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private Canterlot Noir (Nightmare Season, Raven Rawne, Dark Horse)

Nightmare Season

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@@Dark Horse,

@@Raven Rawne,


Case #1, Part 1

The Blue Rose


It was a fresh morning within Canterlot. The upper class ponies were all waking up to their servants bringing them their breakfast and newspapers. Several had started to head off to their businesses. The streets were still some what quiet. A young mare in one of these rich adobes had been woken up to another mare opening wide the curtains.


"Wake up now. Your parents will be leaving soon to open up their shop. They expect you to be up and dressed by the time they leave." The servant said as she walked out of the well furnished bedroom. Peony Spring opened her eyes and looked out the window. "Wish I could have had just five more minutes sugar."


She rolled over and looked at the strange flower that sat in a pot next to her bed on the vanity table. "And a good morning to you flower." She stretched and sat up. Once she got out of bed, her mane and tail flowed down to the floor and trailed behind her. First things first, get the hair in a proper state. As she finished up her mane and tail, she levitated some flowers she had turned into hair ties and placed in her hair. Next was her dress. She pulled over her a fancy dress in a rich red and lots of frills. "There we go dear, all nice and proper." She said to herself in the mirror.


As she went down to the hall, her parents were just about ready to leave. "Good mor'n mother. Good mor'n father." She said as she reached the last landing. Her parents turned to her and smiled. They both replied a good morning to her as well. Her mother then spoke up, "Dear Poeny, please be mindful, if you go play in that ther flowerbed of yours today, make sure to be a dear and make sure to be presentable for this even'n. We are bringing home a young stallion to introduce you to."


"I will indeed mother." She replied, though she did not enjoy that bit of news one bit. They were rich sure, but they were not a part of the really wealthy, and they wished their only daughter marry into a richer family.


As soon as her parents left, Peony went to the kitchen where she snagged a muffin from one of the servants preparing for lunch latter in the day. "Your muffins are as wonderful as always love." She told the cook. "You best not ruin your apatite again young miss." The servant told her.


With muffin in a magical hold, Peony went to her prized flower garden. Some of the rarest flowers ever seen in Canterlot made their home there. As Peony went around the corner where she expected to see the wonderful colors she had bred and grown, she instead came across a disaster zone. Some pony in the night had wrecked havoc to it. "Oh my stars! What devil has done such a dastardly thing?" Her eyes darted around in utter shock at the destruction until her eyes fell upon a hole in the soil. Knowing what was there Peony let out a frantic scream. Her hoof went up to her forehead and she feinted where she stood.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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There were a couple reasons to express optimism about this day.


First and foremost, it was Friday. While Crystal Clear absolutely loved her job, working at a client's house could get tiring after a while. Such was the case with the Twinkle family, for whom she was creating a whole crystal Great Hall. A grand task, for a single pony it will take months to complete, but it also lined the mare's pockets quite nicely. Frankly, the doubled pay was the main reason why she even considered leaving her home and shop in the Empire...


Secondly, the weather in Canterlot seemed to be perfect every day, and this one was no exception. She left her house after 7 A.M. and it was already warm and sunny. Well, warm for a pony from the North at least, since local residents still clinged to lighter overcoats and shrugs as they carried their morning business. Crystal Clear wore a burgundy dress with black lace decor, together with a wide brimmed hat of the same shade of red. Mountain Stream crystals hung on pyrite earrings, coupled with an ellipse brooch clipped to her dress's lacy neckline, seemed like sapphires and gold, despite being worth a fraction of both. A pair of knee high, black hoofboots on her back legs rounded up the image. The mare left her rented dwelling in the cheapest part of the Middle Level, towing a single axle tool cart, made entirely of strawberry red crystal with pyrite decor. Her precious tools and some work clothes were found therein, secured by the special Master's locks.


She was about to pass the especially beautiful garden in the Upper Level. It wasn't exactly on the way to the Twinkle Family estate, but the sight alone was worth the detour. A nearby clock informed it was 7.40. She was expected to start work at 8.00 - the servant that oversaw her work had little respect for a craftspony like herself, and Crystal Clear had no issues with butting heads with the self-important stallion over the way she was supposed to be treated as a Master of the extremely rare craft. Upon taking a turn in the smaller street where the garden was located, the mare quickly noticed something was... off.


@@Nightmare Season,


The flowers that used to lean on the low fence were in disarray, and as she came closer, the scene of devastation unfolded. Crystal frowned deeply at the heart breaking sight, but then, a mare's scream pierced the air, originating from the garden. It souded urgent, and the crystal mare quickly drew a line between the two events. Judging that a pony may be in danger, she unhooked the cart off her waist and ran into the destroyed garden, jumping over the low fence without much effort. Her hooves left marks in the soil as she entered the gardem and trotted causciously towards the area where she heard the scream. After navigating through some thoroughtly stomped flower beds, she saw a unicorn mare laying on the ground. With no other ponies in sight, she approached the mare and leaned over her. The curtain of azure hair fell over her right eye, and the wide brim of her hat blocked the sun and provided some shade to the other mare's head. Crystal Clear gently touched the unicorn's shoulder and asked as calmly as she reasonably could.


"Miss? Are you alright? Come around please, did something happen to you?"

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne

@@Nightmare Season




*Sigh...* Upper Canterlot in the spring. How picturesque it always looked from afar.


Saffron Shadow took a leisurely pace through the still mostly quiet streets of the Upper Levels, taking in his surroundings as best he could. A pony or two would pass him by every few minutes, many of them dressed in their high-class, expensive clothing that clearly marked them as the elite of Canterlot society. Some of them were so ostentatiously designed that Saffron had to look away for fear of snorting in their presence. He had never understood the need for these ponies to show off their wealth so openly like it was some kind of contest. Saffron himself simply wore his usual long gray travel coat to keep out the morning chill. He still looked fairly respectable of course, as much as anypony living Middle Class could expect, but he preferred to keep it practical and unassuming.


Such a display of wealth in any of the lower sections of Canterlot would only be asking for trouble.


The unicorn's mind wandered back to his work, to the thoughts of how he could attract new clientele to the Theatres just to help keep his head above the rising costs of living for a stage performer like himself. In less than a decade, since the rapid introduction of new special effect technologies and machines that could create fantastic spectacles and performances like none ever seen before, many like himself suddenly found themselves burdened with fronting the costs for this wondrous, yet expensive, technology just so they could remain relevant with the times. Those who had attempted to stay with the traditional ways, or simply could not afford the cost, were pushed aside as outdated and forgotten. It was a fate that had already befallen many of his closest friends and associates in the business, and Saffron could only watch as their livelihoods were destroyed and ripped away, ever fearful that he could be next.


Some simply chose to leave, departing Canterlot for new horizons. Others who had grown increasingly desperate turned to crime, doing whatever was necessary in order to make a quick bit or two. The lines between rich and poor grew almost daily in Canterlot society, and crime in the lower levels had become an ever-increasing problem as a result.


Still, to an inhabitant of the Upper Levels, you would never have even noticed. Life here went on as normal. The streets were pristine white, clean and full of colorful gardens, and Saffron couldn't help but stop and stare at a few beautifully decorated and well kempt houses as he passed by. Say what he would against the showy display of some ponies, but even he had to admit that they had impressively maintained abodes.


He turned down onto a smaller side street and immediately noticed the bright red tool cart that was resting unattended outside a large garden belonging to one of the manors. For a moment, he had thought that the home must have been undergoing some major renovations, as its garden looked far less organized and tidy than any of the surrounding ones, but as he approached he quickly deduced that something was definitely amiss...


"What... happened here?" he pondered aloud, viewing the clear destruction and vandalism of the flower beds along the picket fence. He looked around and saw that, asides from himself, nopony else was around to witness the scene. His immediate thought was that the house had been burgled, yet the home itself looked untouched, and he could see no signs of forced entry. Had the owner of the tool cart done this? Had they perhaps been attacked while passing through? Were the house occupants safe? Questions flooded his mind, but he would get no answers like this. Maybe the perpetrator had gone around through the back?


Noticing the gate left unhinged from its lock, Saffron quickly pushed it open and made his way through the ruined garden. Had crime levels gotten so bad that they were now even affecting the Upper Levels? The garden's various flower beds had been thoroughly trampled over and destroyed, and Saffron felt an underlying feel of dismay at their destruction. How petty could such thieves be?


As he arrived towards the rear of the gardens, he bore witness to a sight that sent a jolt through him: A unicorn mare was unconscious on the ground, being stood over by another mare, an earth pony, who seemed to be attending to her. She certainly didn't look like an assailant or thief, her clothes were too clean, too dressy for that, and Saffron could only assume that this was the owner of the tool cart left outside on the street, which he noted was a similar color of red to her dress.


"Is everything alright? What's going on here?" Saffron called out, making his presence known to the mare as he approached to assist, remaining weary of the situation.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Raven Rawne,


As the strange pony looked over Peony, trying to bring her around, Peony woke up from her shock. Almost instantly Peony notice the mare standing over her. With that, her heart jumped up into her throat. She was never any good at meeting new ponies. "Oh.....Umm....Hello there dear." Peony averted her eyes away from the crystal eyes that was looking to see if she was alright. She then remembered her flowers.


With a sudden jolt, Peony stood up and ran to the hole in the soil. "Oh no, oh no! This is just awful. A disaster. Some pony stole it. This is very bad indeed." She turned her gaze back to the mare. "Love. Did you steal it?" She walked over to Crystal Clear. At that moment, one of the servants of her parents came out to investigate the scream. "Madam Peony. What has happened. And who is this mare?" None of them had notice the stallion yet at the corner of the house.


"The legendary blue rose I had meticulously grew was stolen, and my beautiful flowers were utterly destroyed in the fiasco." Her gaze returned back to the strange mare before her. "What do you know of this turn of unfortunate events?"


@@Dark Horse,


Peony then just noticed the stallion that was looking at them from the corner of the house. "You there stallion. Are you the thief of the blue rose, or did you happen to see who did. Might you be this mare's partner?" She left the mare standing there before she had a chance to answer her, and trotted over to the stallion. She was scared silly inside, but tried her best not to show it. "I will have the servant call for the guards if I don't start getting answers. That blue rose is very dangerous in the wrong hooves." She walked over to the gate where the two had entered and made sure to lock it to prevent escape. She turned back to look at the two, by this point more of the servants came out of the manor to see what was unfolding.


"Now, I request answers from both of you please sweeties."

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 Crystal Clear heard a stallion's voice from behind. With a slight jolt - she was, technically, tresspassing - she turned around and saw the newcomer. With a frown, she decided to tell how it was.


"Wish I knew, actually. I heard a scream as I passed by - uhh, my cart is still there, right? So I heard a mare's scream and thought somepony was in trouble. This garden was beautiful just yesterday and now... I saw her out cold and decided to stay till she comes around."


The crystal mare looked again at the unicorn mare, who at that moment came back to her senses. She smiled somewhat. "Good morning miss. Are you alright? I heard a scream..." - Crystal stepped aside as the unicorn shot up and ran to an empty spot in the ruined garden. She observed the frantic mare, having decided to wait out till she's able to talk properly. The suden accusation was... most unwelcome.


The crystal mare narrowed her eyes at the unicorn, and was about to reply, when anotherpony showed up from inside the house. Crystal turned to see who it was - a srevant, judging from his livery. At least she knew the mare's name now. She was about to reply again, then "Miss Peony" took notice of the stallion, and then locked the gate like she was in authority. Crystal Clear was rather done with this show, and stepped forward to talk some sense in her.


"Miss Peony, am I right? My name is Crystal Clear. Master of Crystal. In case it wasn't already evident, I hail from the Crystal Empire. I took a habit of passing by Your garden over last few days, en route to my curent employer's estate. I was doing just so, when I heard your scream and entered your property to investigate. Judging drom the dismal state of the garden, all kinds of unfortunate events could be taking place right next to me. Speaking of which, if you feel so inclined, do call the guards. I had nothing to do with this act of vandalism and I am certian the guards would confirm it. Although it would be appreciated if I could check on my cart beforehoof. It's very important to my job and losing it would effectively make me unable to work."


Crystal Clear measured the mare with narrowed eyes, as she stood straight and with confidence in her innocence. She paid little mind to he flocking servants, and waved the stallion as another unfortunate passerby. No good deed goes unpunished in Canterlot...

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Peony listened to Crystal Clear give her name and reason to be there. Now she felt a bit ashamed. "Oh sweety, I am terribly sorry miss Clear. I did not mean to sound so judgmental and mean. Especially with you com'n in to see about my well being. You see, these flowers are all mine. I bred them and grew them all from a wee seed. And now they are all in this debacled state. The hole over there is where I kept a legendary magical blue rose. In the wrong hooves,.....well love, lets just say, It is bad." Peony walked back over to some of her flower beds and started to cry.


"Why in the dickens did the bloody hooligans destroy my lovely flowers for?" She wiped her tears as one of the mare servants went to her to comfort her. "We need to get these back into a proper planting state. Would you two mind terribly to help me with these. They can be saved if properly taken care of soon. After that.....I need to go looking for the blue rose before its to late." She bent down and started to dig in the flower beds. Apparently, she was not one of the rich ponies that is afraid of getting her hooves dirty. The servants just went back indoors to continue their work.


@@Dark Horse,


She looked back to the stallion. "How about you love? Care to help me out some before these babies die on me? Also, might I know who you are as well please?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Raven Rawne,


Saffron felt himself relax. This mare wasn't the culprit, but that didn't mean they weren't still nearby. He looked quickly around for any other signs of life, but saw nothing. "Ah. So the cart outside is yours?" He said in response. "It's perfectly fine, however I'm not sure I can say the same for our friend here. Looks like she took quite a shock."


Saffron stepped over to one of the trampled flower beds, looking for anything that might give him clues as to who did this. He wasn't much of a private eye, but his inquisitive mind compelled him to search for answers. Besides, something about a crime occurring here in the Upper echelons of society... unnerved him. Anypony who was stealing from the elite of Canterlot would surely face a hefty retribution if caught. He was surprised that somepony would have been so desperate enough to take that risk. Or... perhaps there was another reason.


@@Nightmare Season


He mind snapped back to reality as he heard another cry of despair from behind him. Turning back, he seen that the previously unconscious tan Unicorn had in fact come to her senses, and seemed to be distressing over a particular spot in the soil that had been ravaged. It wasn't long before the display had attracted attention from inside the house, and what looked to be a servant or personal aide emerged to investigate the ruckus. Saffron frowned. This was becoming a bit too hectic for his tastes on a Friday morning.


Conversation, and no doubt questions, ensued. Saffron couldn't make out everything that was being said, but he had heard the name 'Madam Peony' being called out by the servant as they approached, and Saffron summarized that this was the tan Unicorn's name. Like almost everything else to do with Upper Canterlot, it was quite the 'proper' name. For a moment, he felt as though he could have just slipped out unnoticed, but before he could really consider that, the Unicorn mare was suddenly right up in face!


"W- what..? No! I..." Saffron started, taken aback by the sudden accusatory remarks. "I was only passing through when--"


Before he could continue, the Unicorn had walked over to snap shut the gate Saffron had originally came through, seemingly intent on sealing the three inside the garden until she had her answers. Saffron only stared, perplexed by the display. Beside him, the burgundy colored Earth Pony had apparently decided enough was enough, and quickly set about explaining herself to 'Miss' Peony. Her name was Crystal Clear, a crystal craftspony from, where else, the Crystal Empire. Saffron had not been to the Empire in a long time, though he knew it wasn't too unusual for citizens of the Empire to come to Canterlot seeking fortune or to hire out their services to others. There were plenty of work opportunities in Canterlot's upper level for those with the skills. The wealthy were always eager to take on new servants or contractors, for it was yet another way of displaying their wealth to others.


Crystal stared down Peony with a confident stance to her innocence, and Saffron couldn't help but notice that Peony wasn't taking it all in so well. She looked flustered, nervous, and it wasn't long before she stepped back over to her ruined flower beds and started tearfully lamenting their destruction. Saffron couldn't help but feel pity for the mare. She obviously cared deeply for her garden, and he understood the frustration and confusion she felt over why somepony would choose to partake in a seemingly random act of vandalism.


"My name is Saffron, Miss Peony. Saffron Shadow." Saffron finally introduced himself to the two. "I'm here for... well, it doesn't really matter why I'm here. What's important is that you're safe." There was no reason to go into unnecessary detail about himself. "I'm sorry for the loss of your flowers, Miss. It truly disturbs me to know that even the Upper Levels of Canterlot aren't safe from the wave of crime that has gripped the city these past few months. I wish I could tell you more, but I'm afraid I'm just as clueless as you. He turned to Crystal. "You may wish to go and check on your tool cart, Miss Crystal." He said in a casual yet slightly concerned tone. "If the culprit is still nearby, well... I wouldn't trust anything to be safe right now. I'll assist Miss Peony here with her flower bed."


Saffron didn't really relish the idea of getting his hooves dirty. Gardening was not his forte, but he felt it was the least he could do for the obviously shocked Unicorn. Her servant didn't seem to give much thought to it, and had returned to back inside the house.


"You seem particularly concerned about this 'Blue Rose', Miss Peony." Saffron asked curiously. "Pray tell what exactly you mean about it being "bad" in the wrong hoofs?"

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Nightmare Season @@Dark Horse


The cherry mare took a closer look at the vandalised flowers as the stallion introduced himself. She heard clocks announcing eight A.M. all over them. She was late for work.

Hearing Saffron call out to her, Crystal looked back up at him and nodded.

"My sentiments exactly. Those tools are rather hard to replace even in the Empire, here they're probably worth a small fortune..."

She started walking out of the garden, when she turned around and announced.

"If it would be acceptable, I'd like to park it within the property, just to be safe. Then I could lend a hoof, my employers could use a reminder that I'm not a shift worker."

The mare headed back to the cart and was relieved to see it intact. Although some young colt hurried himself away from it as he saw her. A cursory glance revealed that he tried his luck with the big fake lock. Crystal shook her head and pulled the cart through the gate.

"Youth these days... Back in my time colts didn't do things like that."

Once the cart was secured, the mare looked around and produced the key, and opened one side of the cart to take her work gloves. She returned to the two ponies, ready and equipped.

"I'm back. Miss Peony, would you be so kind and instruct me what to do? I'm not particularly good in gardening."

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The mare with flowers in her mane and tail looked back to the crystal mare. "That would be fine dear. You may bring it in and park it underneath that cherry tree yonder." She then went back to listening to the Stallion as she worked on getting her flowers saved. When she came back in and parked her cart, she came over and asked what was needing to be done. "We first must get all the uprooted ones back into the soil. Simple just stand them up straight and pat soil in around the steam. The ones that are broken off," She hesitated a slight bit as if almost about to cry again. "Pile them in a neat pile off to the side. I can see about using them in an arrangement.


@@Dark Horse,


As Crystal went out to get her cart, Peony was left with the stallion. He had asked her about the blue rose.


"The blue rose is a very special rose. It is magical. And very very rare dear. If a pony knew what to do with it. They could give it to a pony they wish for. Upon smelling the rose, that pony would forget what it is that they want. They then would fall madly in love with the pony they see next. And all that they could think of would be to make that pony happy instead. So you might see on the problem it could cause." 


They both looked back when Crystal came back into the yard with her cart.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season, @@Dark Horse


The crystal mare nodded, and pulled up the sleeves on her forelegs to put on the work gloves. She looked around, not sure where to start, and a frown crept on her snout.


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but, shouldn't the guard be informed? And see the garden as it is, to look for some clues on who did this? I overheard the part of a blue rose, and it sounds rather... serious."


Crystal finally picked a spot to start and did as instructed - replanted the flowers that were still in one piece and poled up the broken ones. Truth be told, she didn't get the unicorn's emotional dissonance at first, but once she bent her back to save what was left... well there was a thread of similarity if she found one of her works shattered. Crystal actually felt sorry for the other mare. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Nightmare Season,


As Crystal made her way back to the street to check her cart, Peony explained all about the illusive 'Blue Rose' that had her so concerned. To Saffron, it all sounded like some sort of fairy tale love potion. He had never heard of such a thing existing anywhere he had ever visited before, but he didn't have to be a botanist to understand that, true to what Peony was so worried about, such a plant could cause a lot of problems if it had fell into the wrong hands...


"I... see." Saffron replied, still trying to get his head around it. He wondered if the rose was the true target of the culprit, or whether they had maybe just taken it on a hunch. It seemed an odd thing for a delinquent to steal in any case.


@@Raven Rawne,


He heard the trotting of hooves come up behind them, and turned to see that Crystal had returned; kitted out in specially designed working gloves no doubt acquired from her tool cart. Well, at least one of us came prepared.. Saffron thought to himself as he pulled up his own sleeves and set about trying to put the uprooted plants back within the soil, albeit somewhat half-heartedly, while using magic to simultaneously lift any broken stemmed plants into a neat pile.


Crystal then had probably the most sensible thought any of them had since this fateful encounter occurred; asking if the Canterlot guard should be informed. Saffron was actually surprised that they hadn't been summoned already. He had expected the "grand jewel" of Canterlot to be a bit better protected than this, but he hadn't seen a single guardspony all morning.


"That might prove to be difficult, Miss Crystal." He answered to the burgundy mare. "We have little in the way of clear evidence for a motive, other than the fact that Miss Peony's prized Blue Rose has gone missing, and I suspect that getting the guards involved will just lead to the three of us being questioned as witnesses. We don't even know when the Rose was stolen. The culprit could be half way to Appleoosa by now."


Saffron knew that his pessimism wouldn't help matters much, but he had already seen many crimes go unsolved within the lower sections of Canterlot, while the Guards did little to help. A lot of ponies simply resorted to trying to solve the issues themselves, with varying levels of success.


Looking across, he saw that Peony was trying hard to hold back further tears, and he couldn't help but feel pity towards the young mare. He had no love for the cushioned and highly provided for life many Upper Canterlot ponies like herself lived, but he could tell just from looking at her, how deeply this garden must have meant to her. It would be like Saffron loosing all he had worked dear to protect, a fear he faced almost every day.


"...However." He spoke up again. "I would not be against suggesting we try and search the garden for anything that may have been left behind. The culprit may have been careless with so much destruction left in their wake." He reasoned that he could at least give Peony hope if nothing else.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Raven Rawne,


With Crystal asking her about the city guards being informed, she was getting ready to answer when it was the stallion that spoke up before her. She just listened to him as she went back to try and save most of her rare flowers she had grown. The destruction was well done, and she had tears in her eyes for loosing what she loved and worked so much with.


When he had finished and suggested to look for clues, Peony looked back at the two. "That might be a good idea dear. Find out who might have done this deed. Once we have a clue, we can find the pony. That is....if you two would help me that is."


@@Raven Rawne,


Peony then turned to speak with her mare company. "Getting the guards involved could lead this into a deeper fiasco love. First off, would they even believe me about the theft? Also they would not be will'n to accept such a rose even exists. If they did, I might be the one get'n in trouble for grow'n such. If they went out to serch for the villain, they could use the rose on them. That would give the bandit guards in their pocket. So it is best to keep it quiet, and seek them out my self."


The tannish-pink mare went back to replanting. She needed to save the flowers first before anything else. To much work would be ruin. When she felt like the three of them had done all they could, Peony was covered in soil. Her dress was simply a mess. "Would the two of you wish to accompany me into the manor? I can see to having you cleaned up and paid for your help. I usually never get help with my beauties. After we can figure out what might come next. If you can aid me in the search for the blue rose."

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season, @@Dark Horse,


The crystal mare perked an ear to listen to the stallion as she did her best to actually make a difference amidst the flowery devastation. The morning dew sure didn't help in keeping her work gloves clean, but she did reasonably fine with saving her dress. Crystal Clear's expression darkened at Saffron's remarks, but, he had a point. The Guard would write it off as another petty case of vandalism, maybe even think the Blue Rose part was meant as insurance scam of sorts. She stayed quiet and took occasional glances and nods as the mare picked up where the stallion finished. Somehow it only made her mood worse. Once Peopny was done, Crystal speaked up, still at work with the flowers.


"Pardon my straightforwardness, but, while growing this particular flower, if it indeed has the advertised qualities, in an open garden was just asking for trouble in my view, I'm afraid that it's recovery, and maybe permament destruction even, are paramount to public safety. I can come up with several very troubling applications for it per minute, and I'm not very imaginative as far as illegal activities are concerned! My time is not exactly cheap, but the risk is far too great to just walk away from this..."


At some point, Crystal Clear noted that she did what she could and any further actions were rather futile in this situation. Since other ponies apparently arrived to the same conclusion, Miss Peony asked them to come inside. The mare took off her dirty gloves and straightened her sleeves, frowning slightly at several brown spots. She muttered to herself:


"I really liked that dress..."


Suddenly remembering about the invitation, the crystal mare put her soiled gloves on the cart and trotted back to the other ponies as they came inside. She chirped in on the way in:


"Miss Peony, would it be too forward of me if I asked for a short letter for my current employer? They're probably furious at my absence, despite the obvious fact that our contract didn't specify work hours, just time frame in which the Hall will be completed... A short note saying I was halted to aid You would be fine, I'm sure."

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Nightmare Season,


"Phew.." Saffron let out a sigh and relief and wiped his forehead. He had never seen so many individual plants in one garden, and even rooted out and tossed around, they were still difficult to tell apart and know which should go where. He was just happy that Peony seemed satisfied for now.


Peony offered them inside for compensation and to get cleaned up. It was only then Saffron noticed his coat now covered in dirt and muck. Tut.. it's an extra visit to the cleaners this week. He thought to himself as the three began to make there way towards the manor. "Payment won't be necessary Miss Peony. I only did what any decent Pony would have done... rare as those might seem lately." He was actually more interested in simply getting the opportunity to see inside a stately Canterlot manor. It might give him some ideas for sets and scenery in a future production... perhaps after the search for this illusive Rose concluded. Peony seemed quite adamant in getting it back.


@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal meanwhile was giving her thoughts on the Rose and what should be done about it. She seemed particularly concerned about the natural effects of this Rose, and to be fair, Saffron could hardly blame her caution. IF this Rose had the power to essentially make somepony be at the personal whim of another just by smell alone... well, Crystal seemed to think it was even worth destroying to avoid such a scenario. Saffron didn't respond to the suggestion, simply going back to his initial thoughts of the crime and wondering what they could learn about it, as they headed inside.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Raven Rawne,


As they entered her parents home, Crystal asked her for a letter to her employers. "But of coarse sweaty. With you helping me, it will only be fair to make sure you are not in trouble. I will get to the letter as soon as we get out of these dre....."


"Madam Peony. Look at your dress. Your parents stated very specifically not to get to dirty. Now we will have to get you into a different one and get that cleaned up as soon as possible. You are always such a hoof full." One of the servants caught her trying to sneak past the kitchen. She shrunk back a bit at getting caught red hoofed. "It was an emergency love. I could not let all my precious flowers die now could I?"


A few of the servants came in at the mention of cleaning the dress. They aslo offered to take the other two ponies' outfits to get them cleaned up as well. Well it was more like demanding they get cleaned up. The two mares were lead to one bath and Saffron was led to a different bath. Both rooms were very large and spectacular. The bath was more like a large hot tub size. Yet it was a simple bath. "Sorry for this situation Crystal. The servants are all hired by my parents, and they basically were ordered never let me get away with anyth'n."


The baths were actually very pleasant. Scented soaps and oils. A servant was there to give both of the mares a good washing. As they sat back to enjoy the service, Peony started to tell Crystal more about the blue rose. "So the blue rose love, It is actually perfectly safe when it is still planted and grow'n. It is only dangerous once it is picked and magic cast on it. I have it grow'n due to a benefit it can give. One is it can help a pony with a poor memory. The other is it can help a pony forget a terrible fear. I just pray that the cretin that stoled it dose not know about the main thing it can be used for."


After the two mares were fully washed, they were presented with dresses to wear while their dresses were being washed. Saffron was also given a fancy tuxedo to put on after his bath. They all met back up in one of the day rooms that dotted the manor.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season, @@Dark Horse,


The crystal mare entered the mansion. Sure it was large and richly decorated, with high ceilings and lots of natural light but... she didn't really like the "Canterlot Style". Crystal Clear wouldn't as much as blink if presented a choice whether to stay in her small crystal home or move to one of these... She was nodding in thanks to the unicorn mare when they were jumped on by one of those seemingly numerous servants. Since she was invited, the crystal mare simply nodded at the stallion and waited till they finished their exchange. So apparently Miss Peony was not the owner of this locale, but rather one of their offspring. She sure was treated like a filly...


Upon being asked, nay, requested, to relinquish her outfit in order to have it cleaned, Crystal Clear thought for a moment, then nodded. "Why thank you good sir. If you could point me to a place where I could get it off comfortably, and, perhaps, offer some temporary replacement, I would be much obliged. Oh and, if it's not a problem, I left a pair of working gloves outside, on the crystal tool cart I parked in the garden. They could use some refreshing after all that gardening." - She smiled politely, knowing full well that the last part was just her taking advantage of the servant's demands. Seems like the thought of guesting ponies in not exactly pristine visual condition was an affront to the house. Since, apparently, the mares were led to one place and the stallion to another, as propriety would suggest, Crystal gave saffron a wave as they parted ways. "See you soon, Mr Saffron..."


The mansion seemed like a pocket labyrynth to her, but then same could be told about the Twinkle Estate she worked in. The cherry mare looked around casually, thinking how the space was in desperate need of some crystal. Eventually a mare servant showed them to a bath, where she could take off her dirtied dress. Being offered a full bath seemed a bit offensive, and excessive, all things considered, but it seemed they wouldn't really take no for an answer. Crystal Clear reluctantly disrobed, and only her jewelry wasn't taken out for cleaning. She decided to at least try to enjoy the situation though. She did love long baths in hot water, after all. Since Peony seemed to loosen up somewhat and decided to speak up again, Crystal Clear offered her a reassuring smile as she let a servant do her best. Truth be told, it was more like a budget spa than a simple bath. "Oh I assure you, I am starting to get used to Canterlot and it's... oddities. It's quite alright, really. Not what I had in plans for today but, I'm not complaining." She then listened to some more info on the Blue Rose. Funny how her very own Cutie Mark depicted a simillar flower...


Crystal Clear leaned back as her loose azure mane was being taken care of. "Still, knowing how it can be used for harm, it would've been more sensible to keep it indoors. But it's too late for that now. Seeing how it was the only flower that was missing, and whole too, while the entire garden was simply vandalised, I must assume that whoever did this knew precisely what they can do with it. Or perhaps was simply hired to do so by someony who knew, and the vandalism was meant to cover the theft. Still, I feel it would be best to continue this discussion in full company."


The cherry mare, once the servant was done with her, was presented with a white dress as a temporary replacement. It wasn't exactly her size, since it was a bit too narrow at the hips, but better than nothing. She put on her jewelry and accompanied the univorn out of the bath and into a day room. Apparently Saffron was faster since he was already present. Crystal Clear panned the room with her eyes and decided to take a seat on one of the couches. Well, more like lie down, in a respectful manner. Better not test the strength of the stitches on this dress... With her cannons crossed and a warm smile on her face, she looked up to the unicorn.


"Miss Peony, since we're all assembled and.... deemed safe to enter the house..." - she had a witty smirk when making that comment - "perhaps we could discuss what can be reasonably done with this troubling situation. We've already ruled out the Guard involvemnt, if I recall correctly, but it would be unwise to assume that, ehoever is responsible for the theft, is unaware of the rose's utility. I may be an outsider to Canterlot, but, since I am contract bound for the next several months, I'm not particularily interested in seeing what they had planned to do with that rose. I guess I'm trying to say that I'd like to help, even though I'm not a detective."

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne

@@Nightmare Season


As the three ponies stepped through the grand entrance and into the manor, Saffron had to stand still for a moment to take it all in. The home was lavishly decorated in vibrant bold colors, fancy ornate furnishings and countless aesthetic features such as artwork and sculptures. It was certainly an impressive display, more-so than Saffron had expected. Still... the sheer scale of the rooms was far beyond what he was normally used to, and the Stallion couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.


While Peony and Crystal conversed over arrangements, Saffron continued to be entranced by the home, not really paying attention to either of them, until suddenly the shrill of one of the servant ponies snapped his attention back. He witnessed the servant lecture the young mare over her now ruined dress, and felt a little sorry for her. It must have been difficult having always had to maintain certain standards. It was just another side of Upper Canterlot life that he disliked strongly.


A couple more servants entered from seemingly nowhere, inciting Saffron's curiosity at exactly how many staff the house had available, before he was suddenly approached by one who appeared quite adamant in not only taking his own coat to be serviced, but even offering a full bath and treatment to freshen up. "Well that's very kind of you, but really it's not at all necces--" But the servant was having none of it, and before Saffron could protest any further, he found himself being whisked up a nearby stairs by at least 3 servants and through a large, imposing door. "Wha-- no!! This really isn't... I mean...! AAAAH!!" came a steady stream of protests from the stallion that did him no good against the onslaught of horsepower pushing him down the corridors, and in no time at all, Saffron found himself in the bathtub of a very fancy washroom that would have put even the largest room in Saffron's home to shame. The other two mares were no where in sight, and Saffron could only surmise they had been taken elsewhere. Still... unexpected as it was, the impressive bath that had been prepared for him was surprisingly comfortable and relaxing. It felt more like a therapeutic session than anything else, as several other servants (Saffron didn't even bother to ask where they had come from) took to massaging his mane and hoofs.


Well... might as well enjoy it.


He thought about what Peony and Crystal had discussed in forming a sort of private investigative team in order to track down the missing Blue Rose. Saffron could see the logic and reason in favor of it. This Rose was already established as having been extremely dangerous in the wrong hoofs, and the longer it was missing, the greater the chance of it being misused. True, they could inform the Canterlot guard of their concerns, but it could take them weeks to act upon anything, during which the culprit may have taken off for parts unknown. Assuming they had not already done so...


Saffron pushed that particular thought out of his head. No reason to jump to conclusions yet.


Before long, though what seemed like far too quickly for the Stallion, he was being ushered out of the bathtub, and in no time at all was being dried, combed, scented and groomed, rather excessively so he thought. "Ugh.. please.. please watch the mane.." Saffron cautioned, though he wasn't even sure if the servants were listening to anything he said. Soon after the immediate do-over was completed, Saffron was presented with a snazzy looking tuxedo that was somehow even tailored to his size. The stallion wasn't sure he wanted to ask how they knew that, but he took the suit anyway and quickly changed into it, it's tail ends reaching down over his flank not too unlike his own coat. It was a bit too formal for his tastes, but it would do for now. He checked himself out in a nearby mirror and felt surprising approval at the smart and well groomed look the results had displayed.


The servants soon led him down another row of corridors and into a room where he was simply told to wait for the other two to arrive. He sat himself down near one of the huge windows and stared out into the pristine skyline of Upper Canterlot, memories of back home when he and his friends used to gaze at this very skyline from afar flashed through his mind. Many of them were now gone or missing, swallowed up by the encroaching industrial revolution that gripped most of the Middle sections of the city. As his mind wandered, Peony and Crystal arrived into the room, now also freshened up and wearing equally impressive looking day dresses. Say what he would about Canterlot homes... they were very efficient at what they did.


The three ponies took seats around the center of the room, and Crystal reiterated her earlier thoughts of suggesting that the three come together with a reasonable approach to the Rose situation, and Saffron found himself agreeing with much of her statements.


"I agree." The Stallion chimed in "The longer we wait, the more risk is posed of someone using the Rose for the own ends, and it would be very difficult to detect if someone is under the influence of its powers I imagine. I think our priority now should be in gathering evidence we can use to hunt down the culprit and see to the Rose's safe return." He thought for a moment, before adding; "I may not be from Upper Canterlot either, but I have known my fair share of thieves from the Middle and Lower sections of the city. I like to think I have a fair idea of how they usually operate, and what moves our culprit may make next. No promises, I admit the manner in which the Rose was taken was already quite atypical of most Canterlot thieves, but it doesn't mean I can't try."


He felt surprisingly enthusiastic about this.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Raven Rawne, @@Dark Horse,


Peony walked around the day room thinking. What should she do? These ponies could help her find the rose, but are they just saying that. She was never any good at determining what others were thinking or determining if they were lying or not. She decided that if they would help her, might as well try it.


"I am think'n, we should work together to retrieve the blue rose. I am unsure as to the mean'n of the theft however. Also, who knew about it be'n within my garden to begin with? No pony knew about it I recon. Unless they were told about it by one of my folks or servants of the house? Where do you recon we Should begin our investigations?"


She remembered one thing and dismissed herself for a short time. She dashed out of the room only to return a short time latter with a flower in a pot on her back. "Flower here could give us some insight on where we could find it." Neither of her guests knew or ever seen such a flower before, and by the looks of the decorated flower pot, She put a lot of bits into it.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season, @@Dark Horse,


The crystal mare was comfortable on the couch she was currently occupying, slowly petting the satin with a foreleg as she thought, while following the unicorn mare with her gaze.


She was about to say something when Peony vacated the room, but didn't really manage to voice her thought. Instead, all she sad was: "I thi... huh?" She then looked at the stallion, confused. A state which only deepened once the manor's locator returned with some very strange flower.


Crystal Clear had a rather funny expression of deep cognitive dissonance as she looked at the unicorn mare and her "helpful" flower. "O-ooookay... So I was about to say that, uhh, asking the house residents and staff appears to be the first logical step, since, apparently, the news of your rose have most probably spread from them. Oh and, please say there's some form of antidote for it?"


The cherry mare seemed a bit afraid of the prospect of somepony getting under it's influence without a chance to be saved.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Nightmare Season,


Saffron watched as Peony paced around the room, looking slightly agitated and apparently weighing her options. From Saffron's perspective though, she didn't seem to have much choice. After what seemed like half a minute or so of contemplating, she turned the two and agreed that perhaps it would be best if the three of them worked together to determine who had stolen the Blue Rose, and where it had gone.


"You make a fair point there, Miss Peony." Saffron answered, after Peony expressed her disbelief that someone could have know about the Blue Rose being specifically in her garden. "There are hundreds of well kept flower gardens in Upper Canterlot, with I'd wager thousands of different types of flowers within. Yet from what I've seen, only this garden specifically was attacked. Whoever did this clearly must have had some prior knowledge on the garden for some time." He paused for a moment. "Though I wonder... why all the needless destruction to the rest of the flower beds? Surely he must have known where the Blue Rose was if that was the intended target. It just doesn't add up."


At the suggestion that perhaps Peony's own servants or even household might have let it slip, he added: "True. But then I wager your family attends quite a few social events, no? Knowing a typical aristocratic Canterlot family's... desire to be noticed, I'm sure it's possible that they could have let it slip while socializing with the big names. Any passerby could have overheard them. Doesn't really help us narrow it down. Same goes for your servants. You have uhh... quite a few of them in your employ." He still wondered where most of the ones who had helped him clean up had gone.


@@Raven Rawne


At this point, Crystal, sitting on a couch next to him and looking quite comfortable, spoke up to add in her own thoughts. However, before she could really get started, Peony took on a sudden, peculiar look as though she had suddenly remembered something important, and dismissed herself from the room. Crystal glanced towards Saffron as she left, but the stallion only shrugged.


When she returned, she carried with her a decorated looking flower pot on her back, planted in which was, to Saffron's eyes, a rather unremarkable looking flower. Slightly more concerning was that Peony seemed to be suggesting that they could learn something from it. Crystal didn't seem to put too much thought into that though, and simply shared her belief that speaking with the house staff and residents was the most logical step to take, since they really had no other leads from where to go from.


"Speaking of an antidote, I don't suppose there is somepony in particular who would have tended to the gardens. Umm... asides from yourself? He looked again at the flower pot on Peony's back. "I'm... I'm not sure how much we could learn from a flower my dear..."

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Dark Horse, @@Raven Rawne,


With both of her guests asking about an antidote for the blue rose, Peony looked back to the flower on her back. Almost as if hearing it talk to her, but no sound was heard from the flower. She then looked back to the two and nodded. "It appears love, that there is indeed a cure for it. A couple in fact. The first one is to just kick them till they snap out of it. Though, I do not figure we can get away with appear'n to be degenerates beat'n up a poor soul for no apparent reason. Also that will only work within the first three days of exposure. The more safe way we can do about it, there is another flower that the pollen can cancel out and enchantments placed upon a pony. Though......Sadly....I do not have such. Seems we would have to find it in the Everfree Forest. Thankfully Flower here knows of their location." Peony looked as their expression was strange about her taking direction from a flower.


With Saffron asking about the flower, Peony remembered. "Oh dear me. I forgot to mention. This here is flower. It is a very rare and magical flower. It is my friend and it can speak to me. Though it never talks to other ponies. Makes me look silly or bat off my rocker talking to it sometimes. It was the first flower I ever picked. Though I got an ear full from it yell'n at me till I was able to nurse it back to health and it grew roots again. I learned most of my knowledge about the flowers from it. Come on Flower say hi to the two nice ponies."


The flower just remained quiet and did not speak to either pony. "Oh come on.....I am not making this up. Flower can talk, it just doesn't for others." Peony said after seeing their expression about her story.


"Anyways....Shall we start by questioning the servants? As for others who tend the garden, it is just me love. My folks don't wish me to play with my flowers. They want me to take over the business with them. They let me grow them, but they never help me with them."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season, @@Dark Horse


The crystal mare wasn't sure what the unicorn was going on with that flower on her back, She perked her ears in hope at the news of an antidote, only to let them droop as the options were presented. So they had three days to sotr things until it may be too late... if Peony won't prove to be too... unhinged to help. Was she "listening" to that thing?


She ,ust have a really confused expression as she looked at Peony, Saffron, and "the flower", in turn, waiting for the plant to somehow speak up. "Uhhh, I'm afraid it... doesn't talk to strangers? Didn't hear a thing, sorry." She sure had doubts, but then, maybe? As a crystal pony, she had seen her fair share of seemingly impossible things that were taken for granted by modern ponies. She stayed silent, but tried to look supportive, as the mare continued.


"If I may, I would propose to start the questioning, yes. Maybe you recall somepony from staff who was tasked with buying gardening supplies? Soil, maybe? Somepony who could actually see the rose, and, maybe oblivious to it's effect, talk about it as a normal rose of unusual hue? I would propose starting with staff who venture into the garden, for various reeasons, or do errands around the city. It increases the chance of spreading the information of your garden, and it's... contents."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Nightmare Season, @@Raven Rawne,


Saffron frowned as Peony presented them with their options for a cure. He did not like the idea of literally having to 'beat' the effects out of another pony, no matter how under its influence they might have been. And while the other option sounded like a more sensible approach, he wasn't overly keen on following the supposed advice of what looked like an inanimate plant. Even if this 'counter-pollen' did exist, it was dangerous to simply go wandering around such a hostile environment like the Everfree Forest in search of a plant that could be among hundreds. The most hardy of his friends from back home wouldn't have jumped at that suggestion.


Peony then explained the nature of the relationship she had with her 'special' flower, prompting a puzzled look from the other two, particularly when she tried to get it to talk back to them to no avail.


"I... see." Came the only response Saffron could manage. He looked over towards Crystal and tilted his head. "I suppose if you have no objections, we can allow Peony to bring it along with her. See if might, umm... jog her memory at least." He said with a slight hint of amusement towards the whole thing.


"Anyway. I concur. Lets go and find whomever would have worked closest with the garden area and see what they know. I like to think that with the three of us present, we should be able to discover something, even if somepony seems reluctant to talk." Saffron jumped down from the couch and, after brushing the sleeves of his tux a little, made his way towards the door.


Yet before he was even close to exiting, he paused, looked out the open door down either side of the corridor, and turned back inside to face Peony.


"Umm... Miss Peony..." He began, almost somewhat ashamedly. "Forgive me for asking but... where exactly did we come from to get to this room?"

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Raven Rawne,


Peony watched as Saffron went to the door of the day room and looked up and down the hall. With him asking which way to go Peony started to explain. "So first off you need to head right, down the East wing where you will come across another hall intersecting that will head North. Down the North wing past the study and musical room you will come across the spiral staircase that will lead you to the second floor. From there you need to go into the West wing till you come to the main staircase leading down to the main hall...." Peony stopped explaining once she noticed how confused he looked. "Oh never mind dear. I will just lead you two that way instead."


When the three finally reached what seemed like the main stair case and was nearing the bottom, a knock came to the front doors that was at the landing of the stairs. "I wonder who that might be?" Peony asked more to herself than to her guests. As she got close to the last few steps, a servant had opened to door. There standing in the doorway was a handsome stallion of a light red coat and yellow mane and tail.


Upon hearing him, Peony seemed to have froze where she was at, even with one leg still in the air. She looked both confused and a bit scared. "Oh! Peony where art thou? I have heard upon the wings of a bird that thou hast met a terrible deed this morning. Upon hearing of such a thing, I went forth and gathered up the best landscapers in all of Canterlot and rushed them right over." He then noticed the frozen tannish-pink mare upon the staircase. He let him self in to approach her. "Oh my fair love, Thou still looks just as delicate as a flower, even in your darkest hour."


As the two looked between the two, Peony finally spoke up. "Richly Fabulous. What might you be do'n here? I told you I had no interest in court'n you. Even though our parents want us to be wed and unite our two jewelry businesses." She finally seemed to have thawed and continued the rest of the way down the steps.


"Oh speak not of such my love. I just but wish to make you happy. I have even bought some of those majestic flowers you hold so dear to your heart." With a clap of his hooves, several gardening ponies came inside carrying trays of flowers. Some even very rare and expensive. "Umm...I Uuuu?" Peony hesitated as she looked at all the varieties, including the rare ones. Crystal and Saffron both noticed the moment she was bought. "Alright......You may have them proceed to the garden past the kitchen. You however, may you please leave till I have a moment to think things over please?" He simply gave a flashy bow and turned to leave with a grin on his lips.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,@@Dark Horse,


Crystal was content on her comfy spot and stayed put, nodding in agreement at Saffron before he jumped off the couch. Even though she was equally clueless on how to exit this maze of a house, she smirked at the stallion's sudden drop of confidence.


"Yes, that would be most appreciated, Miss Peony..." - Crystal Clear gracefully vacated the comfy piece of furniture, mindfull of the dress, and followed the unicorn mare through the mansion. She still had the impression that Canterlot Style was in desperate need of crystal.


She perked an ear at the sound of knocking to the door, nearly missing a step on the stairs. It wasn't out of the question that a neighbour came to see what happenned, or a passing guard somehow got lost betwen barracks and borthel and wanted to ask for directions... Aparently she was wrong on both guesses, but, judging fro how Peony froze in place right before her, blocking th way for both guests, seemed rather alarming. Crystal Clear took a step back and tried not to be noticed, difficult as it was for a crystal pony these days, and listened to the exchange, glancing at Saffron to check how he adapted to the new circumstances.


The crystal mare noticed something, and held Saffron with a foreleg when the strange stallion vacated the premises. She leaned towards him and said confidentially: "Suspicious, don't you think, sir? A rejected stallion shows up just in the right moment, and with a whole lot of fresh flowers too... As if he wanted to cover any tracks that may still be in the vandalised garden, and rejected stallions could easily conceptualise a plot to use the rose to catch the one they love with it's aid... I say we keep an eye on him, although it may be hard to question Miss Peony about him as a suspect."


She put down the foreleg, allowing the stallion freedom of passage.

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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