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The Journey Towards the Soul

Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo smiles softly and wraps an arm around his sister. He gives her a mock glare, but shook his head at her words. "Sometimes there's a need to be serious and a need to have fun. It's all about having fun now, sis! Besides, I'm more like mom and you are more like dad. Guess we both got a quirk we either wanted or didn't want. I can't complain, but at least we still know how to have fun with shenanigans. I also can't argue with you on that. We make a great team as siblings. There's no denying that logic." He lowers his voice to a whisper as he replies, "I'm curious on how she got that eye as well. I don't even get what that stinking Clown meant by his trash talk. She's no monster to me. No matter what, she stood up for me like you did. She's a great mare in my book. Plus, I think her eye is pretty cool. I hope to learn more about her."

Joe chuckles and shakes his head. "It's no problem at all. It's better to get the problem off of your chest instead of bottling it all up. You're my favorite customer Coconut and I can tell those two will be as well. You always came to me for advice and I helped you the best that I could. I trust you like you trust me. That's what friends are for. You're different than most of the ponies in this town." He folds his arms over his chest and sighs. "I can't see why some would blame him. Just because he's a jeweler, it doesn't mean he did anything wrong. Canterlot has really gone downhill since that day. I hope that diamond is found and his name will be cleared. He was a kind unicorn and a great older brother." He soon smiles and nods happily. "I've heard about that. I'm proud of how far Twilight has gone since she fist lived here. She and Spike took off on an adventure of a lifetime. She soon found herself a student and is a princess and a teacher. I know Twilight, Starlight and Spike will be just fine. Although, I wish Spike would get over his crush on Rarity. I feel sorry for the little guy and wish someone could love him for who he is." He shook his head and nods at the orders. "Okay, then. A Chocolate donut with custard filling, a double chocolate donut and a jelly filled donut. You're welcome and it's coming right up!" He says before levitating the donuts to their respective ponies.

Dynamo thanked Donut Joe as he took the donut in his magical grasp. He soon laughs while grabbing the counter for support. "Oh, sis. You really crack me up. A Pokemon reference? That was well timed and well earned. Well done, Console." He continues to laugh while making sure he didn't drop his donut. Donut Joe stood there with a confused look on his face. He scratches the back of his head with his hand in confusion. "I don't understand. What's so funny about that? Oh, well. Back to work, I guess." After getting his laughter under control, he looks around and finds an open table for the trio. He waves to Coconut and Console, as he walks over to the table before sitting in his chair. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Console laughed at his comment before giving him a caring yet happy smile. Sure Dynamo was more like their mother, but he does have a side to him that makes Console laugh anytime. "Aww bro! We're a mixture of both Mom and Dad! Expect I have more of the immature side while you have a more mature, caring side like mom is. But you're right! No time to be talking about sappy things! It's all about three letters that we both love! F U N! What does that spell? That's right, Fun! Without fun, we would live in a boring world with nothing to do but be mature all day. Can you imagine that? I can't" Console replied to her older brother before suddenly lowering it to a whisper again. "I have to agree with you. I have never seen anyone with pluses in their eye before. Maybe it may be a curse? A gene problem? Maybe her mother or father had it and it passed down to her? I don't know. But if there's one thing for sure.. We must know the secret of her eye before it's too late and she gets too uncomfortable to talk about it. Also I still want to punch Dogsmic so bad for making you cry.. but I guess Coco knocked some sense into him. Especially with that plus eye she has. But don't worry bro, we ain't seeing Dogsmic anytime soon." 

Coconut nods and smiles. "I can understand that. It's never good to keep your problems to yourself. It just worsens the problem all together but I'm just glad you're still so caring and helpful than those fancy ponies. I want to stick my noses up to them but they get so offended.. even from the most tiniest thing, they still get offended! All they want to talk about is tea, crumpets, the weathe- you get my point. Also I feel quite honoured to be your favourite customer. I do enjoy your donuts any time. Whenever it is for Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch or just a snack in total, you have never failed to make me smile." Coconut replied before rubbing her arm awkwardly. "I know.. Such rude ponies blame each other for so many things that they didn't even do. Honestly, they are acting like fillies who haven't grew up. But.. I still miss him till this day. He was a great brother.. hopefully I can see him later this year." She let go of her arm slowly before her infamous smile came back to her face as she got handed her donut. "Oh! Thanks Donut Joe! Also, Console.. that was pretty much well done." She laughed, trying not to drop her donut onto the ground below her.

"See? I'll make a great comedian! I can people laugh! Well.. not all people like Donut Joe but you get what I mean." She said, getting up from the floor and grabbing her jelly filled donut. "Also I'm going to our table that Dynamo found. Have fun having your chit-chat but I'm hungry!" Console said, skipping over to where Dynamo is and sitting down next to him. "I'll do the same as the others. It was pleasant chatting to you Joe but I need to go join my friends. Seya around!" She said before joining the duo and sitting opposite to Dynamo.



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Dynamo returns the smile and nods. "I'm mostly calm, but can get hyper really easily." He chuckles and grins widely. "Fun is the best word in the pony dictionary. No, wait. That word goes to supercalifragilisticexpialicocious. I also wouldn't want to live in a world that's all about maturity. That's more this place in a nutshell, but one day we can change all that." He says before lowering his voice one more into a whisper. "That could be, but we can't assume anything yet. For all we know, it might not be that harmless. Still, we should make sure if she'll be okay. She's important to me and I don't want nothing to happen to her, you know?" He glances away with a slight blush on his muzzle. He turns back to his sister and pats her head. "Don't worry about him. True he made me upset, but I had you and the others by my side. I also know Coco-Chan will tell us when she's ready. Hopefully she'll trust us enough to tell us what's going on." 

Joe places a hand in front of him to show that he understood. "Sounds to me you're on a rant and I don't blame you. Those ponies aren't worth your effort and it'll be up to them to change their ways. I seriously doubt that will ever happen, but you never know. Just like with Twilight and her friends, Coco. Destiny has a funny way of working things out." He chuckles lightly and nods. "I'm glad to see someone enjoys my donuts. Just make sure to not let that ruin your diet. You eat too many donuts, or too much of one thing, then you'll end up sick. I remember that happened to someone a long time ago and they had stomachaches for weeks. It was tragic, but they learned a valuable lesson." He nods while giving her a hopeful look. "I hope he'll return one day. When that time comes, then everything will be resolved. I know the Princesses will make sure every pony will apologize. Until then, we just need to bide our time. Now take care and enjoy spending time with your friends. Also, don't let that stallion get away." He waves while giving Coconut a wink and chuckles.

Dynamo chuckles and nods. "You have the cutie mark of a gamer, but the soul of a comedian. Sounds like you have two talents there, sis. I don't think Joe would understand because he probably doesn't know about anime. You got to have a knack for that sort of hobby, or something along those lines." He says as Coconut and Console joined him. He smiles softly at Coconut, who was sitting across from him at their table. He looks down to his donut before taking a bite. His eyes lit up as he felt like he was in heaven. "This donut is so good! I had treats before, but these are delicious!" He swallowed his portion before looking at the yellow mare. "I don't think we got to know each other when we first met up. Anything you'd like to know about us, Coco-Chan?" He asks while giving the yellow mare an inquisitive look. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Coconut eyes widen as she got asked a question. Utterly surprised from the question, she shook her head out of wonderland to reply towards Dynamo.  "O-Oh! Right! I love to read, swim, watch anime, joke around, flying around Cloudsdale, traveling, sleeping is a big one.. Hmm.. Sometimes I love to cosplay as different characters. Like for example Hinata. I've actually cosplayed as her once.. It was pretty fun except all.. And I mean ALL the Naruto cosplayers kept on hitting me. I looked exactly like her except in pony version." She said, letting out a soft laugh in amusement. Then her mind made her snap back to reality as soon as she thought of another thing she loves. "Oh! And I love to game. Big time. Even though I'm horrible at it. I put my best hoof forward and hope for the best for an achievement level" The Pegasus added, nodding her head as in a way to say she was finished speaking. "What about you two? Is there anything you two want to tell me? I told you pretty much everything that I like and such" 

Console smiled as she got asked the question from Coconut. "Well.. I love to bake a lot, even though it's annoying to get flour stuck in my mane from time to time. I guess that's the consequences of baking delicious yet mouth drooling pastries. Seriously, I make some mean Apple Fritters and Chocolate pie. Anyway! I love to watch anime just like you said. There's so many anime series I love! Like Boku no Hero, Attack on Titan, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, Love Live, Black Butler, Lucky Star and so on! Gaaaaaaaah I'm rambling again! I do love to ramble though. That's fun. Hmm.. I do enjoy cosplay as well but I do mostly boy cosplays like Ciel from Black Bulter. Don't ask why. Aaaaaaanyway I love to dance a lot.. I love to hang out with my brother a lot cause he's so fun to be with! Hmmm.. I do like to paint even know they look like a filly would draw them. Oh! I love to sing nearly allllllllllllllllllllll the time! And.. My brother and I are the Dynamic Duo together and we make random references together. Even when  we are confused. I mean who wouldn't want to get lost? Other than Dynamo" She laughed, finishing off her reference that she couldn't quite remember where she got it from.

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Dynamo watched in fascination, as the yellow pegasus listed off her hobbies. He smiles while nodding with a chuckle at his sister's attitude. He ruffles her mane a little while giving her a hug. "It's true, you know. She and I make a pretty good team together. Dynamic Duo is basically our gaming name when it comes to team related games. Console may be my sister, but she's just like a bestie to me as well. I would always want to get lost with my sister. She would want to get lost with me. I mean, it's a fun journey to find our destination." He turns to look at Console and shook his head. "I remember when you dressed up as Ciel. You had me dress up as Sebastian and I questioned it a little. You said it was because my mane was similar to his, but then I pulled him off pretty well." He says while turning his attention back to Coconut.

"Those are some really nice hobbies that you like, Coco-Chan. For me, I like playing video games, watching anime, swimming, cosplaying, read manga, and travel from time to time. My goal in life is to be a professional gamer. So, it makes sense for me to travel around to different areas around Equestria." He winces at the thought of her being hit on by male cosplayers. "I can imagine that and that sounds horrible. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, but hopefully that didn't ruin your love of cosplay. "What kind of games do you like? What are some of your favorite anime to watch?" He asks while taking another bite of his donut.



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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut smiled and shook her head softly. "Heh don't worry. They didn't realize I was cosplaying until I showed them my mane colour. Then they ran off like cheetahs. Seriously, in under one minute they disappeared into the crowd. But anyway.. Animes I like?" She scratched her chin for a moment before replying to her crush and Console. "I like Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Sailor Moon, My Love Story, Kill la Kill, Baka and Test, Lucky Star, One Piece, No Game No life and.. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" She listed out, trying to rememeber Her favourite Animes that she loves to watch in her spare time. "I know it doesn't sound like a lot but I can't remember my other half of Animes that I enjoy. Seriously. You have no idea how much anime I watch when I'm at home. It feels like a marathon. All day and all nighter marathons with short intervals in between cause my legs get all iffy at times. Oh! And games I like? Well there is Overwatch, Nekopara, that Naruto tournament, Naruto online, GTA, WoW and Yandere Simulator" 

Console smirked and leaned over towards her brother and whispered into his ear. "Ask her oooooooooooooooooout Dynamoooooooooo. She's perfect for you! I mean she likes most things that you enjoy and she loves Naruto! Just like you bro! You really need to act tough and ask this mare to be your date! She's pretty much your future wife!" She teased, poking out her tongue at him before leaning away from Dynamo. She always loved to be a pain to him just for fun. Whenever it was beating him in a game or just beating him in general, she would laugh at his reaction. But as time flew on, the effect started to take place on Console and she ended up losing to him because of her weak skills of gaming

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Dynamo blushes and glances away from the others. He contemplated on asking her out, but he didn't want to rush anything, or make things awkward. He leans to Console and whispers back to her. "I'll have to wait and see what happens. I don't want to scare her off, or make things uncomfortable. I still need to get to know her to see where things will go." He didn't want to admit it, but he really liked the mare sitting across from him. He still had fear gripping his heart over his past. He knew he shouldn't worry, but he thought he would be hurt or used. He shook his head and clenched his hand into a fist. He mentally nodding while trying to build up some confidence. 'This mare helped me when most others probably wouldn't. She's nice, kind, sweet and very cute. I need to give her a chance. I have to move on and know that I can give her a chance. Just like she helped me in my fight against that Clown.'

He smiles kindly at the yellow pegasus. He chuckles and nods. "I know what you mean. I would get a wig, but my mane becomes uncomfortable while dressing up." His eyes widen at the mention of the anime and games. He nods while twiddling his thumbs. "I've been there before. I've watched plenty of anime and games, that I mostly forgot what I played and watched. Some of the anime I do like to watch are Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Digimon, Pokemon, Love Live, Lucky Star, Nichijou, Sword Art Online, Amagami SS and others. I love playing Naruto Storm Generations, WoW, Overwatch, Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts. I do enjoy games like Mario and Crash Bandicoot from time to time." He chuckles while finishing his donut. After wiping the crumbs away, he decides to ask her what was on his mind. "I'm surprised you played those games as well. I feel as though I would have noticed you sooner if we played online together. Also, I hope you don't think this is crazy, but I need to know. During the fight with Cosmic, I thought I saw two vague silhouettes behind us. What's even stranger is that they looked like Naruto and Hinata. Did either of you see them as well? Does that mean anything, or is that just me?" He asks while glancing back from his sister to Coconut for opinions. 




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@Dynamo Pad

Console just giggled at her brother's response before letting out a soft yet amused sigh. She may be extremely immature and oblivious at her brother at times like these but.. When it comes to dating, her personality changes exactly 360. From a nice, immature mare into a dating expert.. Console still can't believe it as well. But there was one thing for certain. Dynamo has a crush on Coconut and if it means risking her life to get them together then that's what she's doing. She leaned back into his ear and whispered, "Come on.. Ask her out! You gotta take a risk here and there bro! You'll regret it in the end if you don't! Okay okay.. So she likes most games you like, she watches anime that you like.. She's pretty much the perfect gal for your love life!" Console then gave him a sneak nudge on the shoulder to shel she was being absolutely serious and not joking around just for fun. 

"Heh, I can relate. It's annoying to keep your wig on when in total it'll fall off, ending up to be humiliated by cosplayers alike. But that's just me talking. But it's interesting you cosplay as well! We should totally cosplay together.. If you want that is" Coconut said, a wide blush appearing on her face. Never in her life has she asked anyone to cosplay with her. It felt like if she was asking him to go on a date with her. Would she care if he said yes? Not really. "Woah! Most of the things you just listed out are things that I enjoy watching or playing as well! It's ridiculous! But would I care if we became instant besties? Naaaaaaaaaaaah. Cause we would get along extremely well." She stopped to try and hear correctly what he was trying to say. Naruto and Hinata? The married couple? In the hidden leaf village? No way. That can't be. That can't be true.. Is it? She suddenly realised that earlier she saw Naruto in Dynamo's eyes. Could this mean something in particular or is it a myth? So many questions were running through her mind yet answers were nearly impossible to think for. "Now that you mention it.. I did see two figures standing next to each other. They definitely did look like Naruto and Hinata! But.. What does it mean? It must mean something for the married couple to appear out of no way.. Is it.. A sign?" 

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Dynamo felt Console nudge his shoulder as he glances at her. He tried to see if she was kidding, but her eyes said otherwise. 'Maybe I should try and ask her out. I mean, she's really nice and kind. What do I have to lose other than a possible friendship with her. It would be nice to go out with a mare like her. I'll see what happens. For now, I should enjoy the chat with the three of us.' He gives Console a look that he will give it a try later. He knew that his sister was trying to help him out and was happy to know that she cared about him. He chuckles and nods in understanding. "I wouldn't say it's humiliating. Just more like a hassle to fix the wig. I remember having trouble putting on Madara's armor for a convention. It took two to three ponies just to help put it on. I was embarrassed, but very thankful for the help. After that, the con was a lot of fun." He blushes and slowly nods at the offer. "S-Sure. That sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe we can reenact some scenes from some anime and manga. I could maybe see us getting along very well. We have a lot in common and we work well as a team. Who knows what the future has in store for us." His eyes widened as she had the same vision as well. "Y-You mean you saw them as well? Hmm...I wouldn't call it a sign, but I wouldn't throw out that possibility. Maybe we should see Princess Luna tomorrow and ask her about it. I could guess that we see those characters in each other, or something along those lines. I'm not sure why, but that sounds pretty cool." He asks as the trio continue to get to know one another.

As the time went by, the group looked to see that the sun was beginning to set. Dynamo looked up at the time and could see that it was 5:30 pm. "I didn't think the time would go that quickly. Time must fly when you're having fun. It also helps that we got to know each other a little better after all that happened. I guess Console and I should get going. We promised our mom and dad that we wouldn't stay out too long. It was nice getting to meet you Coco-Chan." He says with a blush, but felt his heart beginning to quicken at the thought of not seeing her again.





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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut looked at the time and her eyes widen as she realised she needed to get back home. She got up and grabbed her bags that were next to her, adjusting it onto her back nice and tight. Once sorted, her attention was immediately back onto them. "Sorry to call this night short but I have to get back home right about now. I have the landlord coming over straight away. Console, Dyna-Kun. It's been fun while it lasted.. Will I ever see you two around? I hope so cause.... you both are very interesting ponies and way more fun than anypony around here. I wish I could come along with you but unfortunately I can't.. Well..I'll see you two around. Also tell your parents that I say hi, tell me their responses tomorrow" She said, glancing at them one last time before walking out of the store quickly to try get back home before 6pm. It was hurting her heart to leave her crush alone but she had no choice. She needed to be back home at her apartment overwise she's done for. 

Console's eyes widen as she witnessed Coconut walking off so unexpectedly. But she can understand why she had to go. Her brother and herself had to go back home before they get in trouble by their parents. She sighed and waved her off before getting up. "Should we get going bro? Our train is leaving in an hour and we don't want to miss the train. But what do we do? You seem quite.. What's the particular word that I'm looking for..? No.. Not displeased. Oh! Heart broken! Are you okay bro?" She asked, placing a caring hand on his shoulder. 

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Dynamo tried to smile, but felt like he was having difficulty doing so. He wanted her to stay with them a little longer, but he knew he couldn't do that. She had to get home and he and Console needed to be home as well. He felt a hand upon his shoulder and turned to see Console with a look of concern upon her muzzle. Not wanting to make an excuse, he shook his head negatively. "I'm not feeling okay sis. I just...I just miss her. I never really felt this way about anypony before. I don't want this feeling to end, but it's late and we need to be home." He clenched his fist as he knew what had to be done. He took a quick glance from his sister to the retreating yellow pegasus. "Stay right here Console. I'll be right back. There's something that I need to do." With renewed determination, he broke off into a run towards Coconut.

"Coco-Chan!" He calls out to her to try and get his attention. As he caught up to her, he made his way in front of her before stopping just in front of her. He places he hands on his knees as he leans forward to catch his breath. After regaining a bit of oxygen in his lungs, he looks up to the mare before him. "I'm really sorry Coco-Chan, but I don't want this day to end just yet. I know we just met and we have to leave, but I must ask you something important." He says while standing up from catching his breath. He closes his eyes as he felt his cheeks warm up with a blush. He opens his eyes as he tried to find the courage to say what was on his mind. "If you aren't doing anything tomorrow. Would you like to...go on a date with me?" He asks with a determined, yet worrying expression on his face. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Console's eyes grew small as he replied to her statement. Never in her life has she seen her brother so worked up over a mare. Not to mention he was getting so embarrassed just by being with her. She sighed as she watched her brother raced off in a hurry. Signs were getting extremely clear that Dynamo liked Coconut but Console could see he was nervous. Ever since she was with him, she could see he didn't like anyone in a love like way. Today might be the first day to ever see that. All she had to do is be there for him and hopefully things will turn out better in the end. "A-Alright! Get back here after you have dealt with her! It's nearly pitch dark and I don't want to be lost in Canterlot!" She shouted out towards the unicorn before turning her attention away to sit back down at their table and grab out her phone.

Coconut stopped so suddenly to see Dynamo right in front of her. Her mind started filling up with unexplainable questions as in why Dynamo came here. Her expression was gaining a worried look on her face before letting herself relax towards his words. "D-Dyna-Kun.. I know tonight has been an amazing night. Even for your sister. I'm sorry for departing with you so soo-" She stopped. What is this? A proposal? Did he actually ask Coconut out onto a date. No, that can't be. Her face was starting to redden as she imagined herself with him on a romantic date. Candles everywhere, the stars above them, laughter and smiles are being shared. And hopefully a small... Kiss. Her face redden even more. What could she say? She doesn't want to make herself look like a fool. Yes or no? No or yes? Maybe? She let herself inhale some oxygen slowly, the blushing fading away, before replying to him with a simple yet understandable "Yes!"

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Dynamo kept on running, but gave his sister the thumbs up to let her know that he heard her. "You've got it sis. I promise this won't take very long." As he awaited for his crush's response, he was starting to become extremely nervous. His heart was racing, he felt a sweat bead cascade down his forehead and his throat felt dry. He didn't understand why he was feeling so nervous, but he tried to stay calm. He had never felt this way with anyone in his life before. True, there were mares that he liked back in his hometown, but he decided to not pursue a relationship. After Cosmic's bullying and trickery, he felt as if he couldn't trust many ponies back home. However, after meeting Coconut, he felt a spark of connection between himself and her. He couldn't explain it, but he had a strong liking towards her. He only hoped that she would feel the same towards him. 

His eyes widened at her response and he felt a small smile tug at his lips. He grinned and was about to jump for joy, but decided to play it casual for the time being. "That's great to hear. Here's my number. We can message each other and plan out the date for tomorrow. We'll visit Master Luna first and then we can enjoy our date. If that's okay, that is." He says while taking a slip of paper form his pocket and writing down his phone number for her. After giving her his number, he leaned forward and gave her a quick hug. The hug felt warm and comforting. He felt like he could melt into the embrace. He didn't want to let go, but he didn't want to hold her up. "Again it was really nice meeting you. I hope we get to have fun and hang out tomorrow. I'll talk to you soon. Goodnight Coco-Chan." He walks past her and begins making his way back to his sister. He made sure that she was out of earshot before grinning like a crazy pony and jumping into the air. He pumps a first into the sky and cheers. "Woohoo! I did it! I got a date for tomorrow!" He lands back and sprints over to his sister and picks her up before spinning her around. He places her back to the ground as they start making their way to the train station.


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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut felt like squealing like a little girl but she decided to play it cool. She didn't wanted to act like an idiot infront of her crush. Yet again she didn't want to let too much of her love out towards him. "Awesome! I can't wait to hear from you tomorrow. I know this might be weird hearing me saying this but.. I can't wait to hang out with you again Dynamo Pad." She said, a soft blush was spreading across her face. Suddenly she was given a piece of paper with some unusual numbers on it. What could this be? Her mind slapped herself as she realised it was Dynamo's phone number. Right now she felt like fainting from all the excitement she's experiencing. She had never been on a date before and this was going to be awesome! As she was talking to herself about the plans, his arms were wrapping around her as she pulled into his embrace. She couldn't believe it. She got asked on a date, given his phone number and now getting a hug from him. Is this a fantasy? She felt herself getting comfortable in his arms. She yearned for longer but with small time she had, it wasn't possible. After the hug parted, Coco gave him a small smile and waved once again. "See you tomorrow Dyna-Kun! I can't wait for the date tomorrow!" She replied before walking away.

Console squealed as she heard her brother coming back and picking her up all excited like. "You did it! You did it! I saw the whole thing from a mile away! You actually got a date with Coconjt! Mom and Dad will be so proud of you!!! Now all we need to do is get to that train before it chugs away into the night!" She said, flying among side him and making her away towards the train station. Once she arrived, she got out her ticket and landed on the platform with a soft *klonk*. 

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Dynamo waves back to her with a big smile on his muzzle. "See you tomorrow Coco-Chan! I look forward to our date as well." He kept on waving until she was out of sight. He turns back, but he could feel his heart still beating quickly. He felt like he was walking on air with each step he took. He felt nacreous, but in a good way. As he saw his sister flying next to him, he chuckles and nods. "Mom and dad will be surprised. I can't believe she said yes. I was extremely nervous, but I'm so happy to hear she said yes! I don't know what we'll do for our date, but we'll figure it out. All that matters is that I want to spend time with her and make a great first impression." He saw her zip past him as she made her way to the station. He picked up the pace and makes his way over to the train.

After getting the tickets, the two siblings step inside the train and take their seats. Dynamo sighs in relief as his back met with the seat. "I can't believe all that happened today. I got to meet Master Luna, I finally took that Clown down and I got a date. I guess life is starting to look up, or something like that." He looks to Console and pulls her into a tight hug. "Thanks for all of your help today sis. I don't know what I'd do without you. I probably wouldn't have had the courage to talk to Coco-Chan. I could see her as a friend, but I probably would be afraid to ask her out." He pulls out his phone while sending a text to their parents. "Console and I are on our way home. We just got done our meeting with Princess Luna and we met a new friend today. We'll tell you all about it on our way home. Love you mom and dad." After sending the message, he waits until he receives a new text from Gentle Step. "That sounds lovely honey. Dinner is just about ready by the time you two get home. Just be safe and we'll talk about it." Dynamo nods at the message and places his phone in his pocket.



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  • 1 month later...

@@Dynamo Pad

Console sat down next to her brother, a proud expression was plastered on her face. She was extremely proud of her brother for asking Coconut out. For once she felt like a parent to Dynamo. But she knew that would be impossible cause of their ages. She opened her phone to see three new text messages from her friends. She looked around to make sure no one was watch and started to reply to them 

"Heeeeeeeeeeey Kat!"

"Oh! Heya Console!"

"How are you doing?"

"You know, I'm doing alright. Just busy helping my cousin with his project" 

"Ahhhhh cool!"

"Yea- oh wait. BRB"

Console sighed as she closed her phone to look out the window. Through out the entire train ride, she was completely quiet which was completely unusual. Normally she wouldn't be THIS quiet but tiredness got the best of her. All she wanted to do was go to sleep. She sighed and placed her heavy head on Dynamo's shoulder, closing her eyes in the process. So many things has happened today. Meeting gamer Luna, beating that clown guy at Naruto, Dynamo finding himself a mare friend (hopefully) and seeing under Coconut's eyepatch. She took off her bandages and placed them next to her, revealing her black eye. She has been hiding her eye ever since primary. Not one person has seen what's under her eye except for her best friend. Katelyn. Not even her parents know what's under those bandages.



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Dynamo twitched an eyebrow as he felt a presence lean up against him. He curiously looks down to notice his sister closing her eyes. A content look upon her facial features. He smiles slightly as he was about to turn his attention back to the passing scenery out the window. It wasn't until he saw her right eye, that he became curious, yet worrying at the same time. He swore for a moment that he thought he saw a pure black eye. To him, this was the first time that he ever saw what was under her eye patch. Even his parents never saw what was underneath the eye patch. He calmly, yet tentatively places a hand on her shoulder, but stops. He was afraid he would wake her from her slumber, but chose to hold her close. He didn't want her falling over and waking up annoyed. The train ride was about the same as their departure to Canterlot. So, it wasn't long until they were back home in Ponyville.

As the train came to a stop, Dynamo nudged his sister's shoulder to wake her from her slumber. After collecting their belongings, the siblings stepped off the train and made their way for home. The trek home was quiet, but their small talk kept things from going too quiet. As they reached their home, the two were greeted by their parents. The family ate and recalled the events they had today.  It was late when the siblings decided to turn in for the night. After their routines, the two fell asleep in their beds and let sleep take hold of them.

(The Next Day)

As the morning sun shone through the window, Dynamo felt the sun's rays hit his face. He scrunched his facial features as he tries pull the cover over his face, but to no avail. He sat up slowly in bed and stretches his arms over his head, relieving the stress from the day prior. He looks to his alarm clock to see that he forgot to set it. He raises an eyebrow as he notices it was around 9:15 in the morning. He found that odd, as he normally sets his alarm clock for a relatively early time. He shrugged his shoulders as he thought it was a good time to wake his sister up. He gets out of bed and walks over to his sister's bed. He chuckles at how cute she was being before placing a hand on her shoulder. He roughly, but gently shakes her shoulder to help wake her up. "Hey. Console? Come on, it's about 9:20 in the morning. It's time to wake up. Mom and dad might be worried on us skipping breakfast. Don't you smell the bacon and eggs?" He sniffs the air as he could smell the scent of crispy bacon and eggs.


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@Dynamo Pad

Console groaned softy in her sleep, not wanting her brother to disturb her peaceful slumber. It felt like forever ever since she had a great sleep like this and she doesn't want it to end. Her body unconsciously rolled over to the left side of her bed, revealing her bandage less face. Her hair was a total mess even though she just brushed it last night. It bothers her that her hair always take forever to de-tangle because of her plaits. She must really think of a different hair style if this bothers her too much. She had her pillow next to her, her wings slowly caressing it like a teddy bear. Finally after a while, a soft yawn could be heard from Console's mouth as she opened her eyes slowly. Her black eye was in full view as she looked up at her older brother. Console sniffed the air curiously to smell bacon and eggs... One of her favourite breakfast meals. Her body quickly shot up like lightning to discover the delicious scent coming from downstairs. Her wings slowly let go of the pillow that she was hugging before retreating back into their ordinary position. "W-what.. Time is it? And.. What's that amazing smell..? That smells like.. Bacon and eggs" She asked, placing her arms behind her and stretching like her brother does to release all the stress and pains from yesterday. Console sighed while starting to reach over towards her bandages casually.

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Dynamo couldn't help but to chuckle at his sister's yawn. He wanted to let her sleep, but he knew if that happened, then she wouldn't get up. He raises an eyebrow as his sister shot up in her bed. He turns his head to look back at the time. "It's around 9:30 in the morning. I guess we forgot to set the alarm the night before. With everything that happened yesterday, it's no surprise." He turns back and nods with a light grin. "You've got that right. It beats having pancakes. Don't get me wrong. I like pancakes an all, but when it comes to bacon and eggs, then it's a done deal. We better head downstairs before mom and dad start to worry about us." He heads toward the door and looks back to his sister to see if she would follow.

Just then, he could see Console reaching over to grab her bandages. He gasps lightly as he remembered yesterday prior. He wasn't sure if it was a good time, but he had to know what was going on. "H-Hey...sis? Can you tell me something important? I...It's about yesterday. During the train ride home, I...I couldn't help, but notice that you had your bandages off on your eye. I took a quick glance and saw that you had a black eye. Can you tell me what happened? I want to be there and help you as a big brother should." He looked down at the floor. He shuffled his feet as he felt guilty from his confession, but knew he had to tell the truth. He felt worried for his sister and hoped that she would understand. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Console laughed at his comment as she listened to him. "Bacon and egggggggs. Damn I'm hungry now. I mean I like pancakes too.. I love them with maple syrup but bacon and eggs win my heart officially!" She replied, rubbing her stomach as she thought of the delicious, heart-taking food right in front of her, ready to be devoured by her own mouth. Gosh it pains her right now to think of food right at this very moment. She shook her head from her fantasy to focus on the here and now. "Huh? eheheh.. I guess we were too tired to realise it and passed out. I mean just yesterday you asked Coconut out on a date! Today has to be the big day where you officially take her out! Unlike.. 'other' experiences you had" Console said, straightening out her bandages

Just as she was about to apply her bandages Dynamo asked her about her black eye. Console looked confused at first but realised her black eye was on display. She gasped, looking around anxiously to try hide it. Alas she couldn't find anything and decided to tell him straight.. the truth about her black eye. "You want to know about my eye huh..? why it's all black? I'll tell you. When I was born.. I had a mutation with my face.. like it couldn't be genetically formed. Everything was out of place and I was suffocating from lack of breath. The doctors had to keep me in the hospital for 5 weeks to try figure out what's wrong with me until they realised it was my eye. So.. they had to do a 20 hour operation  on me and finally my face was back to normal.. except my eye.. It was.. "out" there so they had to put bandages on my eye permanently until it was back in place. It wasn't until when I was 8 that I had a problem with my sclera. Meaning I had no sclera, pupils and iris at all. It was all black. This was extremely rare for my case and caused me to have some.. problems. For example remember the time when you and I went swimming? I got extremely afraid to go into the water and backed away from it. You were confused on why I didn't want to go into the water until I lied to you. Saying that I wasn't feeling too good. The truth was my eye was acting up.. now you know why and how I got my black eye.." She explained, covering her eye and getting up towards the door.

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Dynamo's mouth drooled at the mention of pancakes with syrup. He quickly wiped the drool away with the back of his hand and chuckled sheepishly. "Don't get me started on pancakes. I remember one time I ate about eight pancakes. I felt sick afterwords, but thankfully I didn't lose my stomach. I think I had to go lie down for a while to feel better. Not really the best thing I've ever done." He grins while running a hand through his mane. He opens his eyes as realization dawned on him. He darts his eyes toward the floor as a light blush appeared on his face. "It's been such a long time since I went on a date. Hopefully things will be better this time around." He frowned as the memories came flooding into his mind, but he shook his head to erase those thoughts. He remembered Coco and smiled softly. "I don't know if she has any feelings for me, but I really do like her. I hope we get to have a lot of fun today on our date."

Dynamo looks up as he began to hear Console's explanation. He opens his mouth to speak, but he had difficulty to form a sentence. He almost couldn't comprehend what he had heard, but he felt as if things were starting to become clear. As Console made her way towards the door, he places a calm and comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm really glad you finally told me about your eye. I was always curious as to what was under your bandage. I remember that day we went swimming years ago. I was sad when you didn't join me, but I guess I could chalk it up as I didn't understand. Now I do and I'm really sorry that happened to you sis. It must have been a struggle to keep that eye hidden away from others." He says, calmly while giving her a smile. "Thank you for telling me and you don't have to worry. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. Just know, that no matter what happens in the future. I will always be there as your big brother. You and I are besties for life. Forever, always and nothing will ever change that." He places his other hand on her other shoulder and pulls her close to him. He wraps her in a hug while holding her tight, as if to say that he will always protect her. He pulls back from the hug and opens the door. "Come on, sis. Let's go get something to eat and plan out the day."

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Console chuckled at his response and smiled. She really did love her older brother. He has been there for her even if she didn't tell him everything. He was there when she got her cutie mark, when she went to school for the first time, got an award for her spelling bee AND when she broke her wings. Dynamo was her guardian angel. Flashbacks started to roll into her head. From the first day Console was born, she could imagine his face as he looked down at his new sister. Now that she's older, she has grown quite.. dependant on Dynamo for nearly everything. She shook her head out of her thinking zone and replied. "You can do this bro! I have been there with you ever since we were young and now you have grown into an independent stallion! I believe in you! Besides, Coconut looks quite relaxed around you so there is a 99.9999999999999999999999999999% chance that this date will turn out awesome~!"

Her eyes widen. Watching her brother hold her close as a way to say he'll always protect her. She smiled and closed her eyes to embrace the hug back. Man she loved her brother. She felt her entire body relax within his arms, her breathing was nice and calm and most importantly.. she was glad to tell Dynamo the truth about her eyes. "Thanks Dynamo.. Just.. Please don't tell mom and dad about this.. they'll freak out" She whispered, tightening her bandages around her and exiting the door.


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Dynamo smiled softly at his little sister's words. He smiles as he recalled when she was born. Holding his sister in his arms he felt the need to protect her from all those around her. At the same time, he knew she would be out on her own and would always be there for her. Even as siblings, he viewed her as a true friend. "It's good to know that she wasn't uncomfortable around me. Hopefully today will be pretty nice. Though I have to ask." He raised an eyebrow in a curious manor. "What's the .1 percent from your logical point of view? I don't doubt you, but you can't help, but to be sure in case plans don't go according to plan."

He felt her entire body lean into the hug. Just knowing more and more about her sister made it feel like she wasn't a stranger to him. He pulls back from the hug and gives her a serious nod. "Your welcome and I understand, sis. I promise I won't tell either mom or dad about this. You can tell them when you're ready to tell them. When that happens, I'll be right there beside you. Maybe Coco-Chan can be there with you as well. I know she'll understand your situation." He whispers, closing the door behind him as he descends the stairs with her sister to the kitchen. 


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@Dynamo Pad

Console smiled back at his words, wishing the hug will go on forever and forever. "Huh?" She paused herself getting lost in the hug as she looked up at her older brother. 'Ohhhhhhh! The .1 percent? That's like if something bad happened during the date and causing Coconut to not like you any more. But that won't happen! She really likes you. Couldn't you tell? She was being very protective of you ever since that clown guy decided to kick your butt. She really cares about you. Heck she even revealed what's under her eye! It's amazing" She said, letting herself go and just enjoying the time she has left before he goes on that date with Coconut.

She winced as he pulled away from the ever lasting hug. She sighed before looking over at Dynamo with a small smile plastered on her face. "Thanks bro.. I knew I could count on you. When I tell mom and dad the truth... can you be holding my hand while I take off my bandages? So I don't get scared when I tell them the absolute truth? I mean.. The doctors were really afraid to tell them what was wrong with me but.. Someday but not today.. I will tell mom and dad what's underneath my bandages and how I got it." She replied, following her brother downstairs to the kitchen where the heavenly scented smell of bacon and eggs blossomed towards her nose.

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Dynamo looked at Console while giving her a deadpanned expression. "Gee whiz. Thanks for the vote of confidence, sis." He sarcastically replied. His lips formed into a small smile. A feeling of hope forming in his heart. "I could never forget that. She was there for me when I felt lost. We all defended each other from that stinking Clown. I remember her telling us about her eye. It didn't seem easy for her, but I guess, in a way, she could trust us. I guess she really does care a lot about me." He playfully ruffles her mane with a bright smile toward her. "Thanks for the help sis. I just need to have confidence and act like myself." 

Dynamo nods briefly as they neared the kitchen. He leans over before placing a calm and comforting hand on her shoulder. "Your welcome sis and of course I will. Even if you feel like running, then I'm keeping you in place. It's just like my date with Coco-Chan today. I'm afraid, but I can't be afraid forever. I just need to have courage and hope that everything will be all honky dory." His train of thought was cut short as he could smell the delicious scent of bacon and eggs. As they entered the kitchen, Gentle Step had finished setting the table while looking up to see her children. "Good morning, you two. How did you both sleep? I hope you're both hungry." She moves to her chair before sitting down. Quick Fix placed his paper on the side while digging into breakfast. "What do you have planned today? Anything exciting going on with you two?" He says before taking a sip from his coffee mug. 



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