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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Dynamo smiles and strokes her mane gently. "That's a part of my nature. I always worry about those who need help, or need me. I'll always be there for you, Clocky." He leans in and kisses her forehead. "You've been through a lot and deserve happiness, my love. I promise to be there as a father to our foal, as well as a husband in the future." He winks at her before turning to see the others at work.


Celestia smiles as a letter just appeared into existence. She read the contents and sighs in relief. She turns and walks over to Dynamo and Clockwork. "I just received word that Twilight and the others are on their way now. The elements of harmony are accompanying her on the trip as well, so you'll be in good hands, Clockwork." She nuzzles the mare and gives her a reassuring smile.


Soarin nods sadly at the response. "I had a feeling you would freak out a bit from that. Now we know why she's been in the state she's been in, but hopefully things will change. Princess Luna, as well as Princess Celestia are here with us. If you know where that punk brawler is, then capture him. Restrain him and bring him over to us immediately. A bunch of us have a few words we'd like to speak to him about. See you then, Shade." He hung up and made his way over to Spitfire and Eli. "I just got off the line with Shade. She...didn't take the news too well, but she'll find him. He'll be brought over and will be interrogated, as you requested, Eli." He raises his arm and salutes to Eli to signify that his mission was accomplished.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork nods as she goes back to sleep.


Luna nods "I wouldn't expect my daughter to take it  easily, she's quite fond of our Clockwork here" she says, gently stroking Clockwork's mane and ears "and I mean she kind of is infatuated with her" she giggles "she's quite the desirable mare apparently"


Shade then looks through her mother's mirror to try and find the brawler.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles as he looks at the peaceful form of his sleeping girlfriend. Dynamo looks up to the princess of the night, as he listens to her remark. He sighs and closes his eyes as Celestia takes notice. "Is everything alright, Dynamo. You seem to have something troubling your mind." Dynamo looks up to Celestia, who is looking at him with care and concern. He shook his head, not wanting himself to lie towards the princesses. "I'm sorry, Princess Celestia. It's just...I guess I'm just confused. Hearing Luna speak about Shade makes me thing she wants to be with Clockwork, as well. I'm just not sure how this relationship will work and if there will be others, you know?" Celestia taps her chin with her hand, seeming to come to an understanding of the unicorn's plight.


Celestia walks over and places a hand on his shoulder. "Now, my dear pony. You do remember what Clockwork had said before, yes? She will love you, no matter what. Even if there are others in this relationship, she will love you all equally with all her heart." She then turns her attention towards her sister. She raises her eyebrow in curiosity and wonder. "That does bring up a good question, sister. If Shade were to be involved, then how would everyone go about this? What are of Shade's and Clockwork's feelings towards each other. Wouldn't it be awkward if the mother and daughter were involved with this lovable mare? I can understand to a degree, but there should be a limit on things, no?"


Soarin places a comforting hand on Spitfire's shoulder. "How are you holding up, honey? I don't want you to stress yourself out too much. I'll always worry about you, you know that?" He chuckles before turning his attention to Dynamo. "You shouldn't worry about anything, D-Pad. You know Clockwork will love you just as much as anyone else. You'll also have the princess of the night with you. Who knows? Maybe you and Shade will get together. You might even have your own harem, if that's okay with you." He says with a laugh, while trying to help relieve the situation.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Luna smiles and shakes her head "Don't worry about it Dynamo, even though my daughter has a thing for Clockwork...I don't think she really has the time to deal with relationships just now." she says then shakes her head, then smiles "Regardless, even if she does start dating Clockwork, my dear sister is right. Clockwork said she will love everybody equally, and you know her, she never lies. Yes she..hid the pregnancy from us, but I'm sure she had her reasons"


Spitfire looks up to Soarin and smiles "I-I'm fine darling, just worried about our little sister"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles slightly from Luna's words and smiles. "Thank you and I understand, Princess Luna. Everyone deserves happiness, but it's a shame that Shade always seem to be busy with her job." He nods while feeling guilty. "I understand that, but I've always worried, you know? I guess...I just think someone will get left out, in the end. I always try to stay with one individual and that's it. True my parents taught me that growing up, but I guess it's different for other ponies. I also guess she didn't want to burden anyone with what happened. Clockwork was always keeping things to herself growing up. After some time, she would always tell me and nobody else. I guess that's why she trusted me so much."


Celestia nods at the remark. "Luna is absolutely right and I know everything will be okay. I also think that everyone is entitled to how they find their loved ones. In Clockwork's case, she's found those who are special to her in her heart. Hopefully when the others arrive, we'll be able to make things right for everyone. Hopefully this will put Clockwork on the right trace. After getting everyone back in her life, I will not allow anyone else to take her happiness away. As the leader of Equestria, it is my job to assure all my ponies are happy and taken care of." She said while spreading her wings to show her leadership status.


Soarin nods and hugs Spitfire gently. "I'm worried about her too, sweetheart. We just need to be strong for her. I also agree with Dynamo on that last statement. She would never tell us her problems. Always trying to dodge the questions we would give her. Whenever she told Dynamo, she would take him away from prying ears and tell him and only him. It goes to show how close those two were back then. Now look at those two. They're as close as can be and they're going to be parents. Even if it's under these circumstances, I always could see them as parents." He says with a chuckle.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Luna nods "I too remember how Clockwork would be when she was younger. She was often withdrawn and more into her books about inventions and gearwork, than playing with the other colts and fillies. It is sad though, as I believe part of that is my fault, with how her father is my personal guard and the Captain of my vessel whenever i need to go on diplomatic missions" she says somewhat sadly but then smiles "Everyone is right though, come on, let us not think dark like this, what Clockwork needs now is our positivity, and I certainly don't want a certain side of me showing out just yet"


Spitfire nods as does Eli "You're right Lulu, let's all think positive, if not for our own sakes, but for hers" Eli says "and for the cubs, we can't have them knowing just yet though, we need to wait longer, so they don't get upset or suspicious"


meanwhile, Shade was on the trial of the brawler "He better prey for mercy, I won't let anything else harm my Clocky!" she growls to herself


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looks to Luna with a confused look on his muzzle. "What do you mean, Princess? I never knew anything like that from Clockwork. I guess some things were left unsaid. I can understand, but I would have to thank you. In a way, Clockwork and became very close growing up, so what you said might not be a bad thing." He nods at everyone's words of comfort and encouragement. "You guys are right. We just need to relax and keep our hope strong. If not, then who will at a time like this? I won't give up on anyone. Especially those that I truly care for with all of my heart."


Celestia looks to Luna with care and concern on her face. "Now, now, Luna. Nobody knew something like this from the past would happen now. Nobody here will blame you for anything. If you also mean what I think you mean, then please don't. I don't want to have that side of you return and cause panic. You've changed and you don't need that side of you anymore. I trust you will make the right judgement when the time is right." Seeing some confused, yet worried looks, Celestia sighs and shakes her head. "It's better if Luna tells you, but not at the moment. We just need to stay calm and be there for our friends. Any sign of Twilight and the others arriving yet?"


Soarin nods and holds Spitfire close to him. "Yeah, your right, Spitfire. We need to keep this quiet from the cubs. They are young and just won't understand. We'll all tell them when the time is right." He says and smiles at everyone. "Hey, positive is my middle name. We can keep the positive train moving along, so long as we have pie with us." He licks his lips at the thought of having some pie at the moment. He shakes his head and chuckles while blushing in embarrassment. He then goes to the window to check outside for the others. He notices a small speck in the sky making it's way to their location. "I think that's the princesses, your Highness. They're about to land at Clockwork's house." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Luna sighs "There was a time, when I was jealous of my sister and how ponies would play and revel in her daylight while they'd do nothing but sleep in the night" she says softly "My jealousy turned into Nightmare Moon and well..I had threatened eternal darkness, thankfully sister was able to banish me to the moon for a thousand moons, and then when the prophecy foretold my escape, I did but Twilight and her friends saved me from my dark side" she says then looks to Clockwork and strokes her hair "Don't you worry sweetheart, soon you will be happy, I promise, and soon you will be reunited with your father"


Eli looks out the window "I think I see them coming now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo sighs sadly as he listened to Luna's tale. "I never knew you had such a difficult past. I guess games makes up for ponies sleeping at night. Makes playing video games with friend a lot of fun. Especially with all night marathon games." He smiles and places a hand on Luna's shoulder. "I may not truly know your entire life, or what happened in your lowest moments. What I do know, is that you are a kind, sweet and a funny mare. Someone who I can truly get along with when it comes to video games. I hope when we spend time together, I hope to learn more about you, Princess."


Soarin nods at Dynamo's remark. "He's right, Miss Luna. That past is in the past and what matters is the here and now. All you can do is live in the present and work hard toward the future. Especially if what Princess Celestia said is true. I think things are looking up for you and everyone here. We just got to look at the positives in life and work hard for our futures. Just like it is when it comes to me being there for my Spitfire." He kneels down and gently palces his head against Spitfire's belly. He smiles and rubs her belly with her hand. "I'm so glad we're going to be parents, honey. We're definitely going to be great parents."


Celestia walks toward the window and saw Twilight and the others making their way to land. She turns back and nods. "Excellent and just in time, as well. Luna and I shall prepare for the spell. Just let Twilight in and relay the message from her to her. This way, she and the others will understand and be ready to help out. Hopefully this spell will turn out right." She says while turning to Luna. "Like I said and everyone else, is that your past does not define who you are today. Always take one step at a time and always stay true to what's truly in your heart and soul." 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire smiles and gently runs a hand through Soarin's mane "Did you contact Thunderlane and Cloudchaser as well dear?"


Eli chuckles at the thought of Dynamo having late night gaming sessions with Luna and shakes his head just as he hears a knock at the door. He walks over and opens it to let Twilight and her friends in, along with Cadence and Shining Armor. "We all here and ready to do this thing?"


Luna sighs "I think we should wait for Shade, she'd be of great help"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soarin nods as he felt Spitfire run a hand through his hair. "I sure did, sweetheart. They should be here in a couple of minutes. I got them to bring Rumble and Flitter as well. Since Flitter and Cloudchaser watched over Clockwork when she was young."


Dynamo nods at Luna's suggestion. "I think that would be for the best. This way we can get the brawler here and make him live with regret. Make him realize he will never get away with what he has done to Clocky. Plus, if this plan works, then he'll be in for the surprise of his life." He says with a playful smirk.


Celestia smiles as she bows at the newcomers and nuzzles Twilight. "My dear, Twilight. It is a pleasure to see you and your friends again. How are things going, Princess of Friendship?" She asks while handing the notes to the mane six and Cadence. "I'm truly glad you are all able to make it here on such short notice. Luna and I are going to need your help. We are going to help heal Clockwork from all that has happened. This spell is complex and may not work. Actually, it very well may backfire and give us some bad results. However, Dynamo and Clockwork are going to give it a try, so we should give this a try as well. Are we all in agreement?" She asks while looking at all the ponies in the room.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Twilight looked at the note, she had heard of this spell but had never heard of it being cast, let alone helping in casting it, she then looks to the sleeping mare on the couch, her eyes squint and then she gasps "You mean..." she closes her eyes "Oh Clockwork, why didn't you tell me?" she sighs then looks to Celestia "We'll definitely help, as for how we are, we're doing fine, nothing much has been happening lately, but this..this is troubling" she says then looks to Soarin "Are you sure it is wise to have the brawler brought here, he'd likely scare both Fluttershy and little Rumble, especially if he gets violent"


Spitfire looks to Soarin "Twilight has a point dear, maybe have him brought to the cells, we'll make sure he suffers, but not with easily frightened mares and foals around" she says, kissing his cheek.


Clockwork writhed in her sleep, obviously in pain and having a nightmare.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Celestia solemnly nods as she looks to the sleeping unicorn on the bed. "I don't think she could tell anyone, Twilight. With all these things going on, she tried to show she was strong willed. While that may be true, that limit was bound to be overtaken. Seeing that brawler again must have been too much for her. Hopefully with this spell, we'll be able to correct the wrong that was given." She says while taking another look at the spell.


Soarin, after some thinking, nods. "That's true, but right now Shade is on the hunt. She won't answer to anyone until she gets her target. Trust me on this one, everyone. Spitfire and I had taken her with us on a mission about a month ago. She was just like a machine when we gave her the details. She took breaks, but she didn't stop until she had found her targets. She's what a true assassin can be, so I know she'll take precaution on this punk. Whether she brings him here or not is up to her. She'll notify us and we'll see what the situation is before proceeding." He says before seeing Clockwork writing in her sleep. "Little sister? What's wrong with her? Why is she having a nightmare for?"


Dynamo's ears perked as he turns around to look at Clockwork. He panics slightly as he kneels down to hug his girlfriend. "Shh...it's okay now, Clockly. I'm right here, as well as everyone else. It's only a nightmare and nothing more. Just wake up and come back to us, sweetheart." He felt tears welling up in his eyes, due to him feeling powerless. He fights the tears back and continues to hug Clockwork, while whispering sweet and kind words to her. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire sighs "She's reliving the memories in her mind, over and over again, being taken advantage of, raped..part of her very soul dying as it happens, and it keeps replaying over and over and over in her mind, in her memories, in her nightmares" she says and sighs again as she holds the mare closely in her arms.


Twilight nods "If you are sure Tia, but this spell.it's powerful and dangerous,Starswirl never was able to test it"


Luna nods and hugs Tia as she knew that she still missed Starswirl greatly "We know Twilight, but it's important"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's starts to tremble slightly, as he hugs Clockwork even tighter in his embrace. He looks to Spitfire, who join in the embrace. He then turns his attention to the Princesses. "Isn't there anything we can do to help her? Will the spell work right now? I just don't want to see Clockwork in pain anymore. All I've ever heard upon meeting her again is pain and sadness. We all want to help her be happy again, right? Well, now is the start to a brighter future. I don't know what I need to do, but I'm ready to help." He looks at them with a look of determination. He felt tears falling down his cheek, but he shakes his head and used his hands to wipe them away.


Soarin frowns, but nods in understanding to Dynamo's remark. "We're going as fast as we can, buddy. We don't want to make any mistakes in case something happens. Though, he's got a point, Princess Celestia. If any of you are going to act, then now is the time."


Celestia felt a stray tear fall as she heard Starswirl's name, but shakes her head and narrows her eyes. "Starswirl may not have completed the spell, but every spell is capable of being completed. Just like you completed the spell that set you on the path to be a Princess. Come along, everyone. We don't have a moment to lose." She says as she and the others circled around Dynamo and Clockwork. "Spitfire, I need you to stand back. We don't want you getting caught up in the magical energies. While I get the spell ready, please tell Dynamo what he needs to do, Luna." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The girls and Luna all nod as they all begin to prepare for the spell. Meanwhile Shade was hot on the trail of the brawler, her breath hot in the chill night air and she growls to herself as she scans the area around her, searching for any scent or tell tale sign of the brawler.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Celestia looks to all the Luna and the girls, who all got into their positions. The nod to her as she began to cast the spell. The spell causes Clockwork to be surrounded by a golden aura. She looks to Dynamo while casting the spell. "Dynamo, we need you to cast your magic upon Clockwork as well. We'll use your magic coding to alter the DNA of Clockwork's foal or foals." She sighs while receiving a lost and confused look by Dynamo.


Soarin wanted to laugh at the situation, but knew there was no time for laughter. "In simple terms, we need you to cast your magic on Clocky. This way, Celestia and the others will make it so those foals are your foals." He says and smiles, as Dynamo nods in agreement. He powers up his magic and hugged Clockwork tightly. "Please let this work. We've only got one chance and I won't let this chance go to waste. I love you and I'll always be here with you, Clockwork." He says as he closes his eyes and concentrates on his magic aura. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The others all did their part and soon there was a aura of magic, a rainbow aura none the less covering Clockwork as she still writhed in her sleep, however after five minutes, the aura actually went inside of her, altering the dna of the filly or colt inside of her and altering her memories of how she became pregnant. After the spell was completed, her writing stopped and she begun to sleep a lot more peacefully, even to the point of her sucking on the tip of her tail.


Luna smiles as does everyone else "W-we did Celestia" Twilight whispers in both shock and awe "w-we successfully did and with no complications either, I c-can't believe it"


Luna smiles and nods "Indeed, shall we move her to her bed? So that she can sleep more comfortably?" she asks and giggles as she sees that Eli was already doing so, as he passes Dynamo, he gently places their sleeping marefriend into his arms "Congratulations Dynamo, welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo kept on concentrating with his magic, but felt a magical warmth surrounding both him and Clockwork. After a few minutes, the magical aura subsided, while Dynamo ceased with his magic. He sighs in relief while stroking Clockwork's mane. A smile graced his lips as he looks at Clockwork sleeping peacefully.


Soarin watches in awe at the magic unfolding before them. As the spell finally ended in success, Soarin cheers quietly and hugs Spitfire. "I can't believe it actually worked. I'm just happy to know that Dynamo and Clocky will be with each other as potential husband and wife, as well as parents to their new foals."


Dynamo smiles and nods at Eli's remark. "Thanks, buddy and I'll be the best dad I can be." He says as he turns around to thank the others, but looks at them curiously because of their shocked reactions. "Is everything okay? Why are you all looking at me like that?" Celestia calms down as she places a hand on Dynamo's shoulder. "It's because you aren't the same anymore, Dynamo. Take a look and you'll see what I mean." She says while levitating a full body mirror for him. Dynamo looked in the mirror and gasps at what she meant. The red in his mane disappeared and turned to blue/black. His fur became a bit lighter, while the blue in his eyes turned Orange. He even saw his tail change to his mane color and was shorter. "W-What's going on? Why did I change in appearance. That doesn't make sense, right? There shouldn't be a spell that changes the appearance of a pony!?" He asks as he almost begins to hyperventilate.


Celestia hugs the fearful pony and smiles in understanding. "I think I understand the reason to this change, Dynamo. The only way for this spell to work was because it needed love. You and Clockwork were friends from a young age. If you had a strong friendship, then the spell probably would have worked. Although, I'm not entirely sure that's the case. The love you share between each other was enough for the spell to work. I guess that love was so powerful, that it changed you into who you are now. It may even change Clockwork, but we'll check on that later. Are you okay with this change, young Dynamo?" She asks in worry to the blue unicorn. Dynamo soon begins to calm down and nods. "I-I'll admit that this is a great change to behold. It's almost as if I'm not the same pony anymore. However, I am Dynamo Pad and that's all that matters. It may take some time, but I definitely like the new look." He says with a smile. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire looks up at the new Dynamo and couldn't help but whistle at him "Well hello handsome" she says then pulls Soarin in "Don't worry Soar, you're the only one for me" she says, nuzzling him and kissing him "Well Luna, what do you think of your lover's new look?" she asks with a chuckle


Luna blushes "Well he is both quite handsome and cute" she says with a small giggle and then notices that Clockwork pulls Dynamo in close to her in her sleep and giggles as a small sleepy "Mine" could be heard escaping Clockwork's lips.


Meanwhile, Shade Walker was getting closer to the brawler now, she could smell his stench from a mile away.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin's jaw dropped at Spitfire trying to hit on Dynamo, but shakes his head and laughs. "That's a relief to know, Spitfire. I guess I couldn't blame you. I mean, Dynamo is going to be quite popular with the mares. Although, I know he'll only have two mares in his eyes." He returns the kiss and nuzzles her lovingly. 


Celestia giggles and blushes at the stallion's new look. "I do admit that he is quite the handsome pony. If Luna wasn't dating him, then I, myself would probably have taken the opportunity." She then leans closely to Luna while whispering in her ear, "I told you he would be the pony for you, my dear sister. While it's good you have both Eli and Clockwork in the relationship. Just don't forget about Dynamo, understand. Otherwise, I'll just take him off of your hands." She gives Luna a wink before backing away a good distance. She then looks to Twilight and the others with a proud smile. "That was an excellent job. I thank each and everyone of you for helping Luna and I out in our time of great need." She says while bowing to the others.


Dynamo blushes and rubs the back of his neck, due to Spitfire's comment. "Thank you boss, but my heart belongs to Clocky and Princess Luna. Plus, I think it would be awkward of a worker dating their boss. No offense, or anything like that." He chuckles and nods at Luna's remark. "Thank you for the compliment, Princess Luna. I'm glad you like the new look." He was caught off guard, as he was pulled into an embrace by Clockwork. He laughs at her remark, before wrapping his arms around her. He leans in closely to her ear and whispers, "I'm all yours, Clockwork. I love you, so very much." He kisses her cheek and nuzzles her lovingly, as he lays down next to his girlfriend.


The brawler, Switchblade, sat grumbling on a stool in the Golden Sprocket bar. He took another sip of his cola before slamming his fist on the table. "The nerve of that Spitfire and Soarin. Couldn't get a chance to even see that mare of mine. Even that no good stallion with her. Who does he think he is? What was his name? I think it was Dynamo Pad, yeah that's the one. He's that there Wonderbolt flight captain. What a bunch of nonsense. What could my Clockwork see in a pony like him. I'll find them all one day and make them sorry they ever crossed me." He chuckles as the earth pony ordered another cup of soda.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad,


Twilight, the girls, Cadence and Shining Armor all nod "It was a pleasure auntie Tia, clockwork is our friend, and we'd do anything for her" Cadence says as she gently nuzzles Clockwork, who was still sleeping but now snuggled up with Dynamo, she smiles "well Shining and I need to return to the Crystal Empire, but first, where are the two little darlings?" she asks, looking around then smiles as she sees the two foal-kits as they both squeal and run to her.


"Aunty Cadence! Uncle Shiny!" They squeal in delight and run to them, hugging both of them tightly. Eli just smiles and gently pets them "Hello sweeties, please try to be more quiet, your mummy is sleeping and need her rest" he says softly and they both nod.


Luna smiles "They really are little darling angels"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo smiles and nods appreciatively to the others. "Thank you, everyone. Hopefully Clockwork will be able to rest easy now. Now all we need is to bring that brawler in and things will get better." Soarin nods to Dynamo's remark. "We'll find him and make him sorry. For now we can relax and be thankful that Clockwork is going to pull through."


Celestia nods and smiles at her niece's remark. "It warm my heart how strong friendships one can have. It's truly a strong and powerful magic in the long run. Just like a certain princess of friendship learned a long time ago." She winks and giggles as Briar and Lilith ran to Cadence and Shining. Dynamo shakes his head and chuckles. "Don't worry, Eli. Clockwork is resting easy now. It looks to me like she won't wake up for a while. Plus, I don't think I'll be able to move for a while. It looks like she's not letting go. Not that I don't mind, to be honest." He chuckles softly as he holds Clockwork closely to him. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Luna smiles and giggles "Don't worry Dynamo, I've taken the liberty to have a chariot come here to take you and Clockwork to the palace, so that the others and I can finish packing up and moving everything, while Clockwork can rest easily in a nice and comfy bed without worrying." she says and looks out the window "Looks like it is here, go on hun, you get her settled and comfy, keep her company and when everything is done, I'll show you my gaming den if you'd like" she says as she helps pack the food in the fridge and cupboards into boxes and cold boxes.


Meanwhile, Shade found the brawler at the bar, she noticed he was intoxicated "Good he's drunk" she says as she creeps up on him, but what she heard him saying about Clockwork and the others made her blood boil. "I'll make his suffering long and painful"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo sighs and nods. "That's a relief. You really do plan ahead in case of an emergency. Isn't that right, Princess Luna?" He asks as Celestia giggles. "You don't know the half of it, Dynamo. When video games were being tested, she made sure to plan ahead to be first in line. She had a checklist on taking precaution, to even a back up plan in case the old back up plan failed. Trust me, when Luna plans ahead, she really does plan ahead." Dynamo chuckles and shakes his head while smiling. 


Soarin looks out the window and nods. "That's what I call going to the palace in style. It even got here in record time. We'll see you and Clockwork at the palace soon. If anything comes up, we'll notify you as soon as we can." Dynamo nods and maneuvers out of Clockwork's grip. He picks her up bridal style before making his way outside the house. He glances back to the other ponies in the room. "Thanks and we appreciate that. We'll see you guys soon and I'll take you up on the offer, Princess Luna." He chuckles as he steps onto the chariot. He places the sleeping Clockwork in a sitting position, before sitting down in the chariot himself. The chariot soon hovers off the ground and takes flight to the palace.


Switchblade quickly looks around the area. He couldn't understand why, but he felt as if there was some lingering, ominous feeling hanging in the air. "Why do I sense and ill omen?" He sighs and shook his head. "I must have had too much cola today. I've got to come up with a plan to get back at those punks from last night. Once I do, the'll never know how I got the drop on them." He chuckles softly, as he makes his way to pay and exit the Golden Sprocket.

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