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The Journey Towards the Soul

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Holy Celestia- FIVE HIT KNOCKOUT! There's no way she'll be able to top that. Sure her four hit did some serious damage but hearing five come out of his mouth is enough to wave the white flag. She raises her hands high, as if she's getting apprehended by security and shook them, indicating that she surrenders.

"O-O-Okay! Okay! L-Let's call it a tie! I-It's obvious that we can't beat each other when it comes to p-puns!"

She exclaimed with another fit of laughter coming out of her mouth.

A few more minutes have passed and Coconut was now leaning against a wall, wiping her eyes with her wing while glancing over to the unicorn that was now sitting down. Thankfully she wasn't having another laughing fit or struggling to breathe because of too much laughter. Instead she placed a hand over her heart general area and started doing some breathing exercises to calm herself down. While she has that on standby, she spoke up once again.

"O-Ohhh... My bad. I-I f-forgot that Chuggaaconroy, P-ProtonJon and NintendoCapriSun a-all run TheRunawayGuys... I-I watched a lot of t-their content a-and I still adore their p-playthrough of Little B-Big Planet with Luchajin collaborating o-o-on the side."

Meanwhile, Luna had just came out of her room when he spied the two making puns and generally talking to each other. On one hand it was hilarious but on the other, they were acting like fillies. She pinches the bridge of her nose as she realized what she's getting herself into. Also while doing so, she closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. Thankfully, she wasn't in their eye view for the time being.

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Dynamo chuckled, before giving a nod in agreement. He held his hands up as if surrendering, before falling backwards as his back hit the ground. "Very well. I can live with a draw. Plus, I was thinking of puns on the fly. I only see a pun usage whenever I hear something at random. So, it was kind of coincidental." He chuckled once more as he was laying peacefully on the ground. Lifting his head up, he looked over to see the pegasus, who was leaning against the wall. With some effort, Dynamo pushed himself up off of the ground to his sitting position once more. Smiling all the while as he was enjoying the time he was spending with Coconut. Hearing her apology, he shook his head as he wasn't worried on the technicality. "It's okay and no need to apologize. Sometimes I forget about the side channel. Considering that I usually watch whatever catches my attention. Sometimes the whole Wheel of Fortune or Fortune Street. Usually, I watched Mario Party or Dokapon Kingdom. I mostly root for Chuggaa as he was the one I watched most out of the three. That, or because he was funny and did a good job in some games." He responded, nodding in agreement at the mention of Luchajin. "Exactly. I remember knowing her from AttackingTucans, Josh Jepson and others in other projects. I think Lucha and Jon got married too at one point. It was a surprise to when I heard about it." He explained, while unaware that Luna had returned and was watching the duo. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut nodded in agreement, thinking of all the days she spent watching TheRunawayGuys every time she would come home from college when she was either having a great day or a horrible one. No matter, she would still watch it because back then that was filling the giant void of her uneventful life. Heck, even when she gets insulted of her eye, she would still watch TheRunawayGuys with tears in her eyes because she felt safe, secure and not in danger. But that was her college days. Now here we are in the present with her new friend, Dynamo, and she hopes he'll be able to fill the void of her uneventful life yet again... or better yet, be that special someone she has dreamed of ever since she was a young filly. But love at first sight is just a joke. There's no way he'll be the one. He might as well have a girlfriend and he hasn't told her anything about it. But she hoped not. She really liked him and becoming an item would really make her the happiest mare on the planet.

Snapping back to reality, Coconut placed her right hand upon her right cheek and leaned upon it with a content expression displayed. She then spoke up.

"I did forget that L-Lucah and Jon did get married... b-but they were such a cute c-couple! Honestly! I would a-a-absolutely love t-to have a gaming male a-as my partner! T-Think of all the g-games! S-Stuff like Mario Kart 8, P-Paper Mario, W-Wheel of Fortune, Banjo K-Kazooie and more! I-It would be heaven! Just imagining it right now is making me k-kinda excited for the f-future. D-Do you think you want t-to accomplish that dream a-as well? To find a-a mare you really like a-and game until the s-sun goes down and the moon rises, d-displaying all the wonderful stars in the s-sky... Just t-to kiss her a-among that beautiful display..."

Coconut is pretty much a confirmed romantic at this point. Just thinking about her future is making her blush quite a lot. She had someone in mind in which she wants to confess too but she needs to make sure that it's at the right time, right place and the right atmosphere.

Meanwhile Luna is overhearing the conversation and could only smile at Coconut's romantic ramblings. Hearing those thoughts were quite common for a mare her age but in front of her destined partner? That takes guts. Luna cannot remember if she ever had feelings for someone before but if she did, that would've been thousands of years ago. With a simple chuckle, Luna leaned upon the doorway and spoke to herself quietly.

"I see those red strings weren't just a joke, just merely a reminder that they are destined to become a couple. Their relationship will be tested, no doubt, but I can see it blossoming into something magnificent. I wonder what my dear sister will think of this..."

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"I remember hearing the engagement on social media. Although, I don't really look into things all that much, you know? I won't deny that the two of them make a cute couple. Just like I think Chuggaa and Masea make a cute couple too." He says, before listening to her talk on having a male gaming partner. He wondered if she had meant as a partner for co-op games, or more as a boyfriend. Thinking back to her earlier comment in their pun war, he felt it was more along the lines of the latter. He blushed at the idea of the two of them being together. Even though the blush was hidden in the dark lit room, he still smiled as it seemed like a nice dream for her to have. He chuckled slightly as it seemed that Coconut was a romantic type of pony. Not that he complained, of course, but given her talk. It seemed to only add fuel to the roaring fire in her heart. 

Upon hearing her question of an accomplished dream, Dynamo folded his arms. "To be honest?" He looked up towards the lights and ceilings of the room with a far off look in his eyes. "Y-Yeah, I do. I'd love to have a girlfriend that would like me for me. To enjoy the things I like, as well as the things that she likes. Being able to play games together, conventions, or anything that either one of us fancies for the day. It doesn't even have to be planned as I'm just content with spending time with that special someone. To have and to hold in my arms. To give her all the kisses she could ask for and to tell ensure her that I'd never leave her side. To have someone like that would be both heavenly and peaceful." He smiled softly, his heartbeat picking up pace like a beating drum. He had a mare like that in mind, but he had to wait and time and place for that to happen.

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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut's face grew more darker as she listened to his answer. That's exactly what she had always wanted in terms of a partner. Someone understanding, nice, game addict, a big anime fan, patient, protective and frankly someone that'll accept her no matter the weather. If she thinks that the male she is thinking about has those traits, she's more than ready to become their girlfriend at any time. Not to mention, he's single! He confirmed that he was looking for a mare he can call his own and that doesn't really come out of a taken person's mouth... unless they're in an open relationship then that's different. She then looked up at the ceiling again with a gentle yet peaceful look on her face, practically daydreaming.

"You know... t-that wouldn't be so bad, honestly. F-Finding the perfect mare would be d-difficult to say the l-least but there's always s-someone who wants to spend t-the rest of their l-life with you... S-Someone that is w-willing to be your player two..."

To emphasize her point, her eyes drifted over to the unicorn among the words of 'player two'. Was this a sign? Maybe. But she immediately drifted back to the ceiling after a few seconds of glancing at him. She didn't want to confess that early right there in the castle, it had to be special and not to mention perfect. Not somewhere darkly lit. Although, she was a big fan of kissing in the dark... gosh, she's a full on romantic.

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He looked back to the pegasus mare, who had begun to speak once more. He had to nod in agreement as the whole finding a special someone wasn't exactly easy. "I don't blame you for saying that. It's finding the right individual and if they have a connection is what's difficult. Although, I guess that's what makes the journey worth going on. To find the one that makes your soul complete and happy. Sometimes there are heartbreaks because the relationship wasn't the one. However, it's good to try and discover what's out there. To see what you may not have ever discovered about yourself. I hope that you and I can discover our player two." Hearing her mention the words 'player two,' he looked towards Coco-chan as they met each other's eyes. Even though they didn't talk, it was as if words were being spoken. Was what she said was a sign of sorts? Was she asking him if he wanted to be together? 'She seems really sweet, but does she like someone like me? What if she has a boyfriend?' He thought, before thinking about it briefly. 'No. If she did, then she wouldn't be speaking about all of this. I think she spoke about not having a boyfriend the time that Console and I had met her, but I can't be too certain. I just hope I'm not too late to talk to her about this.' He was pulled away from his thoughts as he noticed Coconut had her gaze drift towards the ceiling. He quickly looked the other way, while his face began to grow darker from their discussion. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Her heart is pounding almost out of her chest right now from that sudden eye connection. When their eyes met, she felt a sense of completion and belonging. Just something about those orange eyes made her think wonders and set off a fire upon her heart; a burning fire that she can never tame no matter how hard she tried. In a sense, it's both a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because it means her feelings are confirmed true and she would have to tell him how she felt in a few days. However, the bad thing is that she won't be able to stop thinking her future with Dynamo would be and will she ever be something more than just a friend to him. Who knows? She might as well end up being his wife if things escalate-

Okay no. That's jumping the gun a bit too much.

She sighed with defeat, getting back up to her feet again and approaching the male unicorn. She leaned down to him and held out her hand, trying to not look at him directly. She didn't want to accidentally kiss him right there in the hallway, that's way too soon. From Dynamo's perspective, he could see her cheeks was much darker than usual. The mare then spoke up with an awkward giggle.

"I guess we have to wait and see for the future, huh? W-Who knows? Y-You could j-just be a lonely gamer/weeb in the f-f-future and I'll b-be that crazy cat lady adopting t-ten cats a day! A-Anyways, let's get s-some free air.  I t-think the atmosphere of the c-castle is affecting us. B-Besides, don't we have plans today?"

If it wasn't for her looking away from Dynamo's eyes, she would've kissed him right there in the castle halls.

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As he continued to sit in his spot, Dynamo had wondered if he had said anything weird or bad to the female pegasus. He was feeling nervous as he hoped that he didn't do anything wrong. He was speaking with honesty as he truly enjoyed her company. He was dragged out of his thoughts as he heard a sigh within the room. He looked over with a blink as he saw that Coconut had stood back up, while approaching him with a hand extended. He sat there for a moment longer, before reaching out towards the offered hand. Clasping onto her hand, he hoisted himself back onto his feet. All the while, making sure not to hurt her, or drag the pegasus back towards the ground. 

"You can say that again. It's good to plan for the future, but it's always better to live in the present. Always got to take it one day at a time, you know? Also, I wouldn't say a weeb. Maybe more along the lines of a gamer/otaku. I know weeb isn't technically a bad term, or I guess it is. Depends on who is saying it and how it's referred as. I kind of had some old classmates that called me that in a bad sense of the word." He gave a deadpanned expression, before sticking his tongue out playfully at Coconut. He still smiled as he wanted her to know that he was joking around with her. What he said was true, but he felt that the mare didn't mean any harm in her words. "I'd concur, but I wanted to let Master Luna know that we are heading out. I didn't want to leave unexpectedly without saying anything." He looked around the room, while thinking that she may have had to go take care of royal duties. "Although, I guess she could understand. We did say we had plans when we were in the video game world. So, let's get going shall we." Still having his hand in hers, he made his exit with her, while trying to find the exit of the castle.

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  • 2 months later...

@Dynamo Pad

The castle halls all seem to stretch out everywhere like a maze, decorated with gold, silver and platinum markings. Archways littered the halls with the royal red carpet beneath their hooves. There was some greenery hanging from the walls that looked freshly watered. It really made the castle much more... royal. Not to mention the windows. With windows like those, you can easily watch over the city and Equestria itself without leaving the comforts of home itself.

Who knew the princesses would adore such luxury?

Coconut has never been the biggest fan of giant castles in general but this castle just only made her exception list. While it's large, grand and frankly easy to get lost, she did like how it was all portrayed and the decor surrounding it. Not to mention Luna's room is quite spectacular. She would go on and on about how much room it has and how convenient it is to actually visit the other world but by then she would've talked the entire night away.

While they walked among the endless halls hand in hand, Coconut reached into her pocket with her free hand and took out her phone. Pressing the home button, that same dim light lit up and her Konata Izumi wallpaper appeared once again. Her eyes briefly glanced over at the time: 12:30pm it read. She looked down at her notifications and found quite a few. Three of them were from games on her phone saying they have a free gift for her or her hearts are full and two of them were actual text messages. The first one was from a friend she knew dearly and the second being from her mother. Goodness knows when she is going to catch a break from those two. Glancing away from her phone, she spoke up to Dynamo to try lighten up a conversation.

"So... Y-You said we have p-p-plans with your s-sister now?"

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As the two made their way through the castle, Dynamo couldn't help in noticing the halls. Everything had looked the same with every step they took. It was as if they were being lead through a maze, or stuck in an illusion. The blue unicorn took notice of the greenery that was strung up along the walls and tapestries. He noticed that some were green, while others were purple. Dynamo took a breath as his nostrils were filled with the scent of lavender. It wasn't as strong as it must have been there the night before. Regardless, the scent was almost calming to him. Almost as if he could rest easy without a care in the world. Walking along the red carpet, it was like he and Coconut were celebrities heading towards a spectacular show. Even the stain-glassed walls were breathtaking to look at. Some were ordinary stain-glass, while others held various pictures. The mane six defeating Nightmare Moon, the mane six overcoming Discord, the crowning of Princess Twilight and others. All with a story to tell with each passing window.

Looking back to the tan pegasus mare, he noticed that she had her phone in her free hand. He glanced slightly at her phone, but smiled as he spotted the Konata Izumi wallpaper she had on her phone. He looked away as she searched through her notifications, while not trying to be rude as if he was spying through her phone. The one thing he noticed was the time that was on her phone. Using his own free hand, he reached for his phone in his left pants pocket. It was a bit of a struggle as his left hand was still holding Coco's right. Looking at the time, it was indeed 12:30 pm. Maybe they could go get something to eat, or maybe they could get some food later. Placing his phone back in his pocket, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Coco calling out to him. "Hmm? What do you mean, Coco-chan? It was just me that showed up at Canterlot today. Console stayed home today, but I promised her that she would join in hanging out next time. So, at the moment I don't have any plans with my sister. Why do you ask?" He tilted his head in confusion, but was curious about the mare's question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Dynamo Pad

Hearing his reply made the female's eye grew small in realization. Of course his sister is at home and not with the two today, even an idiot would know that. She tried to laugh off the awkwardness that she made for her idiotic question and shook her arms in front of her, trying to both communicate with sound and sight. If one of the guards saw them now, they would probably think she's going insane or she's confessing her feelings to him. Either way, it was more entertaining than looking at paint dry all day.
Figuratively saying.

"Oh! Um! S-Sorry sorry!! I didn't mean to assume you had p-plans with your sister!! I-Ignore what I said, okay!? Okay! S-Sounds like a plan! Boy, I sound like a complete i-idiot!"

She continued to awkwardly laugh her way out of the conversation while her body had different plans. Her face was beginning to form a deep scarlet upon her tan cheeks, small sweat droplets appears on the side of her head and she began to walk much faster than Dynamo's pace. She wanted to leave the conversation so bad that it felt like a giant weight upon her shoulders. Maybe Dynamo won't think of her of a nice gal anymore and call her a crazy mare? Maybe he doesn't want to hang out with her anymore? Or for Celestia's sake, maybe he doesn't want to be her special somepony!?

Okay, no. That's a given. He has SOME liking to her, just not in a romantic sense. Calm down Coco. Just find an exit to the castle-

Speak of the devil. While she had been awkwardly walking faster than Dynamo, she had finally found an exit to the castle and you can imagine how ecstatic the girl is.

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Dynamo tilted his head in slight confusion as he took noticed the awkward laugh, as well as her arms shaking in front of her. Effectively shaking his arm as his hand was let go from hers. He wasn't sure if he had said something funny, or if he had said something bad that caused her to act this way. He didn't know until he was given his response by the tan pegasus mare. He felt saddened as she considered herself an idiot from what she was saying. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the conversation they had in the slightest. He wanted to give his response, but was unable to as she began to walk much faster than he was. Almost as if power walking, or running away from the conversation. He frowned as his jaw dropped slightly at the sight of the mare. He hoped the hangout they were going to have wasn't going to end. Not wanting to fall behind, he quickly tried to catch up to the retreating pegasus. Seeing that they were near the exit, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was thankful he caught up to her, or else he'd be worried that she would fly away. Given that she was a pegasus, after all.

"Coco-chan, wait!" He pushed his legs to try and run faster, until he stopped and stood right in front of the mare. Placing his hands upon his knees, he leaned slightly over so he could try and catch his breath. After a moment, he finally leaned back up, before his arms started to reach out. His hands rested upon her shoulders as he looked into her eye. "Coco-chan? You don't have to apologize for anything. You honestly didn't do anything wrong. Trust me when I say I've assumed too when I wasn't trying to. If you want, then we can always plan something together and my sister can tag along. However, I just wanted it to be just you and me today. I know we recently met, but I was really looking forward to our hangout together. Also, please don't say that you sound like a complete idiot. If there's one thing that you'll never be, then it's an idiot. You're a smart, kind and great mare. Anybody would be lucky to have you." He smiled, a small blush appeared on his cheeks as he looked into her eye and took in her expression. It looked like she had a deep scarlet blush upon her cheeks. If anyone were looking, then they'd think he was confessing and they were about to kiss. However, he was simply trying to help her feel calm and reassured that she would be okay. "I hope we can still have our hangout together. I still want to get to know you and explore the town. If that's okay, that is."He removed his hands from her shoulders, before offering a hand for her to take.

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@Dynamo Pad

Before Dynamo got right in front of her, Coconut took in the fresh scenery around the magical palace and the city that rests besides it. The sun is currently casting a warmly glow upon the glorious city of Canterlot. This glow makes every house, street, greenery etc stand out in their own ways. Houses look much more grander and proudly shown to the naked eye, cafes across the street were bustling with citizens grabbing a light snack or having a peaceful lunch. There were also citizens carrying shopping bags twice the size of their own bodies... or they hired a personal butler to carrying said items for them. That kind of privilege is for the elite of this city and those do not come cheap. According to some resources, having a butler costs about 50 bits per hour and they normally serve you throughout the entire day... that's practically Coconut's paycheck plus her bills in one month. Moving along, the greenery truly made this city much more royal just by decoration itself. Flowers were one of the biggest highlights as they proudly boasted their colours to nearly everyone that passed them. Although some of them were still in the process of blooming... but that just makes them something spectacular. Some Birds sat among the trees decorating the castle exit and sang their melodious tunes that could one day reunite them with friends and family a like, while others had just returned from a hard day's work to feed their baby chicks. One day those baby chicks will grow feathers of their own and fly off into a new future... such is the way of mother nature.

Sigh, this city truly was fit for a princess as they say.

But before she can truly let all her worries go for the time being, she heard her name being called out by that same male she power walked ahead of. Her eyes followed his footsteps approaching her but her body was not quite prepared for his unexpected arrival. A sudden jolt ran up her spine as her feet naturally took a step back, thanks to Dynamo. What caught her off guard even more was when he placed his hands on her shoulders and looked straight into her good eye. Sweat was practically racing down the side of her head for a good proportion until he started to speak. The way he calmly spoke to her while looking so peacefully into her eye made the female swoon even more than she ever did today. Don't get her wrong, she did listen to him speak and all but he was just... so charismatic and wise to her. No one has treated her like that before, not even her filly crush. Her good eye connected with his eye parallel to his and practically... got herself lost within his golden sea eyes. His eyes reminded her of golden sapphires shimmering in the sunlight, revealing all it's glorious colours and making everyone smile when looking at it. That's what she thought Dynamo was to her. A golden sapphire. Oh how bad she wanted to kiss him right there, right now. Everything would be going towards her plan and finally she can let loose... at least for a bit.

While she was imagining all this, a small pink heart appeared in her eye without her realizing it. Her crush for the curved Unicorn was growing more and more obvious by the second and frankly, she would be heart broken if she found out that he wasn't interested in her or he was seeing other girls. It was a strange feeling to have but she honestly liked it. She really liked being within the moment with him and him alone... she wished she could say: "I love you" to him-

Her mind then realized she was in daydream mode and immediately shook her back to reality. She closed her eyes and shook her head lightly to firmly snap herself out of her bad habits of daydreaming. There she was, outside of the palace with Dynamo holding out his hand out to her. How long has she been in a daydreamy state for? The entire time Dynamo was talking? My goodness, this is beyond a crush. She quickly took his hand with hers and intertwined her fingers with his as she finally spoke up,

"Y-...Yeah..! L-Let's get going! W-We're not getting younger here...! Hahah..!"

And honestly, she was trying so hard to keep her feelings in for him. If only she could tell him.

Edited by VinylWubs
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As he looked into her good eye, Dynamo had thought he had seen a small pink heart envelop in said eye. He had wondered if she was feeling under the weather, or if there was more too it than just that. He blinked as she shook her head, while smiling in relief as she looked back to normal. "You can say that again, Coco-chan. If we let time pass us by, then we'll be missing all that we'll have in store for us." He chuckled alongside her, while blushing slightly as she took her hand. All the while, interlacing her fingers with his. It was that same feeling again from back when they were in the game world. He wanted to let go so suddenly, but he found that he couldn't. It was as if holding her hand had felt right, while their enclosed hands had fit together almost perfectly. Looking out towards the horizon, Dynamo allowed his vision to take in and drink up the entire sights, sounds and beauty of the city of Canterlot. Ponies were out shopping with other's carrying bags and such for those ponies. Homes and buildings looked so modern, yet so advanced in its own way. Some had even taken to a cafe to enjoy their own lunches, or even a light snack. The greenery and flowers were beautiful, while the scents of each vivid flowers was an attack to his senses. His ears perked as he heard the sound of birds flapping and chirping, while some had returned to help in feeding their young. The sun was still high in the sky, while casting its rays and shine upon the buildings, flowers and town. To the blue unicorn, it truly felt like a warm and peaceful day.

Looking back towards Coconut, he almost froze in place at what he had just seen. A light breeze had passed them by, while the wind flowed through her mane. Even the sun's rays had shined upon the tan mare, while giving her a bright, yet angelic glow. Almost as if she was the sun itself. The blush he had seen, as well as the glow from the sun had gone well together with her tan fur. It was like he was standing next to a beautiful ray of sunshine. He couldn't help in blushing at how beautiful everything had made her. He just couldn't put his finger on it or explain why, but he felt he was beginning to have feelings for her. With their interaction the day before and the interactions they had now. He felt as if she was someone that was really important to him. He was feeling worried as he wasn't sure if she had felt the same way, or if she had someone that she already liked. However, he couldn't deny the feelings he was having for the tan pegasus mare. For the time being, he would see where things would go. In hopes that maybe they'd be perfect together and hopefully be more than just friends. He didn't want to try and rush and possibly ruin anything. As he took his first step toward town, he made sure to keep pace so that he wouldn't drag her, or leave her behind. "So, is there anything that you'd like to do first? I've never really visited Canterlot all that often. So, I'm honestly up to try anything." He says, wanting to have her thoughts and feelings be taken into account/consideration.

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  • 3 months later...

@Dynamo Pad

"Hmm... Good question."

Comparing Canterlot to a mansion is a understatement. No, it was much bigger than just a mansion. It was like Manehatten or Maretropolis but grander, fancier, elite and not to mention where the royal princesses reside. If she wasn't already acquainted with the city then she would've had no clue on the tourists attractions or some sort of entertainment. Granted, she wasn't exactly an... "elite" pony. She doesn't enjoy all the "fine dining" or all those posh entertainments those other elite civilians tend to enjoy (for example: drinking fancy wine, going to opera, dining on a fancy yacht...), it just didn't tickle her fancy at all. But Canterlot did have a lot to offer despite all the fancy activities. From what Coconut can recall, there was the infamous School for Gifted Unicorns that she loved to pass by and watch the fillies and colts learn how to use their magical abilities. Really made her wish she had a child sometimes... Maybe with Dyna- 

There was also the Library of Magic that she'll visit from time to time to take a gander at the books. Even though she was a Pegasus visiting a library meant for Unicorns, she still finds it quite interesting to read books from the past to reflect on today's society. But that wouldn't be ideal for a hangout area for both her and Dynamo Pad. One place that came to her head was Joe's donut shop which was located near the heart of town. Maybe they can go there and have a donut break? ... Perhaps later, she's not feeling particularly hungry at this current moment. She doubt he would want to see an Art Gallery nor visit Restaurant Row...

Aha! That's it!
Nearby her street was an Arcade called Chipper's Horizon where she visits frequent and gotten quite close with the owner who works there. She's been visiting that arcade ever since she moved to Canterlot and really expressed her full gaming side that no one tends to see from a mare such as herself. That place will be perfect for the two of them! She turned to Dynamo, all excited as she made up her mind on where they're going to hang out. Her eyes were practically stars at this point but she didn't care.

"Remember when I mentioned an arcade a while back? It's called Chipper's Horizon and it's not that far from here! If you want, we can go there and geek out! Unless, you want something to eat?"

It almost sounded like her stutter vanished from her excitement which happens quite a lot without her knowing.

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As they stopped in their tracks from their exit of the royal castle, Dynamo turned towards Coconut as he waited patiently on her thoughts. He made sure that they were out of the way in case anyone had crossed by them while on their path. As he looked towards the golden/tan pegasus, he had noticed that she looked as if she was deep in thought. Almost thinking of all the possible things they could do, while exploring the town. He blushed slightly as he soon caught himself staring, before his eyes quickly darted away. He couldn't exactly blame himself as he did find the mare to be cute and adorable. He just hoped that he could tell her that, or at least see how this date of theirs could go. If this was a date exactly. He had felt nervous as he worried about the multiple thoughts that were going through his head. He almost didn't catch her remark about an arcade she had gone to. As his eyes trailed back towards her, his eyes widened in surprise as it looked like she had stars in her eye. Upon hearing the name Chipper's Horizon, he had wondered why he had felt it was so familiar. He closed his eyes, as well as folded his arms and tilted his head. Almost as if he was in a thinking pose as he even crossed his legs to think. Opening his eyes a moment later, he gasped as a smile started to appear.

"Wait a minute. Are you talking about the arcade shop that has their nightly tournaments? One's that range from Mario Kart, to Super Smash Brother's to Naruto Storm 4?" He asks, taking notice that she hadn't stuttered in her mentioning of that arcade. Although, he didn't want to say anything about that as it seemed rude to mention that, but also because he still liked her for her, no matter what. "If so, then I've heard of Chipper's Horizon! I've actually been to that arcade about a year ago when I competed in one of the Naruto tournaments. I almost forgot that about that particular arcade being here. I think some of the other arcades are a bit far away, but I found this particular one when I first visited Canterlot. So, of course I want to go there and geek out with you!" His smile grew into a grin that was from ear to ear. Sharing the same level of excitement and enthusiasm as his date.

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@Dynamo Pad
Her excitement only grew from there as he mentioned the nightly tournaments starting from 6 pm to 12 am. Those tournaments can go for so long since a lot of people get extremely hyped up for those events. Heck, she even participated in those tournaments for a bit of fun herself. Although the only games she would really take part in was either Mario Kart or Naruto Storm 4, the rest she wouldn't even stand a chance in.

But she would remember a time she visited the arcade on a Saturday evening, the busiest times, and there was a whole crowd gathering at one of the gaming machines ready to cheer on the best player. It was a relief to her, even now, that there were people her age or older who weren't like those posh elites who acts all high and mighty. Those kinds of people annoy her a bit too much. However, she wasn't interested on the people and more curious on the game selection for that particular night. This time it was Naruto Storm 4, a popular game among Naruto fans old and new. No wonder there was a crowd. She slowly approached the cheering crowd as she witnessed what was happening. Two colts were going ham at each other with their selected characters. One colt was playing Naruto himself while the other was playing Sasuke. The mare just smiled to herself, remembering all the fights those two went through within the actual anime. However, the round didn't last long as the colt playing Sasuke defeated his opponent and threw his hands in the air as if he was flaunting his victory to the other. The crowd went wild. Absolutely wild. Then the host announced they were going to generate two random gamertags from their gamertag wheel. Coconut around that time knew that there were over a hundred gamertags on that wheel. Choosing her name from the wheel would be a one in a life time chance. With anticipation rising from the crowd, the host spun the wheel and waited for it to make a complete stop.


It stopped after 2 minutes of complete spinning on a gamertag:


Kyubiki? She had never heard of that gamertag before. But she looked back to the crowd as a dark blue, curved horn unicorn took his seat and made himself comfortable. Almost immediately he got into his gaming mode and anticipated the rival to verse him in the game. The crowd cheered as he smugly sat down, took a quick look at the character selection and chose his character. All that's left is his rival. Without delay, the host announced they were going to spin the wheel again and whoever it landed on was to play against the "legendary" Kyubiki. It seemed this gamertag was quite well known in the arcade. Famous almost. Chatter from the crowd died down as the wheel got spun once again to determine the male's rival for Naruto Storm 4. Some people looked hyped while others were wishing they didn't want their gamertag to come up. Coconut, however, was pretty sure her gamertag wasn't going to be selected.


Like before, it made a complete stop after two minutes. The wheel had chosen a name:


Coconut's eye went small as she noticed the wheel had landed on her gamertag. The chances of it landing on her name was near to impossible. The crowd seemed a little confused until the owner, who was watching from the counter, smirked at the surprised mare and spoke up in a clear and confident voice.

"Today's your lucky day, buttercup. Prove yourself worthy of having that name~"

Her eye went even smaller as the crowd took a moment to realize who LuckyStreak was and cheered on the girl. She had to steady herself as this wasn't going to be an easy battle between her and a well known player. She slowly approached her seat and sat down, taking the controller in her hands. Coconut looked up at the curved unicorn who gave her a comforting smile to hopefully calm her nerves, at least a little.  Looking back at the screen, she chose her character and muttered underneath her breath.

"May the best player win."
Cut back to now where she snapped herself out of memory lane to focus on Dynamo who was giving the same amount of eagerness she was giving earlier. Wait a minute.... Curved horn, dark blue skin, comforting smile... This couldn't be...

No... surely...

... Her visible eye shrunk to the size of peas as she finally connected the dots together, slowly raising the hand she was holding his hand in and placed her free hand on top.

"-... Kyubiki? Do you remember me? It's... LuckyStreak."

Edited by VinylWubs
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Dynamo could see the excitement in her expression grow, while equally feeling psyched himself. He hadn't been to that arcade in at least a year. To him, it was actually a nice place to visit when he fist arrived in Canterlot. He wasn't sure at first given with how high and mighty some of the citizens were behaving. Some just kept their chin up as if looking down on others, while some had seemed too posh or fancy for his liking. Upon entering this arcade, however, he was greeted almost differently. As if it was a stark contrast to how he had first arrived in this town. Dynamo sighed softly as he felt nostalgic, while wondering if the arcade was the same as he first visited it. Just as he was about to ask if she was ready to head to the shop at a break-neck pace, he blinked a bit in curiosity and confusion as Coco's eye shrunk. Almost as if there was something visibly wrong or something that had been troubling her. He was about to ask her, but stopped as she took their joined hands as she placed her free hand on top. Upon hearing her question, Dynamo blinked once again in confusion. Almost as if analyzing the name that the tan pegasus had mentioned. "L-LuckyStreak? I-I'm sorry, Coco-chan, but I don't..." He stopped as a memory had drawn him back to a particular time.

It was that very same day he had visited Chipper's Horizon that he had slowly recalled back to. There were quite a number of gamer's that had flocked towards the building in question. When signing up for a tournament, he had seen various games all lined up, as well as everyone having fun. Some still seemed high and mighty, while a vast majority seemed to just be enjoying themselves. He smiled as it seemed that this arcade was different to the outside world that was Canterlot. Once the Naruto tournament rolled around, the blue unicorn would watch to keep an eye on how other played. All the while, trying to formulate strategies on how to counteract those who would play unfairly. He had recalled seeing two gamer's playing Naruto and Sasuke respectively, but the Sasuke player had won. It was rather close as if he had watched the anime, but the Sasuke player had thrown his arms into the air as he popped off in celebration. Dynamo chuckled as he couldn't blame the pony. With how close it was, one couldn't help in letting out all that bottled up emotion. As the next fight was called, Dynamo watched as the wheel spun for a few minutes to see who would be going against who. 

As his name was drawn, the gaming stallion made his way over to his seat, before making himself comfortable. He heard the cheer of the crowd, which he couldn't help in feeling nervous. He had to admit a crowd was nice, but they always favored one over another in terms of games. He had seen in it many tournaments and it was never a pretty sight when some seemed like a villain for no reason. He took a deep breath, before getting into his gaming mode. Selecting his character of Kirin Sasuke and awaiting his opponent. He knew Sasuke was used a lot, but he knew many would always lean towards the newer variants of a character. He would be lying if he hadn't done that, but he learned that classic characters were still good. Thankfully, the cheering of the crowd was silenced as the next name was being chosen. Another few moments had passed, before the name 'LuckyStreak' had been selected. He craned his neck from side to side to see if anyone was stepping forward towards the seat next to him. His eyes trailed over towards the owner of the arcade, who was talking to LuckyStreak, while it seemed that they knew of said gamer.

The gamer in question was a yellow/tan pegasus mare, who had a blue and purple mane that stopped at her shoulders. She also wore a bow in her mane and a bracelet around her left front hoof. However, what caught Dynamo's attention was a singular green eyepatch over her left eye. He wondered if something had happened to her, or if that was something she liked to wear, but he felt it wasn't a good time to ask. He had to admit that she looked cute and the eyepatch added onto that cuteness. He knew that he didn't want to go easy on her as she seemed more than just a pretty face. A further glance had shown that she seemed just as nervous as he was when he was first called. He felt relieved as he wasn't the only one, but he still gave her a comforting smile to help try and calm her nerves. His ears perked slightly as he thought he had heard the pegasus mare mutter something. He smiled as he managed to catch it slightly as he nodded in agreement. "Good luck, have fun and good game regardless." He responded as she chose her character and their match had begun.

Returning to reality, Dynamo gasped as he looked at Coconut once more. As he stared into her eye, he was reminded of that very same mare that he had faced a year ago. "There's no way..." He muttered softly, but it was loud enough for Coconut to catch. His jaw dropped slightly in shock as Coconut faded to the same mare from a year ago. The only difference was that she had a shorter mane, but now her mane went past her shoulders. "L-Lucky? Is that really you?" 

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@Dynamo Pad
She couldn't believe her visible eye as she had finally figured out who the stallion was. To figure out who the infamous Kyubiki was... is the same stallion who she currently has a crush on. Words couldn't even comprehend the disbelief on her face as her instincts screamed to hug him. Hug him and never let him go. Her whole body was trembling, not from sadness, but from complete happiness to finally complete the missing puzzle. It was as if she wasn't even at Canterlot right now and she was in her own slice of heaven with Dynamo right in front of her. The mare took off her evepatch and placed it in her pockets so she can have a proper look at the stallion in front of her. Sure enough, it was that same stallion she met on that Saturday evening. She just had to make sure she wasn't bluffing and assuming everything. She had to made sure.

But no matter how many times she double checked his appearance, it all added up to the same stallion she played with. A large sorrowful smile appeared on her face as her instincts took over her mindset and clutched onto Dynamo, practically as if she's meeting her idol. Her body pressed up against him, her head resting upon his broad shoulders and her arms were locked around his slim body physique. She didn't care that people were going to see, she didn't care that she was trembling like a leaf, she didn't care that he could see her strange eye... Nothing mattered in that moment. All that mattered was she finally met the real Kyubiki. The same male she developed a crush on was her rival back on that Saturday night. She couldn't be any happier.

"It... I-It really is you... O-Oh my god... I-... You have n-no idea h-how long I wanted to r-r-reunite with you after that n-night... I didn't think that... T-The real Kyubiki... was the one who... who I became b-best friends with..."

She had to stop herself so many times from confessing right there right now. This feeling is overwhelming for her right now and if she could, she would gladly kiss him. But it's too soon for that. Much much too soon.

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Dynamo's eyes trembled slightly as he was staring at Coconut, who was now revealed to be LuckyStreak. The very same mare that he had considered both a friend and rival back when he first met her a year ago. He hadn't seen her at any other tournament around Equestria. That is, until just recently. The friend and rival, now turned crush, looked to be trembling. He was about to ask her if she was okay as he was worried about her well being. He stopped and froze as she had taken off her eyepatch, while revealing her other eye to him. He had recalled seeing her other eye before, but it was only during the time that Cosmic had been cheating against him, Coco and Console. Seeing her eye have two pluses made him wonder of the reason, but he didn't shy away from her. Her eye seemed fascinating to the gaming unicorn, but he still considered it special as it was a part of what made Coco unique. He soon noticed a large, sorrowful smile as he almost mirrored that same expression. He was soon pulled into a hug as the tan pegasus wrapped her arms around him as she placed her head upon his shoulders. He blushed from the sudden hug, before her words brought him out of his stupor. 

"I-I know what you mean. I've been to so many other places in Equestria to compete in other tournaments. Some I won and some that I came close, but I never seemed to have found you. It was great to play against other gamer's, but I always missed the time we spent on that Saturday night playing video games. I almost forgot as it was so long ago, but I never gave up in the hopes of us meeting again. I truly can't believe it, but I guess I can't believe it. I guess it really has been a LuckyStreak as I truly managed to find my best friend again." He smiled sheepishly with a chuckle at what he considered was a corny joke, but it was true. He even felt a few tears well up in his eyes as he felt overwhelmed with the memories of Coco. He was happy that they both still considered each other best friends, but he still hoped that they could be more than friends. However, he knew that was still for a talk to be had for later. Right now, he just enjoyed sharing the embrace from the tan pegasus mare. Resting his head upon hers as he held her close to let her know that he wasn't going anywhere. A few more moments had passed, before he eventually and reluctantly, had pulled back from the hug. Using his shoulder sleeve of his shirt to wipe any tears that may have appeared earlier. "So, what do you say? Want to still head to Chipper's Horizon? I hope it's still the same as when I last visited." He held out a hand for her to take as he still grinned in going to the arcade together with Coco.

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@Dynamo Pad

All she could do was nod towards his words as she sank further and further into Dynamo's tight yet secure embrace. The mare couldn't remember the last time she had hugged someone like this before. The most she would do is a light side hug or a simple headpat. But this... this is much more different and significant than just a simple side hug. It felt reassuring to her to know he was holding her in his arms and he wasn't going to let go for at least a while.

A few moments had past and she felt Dynamo eventually pulled himself back from the comforting embrace which didn't make Coconut that happy. She wanted to hug him just a little bit longer but she knew they had plans for the rest of today and hugging was just a side event for their agenda. Reaching her sleeves up to her eyes to wipe any tears that may have formed from that intimate moment between the two, she took his hand with her right hand and immediately interlocked her fingers with his. But before she could reply to his response, she leaned over and very lightly gave him a soft peck on the cheek as a way of showing gratitude. Her face immediately became the colour of beetroot when she pulled away from the affection, but a determined smile was still shown on her face. She couldn't wait to start again to play games with him, to create new memories with him, to learn more tricks from the "legendary Kyubiki" himself and most importantly... a new reason why she fell in love with the unicorn in the first place. If she were to list out her reasons of why she wanted to be his girlfriend, she would be reading out an entire book. Dictionary at max. 

"Of course... I would love to see Chip again and how h-he's handling h-h-his business... Well then... s-shall we?"

Coconut then quickly realised her plus eyes were visible and she had to cover it back up again. She reached into her pocket, took it out and put it back on her again, making sure it was if she hadn't even touched it in the first place. Once her eye was covered, she awaited his response while starting to walk.

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Dynamo smiled as she had accepted his offered hand, before their fingers had become interlocked without a second thought. He was immediately caught off guard as he felt a sensation on the side of his face. Glancing over, his eyes trailed towards Coconut, who had placed a soft peck upon his cheek. His eyes widened as he hadn't expected that from her, while blushing from the kiss, itself. It seemed that his face wasn't the only one that was becoming a beetroot. He looked away slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. All the while trying to find the words to speak, but found himself failing miserably. He wondered if that kiss had meant something, but he didn't want to assume just yet. However, he glanced back over to the tan pegasus mare as he smiled softly to her. As the two began to walk, Dynamo felt Coco's hand leave his own. He was confused, but soon saw the pegasus reach into her pocket to bring back her eyepatch. Understanding wholeheartedly that having her eye exposed to others might have made her feel uncomfortable. 

"I-Indeed we shall, m'lady. I wonder if Chip recognizes me. It has been a while and there's always bound to be so many gamer's visiting the shop. Has the shop changed since I've last been there? Have you visited the shop frequently or from time to time?" He gave the mare and apologetic look for asking multiple questions, but he felt that he couldn't help himself. With everything that had happened in the span of them meeting Princess Luna and the game world, Dynamo was truly looking forward to this outing with Coconut. As he saw her securely placed the eyepatch back over her left eye, Dynamo smiled once more as he took her hand into his own once more. All the while, starting their walk back up and towards Chipper's Horizon. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Last time I visited the arcade was around about two weeks ago. There was s-some construction g-g-going on a-at the back... s-said it was for the n-nightly tournaments... a-and he talks about y-you all the time! M-Mainly because of him h-having coffee with P-Pinball Wizard..."

While the two best friends were just entering the busy streets of Canterlot, they could see some of the elite citizens were simply going about their days drinking coffee at a nearby cafe, shopping to customize their daily attire, getting their hair cut or just simply strolling around with their head held up high. Some of them even had the audacity to glare at the two of them, which... didn't sit well with Coconut. This caused her to slightly shy away behind Dynamo, hoping she wouldn't be seen like this. She never really liked snooty and self-centred citizens ever since she moved to Canterlot. They were always such a handful to handle and they didn't really agree on Coconut's race, thinking that the most elite and successful citizens have to be Unicorns. Their methodologies always rubbed her the wrong way but she normally try to ignore them. Besides, today was their day and their day alone. They had a marvelous trip to see the Princess and meet their idols at the same time and now they were going to the same arcade they first met unofficially. What else could go wrong?

...Somehow, just thinking about that quote made Coconut more uneasy about everything and just decided to shut up for the time being.

After a moment of awkwardly walking behind Dynamo's back to get away from the peering eyes of the elite citizens, they were coming across a very quiet and nature surrounded street that Coconut was very familiar with. She came out from behind his back and just started to admire the scenery around her. No matter how many times she came across this street, it always was her particular favourite to walk on every day. On either sides were tall cherry blossom trees that were just sprouting out their flowering for this month, some of them were already losing their petals and landing upon the road they were walking on. It looked like the street had turned pink entirely thanks to the cherry blossoms themselves, as if the cherry blossoms were welcoming the new season of spring upon the world. Sure there were some apartment buildings, cafes, clothing stores and such that were behind the cherry blossoms but that didn't ruin the magnificent view of the general street itself. Coconut simply adored it... and she was eager to show Dynamo how much she loved this street. Maybe even sneak a kiss in there-

Okay, no. Stop. You're reading too many visual novels Coconut. Focus on the task at hand.


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"That's pretty awesome that you've been to the arcade. I wish I could say that same to the arcade I've been too back in Fillydelphia. Since Console, my parents and I had moved to Ponyville, I hadn't had the chance to visit certain arcades. Including Chipper's Horizon. I guess it has been a while given that I've not been to Chipper's in about a year. Considering that you mentioned that there was construction. Has it come close to being completed, or was it started just recently?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in the mention of tournaments. "Nightly tournaments, huh? Is it any different from the tournaments that you and I competed in about a year ago?" He was honestly surprised that Chipper had talked about the blue unicorn. He was known slightly by his gamertag, but he didn't really consider himself to be famous or anything along those lines. What really caught him by surprise was the mention of Pinball Wizard. "Wait a minute. You know Mr. Pinball!? I think this was the first time that his name had been brought up, but I didn't know that you knew of him. I was his apprentice/student back in Fillydelphia after I gained my magic and cutie mark. He showed me everything he knew, as well as how I came to take up his rules of using games to help settle disputes instead of fighting through violence. He told me to go to Ponyville as it was the epicenter of games, but also because there was an arcade there that I could work at. I had put in an application and have been waiting for a response. Pinball never really told me about other arcade owner's that he knew personally. So, I hope you can forgive me for my shock." He explained, smiling as he was curious to learn more from Coconut.

As the young couple was entering the busy streets of Canterlot, the duo could see the elite citizens going about their daily lives. Whether it be through drinking beverages at cafes, shopping, or holding their head high in the sky. It seemed like a suffocating and dense air was wafting through the atmosphere. Dynamo could even feel several glares set upon him and Coconut, while he tried to keep his eyes forward. He recalled feeling this troubling atmosphere whenever an outsider had arrived in Canterlot. Speaking from experience from when he arrived for that tournament a year ago. While he was slightly used to it now, it still didn't change the fact that these citizens were intimidating. Looking back to Coconut, the gaming unicorn was surprised to see the tan mare was cowering behind him. He wondered if it was due to Coco being a pegasus or if she was not up to their standards of being an elite pony. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he unclasped their interlaced fingers, before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Effectively pulling her towards him as they walked side by side. "Just ignore them. They don't know a great mare if it slapped them upside the head. Plus, they're just jealous that I have a lovely date for this afternoon. So, don't worry, Coco-chan. These elite ponies aren't worth it." He reassured the shy mare with a comforting smile, before giving the other elite ponies a huff to signify that they were being rude to the couple.

After a moment of walking through the busy streets, the two had come across a quiet street that looked different from other roads. This street was surrounded by nature, as well as tall cherry blossom trees. Dynamo was in complete awe at how beautiful this area was. Trees and flowers that sprouted/blooming for this month as it was the time of spring. Some cherry blossom trees were losing their petals, while the road was bathed in a sea of pink petals. "This place is just incredible. It just shows that spring is finally coming." He did manage to see through the trees that there buildings, cafes and other establishments. However, it still didn't take away from the beauty that was upon them. "I think this calls for a picture. What do you think, Coco-chan?" He asks, as she had came out from his arm that was wrapped around her shoulder.

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@Dynamo Pad

The woman could only let out a soft giggle in amusement, before waving off his apology with her free hand in a soft manner.

"Nono! You don't need to apologise over such a small detail! Chipper and P-Pinball didn't really meet each other until a few years after C-Chipper started his business in Canterlot. Chipper's arcade w-was the talk of the town and everyone j-just wanted to come into his shop and play all the classics f-from the older generations. Even some of the c-classics are still playable to this day. He did a lot for a one person j-job... and eventually he g-got employees w-working for him. Word got out all over Equestria about it, f-from Manehatten to Las Pegasus. T-That's when Pinball contacted him, offering him to meet up s-sometime as he was visiting Canterlot for some... 'royal business'. C-Chipper didn't know much about Pinball and casually a-accepted his offer... to make a l-long story short, they met up, h-had coffee and Pinball told him a-about a very talented gamer that goes b-by the name of ..."

She stopped talking to reach her hand up and gently press the front of his nose as a sign of both playfulness and affection.

"You guessed it, Kyubiki..!"

Her eyes closed with her development of playful forming and a cute little side tongue to add to that fact. Lowering her hand back down after a few moments to enhance the moment and opening her eyes again to look straight forward at the road, that had become covered with petals entirely, Coconut could only smile at the live display of beauty. The atmosphere felt completely different to when they were walking the main streets of Canterlot. It didn't feel stuffy, elite, out of place or were they judged just because of their entire existence offending them. No, in contrast to the city, it felt peaceful... serenity... harmonizing. Words were only an understatement of the beauty presented in front of the couple. Above them, a cool breeze came across them and convinced the trees to sway along to the rhythm of nature. More petals gracefully fluttered off the trees and danced to the breeze's melody, adding to the 'serenity' factor she noted earlier. Only once did the breeze come to a halt, so did the dancing petal's show. As if they were ballerinas, the petals took their 'bows' only to peacefully rest on the concrete below them. A very special dance only performed once only to pass away soon after is something Coconut found both beautiful yet sad.

Turning back to the man she so desperately want to be partners for life, she nodded to his request... only to get a small idea to properly enhance the photo more and possibly win his heart. She took off his jersey and placed it next to a nearby convenient fire hydrant, making sure it was in her line of sight. Then, she spoke up. 

"Did you know I took ballet lessons at the start of my teenage years? Naturally female Pegasi a-are known for being v-very light upon their toes but... I guess in a sense, I w-wanted to be more than j-just light off the ground... I wanted to dance among the p-petals that sway in the wind ever so beautifully, to be nothing m-more than to be a part of nature... Now... I want you t-to take a picture of me among the petals..."

Before he could respond to her request, she got onto one foot and, to enhance the picture more, get on her tip toes upon her foot. With her other leg, she stretched it away from her. With one arm, she reached it high enough to where she was elegantly touch a flower petal with her finger. Her other arm rested near her stretched out leg and finally, she looked up at the petals. In ballet, this position would be called an arabesque and to her, it was one of her favourite poses.

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