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The Journey Towards the Soul

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

She laughed at his sarcasm response jokingly, brushing her hand against his softly. "No problem bro! Come back for more anytime you like!" She replied with a breathless laugh added onto the end. He knew how to made her laugh and being sarcastic about things will make her collapse onto the carpet laughing. She was very easy to please, despite her excited mood nearly every day and she is kind of like Pinkie pie. Except people can make HER smile so quickly, they won't even know what's happening. With a happy sigh, she turned to face her brother to reply, "See? She cares about you Dynamo. Both her and I care for your safety so much it's not a joke. But.. what can I say? She's quite a gal! I'm glad you found the right mare bro. I am hoping that you can pull this date off without making it awkward"

She sighed in relief, knowing that he'll be there for her when the time comes to tell her parents her secret behind the bandages. Without saying a word, she gave a quick nod to Dynamo before smiling at her mother. "Morning mother! Morning father!" She said cheerfully, hugging her mother gently before running over to her father and hugging him.

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Dynamo shook his head with a chuckle while clapping his hands together. "Well done sis. Your comedy knows no bounds. Sounds like you're ready to take your act on the road. You at least have a way to back yourself up if someone talks badly to you in games. It's always funny when we go on game chat and talk to other players. Remember last week." He couldn't help, but snicker at the memory. "That one stallion was talking like a hot shot. Then we both appeared online and put the guy in his place. It was crazy, but everyone was laughing and having a good time." He began to hold his sides as he wheezed out a laugh. After taking a few minutes to get himself under control, Dynamo nodded at his sister. "I feel the same way, Console. I care about the two of you so much. If anything happened to either of you, then I wouldn't know what to do, you know? I'm hoping it won't be awkward as well. We do have some things in common, so everything will be okay. We just got to make the most of the day and see how things will go."

He returned the quick nod before taking a seat in his chair at the table. "Morning mom and dad. We had a good sleep. I guess it was because we forgot to set the alarm. You can't blame us with all the things that had happened yesterday." He chuckles while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Gentle Step smiles and returns the quick hug. "Oh! I turned your alarm off, sweetheart. You were both tired and you did set your alarm. However, I went to check on you and thought you would want the extra sleep." Dynamo looked up to his mom and smiles appreciatively. "Thanks, mom. I guess extra sleep is needed every now and then." He looked over to his dad and nods at his question. "Actually, yes I am. I'm meeting a friend today. We're both going to visit Master Luna, as well for my training schedule."

Quick Fix hugged his daughter while ruffling her mane playfully. "Hey, Console. How's my little princess doing?" He said before raising an eyebrow at his son. He then gave a playful little smirk. "Oh? Is this a person you're hanging out with a mare? Is there something we should know about, son? Did you finally find a marefriend?" Seeing the blush on his son's cheeks was enough to confirm his suspicions. "I thought so! It's about time you found somepony special. Tell me who this lucky mare is, Console."



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Console looked over at Dynamo with a sheepish grin. He knew that she loved to tease him a lot and doing it infront of their parents will be like the perfect revenge. She straightens out her plait and cleared her throat before replying to him. "Wellllllllllllllll.. She's a Pegasus just like me, she's 17 years old, she managed to make little old gamer over there fall in love with her, her name is Coconut.. And talking about nuts makes me go nuts" She laughed, realizing how terrible her pun was and not seeing that she just made fun of Coconut's name. After a while of endless laughter, she coughed to get herself sorted and looked up at her father. "Aaaaaanyway! Coconut defended him when he and I were face to face with an old school bully who still teases us to this day. But she made Cosmic afraid of her just by showing off her protective side. It was like watching a action movie right in front of you! Dad! It was a-maz-ing! You would of loved it!" She cheered, nuzzling her father's neck before walking over to Dynamo with a cheeky grin on her face.

Meanwhile Coco was getting ready for today. She couldn't believe even from last night he asked her out on a date. Could this be the start of something romantic? Possibly. Ever since she met him, she couldn't stop blushing and thinking about having a future with him. Her face brightens up at the thought. His sister was quite nice as well, seeing that she had bandages over her eye just like Coconut but she had an eyepatch instead of bandages. With a sigh, she grabbed her phone and texted Dynamo.

Coco: "Hey, Good morning Dyna-Kun! (^.^) So.. I thought that maybe we can explore Canterlot together and possibly play some arcade games? There is a huge arcade shop in the center of town and has over 3000 games to play. Heck, a worker gives you 10000 tokens to play the games cause most games need 10 or 20 tokens to actually play -.-" Crazy, I know. But if you get this text, we can discuss what to do. Seya soon Dynamo! : 3"

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Dynamo turned to Console as his jaw dropped at her jokes. "Oh, no. Not you too sis." He said, sighing in defeat of Console's antics. "I shouldn't be surprised by that. You would make jokes at a time like this." Gentle Step walked over to Quick's seat and playfully flicked his nose. "Now, dear. You know better when to pick on the kids. Our children are growing up and you know how Dynamo feels." She said, giving him a playful, but stern look in her eyes. "Need I remind you that it took you how long for you to propose? I thought you would never at the amount of time it took to ask me."

Quick slumped a little in his seat, while giving his wife a deadpanned expression. "Okay, okay. You don't need to guilt trip me, sweetheart." He said, turning to give his son an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, son. I just want what's best for you. After that time you came home crushed. I'm just looking out for you, my son." Dynamo smiled and nodded at his dad's reasoning. "It's okay dad and I get it. You just like to make others laugh. That, and you like to laugh at the bad times to show nothing is ever terrible." Quick nods approvingly, before laughing at Console's explanation. "Action movies are pretty good, but it would be interesting if they had cars in them. Like those cards in the Need for Speed series, but cars are so rare that they are practically legends. Mostly we use our wings for transportation, or taxi's and trains." He says, while Gentle walked away and took her seat at the table. "It sounds to me like this Coconut is a really nice mare. I'm sorry to hear that Cosmic is showing up again. I thought we got that restraining order years ago. Always a loophole somewhere in the world." She said, shaking her head in disgust over the recent events. "Anyhow, I hope you and Coco have a wonderful time today, honey. Make sure to be kind and treat her with respect. I know you two will be just fine and blossom forth a beautiful relationship." Dynamo chuckles and nods happily. "I promise and I'll do my very best, mom." He says as the family started to enjoy breakfast.

After about a half an hour breakfast, Dynamo headed back upstairs to his room to get ready for the day. As he enters the room, he heard his phone ring, indicating that he received a text message. He picks up the phone and smiles to see that it was from Coconut. After carefully reading the message, he proceeded to write a response to the yellow Pegasus.

Dynamo: "Hey there, Coco-Chan. Good morning and how are you? (^_^) That sounds like a great idea. We just have to visit Master Luna for a little while. She said she had to go over my training schedule while being her apprentice. Besides, there's something I needed to ask her that's bothering me. I hope you don't mind tagging along for a bit before the arcade. Are you serious!? Well...I guess since the arcade is in Canterlot, then it shouldn't be too shocking. Still, that's a bit pricey. I guess the compensation of tokens makes up for it. Once we meet up, we can go over more of our plans for today. Should I bring anything with me for our date? I'll see you soon Coconut! : 3"

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  • 5 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Coconut was in her bedroom, getting ready for the day. She had her eyepatch on, her mane brushed, her stomach fed and her teeth cleaned. Heck she was clean herself. She couldn't hold her excitement for today's agenda. Dynamo was actually going to take her out on a date. She squealed at the thought of the places he could take her. The aquarium, the movies, the park, a fancy restaurant, arcade.. Gosh it seemed all to real to go on a date with someone she actually likes. Her phone buzzed after a while. She picked it up to see Dynamo's response. She giggled while typing back her response.

Coco: "Awesome! Also I don't mind tagging along to see 'master' Luna with you. After all, you did beat that idiot in the Naruto tournament! Your officially Luna's apprentice! Man I'm really jealous of you. You can beat so many games without fail and win in the end with determination while there's me.. I take years just to beat a single game. My cutie mark doesn't even make any sense at all. Really, Coconuts? What use is that for? I guess I'll have to find out what it means.. Your cutiemark represents gaming so it's extremely obvious. Anyway! I guess I'll see you here Dynamo! Byeeeeee ;)"

After sending Dynamo that text, she got up and put her phone in her bag. Looking around for anything that she could of left behind, she nodded to herself that she got everything before leaving her room. Before she left, she grabbed the keys that were on the kitchen bench and placed them in her bag. Finally she was ready. She headed towards the door and left.

"L-Luna.. Are you sure that we can do it? I-it's been a while since Naruto kun and I have done something like this,"

"He's extremely strong in gaming and I can see potential power in him.. I'm sure that you and him will do just fine. Besides, if all else fails I could still train your son to be more powerful than before"

"B-Boruto? I-I think he already has enough on his plate Miss Luna.."

"Then we'll just have to wait until they get here.. Won't we?"

Edited by VinylWubs
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After sending the text message, Dynamo walks over to his closet and opens the door. He looks inside to see what he was going to wear for his date with Coco today. He wanted to wear something casual, but to also look nice as well. He decided to go with a purple shirt, black pants and his gaming jacket. After making a quick change in clothing, he looks in the mirror and nods in satisfaction. He grabbed his wallet, house keys and phone before leaving the room. He walks down the stairs and enters the kitchen while seeing his family still at the table. "I'm going to head out for a few hours. I'll text you when I get home." He says before giving everyone a hug. "Just be careful and remember to treat your date right, honey." Gentle said while returning the hug. "Be yourself and remember to crack a few jokes. You've got to let her know where you got your charming good looks and comedic side from." Quick joked while ruffling his son's mane. Dynamo chuckles while waving to everyone as he left. "Don't worry I will. Bye! I love you guys!" He yells out before making his way out of the house. After making sure he locks the door, Dynamo begins to jog his way toward the train station. He could feel his phone buzz after a while and checked to see that it was Coco. He smiles and begins to type his reply.

Dynamo: "I'm glad you'll be going with me. It's better to find out together what those silhouettes were about. Since you saw them too, it would make sense for you to tag along. That, and I want to spend some time with you as well haha. I'm glad I was able to beat that stinking clown in that apprentice match. I wouldn't say I can beat games in record time. Sometimes I still fail at games, if you can believe that. I rage, but I don't rage as much as some gamer's I know. I still feel as though I won thanks to you. I only felt confident when you and my sis were with me. Maybe I can help you defeat these games. Playing co-op games sounds better than playing by yourself. Hmm...Maybe Luna will be able to help you find out. I'm almost at the train station, so I'll see you soon. Bye! :)" 

After sending the text to Coco, Dynamo continued on his way to the train station. After a few minutes, he finally made it to his destination. He placed his hands on his knees as he felt a little winded from his run. After making sure he was okay, he went over and bought his train ticket. Once purchased, he entered the train and found a seat before the train took off. He sat back and relaxed as the train began to make it's way toward Canterlot.

Naruto placed a comforting hand on Hinata's shoulder while giving her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Hinata-Chan. I think he'll do just fine. Remember what we saw yesterday. We saw how powerful he was against that opponent who cheated. That, and he had others with him that helped him to become truly strong. If that's not true potential, then I don't know what is." He says while turning to face her while placing his other hand on her spare shoulder. "I know you're worried, but we both agreed. That's why I'm hoping to see the others who were with him. Maybe, just maybe, that he is truly the one Luna has been searching for." 


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@Dynamo Pad

Console waved as she watched her older brother leave the house. She smiled, feeling so proud of her brother that she started to tear up a bit. No, she couldn't let Dynamo know that she was crying.. She had to be tough. For both him and herself. She wiped the tears away from her eyes and smiled happily.

While she was walking towards the train station, Coco walked towards a mirror in a shop to see how she looked. She was wearing a blue dress that went to her knees, a purple jersey that is 3 sizes bigger than her and some white shoes. She giggled at the sight of herself, spinning in a circle before nodding. Once satisfied with herself, she continued making her way towards Canterlot station. It was quite busy today. Ponies rushing around, fillies that were playing tag, sounds of chatter filled the air and so much more. While she hated being in crowds, she had no choice but join the crowd as well. Suddenly her phone buzzed. She took out her phone and smiled seeing his response. While waiting for him, she replied.

Coco: "I'm still quite curious about those silhouettes as well. They reminded me of an anime I watched when I was younger because of their familiar appearances. Then again I could be bluffing. Also awwwwwww! Dynamo! It's very sweet of you to ask me on a date, even though we just met yesterday. But I get the feeling that it's been longer than that, don't cha think? Also oh my Celestia.. You watch 'him' too?! He's hilarious! Just his rage makes me want to roll onto the floor and laugh like an idiot. He's my favourite to watch. Anyways.. Thanks for the offer but I think I might be fine with my games.. I mean, I nearly finished that South Park game! Mitch Conner is really hard to beat!!! >-< Seya soon Dynamo!"

Meanwhile Hinata nodded, still feeling nervous on what will happen. "I know, he surely does have great power when it came to gaming. I mean he snapped when he realised that clown was cheating just to become Luna's apprentice and possibly take over the gaming world.. That'll be terrible if 'he' won and Dynamo lost." She replied, looking up at her lover before giving him a soft yet calming smile. "I hope so Naruto kun. I can see such great power inside Dynamo. Don't you see it? It's trapped in his soul and it wants to come out. All Luna has to do is train him so he can control it without weakening himself"



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Dynamo turned his attention toward the window as he was enjoying the passing scenery. His ear perked up, as he could hear a lot of ponies that were currently on the train. Usually it would have been less crowded, but he deduced that it wasn't the case for today. He shook his head and decided to not pay it no mind. He felt his phone buzz once more. He took his phone out and smiled to see that it was Coco. He smiles and began his reply.

Dynamo: "I could be wrong, but I think the silhouettes were from the anime, Naruto. It may have been my imagination, but I can't say that if you saw them as well. Hopefully we'll get all the answers to this little mystery. I wanted to take you out on a date. You're really cute and beautiful, we have a good amount of things in common and I want to get to know you more. It's crazy to think it's only been a day. It honestly felt like an eternity. Thought that's just exaggerating if you think about it. Yup I do. Him and the entire crew. Wait...you watch the entire crew as well!? How have I not found you any sooner? Every time I feel down his videos make everything better. Fair enough on letting you complete your video game. You have the new South Park game? I've always wanted to play that game! I mostly watched it on YouTube. Someone literally got a glitch on that boss fight and won the battle. It was crazy, yet hilarious. I know you'll be able to beat that boss. I have complete confidence in you. The train is almost at the station, so I'll see you in a bit, Coco!" 

As soon as he sent the message, the train began to pull up towards the station. As the train came to a complete stop, the doors opened up for ponies to exit. Dynamo made sure he had everything before he made his exit. As he made his way off the train, he tried to locate Coco. He found himself having trouble as there were a lot of ponies crowding around the area. 'It shouldn't be that difficult to find her. She's wearing an eye patch for Celestia's sake. She's wearing it for good reason, but still. Not many ponies wear an eye patch.' He thought while beginning to feel nervous. "Coco-Chan! Are you here!? It's me, Dynamo! Where are you!? If you can hear me, then just follow the sound of my voice" He called out while cupping a hand around his mouth.

Naruto nodded while recalling the recent event. "I didn't think he would snap at that clown, but who can blame him. That clown was cheating and didn't have any respect towards Dynamo or the others. That isn't what it takes to be a true gamer. I'd hate to find out what the gaming world would turn into if 'he' had won." he says while shuddering at the thought. Naruto smiles while looking into Hinata's eyes. "I can see that power in him as well. It's being blocked, but it can be channeled. Hopefully with Luna's help, he'll be able to harness that strength. If not, then it could hurt him in the long run." He says while giving Hinata and Luna a solemn look. He looks up to the sky with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "That mare that was with him. Her name was Coconut, correct? I think she could see us as well. Does that mean anything of importance, Luna?"



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Coconut looked around the train station for any sight of Dynamo or the train he's on. Suddenly a chugging noise approached the station, screeching to slow down very slowly. The noise of clopping can be heard from ponies around. It looks like the train has just arrived yet there is so many ponies here. The carriage's doors open, releasing all the ponies inside. One by one, more pones came out of the train to meet up with their friends, families, loved ones or business partners. Many of which were already bustling out to meet up with ponies alike. Coconut smiled, feeling confident that she'll find Dynamo. She noticed her phone buzz but didn't bother to reply to him back. What's the point of texting someone if you are about to meet up with them in a minute?

Damn it Coco! Why can't you find him. He should be extremely easy to spot. Hmm.. he's wearing his gamer jacket.. that should be obvious.. A-and he is light blue with a curved horn. I haven't met anyone with a curved horn before. Heck I think 10% of unicorns in Equestria have curved horns. I must ask him where he got his curved horn from. AGH! Now's not the time to think about curved horns Coco!! You need to look for Dynam-!

Suddenly her train of thought was interrupted when she heard a familiar voice call out. It sounded a lot like Dynamo's voice! She started walking towards where the voice was coming from. Along the way, she accidently bumped into ponies that weren't too friendly with her. She had to apologise before continuing to find Dynamo. Man, why is Canterlot so busy around this time of year? Yesterday wasn't THIS  bad and last year was 30% smaller than this. Jeez, maybe taking a plane to fly over to Ponyville will be less crowded than Canterlot station. After a while, she found the stallion with the curved horn, light blue skin, wearing a gamer jacket and matches the voice to Dynamo. Who else wouldn't it be? It was Dynamo Pad himself! "Dynamo!" She called out, running over to him and hugging him.

Luna closed her eyes and nodded gently. "Yes, Coconut seemed to be in Dynamo's future. I can see great power in them. Powers.. like yours Naruto and Hinata. But Coconut seems to be hiding her true self towards Dynamo.. the 6 plus eye is quite most the most deadly form that Coconut can gain. It's so powerful, it could kill nearly millions of ponies in the speed of light.. even herself if she can't control it.. without our help. While she may be adjusting to her life through her eyepatch, she has to take it off to reveal all of her powers to Dynamo." Luna explains towards Hinata and Naruto, leaving Hinata speechless.



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Dynamo's ears perked, as he heard a voice calling out to him. He turns around in all directions to find the source of the noise, but having no luck with all of these ponies at the station. 'For the love of Celestia. Why are there so many ponies around here? It's the fall season, so I can understand that. Maybe they're getting ready for the holidays? Either way, this is just plain ridiculous. This wasn't so bad compared to yesterday's trip to Canterlot.' He was brought out of his thoughts, as he felt someone hug him from the side. He shifted his feet, so as to not lose his balance from the initial impact. He looks down to see a mane of blue and purple, as well as a white eye patch over her eye. He blushes, but smiles as he returns the hug. "Coco! It's so good to see you. I didn't think I'd find you in this crowd. I'd probably have to use my magic to surf the crowd to find you." He chuckles while using his hand to rub the back of his neck. He takes her hand into his own, so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd. As the two finally escaped the crowd of arriving ponies, Dynamo glanced over to Coco and noticed the dress that she was wearing. He couldn't help, but blush at how cute she looked. "I'm sorry if I didn't get a chance to say this, but you look really beautiful today, Coco-Chan. I shouldn't be surprised though because you always look beautiful, if I can be honest." He smiles sheepishly while scratching his cheek with his finger.

Naruto's eyes widened at the information given to him and his wife. He rests his chin in his hand, as he was deep in thought. "So, it seems that Dynamo isn't the only special one. I wonder how she acquired that eye. Hopefully, it won't have to come to the point of her getting that sixth plus in her eye. If there's anyone who could stop her, then it would be Dynamo. I think they were meant to be together and have something special between them. Just like how Hinata-Chan and I found each other. When we see them, we'll figure out where to go from here." He says while turning his attention towards Luna.

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  • 2 months later...

@Dynamo Pad

Coco smiled and held his hand back, starting to push through the crowds while still holding onto Dynamo's hand. Many ponies were such in a rush that they managed to trip over Coco at least twice. She grunted, struggling to keep a firm grip on his hand. Was this nightmare going to end? Mostly likely no. Finally after a few minutes, Coco and Dynamo were out of the swarming ponies. "Finally.. we're out of there. You have no idea how bad that crowd was! And it wasn't like this last year. Must because of the gaming centres that opened." She said to him with an awkward chuckle, rubbing her neck awkwardly. When he complimented her, her cheeks went bright red in embarrassment. "O-Oh thank you! I-I know it's kinda fancy but.. I kinda wanted to make a good first impression! ... I-I mean it's our first date after all." The pegasus replied, looking away from him in total embarrassment.


"It seems so but I can sense a great future for both of them, excluding his sister because all I can see is meeting a business pony and getting involved in a club.. I don't want to go into detail." She shivered, seeing that Naruto's attention has turned to her. Hinata wanted to ask her something but decided to keep her mouth shut. She wasn't that experienced like Naruto is and yet she is more of the silent type. She finally made her decision to let Luna and Naruto talk.

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Dynamo turned his head to look back at the sea of ponies. Sure enough, there were ponies carrying around their arcade joystick controllers. His ears perked at the mention of a game center. "Wait a minute. You're telling me that they have a gaming center in Canterlot. I thought that games were frowned upon in such a high and mighty society. It must be in a corner of town that nobody would really notice, if you think about it." He grins as he had a pep in his step. "Oh, I can't wait to play in this arcade. I wonder what kind of games they have to offer for gamer's. I know I have to bring Console here the next time we stop by." He slowly came back to reality and chuckles with embarrassment. "I'm sorry about that. I get so lost when playing or talking about a game. It's funny because it feels like I'm the main character from that game. Being able to walk, fight, and go through everything the character goes through is breathtaking." He smiles softly while taking his hand and wrapping it around her shoulder. Thus, pulling her closer to him. "You're welcome and you didn't have to do that for me, Coco-Chan. You already made a great first impression when we met each other yesterday." He suddenly looks down and sees his own apparel. "I guess I'm one to talk, huh? I guess I wanted to look nice to impress you as well." He looks ahead to try and gather his bearings on where to go next. He suddenly looked at the highest building in the entire kingdom. He pointed towards the castle while glancing slightly towards the yellow Pegasus. "So is that the place that we have to go to? It seems like it'll take a bit of time to get there, but I think it's worth it. After all, I have a lovely date with me today." 

Descending from the sky was a sky chariot with to Pegasi driving toward the main plaza. As they made their descent, they made sure to stop near the young couple, so as to not run them or anyone else over. One of the Pegasi gave a dignified look toward Dynamo and Coco before bowing before them. "Mister Dynamo and Miss Coco, I presume?" He says while slowly getting up from his bow. "We are here to inform you that we shall be bringing you to Princess Luna at once. We wouldn't want you to be too tired before meeting her majesty."

Naruto hardened his gaze toward the Princess of the night while giving her a serious expression. "You're going to talk to them about this, aren't you, Luna? They have every right to know, including Dynamo. They are siblings for crying out loud! Do you know anything else at this given time?" He takes a deep breath before slowly exhaling. "I'm sorry about that. It's just that I worry about them, you know? I can tell there different from the rest that you've taken on as students. Some didn't even get as far as he did. All except for one and then you just up and failed him. I remember how devastated you were to find out that you lost someone who was very hopeful. To this day, I wonder if he finally learned where he failed in his teachings from you." He says while giving a downcast look toward the ground.


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  • 4 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Coconut smiled and nodded at him. "Yeah. While posh ponies hate the idea of video games and want it erased from existence, fillies and colts alike would spend hours just playing video games at this game centre. Games like Smash Brothers, Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wind, Minecraft, Fortnite, Overwatch, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4 and so much more. Name a video game and I'm certain they have it." She explained, softly giggled before nodding at his comment. "I agree. I feel like someone is controlling me to do all of this. To walk, talk, jump, eat and sooner later.. fall in love." Her voice got a bit quiet as she phrased her last words. Her face got even redder than before and was quite noticeable from Dynamo's vision. She shook her head to try get the blush off her cheek. "Eheheh.. Sorry.. I got carried away. A-Anyways! I think your sister will enjoy the arcade here! It's called "Gamer's Paradise". It's really easy to spot-" Speak of the devil. The arcade was literally 3 blocks away yet it was so tall, it could be a giant sky scraper. "Holy Celestia.. when I said it was really easy to spot, I guess I did tell the future." She laughed, forgetting about her blush that was slowly disappearing from her face.

All of a sudden, a chariot appeared in front of them (from your previous post) with a guard informing them about taking them to Princess Luna. Coconut got a little startled about it, trying to believe if it actually came from the castle or heaven. Either way, this chariot will take them to Luna. "Talk about air travel.." She whispered to Dynamo before thanking the guard and getting into the chariot.

Luna didn't flench at Naruto's outburst and sighed, shaking her head. "Naruto Uzumaki.. I will tell them but it's not the right time. I don't want to get them scared about the future yet. Just be grateful that Dynamo has found a special somepony and nothing bad has happened to Console YET." She replied, giving Naruto a small glare before letting out a frustrated sigh and turned towards Hinata (who has been quiet for some time now). "Hinata Hyūga? Do you have anything to say about all this?" The alicorn asked, a small shake from the girl is her only reply.

"Not really.. I-I just hope everything goes according to plan. I know you have a plan for them Princess Luna and I trust you.. I'm just worried if it might backfire. I'm not saying it as a bad thing but still... what happens if all else fails?"

Luna just smiled at the woman and turned towards Naruto. "Then you both will teach them how to release their powers from the depths of their souls.."



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Dynamo became enraptured, as his attention was focused towards the yellow mare walking next to him. He grinned softly, but as she listed the games his grin began to widen. He places a hand to his chin and rubs said chin in thought. "It sounds like a smorgasbord of gaming galore. It makes me wonder if there is a game that they don't have. I guess we'll probably swing by the arcade later and find out." He winks, as he perked his ears at her whisper. "Did you say something at the end of that, Coco-Chan? It sounded like you said something, but I don't want to sound rude." He tilts his head to the side, but shrugs as she shook her head. "With a shop named that, it really does sound like a gamer's paradise." Not long after that, they noticed the arcade a few blocks away. He whistles and waves his fingers in Coco's direction. "It appears your other talent is seeing the future. Tell me, my dear, sweet, Coco-Chan. What do you see in the future for today?" He chuckles as he began to step on the chariot.

"Good afternoon passengers. We welcome you aboard chariot flight air bound towards the royal castle. At this time we ask that you keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Please keep your belongings safe. There's a no free warranty on said flight, you know?" Hearing this caused the Pegasus guards to snort in anger. Dynamo gave an apologetic smile to the guards as the chariot took off toward the castle. "Good grief. Talk about having no sense of humor. It's no fun being a stick in the mud all the time, am I right?" He snickers while whispering into Coco's ear. As the chariot guards made their way toward the castle, Dynamo looked out the side of the cart, while holding Coco close to him. "This is quite a view. You can practically see all of Canterlot." Not soon after, the chariot made it towards it's destination and made a slow decent to the ground. Dynamo helped Coco off of the cart, before making his way off the cart himself. After thanking and apologizing to the guards, the couple began to make their way towards the castle.

Naruto nodded. Unwavering at the Princess' hardened gaze. "I understand what you're saying Luna. I'm truly grateful that your student has found someone very special. It makes me cherish the time that Hinata-Chan came into my life. True, I'm in some difficult times with Boruto, but we've been working things out. It's just..." He took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. "It's just that I worry about them. They deserve to know what's going on. He might be the next in line to govern this whole world, right? Then no secret must be left in the darkness." His eyes widened slightly, but not so much that the Princess would see his shock. "I know I'm meant to help Dynamo, but you said the both of them. Does that mean that Coco will be trained as well? Will there be others besides myself and Hinata-Chan that will help them? You also said the depths of their souls. Just how powerful are these two ponies, Luna?" 



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  • 2 months later...

@Dynamo Pad

Coco rubbed her head awkwardly, giggling at his comment. "This ain't an airplane Dynamo. This is a chariot from the princesses themselves. Only those wo are requested or are extremely lucky will get to sit in these. But I'm surprised they didn't give me such a strange look at my eyepatch, despite it being out in the open." She replied, looking out the chariot and smiling at the view of Canterlot. It really did feel like she was on top of the world. She let out a relaxed smile, looking up at Dynamo and how he's keeping her close to him. She didn't complain, it felt nice to be held like this. It really does feel like they're a couple... not literally. 

Once they arrived at the castle and with the help of Dynamo, she got off the chariot and smiled at the guards. a strange light flashed from within her eyepatch but she didn't realise this until she saw the light. Coco unfolded her wing and covered her glowing eyepatch until it stopped. What the hell is going on with her? Who knows? "Shall we head over towards Princess Luna's room Dynamo?" She asked, noticing some guards starting to escort them towards Luna's room.

"Yeah Luna.. how powerful are they?" (I can't remember the colour)

"Too powerful. If they tried to control it, they'll turn into something terrifying that scares even me. Dynamo's power is matching yours Naruto. It's almost like there's a spirit animal inside him."

Hinata gasped, realising what she meant. "It's just like when Naruto summoned the nine tailed kitsune!"

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Dynamo nodded at Coco's comment while looking at the guards that were protecting the castle. "I guess they were informed about the events from yesterday. Since you were with Console and I, they would be notified about the eye patch, or something along those lines. Besides, they're probably just jealous that you've got an eye patch. I know you showed me what was behind the eye patch, but I still think both your eye and that eye patch are pretty cool." He says with a light chuckle, before nodding once more in agreement. "Indeed we shall, m'lady. Hopefully, we haven't kept the Princess waiting too long." The blue unicorn was escorted with the yellow Pegasus, by the guards towards Luna's room. As they walked, Dynamo thought he saw a bright flash from the corner of his eye. He looked to see that Coco was covering her eye patch with her wing. "Coco-chan, are you okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" He asked in concern for his friend.

Naruto's eyes widened from the news. This was certainly a shock for him. "I knew they had power. I mean, both Hinata-chan and I were there. Yet, there's more power to them that meets the eye." He almost could feel a sense of foreboding around them. "I can understand Coco's situation, but Dynamo's is a mystery now. You even said he has a spirit animal within him. Sort of like Kurama, who's sealed within me. I don't understand that, Luna. I know all the tailed beasts were free after the fourth great shinobi war. Dynamo's not a jinchuriki either. Granted, he's a pony, but still. What are you trying to say. Can you tell us more, or give us an idea, since we'll have a better idea once we meet them." He says, as he felt he was grasping at straws from the alicorn's riddles. 


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@Dynamo Pad

She sighed before hearing Dynamo asking if she was okay, giving a nod frantically. "O-Of course I'm okay! It's just a little sore from being behind this eyepatch all the time. It does this all the time so it'll wear off eventually. Don't worry about it Dynamo Kun, I'll be okay." She lied, trying to give him a confident smile to prove her point correct. On the inside, she hated lying to Dynamo about what's happening to her but if it means keeping her powers a secret to him.. it's one that she had to get along with. The bright flash faded away after a period of time has passed. She was quite relieved about this. Now she couldn't worry about her eye acting up again and continue on like nothing had happened to her. Coco really wanted to tell Dynamo the whole truth about her eye and how it came to be but since they were merely nothing more than close friends, she wasn't ready to tell him. She had to keep it secret. The guards finally approached Luna's headquarters. 

"What you are about to see may shock you both but Princess Luna has called you two here for a reason." One of the guards explained, opening the door and revealing a portal within her room saying "Please walk into the portal. You two may see some one very familiar."

"They're here. Hinata and Naruto. Whatever you do, don't tell them that they need to become a couple. That's up to them to decide." Luna explained towards the couple, noticing a nod from Hinata. Looks like she had got the message well and clear. She stood there, holding Naruto's hand and smiling at Luna. "Naruto, are you ready to see Dynamo Pad and Coconut Crescent?"

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Dynamo wanted to protest, but her he accepted her confident smile. "Okay, but if you are not feeling well, then please let me know. I know we just met, but I really care a lot about you, Coco-chan. Never forget that, okay?" He replied with a smile of his own. He wished that they were closer than friends. He knew that he cared for her deeply and worried about her like he would worry about his sister and friends. He hoped that whatever that happened in the future, they would know everything about the other and that no secrets would be kept away. As the duo arrived at the castle, they were lead up towards Luna's headquarter's. He steeled his nerves for whatever they were about to face. The door opened to reveal both a portal and Luna's voice. Dynamo felt nervous as he audibly gulped. "I'm starting to wonder what's on the other side of that portal. I guess there's only one way to find out." He held Coco's hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. Both to reassure her and him that everything would be okay. He looked to her with a small smile. "Ready to see what Master Luna has to say to us?"

Naruto looked to the portal and could sense the magic signatures from both Dynamo and Coconut. He gave a short, but serious nod to Luna's words. "You have my word as the Hokage, Luna. I can see them as a cute couple, but it's only up for them to decide if they wish to be together." He says as he felt Hinata had taken his hand into hers. He smiles warmly towards her while giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "You better believe it, Hinata-Chan. I just hope they are ready to meet us. I don't think they'll be able to handle the shock or excitement." He closes his eyes to grin and laugh at the possibility.


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@Dynamo Pad

Coco looked at the portal, feeling a little nervous about what's going to happen on the other side. Were they in trouble? Did they do something offensive? Many thoughts were racing through her minds until Dynamo squeezed her hand reassuring. From then, all the worries just simply swept away and made her focus on the present. She glanced over at Dynamo and smiled gently, squeezing his hand back reassuringly. "Ready as you are." She replied, entering the portal. 

Luna noticed the couple walking in. She smiled and greeted them. "Greetings, Dynamo and Coconut. You arrived here just on time. I'm glad you two are here because.. a particular couple wants to talk to you two." She said, pointing over at Naruto and Hinata.

Hinata smiled at them sweetly, noticing Coconut's eyepatch. "Hello Dynamo and Coconut. We've been expecting you two for a while now. While we hadn't have the chance to talk you two personally, now we can because of Princess Luna. You may already know who I am, don't you? As long with my husband."

Coco's eyes went wide as soon as her vision focused onto Naruto and Hinata. She already felt like a fan girl to meet her favourite couple and characters from the anime but meeting them personally? That'll take a lot to believe it. "I-I don't believe it.. Y-You two.. are actually real?!"


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Dynamo smiled as he felt Coconut squeeze his hand back reassuringly. "Then let's get going." He grinned as the two entered the portal. As they passed through the portal, they were welcomed to a grassy terrain, with trees all around them. He noticed Luna standing before them, as he waved with his free hand while walking towards her. "Good morning, Master Luna. How are you and where are we?" He wanted to ask more, but he stopped as he listened to Luna's words. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, until he turned to look at the other couple that was with Luna. His eyes widened in shock as he saw Naruto and Hinata standing right before them.

Naruto smiled and chuckled a little at the other couple's reactions. "It's good to finally meet you Dynamo and Coconut. Just like Hinata-chan had said, we've been expecting you. I think you saw us both yesterday. During your match against Cosmic Clown. Let's just say we were both there to observe the battle and to see which one was more worthy of being Luna's student." He said while trying not to go into detail of the true meaning of seeing them.

Dynamo listened closely, but felt that he was lost in his own world. He slowly walked up to Naruto, which caught the orange loving Hokage with interest. "Hey are you okay? Is there something you want to tell-" He was cut off as he saw Dynamo run up to him and hugged him tightly. He was a bit surprised, but could almost hear a sniffle of sorts. Dynamo did his best to hold back tears, as he hugged one of his idols. "T-This is real...right. This isn't a dream?" Naruto smiled softly while returning the hug. He chuckles and pulls back from the hug. "Only if you believe that you're dreaming, but nope. This is real and you're in the gaming world." He balled up a fist and held it out to Dynamo. The blue unicorn was confused at first, until he understood the meaning. He balled his own fist up and bumped fists with Naruto. He looked over at Hinata and cautiously walked over to her. "I can't believe that you're real either, Hinata-Chan. I love the Naruto series and you are one of my favorite couples. That, and well..." He blushed a little and felt nervous, but he took a deep breath to calm down. "I always thought you were cute and even now, you look beautiful. You were one of my anime crushes when I was growing up." He chuckles in embarrassment, while running a hand through his mane. He knew it would be weird to say, but he felt better, now that he got that off of his chest. 



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@Dynamo Pad

Hinata let out a soft giggle, seeing Dynamo hug her husband. It was adorable to see them getting along like long lost brothers who were separated at birth. Once Dynamo was finished talking to Naruto, her attention was caught off guard by how much Dynamo loved her. A soft blush appeared on her face but her smile stayed the same. "T-Thank you Dynamo. But I am rather surprised that you had a crush on me, considering that I'm from my husband's own anime. But still, thank you for liking me. Back then, I was quite naive about a lot of things. Including love for a fact but because of Naruto Kun.. I have finally released the power of love. Maybe you will find love one day." Hinata explained, petting his head lightly with a soft chuckle.

Coconut teared up, lifting up her eyepatch to fully see the two couple. She raced over toward Hinata and hugged her, trying her best not to sob in happiness. Hinata was taken back a little from the forced hug but glad returned the hug back. "I-I can't believe it.. you're real. Y-You were one of my favourite characters and I loved it when you had that first kiss with Naruto. I-I couldn't stop squealing for weeks on edge. But you also helped me to ignore those who bully me because of my eye. You and Naruto truly are my idols." She whispered, the same bright flash came from her eye again. Hinata was going to reply to her until she noticed the flash within Coconut's eye. She looked at Luna with a concerned expression on her face. "Princess Luna? Coconut's eye is glowing."

"... Then she must be ready to advance with her powers."

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Dynamo smiled softly as he felt Hinata pet him lightly. "Thank you, Hinata-chan. Everyone has their own crush on one character to another from different anime, video games and so on. I like how kind and caring you are, yet powerful and protective of others when the time called for it. Thank you for the vote of confidence and I hope I'll find that love someday." He says, while not realizing he was looking to Coconut while stating his last comment. Naruto smiled and nodded in agreement while pulling his wife into a hug. "It's some of those things that made me realize how important she is to me. It's why I'll protect her, my children and all the citizens of the Leaf Village." He says as he watched the yellow Pegasus hug his wife. He smiles softly and nods. "I'll never forget that kiss. That was one of the many best moments in my life. Even better than the day I became Hokage." He says as Dynamo nods in agreement. "I cannot begin to tell you how great that kiss was. It was all over the internet and I was freaking out until I saw that the kiss was real." He says while chuckling at the memory.

As Coconut's eye patch began to glow, Dynamo ran over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder in concern. He wanted to ask if she was okay, but stopped as Luna mentioned something about Coconut's powers. "Powers? Master Luna? Coco-chan's a Pegasus pony, yet she has magic and power from within her? Does that mean she'll be training along with me? I'm sorry...it just I'm so confused. I don't even know where to begin." He says while placing his free hand on his head to massage his temples. He felt he was getting a headache and hoped that his questions could be answered. Naruto looked over to Luna and nodded silently. "I guess now's a good a time as ever to let these two in on what is going on. They both have every right to know since one of them is your student. I'm guessing the other will be your student, as well?"





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  • 4 months later...

@Dynamo Pad

Luna let out a sadden smile, looking over at her student Dynamo with a look of concerned. "Dynamo... Firstly you must understand what's going on with Coconut. Yes, she isn't a unicorn yet there is hidden potential inside of her. Just like Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack and Fluttershy. They weren't unicorns yet they have magic potential inside of them. Well, Coconut is just like that but in a more... Complex perspective." Luna took a deep breath in and out before facing Dynamo again. "She will have to train along with you to control her powers. Because of her eye, it makes her emotions uncontrollable and that eyepatch seemed to cover her hidden talent to the public. But if this is untreated, I fear a great power ruining Equestria. Which is why, I have decided to help you two simultaneously. So that Coconut won't feel scared while controlling her power and you wouldn't feel lonely." She explained, nodding over to the two anime characters. 

Hinata approached them, smiling. 
"But just to get you started... Naruto~Kun and I will help you two get started. I know Princess Luna would like to train you two but she feels as if we need to explain things in easier terms. There is going to be a lot of obstacles in your training and Luna doesn't want to explain them just yet. She feels it's too soon to tell you two about the future... Right Naruto~Kun?"

Poor Coconut just sat there, confused... unstable, dizzy and sore. She couldn't believe what they were saying. Herself had powers and needed to train with Dynamo? "W-What...? I don't understand... W-Why... M-My eye is... My eye. Is that the main reason why my eye gets so swollen easily when looking at battles?"

Edited by VinylWubs
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Dynamo nods in understanding to Luna's description to Coco's magic. He placed a hand under his chin, as if to contemplate the meaning of Luna's words. "I can see what you mean by that, Master Luna. While they don't have magic like Twilight and Rarity, they still do have magic inside them. It's sort of like a special kind of magic that only they have. True, other ponies can have their special magic. I guess it depends based on their cutie marks and other key factors." He shook his head as he felt he was going to be confused from his train of thought. "However, that does bring up a good question. What kind of magic does Coco-Chan have?" He asks, but his question was soon answered as Luna went on to explain about Coco's eye. He looked to the fearful Pegasus and gave a look of concern. "H-Her eye? Is she going to be okay?" His eyes widened as he heard about a power that would ruin Equestria. He took a deep breath before narrowing his gaze. "If anything happens, then I'll make sure that Coco-Chan stays safe. She's really important to me and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her. I'd do all that I can to protect her." 

Naruto joined Hinata in walking up to the two ponies, while chuckling slightly. "I'm not exactly the best when it comes to explaining things, but I'll give it a try. There are a few things that you must know in order to participate in this training. This won't be easy for either of you two. There may be times where you want to quit. Whenever you hit the wall, you know you can always go beyond that wall. You both have almost an unlimited amount of potential and possibilities. So, I know you both have what it takes." He expression grew serious as he looked at Dynamo and Coco. He soon nods at Hinata's claim, before continuing. "That being said, what Hinata-Chan says is the truth. There are some things that you cannot know right now. What Luna had told you was enough as it is. Any more info and it could ruin the present as we know it. That's why it's better to take each day a step at a time. It's better to leave everything as is, instead of altering it." 

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard both fear and panic within Coco's voice. He rushed right over to her and placed a hand upon her shoulder, while taking her hand into his own. "Everything will be okay, Coco-Chan. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." He took his hand off of her shoulder, before placing his hand upon her cheek. He moved her face to him, so that their eyes could meet. He gave her a warm, yet comforting look, before continuing. "I'm just as confused as you are, but I'm not going to worry. It's just like how Naruto and Hinata explained it. We can't alter the future, but we can take steps in preventing things from happening. Whatever happens, I can promise you that I won't leave your side. You and Console were with me when I took down Comsic. So, I can promise you the same thing. Besides, I want to get to know you more and see where our relationship will go." He blushed slightly as he brought up the word relationship. He knew he saw her as a friend, but he only hoped that she liked him like he liked her.





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  • 1 month later...

@Dynamo Pad

Luna closed her eyes slowly and thought about her response. She could either tell him a segment of the truth or the entire truth. But, she didn't want to explain too much to him, in fear that Coconut might be too dangerous for Dynamo to handle. She opened her eyes and spoke up. "Coconut's magic is very... complicated to explain. Her magic is more complex than an average unicorn. Because of the cross of her eye, her emotions set out a certain type of magic that Coconut has no control over. It is far too dangerous for equestria to handle. Not even my dear sister can try to understand this type of magic. Our parents would of known this type of magic but we know so little that we have to keep it contained. For the sake of everyone's lives and our protection over equestria. If we can train her to control her magic, then she'll become no threat to outsiders. Even I don't understand it fully but yet... I still wonder how an odd condition became something so life threatening."

"I know that you two have full potential and I know that you two can achieve such great heights with your strengths combined together. Kinda like Sasuke and Naruto~Kun for example. I won't go into detail about that, you would already know his story." Hinata replied, winking at Naruto with a small giggle. She returns to her calm manner and nodded her head at Naruto's explanation. "I'm sorry. I wish I could explain more but we fear that it'll be too much for you two to handle. Naruto and I have been informed about all of this from Luna and we would know about your futures. For now, this is the only logical explanation you two are getting." She looked away, wanting to tell them more. After a while of silence, she squeezed Naruto's hand and looked back at them, smiling. 

Coconut's face went bright red. 
"R-R-R-Relationship!? A-Are... you implying something?" She shook her head, hoping that the blush on her face would vanish. "U-Um... Yeah, I really look forward for our *friendship* to continue onwards as well!" She replied, suddenly getting lost into his golden eyes. She couldn't help it, those golden eyes help vanish all of her worries away and make her feel special. Coco did really like Dynamo a lot but... she was a bit too scared to tell him. It felt too soon and she didn't want to feel like she's rushing the relationship too much. 

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