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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Orange Sparks

Celestia nods in appreciation towards Luna. "Thank you so much, Luna. This family all deserves happiness and harmony right now. Times have been difficult, but things will get better from here on out." She says as Thunderlane walks up to Eli. He places a comforting hand on his shoulder and offers a kind smile. "I know you missed them, but now you can all be together. I know exactly how you feel though, Eli. I don't know what I would do if I was separated from my brother or Cloud and Flitter. We are all family and family should always stick together. We are all here for you and the others. Friends should stick together as well, you know?"

Soarin nods, but looks to Spitfire with a solemn expression. "I'm sorry, but you know it's true. I don't want anything to happen to you. Plus...I don't think Clockwork knows. Don't you remember? This happened when they were separated from each other. He called me and told me not to say anything to Clocky. She'll have to know eventually and we'll be there to help. Hopefully it'll turn out okay, in the end." He says while pulling Spitfire into a hug.


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@Dynamo Pad

Eli nods and smiles as he wipes his tears away and hugs his pups close to him "I know, I just..being away from them for so long, it was tearing my heart to pieces" he says and smiles at Thunderlane "thanks Thunder,  I know it'll be hard to adjust at first, but I'll soon get used to it" he says and smiles at everyone "I sure do hope that Clockwork is feeling better, so uhm, you said that the spell altered her memories as well? Does that mean she won't know that they were originally Switch's foals and that she was raped by him? If so, if we're going to tell Dynamo, it might be best to do so when he's not around her" he suggests

Spitfire sighs "I know sweetheart,I'm just so used to doing everything by myself, you know?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Thunder smiles and nods towards Eli. "Your welcome, bro. You're right that things will be difficult at first, but we'll all be here to help you. Everything will be better for the future from now on."

Soarin raises an eyebrow and nods at Eli's remark. He then turns his attention towards the two princesses. "I remember you and Princess Luna were talking about that. How does the spell do something like that? Isn't that considered bad to tamper the memories of someone?" He asks and Celestia sighs with a nod. "In normal circumstances, yes it would be, but now it's not. Clockwork was suffering and she needed to be saved. We can all agree that the spell helped her and everyone here for the better." She says while turning to Eli and nods once more. "I think it would be wise for him to know this. I don't know if we should ever tell Clockwork, but if she does know, then she'll understand. When there's an opportunity, then we'll pull Dynamo aside and talk to him about it." She says as the chariot neared it's destination.

Soarin nods with a slight chuckle. "That's just like Dynamo's dad used to be. You just need to learn to accept help from time to time. I know you're capable of handling yourself in different mission situations, but you know you can't handle everything alone. Having friends and loved ones help you takes stress off of you and the foals. No matter what, I'll always help you out Spitfire." He says before pulling her closely to him. He kisses her cheek and rubs her belly.



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@Dynamo Pad

Eli nods and smiles at them all "Good idea, as for clockwork, I'm not sure she'd be able to handle hearing that not only had her memories been changed but that she was also raped. It'd truly break her spirit, which is something,  I am sure none of us wants to happen" he says.

Luna nods "I think I shall postpone my little playdate with Dynamo, Clockwork needs him the most now" she says thoughtfully, much to the agreement of the others in the carriage.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Soarin reluctantly nods in agreement. "It's unfortunate, but we have no choice. She deserve to know what happened, but she might gain those memories back. With a spell so powerful, there must be a drawback to it. I just hope she isn't angry that we would have to keep those secrets from her."

Celestia nods at Soarins remark. "It can't be helped and yes that's correct. The spell can bring some memories back. Sometimes the one affected will regain all their past memories and sometimes they won't. It just depends on what happens next, but I know we'll get through this." She gives Luna a sad smile and nods once more. "I'm sorry to hear that Luna, but it can't be helped. I know Clockwork will be sticking close to Dynamo for a little while. After everything that has happened, she needs him the most right now." She then walks over and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You'll get a chance to spend time with him soon. Knowing there are video games is something he wants to look into. You might be able to spend time with him tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see what develops." She says as the chariot touches down at the castle grounds.

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna nods and smiles at everyone "It's alright everyone, while i have been feeling lonely, I do know when not to intrude onto something important, and right now Clockwork needs him more than I do," she says with a nod then gets up as the carriage touches ground and she gets out, spreading her wings with a sigh, "Ah it feels good to spread my wings once more," she says and begins walking to the entrance "Shall we at least go tell Dynamo the news that Switch has been caught and will be dealt with? It might also help him settle down"

Eli smiles and wags his tail as he held the pups in his arms 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Soarin smiles softly while kissing Spitfire's cheek. "We're glad you understand, Princess Luna. Hopefully things will be better for our little brother and sister. Maybe in a day or so, things will calm down enough that everything will go back to normal. Maybe you'll get to spend time with the others, but at least everyone is still at the castle now. If you ask me, it's better than nothing. At least we're not in worst shape than we were before."

Celestia sighs while stretching her wings. She and the others step off of the carriage and begin walking toward the castle. "I know what you mean Luna." She leans closely to her sister and whispers, "It would have been nice to fly. You never really get to do that anymore while being a princess. You just can't go anywhere without a guard around. It's a little mundane, in my opinion." She giggles while leaning back and nods. "We can find a guard and have them escort us. We'll find Dynamo and Orange and talk to Dynamo privately. I sure hope the two of them are enjoying their stay at the castle."

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@Dynamo Pad

Eli smiles and nods as he purrs and wags his tail "I guess this is going to be home now, I must say I will miss my homeland, it's where I grew up, met Clocky and had and begun raising our pups before everything happened" he says but continues to purr and wag his tail "It'll take time to get used to though" he says before he feels a weight on his tail and looks down to see a little filly sleeping on it, he chuckles as she looked like a fair bit like Luna "I didn't know you have a filly Lu" he says as he gently wraps his tail around the little one.

Luna giggles "Oh Flight Song" she says softly "Well yes, she's...my daughter I had with my ex before he...before he was killed"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Thunderlane smiles to Eli as he stared up at the castle. "It's rare being able to be here. I remember only going here once when it was the Grand Galloping Gala. I think it's a great experience for you. Think of it as a new chapter in your life together with family." He says as Celestia nods. "That's a great way of thinking, Thunderlane. You'll be used to the palace in time. It was the same way for you children when they were living here. As long as you can get used to the multiple doors that look the same." She says with a giggle.

Soarin looks to see the filly resting on Eli's tail. "She looks really cute. She almost looks just like you, Princess Luna." He says but gasps in surprise to Luna's sudden remark. "I never knew you were married, Princess. When we learned about your history in school, it was never noted that you had a husband. I guess the information we learned was outdated. I'm really sorry to hear that. What was his name? What happened to him? You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." 

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Luna smiles and nods "His name was Shadow Step, and he was the king of the Shadow Lands, Little Flight was only two when he died, it was of a mysterious illness just after...after my little incident with Nightmare Moon" she explains and soon takes the sleeping filly into her arms by using her magic and strokes her mane "She may not look it, but she is about seven now" she says and nods to Thunderlane "That is true and what Tia said is true, it took the little pups some time, but they soon got used to it, just mind yourself Eli, some doors are not meant to..be opened just yet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Soarin nods and bows sadly at the princess of the night. "I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I hope all has been well since then." He stands from his bow to raise and eyebrow in confusion. "You said a mysterious illness. Was it ever recorded or looked into? Is it also dominant in his genes, or is it hereditary?" He asks as Celestia shakes her head. "At the current moment, we aren't sure. Hopefully Flight shouldn't have the same illness. If so, then we'll make sure to take care of the problem. Flight has been such a good filly and has kept the kits company."

Thunderlane sighs in relief at Luna's remark. "That's good to hear. I would hate to be lost in a castle where every door is the same. I remember one time I was visiting Princess Twilight's castle. I saw Starlight Glimmer stumbling around the corridors. I tried to navigate the castle, but found myself getting lost. It took Cloudchaser to find us, since we were lost for about two to three hours. They should really put signs on what room is what on each door. That way nobody would have to get lost." He says as Rumble chuckles at his big brother. "I remember that. I was afraid something happened to you, so we went and searched for you. Cloud, Flitter and I finally found you, but Cloud got mad at you. She thought you were cheating on her with Starlight, but I stayed out of the situation. I learned to never get in the way of an angry mare."



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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles "Tia is right, but I just wonder how Dynamo will react to me having a filly, I mean, I'm sure he will be happy, but it might be a bit of a shock to him" she says as she hugs Flight close to her chest and strokes her mane gently along with her ears, "Come on, let us go get your rooms sorted out, then we can go check on Dynamo and Clockwork, and then..the unpleasant stuff" she says with a somewhat frown on her face.

Spitfire notices and shakes her head, placing a hand on the princess' shoulder "You go have fun with Dynamo sweetheart, I'm sure that the boys and Tia can deal with Switch, I won't be participating in interrogating him myself either, it'd probably be too stressful and I've been told that stress is a high risk factor for miscarriages" she says and finds a plush lounge seat to sit down on, smiling at Soarin "Soarin love, you go interrogate that son of a.." she stops herself "you go interrogate the prisoner with Thunderlane and Tia, I'm sure that Rumbler and Cloud probably don't want to partake in that"

They both shake their heads as Rumbler cuddles close to Cloudchaser and shivers a little. "Scawy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Celestia rests a comforting hand on Luna's shoulder. "Oh, Luna. I wouldn't worry about that. He may be surprised at first, but I know he'll be very accepting of Flight. He accepted that he'll be the father to Clockwork's children. I know he'll love being a father to Flight as well. You must not forget about Eli now. He'll be like a father to Flight just like Dynamo will be." 

Soarin nods and smiles at Spitfire. "You can count on me, sweetheart. I'll make sure to take care of Switch for you. You just rest up. You can tell Cloudchaser the details of the mission for her and Thunderlane. Eli can also go with us. This way, we'll have strength in numbers when dealing with our opponent." Thunderlane nods and pats his brother on the head. He ruffles his mane while smiling at his younger brother. "Everything will be just fine, little brother. You just stay with Flitter and Cloud and we'll be right back." He says before standing up to join Celestia and the others. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles and nods "I know you're right Celestia dear, but still, I don't want him to feel overwhelmed" she says and gently cradles the filly in her magic as she straightens out her dress "I think Spitfire has a point, I don't think I'd be able to handle even seeing the...culprit, I was barely holding Nightmare Moon back from just hearing about what he did. Despite what others think, she does care about others than just herself" she says softly and walks up to Dynamo and Clockwork's room,  She smiles and gently knocks on the door "Dynamo?" she asks gently, peeking into the room.

Flitter just hugs Rumbler "It's okay sweetie, your big brother will be brave enough for the two of you, and he will make sure nothing happens to us" she says and snuggles up to him, wrapping her wings around him lovingly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Celestia frowns, but nods and smiles softly. "We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. I know he'll have foals to look after with Clockwork. However, it isn't like he isn't alone in this. Dynamo has you, Clockwork and Eli. True, it may sound difficult to help take care of the children, but at least nobody is alone in this. Everything will work out in the end for all of us. I promise you that, my dear sister." She makes sure that Soarin and the others were ready before walking over to the door. "Now if you'll excuse us, but we have an important meeting to get to. I promise that this will not take very long." She starts to walk away, but stops and glances at her sister once more. "I know Nightmare Moon may seem evil, but I believe she is misunderstood. She at least shows that she has a heart and can care for others." She says and walks off toward the dungeon.

Meanwhile, Dynamo continues to hug and snuggle Clockwork in their room. He jumps slightly at a noise, but heard that it was a knock at the door. His ears perked at someone addressing him. He smiles and saw that it was Luna peeking into the room. "You can come in, Princess Luna. Clockwork is still resting a bit from the earlier ordeal. How are you doing? Is everything okay? Also, is everyone here?" Back with Spitfire and the others, Rumble nods and returns Flitter's hug. "I know he will protect all of us, but sometimes I worry about him. He never thinks anything through and can sometimes get hurt in the end. Hopefully, things will be just fine." He says while nuzzling his girlfriend. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles as she walks in, still cradling Flight song in her arms "Everything is alright sweetheart, and yes, everyone is here. Spitfire, Flitter, Cloudchaser and Rumbler are in the living room of the palace while my sister and the others went to...interrogate you know who  Shade got him and he's in the dungeon as we speak" she says, sitting down on the edge of the bed "Oh, I thought you should know that I do have a filly, right here, her name is Flight Song, her father..died long ago" she says softly "anyway dear, I was wondering if you'd like to go see my gaming den?"

Flitter nods and hugs Rumbler "Thunderlane is like that, but he is just doing what he believes is the right thing to do, besides he has Soarin, Shade and Celestia there to keep him in line"

Meanwhile, back in the dungeons, Shade was taunting Switch by holding up one of the 'trinkets' and swinging it in front of him out of reach "See this? It's a replica of the real thing, which there is only one of" she says "Here, I'll show you" she throws it to the ground and shoves her shadow blade into it, and it shatters into pieces like a cheap plastic toy.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Dynamo smiles and sighs in relief. "I'm glad everyone was able to make it to the castle." He narrows his eyes slightly at the mention of the culprit. "I'm guessing Princess Celestia is taking care of the situation? Should we let Clockwork know about this? If not, then I guess we shouldn't say anything." He whispers while gently petting Clockwork on the head. He then notices the tiny filly in Luna's arms. "She looks adorable Princess Luna. I'm also really sorry to hear about the loss of your husband." He says while nodding apologetically to Luna. He raises and eyebrow as he glances at Clockwork. "I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong because I would love to see the video games you have. It's just that Clockwork is here and is asleep. I feel as though she needs me right now, but I do want to spend time with you. Is there any way we can compromise this situation?"

Rumble smiles softly and nods at Flitter's remark. "I'm glad he has the others to back him up. He may be silly, but he's still my big brother. I wouldn't have it any other way. Hopefully, all this crazy nonsense will be resolved." He hugs Flitter and nuzzles her lovingly.

Meanwhile in the dungeon, Switchsat in the corner of his cell. He sighs while he waited for someone new to show up. He opens his eyes to discover that Shade was holding the 'trinket.' He growls slightly as he moved to the bars that contained him. "Those trinkets are one of a kind and not easy to discover. I can't believe I would give them to those fools. They always act so confident when those trinkets are in their possession." His eyes shrink as he watches Shade destroy the amulet. Hearing that it was a replica made him sigh in relief, but it didn't take away the glare he was giving her. "You better turn over the real amulet to me, or you will regret that decision later on." He says while slamming his hands against the cell bars. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Luna smiles as she looks over to the resting Clockwork and nods "Of course Dynamo, I understand, well I'll be in the dining room, scoffing down food to relax a little" she says with a giggle and nuzzles him "You look after Clockwork now" she says, standing up again and cradling her little filly in her arms "As for the loss of my husband, it is sad yes, but he would want me to be happy and find new love, a new love I believe I have found in you" she says, kissing his cheek before taking Flight to her room to slay her down to sleep.

Flitter smiles and nods "Indeed sweetheart, Thunderlane knows what he is doing, why don't we go see if we can get something to eat and drinking in the dining room" she says, taking his hand and walking with him.

Shade just laughs "Switch, Switch, Switch... You're naught but a foal to me, you have no idea just how long I have actually lived for, I'm as immortal and ageless as my mother"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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