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open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora


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Something gladly feeling the more careful driving from Kronos and surprised by it he turned over to Kronos for a moment. "Kronos, you know your way to Haven, right?" Just asking to make sure he soon enough rested back to his earlier spot, looking back at Vampira.


Despite no matter how much he tried he felt that there was no comfortable way to ease his hoof, instead using his magic to relax it and put as much eight off it as he held it up in the air, finding it really weird to be levitating his own bodypart.


"Must have broken or cracked something in the hood in the fall... it wasn't exactly the lightest one I've had to experiance.. I'm just glad this is the only thing I broke..."


Sighing and multi-task levitating he pulled up his rifle, checking through his scope the settlement they were leaving and then putting it over to the side once more.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Your Nightly Spectre,

"Dude, of course I know my way back to Haven," Kronos replied reassuringly, "ECHO navigation, remember?" He showed his friend the ECHO map and showed him that he was driving in the right direction.




Kronos was just on the right path when he got tempted to deviate away from the path. He knew how much that habit of his pissed off Nightlight, but he personally couldn't help it. He was a headstrong adventurer, and any deviation from the path always lead to adventures. Besides, his deviations more than paid off in the end anyways.


"Hey, Watcher," Kronos began to ask, "You don't mind if I go a different direction, do you?" Without waiting for a response, he gently turned a corner away from the initial path and stopped over at a few bandit encampments.


"Anyone wanna go bandit hunting?" Kronos asked as he parked near some of the bandit settlements.

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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Vampira looks at Kronos as he speaks with nightlight and listens to their conversation.


She looks at nightlight and then at his wound and wonders if there's anything she can do to help.


"Yes you are lucky that it wasn't something worse!...."


She sits back and looks at things they pass then looks back at nightlight with a kind smile.

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Nightlight offered one more smile to Vampira before suddenly feeling the car turn away and hearing Kronos Nightlight jolted up off his laying position against the pain of his own hoof, shouting over to Kronos as he was right to think he'd be annoyed. "What in tartarus are you doing! Turn back to that freaking main road right freaking now blood-lusty freaking idiot!"


He wasn't nice, that was sure as clearly just as he felt himself relax he snapped, hating the fact of not seeing Kronos face to face and just pondering on what he'd do if Kronos didn't stop the car right there and then as he levitated his rifle over to his side, clearly his one eye lighting up the light red it did when it was being used for its abilities.

Edited by Your Deadly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"hey hey hey," Kronos tried to tell Nightlight in a calm and consoling tone, "We're just gonna try scrounging around some of these bandit encampments. Well, I am, anyways. With your injuries, you can just stay in the truck with Vampira here while I go shooting this place up. Vampira, take care of him, alright?" Without waiting for a response, he got out of the driver's seat after parking the truck behind a rock for some assumed cover from bandits, but not from the wildlife which he assumed won't be too much of a problem for them.


With that done, he simply charged into the bandit encampment and started shooting the place down. When he finished, he noticed that one of the bandits dropped an audio log. He read the transmission and it told of a contract that the bandits had. Apparently, and not much to his surprise, it involved him and Nightlight, although they was referred to as the Watcher and the Psychopath.


"Huh," Kronos said to himself after reading the contract, "Nightlight was right, everyone does call me 'Psychopath'. How amusing."


After finishing off the bandits, he went out of his own way to loot their lockers, mailboxes and whatever weapon and loot chests he could find, and he found quite a few interesting things there like a sniper rifle, a shotgun, some pistols and shields and even found a rocket launcher in one of the chests littered about the encampment.


I really should show this audio contract to Nightlight, Kronos thought, He would be interested at whoever else is hunting us down. As he was heading back for the truck, however, a tentacle grabbed his ankle and pulled him into the water. He shot the creature down, but then a few more of those creatures popped out of the shore. "Aw, crap," Kronos said, "Threshers." Kronos ran back to the truck as fast as he cold, but was pulled back. "Gah, what!?" Kronos asked bewilderingly, "Aww, come on, a Blackhole Thresher? Seriously!?" He pulled out the shotgun he found and shot it in the face five times before it died. After getting back up, he headed for the truck and got back into the driver's seat. He looked back at the bed of the truck and asked the two ponies there, "Anyone want a new gun or shield?" and he tossed all the gear except for the rocket launcher to the bed of the truck.

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Vampira nods to Kronos when he tells her to take care of him and she pulls her gun out of her back and clicks the safety off

"Can do."


She stands by nightlight with her gun and looks at him and once Kronos leaves she keeps a look out of everything around her to make sure nothing and nobody tries to attack or get near them or the truck. She doesn't know what to say to nightlight but notices his anger as he doesn't want to be her.she then smiles slightly.


"How's that hoof watcher?"


Her eyes scan around and she listens to the gun shots as Kronos shoots down the place and she hears the creature screech and she turns her head as she sees him rush out with the creature chasing after him and she gasps as she lifts her gun to shoot it but then lowers it after Kronos shoots it dead and she stands looking at the dead creature and then turning to look at Kronos and then back to nightlight.

She looks at the weapons he threw in the truck and relaxes breathing frightenedly from the surprise of the creature running towards them.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Completely annoyed he just layed back down, not having too much to say before he just randomly wandered off.


"I can tell you enough that if it were any better I'd be running back after him to give him some cover. If it were a lot better though I think I'd end up actually covering the bandits and loading a round in his head. "


Clearly very tensed up and keeping his rifle up he scanned over the area for security, just waiting and waiting before noticing him return with a bunch of guns. And the very moment he dropped down all the gun Nightlight didn't even bother running at them before he quickly took aim on Kronos, pulling the trigger non-hesitantly as the bullet passed right past his still working normal ear, knowing full well the sheer pain of that it can cause an eardrum and finally somewhat satisfied to whatever rolling around and screeching in pain as Kronos's eardrum would have been killing him.


Putting away his rifle to the side and seriously not caring as he layed back didn't even bother looking at Vampira, giving his time for Kronos to recover. "Now, if you'd like to take us to Haven? Or shall I be the driver and you guard our batpony here as apparently following a damn road is too much for you to understand?"


As if that wasn't enough, he remembered something, getting up for a moment as his horn lit up, and suddenly with a series of sparkls the automatic turret up above malfunctioned before being pulled right off by Nightlight as he levitated it and then lossed it over, now even more satisfied before he lay right back and refocused on directing his magic to his hoof once more. "And no more of that freaking thing.... So, where were we?"


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos fell over to the ground temporarily from the sound of the gunshot next to his ear. He became unconscious for a while, but then shortly got back up with a ringing in his head. He was barely able to hear Nightlight, but he understood full well what he was rambling on about. Kronos gave Nightlight a look and got into the drivers seat, but not before growling at his partner. Obviously annoyed back at Nightlight, he slammed the gas pedal back over to Haven, completely disregarding his partner's condition. At this point, he wasn't gonna bother to listen to his partner and just pretend that he couldn't hear him as he took the shortest route possible back to Haven, and that included going over ramps and over gaps. At that point, he cared about Nightlight as much as Nightlight did him. 


As he was driving down by the road, he gave Vampira the audio log he found off of one of the bandits. Because he didn't want to talk to either of them, he simply wrote "Play this Log" on the back of it. He also wrote "Important contract details" on the log as well, just to see if it'll interest Nightlight in the slightest.

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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Vampira looks at them both conserned but decided it's not her place to get involved with their fight.


She yelps and falls over as he slams his hoof on the gas and she almost falls over the back of the truck but she stops herself from falling and regains her balance she then sits down and takes the audio log from Kronos and examines it before showing it to nightlight and passing it over to him.


"Here you may want to have a look at this.it looks important"


She sits back and holds her gun in her hoof.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Kronos was still driving down the road, annoyed, but attentive as he listened to what the audio log had to say again:


"Alright, you morons," the voice on the audio log stated, "I got an important job for you guys and if you can do it, there'll be tons of cash in it for you guys, and I'll even throw in some guns if you can bring me their heads. I wanna mount them on a pike for my fortress. Now, rumor has it that there are these mercs out there who are shooting down all of our allied establishments and taking everything they had. Apparently they're either really stupid or really tough, but I'll bet it's the latter. Anyways, if you guys see these guys, then shoot them on sight and bring them to me. Remember, they're known as the Watcher and the Psychopath." The log seemed like it ended there, but after a few seconds it continued with what seems to be a warning to the other bandits that hope to kill them, "Oh, and by the way, don't underestimate these guys, especially Psychopath. The Watcher can see you from miles away and can put a bullet clean through your head before you can even blink. His aim is impeccable and he will see you before you see him. The Psychopath, however, is a whole 'nother story. He'll make it look like he's a fragile coward, but don't underestimate him. He lives up to his name 'Psychopath'. He will charge at you with any weapon he has in his hooves and will shoot you on sight as well, but what makes him more dangerous than the Watcher is when he turns into that, that thing. If you make him mad enough, he will turn into a ferocious, unstoppable metal beast. I've seen large groups of bandits try to stop that thing, but they all ended up becoming piles of meat. When the Psychopath turns into that thing, run. Don't even try to fight it, just run. Alright, you guys got our instructions and warnings, now get going and bring their heads back to my fortress at the Eridium Refinery in the Badlands." And the audio log stopped there.

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Vampira listens to the log then looks at them both.


"This guy really wants you heads I take it...I wonder who the dude is and why he wants you two....do you guys recognize this stallions voice?"


She crosses her legs and waits for a reply from the two and she looks around making sure they aren't being followed. she clutches her gun tightly in her hoof just in case she will need it.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Kronos replied with his eyes still on the road, "I really dont give a shit. There's ALWAYS someone who wants our heads. There's always someone who wants to kill us for some damn reason. But, at this point, I dont give a shit. All I care about now is getting you back to Haven, going back to the bar, and drowning myself in alcohol at the bar as soon as I get paid."

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Turning on the log Nightlight carefully listened in to its content, seemingly not too amused until he was mentioned, a bit of ego pumping into him but soon enough straightening out his face once he put the log over to the side.


"So, we're being big-deal hunted by Hyperion. Isn't that just great, gives me even more of a reason to take our reward and then lay back low-profile. Have the buggers think I died or something before hitting them hard once more. Still find it cute that they find you the more dangerous one despite me taking down more of the big deals around the Wasteland. "


Still using his back to hold the hoof and the new bumpy road being quite literraly a pain in the back aswell the stallion looked over to Vampira.


"So, I have another question... why would people want you fillynapped in the first place? Is your father in some sort of debt and doing deals where he shouldn't and you paying for it? Or did they just casually find you pretty by the road and decided to abduct you?"

Edited by Your Deadly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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She looks back at him and then lifts his hoof with her magic for him knowing it must be hard to do so with the pain and having to hold his rifle.


"Here let me help you out a bit."


She sits back and listens as he askes her why they have taken her.


" My dad has no dept but someponys know now of his wealth as one of our own had betrayed us and told that group of bandit hoping for a reward of some kind but instead received the gift of slave trade which I saw him being sold off while I was there. They decided that they would kidnap me and hold me for randsome. Which they were lying once my dad traded his side of the deal they were going to kill him and sell me off, if I didn't agree to marrying the big boss....once I said no and they couldn't "convince" me to marry him, they started arranging for me to be sold for a high price...since I'm an alicorn the price would be high but I'm glad they didn't know I was a...witch...if they knew that they would raise the price and witch hunters all over would be looking for me..good or bad hunters would be after me... no one really likes a witch no matter if we are good or...bad "


A memory flashes through her mind but she then pushes the memory away and gives him a smile.


"But! Lucky for me you two came along before they could sell me off!"

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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A bit protective of his rifle he gave it up, knowing that with the bumpyness of the road multitasking to hold both the rifle and keep the hoof up to not move things just wouldn't work so he passed it over to her, listening to her story with interest and once she was done offering an incredibly weak but still honest smile.


"I wouldn't exactly call you lucky for that, I've heard we're one of the biggest troubles that can come to a pony more than one. " Chuckling he lay back again despite the bumpyness, looking up at the sky that was slowly starting to shine properly as it was a morning.


And then as he realized it was morning Nightlight remembered the worst part of everything... he had a sleepless night, and he was tired as hell without much of a chance to sleep. Instead he just closed his eyes to at least let them cool off after the night of watching.


"An Alicorn though? I guess you kind of apply by a Alicorn... I more took it as batpony with a unicorn horn... but I guess if you want to be Princess Vampira then that can be arranged. " His smile grew a lot more genuine at that thought despite not bothering to look at her.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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She holds his hoof with her magic and smiles.


"I was a princess once but not anymore...different place different time... I just like to be me now I don't care much for the title no longer...."


She notices his tiredness and how he closed his eyes as talking with her and she chuckles as she speaks.


"Why don't you get some rest watcher. You need it. I can keep a look out for any danger while you rest "

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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"I won't dig into that princess to part in that case. "


Feeling a bit more relaxed that she was holding his hoof with her magic now, finally being able to stop using his own current and finally relax, still keeping his eyes closed as he tried to get some shut eye.


"Thanks - And I believe the only real threat you should be looking out for should be Kronos's grumpy driving. "


He laughed again, continueing to rest, the constant shaking of the truck in the rough terrain really not helping him fall asleep as much as he wanted to.

Edited by Your Deadly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira chuckles and hold his hoof up


"It's nice that I can trust you two...trust is hard to find out here but I'm glad I found it with you two"


She sits up and looks around the truck to see if there is any trouble near or any bandits as she is worried they may have heard the commotion from earlier when Kronos shot down a bandit camp.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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She thinks about Kronos and wonders how he is doing since he has been quiet and knowing nightlight ticked him off earlier.


"How are you doing up there Kronos?!"


She waits for a reply and sits up to try and see him and make sure he is alright up front by himself.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Kronos looks at Vampira and growled at Nightlight when he looked at him.


He then replied, "I'm fine. I just want this to be over with so that I would no longer be a burden for you guys. As soon as we get paid, I'm gonna head straight for Moxxi's bar and I'm gonna drown myself in alcohol."

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Nightlight looked back at Kronos with an annoyed glance upon his growl before returning back to his closed eyes resting position.


"You know, for some reason I do not mind that. At least on alcohol you'll have an excuse for some of your dumb behavior. "


Sighing he tried to get comfortable, able to relax a bit more now that vampira was holding up his hoof for him with her magic.


"Wake me up when we get there if I actually manage to get some rest... Which I doubt for some reason. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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When Kronos heard Nightlight's comment, he was tempted to boost up a ramp into a barrel roll to throw him off the truck and leave him to die. But, at the same time, he still felt like he owes Nightlight for everything he did for him. So, he just sighed to recollect his composure and continued straight on to Haven.

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Sighing once more and finally slowly starting to relax even into the bumps Nightlight muttered out.


"Shame everyone is going their ways after this it seems. "


It took Nigtlight a lot of thinking as he rested, and thought he did plenty as he slowly started to feel a bit guilty about how he treated his companion. Yet a certain sense of pride got to him as he wasn't going to simply let it go. But nontheless he turned his head up to Kronos after a rather long silent while of the drive.


"Hey, Kronos. I may have overreacted a bit and before you go drink all your problems away and we go our ways I'd like to tell you that I am somewhat sorry and that I overreacted, but non-the-less I still think you bucking deserved it. " A light smile came on his face as he felt some stone chip off his soul.

Edited by Your Deadly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos was still pissed off at Nightlight, but he looked at his rear-view mirror at Nightlight and gave that look that he was listening to him.


After a little bit of thinking and consideration of what he was going to say, he replied, "It's, it's okay, dude. You had every right to be mad at me for, well, everything that I do. I just, I want to have some fun out here, you know. I wanna do things out here. You, you always play things seemingly by the book, or by your book at least. I just wanna try and utilize my freedom for as long as I have. I know that this sounds stupid to you, but, it's true. You may be my partner, but you're also my friend, dude, whether you think so or not. You were the only friend I've ever made out here in this unforgiving wasteland. Before I met you, I was just a drifter that used to have a family. Unfortunately, Hyperion took my wife and daughter away from me, for good." Kronos suddenly felt a pain in his body. "Ugh," he grunted before continuing, "I know that that's hard to believe, but, I tried to settle down in a town once before. Remember that place I said I was in that was blitzed without warning? That's where I was raising my family. Every day, I feel this guilt in my mind that Hyperion blitzed that city because of me. I lost lots of acquaintances, but I also lost my wife and daughter. Now, Hyperion has this stupid thing with their New-U system where if you reproduce, your DNA will be removed from the New-U system. So, because I used to have a family, well, you get it, right? That's why I am the way I am. I literally have nothing left to lose at this point. I just want this pain to either go away or to just let those who deserve it feel my pain." He began to grip the steering wheel a little bit tighter, "I know that you may not care about my personal plight, but that's why I never told you about that. I've been roaming this wasteland for too long to know if anyone out here cares about anyone else other than themselves out here." Kronos stopped for a brief moment in the middle of the road. He started crying with his head on the steering wheel. "I know that I'm a psychological wreck," he bawled, "And I know how much you hate everything that I do and I know how much you don't really care about what happened to me, but that's it, okay? I'm just a sad, lonely cyborg that roams the wasteland hoping to get rid of this misery that I'm holding in my mind and the only way to get them out of my head is by---" At this point, Kronos couldn't even talk. He was just bawling over his memories.

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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Vampira listens to what he says and then spreads her wings out and flies into the front seat by him, her magic still shimmers around her horn as she keeps holding nightlights hoof for him and puts a hoof onto kronos's shoulder and pulls him into a hug pressing her hoof of the break gently putting the car to a gentle stop.


"I know I may be a complete stranger to you but it'd like to say I'm sorry you lost your family I understand that feeling...but I have to say sometimes it's not a good thing to try and keep your lost ones out of your mind cause if you don't let them enter your m you'll never be able to let go and heal your broken heart, you'll continue to drown yourself in alcohol till you just can't anymore and you'll turn to extreme aggression and madness..but if you let them enter your thoughts it may hurt but it will help if you remember all your good times and move on to find a new happiness."


She looks at him and then at nightlight.


"Your lucky that you've found a nice friend to keep you company and to be a help to you, your lucky someone cares about you, I care about you both as well. And I will think of you both when I return to haven you both seem like lovely ponies no matter what faults you may have"


She smiles at them then looks through the windows to make sure no one is after them while they are stopped.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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