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private Canterlot Noir (Nightmare Season, Raven Rawne, Dark Horse)

Nightmare Season

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@Raven Rawne @Dark Horse


Case #1, Part 2

The Culprit and the Cure

Peony Spring was driven to a mansion in the richer part of the Upper Section of Canterlot, where the carriage finally stopped. It was much bigger and more fancy then her own residence. "Dearies, Might you head back to the gate and wait for the two that were accompany'n me? Have them come back to my place when they are done, thanks loves." She asked the ponies pulling the carriage and they obeyed her orders. After getting payed of course.


She turned back to look at the larger mansion and simply sighed and walked to the front doors. The front yard was also much larger than her own, at took time to cross it. Apparently she was expected, some servants were waiting for her and had opened the door on her arrival of the front steps leading up to them. "I am answer'n a summons of Richly Fabulous. Might you inform him of my arrival please?" One servant nodded and turned to go track him down in one of the many rooms. The other led Peony inside to a waiting room. There she waited and had tea delivered to her. She thought to herself that he did have many books on myths in there.


Richly Fabulous was busy and the servant informed Peony that he would be with her when he had finished his business. Apparently he had not expected her to come so soon after the letter. Guess she had time to read some.


Saffron and Crystal seemed to have had better luck. As they left the restaurant where they had a drink, they headed back to the gate. There they saw their carriage waiting for them, as well as a pony Saffron recognized. A light brown coat and bright orange hair. He was walking out of the Upper Section carrying a large purse of bits. The two quickly caught him.


Several minutes latter the stallion finally broke down and told the two what he had done. He was hired to steal the blue rose by some wealthy stallion from the rich part of the city. A red stallion that spoke like he was in a play. Apparently he had no clue as to the nature or power of the blue rose. The two quickly had the drivers take them to Richly Fabulous' mansion.


When Peony was finally called, She was told to meet Richly in the gardens out back. A servant had led the way. What she saw took her breath away. She had been there before, to hear him ask for her hoof in marriage. This time however, the garden was larger and more exquisite than the last time. He had put a lot more bits into the garden. Expanded it, and added thousands of more flowers to the layout. She almost felt like she would accept him now just to have such a garden, but she got that out of her mind when she saw him at a table waiting for her to arrive.


"Ah my sweet flower, My heart flutters away at the sight of you. I am so overjoyed that you responded to my letter and came post haste." He got up from the table and walked over to her. Picking up her front hoof to give it a kiss on it. "Love, you said in your missive that you know who the ruffian that destroyed my garden is?" She asked him as she freed her hoof from his kiss.


"Yes my sweet rose. For the villain of the gardens attempted the same with my very own here as well. My guards sighted him climbing over the outer wall attempting to get in here as well. Arrested he was and questioned. Seemed he was vandalizing other gardens as well." He waved the servant that was waiting close by to bring them refreshments, which she did. "Will you join me for a cup of tea and sweats my dear? After I can show you around my garden."


At first, Peony just wanted to get the name, where he was taken to, and then leave. She needed to find out where her blue rose was. However, looking around at some of the rare flowers broke her. "Very well dear. I will grace you with my company for a time. After you show me your garden, I must take my leave."


Within a few minutes, Saffron and Crystal was delivered in front of the mansion that was owned by Richly Fabulous. They quickly trotted across the front courtyard up to the steps to the door. A servant greeted them and told them that the two was around the back in the garden. Were the two quickly ran to hoping it was not to late. When they got back there, they noticed Richly gave Peony a red rose to smell. Only she seemed to have feinted after smelling it. She dropped it and the two noticed that it was dusted with red powder to color it.


It was the blue rose.


"Quickly you two, You must cover her eyes. If she opens them, the pollen will take effect and it will be too late. She will fall in love with the first pony she sees." The two of them heard, but not exactly hearing with their ears. The flower seemed to have spoken to them directly inside their minds.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Dark Horse @Nightmare Season

The mare nodded. "We could both use some distraction,  I suppose." She walked with the stallion, eyeing the strange plant. The sudden joke attempt from her companion made her glance at him,  but she didn't pry. Still, the stallion seemed talkative all of a sudden, and she decided to behave like a civilised pony, her temper cooling. "I don't know, I am starting to regret that I entered her garden this morning, to be honest... But if you think this story might give you some income, sure, do try and take this opportunity."

He led them to a nice looking establishment and the pair sat by one of the empty tables.  Crystal Clear browsed the card and finally settled for some apple juice. She didn't let any pony know that half of the servings were a mystery to her. However, as she was mulling over possible conversation topics, her companion abruptly left her with the potted flower. "I uhh, alright?" Crystal trailed Saffron with her eyes as he approached some guards.

The cherry mare wasn't sure why, but Saffron - instead of trotting back to her - disappeared somewhere.  She was about to stand up and go look for him when the stallion came back, and seemed distressed. She gave him a look and gestured with a foreleg. "Care to elaborate?"

He did,  and Crystal Clear listened. With a sigh, she sipped the last of her juice. "I don't know about you, but I have a very bad feeling about this... situation. But we better head back to the gate, that eyesore of a carriage should come back any minute." She paid up with the bits she had on her - a useful habit to have a small sum of money hidden in her clothing. The pair walked back and sure enough, the carriage was waiting. Although...

"Is this..." - she didn't finish her sentence before Saffron also noticed the stallion who passed the gates, and suddenly, she needed to run to catch up with her companion. They found themselves in a back street, maybe the thief wanted to lose them in the narrow cornets.  But now he himself was cornered, and Crystal stood, menacingly, as Saffron did the talking. She didn't trust her temper enough to come within hoof reach of the other stallion, and decided to let him do what he thought was necessary. Thankfully, it didn't take long before they heard everything he had to say, and a sudden realisation struck them. Crystal grabbed the "stupid flower", as she thought about it, and both ponies ran to the carriage, ordering to be taken to the same place Peony was. The cherry mare didn't let go of the pot, her mind too occupied to even register she was holding it.  No surprise that it landed on her back when she left the carriage. The pair quickly braved the front yard and Saffron inquired a serf by the door about Peony Spring.  Something told them to hurry even more to the garden at the back, perhaps a growing suspicion. Whatever it was, the ponies rushed into the garden and as they reached it's outer alleys, they saw both Peony and Richly Fabulous. Crystal Clear felt her heart stop beating for a moment when the mare fainted after smelling the flower, and stood like in a trance, her mind going haywire with thoughts. Some strange voice pierced through the conflicted narratives in her head, and she recovered from shock. The mare made a weird face and looked around for the source of the voice, but there was nopony around. Without any more delay,  she slid off the pot off her back and put it on the ground, then ran straight to the pair in the middle of the garden.  Flowers be damned,  she cut straight to them, and rammed Richly Fabulous with her shoulder to push him away. Having taken him by surprise, Crystal kicked the blue rose away and crouched to cover Peony's eyes with her forelegs, having taken her into some sort of a hug. Somepony will pay for ruining her dress...

She hissed at Saffron. "Get him, and keep him quiet or I'll give him a history lesson from my own life. One he won't forget." She looked down at the still unconscious mare as the anger rose again.  If not for the fact that she had to hold the other mare,  she would probably beat the rich idiot till he stopped moving, and then some just to be sure. Part if her even wanted to use the rose on him,  right before letting him loose in the Lower Level.

She felt movement under her hooves, and that helped stave off the burning rage. She took a deep breath and did her best to sound calm and reassuring. "I'm here, miss Peony, it's alright. Just don't open your eyes and it will be fine..."

Snow trolls and ice wurms, nothing was fine right now.

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne, @Nightmare Season

Saffron nodded as he gulped down the rest of his drink. Maybe by some streak of fortune that pompous oaf Richly Fabulous had actually had some useful information for Peony.


Sure enough, after a short trot back to the gates, the carriage was in sight, looking as though it was ready for some Upper Canterlot dignitaries. "Come on. Lets get this over with." He said to his companion, approaching the carriage door.


The Unicorn froze; cutting off Crystal beside him with a foreleg, while his eyes suddenly snapped to the main gate, the reason for which soon became clear. A light brown Earth Pony with a flashy orange mane had come trotting out from beyond the Upper Canterlot side, just matching the description of their culprit. Strapped to his back was unmistakably a large bit purse, and he was carrying a look so pleased and smug with himself that he might as well have been holding a sign above his head saying "TROUBLEMAKER".

Without even a word, Saffron broke into a run towards the Stallion, leaving Crystal to play catch up. Saffron was hardly being subtle as he dived over various obstacles that impeded his path. The culprit was quick to notice this, as was almost everypony else out on the street, but the Earth Pony took off sprinting at the sight of him, Saffron's intent obviously clear. He rushed down a side street and attempted to disappear among the narrow alleys and buildings, but there just wasn't enough to cover his escape effectively, and Saffron had little trouble keeping track of him. Eventually, he had gone one street too far, and found himself cornered down a dead end, face to face with the rear wall of a restaurant. He desperately looked for a way out, but it was no use. He was trapped.

The sound of approaching hooves prompted a turn of his head, though he kept himself from exposing his face completely to Saffron as he approached, Crystal on his heels.

"You're luck has run out..." Saffron said through catching his breath, but keeping a ready stance in case the Stallion tried to make a break past them. "We know all about what you've been up to. Hand over the rose!"

"I don't know what you're talking about..." replied the Stallion, still not turning to face them.

"Don't test my patience!" Saffron snapped back. "I've been chasing your trail all morning; and I'm just about done with this nonsense! Come clean so that we can put this all to rest and go back to our ordinary lives!"

And to his sudden surprise, the Stallion had started laughing, though it sounded very distressed.

"Heeheehee... and... you'd know all about having an 'ordinary' life, wouldn't you Saffron?"

And as the Stallion finally turned to face them; Saffron got the kind of feeling in his stomach that would usually send him running to the bathroom.

"...Solar Blaze?"

"You never did care much for what happened to the rest of us, did you? You only wanted to save your own hide!" Solar Blaze shot angrily towards Saffron, who was still lost for words. "Well how's that working out? Helping the Upper Classes I mean? Everypony knows that they're the only ones worth helping! It's the only way you'll ever have a chance at fortune yourself, right?!"

"...Solar, I..." Saffron began, but he was cut off.

"Don't even try to explain! I've already seen enough! How much are they paying you to help find the culprit? Asides from lending you the fancy carriage and all. Or was that just an incentive bonus?!" Solar then turned his glare towards Crystal. "You're even hanging around with Crystal Ponies..." He said with heavy disgust. "Just wait until the others hear about this."

"Solar!" Saffron suddenly shouted, trying to get his words in. "I'm not in this for a reward! I was only in the Upper Sections trying to find some inspiration when I came across the ruined garden. After that, well... I couldn't just leave the owner alone!"

"And why not?!" Solar snapped back, and Saffron could see that he was now holding back tears in his eyes. "They don't care about us! Why should we care about them! They deserve whatever misfortune they get..."

"But why in Celestia's name would you--"

"I lost my home, Saffron!" Solar blurted out as his composure failed him. "They came yesterday and threw me out! Said that if I couldn't find a way to make payments by next week, they'd evict me into the Lower Section... I... I had nowhere else to go... if it wasn't for that Richly Whoosits guy..."

"Richly?" said Saffron, his ears perking up. "Richly Fabulous?"

"Yeah..." answered Solar, wearily. "What a wierdo... he approached me a few days ago and started blabbing on about how we were "kindred spirits", both in need of a "shining star of hope" or something silly. ...The way he spoke reminded me a bit of you, actually." He smirked as Saffron bristled. "So he promised to pay be a substantial sum of bits to go to this manor in Upper Canterlot and steal a particular Blue Rose from one of the gardens."

"Peony..." Saffron muttered.

"I couldn't turn down the bits..." Solar said, with what seemed like a hint of genuine regret. "This would help get me my home back, at least for another little while... and it was such an easy job too! I mean who's going to miss one insignificant little rose? I don't even know why he was desperate to get his hoofs on it. I kept thinking the whole thing was a scam of some kind, another stupid game that a bunch of bored rich Ponies were playing. That's why I trashed the garden as much as I could! Figured I could at least make them have to work for a change!"

"They do have servants you know..." Saffron replied drearily, although he felt that poor Peony would be tending to much of that garden herself regardless.

"Well it doesn't matter." Solar dismissed, shrugging off his emotional state. "He paid up for the job, and I gave him his Rose. He was super ecstatic about it, kept saying that "She'll be mine in a matter of hours!" Pfft... he must be delusional if he thinks a stupid flower will do anything for him..."

But Saffron had stopped listening. He turned to Crystal with a look of horrible realization. Crystal must have gotten it too, because she quickly grabbed the flower pot and ran back for the carriage. Saffron turned to give one last look at Solar, who was looking thoroughly confused. There was nothing more to be gained from him now, and time was critical. He'd have to deal with him later.

Charging off after Crystal, the two quickly made it back to the carriage and shot off towards their destination. Saffron was jittery the whole way. He knew something was shifty about that Richly Fabulous, he just knew it... He should have acted more forceful back when they seen him at Peony's residence. Now all the pieces were in place...

Before long, the carriage had ground to a halt, and the two ponies disembarked, Crystal bringing Peony's flower.

"Where's Peony?" Saffron inquired towards a serf who was awaiting their arrival. "We need to see her now!"

"Mistress Peony is currently occupied in the garden." The serf responded flatly. "You will have to wait until she sends for you."

"No time!" Saffron brushed past the servant despite his protests and ran towards the gardens. "Peony!!" He shouted at the top of his voice.

But it was too late.

They arrived just in time to see Peony with her muzzle deep into a rose held by none other than Richly Fabulous. For a moment, Saffron thought that it was something else, but stopped in horror as Peony passed out on the spot. The Rose pot dropped to the ground, and as it did so, several particles of what looked like red dust came spraying off of it, revealing the unmistakable underbody of a Blue Rose. Peony had fallen under its spell.

Saffron suddenly grabbed his head with a hoof, as a strange, disembodied voice seem to penetrate his skull. It sounded as though it was coming from all around him, but Crystal looked just as confused as he was, and there was nopony else around. "What the...?"

But there was no time to think about this. The voice was clear that the first Pony Peony laid eyes on would instantly have her complete affection. Crystal had react to this even faster than he did, however, and in a matter of seconds had charged the aloof red Stallion off of his hooves, sending him clattering to the ground before moving to cover Peony's eyes and cradle her in a sort of defensive posture, whilst Richly remained disoriented over what had just happened.

"I'd bet you were waiting to do something like that all day.." He snarkily remarked towards the Crystal Pony as he made his way towards the red Stallion.

Fabulous was now trying to get back on his hooves, but Saffron was having none of it. His horn lit with a furious amber glow, the same magical aura surrounded Richly and forcefully held him in place. "I think not, my Rose-bearing 'friend'." He hoped that he wouldn't struggle too much. Saffron was well practiced in using his magic to hold other ponies during performances, but he was by no means a sorcerer. His willpower would not withstand much. "You have far too much to answer for, and if you think I'm talking solely about what you just did to poor Miss Peony here, then you obviously haven't put much thought into the wider scope of consequences your actions have had."

Criminal or not, he would make him pay for taking advantage of Solar's desperation. One way or another.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@Raven Rawne, @Dark Horse


Peony came to feeling a pony hold her close with a leg over her eyes. Crystal told her not to open her eyes. A fear came over her upon hearing that. She must have been tricked to smell the blue rose. The one to pay that pony off to steal it and trash her garden was him. The stallion she turned down several times. She also heard Saffron talking to Richly.


It was Richly that spoke up after that. "Well don sir, never expected you two to discover the truth so fast. Upon hearing how the waitress fell under that rose, I knew I had to rush things. Did not expect you to stop me right when you did." Saffron gave him one quick response before Richly interrupted him again. "I tell you what, you are a pony of the theater, if you wouldst allow me to have my future bride. I will pay each of you one million bits. And your little show will be sponsored by me from now on. You will go far, become a star."


Peony heard this and she nodded to Crystal who allowed her to move away from her embrace of hiding her eyes. With her magic, and eyes closed, she tore a section of her dress off and blindfolded herself. Crystal made sure it covered her eyes well before fully letting her go. "Thank you dear Flower. You brought them here just in time. Never thought you would talk to any other pony besides me though." Peony smiled and used her magic to pick up the potted flower and bring back to her. "Yes I am alright, as long as I do not look at any pony that is love." Peony was talking to her flower again.


Peony then talked to Crystal. "Thank you deary, would have been simply dreadful if you did not arrive when you did." Peony then just listened as Richly tried to buy off the stallion.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season @Dark Horse

The cherry mare shrugged at Saffron's comment, her hooves still occupied as she held Peony's eyes. "I hold a special kind of grudge against any who uses magic to enslave another, as you can probably guess. He's lucky I'm busy here..." She gave the red stallion a look that only a former slave can give, but he was too busy talking to notice.

Feeling that Peony came around and apparently realised her situation, Crystal reluctantly let go of her eyes, suddenly aware of the state of her dress. She also noticed that her hat was laying several steps away, torn off by the air as she ran. "Snow and ice... I did like that dress." - she muttered to herself as she closely observed Peony, who, in turn, ruined her garment to make a makeshift blindfold. "Hold on, I'll make sure it rests neatly on you." Crystal checked the impromptu blindfold, and only once she was sure no light reached her eyes, relaxed a teensy bit. At least that was adressed. She was still mad and eyed Richly Fabulous like a ripe punching bag,  but decided to keep close to Peony for now,  partially to avoid any mishaps. Hearing her talk to the plant seemed odd but, now that she herself heard it's disembodied voice, Crystal Clear couldn't help but feel sorry for the mare. It's only friend, a potted plant...

The, temporarily blind, mare adressed her, and Crystal Clear shook off her train of thoughts and came back to the present.  Just in time to hear some ridiculous sums coming off from Richly's mouth. With a sigh, she nodded.  "I suppose, yes. Although we still need to clean up this... situation. Starting from the rose itself. Hold on." Crystal Clear looked around and saw the - now slightly shaken - blue rose in its pot, and decided to pick it up and carry away from Richly, and back to it's rightful owner. A slight thud of putting the pot on the pavement next to Peony announced it's new location.  "One blue rose. A world of trouble. And we still need to get you out of here, find a cure, AND get some harsh justice to that... ugh, I can't even look at him right now."

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Nightmare Season, @Raven Rawne,

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Saffron was mildly surprised to see that Richly hadn't gone for the pleading, please-have-mercy, route; instead he seemed almost chuffed with himself! That smug luck and patronizing tone of false-congratulations gave Saffron the strong desire to smack the insolent little blue-blood across the muzzle with his hoof. He withdrew his magical grasp on the stallion, seeing that he was, for the moment, in little hurry to escape. Though he remained vigilant just in case.

"I had a bad feeling about you the moment I--" Saffron began, but Richly cut him off. Instead, he offered to give him a deal. One million bits flat payment in exchange for Peony's hoof in marriage. Saffron snorted at the attempted bribery; but Fabulous wasn't finished. He even offered to become the official sponsor of Saffron's theater company, giving full financial support to whatever projects he desired, and would push to market Saffron as the next "big star" of the performance world.

Saffron swallowed. Fabulous was basically offering him a blank check solution to all his problems right then and there. If he accepted, not only would he never have to worry about Bits again, but he could be a famous star among the Upper Canterlot societies by next week! He giddily considered all those opportunities for a moment, before a voice echoed inside his head that crashed him back down onto Earth.

"You never did care much for what happened to the rest of us, did you? You only wanted to save your own hide!"

The Unicorn skipped a beat as he remembered the words Solar had spoken to him not even an hour ago. He starred back down at the confidently smug looking Stallion before him, reconsidering his offer.

"Everypony knows that they're the only ones worth helping! It's the only way you'll ever have a chance at fortune yourself, right?!"

"...No." Saffron said firmly after a long pause. "No! I don't care what you offer me! It's Ponies like you who turn a blind-eye to all of the problems down below, then take advantage of their desperation whenever it suits you best! It's disgusting! You did it to Solar, but you will not do that with me! The Unicorn was now utterly furious, standing as though he was about to pounce on the unfortunate aristocrat with his teeth bearing. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so angry at another Pony.

Saffron stepped over and held Richly's head in the direction of his two companions, pointing. "Here's a better idea: How about you put those bits to good use and pay to have my friend's clothes repaired! That's the least of the damage you can amend right now.."

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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  • 1 month later...

@Raven Rawne@Dark Horse

Peony listened to the stallion reject his offer to sell her to him. She could not help but give a wide smile of joy upon hearing that. First time she heard a pony turn down that much money to do the right thing. "Thank you Saffron, you are a good pony. I am not to worried about my dress though love. Can always be mended." She did not know that Crystal's dress was ruined or heard her mutter it.


Before any more was said, the royal guards came rushing into the garden to find out what all the commotion was on about. Richly quickly tried to take advantage of the situation. "Oh dear me! Good sirs, you must arrest these two hooligans at once. They broke in and started demanding money from me and tried to use my dear sweet future bride to be hostage." Poor Saffron was shocked at the sudden turn of events as two of the unicorn guards grabbed him with magic and had him frozen. Crystal was the next one to get captured. Richly tried to dash over to Peony to make her look at him, but to his surprise, a couple of vines had grown around his hind legs. Looking up he saw the plant on her back was glowing.


"Dear me. I do fear loves that he is lying to you. He placed a curse on me to try and force me to wed him. These two are dear friends who came in and stopped him." Richly tried to convince them that Peony was suffering from shock of her capture and did not know of what she spoke of. Even tried to use his wealth to state he was in the right. One of the guards recognized Peony and whispered to his superior.  "Sir, I know Peony here. I was stationed at one party she had attended. Out of all present, she was the most honest and kindest."


The other one nodded. "You two, let them go. You arrest the red stallion. He is under arrest." Richly was soon hauled off to jail. The rest of them were questioned. The part about the blue rose was far fetched indeed. Almost to the point the Captain almost changed his mind on the arrest of richly. Suddenly Princess Celestia came dropping in. She used her magic to remove the last bit of red dust on the roses. "Peony, are you the one that grew this blue rose? Did you not know of the dangers of such a flower"


As soon as peony heard the voice of the princess, she dropped down into a bow. Still blindfolded. "Yes your highness. I knew of the magic it held." Celestia looked at the others and then to the guards. "What they say about the rose is true. It is one of the few rarest types of rose in the world." She then went back to Peony. "I am surprised at you. Finding one is near impossible. You knew of the dangers and still kept it. Might I ask why?" Peony still remained bowed. "Your highness, I kept it to keep it safe. If I would have destroyed it, another one would have grown elsewhere. They are rare because only a select number can ever be found growing at once. So if I killed mine, another one would have grown in its place and could have been found by another pony."


The two of them talked a bit longer, finally princess Celestia suggested it be planted in the royal gardens where a guard would be able to keep it safe. Peony reluctantly handed it over. "Do you know how to cure the effect of the blue rose?" "Yes your majesty. A flower in the Everfree woods can cure it. Or.....Some-pony could beat my senseless."  Celestia shook her head. "I would suggest to find the flower and also bring one back to plant next to the blue rose. Don't want any pony else falling under its effects." Before Celestia flew off, she nodded to Flower. The three were finally allowed to go back to their carriage. Peony was walking with great difficulties blindfolded.


  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Dark Horse @Nightmare Season

Crystal Clear stood near Peony Springs, making sure she was more or less okay, when she heard the unmistakable rattle of armoured ponies running to their location. She instinctively tensed and looked for a spot to hide - some things cannot be unremembered - but the royal guards came quicker than she took the first step.

Before the mate could say anything, that blasted rich buffon framed them and now she was being held firmly by the telekinetic grasp of a huge unicorn guard. Crystal struggled instinctively as her heart went into overdrive. She tried to reason with her captor. "Let me go! My Princess will hear about this unwarranted use of force against me!"

Thankfully the guards had some brains under those thick skull plates and,  after an agonisingly long exchange,  which Crystal spent struggling in fright and spinning up her sharp tongue on the deaf ears of the guard that held her, she found herself free. And laying on the pavement,  since she upset her balance with all this squirming. As the mare picked herself up, without any help, she muttered to herself angrily.  "That was the LAST time I ever set hoof in this wretched excuse of a city. Bits and renown be damned."

While most of the events came over her head - Crystal was too busy reliving her past for those long minutes while held against her will to keep track of what was going on - she just picked up that Richly was being marched out of the estate, his head low. And the officer in charge of this detachment started talking to Peony, questioning her about the incident. Crystal took deep breaths and tried to calm down after her little panic attack, and just sat on the pavement to ease her shaky legs.

She was more or less okay when it was her turn to answer questions, and she did her best to provide answers. However, before her testimony was taken in full, an unexpected visitor landed in the garden.

"Am I... seeing things? " She asked aloud but everypony was already bowing, so she followed suit like a well mannered crystal pony she was. Most days at least. Princess Celestia herself, who would have thought? The burgundy mare listened in to the exchange and finally knew why Peony kept it in her garden.  Misguided, but good intention if anything.

A guard escorted Peony back to her carriage, the Princess exchanged a few words with the officer and took off, and, before Crystal could register, it was over. The detachment upped and left,  even though the mare was not done answering questions. She looked a bit out of place,  waiting to be summoned to follow maybe,  but she found herself alone in the garden. Left to her own devices.

"That was... intriguing."

Apparently Saffron also had similar experience, since he also remained. Crystal looked at her raised foreleg,  which finally stopped shaking.  "I guess I'm headed to her estate,  to grab my tool cart. Would you like go accompany me?"


  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Nightmare Season @Raven Rawne

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"Think nothing of it, m'dear." Saffron responded to Peony, while not taking his eyes off of Richly at his hooves. "Turning down an offer from this kind of scum won't cause me to lose any sleep." He gave a confident grin as his eyes remained fixed to the aloof red Stallion, ensuring that he wasn't going anywhere. "And would you know it? Here comes the city guard right about now! How convenient, eh Richly?"

Unfortunately for him, Richly did think so!

"W-what..?! Hey!! Wait just a minute...!" Saffron had barely a moment to register any of that before he felt himself in the grasp of a magical hold, his body completely frozen and unable to move. "Y-you.. you can't be serious!" Saffron yelled in panicked protest. But he realized that they were in a precarious situation. Both he and Crystal were outsiders to Upper Canterlot. Their immediate presence would be met with suspicion and disdain from the locals and especially the guards. It was very likely that they wouldn't even get a chance to defend themselves! He looked furiously over towards Richly, but saw to his surprise that he hadn't taken this opportunity to try and get Peony's attention. Indeed, he seemed quite preoccupied with what looked like two large vines keeping his back hooves entrapped. "What the hay...?"

He heard Peony speak up, surprisingly calm and content, and she attempted to explain to the guards what had really happened. Saffron tried to back her up, but he found it very difficult to speak in his current position. Every time Richly attempted to defend his own position he wanted to scream. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, and before long Saffron felt the magical grip on him release, and he fell to the ground, thoroughly relieved.

"Ooogh.." The Stallion groaned. "Is that how that usually feels? I gotta be sure to reduce the amount of times I do it to other Ponies on stage..."

He had almost no chance to even collect himself before he was being further accosted by the guardponies' questions. Saffron tried to explain everything to the best of his ability. However, he intentionally left out any details regarding Solar Blaze. True, he had damaged and stolen from Peony's garden, but Saffron couldn't help but feel pity for his reasons. In any case, the true culprit was already in custody. Saffron then finished up his testimony and asked: "So, can I go now?"

But the guard wasn't listening. He had turned his head away from him and was instead now focusing, in complete awe, at something else making its way into the garden...

"Princess Celestia?!" Saffron exclaimed in amazement. Now that was unexpected.

The Stallion bowed formally, as did everypony else in the garden, as a gesture of respect. Though as he rose he worriedly hoped that she wouldn't come over and question him. He thought that he might just fall apart and lose all composure if she did. He had never been this close to the Princess before in his life!

Fortunately, her attention was directed towards Peony, still blindfolded, and obviously concerned over her intentions and reasons for keeping the dangerous blue rose as part of her garden. He couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy towards Peony as she explained her reasons. Her intentions were noble, after all, and it was clear she was only thinking for the safety of other Ponies. Saffron admired that outlook. It was something that made her different from the usual Upper Canterlot folk. Still, he agreed that it was best she hand it over for safekeeping.

It took Saffron quite a while to get over the awe of Celestia's presence, and only when he suddenly realized that he would like to discuss some of his concerns regarding the class system with her, did he realize that she had already departed...

As had everypony else.

"...Oh." He said, dumbfounded and looking around. He supposed that Peony had gone off to be cured under escort. And as for Crystal, well... she looked just as confused as he did.

"No reason for us to remain here." He shrugged in response to her request. "And you look like a ghost just walked through you." He smiled. "Come on. The walk will do us good."

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


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@Raven Rawne@Dark Horse

As the two of them walked around the house to the front gate, they both noticed Peony was standing by that over decorated carriage still. Another wagon was pulling away. In the back of it was the blue rose, with armed escort. Peony with that potted flower on her back started to carefully walk and climb up in the coach. Apparently, with great difficulties wile being blind folded. The driver waved the other two to come and climb in as well.

After the two climbed in, the carriage was off to Peony's estate. They both noticed that the dress fragment around her eyes were wet, and tears running down her cheeks. They both spoke up almost at once to make sure Peony was alright.

"Oh dear! I am dreadfully sorry you two. This is not lady-like at all." Peony tried her best to wipe the tears from her cheeks without upsetting the blindfold. "It is just.....so much to keep in. I had to give my treasure away. Got that waitress infected along with my self. Also the first time I spoken with the princess and I could not even see her." She went and tapped the pot with her front hoof. "Also poor Flower here has to go into a hibernation. Used its power to protect me. Was too much for the little deary."

The carriage did not take long to arrive at her place. Thankfully Crystal helped the blind mare out of the carriage. Peony almost took a tumble but was caught. They escorted her to the front door where they were greeted by a maid of the estate. One look at Peony made the maid freak and run to them. "Oh Mistress! What ever happened to you?" She then gave a stern look at the two ponies with her.

Saffron explained everything to her as she lead the daughter of the house inside to get cleaned up. "Can you pay these two ponies for the aid they have provided me love? I want to make sure they receive what I promised them." The maid bowed and went off to acquire the bits that were promised to them. Another maid brought them in a set of tea to drink as they waited.

When the first one came back and paid them, Peony spoke up. Looking in a different direction than those two. "Well loves. I appreciate all that you have done for me. I do hope this is enough of a payment. Though might I inquire one additional thing by chance? Will you aid me in retrieving the cure. Flower told me it was the broken heart flower that grows in the Everfree forest. If you don't I will understand fully. It is a dangerous location to be sure."

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Dark Horse @Nightmare Season

The crystal mare bit her tongue, and replies after a brief pause,  nodding weakly. "Y-yeah, let's..."

Apparently,  they weren't destined to cross the distance on hoof because, after walking out of the garden and around the estate proper, the pair saw Peony and her carriage still parked.  There was another wagon on its way out,  no doubt escorting the rose. Crystal saw the driver be kon them and, with mixed feelings, she nodded and headed towards it. One last glance at the guard detatchment following the rose, safe in its new ride made her sigh. "If only she did it sooner..."

As she made it to the steps, Peony was already inside the coach,  so Crystal thought it was prudent announce herself. Miss Peony, it's me, Crystal and Saffron.  Would you mind if we ride with you?" No reply arrived so she took it as a silent agreement, and climbed inside. Mindful to avoid muddied the floor and seats with her less than impeccable dress.

The carriage nutted forward and rolled onto the street but, instead of putting her muzzle to the glass and zone out, Crystal took a moment to inspect the unicorn mare sitting across from her. She seemed... distressed,  putting it lightly. So, the crystal pony gambled and asked hesitantly: "Are you... all right?"

All in all, it was hard not to sympathise with the other mare.  Her... vanity,  or other misplaced sentiment caused such adverse effects, and it seemed she lost her only friend for Heart knows how long.

She sighed deeply,  and said to nopony in particular. "That is in the last,  for better or worse.  Now all that matters is what you do with your future..."

They arrived to their destination soon enough, and the burgundy mare was relieved to see her familiar cart safely parked where she left it. Anticipating that Peony will have serious trouble moving around,  Crystal offered her aid in disembarking the carriage and led her to the front door, although it might have gone smoother. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as the maid by the doors tossed the silent accusation their way for mishandling the daughter of the House. Thankfully her companion provided necessary explanation, and they were met in, albeit reluctantly.

With a pleasantly heavy bit purse by her lap, and carefully holding a cup of tea in both hooves - the material was called "porcelain" if she recalled correctly, and was very expensive - Crystal Clear enjoyed a moment in one if the numerous guest rooms, along with her other unexpected companion of the day. She held her breath as the cup shook slightly in her hooves upon hearing the proposition to venture into the Everfree Forest, however, and decided to put it down for a bit. Just in case. Crystal started, undecided but concerned. "I uhh, heard some bad things about it. And the Crystal Princess warned us about it too... Are you sure you can... I mean with your eyes covered and... Oh Heart, I mean, how can we even know it's the right one if you can't see it, and I don't even know how it looks like? I expect mister Shadow would have similar issues. And I thought the guards would get it, with her royal Highness involved..."


  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Nightmare Season @Raven Rawne

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Crystal and Saffron made their way out of the garden together, but it seemed their plan of walking the whole way back was premature, because the two of them soon discovered Peony's carriage still parked up outside, whilst another bearing the crest of the royal castle of Canterlot departed back towards the castle grounds, presumably with the blue rose under secure lock and key. For the best. Saffron thought to himself. He understood that Peony had cared deeply for that flower, but it was simply too dangerous to leave growing in somepony's garden like that, even if she was extra careful with it. Today's events had shown that.

The poor mare struggled with her blindfold, but managed to get herself onboard the carriage. Saffron simply turned his head to look at Crystal with concerned eyes and said "C'mon.. let's at least make sure she gets home okay." With no voice of protest, the two trotted over and boarded the carriage with Peony, and it soon set off back towards her estate.

As they travelled, Saffron couldn't help but glance at Peony repeatedly. Even the most inattentive Pony in all of Equestria could have noticed how distressed she seemed right now. Clearly, the stress of the day's events had caught up to her. As visable tears began to fall down the mare's cheeks, Saffron did the only reasonable thing he could think of at the moment, and put a reassuring arm around Peony's shoulder.

"Miss Peony, you mustn't blame yourself for what happened." He said to her in a soft, but confident tone. "Many of these events were out of our control. I think we should count our lucky stars that things didn't turn out even worse! If we hadn't found Solar Flare back in the streets, or if we arrived even a second later to stop Richly... Well, let's just say I think we were fortunate that things played out as they did."

As Peony gestured towards 'Flower', and how it would have to go into hibernation as a result of using it's powers earlier, Saffron did his best to sympathise. He still wasn't entirely sure what the deal with this potted plant was, yet he felt... oddly appreciative of it more now that it had actually assisted them. Perhaps he had dismissed it too easily before.

"Fret not Miss. We'll get that cure for you and restore you to normal before long." He said as truthfully as he could. He actually hadn't the faintest idea how they were going to find it, or when. As Peony herself had said, the cure was supposedly some kind of counter-effect pollen that could be found only within the Everfree Forest, a place most Ponies chose to avoid by reputation alone. He had expected the royal imperial guard to search for, or at least assist in retrieving it for them, but it would appear now that wasn't going to be the case. He wished now he had said something to Celestia before she departed...

"That is in the past, for better or worse." Crystal mused from across the carriage. "Now all that matters is what to do with your future."

An apt statement. Saffron thought to himself. He felt it meant just as much to him as it did to Peony. His future... Some, like Solar Blaze, had already chosen their future. A life of crime and petty thievery. What about him? Where would his future take him in this cold and unforgiving city?

No... not completely unforgiving.

His thoughts were interrupted by the carriage arriving at their destination. Peony's stately manor looked much as the same as they had left it, yet it felt oddly strange that its true owner wouldn't even be able to see that. As it stood, she had enough trouble even disembarking the carriage. Good thing Crystal was there to help her.

As they led the stricken mare back to her home, they were confronted by one of her servants dashing to her assistance. She didn't look very impressed at her master's current state, but thankfully Saffron was able to explain the situation to her, which she seemed to accept. She was then whisked away inside, no doubt for another super-efficient tidying up.

"Oh, Miss Peony, there's really no reason to--" He began, but wasn't able to finish before the servants (two more had appeared from seemingly nowhere again..) rounded Peony around a corner and out of sight. He sighed. He appreciated that Peony was so insistent on paying them for helping, but he hadn't done this deed with the intention of making a quick bit or two. There were enough ponies in this city who were self-serving. Besides, Saffron couldn't feel as though their job was complete until Peony was safely cured. Leaving her as she was would didn't sit right with the Stallion.

Nevertheless, 5 minutes later he found himself with Crystal inside yet another of the manor's guest rooms. A generously sized bit purse by his side, and a much appreciated cup of tea by his other, which he levitated and sipped on at his leisure. The stallion was quite fond of tea, and this had to be one of the best blends he had tasted in a long time. Only the best for the wealthy, he supposed. He lounged back in the comfortable armchair and let out a long, slow sigh. "What a day..." He glanced over to his crystal companion, looking, for once, content and relaxed herself. "Sorry about the dress." He said, gesturing towards the mare's damaged attire. "Guess it was a bit much for us to get out of this one completely without casualty." His own travel coat wasn't looking in the best of shape either. Stained with mud and badly wrinkled in places where Saffron had tried to struggle whilst trapped in the guardsponies' hold.

Dammit. He liked this coat.

It wasn't long before Peony had returned and begun to address them. Or rather... address the wall. Neither Saffron nor Crystal made any move to correct her. Saffron didn't respond to her asking if the payment was enough. Of course it was, it was more than enough. It was enough for Saffron to get by on for weeks at least, and he still felt a bit guilty accepting it. However, Peony was not finished...

"R-right... the Everfree." Saffron stuttered slightly. The idea of delving into the dangerous forest didn't sit well with him, especially as it was quite clear none of them had any real combat or self-defence experience. What would happen if they ran into trouble? Crystal raised another fair point. He had no idea what this "broken heart" flower looked like!

"I do want to help you Miss Peony, really... but, I'm not sure what use I would be? I'm no botanist, and with your eyes being out of action, we could be wandering around in there for hours before we find it. Is there even a book or something you could show us that gives us a physical description? Maybe that would help narrow things down a bit."

He wasn't sure why he didn't just turn the request down, but he couldn't bring himself to leave the poor mare in the state she was in after such a generous reward. He had to try something for her at least. The royal guard didn't seem to give much of a damn.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Raven Rawne@Dark Horse

Peony listened to her two guests. Both were afraid of that forest, and with good reasons too. The part of them not knowing what it looks like was an easy fix. "Well loves, I do have a book in my room that would have a picture of it. If you would come with me?" Peony got up and tried to head to her section of the manor from memory. Sadly after the first bump, a servant stepped in to lead her to her room. After several steps and halls, the servant opened up double doors that lead into a bedroom.

The first thing both Crystal and Saffron noticed was a strong scent of flowers coming out of the room. On the third floor and a balcony overlooking the garden, this was definitely Peony's room. All the decorations were flowers. Her bed's canopy was even decorated with vines of flowers. Not planted but still seemed full of life. The maid walked Peony over to her bed to get her to sit down. "Welcome to my room loves. I know it's not much, but I like decorat'n myself. Dear, can you retrieve the manuscript of the local flora of the Everfree please?"

With that, the maid walked over to the bookcase and started scanning the shelves for that book. A few seconds latter, she found it and brought it over to the two standing in the room. After looking through the pages, they found the one they were looking for. It was a rare flower, the petals would grow to form almost a heart shape, but the petals did not fully touch so it looked like a heart torn in half. Wile looking through it they also saw the dangerous plants as well.

Crystal decided that it was to much of a risk for her and politely refused to go in the forest. "Do not worry love. You did far more already than what was asked of you. I might be able to go to some guild and hire adventurers to go with me. Though I only pray they will not try and take advantage of my current state." She felt the cloth that was blindfolding her with a deep thought going through her mind.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season @Dark Horse

The burgundy mare picked the cue and cocked her head curiously at Peony when Saffron mentioned that she can give them a description of the flower, or point to a book.

"That could work...."

She was still far from sold on signing up on that mad escapade but... couldn't bring herself to up and leave either. Having a concience can be a real handicap sometimes, she decided.

Peony had a book to show them, apparently, and they got up on their hooves to go to her room - Crystal finished her tea before heading out, which meant she was busy drinking when Peony missed the doorway and walked straight into the wall a few steps away. If not for the circumstances, it might have been amusing. The sudden appearance of yet another servant was hardy surprising at this point, it was as if they were hiding just out of sight and sprung to assist on a moment's notice. Or spied on the daughter of the house and her "companions"... The latter semed just as probable to the mare, but she shrugged it off. These Upper Canterlot ponies seemed so petty, and clinging to their appearances it was starting to rub her the wrong way.

Crystal walked the corridors towards Peony's chambers with somber mood, and it probably showed on her coat - always did. The bit purse in hoof, it was a nice reimbursement for her dress, and delay on the current project for those uppity Twinkles. Still, not enough to just cancel the contract and go home, which she would very much like to do right now. The joys of having your own business...

They were met, nay, assaulted, by scent of flowers the moment the doors opened. Just a casual glance at the decor was enough to confirm they were in Peony's room, and Crystal bit her tongue to avoid making a comment. Although upon Peony's invitation, she felt it was prident to show some appreciation.

"I think it reflects on your tastes, in good way."

She stood near the bed and looked at the vines that seemed to have taken hold of it. It would take a lot of effort but, maybe she would be able to make something like that out of crystal? Who knew. The maid found a relevant book soon enough though, and her attention was brought towads it, now laid out on a reading desk by he wall. The pair of ponies looked down on a fat tome to seek the particular entry they were after. Fortunately, there was a Table of Contents...

"Broken Heart Flower. Seems fitting, doesn't it?" - She looked at the drawing provided at the head of the entry, then read on. The book was well written, that Crystal had to admit. She learned that the flowers were found exclusively around the ruins of the old Castle of Two Sisters, and even there they were hard to find. There was a mention that it was possible that they grew only in the area that once consised of the town that hugged the Castle, but lack of excavations made the claim impossible to be verified. Another passage mentioned that some scholars propose that the plant itself was the earth's way of dealing with Celestia's grief after she banished her sister. Lunatic as it might sound, all bets were off when it came to this one really. Few scholars ever studied it, and they would wilt and refuse to grow anywhere except the area they were picked, making any real research all but impossible, unless one fancied a trip to the Everfree.

Once her curiosity has been sated, Crystal finally made up her mind. She  stood up and walked from the desk and owards the bed, sh she wouldn't have to yell across the large room to be heard. With some uncertainty, she looked at both ponies in turn and started. 

"Well... it seems we have enough information to start, and know how the plant looks... All the pieces are in place, it seems. Although...."  she held her voice as she mustered her willpower - "Ugh, I was never good at this. I wish to remain in Canterlot, and resume work for my client. The trip will take several days and that will put me so much behind schedule that I may not catch up before the deadline, so I won't earn anything from this job. And I can't risk that. And speaking of risk, neither of us has any experience in survival, and I do not want to end up as monster food after, well, everything...." - Crystal hung her head low at that, and sighed. She then looked back at each pony in turn, confidently this time. "If I may assist you from here, in a way that doesn't jeopardise me or my project, I'm all ears. I'm sotty miss Peony, but I cannot risk my life like this. You two better get some experienced guide or a trustworthy guardpony. I bet some will be helpful, if the price is right."

Crystal Clear felt somewhat relieved, and felt the tight knot in her chest loosen up a bit as Peony accepted her resignation from following her into the Everfree. "Thanks... You better hire somepony who knows how to handle themelves, yes. I uhhh, have rented a place on Twisted Tail street, first floor above a cafeteria, flat 29. If you need me, that's where I spend my time after work. So... I guess I'll go now, hope you two will come back in one piece. You seem like good ponies, despite being from Canterlot *snort* Thaaat was a joke. Sorry. I'll better go and leave you to planning the trip now."

The burgundy mare made her goodbyes and left the room, led out to the exit by the maid as another servant took her place in the bedchamber. Soon enough, she was on her way back to that rented place she mentioned, pulling her cart and feeling something very bitter in her mouth.

"Damn you, concience. Why you always make it so hard on me?"

Thankfully she knew a way to silence the bugger. And how to treat a nasty hangover on the morning after.


---------------------------------------------- Elsewhere in Canterlot -------------------------------------------------------


Millers Gare.

Upon first glance, just another enrance into the capital, a huge pair of doors in the white wall, flanked by tall towers. Pairs of guards staring on anypony who just as much as went close to it from the outside, it was one of the least used ways to enter Canterlot. In days gone by, traders and farmers would scale the steep mountainous road leading to this gate, out of sight and away from the representative Jerellers Gate that led towards the Castle proper. With the railroads hauling most of the goods and passengers, the Millers Gate fell out of favour. Still, some ponies used it, and one of them just crossed it into the Warehouse Disctrict of Lower Canterlot.

An earth pony, mare. mint coat, bown mane tied in a ponytail. Some unusual hat on her head, and a pipe in her teeth, she pulled a wagon that looked way too big for her lithe frame. She walked towards her destination through the wide, somewhat safe street, as the locals try to take stock of her as she passes. The mint mare stops in "Last Stop", an inn for all sorts of travellers who don't want to spend a fortune on accommodation, and don't mind the occasional brawl in the bar. After renting a room and parking her wagon, she takes some of her things upstairs and orders a meal, then hangs out in the common room, to share stories with other patrons, pick up gossip, place bets on the next bar brawl and simply kick her hindlegs on the table and relax with some mead.

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Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne @Nightmare Season

A book? Well, it was better than nothing. Saffron watched as Peony tried awkwardly to leave the room, but naturally ended up colliding with the wall. Poor Mare... she was in an impossible state right now. He was about to come to her assistance, but the maids had him well beat to that. She beckoned them to follow and guided Miss Peony through the winding corridors of the manor once again and to her room.

Even the door would have eclipsed the entirety of Saffron's room...

"Sweet Celestia..." The stallion heard himself mumble, his eyes wide with amazement as he took in the surroundings. It was quite a bit different from any of the other rooms he had seen in the manor. It still had that air of refinement and opulence about it, but it also had some personal touches that made it unmistakably Peony's abode. The first thing he noticed was the very fragrant smell that entered his nostrils, almost calming him to a degree, and it was easy to see why this was: The entire room was covered in various plants and vines, all integrated into the extravagant furnishing in such ways that it seemed almost to be bringing everything to life! Even Peony's bed was wrapped around by vines of nearby flowers, which seemed to interest Crystal in particular. No doubt the craftspony was contemplating a new design for her services, Saffron smiled.

"It's... sure something else." Saffron responded to Peony's comment, still quite lost for words over the appearance of the room. It was a refreshing change from the cold, lifeless grey and brown that he was used to back home. He approached a purple tulip resting atop one of the room's many drawers and gave it a close sniff.

Peony's maid soon had the book that they were looking for, and, after a few choice directions from Peony, had what they were looking for. The flower of the Broken Heart! Contrary to what its name suggested however, it seemed to be one of the few benign specimens of the Everfree. "Well what the hay is it doing in there, then?" Saffron rolled his eyes. "It looks more like something that belongs down in Ponyville! Of all places to choose to grow..." From what he could gather from the book, it also seemed that they would be one of the few who ever went looking for it. It had proved notoriously difficult to study.

Alas, complaining about that now would solve nothing. If they wanted to cure Peony, then it appeared this was their only hope.

For Crystal however, it wasn't hopeful enough. The Mare requested that she remain behind so that she could, understandably, return to her usual line of business. Saffron could hardly blame her. The wild events of today had already cost her a day of productivity, and Saffron wouldn't begrudge her not wanting to miss another one. Still, she seemed reluctant to tell them this.

"I understand. There's no sense in you getting a reputation of being unreliable to your clients, especially up here. All it would take is one influential family being upset by you, and you could suddenly find yourself with no work to speak of." He chuckled at her comment about not wishing to become "monster food". "Truth be told, I share that sentiment. However, I feel like I need to do this, so I'll remain here with Peony, then we can search out some hired help that would be more geared for a trek through the forest." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I know a place or two that might help us there."

The burgundy Mare gave them her address in case they needed to get in touch. "Perhaps one day I can make use of your services. Could use a bit of crystal decoration around the home, brighten things up a tad." The Stallion joked as the two ponies gave their parting goodbyes. Truthfully, he felt a slight, sentimental sadness over her sudden departure, but he tried to hide it behind his off-hoof comment. He knew that he would likely never be able to afford her work, but he held out hope that perhaps one day...

And with a final departing gesture, Crystal Clear followed a maid out of the room and out of sight, leaving Saffron and Peony alone.

"Well..." Saffron said finally after a few moments of silence. "I guess that just leaves the two of us. At least until we can find some hired help. Fret not Miss Peony, I have some experience dealing with such individuals, so I'll take care of the deal and make sure we get somepony worth their price in bits." He assured her, though admittedly the blindfold made it quite difficult for him to determine how she was feeling about it all.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Raven Rawne@Dark Horse

Peony Spring listened as Crystal left them and left the manor. Saffron encouraged her that he would help her find a good escort. Peony simply smiled. "Thank you deary. I appreciate the aid you are provid'n. I recon that after all this mess is resolved, I will see to help'n your theater out some. Won't be as much as Richly Fabulous offered, but it should still be enough."

After listening to Saffron's response, Peony got up off her bed and walked slowly over to her Vanity. "If we are going into town and a crowed. I best make someth'n that will not be pulled off so easily." With that, she began using her magic to pull out cloth and flowers from her drawers. A few moments latter they both could hear what sounded like a few ponies running in the hall to their location. "By the stars. Sorry love, sounds like my parents are com'n."


Sure enough a few seconds latter the doors flew open and in ran a stallion and a mare. Saffron could tell just by their attire that these two were the typical snout in air rich Canterlots that looked down on the lower classes. The mother instantly dashed to her daughter, where-as the father first seeing his daughter than turning his gaze to the lone stallion in his daughter's room. "What might you sir have done to my daughter?" The white stallion said in a demanding voice.

"Please father, Saffron here has come to my aid more than once today." At first it seemed as though he did not want to believe her and to take his rage out on the stallion. Peony explained everything to her parents everything that had happened after they departed this morning. Including the Princess asking her to retrieve the cure. "Ther' you see love. If you wolst have followed in our' trade. Non of this dibacl' woul'd have happn' "Her mother finally injected into the conversation. "I agree with your mother Peony. After all this, you must give up this silly dream of yours about the flowers.

"I am sorry mother, father. I feel as though I need to continue to grow my flowers. It is my destiny after all." The argument lasted a few more minutes with Saffron just listening in. These two were in fact the image of the rich and snobby he came to hear about. When the parents finally gave up they left her to do what she wanted to do. Not before however Peony's father glared at Saffron with the look of "She better come home in one piece and still fit for marriage" stare.

"Sorry you had to see such disgrace. My parents mean well and all. But they sometimes let their tempers say things." Peony finished making a new blindfold. Even while not being able to see, Peony made a fashion accessory out of cloth and flowers. And by the way it was tied, was not getting pulled off.  "Mind if you escort me dear? I fear that I will not be able to see a thing." Peony asked of Saffron as she stood up and held out a hoof to guide her.

Saffron and Peony were stopped once more before leaving for her father to remind Saffron that his daughter's safety was far more important than anything Saffron could ever have or afford.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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  • 1 month later...

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@Raven Rawne @Nightmare Season

Saffron waved a dismissive hoof to Peony's generous gesture of support in return for his help. "Oh, that really isn't necessary. I'm sure your parents wouldn't approve. I mean, its only right that at least one of us stay behind to ensure your safety given your current state, and I have no immediate need to return home at this time. After everything we've already been through in this crazy day, I at least want to see it out."

Truth be told, Saffron was quite eager to accept her offer. Irrespective of what she gave compared to Richly, Saffron knew it still would have been more than enough to put their bit troubles behind them. But... he wasn't doing this for a reward. It was out of the desire to help somepony in need. Ironic, really, given that Peony was part of the very society that he believed turned their backs to the needy. But he wouldn't let personal feelings get in the way of that. What was important to him right now was getting Peony her cure before...

Saffron turned his head to the bedroom doorway and the approaching sound of hoofsteps nearing it. "Your parents?" He asked in mild surprise. Now that he thought of it, despite spending the better part of the day within Peony's house, he had never encountered her folks before now.

And he had shortly thereafter wished it had remained that way.

"What I'VE done?!" The stallion exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden accusation this snobbish looking elderly pony was now directing towards him. Perhaps fortunately, Peony jumped in to try and explain the situation before any misunderstandings became worse. Despite her best efforts however, both of her parents remained unimpressed, now directing their displeasure towards her and ranting at length about her choice of lifestyle. Saffron could only frown at the display. Now he realized why she liked to keep to herself. At one point he even felt like interjecting on her behalf, but then decided against it. He knew the second he saw them that these two ponies, the father especially, weren't the type to listen to whatever a 'lower class' citizen like himself had to say. He wondered how Crystal would have react had she still been here. He suspected, to his silent amusement, probably with a hoof to the muzzle.

The argument lasted for what felt like several minutes. Saffron was getting so fed up that he had taken to gazing out the window at the sunset trickling beyond the horizon outside, beginning to wonder if he'd made a mistake choosing to stay. He wondered how everyone was doing back home? Probably not arguing over petty things like this, he was certain. Not that anypony back home would have the luxury to bemoan life choices like this lot. For ponies like Saffron, it was all about keeping your head above water and the food on the table.

After what seemed like ages, her parents finally relented, her mother insisting she turn back home at the first sign of trouble, and her father giving Saffron a very threatening look of the worst kind of punishment should any harm befall his daughter. Saffron smiled back innocently and nodded, even though he knew full well that the wealthy stallion could very easily make life difficult for him. Harder than it already was. That was just about the last thing he needed right now.

"Yes, I... noticed that." He replied. "Nice to see that they care for you and all, but they could do with toning it down just a little. If they think they've got problems with you, I'd hate to see how they react to things down below." He rolled his eyes, knowing that Peony couldn't quite get an idea of his disgust in her current state. Despite their attitude towards her, it was clear she still loved them very much. He wasn't going to try and challenge that view for her.

"Hopefully they'll see a bit more to reason once we get you cured... IF we get you cured..." He mumbled the last part to himself. He didn't really want to think about what they'd do if he couldn't bring her back to full senses. While he knew that he shouldn't be blamed for her current situation, he couldn't help but feel partially responsible for her now, and a poor, unimportant Middle-Class pony like himself would be a far better scapegoat for Peony's troubles than an influential figure like Richly.

There might be a lot more at stake for him with this than he realized...

"Look, we'll need some kind of help if we want to find this cure. The Everfree is dangerous, and the last thing any of us need is for you to end up in any worse shape than you are now. I suspect your parents would hang me out to dry if they found even a scratch on your body." Saffron took Peony's hoof in his own and carefully escorted her down from the bed she had been applying the new blindfold on, still running the plan of action in his head whilst doing so. "Let's see... Everfree forest... that's near the old Millers Gate entrance if I recall. It's... not really an entrance that's used anymore. Fell out of favor when the new tracklines went in. Most ponies will steer clear of the lower sections these days if they can help it. Can't say I blame them." He looked somberly thoughtful for a moment, then continued: "Still, most of the Inns down that way have a tendency to attract the more... unsavory types. Uhh.. what I mean by that is-- ponies that don't mind getting their hooves dirty in a dangerous location. Most of them will be pretty reliable, for the right price of course. I'm sure they've all had plenty of experience with the Everfree. S-should be no problem..!"

He dearly wished he could've made that sound more convincing, but truth be told; he felt as though he would be trotting into this just as blind as Peony was. Though it was true he had heard many things about the rise in mercenary activity in the lower sections, he'd never actually had the need to go and hire one. Embarking on a dangerous trek through places like the Everfree wouldn't normally help with keeping his theater afloat. Though perhaps after this...

He shook his head. Pointless even thinking that far ahead now. They still needed to even find where a suitable guide might be located, and try and convince whoever it was that they weren't just wasting their time.

Saffron carefully escorted Peony down the long, winding corridors and awkward staircases to the manor entrance hall, where he once again was given an intimidating reminder at what was at stake here by her overbearing father. He merely nodded in acknowledgement, though silently cursed inside his head. Today was a day he should've stayed in bed.

Peony's private carriage was still waiting for them outside, the driver looking as though he hadn't moved an inch. Saffron carefully led Peony inside first, then told the driver to head to Millers Gate, which prompted an inquisitive look from the haughty looking pony. Clearly that was not a destination he was used to hearing. Saffron merely gave an affirmative jerk of his head for him to get moving, and climbed into the back as well.

The journey was fairly long, though mostly uneventful. The grandiose and pristine sights grew more and more gray and depressing, as the environment changed from one end of the spectrum to the other. By the time they had reached their destination (or as close as they could get, for the carriage driver outright refused to take them any further beyond the gate for fear of being mugged), the last of the sunlight had fallen behind the high stone walls and rickety looking shacks that made up most of the buildings. The day had given way to night.

Opening the carriage door, Saffron's nostrils were immediately greeted by the hazy, polluted air that made up their surroundings, causing the stallion to wince slightly. He hated being reminded of the conditions here.

He led Peony from the carriage, hopeful that nopony was watching and got the wrong impression. A wealthy Upper-Class pony coming this far down was almost unheard of these days, and he didn't want either of them being accosted immediately. Let them at least find an Inn or something first.

"Well, we're here Miss Peony." He told her while looking around. "Doesn't look to be any trouble, but I'd suggest not staying in any one place longer than we have to. Folks down here don't take too kindly to... well, ponies of your kind. I'll keep close to you." And with that, he set off with her down the dirt path to a street filled with various seedy looking establishments and back-alley Inns, keeping a constant awareness of their surroundings in case they were jumped at. Some heads did start to turn in their direction from the occasional stall or merchants corner, and an open-bar where 4 or 5 rather shifty looking ponies sat prompted a "Hey!" from one of the patrons, but Saffron simply ignored it and hurried along. After another minute or two of traveling, the two ponies came across the outside of one of the few buildings that didn't seem to have been built out of scrap metal and assorted material: 'The Last Stop'. Saffron gave a sharp "Tch!" at the appropriateness of the name. Could well be his last stop, knowing what he was about to get into.

"Here, Miss Peony. I believe I've found us a suitable establishment. Well.. as suitable as you can get for this part of town." He shrugged. At least it didn't look as though it would fall over if a strong breeze so much as whipped up. "I'm sure we can find somepony inside who could assist in our predicament. Mind the step..." He guided the mare inside as he pushed the door open, making way for the noise of bustling chatter and a surprisingly warm interior, which he welcomed quite gladly from the coming chill of the night.

"Come on in and close the door!" Came the gruff sounding voice of the Innkeeper from behind the bar. "Let me know what I can get to fill your bellies, aye?"

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


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@Dark Horse @Raven Rawne

Peony was spooked at every little noise she heard walking through a street she had no clue about. Several whistles and calls got her even more on edge. She simple kept close to Saffron as she could. Once they entered the tavern inn, her nose was the most assaulted. The smells and aromas she never once smelled in upper Canterlot. "I pray we might find a guide here dear. I am so nervous hear'n all this commotion without any sight."

Saffron sat her down at a cleanish table before he left her to start asking around. After a few moments, a few of the patrons started to take more of an interest in the blindfolded mare in rich attire. A few stallions made their way over to sit down or stand next to the helpless mare. "Hey purty. Might I offer you a drink?" One of the stallions spoke up. "Oh umm, Pardon me gents. My companion and myself, we seek the aid of a guide to the Everfree forest."

The group was quickly understood to not be there to offer assistance to her. By the time Saffron noticed the group with the mare, They were getting pushy to get her to go with them. As he tried to twist and weave his way to her, a mare actually stepped in to silence the trouble makers.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season @Dark Horse

Luna's Moon was on the night sky, shining it's dim light onto the Royal City. It's least well off district was quiet, it's streets hastily emptying from pedestrians. One of the many watering holes, aptly called "the Last Stop", was teeming with life. Ponies of all walks of Lower Canterlot life sat by the tables,  sipping what passed as alcohol while talking, gambling and doing business. Some more remote ones were occupied by ponies who didn't really fit the folklore, like some mare in a fancy hat, a pair of griffons, some others too. One particular table by the window was occupied by a lone pony, an earth pony mare of mint coat and brown mane. She sipped from a beer stein and nibbled on fresh bread while engrossed in a newspaper. 

The doors opened again, and two ponies walked in. The mare raised an eye and seemed surprised to see them here, of all places, but minded her own business. Still, the rich mare with a blindfold seemed to gather a lot of attention,  and not the good sort either...

The lone mare kept an eye on the situation that was quickly developing, and keenly noticed the first signs of trouble,  like the barkeep taking the mugs off the bar. The air was getting stiff and even the unusual guests started to notice. Seeing that the stallion couldn't keep the others away from the mare,  she decided to act.  Downing her beer and standing up with a thud,  she walked towards the gathering commotion.

Hey! You there! Need an explanation on what a No means?"

Some heads turned and a clearly tipsy stallion that accosted the blind mare tried to punch her, but she ducked and retaliated with a hit to the jaw. As the attacker staggered and backed away, clearly surprised, others started to slowly back away from the lithe looking mint mare, so she gazed sternly and pointed away with a hoof.

"Go pester somepony else, she's not interested in your company,  GOT IT?!" She breathed out and looked to the richer newcomers. "You guys are OK? Lower Canterlot is not a place for the rich folks, doncha know? Anyway, feel free to join me by the table if you'd like, I guess they have something in here that would pass as food for you..."

She turned away and went back to her seat and picked up the newspaper. Seeing that she now had company,  and the inn calmed down some after her little show, the mare folded it neatly and laid away, turning to her new companions.

"I hope you have some transport back to the nicer Discricts... Anyway, name's Natural Order. I guess you could call me an adventurer, on a temporary stop here." She smiled slightly and asked the others. "What brings you to this nice and friendly corner? "

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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  • 1 month later...

@Nightmare Season @Raven Rawne

Saffron winced, feeling rather fortunate that Peony couldn't see him doing so. He was already beginning to have second thoughts about bringing her here. This den of delinquents wasn't fit for even the most troubled of ponies Saffron knew, let alone a resident of the Upper levels like Peony. There was no way he was leaving her outside though. Not in her current state. And while the troubled Mare might not have her vision, it was clear the rest of her senses weren't painting her a pretty picture of the environment.

"I know, Miss Peony. Rest assured I'll be as quick as I can." He said attempting to comfort her, but the reality was that he really couldn't be sure where to even start. They needed a reliable guide, not some half-drunken layabout, and preferably not somepony who looked too shifty either, and would abandon them the second things became too hairy. The last thing he or anypony wanted was to be lost in the Everfree forest.

"Sit yourself down here, Miss Peony. That's it, right there.." He said in a hushed tone of voice, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible amidst all the turning heads in their direction. "Just wait here for a little bit and don't do anything to draw attention to yourself. I'll be back as soon as I can." The stallion had placed her down at a corner booth as far as he could get from the condensed crowd, which wasn't far enough really, but the Tavern wasn't very large to begin with. Giving her total privacy was impossible, but Saffron hoped it would have to do.

Looking around, he inhaled deeply, then chose a random direction to move in, keeping his eyes peeled for anypony who might look particularly brutish. This wouldn't be the first time he had interactions with mercenary types, so he knew the kind of outward appearance he was looking for.

Unsurprisingly, he didn't have to look very far. Ponies in rugged looking light armour, duster coats or simply patched together cloaks were relatively common among establishments like this. Their favourite hangout spots while awaiting a new job. Unfortunately, while finding them was a relatively easy task, acquiring their services was another. Saffron had long known that most of these 'Adventurers-for-hire' drove a hard bargain, but he was starting to suspect that having Peony as his companion was causing the sell-swords to drive up their fee in an attempt to take advantage of her clearly displayed wealth. He probably should have gotten her to dress a little more modestly before they left...

"Seven hundred bits?! I'm not hiring you to invade a small nation here, it should be just a short expedition!" Saffron protested to a dark cobalt Earth Pony wearing a hooded grey cloak.

"Even so.. the Everfree is a dangerous place my friend." The stallion replied in raspy voice, his amber eyes almost glowing with an intimidating glare. "A Stallion could get himself hurt in there, especially on a half-researched goose chase for some 'magic flower' that may not even exist." He smirked in a way that made Saffron uncomfortable, before adding; "If I were you, I'd be looking for someone to keep your marefriend safe from the Ponies 'round here instead."

Saffron whirled around as the sound of commotion from behind perked up his ears. Sure enough, a large crowd of patrons was now forming around Peony's table, who was looking around frantically in random directions. "Son of a--!" Saffron exclaimed, and tried to force his way back to her, which didn't prove easy. Numerous large, burly stallions now stood in his way, all clearly looking for a chance to get close to the helpless Mare themselves, with some trying to even coerce her into coming with them. "Peony!" Saffron tried to shout over the crowd, but it was about as effective as yelling in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Suddenly however, a voice even louder than those of the clearly tipsy group of Stallions nearest Peony shouted out over the whole tavern, and quite a few heads darted towards where it had come from, Saffron's included. It turned out to belong to a rather feisty looking mint green Mare, and despite her comparatively smaller looking stature against the more beefy looking Stallions, she was staring defiantly at them with a look of pure contempt. One of the group was obviously not impressed, and actually tried to lash out at her, but to Saffron's honest surprise, the Mare dodged with a rapid reflex and countered with a swipe of her own, this one finding its mark. It wasn't enough to actually knock the assailant out himself, but it had clearly sent its message, and the now dumbstruck stallion began slowly backing away with his posse, as did quite a few of the other formerly noisy patrons as well, and Saffron now found himself with a clear path to Peony.

"Impressive." Saffron complimented the mysterious Mare who had gone to check on Peony herself. "I see you're no stranger to their type. Thanks for getting them to back off. You're the first to actually be of any kind of help I must say.." The tavern had gone noticeably much quieter after the commotion. Most of the crowds had now slinked into various corners, chatting indiscriminately and only making the occasional glance toward them, and more-so towards the mint Mare as though she might suddenly leap at them.

The Mare simply brushed off the gratitude, warning the two that Lower Canterlot was not the place for the wealthy. Saffron knew this of course, and in any other circumstance he would make a note to stay as far away from the district as was possible. But nevertheless...

The Mare beckoned the two to follow her to her table in another corner, nicely tucked away from the rest of the establishment, and it seemed now that everypony else was keeping well clear of it. Seeing as how they had little luck with anypony else in the place, Saffron guided Peony up from their previous table and over to where the Mare now sat, where she introduced herself to them as Natural Order.

"Saffron Shadow. But call me Saffron." The Stallion replied with an affirmative gesture. "This here is Peony Spring. Long story short, we only met very recently, but there's been enough excitement in our day that it ultimately concluded with my companion here being rendered effectively blind." Saffron quickly recounted the events of the last several hours, including the properties of the mysterious 'Blue Rose' and how Peony was now under its influence. "...So unfortunately, she's had no choice but to blindfold herself until we can locate the counter-pollen. Which, unfortunately, would seem to be located deep within the Everfree Forest. Now I know my way around the city pretty well, but I'm no adventure-archaeologist. I draw the line at big, creepy forests filled with who knows what. That's why we came here. I was hoping that perhaps we might find a guide or mercenary-for-hire who could lead us safely around while we search for it - oh yes, that's another thing, we have absolutely no idea where the Rose might even be." Saffron couldn't help but wonder how stupid this must have all sounded to the Mare. How in Celestia's name did they ever get themselves to this point..

The Stallion reached into his travel pack, and took out the botanical guide from Peony's room, turning it to the page where the illusive 'Broken Heart' flower was displayed. "This is what we're after. Not the most cheerful sounding plant in Equestria, I know, but if it's Peony's only hope of being cured.. Well, I owe her enough to try."

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@Raven Rawne@Dark Horse

Peony waved to the mare as Saffron introduced her. As Saffron told the story, Peony blushed a bit out of embarrassment. Hearing Saffron explain they did not know where to even start looking, and showed the mare the flower, Peony spoke up. "Well dear, we are not completely at a lose. When flower here wakes up again, it will be able to guide us in the general direction."

As Natural looked confused between Peony and the flower back to the stallion, Saffron told her how the flower can 'speak' in ponies mind.

"If you are will'n to help us ma'am. I can pay you very well for your time and for anyth'n we might need and use on our travels." Peony told the mare with a hoof out to shake on it.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dark Horse @Nightmare Season

The earth pony sat in her chair, leaned back and listened to the outrageous tale the stallion was spinning up. She stayed silent, opting to let him tell it all at once without interruptions. As he offered the atlas and opened it on the relevant entry, Natural Order leaned forward to read it thoroughtly. Only once the rich mare, Peony, spoke up about some other flower of hers, dd dhe look up with a raised eyebrow.

"...Say what? I mean, I've seem a fair share of strange stuff but, you have a talking flower or something? Wow." She took a sip from her mug, and decided that whatever passed as ale here surely didn't even lay next to the real stuff. "Anyway, since you're here to talk business, not for general advice. I.. occasionally venture into Everfree, but only if the pay is high and the risk is... relatively low. Let me think..."

She placed a hoof on the part of the atlas entry which concentrated on the flower's wherabouts, and started musing aloud. "Hmm, a train to Ponyville, hopefully that pink menance will be away... I can buy supplies there to cut costs and they have a nice inn to spend the night it. Then, straight to the Forest at sunrise. I'll need to check my map to make sure we can make it to the ruins in ocne day, never been tere to be honest, but I've heard from Ponyville gossips that the Elements went there, so it shouldn't be so bad." Finally looking up at her present company, the mint mare rana hoof over her mane and said confidently: "We're looking at 2-3 day trip, unless something decides to eat us. Um, Saffron? Have you ever stabbed anything? 'Cause we can keep your companion asafe in my wagon while we travel, but I want to know if I can count on you if anything comes out of the dark"

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Nightmare Season @Raven Rawne

To give Natural Order some credit, Saffron had half prepared for her to just stand up and leave by the time he had finished explaining their predicament. He'd have hardly blamed her, with the stallion himself beginning to feel a strong desire to order a stiff drink and rethink what in Equestria he was even doing here tonight. Nevertheless, she took everything in without comment, only finally speaking up once Peony had mentioned 'Flower' to her, clearly as bewildered by the idea of a talking, sapient plant as Saffron had been too.

Still.. there had been that voice.. back in the manor gardens..

His attention snapped back towards Natural, who's talk had now turned to business. "Oh, I'm sure we can cover your expenses." The stallion said, tilting his head towards the blindfolded mare beside him. "Can't guarantee the 'low risk' part, but I'm sure if we stick to where we need to look and try to avoid making too much noise, the... inhabitants should leave us alone."

Saffron hoped that Natural would at least agree with him on that and ease his worries a little, but the mare simply mused over the atlas, ignoring his input as she seemed to formulate a plan.

"Ponyville.." Saffron reiterated thoughtfully, before nodding in acknowledgement. "That's right. I've been there before. Used to travel to it quite a lot before... well, times went hard." The stallion recalled with a touch of somber. He had always enjoyed vacationing there for its friendly and disconnected atmosphere. It helped him escape the hectic lifestyle of Canterlot for a while. It had been a long time since he had last had a chance to go, however. "I mean, it's no Manehattan for supplies, but it should have what we need for the trek."

That, or they would all get run out of town for even suggesting the trip into the Everfree. Saffron had heard stories about Ponyville being somewhat of a magnet for attracting its share of dramatic events.

"Tch.. well the Elements we are certainly not." Saffron said dismissively. "An effectively blind mare and out-of-work theatrical stallion isn't exactly the most impressive line-up for a trip inside the Everfree. Still, I'm hoping we can at least learn something, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly intrigued by what we might find. I've always had a bit of a thing for archaeological adventures into the unknown. Might even be able to make a play out of it.."  The stallion tapped his muzzle thoughtfully, before realizing he was getting ahead of himself.

"I... uhh..." He stumbled to answer Natural's last question. "Well I've... done a bit of staged combat, and I've read a lot into various techniques, as well as the occasional magical ability." Saffron gestured to his horn. "But I've never actually... had to attack anything in real life before. I mean ahh... it just seems to me a little barbaric. N-- not that I'm suggesting your line of work is anything like that!! Y'know... urrrgh..." The stallion sank slightly into his chair, looking quite flustered.

  • Brohoof 2

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Nightmare Season @Dark Horse

Natural was looking at her company through lidded eyes, forelegs crossed over her chest as she seemed to ponder over something. Her ears reacted to Saffron's voice however, so, she was listening after all. A slight grimace crossed her muzzle as the stallion tried to cover up his little slip of toungue, and she sighed. "Riiiiight.... Then let's hope the worst we get there is a fallen tree, or we'll be fond memories soon enough."

She looked at the atlas once more, and closed it before sliding it back to Saffron."Here's my offer. 400 bits, 50 upfront for supplies and provisions. I won't risk scavenging in there for food and neither should you. I know it sounds like much, but it's Everfree, and, no offence but, you won't be much help if things go bad." She galnced at the silent mare across the table and adressed her. "Miss, like I'vesaid, I have a small wagon you could stay in for the trip, once I unload some crates and such to make more room inside... There's no use trying to sell the so, I guess I'l just try and barter them here in the inn or something... Still, that leaves with getting two cots for you, some food and maybe extra rope and such. I''ve got the rest of what I need with me anyway." She looked out the window as if expecting to see something through the dirty glass but, shook her head and got back to the conversation at hoof. "If that's fine by you, we can meet tomorow morning at the station to grab the first train to Ponyville. I would be there by... eight, I guess? Sometime after sunrise anyway."

The mint mare looked at both the ponies by the table in turn, and pondered aloud: "Let's just hope this won't be my last trip... So, do we have a deal?"

  • Brohoof 2

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne@Dark Horse

Peony listened to the new pony's requests. She could not see her, but could tell she was a good pony at heart. After Natural finished speaking Peony nodded and said, "That sounds agreeable love. However, I did say that I will purchase all that is needed. Four hundred bits just for you and I will give one hundred bits to double what is expected to be needing for the trip. Always be prepared for the unexpected my parents always told me." Peony then just smiled.

Natural was taken a bit off a sec that she willingly up the amount that she had asked for just like that. "My bit purse is outside in my carriage might we proceed there to acquire your cut?" With that Peony stood up rather clumsily for not seeing the table leg and almost tripped on it. Saffron helped Peony to leave and escorted her outside to the waiting carriage.

Once there, Peony used her magic to pull an very big bit purse out of a compartment inside and pulled out one hundred bits. She just had them floating in the air. "Would you dear? I would pass them right to you, but I fear I will inevitably miss your hoof."

  • Brohoof 2


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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