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open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora


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Vampira chuckles and smiles.

"Just a nightmare. I needed to clear my mind so I'll stop thinking about it sorry if I'm invading your space."


She runs her hoof over her shoulder and looks at the night sky with the sun showing slightly in the horizon.


"So how much is my dad paying you to bring me back?"


She looks at him curiously and wonders how much money he is paying them.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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"You're not. " He responded to her invading his space, sitting up a bit more and looking over to her and then looking down for a moment, his eye glowing a bit as he noticed Kronos get up and then go back to sleep after noticing the two of them were up on the roof. 


He then returned his gaze over to the mare.


"I believe it is against my policy to discuss my clients but.. thirty-thousand credits. Enough to settle a pony for a while... but I'm going to be sharing it with my friend so I'll only be safe for half a while. "


Nightlight understood her nightmares, remembering when he had them aswell before eventually stopping dreaming at night... but then the nightmares moved to his mind that made sleeping harder either way.


"And how are you awaiting your return to Haven into your fathers loving arms?" He chuckled a bit, clearly speaking with a hint of joking around, sensing that she wasn't the one to stay at home nicely with her father.

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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She also notices Kronos but doesn't think much of it


"That's a lot of cash watcher you two should be good for a long while"


She smiles and nods assuringly and chuckles as she notices his joking manner

"Yes I can't wait to see him. I have missed him."


She chuckles and jokes

"I guess he'll never let me go out again! Not alone in that manner"


She sighs and chuckles a bit annoyed at as she imagines what her father is going to do and what rules he will put up.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Surprisingly to himself in a good mood Nightlight continued on the lightly joking atmosphere.


"Oh I can assure you that after I got the job I was quite sure he wasn't going to let you leave even with an army. "


He chuckled, looking up at the moon and then at the light hints of light on the horizon that the sun was gonna come up sometime soon.


"You want to know the funnier part about this job though? I was told I'd be hunting a kid, I didn't get too much detail other than how you look. But truth be told I was quite sure I was hunting a little filly. If I was told I'd be hunting a dangerous mare who can handle herself with a gun I'd have demanded a raise on that bounty. " 


He offered her a smirk before straightening out his face a bit again slowly, but still with that hint of a smile on it.


"Well then, but in other words, it is quite to know that I am delivering you from one prison to another... but I guess the other prison is your home... don't think you mind that exchange.. I know I wouldn't. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos seemed a little bit irked as he was trying so hard to sleep, but all he did was think.


Out of sheer frustration and annoyance at himself, he said "You know what, fuck it. I'm heading out." and he leaped out of the motel room window to go out exploring, hoping to find something to do to clear his mind, relieve some stress, let out some anger or any combination of the three.


He went over to the truck first to make sure that no one was trying to tamper with it. He inspected the truck from top to bottom, making a few repairs here and there to make sure that it's in tip top shape for the rest of the return back to Haven. Sure enough, the racket he was making with all the tune-ups to the truck were surely making quite a racket.

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Nightlight looked over at Kronos leaving, jumping out the model to walk over to work on the truck without saying too much of a word, but a bit unsure what was up with him as he knew where they were.. but, deciding to ignore it as he went over to work on the truck, seeming to want to take it that it was just that, not really understanding him. But then he just figured it was one of his times.. after all he grew a bit used to his traveling companion being a bit unstable at times.


"Huh... glad he is up already.. he is usually the one hardest to wake."


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos quickly finished tinkering with the truck for the return trip, yet he still felt agitated. He looked a little further over and noticed that he had a choice between a pack of skags and a small fortification of bandits.


You know what, Kronos thought to himself, screw it, I'm just gonna do it just cuz I can and no one can stop me.


With that in mind, he pulled out his assault rifle, ran up to the bandits screaming like a maniac, and activated his Rage ability.


"FUCKING KILL!!!!" he shouted as he gunned down the bandits in the pathetic structures they were in.


When he finished them off, he went off into a certain direction to hunt down more things to kill and he yelled as he did so, without giving a single damn about anyone or anything that stood in his way.

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"Yeah you have that right."


She chuckles and smiles


"That is funny of course my dad told you I'm a filly....he doesn't want me to grow up you know dads always see them as children"




She notices Kronos and watches him while he walks to the truck


"I wonder why he is up?"


When he starts shooting down bandits she jumps back a bit surprised and watched him then looks at nightlight


"Does he always do this?"


She grows worried as she is afraid he may attract trouble and she wraps her tail around herself

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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"Does he always do this?"


"Ever once an often. Maybe he had a bad dream, maybe he had some bad memories or something... but quite much he does have this moments where he deals with some sort of negativeness. " He replied, looking through the scope again to check out the situation.


"And no, I doubt he will, nothing really to worry about. Certainly not him getting hurt. "


Still a bit worried, Nightlight tried to get his mind off that and just think he was used to this.


"So, would it be wrong to ask of that mark on your front upper leg.. the one bearing quite an interesting resemblance to a certain mark I'm familiar with?"

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Kronos yells as he guns down bandit after bandit with no remorse whatsoever, "MORTALIOS, SKRAVOS, MORTALIOS!!!!!"


On the bandits end, they were cowering in hopeless fear, only trying to delay the inevitable.


"I'm going for it." one of the bandits told the others.


"Wait until the shield guy gets out here." another one said.


"He's not gonna make it out here in time I'm running!!" the bandit leaped over his cover despite what his friends warned him and makes some descent distance, that is until Kronos runs the bandit down and mows over him with a heap of bullets. 


"I'm here, suckas!!" said a big pony with a shield, "Come get some, grinder!!!"


Kronos heard the shield pony's taunt. He roared and charged him. The Shield pony bashed him back with his shield, which only agitated Kronos even further. Kronos jumped over to the other side and flanked the shield pony with another storm of bullets to his side. He leaped over to the big bandit and started ripping him open. He then turned to the last of the bandits and finished them off.


After his rampage, his suit deconstructed. He took a deep breath of air and gave a sigh of relief. He was still agitated, but his condition was way better than it was before his rampage. Think, Kronos, think calm thoughts. he thought to himself as he breathed with more concentration. When he was finally calm, he walked right on back to the motel as if nothing ever happened.

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"Yes he seems like a stronger type I don't feel a worry that he will be injured"


She watches Kronos and then rubs the mark on her arm as nightlight asks about it and tries to dodge the question as she is afraid of them being afraid of her as she remembers some other people's reaction to finding out she's a Dreadwitch.


"Oh it's nothing to worry about watcher....just a symbol of my power.....or I guess my title....I've don't think you would have seen it before it's quite rare."

She rubs the mark again and watches Kronos's rampage and she quickly changes the subject then looks back at night light


"If you don't mind me asking how did you two become partners? You guys seem like a good team even though you have your differences"

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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When Kronos got back to the motel, he hopped onto the truck and started it up. He got confused when he heard the truck stalling.


"Huh?" he asked bewilderingly, "I could've sworn I just checked up on this damn thing." He opened up the hood and noticed that parts of the engine were missing. When he noticed this, he went up to some of the other technicals that were parked and found the missing parts then beat up the guys that stole his engine parts. After that, he reinstalled the parts of the engine and started it up again. There we go, he thought, she's running good as new again. He then looked up at Nightlight and Vampira who were up on the roof and called out to them, "Guys, I got the truck working again. Get your business here straightened out then get your asses over here. Next stop: Haven." He then got back into the driver's seat to wait for his companions.

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@@Vampira Heart,


 Noticing easily the fact that she tried to drift away form the question Nightlight, moved up a bit closer to her, making sure to give her that look that he know exactly what that mark was and that he knew she was messing around.


"As rare as it is, I've seen it a couple of times in my life... So here is a little test? How about you tell me what it is and be honest or otherwise you might have to find out that I know all about that little 'sign of power' and 'title' and feel untrusty towards you. Which would be a shame considering that I was just starting to like you. "


A part in his tone clearly hinted a little lack of seriousness in something he said, but with how serious he was in general it would have been hard to notice.


@@Kronos the Revenant,

Without even parting his eyes he looked away and shouted over at Kronos. "We'll be there in a moment!"

He then returned his full attention to the mare.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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She freezes for a second when he says he's seen it before and that he knows what it means she then sighs dropping her hoof away from the mark knowing there is no use in trying to hide it from him anymore and it shows the mark.

The mark shows a purple magic like glow around an eye that has no pupil or iris in the middle but is just white.


She looks at him as he moves closer then gives him eye to eye content as she tells him.


"If you've seen it then you know what I am......I am a Dreadwitch...which the mark means...there now you know and you can trust me I promise you that watcher....i wont go against you or Kronos for I am a good witch and not an evil one. My mark is purple,as you can see if it were red. Then that would mean I was evil as most witches tend to be... But I am not..."


Hoping he trusts her she looks him in the eyes and nods giving him a trustworthy look to show she is not lying to him


She blushes as he says he was starting to like her but she gives him a smile then looks at Kronos as knowing he must want to leave but then looks back at nightlight.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Nightlights expression then turned over to a smile as with a burst of energy he got up from his spot, looking down at her to offer her a hoof up before chuckling lightly.


"Dreadwitch eh? I gotta say I honestly didn't know what that mark meant, but I have seen it in that red variation two times in my life so I was just interested. The first one was with some sort of female bandit leader who gave quite an interesting fight and the other was on a mare I may or may not have met in a bar some years ago.." 


Glad to finally know what that sign was the memory of what the Dreadwitches were drifted into his mind as he connected all the dots together.


Looking over to Kronos for a moment he returned his attention to Vampira.

"Seeing as you gave out a secret I'll be kind enough to give you out mine. The real name is Nightlight... but for the sake of things just stick with Watcher. "

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos gave an annoyed sigh and just hopped into the driver's seat knowing that they'll eventually get in the truck. He started the engine up again and went out onto the road, getting ready for departure.


As he waited, he gave another sigh, but this time it was rather depressed and quiet.


Don't think about it too much, Kronos, he thought to himself, You knew damn well that it was never gonna work out anyways. You've told yourself time and time again that it'll never work whenever you so much as look at a mare that way. Maybe I'm just being too cynical. I mean, I'll just get over this in a day or two anyways after thinking about it. You know what, why not just get it over with now and just accept the fact that they like each other. Yeah, that's always worked out for you and in the end, they're still your friends, well, sort of your friends anyways. Just don't be too cynical about it, dude.


After that thought, Kronos smiled, chuckled at himself and said to himself, "They're pretty cute together anyways. I can see it working out." He looked out the window, waiting for the two ponies to get their butts over to the truck.

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She gasps as he says he didn't even know what the mark ment and she chuckles as she has been fooled by him and she takes his hoof


"Haha you tricked me.i should have seen that coming..." She gives him a smile and blushes slightly feeling a bit embarrassed


She looks at him and nods


"Nightlight. Hm nice name...ok I'll call you watcher still for your safegy....but please don't call me Dreadwitch outloud or near other ponies we can not trust for it wouldn't be safe for me if it were heard by others....witches are hunted if they are found by witch hunters"


She gives him a serious look before smiling again and spreading her wings out


"Better get to Kronos then.can't keep him waiting forever"

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Smiling back, lost in a thought at a moment Nightlight turned over to the truck, nodding.


"Nah, why would I call you Dreadwitch? Vampira is a much nicer name. And yes... better not keep Kronos waiting. " 


Quickly looking over back and levitating his rifle up next to himself and over his neck he moved over to where he found the roof to have the safest way down he found. Levitating also a bag right out of the room and hanging it over himself he jumped down to what was a wooden crate...


...And as firm as it looked Nightlight shuddenly gave a light gasp of surprise as not long after his landing a very bad noise met his ear to have the crate collapse right under his weight, and then the one right under it and several more before he found himself in horrible pain and in a pile of ruined empty crate.


Hissing in pain as he recollected his strength he made his way out of all the rubble, making sure everything he had was okay, especially his rifle who he was surprised was still in one piece and looking completely fine.


After getting up though and taking a few steps he felt a very sharp pain in one of hooves suddenly needing himself to lean up against the nearest wall. "Bugger... Great..." Hissing once more as still having three more hooves awkwardly limp over towards the truck.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Your Nightly Spectre,


"Smooth landing, buddy," Kronos commented at Nightlight as he fell, "Here, i got you." He got out of the truck and helped Nightlight over to the bed of the truck, much to Nightlight's dismay.


@@Vampira Heart,


When he got Nightlight to the truck, he turned towards Vampira and asked, "You wanna take Nightlight's spot in the other side, or you wanna stay on the bed of the truck with him?"

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Vampira gasps as she sees him fall like that and she dives off of the roof to help support him levitating her bag out of the room with her magic as she falls and she uses her wings to glide her down gently and she rushes to him side putting her bag on her back and taking his to make it easier for him to walk


"Are you alright?!you took a rather nasty fall there watcher!"


She looks at him conserned as she walks with them to the truck.


"I better stay back here with him and see if he has any bad injuries.ill come sit up front when I make sure he's not to badly injured or take of any I find"

Smiling at Kronos before she gets in the car she sets her and nightlights stuff into the car with her magic and then hops in her self

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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"Alright," Kronos said as he went back into the driver's seat, "Next stop, Haven." He got the truck going right off.


As they were on the road, they were attacked by wildlife and bandits alike. It was then when he realized he forgot to do something.


"Oh crap, I forgot to turn on the turret control." He switched on the turret control and started blasting things that looked like they were in the way, whether they were creatures or bandits.


Should you try to ask her? he thought to himself as he drove, Nah, that'll be to insensitive to whatever's going on between them right now. Let them enjoy each others company first. Give them a few weeks or months, then ask her.


With that in mind, he continued on to the direction of Haven.

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"I'm fine.." Nightlight insisted but didn't refuse Kronos's help on his way to the car, looking up at the back of the truck, not too happy of the news.


But surrendering that it would be a bitter idea he got up to the top of the car, finding it even more so uncomfortable but laying/sitting up and resting his head against the cabin of the truck, putting his rifle over to the side of him as he inspected his hoof, finding moving it incredibly painful, probably quite surely a broken or cracked bone.


Not minding the company but also worried that letting Kronos drive without having a pilot next to him could end badly he looked over to Vampira, chuckling lightly. 


"I guess this means we'll be able to continue our nice conversation from earlier.. "


Quite on purpose he tried to ignore the subject of his hoof, annoyed at the fact that of all the things he had on him there was nothing to help out with a broken hoof, looking around at how to improvise.

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira smiles and nods to Kronos and then looks at nightlight still conserned about him hoping he isn't to badly injured.


"Indeed we can....but..Are you alright watcher? That was quite a high fall though all those crates back there"


She sits back relaxing in the bed of the truck.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Kronos looked over at his rear-view mirror on the truck at Nightlight and Vampira. He gave a subtle sigh and continued driving. He followed the waypoint that was designated on his ECHO. He knew completely how the ECHO tracking system worked, which meant that he didn't exactly need Nightlight there to guide him, just to keep him on track since he had a tendency to deviate from the initial path to do some things on his own. However, with the condition of his friend, he couldn't afford to be reckless and distracted. He did his best to avoid ramps and went around any gaps that stood in his path.


This would be easier if I didn't have to treat my friend like fragile cargo, Kronos thought, but still, he's my friend, whether or not he sees us like that. He helped me break my cycle of drinking, gambling and hustling back at Haven by recruiting me. I owe that guy my life, and if that means taking a longer and safer route to ensure that he's not damaged any further, then so be it.

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