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You just caught the user above you in a pokeball!


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I hope you like chess :fluttershy:.


Yeees. I like this game :D


EDIT: Oh, it said member, not avatar^^;; sorry about that...hmn. He likes pinkie. Maybe he'll like to party with me, too? :D


I hope my origional post didn't offend...:(

Not at all :fluttershy:. It happens often :wacko:.


Hrmm, maybe it'd be easier if it were avatar...

  • Brohoof 1
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I hope you like chess :fluttershy:.



Not at all :fluttershy:. It happens often :wacko:.


Hrmm, maybe it'd be easier if it were avatar...

Yeah, i think it would be easier if it were avatar xD; espesally cuz i rarely ever chat with people here outside of games....so i don't really get to know them that well personally o_O; i prefer to keep it that way, for now...


EDIT: Woot i just caught a chess player i wonder how good he is xD

Edited by PinkuRiku
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I really only watched the first series completely; not that I didn't watch the others, but I guess il mostly familiar with Kanto :) .


I guess if you play pokemon go, we're all in Kanto :orly:.


Who's training who :-p?

Edited by 95-Wolf
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Yay! Now i can feel like a baby lion :D RAWR! Or a dinosaur xD


I also taught you...NYAAN! Cuz your sig reminds me of nyaan cat xD It does a lot of damage to your foes, but also lowers your special attack by one level everytime you use it. Which does make it better than simular moves cuz its only one level instead of two or three :P

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Heheh, like an Entei :derp:.


Lawl I hadn't thought about it that way :-p . I guess that makes it one of my specials :wacko:. It must be super effective against..... who knows what  types:wacko:.


I shall also teach you *looks at your avatar* .... flash...blind, flashblind :-p ! It blinds your enemies temporarily for you to attack :wacko:.

  • Brohoof 1
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Heheh, a bit biased aren't we :-P ?Sounds powerful indeed :wacko:.


Well aside from moves.... hrmm, what candies do you like :catface:?


WHoops ninja'd :derp:. I will train you to use... hrmm, radiant moonbeams :wacko:. (it's actually a song but your avatar makes me think of it!).

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Hrmm, what if I didn't want you to battle since then you'd be hurt :C . Unless you like battling :fluttershy:.


Although I guess they all do like it :derp:.

Edited by 95-Wolf
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I like battling a little! But i prefer contests :P I think...


I wonder: Do you like to battle? Strong pokemon, or weak pokemon? I may try to teach you a powerful move if you do, btw. So that no one can beat my powerful pokemon partner har har harrr power can be fun to have^^

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Yeh battling is fun I guess :fluttershy:.


Ooh contests :o . So like cool moves and performances :proud:?


Teach me :-o !


*feeds you candy xp *

Candy won't work on me :P I prefer fruit. Yes, and i have a pinkie pie av lol


I like cute moves! I enjoy being cute :D


I could totally teach you to be a contest pokemon! You like coolness, right? I could teach you something like thunderbolt and quick attack, then. Both are cool.

  • Brohoof 1
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