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open Break out RP


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OOC link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/155464-break-out-ooc/#entry4629403


You wake up in a cell on a not so nice bed with the lights flickering who did you get here, what did you do? As the smell assaults your nose  you soon realize the place isn't a joke your buddy's would be playing on you...at least that you know of.


A speaker box in your tight room go's off, the speaker sounds oddly young  but not old enough for you to put a number to the age.


"this thing on? helloo? well it looks like your awake good but I do have some bad news for you this isn't a dream in fact I'm as lost as you are right now but don't worry if I can get this thing to work I bet I could help get us out of here. Once you get out meet me in the....the uh.....tell you what ill find you ok? after that we could work out how to get out of here. I don't know what this place is but its sure no holiday iv been too any way


From the soundbox a loud door was herd opening another voice "the hey are you doing by that get away!"


"oh no, um just playing...."


there was a pause then the 2nd speaker just said. "shut him up" you hear what sounds like a scuffle of sorts.


"get out of here ill meet you at" the voice box shuts off.....

Edited by cwhip9
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Grace Melody groaned when the speaker came on, rolled off the bed, and screamed as she fell onto the dirty floor. She looked around to see that she was in a really grimy, nasty cell. She picked up her scarf, paper, and writing utensil, then picked the lock. As she was walking through the halls, she was about to call out but stopped herself in fear that she might make it worse in here. So she decided to whistle a tune from her past. After a few minutes, she stopped whistling when she heard footsteps heading her way. She quickly ran through an open door and closed it behind her. Once she heard the steps growing fainter as they moved away, she sighed and wrote, 


"What is this place, how do I get out, who else is here."


She closed it and opened the door quietly to not draw any attention to herself. When she turned the corner, she almost ran into a guard, She quiet and slowly started to back away slowly, then went the other way, quietly whistling to calm herself done, then she started to knock on the doors while being ready to kick and use her voice if anypony came at her.

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Silvermoon let out a groan as he sat up..."might as well listen to the voice," he said quietly as he pulled a lockpick from underneath his pillow..."well whoever needed this is gone now," he said as he unlocked the door. He crept out of the cell and quietly moved through the halls..."why is it so dark...?" He said as he turned a corner. He let out a sigh and quietly slid into a maintenance closet..."I need something to defend myself...but what," he scanned the room ad found a wrench..."perfect," he whispered using a light levitation spell. "Now I will hold out in here for a while," he barricaded the door with a stool and sat down to take a breather. He chatted to himself, letting his mind wander before falling silent as the sound of something metal stomped outside the door. He gulped, and waited as the steps grew quieter. "I'm surprised the alarms haven't gone off," he said, slowly moving the barricade away and peaking outside...no pony was in sight. He sighed and started moving through the halls once again. Suddenly, he heard whistling and banging...he lifted the wrench and was about to swing when he saw that the pony wasn't dressed like a guard. He pointed his weapon at her..."who are you?"

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Grace stopped and frozen when she heard someone talking to her. She slowly turned around to see a unicorn wielding a wrench at her. She thought about what to do to get out of this situation, she could try talking it out, but that might make the situation worse based off of what she is. Maybe... She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head, sat down , and wrote:


"Please don't kill me, my name is Grace Melody and I don't know where I am. Also can you please not point any weapons at me"


She tore off the piece of paper, placed it on the ground and put the stuff on her back, then she checked if her scarf was still in place. She flicked one of her ears to a noise was running water, then she headed towards it. She really wanted to get this stuff off of her, and to see if something happened to her tail when she was asleep. She stayed in the shadow until the guard left the bathroom, then she slipped in, didn't even bother to close the door behind her, and was surprised to actually see a tub there. She shrugged, got in and turned on the water. Once the water was in, her tail came out of her, and she started washing it and checking for any damage to it 

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Silvermoon read the note and lowered his weapon, "can't you talk or something," he said confused. He sighed, "you must of heard the voice too huh, names Silvermoon...you are?" He paused before continuing, "we better get moving, guards will most likely be heading this way soon...I'm guessing that way isn't the way...well guess we stick together, follow me there was another hall this..." he froze as the sound of hoof steps filled the hall. He saw a door to his left and quickly grabbed the pony's hoof and pushes the door open. He jumped in the room and closed the door quietly. He put his hoof to his mouth to tell her to stay quiet but realized it was a waste of time to do that. He listened as the sound moved away before taking a deep breath, "sorry about that, I panicked," he said before checking outside. "They're gone, follow me," he said as he left the room and started go backtrack hoping the mare was following him. He got to a corner and peaked around to see no pony there, "let's go," he moved quietly as he turned the corner...dont stop he thought to himself

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@@silvermoon15000, @@reader8363


As the two ponys made there way down the hallway the air around them seemed to scream something was still off with the lack of guards around. Yet as they made there way further down the PA went off again sounding an alarm throught the building that rang through the ponys heads. Once the alarm ended a robotic voice came over the speakers, "test parameters ready, engage test one"


The lights went out for the ponys making it hard to see in front of them, movment of steel on metel was herd ahead of them along with more mechanical sounds. The feeling of water started to form around the ponys hoofs as one could tell if not oth imdeitaly could tell the smell was in fact water, the corridor was starting to flood with water. Black lights cam on revling this and the walls were replaced with a see through glass wall. On the other side of the glass lay a dry open stage of some sort one would find in a highschool.


Shadows could be picked out in the theater but it was hard for them to tell what they were as the water around them was rapidly moving around them.

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Grace felt the water moving below her, and that her tail was becoming real again. She relaxed and once the was high enough, she started swimming around the hall. She placed her hands on the window peek through, then she drove down into the water, grabbed the wrench and beat on the glass until there were a few cracks where water was spraying out of. She swam to where the water was coming out of and slowed down the flow with her scarf. It started to soak up the water. After she did that, the water was halfway to the tops, she swam to the middle of the glass, looked out at the shadows, and opened her mouth, then she started fighting herself. She shooked her head and said through the cracks in the glass, 


"Please stop the water and let us out."


She peeled herself off the glass, swam to the ends of the hall and started looking at the doors, they were metal doors that were like bunker doors, able to withstand almost anything. She looked at the mechanism to see that is can only be opened from the outside. She swam to the other one to see the same thing, then she swam back to the center of the glass.

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Surprised to hear Grace talk Silvermoon pulled her away from the glass..."don't bother they are probably behind this, maybe even the pony on the intercom too, we need to find a different way," he held the wrench up with his magic and used it as a light and started scanning the room, "hmmm maybe they don't want us to go up...but down," he said going underwater...he looked until he saw what looked like a trap door. He popped his head back up, "hey it looks like there is a trap door under the water maybe it is a way out." He said diving back under the water there was no handle to pull so he started smashing the wrench into it...the wrench dented the door before he started kicking...he could feel his ears pop as the water rose higher. He popped back up for air and coughed before going back under. He slammed both hooves into the door and it caved in. He came back up..."hey I got the door open, let's go," he said before going back under and heading for the door. He swam through and swam through a small corridor until he saw light. He swam and found the water to be much shallower. He stepped up on to dry ground and shook his fur spraying water everywhere.

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Grace smiled at the figures, grabbed her wet scarf, unleashing gallons of water that pushed her towards the hole, then she swam through it and the hall. Once she was in a shallow area that she had to walk, her wet hair plastered itself against her wet skin like before, then she said as she walked past Silvermoon with her tail gliding across the ground as if she was swimming on land,


"I could talk, but I don't like to. For what I am and that my voice is relaxing enough that it got me a job, just by asking for it. That why I prefer writing"


She wrapped her scarf around her neck and headed down the dark hallway as she whistled pop goes the weasel in a quiet, calming high pitch. After a few steps, her tail turned back into a tattoo. She stumbled a bit, then she bumped into a door. She opened it and looked around the room to see if there were any guards lurking about in there. When she didn't see any, she sat down in front of the fire, that illuminated the room with its warm glow, to dry her scarf and to dry off as well.

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Silvermoon followed the mare...it made sense that she would prefer writing over her voice. She seemed nice enough. He sat down by the fire, "so what did you do befire well this-" he gestured around the room, "-happened," he said putting his hoof down. He stared into the fire before lightly summoning a stick which looked like a 3D constellation. He stirred the fire slowly and listened to the crackling of the fire as he moved the stick around. He then let out a sigh...he missed his home, it was quiet...his parents had died not even a week after he left home...killed by a couple of robbers. His sister rarely talked to him since then. He was lonely, but it was peaceful. He stopped stirring the fire and listened to silence and crackling of the fire waiting for Grace to answer. During that silence he let his mind wander, why was he here, why him of all ponies...was it the mere fact that no body would care if he disappeared or was it because he was smart and these ponies wanted to test him under pressure. He shook his head...no that couldn't be it.

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Grace thought about it and said,


"I've been working in a settlement up in the north where the water was joked about that the water would freeze your insides in a minute, I lived in the water, so I so I'm used to the cold. Freezing me wouldn't help. I'm still working at the job I got by asking for it. I don't know why I'm still there."


She got up after being semi-dry, but left her scarf hanging next to the fireplace and went around the room. She noticed a puzzle on the table and started working on it. She could've sworn that every time she moved a piece, she heard a clicking from all over the room, but she dismissed it as her imagination, or that the clicking was coming from the puzzle. Once she was finished with the puzzle, she walked over to her scarf, took it off before it caught on fire, wrapped it around her neck and her muzzle, then started looking through the books. After a while, she decided to take a nap. She went over to one of the chairs. curled up in the blanket, that was lying around, so all was seen was her eyes and up, then she fell asleep.

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Twilight Shadow blinked as she woke up, she glanced down looking at the bed. She smirked, she might be small but she made up for that in cunning and intelligence, she was currently hanging from the ceiling, she blinked taking in the room examining all the details from it. She saw a camera in front of her, pointing down to the center of the room. there was a blind spot which she was currently occupying. She blinked as the door opened and a guard stepped though the door, "where did she go? Has she escaped" she hissed. She realized she was right underneath the guard.


She simply dropped down and landed at her intended point, she sunk her fangs into her neck and used her special nerotoxin which was contained within her biting glands, it immobilized for several hours if she did it right. She nudged the guard against the door hiding her from the camera. She then copied the female guard's form, after such she relived her of the uniform and baton which she was carrying on her belt. She now had a weapon to play with. Twilight Shadow managed to take a set of keys and open the door which she quickly shut and moved several steps outside of the room, she bumped into another guard. He was a big brute.


She gulped, maybe he would notice she was different. "The Changeling's not woken up yet. What should we do?" she asked the guard imitating the unconscious guards voice, she had only heard it for a few seconds but she thought she did rather well. He just shrugged "wait till she escape, then the boss will have his fun" he remarked before making his rounds.


Twilight Shadow frowned, she decided to investigate the current floor. She moved along the corridor, before her sensitive ears picked up gurgling noise. Sounded like water several floors up judging it upon the height of her current corridor. She continued along the floor, perhaps she might find other ponies since this looked like a sort of jail. She didn't know why she had been jailed, perhaps it was because she left the hive. This could be some sort of test, maybe they wanted to make sure she was strong enough to be in charge of her own hive.

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@@Ruby Splash,

 While she made her investigation the camera in her cell made a scan of the place detecting a rather cold body unlike the warm on it detected before hand. The guard twilight ran into got the call to go look into it "hey keep an eye out need to check something quick" He soon found the body of the real guard and radioed it in, an order was given he blinked at the radio to confirm it, then sighed once it was confirmed.


"roger that" The guard picked up the body and made his way out of the hall, it was then twilight shadow would be hard not to notice the doors that slammed shut she would find out that even with her unlocking tools she used before. A transparent but small lazar spanned across the hallway she was in and weather she dogged it or not could feel the heat from it near her mane burning it slightly burning her mane.


The laser would stay static in the hallway for a few minuets before bisecting into two laser that seemed too sweep through the hallway, based of the heat she would be wise to avoide it....if she could

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