd ever listen to that she bitch"

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Mystic laughed at the silly but reasonable question,"You must be new to being attacked by assassins, It is clear she was after me and Demons are master manipulators so no pony will notice what happened here," With that she got off the train heading toward the Blue Lagoon night club to begin her hunt.



@@Dapper Charmer,@@GingerLightning,



lady Revamp decided to go on a walk because she was feeling quite bored, But as she walked past an alley way she heard 'and FYI we do have a queen. Not that i'd ever listen to that she bitch' the voice sounded familiar, so she walked towards the sound. she was gonna have to teach her little vampire a lesson.

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                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect, @@GingerLightning,


Mist turned to the approaching pony and smiled dryly, "speak of the devil and he shall appear," he said bluntly. He gave an over the top bow and said sarcastically, "hello my queen what can i do for you? No wait let me guess you still want me to take part in this stupid bat vs wolf war of yours."

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@@GingerLightning, @@Dapper Charmer,


Ironblade watched the tail of the exchange with one red eye. Clearing her throat, (a horrendous sound,) she walked over to the two ponies, so different. Her eye ran over the holes on Ginger's legs. She chuckled, a sound like slabs of rough stone rubbing together. "And here I thought I had some nasty scars," she said calmly.


The thestral smelled of blood, certainly interesting. It wasn't an odor one found often on a pony. Iron gave him a smile, more of a sneer than anything, before speaking. "Are you sure those are the sorts of things you should be discussing in public? Such language." Her smile turned into a grin, surprisingly predatory despite her flat teeth.


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Mist sighed and turned to yet another newcomer, "seriously another pony? What, are we having a fiesta or something? Seriously can't a guy sate his appetite for blood without a thousand people following him?" Mist sighed once again, "at least tell me that your hear to kill me."

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@Amorphous, @@Scare Effect

"What do you mean by scars? I was born with holes in my hooves...And can't we all be friends?  ...I forgive the changelings and I forgive ponies...Werewolves should forgive Vampires and Vampires should forgive Werewolves...And maybe someday we will all live together in harmony...I mean It's already been done with the three pony tribes earth,pegasus,and unicorn...Just do it all again...They had things in common and vampires have a lot in common with changelings...Werewolves shape-shift so they have things in common with changelings...So, since you both have things in common with changelings you have something in common...you guys can be really good friends..."Ginger Lightning said she walked closer to  what she was pretty sure was a normal Pony...flat teeth.

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@@Dapper Charmer,@@Scare Effect@@GingerLightning,


Ironblade scoffed, turning her head just slightly towards Revamp. "Are you the 'she-bitch' I've heard exactly one sentence about? Pleasure to meet you. I'm Ironblade, professional mercenary. I'd give you my business card, but I left them at home and they're all in foreign languages, anyway."


What have I mixed myself into? Ironblade thought. She barely even twitched an ear in Ginger's direction, she'd spent enough time abroad to know that friendship was nonsense and xenophobia was violent and permanent.


Ah, well. If there's bloodshed, I'm all for it. "For a small fee, miss, I'll turn anypony you desire into mincemeat. A loyal soldier who'll only desert for more bits then you can spare," she said to Revamp, smiling. "I thought I liked the thestral, but suicide really isn't my thing."


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@@Amorphous, @@Scare Effect, @@GingerLightning,


Mist just laughed, "well if suicide isn't really your thing then stay away from this bitch," he said to the Iron blade as he pointed to Lady Revamp, "cause trust me. If you work for her you're just gonna die in a pointless war."


He spread his wings and turned to the half changeling, "you coming with me or what?"

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@Scare Effect


"I don't do die," Ironblade said, not turning towards Mist. "I only deal death, and that, I'm good at. Dear-" Here she gave a quiet, ear-grating screech that fluctuated before stopping. "You have a weak stomach and a weak mind, thestral," she continued, "and that does not earn you any favors. This is war, like you said. War brings death to the weak and glory to the strong. Weak or strong, your choice."


Jerking her head towards Revamp, she nodded. "I'll be outside, if you wish to discuss business, miss," she rasped before strolling way.


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@@Dapper Charmer, @@Amorphous,

Ginger Lightning quickly backed away from Iron Blade.

"What was your name? you never actually introduced yourself.And also I'd like to ask you a few or more of a lot of questions."she said to Mist spreading her wings to fly. Mist seems the most trust worthy out of the three...

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"Monsters like me don't deserve names, "Mist said bluntly, "but before i was a monster i was know as Mist." Mist sighed as he remembered back to when he was just a normal Batpony, back to before he needed blood to survive. "Keep up, cause i'm not slowing down," he said before taking off.

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Emerald had dealt with the body another, 'nothing to see here' report for the masses it was getting harder to hide though ponies asked questions answering them was not so easy these days. She left her unknowing colleges to there droll work and set off looking for the idiot vampire responsible... 

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Lady Revamp watched the two little monsters fly off she wore a smile on her face, This is a new twist of events a Changeling has joined the too bad she was a big wuss now that Iron blade character is more ruthless than most of my servants maybe I can use hire her to deal with that traitor and that Changeling., With that she exited the alley and located Iron blade, "I would like too hire you, so Name your price. But before you do I would like to assure you the job I have for you has nothing to do with the war."  Revamp said as she stood there next to Iron Blade.





In a nearby Alley way a Vampire was being torn to shreds by six werewolves, they stopped when a larger male Werewolf approached this male was Blood Fang the pack leader of the local Werewolves. he gave a great howl and ripped the vampires head off turning him to dust.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Dapper Charmer, @@Amorphous,@@Scare Effect,

Ginger Lightning followed Mist.

"I think You have It pretty easy compared to  me...I mean how many other ponies make it their absolute goal to drive it into your head that you are a monster? Or that you're a freak?Or that you're evil or worthless? just because of what you are?  because of something you can't help being...But I'm kinda glad I'm half changeling...It just means I'm something rare and special...Even If I'm a freak of nature or demon foal...yes, someone actually once called me a demon foal...That one stuck in my head for quite awhile...You aren't having to deal with any of that as far as I can tell..."Ginger Lightning said almost flying ahead of Mist.

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Mist sighed, "Tell me Ginger. Have you ever killed a pony, ever watch them die by your hands?" Mist asked sullenly, "cause i have, i got through the act of murder every week. When i was first turned i killed five ponies and drank their blood. It doesn't take name calling to know you're a monster. All it takes is to see the fresh blood of your one family on your hands."


(If i was too subtle Mist killed his family when he was turned)

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Mystic laughed at the silly but reasonable question,"You must be new to being attacked by assassins, It is clear she was after me and Demons are master manipulators so no pony will notice what happened here," With that she got off the train heading toward the Blue Lagoon night club to begin her hunt.



@@Dapper Charmer,@@GingerLightning,



lady Revamp decided to go on a walk because she was feeling quite bored, But as she walked past an alley way she heard 'and FYI we do have a queen. Not that i'd ever listen to that she bitch' the voice sounded familiar, so she walked towards the sound. she was gonna have to teach her little vampire a lesson.

Flash got off the train and decided he'd go for a moonlight stroll. Las Pegasus was a sight to behold at night, everything all bright and shiny.


"Man, I didn't realize how hungry I was." Flash said to himself. "Guess I'd better find one of those restaurants that caters to dragons' carnivorous pallet." He then started wandering the streets, in search of dinner.

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I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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