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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne


She nods and smiles at him "Well that is true, if you're known for being a total badass, ponies are less likely to try to take advantage of you" she says with a soft smile, She then sighs "I'm sorry I keep talking about business, but it's just so troubling to me" she says "and it doesn't add up, plus I do have friends here, what if they are attacked and killed? 'Brosia could surely protect herself but Shrug and Elbow..they can't"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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She then sighs "I'm sorry I keep talking about business, but it's just so troubling to me" she says "and it doesn't add up, plus I do have friends here, what if they are attacked and killed? 'Brosia could surely protect herself but Shrug and Elbow..they can't"


"I guess that haven't crossed my mind. Raiders coming to the town, I mean..." Garreth brought his left hand under his chin, still using his right to deliver the salad to his mouth on schedule. "Come to think of it, they can basically come in and take whatever they want now. Let's just hope it's not in their agenda, whatever THAT might me... Actually, why don't you brief me on the matter: when you got first raids, what was stolen, you know. Give me an idea of how things progressed over time. You said they got bolder and are better equipped than they used to be." Then he added - " I know I may s well sk the sheriff, but, you know,something tells me he'd whiewash things for an outsider to look better."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"When it all first started, it was all the usual sort of things, cattle rustling,  bank and store robberies, coach hold ups, the usual stuff that you see in westerns." she begins and then sighs "then it started getting worse, arson, kidnappings, killings and the sort" she says softly and continues to eat her food "It would seem they're even organizing bigger and bigger raids, possibly trying to start a civil war?" she suggests and looks at "I don't even know why they kidnap poor ponies who can't pay ransoms"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The griffon nodded while listening, and after a slight pause offered his opinion - "You know that does sound a bit strange. I mean, tehy started out as regular highwayponies taking advantage of travellers, then moved up to kidnappings for ransom and other more... advanced acts. But somewhere along the road they shifted from milking the area for easy coin to organised raids, bank robberies and kidnappings without ransom? I'm guessing obviously, but maybe there was a change in leadership? Or they were hired by somepony else and carry out their orders? Raids provide what they or their employer needs, but they must have some sort of intel where to get it, like in my case - it's rather hard to believe they got so lucky by just standing there. As for the kidnappings of ponies who obviously can't pay any ransom, maybe they need workforce? There were lots of mines in the southern regions, maybe some are reopened? That would explain where they get the money for all that gear..."


As his trail of thought arrived to the end station, Garreth took the opportunity to take a sip of his tea.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley thought about it for a while "that does make sense and it had crossed my mind from time to time, slave labor to to mine for minerals, gold and the heavens know what else" she says with a deep frown "If that's the case, then I'll be doing this with minimal pay. I despise slavers" she scowls and almost lets out a growl. She then shakes her head "I also have just thought of another theory about how they knew about the shipment, what if they kidnapped the Deputy and tortured it out of him?" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth noticed the change in his companion's demeanour wwhen she reflected on the slavery option.  He knew she wouldn't like it, but, all things concerned, it seemed like a real possibility. And if they were needed here to work, maybe they could be saved...


As for the deputy...


"It is a possibility. Not a pleasant one, but still. All the more reason to check those cables he was told to see. Maybe we could find some clues,  or even the pony himself. Hopefully alive of course"


Good thing he finished his salad. The talk of tortures, slavery and death was far from appetising.


The griffon sighed. He knew what had to be said. And done. So much for the quick raid to get back his stuff and return to his life in Manehattan...


"Harley... For what it's worth, I want you to know that whatever is really happening here, I'm staying with you till we put an end to this. Or it puts an end to us for that matter, but let's concentrate on the first option, shall we? It's not just some degenerates stealing a truck from the wrong person, at least not anymore. I just know that, even if I returned home and met no repercussions, I just... couldn't bear it if one day I read in the newspaper that Appleloosa was burned by this group, for instance. So, yeah, I guess you're not getting rid of me just yet." Then he added half joking: "my ancestors would be mad if they knew I volunteered for something like that, and without payment too... some griffon I turned out to be."

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@@Raven Rawne


She nods and sips on her drink "Sometimes it isn't about the pay but your own conscience dear" she says then smiles as she holds his hands in hers "We're in this together, I'll have your back and you'll have mine" she says and kisses his cheek then sighs "as much as we might not want to, it would be best to tell the sheriff of our theories, he may even be able to elaborate, send out some scouts to find out if they're true or not" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Sometimes it isn't about the pay but your own conscience dear"



Garreth just nodded. He knew it was the right thing to do, but, he wasn't sold on the idea. After all, heroes get fancy graves...




"We're in this together, I'll have your back and you'll have mine"


Well, maybe this time we skip the grave part... - he thought. Harley seemed more than capable of holding her own, so as long as he won't screw up royally and get himself killed, maybe it won't be so bad.




"as much as we might not want to, it would be best to tell the sheriff of our theories, he may even be able to elaborate, send out some scouts to find out if they're true or not" 


Garreth responded with some resignation - "Well, I guess you're right... If you think he will cooperate instead of saving his reputation that is. I don't know him one bit but, as far as I can tell from our brief meeting, he seems to be somepony who knows the job, but should consider retirement from active duty, you know. Sit behind that desk, teach the young guns and call the shots. He doesn't look like the action type, not anymore, and not in that suit for sure! (he chuckles) Let's just hope he sees the opportunity in us, and not a danger to his reputation as the sole peace keeper in these parts..."

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@Raven Rawne


Harley nods "You're right, he was actually training that good for nothing deputy because he wants to retire soon I believe" she says as she takes a sip from her drink "I will be honest, after this, I'm going back to Manehatten, hopefully with you with mr as well" she says, placing her hand on his "you're the first person i..i ever considered someone i could..be more than friends with"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth listened as Harley concurred with his impression on the sheriff, but the way she talked about the deputy was... unsettling. Like the pony was not worthy of the badge he was carrying.


Then Harley changed the subject, and caught the griffon off guard, again. Truth be told, he was interested in her, at least after she showed interest in him, but it seems he needed some time to get used to her straightforward approach.


He noticed her taking his hand, and gently returned the gesture. Then, he looked into her eyes and replied: "If we live through this mess, then you are more than welcome in my home in Manehattan. I guess it's the least I can do. As for the second part of your statement... (he smiled genuinely) I guess it's safe to say that I feel something for you too. I would go to dragon lands if you said you'll be there. I don't know how things will go, but I'd give it a try, you know."


Suddenly acutely self aware of his banter, the griffon shut up before he said something stupid and awaited the mare's reaction.

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles "Well the same goes for you" she says "I have an apartment myself" she says and then finishes her food and places her fork down "Well, we got a little more time, Anything you'd like to do before we go back to the shop?" she asks and smiles at him, "I could show you some of the spots"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth noticed that Harley didn't continue the topic of their mutual feelings, perhaps for the best, considering his tendency to talk nonsense when these things are concerned...


Once he noticed that Harley was awaiting his reply, he quickly provided one.


"I uhh, sure, why not. Anything close enough to be safe? I don't want another skirmish, this time without my gear... Oh and, I kinda bet that my place in Manehattan is like, four times smaller than yours... if that penthouse is any indication that is. A tiny studio is all I could get a hold of."


The griffon sipped the last of his tea, and since he already finished his meal, he motioned the waiter to offer him the bill. Thankfully it was within his budget,  45 bits total. 270 bits left in the wallet...

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@@Raven Rawne


"mmm you'll see" she says softly as she stands up then offers her arm to him "I know a pretty good secluded look out spot, An old water tower" she says as they begin walking out of the small cafe "I often go there to scope out the roads, see if there were any stragglers, that sort of thing" she says, then looks to him "So you have feelings for me, do you?" she asks and smiles with a swish of her tail "that's good to know"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth thought to himself - A water tower? This could be interesting. Maybe it'll offer a nice view. He was effectively grounded until he preened his wings, so a high vantage point was the next best thing to take a bird's look at the area. ...and then Harley mentioned his earlier confession, causing the griffon to slightly jolt like a kid caught by the cookie jar.


"I-I said so, didn't I? Kinda hard not to, you know. Besides, what kind of boyfriend wouldn't feel a thing huh? You called me that in public,  repeatedly."


Okay, he turned the tables this time... for once she didn't make him look like a clueless teenager.

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@@Raven Rawne,  


"I guess I did say that, didn't I?" she giggles and holds him close as they walk, she then found herself singing a tune she had heard the last time she was in Manehatten, it went something like: 

The Dark Carnival Is In Town

You Better Be Ready
Just Follow The Parade
Of Dancing Skeletons
Full Of Ghoulish Delights
Around Every Corner
Don't Tell Your Parents You're Here
They Will Soon Be Mourners

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth had to admit, this back-and-forth was beginning to be rather funny, in a good way. Best not screw it up then... A tall order, but maybe...


He raised a curious eyebrow and cocked his head a bit when Harley started to sing to herself. The song was unfamillar to him, and the lyrics weren't very uplifting, but she had nice singing voice. And so they walked, her singing to herself and him listening, for some time. Soon they were at the town's outskirts - it was a very small town indeed - and Garreth noticed a lone water tower where the pair was heading.

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles at him "Oh sorry about that, I went to a carnival last time I was at Manehatten" she says as they reach the tower and she uses her magic to unhook the rope ladder that was rolled up at the top then pulled it to make it coil down "Well,  follow me then...handsome" she says as she starts climbing up the ladder,and sas she did, Garreth could get a rather nice view of her flank, that is, if he wasn't a gentleman.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Oh sorry about that, I went to a carnival last time I was at Manehatten"


Garreth shrugged - "No problem, really. Maybe it's not my type of music but still, you sing rather nice."




"Well, follow me then...handsome"


The griffon shook his head as she climbed the first few pegs: "You're an irredeeamable tease, you know?" - he said jokingly. Once it was his turn to climb he made sure not to look up - it was a textbook opportunity for another of Harley's "tests", and he made his mind that he's rather not fail any.

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley smiles and giggles "Tease or not a tease, you love it regardless" she says as she then sits ontop of the water tower, before getting out a pair of binoculars, "you can see for miles from here" she says softly and when he sits next to her, she hands him another pair "always carry a spare" she remarks and looks around "a few small campsites, what looks like some small monsters, other than that, nothing so far"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Tease or not a tease, you love it regardless"


Garreth climbed the tower and replied while taking in the view: "It does make stuff interesting, yeah." he then hopped on the top of the tower with some assistance of his wings, where Harley took a seat, and sat biside her. He was a bit surprised by her fishing out another pair of binoculars, but said nothing but a simple "thanks". He tried to spot the things Harley mentioned, but he guessed it was more about noticing the differences between the usual than actually spotting them so easily.


Instead of trying to match her sill (and fail hopelessly), Garreth took this opportunity to scout for their probably first objective. He located the train station and followed the rails north through the binoculars. The telegraph poles were right next to them, and so could be their quarry. He could see the rails for like, a kilometer maybe? He couldn't tell really. Then one of those blasted orchards obscured the rails and cables. Seems they'll have to go there and look up close.


"I can't see much from here, but it seems the telegraph cables are intact from the station up until they disappear in that orchard over there. If I'm any indication, these guys know how to use the trees for cover, could be where they got the deputy, eh?"

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@@Raven Rawne


"It looks that way, if the telegraph lines are intact, then he must've done his job but then found some trouble" she says and continues watching the area "From what I can tell from here, these campsites are not the bandits we are looking for, but perhaps we could get them anyway, see if they know anything, bandits usually collaborate with each other" she says as she continues to scout the area "though we do have a date to go to, going out to the forest can wait until tomorrow"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth listened to Harley and nodded, then replied: "Aye, taking care of stragglers can benefit us in the long run. Even though you won't get any bounty for them, thinning their numbers is always a good idea, I guess... But not today, I agree. I want to spend one day like a civilised person you know. (He puts away the binoculars and looks at the town) One full day without killing anypony to be honest... (he sighs) I don't know how you do it but, even though it was self defense, I don't feel any... satisfaction... from stuffing these guys with lead."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I have to tell myself that if I don't stop the ponies I kill, then they're likely to kill or hurt an innocent pony" she says and puts her own binoculars away "It's the only way I can sleep at night without getting too bad a nightmares" she says and kisses his cheek as she stands up "shall we go to the shops then go back to the suite?" she asks as she waits for his answer.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth stayed silent for a moment, eyes on the town below,  thinking about what Harley said. She had a point, and a very valid one too, but he also remembered the case of one of the guards a few years back...


He stirred from his thoughts. "Huh? Oh, right, let's. You go first, I have my way to get down." - he pointed at his wings, which he extended fully and smiled. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles "Suit yourself handsome" she says as she begins the climb down, then using her magic to hook the ladder back up "there," she says, dusting herself down and smiling at Garreth who had just landed next to her "so to the gun shop first or the dressmakers?"  she asks as she begins to walk along with him back towards the town.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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