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The Journey Towards the Soul

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Console smiled as she watched the mare wave to them before leaving with a gentle hum. "See? You two have a lot in common! And I knew you would man up your game and talk to her properly. I'm so proud of you! And nice pun Dynamo. It did make me a softee after a while. I wish we could of got one before we left but oh well. You owe me an icecream when we get back home bro. Anyway. I think she was.. If she described any neon green unicorn that glared at us then that's Cosmic.. Dang! I thought we lost him for good! Ugh! Now I'm pissed! I thought had had changed and became a nice man but nooooooooo he's still his usual self! Come on, we're leaving the train immediately before trouble comes apon us!" She growled, grabbing him by the hand and walking towards the door with a pissed off face

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Dynamo sighs in relief and nods. "I'm surprised that she likes anime and manga like we do. She is really cute, in my opinion. I hope she isn't seeing anyone at the moment." He says while giving his sister a smile. "Thanks for your help sis. You helped me out a lot. An ice cream is definitely a good compensation for all the help. You are a strong willed individual, but a softee at heart." He pulls back from the hug and sternly nods. "I think you're right about that, sis. I thought he could change, but it sounds to me like he'll remain the same. Hopefully, we don't have to run into him while we see the princess." He says while being pulled off the train by Console. He squeezes her hand gently to help reassure her.

As soon as he saw everyone exit the train, Cosmic decided to wait a few minutes. "Not yet...not yet...almost, and...now!" He quickly and quietly exited the train and walked slowly. He made sure to keep his eyes on Dynamo and Console. Ignoring all the other ponies around him. He glanced off to the corner of his eyes to see the yellow mare. He smirks as he began to form a plan in his mind. He picked up the pace and was right behind his targets. He cleared his throat and with a smirk, replies, "Well, well, well. If it isn't my two favorite punching bags! How have you too been. It's been way too long. You should have called me! We could have kept in touch!"

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@Dynamo Pad

Console smiled before squeezing his hand back happily. "We'll see about that bro. I mean, she didn't look like she was seeing anyone at the moment. Maybe we could catch up to her later once our business with Princess Luna is complete." She replied before holding her older brother close to her happily. "Who knows? You can start calling her cute names if you two flirt with each other but I doubt that'll happen anytime some. Besides, you just need to avoid Cosmic's ways and hopefully we can carry on with our lives. And you're right. Ice cream has a special place in my heart. I would eat it every day if I had the chance too but oh well. It'll get me sick and possibly vomit from too much ice cream. Haha. Would I care? Properly not." She said happily before hearing a booming voice behind her.

She turned around to see.. Him.. Her least favourite pony and enemy in the entire world. Why on earth would he come onto the same train as them and suddenly mock them like good old days? Her mind was asking so many questions yet not one answer was in sight. "Oh hello Dogsmic.. Fancy seeing you around here. I was just speaking about you. I thought you had changed since last time but you still have this bad boy attitude? Hmph, what have you been up to this time? Using ponies as your weapon and trying to make ponies fall in love with you? Please. No one would ever love a liar like you Dogsmic.." She growled, suppressing her anger just so she wouldn't attack him right there on the spot.

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Dynamo smiles softly as he felt hopeful at the thought. "To be honest, I hope you're right sis. It would be nice to put myself out there, you know? Coconut and I seem to have a good chemistry together. However, I still need to see where things go from here." He says and nods at her remark. "That sounds like a plan to me Console. Maybe we'll see her around town later. I didn't get her address, but I didn't want to seem weird, or anything like that." He chuckles and shakes his head. "You would eat ice cream every chance you get. It's the same thing when it comes to me and pizza. I eat it a lot of the time, but do I care. Not really, in my opinion."

He laughs, but stops as he heard a familiar voice. He turns slowly and comes face to face with him. "Oh, great. Just what I needed to see. Look what cat dragged in and spat up all over the carpet. What do you want with us, Cosmic? We're a little busy right now and we don't have time for your nonsense." Cosmic shook his head with a small smirk on his muzzle. "Oh, Kyubiki. Always one who wants to get right to the point. Don't you think it would be better to prolong the suspense?" He growls softly while eyeing Console. "I told you before that my name is Cosmic! You'd at least try and get that name right!" He breathes heavily before calming down. "I'm glad to know that you're talking about me. Finally decided to fall in love with me. Took you long enough, don't you think Console?" He chuckles with a shake of his head.

"Anyway, that's not why I'm here. True, I've grown bored of everything in Fillydelphia, but still not the point. Yet that yellow mare sounds very interesting to bother now." This caused Dynamo's eyes to widen as he uttered a growl. "You stay away from Coconut! She's a kind and sweet mare. One who doesn't need somepony like you in her life." Hearing this caused Cosmic to gasp dramatically. "Why, Dynamo. I'm offended to hear you say that, but you aren't wrong. So her name is Coconut, huh? I'll have to keep that in mind. After all, she's just insurance to me for later. I'm only here to see Princess Luna. I assume that you received a letter from her as well?" He asks while holding up the piece of parchment to the siblings.

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@Dynamo Pad

Comsole growled. "Oh ha ha ha. Nice joke there Dogsmic. No wait, you don't getting called Dogsmic. Hmm.. What's a better way to call you? Mocksmic, Clodmic? I personally thinks Dogsmic is a good name for you since you all you do is bark and no attack. Hmph.. I would never fall in love with a cockroach like you. You can go kiss a cactus for all I care. You deserve something more dangerous than innocent. But who am I kidding? You won't find love. All you'll do is be a big wimp about it and come crawling to us like if we hurt your precious little feelings. I'm so sorry life isn't treating you so good. Maybe you need to go take a hike and.. Oh I don't know.. Jump off a cliff? That'll teach you a lesson." She said with a cocky laugh, looking straight into Cosmic's eyes with a hint of "I want you to leave now" in her eyes. She suddenly gasps about him mentioning Coconut. "Don't you dare get into her way! Or I swear to Celestia, you can kiss your life good bye. She doesn't want anything to do with you and I suggest you live it as that. Besides, what happened with that girl you flirted with 2 years ago? What was her name? Khloe I think? She was the perfect match for you. Unless you dropped her just so you can use other ponies like Coconut? Listen here buddy. I know your tricks, I know your lies and I want NONE of that- Wait.. You got a letter from Princess Luna as well? My Celestia.. Well.. All I'm going to tell you is.. You're going to get your precious flank kicked into space. Why? Oh, it's nothing special but my brother is the video game master around here!" The Pegasus said, trying her hardest not to punch him in the face.

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Cosmic smirked and shook his head. "You seem very feisty today, sweetheart, but don't you worry. You'll soon see things my way soon enough." He raises an eyebrow  at the mention of his marefriend. "Oh, you mean her? You mean the one that I used to mess with Kyubiki's mind? Remember dearies, it was I who set her up with Kyubiki. She only pretended to act nice as a means of making her way into his heart. Using him for his money, his kindness and skills in video game were all I wanted. You should know very well what it was like to have been used. Then I took her back and dated her. The relationship became stale, so I just kicked her to the curb. She didn't care and just walked away with her pride. So, what's the harm of finding a new toy to play with and break. It's fun for me and I always win in the end." 

Dynamo narrows his eyes at Cosmic and sighs deeply. "You're just a sick individual, you know that? All you want is to have things your way, or nopony's way at all. I thought defeating your leader would set you on the right path." Cosmic grits his teeth and growls at Dynamo. "If it wasn't for you doing that, then I wouldn't have to keep picking on you. Everything was fine until you had to grow a backbone. You just left happy, but my leader left a broken stallion. Something changed in him that day and he changed for the better. That was something I couldn't allow to have let go of." Dynamo just shook his head in disbelief. "That's none of my concern. I stood up for myself and nothing more. I followed my master's rules and won fair and square. If it worked once, then it will definitely work again against you."

Cosmic face palms his forehead and laughs. "Oh, you and your stupid rules. You're always a goody little two shoes. All you ever do is play fair and follow the rules. True, you can win, but it's always following Pinball's way. You can be much stronger with power and force while in a game. Following Pinball's path will only make you weaker and even more pathetic. I would quit while you are ahead. Otherwise it'll come back to haunt you." Dynamo shook his head and places a hand on Console's shoulder. "Just don't listen to him sis. Just breath and try to stay calm. He's just trying to bait you and get under your fur. Remember what Mister Pinball taught us long ago." He says before turning his attention to Cosmic. "So why would Princess Luna want somepony like you here? What are you after Cosmic?"

Cosmic clapped his hands a few times and bows to the siblings. "Very good job, you two. You are actually more smarter than you look. Princess Luna has secrets that even us gamer's do not know about. Maybe you'll understand, or maybe you won't. That's up for you to decide. She picked me for my skills at games and only I shall remain standing. I shall obtain those secrets and be the best gamer in the world!"


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@Dynamo Pad

Console rolled her eyes in annoyance. "See? You're doing it again. All bark but no attack. That method is getting pretty boring, isn't it? Also me? Feisty? HA! Feisty for what? Your heart? Pffffffft. I have you know under these bandages are your nightmares. You're lucky I was in a happy mood earlier. Otherwise I would of punched you all the way to Yakyakistan! And you jerk.. You NEVER use a mare just for others pain. That's not on. Why would you dare use him?! And call me sweetheart again and i will make sure you won't see the light of day ever again. Especially princess. You have been warned Mr.. Just stay away from me.. My brother and that mare and we will go along as we never saw you here today.."

Suddenly the yellow Pegasus came back to see them arguing. "H-Hey! W-what's going on? I can hear you three from a mile away. Wait.. You're that stallion that winked at me.." She said, walking over to Cosmic. She tilted her head curiously before looking at Console and Dynamo. "What's going o-""Stay back from him! He's a dirty liar and he wants to use you for his own personal needs! I recommend you back away from him right now or you'll get hurt badly by him Coconut.." Console said with a serious look in her eye, making Coconut back away from Cosmic quickly.

Edited by VinylWubs
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Cosmic smirked at Console while shaking his head. "You're threats don't scare me, Console. It's also fun to call you those names. Where's the thrill and danger in it if I can't say anything?" Dynamo's ears perked at the arrival of Coconut. He stood in front of both Coconut and Console while giving Cosmic a glare. "Just stay away from us and we won't have any issues. You got that, Cosmic?" The neon green unicorn just shrugged his shoulders. "While I would love to have some fun, I really need to get somewhere right now. So until then, business beckons." He gave a mock bow before pushing Dynamo into the group. Seeing him and the others fall to the ground gave him his cue to exit. He rushes past the group, but not before noticing an anime figure on the ground. He smirks as an idea began to form in his mind. "So long, you bunch of losers!" He swipes the figure and races for the Princesses castle while laughing.

Dynamo groans as he felt like he hit a truck. "Ugh...did somepony get the number of that taxi?" He shook his head to regather his bearings. He stands up and notices he bumped into Coconut. He helps his sister up before lending a hand toward Coconut. "Are you both okay? You aren't hurt, are you?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Console groaned, rubbing her head gently as she got up from the ground. "I thought that taxi was.. That bakery guy.. Didn't you remember..? Ughhhhhhhh my head.." She said, shaking her head just to get her mind clear. "Okay.. I think I'm good for now.. Head is still working and I can still see. Means that I'm still able to work properly. But damn that idiot.. He makes me so angry I just want to!!" The Pegasus said, jumping up and down in anger like a child that is throwing a temper tantrum over nothing at all. 

Coconut rubbed her head before nodding calmly. "I'm fine thank you.. Head still feels wozey but it'll come back to me eventually.." She said as she supported herself onto the floor with a short groan. "Are you okay? You got pushed pretty hard by him and I would hate for you to be hurt badly" 

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Dynamo sighed while walking over to his sister and pats her shoulder. "It'll be okay sis. We can worry about him later. We both believe in karma, right. Well, I know karma will come back to haunt him." He smiles softly and gently ruffles her mane. He turns back to Coconut and nods. "Your welcome and that's a relief. I'll be okay. My back is just a little sore. Didn't think he would kick me that hard, but this is Cosmic we're talking about." He stretches and rubs his sore back. He looks at all of Coconut's books and belongings. He goes over and picks them all up. After making sure they were in her book bag, he goes over and hands her the book bag. "Here you are, Coconut. Was that everything that belonged to you?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut looked over at her bag and checked her bag. "Yep.. Yep.. Got that,, got my poster.. My money.. My manga.. My phone.. My Kon- Wait. Where is she?! Oh Celestia! Please don't tell me I lost her! She cost me $350!!" She panicked, looking through her bag for her precious Konata. Nothing. Everything else was there but not her figure. "Noooooooo! I lost her! She's not in here! I lost my last piece for my Lucky Star collection! I had all the characters and I needed Konata! But now I can't find her! Oh I'm hoping somepony didn't throw it away and treat it as trash!" She said with a worried tone in her voice. Console looked around and hugged Coconut, making the yellow mare jump a little before relaxing in the hug. She hugged Console back before starting to cry gently, her hair was covering her left eye as she continued to sob. 

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Dynamo watched and waited with baited breath, as Coconut went through her belongings. He gasps suddenly at the mention of her missing figure. He looks around the area that they all fell down, but it was to no avail. He walks over to his sister and Coconut and joins in the hug. He pets Coconut gently on the head while gently nuzzling her. "Shh...it'll be okay. We'll find you're Konata figure, but first things first. We have to retrace our steps in order to find out how it got lost." He began to replay everything that happened today in his mind. He gasps as a sudden thought formed in his mind. He grits his teeth violently, but takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "I think I have an idea as to where you're figure is." He pulled back from the hug and turned his attention toward the castle. "Come on, you guys. We got to go see Princess Luna. If my guess is right, then I think Cosmic took the figure during the scuffle." He says as he makes a run for it to the palace. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Console let go of the hug before wrapping a wing around her. "Yea, you're right bro! Cosmic would love to ruin her life and use her as a toy! Let's go get it back!" She said as she was helping Coconut put on her bag. Once sorted, they began running with Dynamo. True they were Pegasuses but they couldn't be bothered flying all the way to the castle. Coconut sniffled as she ran and ran behind them. "I'm so worried for my figure! I just hope Princess Luna has my figure from that stallion. He wasn't the kindest pony around here but I don't want anything of mine broken or lost." Coconut said while running. Suddenly she tripped over and face planted onto the concrete. She winced gently at the friction and tried to call out for Dynamo and Console. Nothing. She looked at her knee to see it was bleeding. 

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Dynamo smiles as he could see the castle was in sight. He looks behind him to see if the others were following him. He could see Console, but not Coconut. He stops running to look around for the yellow Pegasus. "Hey, Console? You haven't seen Coconut around, have you? Oh no." He heads back and could start hearing his and Console's names being called. He picks up the pace and found Coconut on the ground. He kneels down and places a hand on Coconut's shoulder. "Coconut are you okay? What happened?" He winces at the fact that her knee was bleeding. "You're not hurt anywhere else, are you? I'm sorry, but I'm just concerned. I know we just met, but I don't want anything to happen to you. I guess it's just in my nature to care for others at times." He holds out a hand for her, so that she could stand. "Are you able to stand. Are you even able to walk in that condition, Coconut?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut winced and got up weakly. "N-No.. I-I don't think so.. I-I cant feel both of my legs.. That's just it.. Everything else is fine but my knees.. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming back for me Dynamo. How can I repay you for your loyalty?" She asked, holding onto his shoulders because her balance wasn't doing so well. She looked at him before blushing gently. H-He's.. So nice, calm, caring, charming and so brave. Am I falling for him..? No! Coconut! You need to stop thinking these things and get your head back. But wait. I can't walk properly. It'll take us forever if I had to limp all the way to the castle. Will.. Will he carry me there.. Since he's so gentle and kind to me. I wonder.. If I could make him something just to show my gratitude. Wait.. Why is everything going dark? Oh Celestia.. Help me.. "D-Dyna-Kun.." She whispered before passing out on his shoulder from the lack of blood.

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Dynamo was shaking slightly at this revelation. "That must have been quite the fall then. I'm not a doctor, so I can't really tell what's wrong. I'm really sorry." He says while trying to give her a hopeful smile. "You don't have to thank me. I would never abandon you in your time of need. You don't have to repay me as well." He notices Coconut closing her eyes and going limp in his arms. "Coconut? Hey wake up, Coco. C-Coco...-chan?" He started to shake in fear of losing her, but takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. He quickly, but gently picks her up bridal style in his arms. Surprisingly she wasn't as heavy as he initially thought, but decided to not worry about that. He then runs at a breakneck pace, as he started his approach toward the palace. "I don't know if you can hear me, but you'll be okay. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you ever again, Coco-chan." He whispers to help reassure her, but more to reassure himself. After a couple of minutes, the palace doors were within his sight. He notices Console waiting patiently for them, but it doesn't stop his run to the doors. "We need to get inside the castle right now, Console! Coco-chan hurt her knee and she passed out on the way here. I'm starting to get really worried about her, sis." 

  • Brohoof 1
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@Dynamo Pad

"Coco-Cham? You mean Coconut bro? And what happened to her? She looks very pale and is that blood?! Oh my Celestia! We need to get help from the princesses as soon as possible!" She panicked, running with her older brother while watching Coconut in his arms. It seemed that he was extremely worried for her. Not because Coconut was some random mare he met, because the look on his face was more obvious to Console's point of view. There were many stairs. Too many to keep count. Her running speed slowed down dramatically the more she climbed up the stairs. How can the princesses live like this?! So many stairs and I can see so many more to go! Why do they need stairs in order to get anywhere? Can't they use their wings and horns to get into the castle. Wait. If they got rid of the stairs then it'll be impossible for earth ponies to get in but Unicorns will manage to find a way inside. Never mind me. Anyway.. I'm nearly there. Finally she arrived on top of the stairs to see a lot of guards blocking the entrance towards the palace.

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Dynamo blushed slightly and nods. "Well, you know how in anime and manga some ponies like to call others with honorifics? It's because she called me Dyna-kun, so I thought Coco-chan felt right to say. That's besides the point. Right now, we need to help and make sure Coco-chan will be okay." He groans in frustration at the flight of stairs, but decides to start the arduous ascent. After a few minutes, he felt his arms were feeling numb as he began to feel exhausted. He wanted to give up, but seeing the pale look in Coconut's face was enough to keep fighting for her. As they finally made it to the top step, they were met with two guards who were blocking the entrance. He goes up to them and pants while catching his breath. "M-May we come in? I...I have to see Princess Luna. M-More important than that, I have an injured pony here who desperately needs medical attention." The guards did not blink, nor did they move from their spots. "We of the royal guards must decline your offer. The princess are busy and will not allow visitors at this time. You should have taken her to the hospital in town. I'm sorry, but this is out of our hands."

Dynamo's lip quivered at the news. He drops to his knees in defeat, but makes sure he doesn't let go of the yellow Pegasus in his arms. 'T-This can't be happening. I fought my way here, I went through so much. Now I'm just going to lose somepony just like this!?' He started to tremble as a few tears cascaded down his muzzle. Just the thought of losing her caused him to hold her closely to her. He nuzzles her while rocking her back and forth in his embrace. Suddenly, a presence brought them out of their musings. "Now what seems to be the trouble here? Why have my royal guards not allowed these ponies into the palace? What is the meaning of this!?" The princess of the sun, Celestia, asks with a confused, yet stern look on her muzzle.  

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

The other guard looked over at the princess and gulped. "P-P-P-Princess Celestia! We were just following orders from a stallion that told us these 3 were trouble makers your highness! They have come here with a pale Pegasus and they are wanting access into the castle without your permission!" He said, making Console roll her eyes in annoyance. "Oh really? And what did this stallion say to you two hmm?" She asked him with a serious look on her face. "H-He said to not let you three in because you guys have hurted ponies that aren't evil and broke multiple laws under the highnesses name" He replied with a scared look on his face. Console facepalmed herself before hugging her brother close to her. "Hey hey.. It's okay Dynamo.. Remember.. What would Brian Boitano do in this situation? Would he be a chicken or would he have a plan and follow it?" She whispered to him with a determined look on her face. She wasn't going down without a fight and she ain't letting her brother fall into a void where he can not escape on his own. 

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Celestia stomped her foot on the ground while spreading her wings. "This was the pony who obtained the parchment from my sister! I shall not allow you two to deny them of our hospitality! Do I make myself clear!?" The guard gulped and shook in fear upon the princesses wrath. "N-No, your highness. We would never disobey your direct orders. We should have confirmed with you first. Please have mercy upon us!" Dynamo tensed at the feeling of Console wrapping her arms around him in a hug, but relaxed and leaned in the embrace. He nods at her remark and looks up to his sister. "He would never chicken out. He would make a plan and he would follow through. Because that's what Brian Boitano would do." He grew a determined look upon his face as he looks toward Princess Celestia. "Coco-chan is not looking too good. She needs help and she needs it now. Can you please help her, Princess Celestia?" Celestia looks to the pale pony in the arms of the blue unicorn. She nods while levitating Coconut over to her. "I can, but we need to hurry. Follow me to the infirmary. I'll have my guards lead the way for you." She kicked off of the ground and began to take flight. She flew as fast as she could to the infirmary. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Console smiled and got up while watching Celestia fly off to the infirmary with Coconut. "That's my brother I know and love! You don't want Coconut to worry about you right? So I suggest we should get going right now. So when she walks up, she'll see us there for her. Do you want to see her precious smile and hear her voice when she wakes up? Exactly. Now come on. Guards, lead us there immediately!" She said to the guards with a determined look on her face. The guard looked over at his mate before nodding nervously. "Y-Yes, of course. We shall lead you the way to the infirmary for your friend. We are terribly sorry for treating you two like local commoners. Please. Follow us." He said, making his way towards the room with Dynamo and Console behind him. The journey was quite quiet but tough. More stairs were in their presence and this wasn't helping Console keep up. Stairs were her biggest weakness and she had to face them again. Such joy was washed over her face. After a while of endless stairs, they have finally arrived at the infirmary. 

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Dynamo watches as Celestia took Coconut to the infirmary. He signs in relief, but still felt worried for the yellow Pegasus. He turns his attention to Console and smiles softly while nodding. "You're right about that, sis. I don't her to worry about me. I want to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up. I hope Princess Luna will understand. I love playing video games, but those who are important to me come first before a stupid game." He watches as the guards lead the two siblings to the infirmary. Dynamo waves his hand to them and smiles softly. "It's okay and it isn't either of your fault. To tell you the truth, we already know who is behind it all. We'll make sure he regrets what he has done. We also know you were doing your job, so we can somewhat understand where you both are coming from." Dynamo sighs and shakes his head while climbing even more stairs. He threw Console's arm over his shoulder to help her keep up the pace. After an endless climb, the group made it to the infirmary. Dynamo panted as he crawled in the room while carrying Console.

Celestia notices the two had finally made it and smiles softly. "I'm glad you both could join us. You're just in time as well. I have prepped Miss Coconut up and I'm about to begin the spell. Please be sure to cover your eyes. This spell can be a bit bright at times." With a glow of her horn, Celestia projected the healing spell upon the yellow Pegasus. The light was so bright, Dynamo shielded his eyes from the light, in fear of being blinded temporarily. After a few minutes, the light started to dim as the spell was finished. She turned to the others who uncovered their eyes with their hands. "I apologize for the wait and the light show, but the spell has been completed. Miss Coconut is all healed up and should be back on her feet shortly. You can stay with her hear if you like. I'll inform my sister that you both are here." With that, Princess Celestia bows and takes her leave. 

Dynamo nods appreciatively to Celestia. "Thank you so much for everything Princess Celestia." He walks over and takes a seat right next to Coconut. He takes her hand in his own and glides his thumb over her hand. He grips her hand gently, but firmly as he hopes that she'll wake up soon. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"... Such true wisdom lies in Dynamo yet he's holding so much back to the ones he love. That's a true gamer. Than just playing games all the time and boasting to others, a true gamer cares about ponies offline and online. Hmm.. He has the potential and he cares so much for his sister and that mare. We'll see as time goes on but I think I know who to choose" 

Console smiled and patted his back supportively. "Awwwwwwww Bro.. I can tell you care so much for her. Even though you and her just met, I feel like you two have feelings for each other. Don't ask how I know. I just know. And that's true. You're very caring for anyone that you like and you would never let them get hurt. That's how caring you are and don't worry. We'll be there for her and when she wakes up, you'll be able to hug her tightly and tell her everything." She said as she continued to climb the stairs with heavy pants. After a while they made it to the infirmary but the stairs wearied her out so much that she was nearly collapsing all over the place.

A few minutes later Coconut's eyes slowly open to see a pair of eyes infront of her. She slowly relaxed as reality came back to her very quickly. After feeling someone holding her hand, she looked around her to figure out where she was. "W-Where.. Where.. Am I..?" 


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Dynamo felt Console pat his shoulder as he smiles at her. He helps her into the available chair that was across from him. After making sure his sister would be okay, he walks back around and sits in his seat. "Thank you, Console. You always act so random and rambunctious, but you always have that voice of reason. I guess we both act that way at times. It only shows how we are both a brother and sister to each other." He chuckles, but stops as he felt Coconut's hand squeeze his hands. He gasps as she begins to stir and awaken. He trembled slightly as he felt tears well up in his eyes. He leans down and pulls the yellow Pegasus into a firm, yet gentle hug. "Thank Celestia that you're awake. I was so worried about you. You weren't responding and had gone pale." He says as the tears he held back had finally cascaded down his muzzle. He pulls back from the hug and tries to wipe his tears away. Only for more tears to fall in their place.

"Right now you're at the Princesses palace. If we didn't get you there any sooner, then you might've..." He shook his head to try and erase that thought from his mind. "I don't even want to think about any bad outcomes. I'm just glad to see that you're going to be safe and okay, Coco-chan." He wipes the remainder of his tears away and takes a deep breath to calm down. After making sure he could compose himself, he looks at her while offering her a kind, yet warm smile. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut's eyes widen as she pulled into a hug. "W-Woah! D-Dyna-Kun! Wait.. The princesses castle? As in Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Royal castle? Oh my Celestia.. I have so many questions.. Like how long was I out for? How is my knee? Is my bag safe? Oh goodness!" She panicked, looking around in desperate to calm her down. After spotting a poster of a kitten, she took some deep breaths and slowly calmed herself down from panicking too much. She doesn't remember much from when she was still passed out but she did feel extremely weak from the lack of blood. It felt like everything around her is spinning in circles and she couldn't stop. Lowering her head back down, she rested her head on the pillow to try regain some strength. After a while, the more decided to speak up once again. "T-Thank you Dyna Kun.. You're too kind towards me. How can I ever repay you for your help? And well.. I'm alright now. A little dizzy but mostly fine. Although I don't think I can walk for a bit." She said calmly, squeezing his hand reassuringly while giving him a soft smile.

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