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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo smiles and nods at Spitfire's remark. "When you put those good points together, you've got the ultimate tag team. It seems Clocky and I were more of a perfect match than we thought, huh?" He says as glances slightly and chuckles. Soarin returns the kiss and smiles softly at his marefriend. "It would be obvious on how they would react, Spitz. We would all be sad and question why this could have happened. I know you, myself and D-Pad would take it the worst. I know Surprise and Blaze wouldn't take it well either. I mean, Clock helped in getting those two together and they've been inseparable. No need to worry though. I know every one of the Wonderbolts will be able to help Clock through her dilemma." He nuzzles her lovingly as they neared the Golden Sprocket.


Dynamo smiles softly as he nuzzles his marefriend. "Okay, my love. I'd really like that a lot. I'm just really happy to have you in my life again. I'll also promise you this. We will always be together forever." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Spitfire nods "Indeed, Blaze especially, she may act tough like me, but really, she is a very sensitive soul" she says and smiles, resting her head on his shoulder then looks to Dynamo and Clockwork "this job is very important, if this goes well, You'll both get a upgrade" she says with a soft smile and kisses Soarin "Apart from that mishap at the bar, tonight has been absolutely wonderful" she says with a soft sigh and holds his arm lovingly, feeling him wrap a wing around her, she blushes but glares at Clockwork as she lights up a cigarette.


Clock looks at her "Wha? I can't let them go to waste luv" she says in a somewhat cockney accent "This'll be my last pack, promise" she says as she sighs after a much needed toke on her cigarette.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin chuckles and smiles, as he felt Spitfire rest her head upon his shoulder. "She can act a bit like you at times. It's scary to think that you two look so similar. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out on who is who."


Dynamo chuckles as he nods at Soarin's statement. "I know what you mean, Soar. I think the only difference is the yellow streak in Spitz mane. I used to be confused when I had to report to Spitfire." He chuckles nervously while rubbing a hand through his mane. His eyes widen slightly as he has a small smile upon his muzzle. "That sounds pretty interesting. I know Clocky and I will do our best to complete this job. Maybe when we get to the Golden Sprocket, you can explain how the job and promotion will work?" He asks as they neared the building.


Soarin nods as he felt Spitfire kiss him. He returns the kiss and soon breaks apart and sighs happily. "You've got that right, my love. This has been a pretty good night overall. It's really nice seeing some of our recruits meeting up and seeing them together." His eyes widened in shock as he head slumped in defeat. "I remember we we had a bet on how long it would take for Dynamo and Clock to get together. Looks like you won the bet." He said sadly as he took his bag of bits and gave Spitfire her prize money.


Dynamo watches as Clock pulls out her smoking pack. He looks to Spitfire and nods as her glare. "I'll make sure this is her last pack, Spitz. After that, myself and the rest of the team will make sure she stops her smoking habit."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Spitfire nods "I keep telling her to stop dying her man and tail my color" she says, rolling her eyes before they reach the bar and she smiles "Don't worry, we will fill you in" she says as she opens the doors and they walk in. As she did, all of the military ponies immediately looked to her and Soarin, then stood up and saluted them. "At ease men and women, we're here unofficially" she says with a soft chuckle as the others begun to relax again.


Clock laughs "I keep forgetting just how much command you have with ponies in the military, for them to instantly saute you like that, even when you're in a dress, that's amazing" she says as they find a table to sit at. She then puts out the stub of her cigarette and looks at the menu "You two seriously had a bet about how long it would take for Dye and myself to hook up?" she raises an eyebrow.


Spitfire laughs "Yeah, well it kind of actually started when we were all in high school together" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin chuckles as he heard Spitfire's remark. "I guess it can't be helped, my love. I think Blaze really looks up to you. I guess that's her way of saying that she wishes to be like you in the future. Maybe with enough training and leadership roles, she could very well do just that. I just don't think the time for that will be now, however. I do think Rainbow has been making some good strides in the leadership department. There's still nopony that makes a better leader than you, Spitfire." He says as he kisses her cheek.


Dynamo nods as the group walks into the Golden Sprocket. He then chuckles as the military ponies stood up and saluted Spitfire. As they took their seats, he nods as Clockwork's remark. "I guess when you're trained by somepony like Spitfire, you show nothing but the utmost respect. She really is a nice pony, but I never want to be on her bad side. I've seen how she trains new pegasi recruits for the academy. She doesn't let up on the training and she makes sure everypony is at their greatest potential."


Soarin nods at Clockwork's question and Spitfire's remark with a sigh. "Unfortunately, yes. We made a bet our first year in high school. It was after the both of you joined our circle of friends and when you two first met each other. You seemed so close over the years, that we thought you two would end up together. I thought you would get together in your second or third year. Spitz thought you would be together at your final year or after graduation. When you both went your separate ways, we simply forgot about the bet." He shook his head in defeat, but couldn't help and smile at the couple before them. "I'm a little mad that I lost the bet, but I can't complain. I'm really happy that you two got together." He says as the group took their menu's and contemplated on what to order. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork smiles and nods "A lot of us look up to Spitfire, I mean, essentially she took us all under her wings at school and made sure we weren't bullied and all that" she says, hugging Spitfire who hugged her back. "In reality, Spitz here was much like a sister to us all" she says and winks to Spitfire.


"It's just in my nature darling, but you know, I can't have my baby sister outshine me in a dress" she says with a laugh and winks back.


Clockwork chuckles "Oh come on, I can't help I have an awesome figure!" she exclaims and strikes a pose, and even though she wasn't in a dress, she still got a fair dropped jaws and whistles from stallions and mares a like.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo chuckles and couldn't help, but to nod. "I'll never forget that. I remember in school it was either you were in a school clique, or you were with your other pony races. Some of the students questioned why I was with pegasus ponies and another unicorn. I remember how all of you stood up for me and I was able to eventually find the courage within me. You guys are my best friends and I'll never forget that. You'll always be my sister, Spitfire. Just like Soarin is like my brother." He says as he felt Soarin wrap and arm around him and gave him a noogie.


"Aw, you'll always be my little brother, you little squirt." He chuckles as Dynamo tried to break free from his grasp. He let his little brother go and saw Clockwork strike a pose. His jaw drops as he turns to Dynamo, whose jaw dropped as well. "You're really lucky to have Clocky as your marefriend. I've always watched out for her and helped her in getting you two together."


Dynamo shook his head and looks to Soarin with wide eyes. "I guess I was really out of the loop when it came to Clock liking me, huh?" He asks as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand in embarrassment. "I really am lucky. I'm really starting to like her Clock the more time we spend together. I'm really looking forward to working together with her on our jobs. I can say the same thing to you though. You're really lucky to have a great and sweet mare like Spitz." Soarin chuckles as he nods in agreement. "I know what you mean. I had a little crush on Spitfire during high school. I honestly thought she wasn't into me and just saw me as a close friend." He smiles as he then looks over at Spitfire lovingly. "Who would have thought she would have confessed to me at our high school graduation. I was the happiest stallion when we finally became a couple. I'll never forget that day for as long as I live." He says while wrapping a wing around his marefriend.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire rolls her eyes at Clockwork striking the pose and chuckles "Still got a way with the others eh Clock?" she asks and hugs her, making Clock laugh, she then looks to Dynamo and Soarin then winks to Clockwork. She then places a foot on a chair, lifts up her dress a little to show her legs and the fact she was wearing black stockings and garters, "ooooh boys~" she calls out, and every stallion in the bar jaws drop to the floor.


Clockwork chuckles "You know darling, it's any wonder that the stallions within the military get any work done with you around" she says before pulling Dynamo in and kisses him, she then whispers to him "Behave yourself around Spitfire tonight and I might give you a little surprise later on darling" she says with a slight purr.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


As Spitfire was showing her moves, Dynamo and Soarin stared wide eyed in surprise. Dynamo couldn't help the blush that was forming on his muzzle. He shook his head to make the blush go away. He places his chin in the palm of his hand, as he looks down at the ground. He felt Clock kiss him as he returns the kiss. After they broke the kiss, he smiles softly and nods. "I promise to be a good colt, but I don't think the same can be said for Soarin." He chuckles as he points to his friend, who was wolf whistling and cheering at his marefriend.


At the mention of his name, he shook his head and coughs into his hand. "W-Well, she's my marefriend. I will admit, I'm not liking the extra attention that she's getting, but I know I'm the only stallion for her." He says as he goes back to whistling and cheering at Spitfire. Dynamo couldn't help, but laugh at his friend rambunctious nature. "I agree with you there, big brother. I feel the same way when I'm with my sweet and kind marefriend, Clocky." He says as he pulls Clockwork close to him and nuzzles her.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire smirks "Come on little sister, I've got to break the monotony of Military life sometimes, otherwise the recruits don't perform to their best" she says as she stands up straight and straightens out her dress. She then hugs Soarin "Don't worry babe, you're right, you're the only for me just as our little brother is the only stallion for Clocky"


Clock smiles and sits down at their table, "That's right, but isn't that what places like this are for? In any case Dye love, you don't have to worry, I may have the hots for our 'older sister' but you'll truly be the only one for me" she says as she kisses his cheek and eyes off a stallion who was looking at her oddly but then she realizes who it is, "Thunder? Thunderlane, is it really you?" she asks with a shocked tone, "we haven't seen you since graduation, not even while working for Spitz"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin smiles and chuckles, as he returns the embrace, before replying, "Thanks Spitfire and I agree. It's always fun to change up the game at times. It doesn't make life boring after a while, or something like that. It's just like my love of pie, but I want to change it up to other types of treats." He licked his lips at the thought of food and chuckles once more.


Dynamo smiles as he felt Clockwork kiss his cheek. He leans over to her and returns the kiss. "That makes me happy to hear that. I don't want to lose you again, just as I got you back in my life, my love." He says as he nuzzles her lovingly. He then notices her staring at someone, as he gasps and smiles at their old friend. "Thunderlane! It's so good to see you again, buddy! How have you been?"


Thunderlane smiles as he walks over to the group's table. He hugs Clockwork and Spitfire, while he fist bumps Soarin and Dynamo. "Hey there, everypony! I've been doing pretty good, you guys. It has been a few years since graduation. You all look like you've been doing well. I took my little brother, Rumble, with me and we've been living in Ponyville. I work for the weather team and help arrange clouds and the weather. How about you guys?" He says as he took a quick seat at their table. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire smiles "Been leading the military, and dating Soarin here" she says as she hugs Soarin close to her and smiles "So how is the little tyke? Has he learned to fly yet? You know, you can always ask me to teach him"


Clock just laughs "That'd be a sight to see, no offence luv, but you're a bit too strict and scary to be teaching a little one, even though he may have a massive crush on you" she says with a giggle, and shakes her head.


Spitfire smiles and giggles "It is rather sweet when a little one has a crush on somepony they admire, i remember how when little Pipsqueak told Princess Luna he admired her that one Nightmare Night"


"Best technician and mechanic in Equestria,and now dating Captain Dynamo "Dye" Pad here" she says with a smile


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin smiles as he returns the hug. "I'm dating Spitfire and I'm second in command of the Wonderbolts." Thunderlane nods with a whistle. "Now that's impressive. I remember you two always telling me how you would be Wonderbolts. I never doubted you, but I won't lie and say it must have been easy. I tried out at the Academy and I didn't stand a chance." He smiles and shakes his head at the memory. "Rumble is doing pretty good as well. He's gotten a little better at flying, Thanks for the offer Spitz, but I'm good with teaching him. Plus, he's got a little help from my special somepony." He says as he give the group a wink and a smile. 


Dynamo's eyes widened a bit at Thunderlane's remark. "You got a special somepony yourself? Who's the lucky mare, Thunder?" He asks as Thunder smiles. "Her name is Cloudchaser. We went on a date a few months after graduation. It was around the time I moved to Ponyville." He says as Soarin nods in realization. "I think I know Cloudchaser. I remember how you told me you had a massive crush on her. I also know she has a younger sister named Flitter, correct?" Thunderlane smiles and nods. "That's exactly right, Soarin. I finally found the courage to ask her out. I was acting like a young colt when she said yes." He chuckles as he nods at both Spitfire's and Clockwork's remarks. "I also know what you mean by that, Spitz. Rumble has a little crush on Flitter. I also never thought I'd see the day that you two got together, Those are also some pretty high positions in the Wonderbolt's ranks, in my opinion. "

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork smiles "Good to hear you two finally got together" she says and chuckles "He's got to be about what nine or ten now, right?" she asks and thinks for a while and shakes her head "In any case, it is rather quite the honor to have that title" she says, sitting down onto Dynamo's lap with a bit of a wiggle of her rump and a giggle. 


Spitfire smiles "You two earned those titles and posts, after everything you've done..aanyway, is Cloud here Thunder? We can make it a triple date" she suggests, sitting in Soarin's lap the same way that Clockwork did with Dynamo.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Thunder smiles and nods at Clock's remark. "Thank you Clock. I'm really happy to have a special mare like her in my life. My little brother, Rumble, is about ten years old. He'll be eleven years old, since his birthday is coming up pretty soon."


Dynamo blushes as he felt Clock sit in his lap. He smiles softly and wraps his arms around her, while pulling her close to him. "I know what you mean, my love. It's a pretty worthy title to have. I never thought I would have the title of Flight Captain, but here I am now." He chuckles as he looks to his friends from his school years.


Soarin blushes and nuzzles his marefriend lovingly. "She does have a point. Hard work and determination brought you this far. It didn't help that the two of us gave a good word for you two to be where you are at now." He chuckles as he rubs a hand through his mane.


Thunder shakes his head and smiles at his old friends. "She's on her way here, but not yet, Spitfire. Cloud and I were going to celebrate our anniversary together. When she gets here, I can ask and see if she wants to join us."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork nods and smiles, "Ah so yes, he'd about the age where he starts noticing and liking girls" she says and giggles as she hugs Dynamo close to her "All though, even at that age, some colts are still pretty oblivious to us girls,such as Dynamo here" she giggles again, showing a light hearted side of herself.


Spitfire nods and smiles "Soarin was too obsessed with his pies to pay much attention to me back then" she says with a chuckle "He still is, but at least now.." she looks to him Should I tell them? should I tell him? Buck it! She kisses him "Now, we're expecting twin foals"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo's jaw dropped slightly as he heard Clockwork's remark. "Hey! I'm not that bad, right? I mean I was...okay. I guess I was a little oblivious to your feelings for me, Clocky. I'm just glad I know now and that we are together." He says as he returns her hug and nuzzles her lovingly. 


Thunder chuckles and nods in agreement. "You've got a point there, Clock. I didn't really like girls until I was around twelve or thirteen years old. However, I just hope that my little brother will find someone very special to him. I remember he usually spends time with Scootaloo. She the adoptive sister to Rainbow Dash and one of the cutie mark crusaders. Maybe one day that friendship will blossom into a relationship."


Soarin laughs sheepishly, as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "What can I say? When it comes to pies, there's no comparing my love for pie." He pulls her towards him and hugs her tightly. "Even though I still do love pie, I'll pick you over a pie any day, my love." He smiles as he closes his eyes and returns the kiss. After breaking the kiss, his eyes widen in surprise at the sudden anouncement. "A-Are you serious, Spitfire?" Seeing that she wasn't lying to him, he jumped out of his seat and cheered like a little colt. "Hooray! I'm going to be a father. This is unbelievable and amazing at the same time."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork smiles and gently hugs Spitfire "That's wonderful news big sister!" she  says as she nuzzles her "I'm so happy for you, but does this mean..."


Spitfire nods as she hugs and nuzzles her little sister back "Yes, we're both going to be taking maternity leave, Which brings us to our other news" she says looking to Soarin and waiting for him to settle down, Once he does she smiles and holds his hands "We want the two of you to take over for us, only until we're ready to return" she says "We will explain everything when the time comes"


Clockwork's eyes widen "T-take over the W-Wonderbolts?! Sis, a-are you sure? I m-mean yeah I k-know the routine and all b-but.." she looks to Dynamo and then closes her eyes, smiling and nods "I accept the offer, I will take over for you and hopefully Dynamo will too"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo got up out of his seat and gave Soarin a quick hug. "I'm so proud of you, big brother. Your twin foals will be adorable and will probably take after you two." He chuckles as the two bumped fists and walked back to the table. They then sat back down with their significant others.


Thunderlane's eyes widened as he heard the news. "That's pretty impressive. First being the best technician/mechanic and Flight Captain. Now you both are becoming leaders of the Wonderbolts? You two sure work fast in being excellent workers in your department." He chuckles as he hears the door to the Golden Sprocket open. He glances and see his marefriend, Cloudchaser, enter and wave at him. He waves back and motions for her to join them. "Hey there, Cloud. I'm glad you could make it. How are you, baby? How's Rumble doing? I'm hoping it's okay for your sister to watch over him."


Soarin chuckles, but nods at Thunderlane's claim. He felt Spitfire take a hold of his hands in hers, before replying, "It's not truly a permanent job, but it'll feel like one after a while. We're not truly sure when Spitfire and I will be back, but we feel that the two of you are perfect replacements. We couldn't think of any pony more capable than you two." He smiles proudly at the couple before them. He chuckles at the look of shock and surprise upon their faces.


Dynamo's jaw dropped as he heard the news from Spitfire and Soarin. He was shaking slightly, as he felt a little nervous for such a huge step up in responsibilities. He turned his head to the side and saw Clockwork staring at him. One look at his marefriend was enough to calm his fears with a smile upon his face. He looks back to the couple in front of him and nods, before replying, "If Orange is going to accept, then I will too. I'm a littler nervous since I'm not sure what to do, but I know you'll walk us through it. I just hope I can make you both proud when the time comes to fill in for your positions."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Spitfire smiles and nods then welcomes Cloudchaser  "Heya Cloud, how's it going?" she asks as Cloudchaser walks in


"Hey Spits, hey Soarin" she says then swiftly kisses Thunder on the lips "and a special hi to you too Thunder babe" she turns her attention back to Soarin and Spitfire "Doing quite well thanks, as for Rumble, he's doing quite well as well, quite the charmer though, I think he has my poor sister wrapped that cute little tail of his" she chuckles


Clockwork smiles but then spots a piano "Going to just go do something" she says and quickly makes her way to the piano, heaving a soft sigh, she sits down and starts to play and sign a song she had written after graduation


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Soarin smiles as he waves and welcomes Cloudchaser. "Hey Cloudchaser. How have you been? It's been a while since I last saw you and Thunder at the Academy. What have you been up to?"


Thunder smiles, as he happily returns the kiss and hugs his marefriend close to him. He chuckles lightly as he listened to Cloudchaser's remark. "That's good to hear, baby. I'm glad to know that my little brother is doing okay. I also feel pretty bad for Flitter. I don't think it will be long now until he asks her out. I wouldn't put it pas him, but doesn't Flitter have her eye on another pony, already?"


Dynamo's ears perked, as he heard his girlfriend get up from her seat to leave. He looks to where she is going and spot her heading towards a piano. As she sat down, he starts to hear her play a song. As he listened to her sing, he felt his heart skip a beat, while tears began to form in his eyes. Soarin noticing this, placed a hand on Dynamo's shoulder. "Hey are you okay there, little brother?" He asks while receiving a nod. "Y-Yeah. I'll be okay, big brother. I'm sorry about that. It's just...the song that Clocky is playing right now. I...I think I know who she's addressing that song to." He says as he gave Clockwork his full attention towards her.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Cloudchaser giggles "Nah, she's as single as ever, and I think that if he did ask her out, she'd probably oblige, she simply adores the little guy" she says and kisses him but then listens to Clockwork's singing and sighs "We all do Dynamo, you were gone a long time, and she had missed you a great deal, her crying is evident of that."


As Clcokwork finishes her singing and playing, she slumps in her chair and starts to sob "D-Dynamo! I l-love you s-so much!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Thunder chuckles and nods at Cloud's statement. "I think that would be really sweet. I always thought he would be with Scootallo, since they seem to have a chemistry going, but who knows. I think we should have a talk with them and see where it will go from here." He says as he hugs Cloud closely to him.


Dynamo's ears perked, as he heard Cloud address him. His ears droop as he felt the tears slowly fall from his eyes. "I never knew I had that much of an impact on her. I n-never meant to cause her such sadness." Soarin wraps an arm around Dynamo rubs his shoulder comfortingly. "Hey, don't get yourself down now. The past is in the past. What you can do now is make up for lost time with Clock now. Do you understand, little brother?" He asks and Dynamo slowly nods and gets up from his seat. He slowly made his way over to the piano and sits down next to Clockwork. Seeing her slumped over and crying had hurt his heart. He then pulls his marefriend into a tight hug. "I-I'm so sorry, Clocky. I n-never wanted to make you feel hurt. I m-missed you everyday and I always had you on my mind. The only thing I can say is that I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me. I just want to make up for l-lost time and to a-always be with the mare that I love." He says as he rubs her back soothingly while rocking back and forth.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork nods as she tries to wipe her tears away "I-it's alright Dye, it's just..I missed you so much, y-you were the first friend I made back then" she hugs and kisses him "So little Rumble and Flitter huh? I can see it happening" she giggles


Cloudchaser giggles and gets a message "It just did, he asked her out and she said yes" she giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods as he uses his thumbs to wipe her tears away. He then places his hands on her cheeks, as he looks at her with love and care in his eyes. "I missed you so much as well, Clocky. Truth be told, you were my first friend as well. When you told me what happened to you in that accident, I never ran away. I just hugged you tightly and told you I was sorry, over and over. You're my best friend and now you're my marefriend. You won't ever have to worry about me leaving again. I'm here to stay and I'll always remain by your side." He leans in and returns the kiss, while he moves his hands down and rested them on her waist. He chuckles and nods in agreement. "I think I can see that happen as well. I would agree with Soarin on Rumble and Scoots being together, but this seems like a more cute couple." He says as he leads the two of them back to their table.


Thunderlane chuckles and smiles, as he pulls Cloudchaser into a tight hug. "That's so great to hear. My little brother is really growing up. Although, the first chance we get, we may have to give some 'ground' rules to them. I just want what's best for my brother and I know you feel the same way with Flitter."

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