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open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora


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So, you want to hear a story eh? A story of the vast wastelands? A story of love, deceit, wealth and fortune hunting? Or how about an epic adventure with twists and turns at every step? Oh I bet you would... but this isn't that kind of story... in fact this isn't even a single story ...




...This is a tale of both the bravest and foolish as well as just unfortunate ponies who were destined to find themselves on this forsaken planet.




...This is a tale of Pandora.





Year 93.5 since colonization - the long summer.









​(To absolutely destroy you.)





There's treasure down there you fool! Loot! Guns! Maybe hot babes (More then likely not)? And every little thing (and big) wants to completely destroy your face! What's not to like? You wanna stay on Prometheus and work all day in those damn mines?




Pandora has no care for your background, who you are or where you are from. All are welcome and all can share the similar fate!




The Vault is waiting for you.

(And it'll eat your face.)

Edited by FancyHorse

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Kronos looked over at Nightlight, then over at the limp skag. He pulled out his assault rifle, readying it for combat.


"Humph," he grunted, "Then let's haul some ass. The longer we stick around, the less likely she'll be alive by the time we clear the place out."


Upon his statement, Kronos honed his combat helmet with the one-way eye pieces lit up with a menacing red light. He checked up on his arm-mounted console. Good, he thought, it's charged. Only if we'll need it.

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@@Kronos the Revenant,


Nightlight nodded in agreement, looking down the road where the tracks lead as he slung his rifle over his body and begun walking.


Levitating over a large skin he opened it up and took a good sip to his dry lips before looking back at Kronos.


"...I'm less worried about her dying as much as what worse fates could have reached her in that horrid place... " Slinging the almost now empty skin around his neck he continued on down the sand covered road. "...But I agree, lets move our lazy flanks faster and hope for the best. I want to finally get all this annoying sand out of my hooves and get payed." 

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Hmm," Kronos contemplated, "I guess you have a point there. Getting killed out here is mercy compared to what else can happen in this horrid wasteland. I've seen bodies hung from pikes and along walls. I could've sworn that I even saw some of them still alive a few times. So, yeah, I guess there are far worse and less dignifying ways of getting wasted out here. Then again, you said it yourself, we'll be lucky if we can extract her out of there unharmed. By the way, who the hell are we rescuing anyways?"

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@@Kronos the Revenant,


Continuing down the path as if on que Nightlight noticed a skeleton of a pony burried deep in the sand. "...Yeah." His robotic eye scanning over the area and picking up no heat signatures other than the casual alien bird of prey up above. Not to mention the temperature from the burning sun didn't help his sensors as essentially everything around him was hot. 


"Are you trying to tell me we've been out here in the desert two weeks, high on the trail of these thugs and you forgot who we're hunting? As I explained when we started this little 'adventure'... we're hunting the grand-daughter of the governors advisor from Haven.... shortly saying we're hunting a very semi-important filly and we're getting payed thirty-thousand credits for it. " He raised a brow and looked at Kronos just to make sure he got that. "Did your circuits malfunction when I explained it earlier or what?" 

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"I'm sorry about that," Kronos replied, "Even when I try my best to pay attention, I end up forgetting little details like the description of the objective because I'm used to my ECHO lazily pointing out who or what my objective is. The downsides to being dependent on the ECHO is that the ECHO never tells you why something has to be done, or at least, not in its entirety. But, now that I know who we're trying to extract, I'll be sure to try using burst fire on my assault rifle, which would be easier if it was a Dahl rifle, now that I'm considering it."

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"How does an assault rifle exactly work better in such a mission?" Nightlight kept his ever watchful robotic eye around the area. "...We're close. If I'm correct then the first watch tower will be not too far off behind that dune. " He pointed over at a sand dune. The general area was a closed off rocky valley... a perfect area for a sniper ambush, Nightlight thought to himself as his robotic eye zoned out into a flashing map of the area that he scanned over in silence while his other eye kept looking around.


Wiping off his sweat he stopped over under the tall dune, zoning his eye back into normal as he slung his rifle off his shoulder. "Now... we'll be needing a plan... I have a general knowledge of how the place looks like... and where they most often keep prisoners... " Pulling up his bandana over his face and tightening his hoof-wraps Nightlight slowly started making his way up the sandy hill. "Still, how do we do this? We don't even know if she is still there and I don't feel like wasting bullets for nothing. I'm low on ammo as I am. "  

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos took Nightlight's little plight into consideration as he scanned the area.


"There," Kronos pointed out to a few ammo cases, "We can take them out and then re-stock our ammo with those."


He took a look at his console again and showed it to Nightlight, saying "I can use my Ragarokian Rage on them. I can easily draw them out and you can go and get the filly and maybe some ammo on the way."

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"Cute that you actually decided to name your special ability... But even like that I don't think that we'll draw out everyone. And unlike you I'm not a close quarters master. " Reaching the top of the dune he lay down immediately, placing his rifle into the sound and taking a look at the distant bandit village as the scope worked together with his robotic eye, providing a very good scan of the area. "24 hostiles all around the place.. they look heavily armed. 5 other unarmed within the camp. " 


The camp itself was not just a camp, it was a full out base. A poorly built fort out of scrap parts with walls, barricades, watchtowers and everything. An outpost people came to do some dirty business, but clearly not as populated as it normally was when a bunch of visitors were around. 


"With all hope one of those unarmed life forms are our girl... All the unarmed ponies are in a tent and not moving.... so I guess that is where they're keeping the prisoners. " 

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Makes sense," Kronos replied, "Let's try to get them all outta here. Besides, you can stick to sniping while I try to draw most of them if not all of them out. You'll just pick out any stragglers that lag behind them. I'm not exactly the type that gives orders, so, what exactly would you want me to do, sir?"

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The wind howls outside and sand drifts in through a crack on the building wall.


Vampira sits with rope tightly tied around her so she can't move and a magic ring on her horn blocking off her magic.

Her eyes scan everything around her and she breaths raspingly from the lack of water and with her stomache sending a painful sting along her body from the lack of food and sweat drips down her face from the scorching heat.


She sits helplessly and tries to think of a plan but the thought of water and food keep passing through her everytime making the pain feel worse and worse

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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@@Kronos the Revenant, @@Vampira Heart,


"What if instead of taking the bait they barricade themselves up and threaten to execute the prisoners if we don't back down? They might be guessing by now that we're after them and that there is a price on that filly. "


Moving up a bit on the dune Nightlight kept scanning over the camp.


"How about this... you get over in there, walk up, and demand her returned. Say there are a bunch of snipers around the place ready to cut them to pieces in seconds if they don't bend. "


He then smiled, patting on his gun as he looked over at Kronos. "And if they doubt your word then signal me to prove a point... Also, I'll be changing position. "


Still keeping as stealthy as he could he rolled down a bit and got up, slinging his rifle over as he eyed a good position he noticed earlier through the hacked satellite image of the place.


"If things go awry and we have to prove more of a point then go all berserk and rush the big red tent building in the middle of the camp and I'll cover you. "


Without even bothering to hear his word on it he found the plan perfect, no longer seeming to mind wondering if the mare was there or not, Nightlight moved over to his position, setting up his rifle, making sure everything is in tip top shape as he waited for things to play out.

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira looks around for anyone or anything she could use to help her escape unaware that they are going to help her.


She wiggles around a bit but stops and winces as a piece of bend metal behind her arm cuts her slightly.


Vampira whispers quietly to herself "fuck!" She winces but then smiles when she gets an idea and scoots towards so it is touching the ropes she then starts wiggling making it cut slowly and slightly and she grins joyfully and hopefully but keeps her eyes on the guards to make sure they don't notice her moving behind them

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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"Try to negotiate, and signal if needed, then go berserk if they refuse. Okay, got it." Kronos replied as a way to remind himself of his orders. He went up to the front of the camp gates and shouted, "HEY, MORONS!!!!"


The bandit guards at the gate noticed Kronos, as if he wasn't noticeable enough, and yelled back at him, "Whaddaya want, you skag-sucker!?"


Kronos replied to the bandits, "You assholes better release your prisoners or else."


"Or else what, slag-licker?"


Really? Kronos thought to himself, Do they always stoop as low as name-calling right off the bat? Oh well, I ain't complaining.


"I got Crimson Raider snipers positioned all around the base. Release the prisoners now or I'll signal them to take you out."


"Yeah right," the bandits replied, trying to call Kronos' bluff, "You don't got any snipers around here. I'll bet you ain't even a Crimson Raider. How's about you give us all your stuff and we won't kill you?"


Kronos raised an eyebrow at them, turned around and gestured over to Nightlight with his claw going across his neck, signaling him to execute the guards.

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Looking through his scope Nightlight scanned over the guards with his robotic enhanced eye. And then upon getting the signal locked right on the one that looked like their leader. Without a moments notice after the shot he pulled the trigger...


...And with an echo of his gunshot filling the air suddenly the captain of the bandits fell limp in his tracks with a bullet shredding through his skull and coming out the other way and lunging itself into another bandits uncovered chest. 


Having proven his point he rested his aim before looking through again to see the effects and how things were to go down... And hoping they were going to go along his less 'violent' plan. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Oh SHIT," the other bandit guard exclaimed, "What the hell did you do to him!?"


"I already told you," Kronos explained calmly, "I have snipers positioned in places that you can't see. If you don't release them, then I'll give the OTHER signal."


"Wha-what other signal?" the bandit asked with a blatantly nervous tone in his voice.


"The signal for them to take out everyone else," Kronos explained, "Release your prisoners or else I'll signal them to take out the reset of you."


"Uh, okay, hang on," the bandit replied, "I'll get Big Boss over to ya. Hey, Big Boss."


"Whaddya want?" Big Boss angrily replied.


"Some grinder wants to negotiate with you."


"I already told you, grinder," Big Boss replied, "We ain't releasing our prisoners unless you can make a better offer than Hyperion is making."


"And what'll that be?" Kronos asked.


"One million dollars per hostage."


"Why don't you come say that to my face, coward." Kronos replied with a smirk.




Gotchya right where I want you, Kronos thought as the bandits opened up the gate to chase him on their custom technical trucks.


As soon as he saw their trucks, he ran the opposite direction,taunting and laughing at them, "Can't catch me, fuckers!!!"


"GET THAT SUNUVABITCH!!!" the bandits yelled as they tried to chase him.


As soon as he gauged their distance as far enough, he activated his console and digistructed his Ragnarokian Rage mode.


"DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!!" he yelled as he gunned down all of their trucks.

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Nightlight sighed as things unfolded. Now I remember why I'm the negotiator. He though in annoyance. 


Taking several more shots he killed the watchers in some of the guard towers before quickly getting up and levitating his rifle up to his side before running over towards the base as most of the bandits were busy chasing down Kronos. 


Not even bothering to look back as he started hearing explosions in the distance he lunged in right at the main entrance gate, point-blank shooting one of the guards in the face before kicking him to the side and infiltrating the camp, using his eyes to track heat signatures of where who was as he disappeared into the shadows. 


Several more guards ran past to deal with the cyborg as he heard orders being barked out by who was their actual leader which he localized in another tent.... The bandits were starting to pack up in a furry... 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira heard the commotion and uses it for the guards are distracted so she breaks free of her ropes and pounces on one of the gaurds grabbing his gun and then putting it to the other gaurds head.

Her lips curl into a grin and she shoots the gaurds and uses her legs to snap the other gaurds neck and she jumps off leaving the echo of a gunshot from the back part of the tent.

more gaurds run to see what happened from a different side of the tent and Vampira waits patiently for them with a gun in her hoof.

*click* gaurd "oh shit.*

The sound of rapid fire and screaming fills the air in the area of the back tent and light flashes with every shot

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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@@Vampira Heart,


Hearing the fire and seeing the commotion of suddenly someone being in the tent with a gun Nightlight quickly scaled up along some of the structures. And as several more bandits moved over to extract the prisoner at the tent to be met by whoever was inside he quickly took aim from his position. Using his enchanted targeting caused by his eye he suddenly quickly fired and executed two guards before being noticed. And as he was noticed he dived and jumped down into the tent alley, hitting one of the bandits over across the head with the butt of his rifle and kicking one down and knocking him out breathless.


Suddenly with a light roar he turned as the camp essentialy grew a lot more quiet as the earlier 24 hostiles were mostly reduced... and to confront the situation the big gun came out.. a tall bulky bandit towering over double the size of him... armored top to the bottom with heavy plates and wielding a heavy machine gun. "Now is time you DIIEEEEEE"


Sighing and raising his rifle up as he spun up his rifle suddenly he stopped with the swift shot. A hole landed right in the eye hole through his helmet he fell down as if it were nothing, pummeling down to the ground with a loud thud.


"...That worked. " Exhaling some air he turned over to the tent where the prisoners were kept.  


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira yells as she runs out of ammo and charges at a gaurd throwing her gun away and she pounces on

him and cuts his neck open with his own knife and steals his gun. The gaurd squirms around for a sec then lays still. Vampira wipes off some blood she got on her then walks towards the others prisoners hoping a gaurd won't come and get her while she helps them

She unties another prisoner. Vampira "untie the others and get out of her before they can catch you again" she looks at them then turns and runs towards a door way in the tent before they can answer.


With keeping an eye out for gaurds she runs through the door ways quickly adrenaline pumping through her vains and a mission to escape.

She puts the gun on her belt and she grabs a knife while she runs and she dashes

towards the front where Kronos and the big boss are.

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Quickly enough as the area went silent and the gunshots lifted Nightlight upon hearing hoofsteps running out and getting a heat signature of what looked to be a mare wandered over with his gun raised. And then the moment she ran out she was met with his rifle aimed dead on her. 


Looking around at the bodies and remembering there being another shooter on there side he lower it ever too so lightly to quickly look over the stranger. "Drop the gun... who are you. " 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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She stops dead in she tracks and breaths raspingly and heavily and gasps. Her ear twitches with the sound of his gun and she quickly thinks of an idea.She turns her head slightly and then spins over with her skirt flowing to her sides and she points a gun right to his head.


Vampira "looks like I could ask you the same question. My name is Vampira heart and I'm going too escape weather you like it or not SIR! now tell me WHO are YOU and what do you want from me?!"


She holds tightly onto her gun and she eyes lock with his and she clicks her gun to show she isn't bluffing

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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@@Vampira Heart,


A bit shocked and surprised at first as he lowered his gun at her move as a gun was aimed right back at him Nightlight looked at the mare and heard what she had to say. 


Suddenly then, his expression turned to a smile, then to more of a grin as he desperately tried not to laugh as his whole body was suddenly filled with that butterfly-y feeling. Lowering his gun he laughed lightly.


"..I'm your rescue. Your father has been worried. " 

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira gasps with his words and smiles joyfully as she lowers her gun and she relaxes a bit but stops smiling and returns to a serious expression so she doesn't seem to valnerable

"R-really?...your hear for me? Oh my thank you sir"

As soon as she relaxes the adrenaline wears off leaving her feeling dizzy and returning the pain she felt before and her legs tremble a bit as she is weak and her vision blurs slightly and she puts her gun away and tries not to faint and she winces a bit.


"Then we must go I released the prisoners in back and killed off most of the gaurds now I just have to kill big boss and I we should be good to go." She speaks athorattively and looks back at him when she finishes speaking

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Taking a few careful steps towards her he offered her a bit of support as her body wavered, worried of what may have been up with her.. was it just tiredness or bloodloss, he didn't know. 


"Are you alright?" 


Hearing of her talk of the big boss he looked over behind him, stepping to the side so she got a better view. 


Wasn't she supposed to be a child. He thought, but remembered how fathers could be and how brief the description actually was. I guess that is what he meant.." 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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