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open Pokemon: Rise of a Legend

Drago Ryder

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Blitz sighed as he looked at the map of Medowrue city that he had snagged on the way out of the airport. There wasn't really any need to take a car given the cold temperature, so he just hoofed it "I knew I took a wrong turn somewhere. Why does this guy have a lab in the middle of a city? Most of them are in some small town." He thought to himself. The teen had been standing in the same spot for a good half hour in an attempt to get a bearing on his current location. When he looked up, he noticed that he was in front of a building that looked like a hospital and had a neon pokeball on the front. "I guess this must be the place." He thought to himself as he walked inside, somewhat angry for having wasted the past half hour. It didn't take long for a secretary to intercept him and ask him to fill out a small amount of paperwork. Something about Pokémon types. After that, the teen walked into the main lab.


Types chosen: Psychic, dragon, fire, fairy, water, electric, fighting




Zelkovia noticed that he had a visitor and gave a small smile to the teen. "Ah, you must be Blitz. I just got your credentials ready." He said, before looking over the type chart Blitz had filled out. After inputting a few numbers in the computer, three pokeballs appeared on the transport pad to the right of the computer. The professor released each one. "Please select which starter you will take and take a seat. The others will be here shortly."


Name: -
Pokémon: Fennekin
Type: fire.gif
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magician
Level: 5
-Tail whip
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None


Name: -
Pokémon: Sandile
Type: ground.gifdark.gif
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
Level: 5
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None[/size]

Name: -
Pokémon: Goomy
Type: dragon.gif
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Level: 5
Ability: Gooey
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Not too long after Blitz had gone to select his Pokémon, Kari pushed the door to the lab open with a smirk on her face. The Kalos girl had an air of confidence around her, bordering cockiness, and she strode up to the secretary's desk with a high-spirited swagger.


"Bonjour," she greeted the secretary, "I'm here to see the professor for a Pokémon!" Her voice, slightly mature yet youthful, carried a hint of a foreign accent native to Kalos.


She was handed some paperwork to fill out - something to do with favourite types or something or other.


"Ah, this is to select starters, yes?" She grinned as she realised what the form was about. "Très bien! Let me see..."


Chosen Types: Fire, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Electric, Flying

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“Zzzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzz” snored Jake, sitting on a bench inside the airport with a newspaper draped over his face. “Zzzzz…, uhhh. What time is it,” Jake asked himself as he looked at his watch. “Huh. Well, I guess now is as good as any time.” Jake rose to his feet and began to slowly walk towards the exit, hands in his pocket.


It had taken a while, Jake thought to himself, but he finally made it to Zelkovia’s lab. “This is the place eh,” Jake muttered to himself as he glanced over the building. Jake walked inside and was greeted by the receptionist. She handed him some paper work to fill out.



“Paperwork? If I wanted to stand around and do paperwork all day I’d go back to school,” he thought to himself as he filled in his information.


Type Choices: Fairy, Electric, Steel, Dark, Fighting, Dragon, Psychic

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Violet was, unsurprisingly, lost. "Oh dear, oh no. Where was it again? A left here? Or was it a right?" she mumbled to herself, glancing up and down the street to no avail. She had arrived at the airport relatively early, and, with some gentle directions and a map clutched in her hand, thought she would have no problems finding the lab. She had been mistaken.


"Drats, why does the laboratory have to be right in the middle of Meadowrue?" she sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before an air of determination settled on her shoulders. "No! Don't give up yet, Violet. You only just started!" she chanted to herself, pumping her fist in the air slightly before glancing around to see if anyone had noticed, a sheepish grin on her face. Turning her attention back down to the map, she rotated it in her hands several times before pausing, understanding dawning on her features. "Oh! Oh! It's... It's right around... Here!" she exclaimed triumphantly, jumping in the air in glee as she found herself in front of a building which matched the picture in the map exactly.


Pushing the door open eagerly, she barely had a chance to utter a quick hello before a handful of paperwork was pushed into her hands. Stunned, she leafed through it, skimming it with a furrowed brow. "Types? Oh, this must be to select starters! Okay, let's see..."


Types Chosen:

Grass, Water, Electric, Flying, Normal, Ice.

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The door opened again as a small and skinny trainer quietly pushed open the door as he examined his surroundings. It appeared to be a waiting room that several people were already standing in, filling out some initial paperwork as they relaxed in the nearby seats. These must be the other trainers taking advantage of the promotion... they're from all over the world, then. He quietly took a seat near the door while the lady in front of him finished up, before he took out a pen and quietly examined the paperwork promptly presented to him.




Name...? That's easy enough, I suppose. Age, date of birth, hometown... If you could even call Saffron City my 'home'. Let's see... ID number, that's...


He continued in this fashion down the entire list before coming across the final section. Seven Pokemon Types, huh? Well, let's see... Let's go with Psychic, Electric, Steel, Rock, Water, Dragon, and Ground. And this'll generate me three Pokemon to choose from, then. Alright, well that's the paperwork done.


Orion sat down next to the door again, observing the other Trainers in the room quietly. He had come this far, and was just about to begin his journey into the world outside the door.

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Kyubi smiled as she walked around Medowrue city. She already knew where Zelkovia's lab was, so she figured it would be best to see where everything was. The city didn't disappoint. The teen then noticed that about half an hour had passed from when the plane had landed and sighed. "Might as well get started." She thought to herself, heading back to the lab. After filling out the required form, she walked into the room with the other trainers. The teen was surprised by how many there were, but she didn't let that diminish her excitement for getting a new Pokémon.


Types chosen: Grass, bug, steel, dragon, dark, psychic, fighting

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Gene exhaled. For the last few years since he started his pokemon journey, he had dedicated most--if not all--of his time, to bonding with his pokemon and traveling the land. From Jhoto, he had traveled to Kanto, and through Hoenn, Shinnoh, Unova, Kalos...He'd experienced so many things--and seen so much more. But, upon arriving in this new region, he wondered if this would be the place he would actually find friends. A word here, or a helping hand there, just wasn't enough for him to call another 'friend', from the other regions he had visited. 


Walking around the city he had stumbled into, he wondered if this was the place people would begin their own journeys. Looking up and down the streets, walking past a building numerous people were entering, and--wait, why were they all going in? Was there an event? 


He peeked through a window, blinking in surprise at the numerous trainers filling out forms. Realization struck, upon locating the professor, at the end of the floor, reading over a few forms. 


He took a mental note of the people within, and wondered exactly how experienced they were--although, if they were being given their first pokemon, probably not very much so. He decided he'd wait outside, to see if any of them walking through would need help. After all, that would be quite the way to achieve a friend. 


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Blitz looked over the Pokémon he could choose. They were all powerful in their own right, but he knew that he could only choose one. The trainer then walked towards the fennekin and crouched in front of her. "So, you want to go on a journey?" He thought, projecting his voice into the fire type's mind.




The fennekin gave a happy yip and practically jumped into her trainers arms. She couldn't really explain it, but going with Blitz just felt right. The other two Pokémon, however, were returned to their respective containers.




Blitz gave a slight smile and carried his new fennekin over to the couch and sat down. He had also noticed that a few more trainers had arrived, and decided it would be best to scope out the competition. He then glanced down at the Pokemon in his lap and scratched the area behind her ear. "I'll call you Azula." He thought.




Zelkovia had also noticed the massive increase in the amount of new trainers and smiled. "It's good to see so many new faces around here. I'll get you're pokemon ready. With that, the professor typed a long string of code into the computer and Pokeballs began to appear on the transport device, each set being taken off so that a new set could arrive. "Once you have selected your Pokemon, please take a seat wherever you want. There are just a few more things I wish to go over with you before you truely begin."











Name: -

Pokémon: Ralts

Type: Psychic

Gender: Male

Nature: Synchronize

Ability: Static

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None[/size]



Name: -

Pokémon:- Seedot

Type: Grass

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Chlorophyll

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None



Name: -

Pokémon: Wurmple

Type: Bug

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Level: 5

Ability: Shield dust


-poison sting

-string shot



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None








Name: -

Pokémon: Dwebble

Type: Bug Rock

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Sturdy

Level: 5


-Fury Cutter

-Rock Blast



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Tyrunt

Type: Rock Dragon

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Strong Jaw

Level: 5



-tail whip



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Pichu

Type: electric

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Level: 5

Ability: Lightning rod


-thunder shock

-tail whip



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None

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Kyubi was surprised to say the least when she saw the selection of Pokemon she had. The teen knew that ralts were powerful when raise correctly, but she didn't know what to think about the Seedot or the Wurmple. She then gently rubbed the ralts' head and smiled. "How would you like to come with me?" She asked.


The ralts nodded slightly and hugged Kyubi the best it could. The two then walked over to the clutch where Blitz was at and sat down. They weren't to close to the other trainer, though.

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Orion nodded as the professor spoke. So he was to present them with three Pokemon to choose one from. Orion snapped on his metal gauntlet before stepping up to the table that his Pokemon were presented onto. Quietly examining the Pokemon on the table, he remained silent and still. This might, perhaps, be the most important choice he would have to make his entire career. Which Pokemon would he bond with first?


He closed his eyes, opened his hand, and breathed out- before lowering onto the third Pokeball in a row.




He smiled. This would be the one that would be with him on his quest. He would befriend this Pokemon, and they would explore the world together. Replacing the other two balls to their previous location, he knelt down and pressed the button on the Pokeball. It expanded much faster than he expected it too, and he almost dropped it, but quickly recovered before letting the ball swing open in his hand.


In a blast of red energy, a beam struck out of the ball, colliding with the ground before forming into the small, yellow mouse that was Pichu. It looked around, somewhat confused, before turning to face him with a smile. "Pichu pi!" it said with a large smile on it's face, bouncing into his lap.


Is this it? Is it really just... this easy?


Quietly, he embraced the Pichu with a smile on his face and what might be tears in his eyes. After all this time... I have a friend of my own. Hugging it softly, he stood up and retreated to the end of the row of chairs next to the Ralts trainer, totally and completely engrossed in his new partner as it examined it's surroundings and, after a while, bounded out of his lap and started exploring the lab nearby, finding a home on the shelves of the bookcase beside him.

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Blitz glanced at the final trainer that had sat close to him and the Pokemon she had chosen out of the corner of his eye. He didn't really know how she would react to him setting up a telepathic connection, so he would remain silent for now.


(Here are the rest of the Pokemon. I would've had this in my last post but picture limit.)


My party





Name: -Azula

Pokémon: Fennekin

Type: sig-4646722.fire.gif

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Ability: Magician

Level: 5



-Tail whip



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None










Name: -

Pokémon: Starly

Type: Flying Normal

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Keen Eye

Level: 5



-Quick attack



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Lilpup

Type: Normal

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Vital Spirit

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Sneasle

Type: Ice Dark

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Level: 5

Ability: Inner Focus






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None











Name: -

Pokémon: Zorua

Type: Dark

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Illusion

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Electrike

Type: Electric

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: lightning rod

Level: 5



-thunder wave



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Noibat

Type: Dragon Flying

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Level: 5

Ability: Frisk






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None









Name: -

Pokémon: Pidgey

Type: Normal Flying

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Tangled feet

Level: 5



-sand attack



Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Litwick

Type: Ghost Fire

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Ability: Flame Body

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None





Name: -

Pokémon: Goomy

Type: Dragon

Gender: Female

Nature: Modest

Level: 5

Ability: Gooey






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None

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Kari's eyes widened slightly as she took a look at the trio of Pokémon set before her. A Pidgey, a Litwick, and a Goomy.


The Goomy was a welcome sight. They were native to the marshy areas of Kalos, and she was proud to have a Goodra on her side as she entered the Kalos League. She also had a Chandelure from when she went through the Celestial Tower in Unova, and knowing the power they held within their flames, she didn't feel the safest keeping one around for a long time.


Though, the Pidgey seemed interesting. She hadn't given them a second thought when she travelled through Kanto. Perhaps now was her chance?


Plus, the difficulty in raising such a common Flying Pokémon sounded fun.


She knelt down, getting eye-to-eye with the little bird, and stroked down its breast with her finger.

"Hello, you little cutie," she muttered with a grin, "would you like to come with me?"


The Pidgey narrowed its eyes comfortably and gave the girl a coo of approval before fluttering up to perch on her cap. 


"Magnifique!" She chirped, and stood up straight, "I think I will call you Zephyr."


She took a seat next to the boy with the Fennekin, and gave him an upward nod and her trademark smirk. She slouched a bit, elbow on the backrest and her heel on the edge of the seat.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Acnologia @Unicorncob


It didn't take long for Blitz to noticd the new trainers that were sitting next to him, and the awkward silence that seemed to fill the area. While he wasn't one to take initiative, it would be bet to at least see what these trainers were like. "I don't suppose any of you would mind if I ask your name or where you're from? As for me, just call me Blitz. I'm a trainer from Pallet Town."

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      Jake was no stranger to the selection process, he had gone through it before. Jake began to reminisce about choosing a Pokemon from Professor Rowan in Sinnoh when he was just starting out. A smirk appeared upon his face. "Alright then, I'll do this how I've always done it," said Jake.


      Jake walked up to the Noibat, kneeled, and held out his hand. The Noibat looked at his hand for a moment and began to screech at him. "Well, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Jake mumbled as he retracted his hand and stood back up.


      Jake then walked over to the Zorua and again kneeled and held out a hand. The Zorua didn't move at all. Jake stayed in this position for a fair amount of time. He didn't even seem like the Zorua was looking Jake over, he just didn't move. "You neither eh? Ok," Jake said.


       Jake made his way over to the last Pokemon, the Electrike. "Come on fella, I won't bite," Jake said to the Electrike, once again holding out his hand and kneeling. The Electrike immediately walked straight over to Jake's hand. Jake began to pet the Electrike and he began to radiate in electrical energy. "We have a winner. I hereby knight you as "Bright Lightning." 


Name: Bright Lightning
Pokémon: Electrike
Type: Electric
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: lightning rod
Level: 5
-thunder wave
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None

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Violet watched as the other trainers gained their pokemon, nervously playing with her hands. They all seemed to get along so well, and she hoped beyond hope that her pokemon would also bond with her. She gasped a little when her turn came, and the three pokemon were released in front of her.


The Lillipup caught her attention first, yapping as soon as it was set out of the pokeball. She laughed at its expression, but something still felt off. The Sneasel was gorgeous, and she took a step towards it before her eyes alighted on a Starly fluffing its feathers on the side. Immediately, she felt her heart go out to the small pokemon, and she crouched down in front of it.


“Hey there little guy!” she murmured, scratching under its chin with a finger. “Want to come with me?” The Starly chirruped with approval as it flapped onto her shoulder, settling down. “Yay! I’m going to name you… Aster!” she exclaimed, laughing as the bird nuzzled her cheek.


Happy and petting her new friend, Violet turned around and seated herself by the other trainers, adjusting her skirt self-consciously as she waited for what was to happen next.

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@Drago Ryder


Kyubi glanced at the trainer that has selected the fennekin and smiled. "It's nice to meet you Blitz. I'm Kyubi and I'm from Celestine town." She said, happy to have another trainer from a small town here.


Masamune tilted his head in curiosity as he looked at Blitz. He could tell that something was different about this trainer.




Name: -Masamune

Pokémon: Ralts

Type: Psychic

Gender: Male

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Synchronize

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None



Edited by Acnologia
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It didn't take long for Blitz to noticd the new trainers that were sitting next to him, and the awkward silence that seemed to fill the area. While he wasn't one to take initiative, it would be bet to at least see what these trainers were like. "I don't suppose any of you would mind if I ask your name or where you're from? As for me, just call me Blitz. I'm a trainer from Pallet Town."


Kari turned her head slightly and looked at Blitz, smirking and her eyes flickering with natural confidence beneath the shade of her pink cap.


With no warning she grabbed the boy's hand in her own, giving it a single, firm shake.

"Bonjour, Blitz," she began, "I am Kari Lapointe, but just call me Kari! I am from Couriway Town, in Kalos. You have probably heard of me, yes?" She asked expectantly, smirk aimed right at Blitz. Zephyr simply puffed out his feathers and gave himself a shake as he got comfortable on his new trainer's head.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@MiniKirby123 @Acnologia @TheGoldenRoman @Unicorncob @P-Jay

Blitz nodded slightly, but didn't really know what else to say. "Sinnoh was probably one of the longest regions for me. Yes there are strong trainers there, but it was also a place one could just as easily stop and look at the scenery." He said, before turning his attention to Kari. He wasn't expecting the girl to be so aggressive in her greeting, but decided to go along with it. "I heard your name a few times. It's a pleasure to meet you." The trainer then returned the shake before resting the hand on Azula's head.

Zelkovia looked up from his notes to see that all the trainers present had selected a starter for their journey. "It seems like it's time to move on." He said, before standing up and looking at the assembled trainers. "As you may know, every professor of every region studies a certain aspect of Pokemon. For me, it is the energy used in the attacks of Pokemon that we see in every battle, weather it be for territory, mates, or even the trainers that catch them. I want to know where this energy comes from and how it can be used to benefit humans aside from the entertainment factor of battles, or even if that energy can be transferred to humans in a way that wouldn't hurt either parties." The professor then brought out seven pokedexes on a tray. "These will, along with the regular functions of any other pokedex, measure the strength of your Pokemon and send the feedback here. You will only get one, however, so please be careful with them."

Blitz narrowed his eyes as the professor spoke. Something about this didn't quite feel right, but he wouldn't learn anything unless he accepted the Pokedex. The teen then levitated one of the small devices to him and looked it over, before standing up and heading for the door. "You know what they say professor. Curiosity killed the purrloin."

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@@Drago Ryder,


Orion looked up at the voice in time to see a young man with black hair and ice blue eyes speaking. "... Pallet Town? That's the small town on the coast, north of Cinnabar Island, right?"


However, before he could get a response, the professor spoke, revealing his intentions. Orion immediately began to ponder the theory, not moving to obtain the Pokedex immediately. "... Are you saying, then, Professor, that a Pokemon's 'moves' are, in fact, not a manifestation of techniques combined with the biological advantages of a Pokemon, but an entirely different source that could potentially be harnessed? For example-"


He paused upon seeing one of the Pokedexes lift straight up from the plate and into Blitz's hands, the soft glow from his eyes fading as he stood up and walked for the door.


"Intriguing," Orion stated. "It seems odd that a person from Saffron City has never seen a psychic before, considering that Sabrina makes her home there, but... that is truly a phenomena. I wonder..." He faded off as he retreated to his thoughts. After a few moments, he stood up. "If my own journey would help with the research of another, then so be it. I would love to come by and hear your theories on the matter, the next time the I get a chance." He stood up and, carefully taking a Pokedex and pocketing it (thinking to take it apart later and integrate it into his glove), offered his hand to the professor. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, sir. I'll make sure it doesn't go to waste."


As he stood up, the Pichu perked its ears up before jumping out of the shelves and coming to stand next to him with a salute and a firm "Pi, pichu pi!"

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Jake walked up to the tray and snatched a pokedex from it. "Haha, I certainly could use a new pokedex," he said enthusiastically.


Jake remembered when he broke his last pokedex. "Thinking back... perhaps it wasn't the best idea to skydive with an easily frightened Plusle. Not only did she discharge and fry my pokedex, but she had nightmares for weeks after that. Poor girl," Jake thought as he began looking over his new pokedex.


He looked up to notice that Blitz had actually levitated his pokedex to himself. "A psychic huh? It's been a while since I last met one," he whispered to himself. He caught up to Blitz and answered his question in a single phrase "Oreburgh City, Sinnoh."


"Well thanks for the pokedex professor. I'd love to stay and chat about research, but I've got run, Maybe next time, eh?" Jake shouted as he made for the door. Jake really did love talking about research, he even considered one day settling down and becoming a Pokemon professor himself, but Jake was impatient and ready for an adventure.


"It was nice to meet all of you. Catch you guys outside." Jake shouted as he opened the door. Jake wasn't really one for formal introductions. As far as he was concerned you were his friend upon first sight, at least until you betrayed him or something along that lines.


"You ready to set out boy," he asked his Electrike. Bright Lightning looked at him with excitement and determination. The two left through the door. Jake elegantly walking out and Bright Lightning closely following him behind.

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@Drago Ryder


Kyubi nodded slightly at what the professor said and took a pokedex of her own. Of course, she had noticed Blitz use telekinesis and was honestly amazed by it. The trainer, with Masamune on her shoulders walked to catch up to the psychic and walked beside him. "Hey, do you mind if I join you? I figured it be better for new trainers to a region to partner up or something like that."





Name: -Masamune

Pokémon: Ralts

Type: Psychic

Gender: Male

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Synchronize

Level: 5






Forgotten Moves: None

Additional Information: None



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Blitz glanced at Kyubi with a raised brow. He hadn't actually traveled with a human companion before, so it might actually provide some new experiences for him. He also knew that she had seen him use telekinesis and while psychics weren't exactly the most welcome of people, she asked to join him. The teen then relaxed slightly and gave a smile. "Sure. I don't see why not." He said. "Do you mind if I establish a telepathic link?"

(Here are the rest of the Pokemon. I would've had this in my last post but picture limit.)

My party

Name: -Azula
Pokémon: Fennekin
Type: sig-4647419.sig-4646722.fire.gif
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magician
Level: 5
-Tail whip
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None



@MiniKirby123 @TheGoldenRoman @Unicorncob @P-Jay


Zelkovia smiled at the trainers and their pokemon. They would certainly form strong bonds, and perhaps not make the same mistakes he had in his life. "Oh, by the way, you won't find many Pokémon in the city. A boat should be ready to take new trainers to the mainland at a moments notice." He said.


(P.S, Could all of you please include your current party in a section of your post? It would make it easier to keep track of who has what.)

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Kari quickly grabbed the Pokédex, feeling its weight in her hand. Light, easy to carry. Perfect.


She stretched out her arms and walked toward the door, Zephyr still perched on her hat.

"If anyone wishes to do travelling with us," she called to the others, "we shall be making our way to the dock, yes? No pressure, but all the fun times shall be had!"


With a smirk, she stuffed the Pokédex and Zephy's Pokéball in her pocket before striding out the door, ready to take on this new region.




Name: Zephyr
Pokémon: Pidgey
Type: Normal Flying
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: Tangled feet
Level: 5
-sand attack
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Violet nervously accepted her Pokedex, holding it like it would break any second. She contemplated opening it, but decided she'd save that for later, hoping that she would somehow know how to use the device. She wasn't exactly brilliant at technology.


She watched as the other trainers began to file out, and quickly put the Pokedex away into her bag along with Aster's pokeball, the Starly still comfortably sitting on her shoulder. 


Some of the other trainers were already pairing off, and, hearing the call of one of the other girls, felt a rush of confidence and decided to do the same. Catching up to the other teen (@Unicorncob), she offered a nervous smile before waving a little. "Um, hi! I hope you don't mind me taking you up on your offer. Kari, right? I'm Violet." she said, mentally fist-pumping at the fact that she didn't even stammer once. "That's a cute Pidgey you have there."





Name: Aster
Pokémon: Starly
Type: Flying Normal
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: Keen Eye
Level: 5
- Growl
- Quick attack
Forgotten Moves: None
Additional Information: None

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Orion sighed as he stuck his hand back in his pocket, having been blatantly ignored by the professor. I guess it's not all that different from home, then. He stood up and walked out the door, smiling as the Pichu quickly scaled his leg and parked itself on his shoulder.


It was a welcome weight. A counterbalance to his metal glove, if nothing else.



As he stepped outside, Orion's first glances around revealed that the four people already outside appeared to be partnering up already for their journey to the mainland. Interesting. Is it tradition to travel in pairs, he wondered, or is it just for comfort? Quietly, he walked past, the thought of having other with him heavily on his mind. He stood there, attempting to remain inconspicuous, as he listened and thought about the patterns of the others and their behavior. Well, they're all different, to be sure. The psychic seems like he's a bit out of his element- I can tell from his body posture. The other girl... is doing a good job of hiding her intentions. I'll have to pay more attention to her. Kari is very assertive and bold; she seems like she would make a great friend if I approached her. And... Violet, she said... she seems on edge. Her posture states both shyness and a sense of self-accomplishment. Maybe that's the first time she ever approached someone before?


@@MiniKirby123, @@Unicorncob,


While Orion was thinking to himself, the Pichu had climbed up to his head, where, upon looking around, spotted the Pidgey and the Starly of the two girls nearby. With a large smile, it waved and proclaimed very loudly to the two Pokemon, "Pichu!!!"


Name: Pichu
Pokémon: Pichu
Type: Electric
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Level: 5
Ability: Lightning Rod (If on the field, all Electric-type moves automatically target this Pokemon. This Pokemon is immune to Electric type moves. (x 0)
- Thunder Shock (Electric; Moderate Damage + 10% chance to paralyze )

- Tail Whip (Normal; Reduces Defense)
Forgotten Moves: N/A
Additional Information: Met at Lv. 5 at Professor Zelkovia's Lab


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