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The Journey Towards the Soul

Dynamo Pad

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Dynamo blinked in curiosity as he listened to Coconut, who recounted the tale of how Pinball and Chipper had come to know each other. Hearing her giggle was like music to his ears, while his eyes widened in surprise as he listened intently. "I actually never knew that. I know I moved to Ponyville a few years ago with my parents and sister. So, I guess it does line up with how Chipper's arcade was set up. It sounds like Chipper's Horizon is one of the great wonder's of Equestria. At least in terms of video games." He chuckled, before he shook his head and continued. "Las Pegasus was actually the place that Mr. Pinball was planning to go to. At least in terms of planning to retire and take it easy and live the good life. I think he's still living in Fillydelphia, but I'm not entirely sure. I'll be sure to get into contact with him at some point to see how he's been doing. It's definitely been a while since the last time I've heard from him. Console and I always saw him as grandpa figure." He smiled fondly as he appreciated Pinball's presence in his and Console's lives. "It's really nice to hear that he took interest in Chipper. The moment I visited, he seemed like a really kind stallion and arcade owner." He would say, remembering the time that he had called Coconut 'buttercup.' As he heard his gamertag being mentioned, Dynamo blinked in surprise as he suddenly felt his nose being booped. Looking to the source, he blushed as it was Coconut who had gently pressed her hand to his nose.

"Hmm...I wouldn't exactly say I'm that talented of a gamer. I'm just glad I had a really nice teacher and friend in Mr. Pinball." He would say, trying not to be modest or conceited. He soon noticed that the tan mare was being playful in her early display of booping his nose. Almost as if it was a display of affection? To be honest, the gaming unicorn couldn't be sure, or rather, he didn't want to assume. He still smiled nonetheless as he enjoyed her playful, yet kind and caring personality. It further added onto his thought process as he saw her close her eyes, while forming a side tongue. Something that he found both cute and simply adorable in his eyes. Closing his eyes slightly, he felt a strong, yet peaceful gust of wind. A breeze that had washed over the young couple, as well as causing the trees to sway. Just being in this part of Canterlot, cut off from the rest of the city. It all felt serene, peaceful, and all around beautiful. As each tree swayed, petals flew off as they floated gently towards the ground. Covering more and more of the pink colored road. 

As he saw the tan pegasus mare nod to his request of a picture, his jaw dropped slightly in surprise, yet curiosity about her mention of dancing. "I didn't know that, actually. I think I remember you had mentioned what kind of games and other things you liked about Chipper's Horizon. However, I don't think we ever got to know each other more personally." He says, remembering the times that they competed in the tournament, while also racing in Mario Kart, as well as other games inside the arcade. However, he also remembered that they didn't get to know each other better. "I know we didn't get to know each other better before, but no better time like the present, right?" He grinned, fascinated by what he was learning. "I think I remember my mom mentioning something like that about the different pony races. My mom's actually a dancer by trade and knows all different kinds of dances. She's been teaching others for years in her own dance studio in both Fillydelphia and Ponyville. Helping others to better express themselves and their emotions through dance. So, what you've said reminds me of what my mother has wanted to do in terms of teaching." He says, enamored by the words from her heart and soul. As he grabbed his phone from his pocket, he turned on the camera mode as he held his phone outward. Focusing the lens of the phone, he was star struck and blushed at Coconut's ballet pose. Shaking his head to stay focused, he took the photo and smiled at the results. "Now that's a perfect picture. You look really flexible with being able to do a pose like that. Especially being able to be balanced on one foot like that. I'll make sure to send the picture to you." He smiled, looking up his contacts, until he found Coconut's name. Just before sending the picture to her as he placed his phone back into his pocket.

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@Dynamo Pad

Once Dynamo had taken the photo and put away his phone, she lowered her leg back to the ground and made sure she was back onto the ground again. Lowering her arms, her face turned to the colour of beetroot upon hearing his words of praise of her pose. She let out a soft giggle, rubbing the back of her neck as she returned to his side again.

"I didn't know your mother was a dancer... a-and of all kinds as well? I would l-love to meet her one day, really I do. She must sound like a kind woman t-to be around... A-Also, thanks. I'm not t-that good of a ballet d-dancer even after years of practice so I'm a b-bit rusty when it comes to ballet..."

She let out an awkward giggle as her hand instinctively went in to hold his hand again. The mare couldn't help herself getting a bit selfish. Her admiration for him is growing more and more every second they are with each other. She couldn't help but to admire his uniquely curved horn, his charming features, his golden personality, the way he talks to her as if she was like a princess to him... everything about him just made the mare feel a lot more special and she didn't want to lose to him... or at least be a good friend to him. She didn't know if he was currently on the market looking for someone to mingle with or he's taken by some other beautiful mare that fits with his personality so well. Whatever the case may be, Coconut really liked being around him and hoped for the first option. Her heart would hurt if he was taken but she would understand... slowly. When it came to love, Coconut was a major romantic and would often dream of going on romantic outings with the person she loves. Whether it be going to a park, seeing a movie, gaming or even just spending time at the sea side, those kinds of small gestures can mean a lot to her.

Even if it's with Dynamo.

With that said, the two of them continued to walk down the nature surrounded street knowing that they won't get to the arcade if they just stood around all day and mucked around with nature. However, Coconut wouldn't mind them just mucking around. Just spending time with him made her smile. However, she knew the arcade was pretty close and just only a few minutes away from this beautiful street. So to brighten up the topic even more, Coconut brought up another conversation topic to hopefully get to know him more.

"I'm curious about something... w-what's your relationship like w-with your sister? Console I mean? Y-You and her are practically p-peas in a pod. Almost in a dynamic d-duo sense."

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After sending the photo and placing his phone snugly back into his pants pocket, Dynamo craned his head towards Coconut, who adjusted her limbs back to normal. Almost as if she was like an action figure or a doll. The unicorn had grown a look of slight confusion upon his facial features, while curiosity had him wonder why her face was becoming beet red. Holding one hand up, he gazed towards the sky to assume that it was hot out. He had to admit that it was slightly warm, but not too hot that it would be unbearable. Eliminating that choice, the gaming unicorn had then wondered if he had said or done something. He hoped it wasn't a bad thing as he didn't want to make the tan mare uncomfortable or to become angry at him. However, it didn't seem like anything was remotely wrong as she had let out a soft, yet cute giggle, while making her way back over towards him. 

"Eeyup and it's true. My mom always enjoyed teaching others on how to dance. She always found music to be a way to one's soul. She even taught me how to dance as it was a way to let my emotions run free, or at least that's how she explained it. That, and she mostly needed a dance partner to help in her classes from time to time. The same can be said for my sister whenever she needed extra dance partners in her examples." He chuckled, running one hand through his mane, while feeling her soft, delicate hand take his other hand once more. "If you like, then maybe you can join in one of my mom's dance classes sometime. I think she would love to see what you can do. Maybe you won't feel so rusty and who knows? Maybe she'd pair us up as dance partners. I think it would be pretty cool to have a dance sometime." He blushed, glancing his head away slightly as his brain tried to figure out why he had thought that. Was it an implication of him liking her, or did he simply just want to the mare out? If he was being honest, then he was leaning more towards the former. To him, seeing the way she posed herself for the photo had made her look majestic. Almost as if she turned into a beautiful swan that was enjoying the beauty of nature itself around her. 

The more time he had spent with her, the more and more he wished to know about her. Even after a year, it felt like nothing had changed, or rather. It felt like more had changed as he saw her as a rival and possible friend to a possible love interest. He had actually began to wonder if she was single, or if she was off the market in terms of a relationship. How he wanted to ask as curiosity was getting the better of him, but he held himself back. Understanding that he would probably feel awkward and pretty creepy to dig into one's own personal love life. He had to respect Coconut's privacy, but he still wanted to know. Perhaps he could ask her later, but he didn't want to ruin the moment they were having. To him, their personalities and interactions had fit so perfectly together. Almost as if they were lost puzzle pieces that finally found their missing links. All he ever wanted in regards to a relationship was to find someone that would like him for him and vice versa. All the while, to spend time with one another and enjoy each other's company, while understanding each other's likes, dislikes, similarities and differences. Even if it turned out that she had somepony special waiting for her, then he would come to respect that decision. It wouldn't be fun, but he knew that he would always support and be there for her.

As the two trekked on towards their intended destination, the gaming stallion had tilted his head slightly in confusion. His ears perked as in indication to hearing Coco's question, but he still wondered why she had asked such a question. Was it because she thought something was going on with him and his sister, Console? Shaking his head in his mind, he easily disregarded that option. He had heard about some anime that had odd moments, but he felt that the tan mare's question was truly innocent enough to answer. "You wouldn't be wrong in the whole dynamic duo sense." He chuckled softly, before continuing. "That's actually what we call ourselves, so you're right on the nose. Growing up, neither of us really had many friends, if any at all. Mostly because of stuck up and rude ponies, or just plain bullies. However, something had happened years ago that kind of affected both my sister and I. Console doesn't really like to talk about it and she doesn't like me talking about it either to anyone. If I can, then I'll check to see if I can ask my sister on letting me tell you. I know we haven't seen each other in about a year, but you're someone that I can truly trust. That, and I feel like you deserve to know." He had a solemn expression as if recounting the memory was a dreaded spirit that walked through his soul. Along with a chill that ran up and down his spine like riding an elevator. He shook his head to erase such bad thoughts and feelings, before smiling softly. A way of showing relief and reassurance. "Ever since that time, though, Console and I have become inseparable. True, we each have things that we like to do or one of us has to go to the store and all. However, we are always there for one another. If either of us has trouble, then we always have each other's backs. So, I guess we both became each other's friend in the process. It's like the old saying goes. Sometimes your friends can be like your family." He chuckled, before questions began to form in his mind that he wished to ask her. "Since we are on the subject of asking questions, then I was just wondering. Do you have any siblings? Also, do you live with your parents out in Canterlot, or do you live by yourself?" He hoped that these questions weren't personal as he felt Canterlot was a difficult place to live. Considering all of the rude and stuck up ponies that lived in this town. Sure, there were nice ponies from time to time, but even so. He still couldn't help in asking such questions in hoping to learn more and more about his crush.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh wow! Really? If you can arrange that with your m-mother then that would mean a lot to me, t-thank you! Honestly, your mother is right... Ballet is a way to convey those emotions built up inside of y-you and letting them go through the arts o-o-of your body's natural rhythm. The w-way I see it... it's like t-telling a story. Except you're not speaking verbally. Instead, you're using those emotions from deep inside you to tell the story instead. Your soul also plays an important role in the story telling because it is acting as if they're that character from the story. For example, your may not visually see yourself as a swan prince heroically saving the princess from certain doom through the power of romance... but, inside you act as if you are the swan prince from the story. You think like, act like, perform like and soon imagine yourself as that certain character. Soon you find yourself drifting away from reality, forgetting that everything around you is just an act and your body naturally responds on it's own. Most ballet dance don't like to see themselves in the character's shoes as they find it childish, immature or even useless because they see ballet as something competitive. But for them, they have the hardest time to learn the sequences and they don't give it their all as if they're performing on stage. They don't express themselves through their moves and try to focus on the tiniest of details which sure makes the act more graceful but it lacks something important. Emotion. It doesn't feel natural or does it feel like they're telling the story to the audience... ya know?"

Coconut closed her eyes and shook her head in disappointment as she recalled some of her ballet lessons with some of her fellow dancers. The way they danced looked so stiff, so robotic and yet so bland that it was enough for the young Coconut to not want to watch anymore. Most of them were older than the mare and had all the perfect techniques, moves and cues down, all that was left was to paint the story. However, some dancers didn't even try to input emotion into their moves or made the entire performance completely bland. Granted at the time, Coconut also struggled with conveying such emotions into the story but she always put her best foot forward and always got good grades from the judges when she tried. So she mostly spent all that time putting as much emotion into her movements to impact the story more and this always impressed her ballet teacher that she saw a bit of herself from the girl. From there, the rest is history according to the woman now. If she could, she would love to sit down next to Dynamo and tell him all about her life and how much she had accomplished on her own. From when she had first entered the world, how her passion for ballet started, how she moved to Canterlot and so much more that couldn't even be fit into the current conversation they were having right now.

Speaking of Dynamo himself, she completely forgot that he was still listening to her little rant about ballet. She opened her eyes to look back at the male, now it's her turn to listen to him answer her question. She nodded understandably with the siblings not having many friends as children and ended up being each other's best friend. She found the bond between the two siblings both precious and adorable. In a way, it reminded her of her younger two brothers who looked up to her a lot when she was younger. They were basically inseparable, the three of them, and Coconut found herself to be the more responsible sibling from her entire family. Her expression changed from a content, understanding expression to one that looked almost concerning for both Console and Dynamo. What exactly did happen when they were kids? Did they have some sort of bullying problem? Or was it bigger than that? Whatever the problem may be, the girl wanted to know to calm both her curiosity down and her emotions for them. However, that emotion was almost reassured by his gentle smile. It was almost as if he knew she was going to be worried about them. This man can practically read her like a book. She wasn't complaining though, it just means that he understood her more than most people she knew. It was comforting in a sense. Continuing to listen to him talk about the sibling's relationship, Coconut couldn't help but to show a genuine smile at that last comment. It was relieving to know that at the end of the day, Console and Dynamo still have a strong bond between each other and they will forever to support each other through thick and thin. She wondered if his sister wouldn't mind her being his girlfriend or she would immediately disagree with the relationship and tell her to get lost. From the sounds of things, Console sounded like a sweet mare and she had seen her before with Dynamo not too long ago but she never really got the chance to actually spend some quality time with the mare. All she knew is that Console is very close to her brother. Maybe one day they can have a girls' night out to bond.

Once Dynamo had finished speaking and reversed the question back to Coconut, she knew it was her turn to speak again about her personal life. With a gentle sigh, she spoke up with a gentle tone of voice.

"Y-Yeah, I have f-five siblings. T-Two younger brothers and two older sisters. From age order, it goes Silver Star, Arctic Breeze, m-me, Dew Moonlight a-and finally Swift Mist. S-Silver Star is only 9 years old a-and he is an earth pony w-who loves to play with his toy b-binoculars. It's adorable really, you s-should see the l-look on his face when he sees something in them. It's like h-he discovered treasure at a young age. Next we have A-Arctic Breeze whose 15 years old and has a passion for traveling. He's the o-only unicorn in the family who is willing to learn h-how to fly a plane. Isn't that neat? Then there's me, known as Coconut Crescent. Next, my older sister Dew Moonlight. She's turning 21 in a few months and she a-already has a job working for a radio company up at V-Vanhoover. She's a very strict woman who knows what's t-tolerated and what's not t-tolerated. One wrong move and it's to the s-streets with you. She's a bit fierce with her work. Finally, my eldest sister, Swift Mist."

She took in a deep breath in and out before continuing on,

"Swift Mist is a 28 year old unicorn whose personality matches Dew Moonlight's in a s-sense. Misty loved magic from a y-young age and always w-w-wanted to go up and beyond with her studies. From w-what my mother told me, she spent the first few y-years of her life t-teaching herself how to do basic spells a n-normal child would know a-at the age of 8. By the t-time she turned 7, she had r-read all the magic books from m-my parents library and wanted to know more magic. W-Well... to make a long story short, she l-learnt magic pretty quickly and is n-now working with a t-team of talented unicorns to create new spells t-that Equestria could benefit from. I don't e-exactly trust it but she never r-really cared, considering she's the eldest child. My mother, Sapphire Eyes, d-did everything in her power to stop her f-from doing anything irrational but... she isn't the type to l-listen unless it interests her. Nowadays, Misty c-comes back home to Manehatten once e-every year... it's sad really."

A soft shiver of regret and dread ran down her spine as she could remember the memories she had with her eldest sister. To say the least, none of the memories were at least happy and pleasant. Shaking her head to wipe away any thought of sadness or regret in her head, she decided to change the topic to answer the second part of his question. She gave him a calming smile to comfort him from any sort of concern or worry in his mind.

"My parents ,Sapphire Eyes and Crimson Mask, both l-live in Manehatten. They take care of Silver Star, Arctic Breeze a-and sometimes Dew Moonlight. I moved o-out of Manehatten to C-Canterlot so I can f-focus on my studies... Not to mention, I w-wanted a different change of pace. So... I apologize f-for my little rant but that's all m-my family members. I-If you have any other questions then please do let me know."

As she finished up telling her story, Chipper's Horizon could be seen only a few blocks away. They were getting close to the arcade! About time!

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"I can most certainly try and you're welcome. It's no trouble, really. My mom is always looking to take on any and all students who love dance, or those that want to express themselves. My mother is a unicorn, so she uses magic to help her dance. It's almost as if she's floating when she's dancing. Each movement moving gracefully from one move to the next. That's to any style of dance she uses and it's like watching a grand spectacle." Dynamo explained, closing his eyes as he recounted the times he watched his mom teach her class. Slowly opening his eyes like a window shade, Dynamo smiled with pride as he listened to Coconut speak about her ballet. He honestly wasn't bored as he found the words she spoke to be simply fascinating. "I think I can understand what you mean. It's like when you work on a movie and have to be that character. It's about the emotion, the struggles that character went through and other qualities that help build the heart and soul of playing the part. I know this might be the best example, but I'd say the same thing for cosplaying. I've been to conventions for tournaments, but I've never really cosplayed much." He rubbed the back of his neck as he was embarrassed to admit, but he still pushed on. "However, I did stick around at some points to watch skits being performed. When I watched, it was as if those who dressed up were embodying that character on stage. Not just in costume, but with heart and passion. When you speak, it's like your showing that same conviction. I know you said you were a bit rusty, but your poses, your devotion and your words. You've got the heart, passion and emotion for dancing and whatever your heart desires." He placed a hand over his heart as if Coconut's speech had moved him, in a sense.

Dynamo's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she listed off her siblings. "Oh, wow. I've never really met anyone whose had that many siblings. Usually it's two or three altogether if you include the one you're talking to, but I never met anyone with five siblings." He almost wanted to mention about a one big happy family, but he stopped as he heard about her siblings. From what he had learned, Silver and Arctic seemed to be really kind. Silver sounded to be a dreamer and adventurer when it came to his binoculars. He had to admit that Arctic was very impressive and driven to fly a plane. Even if he was a unicorn, it still took skill, drive and determination to accomplish such a feat. Dew kind of made Dynamo a bit weary. Misty, on the other hand, didn't sound all too pleasant. It further added onto the fact that Coconut had taken a deep breath, before letting out a sigh. It sounded like something was wrong, which prompted the blue unicorn to wrap a comforting arm around her shoulder. At the beginning, it didn't seem like Swift was all that bad. However, it seemed like Swift had reminded him of a certain stallion that he had crossed paths with. The shiver he felt was soft, but it was enough for Dynamo to notice, before holding her close.

"I-I'm really sorry to hear that. I've never really gone through that kind of relationship with Console, but I know what it's like to deal with Cosmic and other bullies out there. Always wanting power and trying to show that they are supreme in whatever they work towards. It's a shame that she doesn't visit your family all that often. Considering that family should always stick together. Silver and Arctic sound pretty cool. I hope I get to meet them someday. No offense on Dew, but she does sound a bit scary. I guess she's kind of strict? I think that's the best way of putting it, but she doesn't sound rude or irritable." He explained, before shaking his head. "Please don't apologize and I'm glad you told me. The last time we hung out, we never really got to know each other. We mostly played games and competed in that tournament. I'm honestly glad that you told me now and I want to know more about you. I also didn't know that you live in Manehatten. Your parents also sound really nice. I hope I can get a chance to meet them at one point or another, as well." Upon hearing the tan pegasus mare mention about any other questions, Dynamo pondered for a moment as more thoughts came to mind. "I do have a question, but I thought we could also start off with some simple stuff. For example, what's your favorite color? Also, you said you were originally from Manehattan and that you moved out for a change of pace and your studies. What are your studies all about? Also, it's the same thing for you, as well. If you have any questions, then please let me know." He would say, while Chipper's Horizon was just within their sights.


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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut couldn't help but to agree with his words when it came to ballet, she was honestly glad she could inspire him with the way she views ballet. It honestly brought a smile to her face and a warm feeling in her chest rose again. Not that warm feeling you get when drinking hot tea or enjoying just a simple day but the same warm feeling she felt when she first developed that crush on Dynamo. It felt like a refresher to feel the feeling again after so long of not having that passion brought back up again. Don't get her wrong, she had a slightly warm feeling around him. It was just in the moment that she wasn't really thinking of him being in her life. But now her feelings for him were much stronger, clearer, precise and she knew who she wanted in a boyfriend. She wanted him and him alone. The girl didn't care if he was single or not, all she wanted was to confess her feelings to him and she felt like she needed to let him know by tonight. To finally confess to him is a major accomplishment in itself but she was willing to go out all the way to finally admit she had a crush on him... even if it's love at first sight.

The girl was so distracted in her feelings for him that she was caught a bit off guard with Dynamo bringing the girl close to him. For a moment, she looked at him as if he went crazy but then realised why he held her so close in his arms. The bad memories of her and Misty did throw her off by a majority and she always feel like it's her fault her sister hates her.  The girl muttered a very quiet 'hold me' while being held by Dynamo. The poor girl. Coconut used her free arm to wrap around his waist and practically brought herself close to his warmth, hopefully to feel at least a bit protected by him. While they continued to walk, she looked up at him and continued to talk.

"My favourite colour...? H-Hm... that would be blue. Either blue or yellow. Both c-colours are beautiful i-in my opinion. A-Also, my studies weren't anything to be proud of. I w-wanted to become an e-engineer and left home to a-accomplish my career choice. But now that I think about it, m-maybe I should try voice a-a-acting. That would be fun."

As they continued to walk, Chipper's Horizon was getting closer and closer to the point where they can see the entrance of the building.

Edited by VinylWubs
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Dynamo's ears perked suddenly as if he had heard a soft whisper in the wind. Trailing his gaze downward towards the tan mare, he had almost missed her muttering, but managed to catch it. He stopped mid step as he wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her into a tight, yet comforting embrace. He frowned sadly, as if he could hear the pain in her voice. He wasn't sure if it was a memory that was brought up or if it was something that either had said, but he wouldn't just abandon her now. She was such a sweet, kind, smart and funny mare. 'Shh...I'm here for you.' He muttered back as he wouldn't allow her crush to go through anything like this alone. He nuzzled her softly and gently rubbed circles on her back. Signs of comfort, reassurance and to let her know that he was here for her. To him, no words needed to be said. Actions spoke louder than words and his actions were loud and clear. Even if he couldn't say he liked her in fear of rejection, or if she had a special someone. He still wanted to let her know that she wasn't alone and that he was here for her. The gaming unicorn knew that his sister, Console, would also be there for her as a friend. After a few moments of comfort and reassurance, Dynamo pulled back from the hug. He didn't, however, back away for long. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Almost like he was a soft blanket to offer comfort and warmth. A blush had dusted his cheeks as he felt her snake an arm around his waist. A way of bringing them closer together as they resumed their walk.

"Are you sure blue is one of your favorite colors is because of me having blue fur?" He chuckled as he was joking, before smiling as he respected her choices. "I think those are some awesome colors. I like blue, but not because I'm blue. I do also like red and purple and green. So, it seems like your colors match one of my colors. Also, an engineer, huh? I think that's something to be proud of. Being a professional gamer isn't something one could be proud of as it's not befitting Equestrian society. I still think it's something cool as it's something I like. So, I think it's something worth being proud of in regards to engineering. I do hope this isn't a bad question to ask, but engineering in what field? Voice acting does sound like a fun goal, as well. I could guess anime or maybe a film/animation, but has there been anything that helped to inspire you towards that dream?" His eyebrows climbed and crawled up his face, while they were raised in curiosity. All the while, Chipper's Horizon's entrance could be seen by the young couple.

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@Dynamo Pad

Her eyes shut tight, almost as if she's trying to rid herself of a bad dream, and never let go of Dynamo for the whole entire duration. This is the first time that she had ever told anyone her problems with her family. Normally she would try to laugh it off and say things are going splendidly with her siblings when in actuality, it isn't. Like every family, there was a giant problem with her family and that mostly relied on the two older sisters:  Dew Moonlight and Swift Mist. Dew Moonlight was a control freak of the house and wanted everything to be run in moderation. Coco remembers how Dew would put security cameras around the house to watch over the entire family and every week, she would force every family member down stairs to have "family meetings". These "family meetings" were mostly two hours of her consistent complaints of how the younger siblings are too spoilt and the parents aren't doing anything to teach them to behave. However, despite her need of control over the entire family and her 'over-the-top' methods of doing so, Dew was quite pleasant to be around. She was the class clown of the family whenever she was in a good mood and loved to make everyone laugh, especially the young brothers Arctic and Silver. While it was a shame she moved out of the house, she insistent for the cameras to be untouched so she can "keep an eye on things" or so she said.

Now the main source of the problem was Swift Mist. She caused a lot of strife on Coconut's life and never cared about other's feelings or their opinions. Just being around the arrogant unicorn would give Coconut bad flashbacks. To please the unicorn would've cost an arm and leg because of her ridiculous high standards and her overwhelming desire for magic. If anything wasn't to her liking or someone gave her a hard time, Mist would... Mist would... even thinking about the consequences she would do to those poor people make Coconut even more afraid of her sister. In a sense, she was very similar to Cosmic. Dynamo's rival. On one hand, it wouldn't be a surprise if she had known of Cosmic because of how their personalities connect together like pieces in a puzzle. On the other hand, it would be bad if they knew each other because they would be able to make their lives more chaotic than it already is. Either way, it's a lose-lose scenario.

Her ears perked up to the sound of Dynamo's voice addressing the answers to the questions he asked earlier. She slowly opened her eyes, snapping herself back to reality, and listened. The pegasus couldn't help but to give a light giggle at his joke, thinking it was humourous to her reasons why her favourite colour was blue. With an amused smile appearing back on her face, she spoke back up again.

"Nono, a-although that is a g-good reason why blue may be my f-favourite colour. I like the colour b-because it reminds me of the ocean... the way it s-shimmers when the s-sun hits it just right is absolutely breathtaking. Tranquillity to say the least. It reminds me that t-there's more to life than just c-c-cowering away from those who h-hurt you the most and you h-have to continue fighting for those worth fighting for... Especially those w-who you genuinely care for..."

She glanced to Dynamo mid-last sentence as if she was indicating who she cared for the most. It was so obvious, even a child could see it. Turning her attention back to the arcade, she continued to speak,

"I never r-really like to specify a-as I'm still unsure of w-what field to study within the e-engineering department. I'll let you k-know once I reached a conclusion on my decision. However, I think it's mostly b-because of anime t-that I want to give voice acting a t-try. From the l-looks of it, it seems f-fun and beneficial! N-Not to mention, you g-get to be your own character a-and voice them! Isn't that cool?"

The mare stopped talking as they finally arrive at Chipper's Horizon after their long walks and discussion of getting to know each other.

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Dynamo had thought he had felt a slight shake emanating from the tan pegasus mare. He couldn't say for sure, but he felt it could have been related to her siblings. More specifically Swift Mist and potentially Dew Moonlight. Trying to help sooth his crush, he slowly, yet gently rubbed her shoulder to give her reassurance. Since his arm was securely wrapped around her like a security blanket, he continued to rub her shoulder until she was feeling better. Along with pulling her closer to him to let her know that he wasn't going anywhere. Words didn't need to be said as Dynamo's actions were loud and clear. A smile cracks it's way through as he heard her angelic giggling once more. A clear sign that Coconut was starting to cheer up. The tinted blush he had before had suddenly returned in full force. As he listened intently to her words, he could feel his heartbeat quicken as if he had run a marathon. His eyes widening slightly as his face turned into a beetroot. If he had any doubt on who she liked, then there was little to no doubt anymore. Considering she had glanced to him from her mid-last sentence. 

"I-If you ask me, then I think it's the same thing. If I remind you of the ocean, then you remind me exactly of the sun. The tannish, yellow glow of the sun that provides rays of warmth. A brilliant light that casts away doubts of darkness and despair. Especially to give those who feel like they've lost so much a hope that they are not alone. To show that there are those out there who genuinely care for you, no matter what. It wasn't on my favorite lists of colors, but I think a beautiful tan is starting to become a favorite of mine now, too." Throughout the middle of his response, he glanced to Coconut as his blush starting to fade into his skin. A bit of a blush was still present as he conveyed his thoughts and feelings to the tan pegasus mare. If she was indicating to how she felt, then Dynamo would respond in kind. He knew he that he would tell her of his feelings tonight and not later. Whether she felt the same or not, he would make sure to let her know exactly how he felt about his crush.

"That's okay and there's no need to explain. I actually wasn't sure what kind of fields engineering could lead to, or if engineering is all one thing. I would say maybe there are sub categories or something along those lines, but I can't say for certain. Even so, I can understand. When it came to finding my talent, I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do either. Even when they ask you what your careers would be in high school. I honestly could never find an exact answer. I did, however, decide that maybe I'll try and make some games later down the line. That, or maybe do some game testing to find things wrong with the game to help improve upon it. In the meantime, I know I want to try and become a competitive gamer. I always liked the challenge of a game, as well as the challenge of competition." He explained, grinning at the reason behind her goal of voice acting. "I think I actually saw an anime of people trying to work in the voice acting industry. It does seem difficult at times depending on the role of voice, drawing or directing. However, I think it's definitely a lot of fun and worthwhile. Being able to voice characters to feel like said character is just like you said with ballet or cosplaying. Even when it feels like you're getting to experience the story through your own eyes as the character you voice."

After the stallion finished his explanation, he stopped and looked up to see the giant sign of Chipper's Horizon staring down at the couple. He sighed a soft smile as seeing this same exact sign made him feel nostalgic. Even after a year had passed, the sign hadn't changed one bit. A slight fade of color due to the weather outside, but it looked the same as it always had been. Unwrapping his arm from Coconut's shoulder, Dynamo took his first step forward towards the arcade. Placing his hand upon the door handle, he opened the door, before turning towards the tan pegasus. "After you, m'lady." He bowed, holding a hand out for her to enter said building. He knew it was a proper rule of holding the door open for a mare and Dynamo wanted to be a gentleman for his date/crush.

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@Dynamo Pad

For a moment or two, she felt her heart skip a beat or two from his response. Her visible eye had a small heart forming and her cheeks were now deepening in the colour red. Almost as if they're the same colour as blood or beetroot. Whichever it may be, Coconut felt like she had died and went to heaven. No one has ever described her in that form of fashion before or even compared her tanned skin to the sun. Especially from her crush nonetheless. The mare couldn't help herself but to squeeze into him a little bit as if she's giving him a sign of affection. It didn't last very long as she pulled away after the squeeze but she didn't let go of his waist for the remainder of the walk. Even if they were standing in front of the arcade.

Coconut shook the feelings away to try focus on the agenda for today's activities rather than oogle at Dynamo all day, which she would more than happy to if given the chance. She nodded, hearing him talk about what he wants to accomplish ever since achieving his cutie mark. Being a professional gamer sounds both challenging and yet fun. There was many things that Coconut wanted to try. For example: Voice acting, cosplaying, drawing, gaming and so on. Doing those types of occupations for a living would be a dream for Coconut as she would be doing something that she genuinely enjoyed rather than working at a 9 to 5 store. She couldn't help but to admire his passion and his enthusiasm for his goals and dreams, knowing that most men her age or older would be focused on their selfish desires and wants. For her, staying loyal to goals/ideas is a characteristic she finds in men very attractive. It makes her think they don't always think like complete morons. However, a key characteristic that gets her to fall for a man is definitely personality. Looks come a bit later but having a solid personality without any negatives is a huge plus in her books. Not to mention, Dynamo does fit that description to a T. Practically, she meets nearly all of her requirements for a boyfriend. There's still one last characteristic that she loves in men that she's hoping to see within Dynamo. That being a secret of course~

She completely nodded in agreement with voice acting, wondering if she has the potential to become a well known voice actress. Him linking the connection of ballet with voice acting got her agreeing even more as she completely forgot about her feelings. The heart in her eye disappeared, her grip on him became a little looser and her face no longer was the colour of beetroot. It is now the same colour as her skin. But with that comment, it felt like he earned some brownie points considering on how this pleased the mare.

"Yeah! In a way, b-ballet is connected with voice a-a-acting as it allows you to experience the s-story through the eyes of the c-character. You m-may not be yourself but being in s-someone else's shoes and i-imagining yourself f-fighting a dragon or going on a-adventures with friends sounds a-absolutely divine... That's a dream goal for me..."

When she had finished her sentence she glanced up and down the arcade to make sure it was still the same arcade she loved visiting nearly every week. Sure enough, it hasn't change a bit ever since the last time she visited the arcade. A kind smile appeared on her face as she was eager to meet the owner again after so long. Feeling Dynamo unwrap his arm around her shoulder made her a little down but she understood as she unwrapped her arm around his waist. She watched him approach the door and open it, gesturing her to walk in first. Being treated like diamond definitely has it's perks and she was enjoying herself a lot. She couldn't help but to give him a curtsy as a way to thank him as she walked into the building.

Immediately as she walked in, she was greeted by the familiar smell of corndogs coming from the food stands. This smell always got her craving corndogs every time she entered the arcade but sadly she had to resist them as she didn't have enough money at those times for food. Continuing on, arcade machines were lined across the walls of the building with their flashing lights and beckoning music. Even the old classics had flashing lights which would draw a customer in easily. Larger games like crane games or basketball shooting were mostly in the middle region, anticipating the customer to play. She could hear the sounds of arcade machines being used and children laughing in glee as they won a stuffed animal from a crane game near them. The entire room was dimly lit to enhance the feeling of a true arcade, but not too much where the children can't see entirely. There was also the area in which the Nightly Tournaments happens. The place Coconut loves to watch gamers compete each other and either succeed or lose trying. Thankfully there was no penalty losing but there was a huge prize if you won the tournaments. Four platinum TV screens were hooked up to the wall with every console the arcade had nearly organized on a table. There were consoles like the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox and a whole lot more. By Celestia's sake, there was even a VR headset near all the consoles. Thankfully, it was in a case that could only be accessed by the owner of the arcade.

Looking to her right was both a prize counter containing over thousands of prizes and labels telling the customer how much they costed each and also the main area in the entire arcade. Standing there was a suave light brown earth pony with a short yet scruffy, white mane with brown highlights. He had a sleek body type and was wearing his usual attire of a semi-formal tuxedo. That man right there was called Horizon Belt but he prefers the name Chip to appeal the younger youth.

He looked up from serving a young child to notice the two gamers walking in and a bright smirk appeared on his face as he knew immediately who the two ponies were.

"Well well well, if it isn't the legendary Kyubiki and LuckyStreak! I was beginning to miss your faces around here every night! Come come! Let us catch up after so long, I'm sure there's a lot you two are willing to tell me! Especially you, buttercup."

Coconut's eye widen to the size of dinner plates as she recognized that British tone of voice anyway and she came rushing up to Horizon, practically pulling him into a him after so long without seeing him. She had missed seeing him after so long and seeing his face again made her one of the most happiest mares in the entire arcade.

"It's been so long, Chip! I missed you so much!"

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Dynamo craned his neck slightly in both confusion, yet concern as he felt her grip loosen around his waist. It looked like some of the red had drained from her cheeks as her color had made it's triumphant return. He had wondered if it was something he had said, but the voices of worry were quickly silenced as he heard her response. It seemed that what he had remarked earlier had resonated with her heart. At the same time, it seemed that she too had felt the same way as she did. Eliciting a smile, he nodded wholeheartedly at her potential goal for the future. If one were to see him nod, it was as if his head would fall off of his shoulders. "I guess there are multiple things that can have a sort of connection towards one another. Whether it be ballet and voice acting, or even video games and cosplaying. As long as you're having fun and finding that passion to give you that drive, then you've truly found that dream goal. If you ask me, then I think you'll do great as a voice actress. No matter what goal you are aiming towards, then just know this. You've got my support and I've got your back. I know you have what it takes, Coco-chan." He smiled softly, a soft, yet strong look of reassurance was present in the warm, yet fiery glow that was his eyes.

As he held the door opened for his date to traverse, a soft smile was present as he saw his date bow. It was a bit difficult as he had his head lowered, but he raised his head albeit slightly to still have their eyes meet. Sure, he may have been over the top with his bow, but he still was being respectful. He found it absolutely adorable with how she returned the bow with a curtsy. Almost as if he was standing in the presence of a beautiful princess. Upon seeing her make her way into the building, the unicorn quickly walked in so as to not fall behind his crush. Once entering the establishment, the gaming stallion was bombarded with all the lights, sounds and games that one's senses and mind could handle. The scent of delicious arcade food, the ringing of arcade machines, the flashing lights of games being played. No matter what arcade it was, Dynamo always felt right at home. It had been a while since he had last been to this particular arcade, but he could see that some things were different. That being the platinum TV screens that were hooked up to the wall. Along with the numerous gaming consoles that were lined up to each TV set. He couldn't say for certain, but it had appeared that this could have been the Nightly Tournament section that Coco was talking about. He seemed to have recalled that there had been construction in the back, but he wondered if the area for the Nightly Tournaments were completed. If not, then was that section still under construction? Perhaps he could ask the owner of the arcade at some point.

Speaking of the arcade oner, Dynamo craned his neck until his eyes landed on their intended target. Towards his right, the unicorn had thought he had heard his gamer tag being mentioned. Along with hearing a familiar tone and accent that was nostalgic. Over by the counter, he could see a light brown earth pony, who had a white mane with brown highlights. A body fame that was sleek, while dressing up in a semi-formal attire, the blue unicorn smiled as Horizon Belt, or Chip had looked just like he had met him. He noticed Chip helping in attending to a child, while surrounded by a plethora of prizes among the prize counter. Labeled for each prize section, as well as the number of tickets and points in order to claim the intended prize. Ranging from cheap to almost impossible, this arcade had the air and feeling of challenging, but fair. Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling as Coconut had rushed over, before pulling the old stallion into a hug. He couldn't blame her as he would have done the same exact motions. Considering it had been a long time since he had seen Chip. Walking briskly, yet calmly over, he gathered the arcade owner's attention with a wave. "Hey, Chip! It's really been a long time since I last saw you. Glad to see you still recognize Coco-chan and I. What's been new and how have you been, old timer?" He asks, joking on the old timer nickname. Even though Chip had looked old in appearance. It was as if he hadn't aged a day since he had last seen the arcade owner.

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@Dynamo Pad

Chip couldn't help but to smile as the mare's arms wrap around his body and pulled herself close to the stallion. At first he took a step back to adjust himself from how sudden the embrace was from his old pupil (and frankly not to trip over and hurt himself against the shelves behind him), but he gave in to the mare's reunion embrace and wrapped his arms around her carefully as if he's being mindful of her wings. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, having flashbacks to when Coconut first entered the arcade looking so lost and afraid. He considered her a little buttercup who felt out of place from the others. Something about her resembled a buttercup to the old-timer. Perhaps her tan skin? Her demeanor? Or maybe her gaming abilities? He didn't want to spoil the surprise until it felt appropriate to share towards the two adults. Seeing Coconut mature into a young woman after teaching her all he knows both made the male proud yet concerned for her. However, now isn't the time to be focusing on old memories.

His ears perked up at the mention of the nickname 'old-timer', making him glance over at Dynamo. He couldn't help but to give Dynamo a playful disappointed look, rolling his eyes at his comment. Once the mare had let go of his body and looked over at her crush with a satisfied smile, he spoke up.

"Old timer, huh? It seems that all the regulars have dethroned me from 'Castle Crasher' to 'Old timer'. I'm not kicking the bucket nowhere soon."

He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck playfully as to indicate he was joking.  After letting his laughing session drag on for a few more seconds, he slowly came back to his senses to focus on the two adults in front of him. With a smirk, he continued to speak.

"Of course I recognize you two! Kinda hard to forget the first moment Buttercup battled against one of Pinball's pupils. That Pinball wouldn't accept just anyone that easily and his methods of gaming are far beyond anyone I've ever seen. You're a very lucky man to be taught by Pinball, Kyubiki."

Coconut tilted her head at the mention of Pinball, now curious on how he knew Dynamo's tutor. She was recommended meeting up with him three years ago through Chip's suggestion but she didn't have the confidence to meet Pinball at the time. If she could, she would've love to meet him if given the chance again. Such is the past. With the question still lingering in her mind, she spoke up to the old timer.

"How... How d-did you meet Pinball? O-Or at least know of him?"

The male turned to Coconut after she addressed the question of how him and Pinball Wizard met. He gave buttercup a nostalgic smile as he answered her question,

"That boy's arcade was very popular before mine climbed to power back in the day. He was the talk of the talk and I just so happened to visit Fillydelphia around that time as a young lad. He had everything a young child could ever want and was promising big and better each and every day. The more he would bring more content into his arcade, the more citizens would stay there for hours on end trying to complete said game in one sitting. He also had amazing skills when it came to playing games and would outsmart a few citizens to impress them. Of course, everyone would clap for him. It was because of him that inspired me to create this arcade in Canterlot where I can make so many people smile and enjoy the smaller things in life. He enjoyed the attention, the cheer on people's faces, the sounds of games being won... everything was thrilling to him."


Edited by VinylWubs
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Upon hearing Chip's remark, Dynamo had a wave of worry wash over him as he saw the disappointed look on the arcade owner's expression. He was quick to apologize, but stopped as he heard Chip radiating with laughter. The blue unicorn was hit with the hammer of realization as he soon understood that Chip was merely kidding with him. The satisfied smile further adding to the proof. "Well, it has been a while since I last saw you and this arcade. You seem to be sporting some more gray hair that before, but it's like nothing has changed, sir. I'm glad to see you doing well. I remember some ponies mentioning that you were the 'Castle Crasher'. Something about nobody could beat a high score that was set by the one and only 'Castle Crasher,' or that this place looks like a castle." He chuckled along with the earth pony stallion, a feeling of joy in his heart as he was thankful that Chip recognized the young couple. His eyes widening slightly to the size of small dinner plates, Dynamo was momentarily surprised as Pinball was brought up again. First by Coconut and now by Chip. He was about to ask how the arcade owner had known of his old teacher, but it seemed that the tan pegasus mare had read his thoughts.

"I was about to ask that as I remember Coco-chan mentioning that to me. I've been Mr. Pinball's student for a couple years, but he never mentioned anything about you or of this arcade." He wondered if their meeting was fairly recent, or if Pinball was keeping things from the gaming unicorn. His thoughts were cut short as his eyes took note of the nostalgic smile gracing Chip's facial features. As if he had traveled to the past to relieve a sort of glory day. As he listened intently, Dynamo was intrigued with how Chip had called Pinball by 'that boy'. Maybe the first time they had met was years ago in the past. Even listening to the recounting tale of their meeting, Dynamo smiled softly as Chip's recollection of Pinball was true based on his teacher's personality. "It seems like you two had met years ago as Mr. Pinball seems a bit older when I first met him. His arcade has definitely grown with content in the arcade from the multiple consoles and arcade machines. It never had that many big TV's like your's has now, but it still had it's charms. You're also not wrong, sir. He showed me just about everything he knew when it came to games. Some of the skills he showed to others or those that challenged him were mind boggling. It was like he was giving a performance to please the crowd. Almost like he wanted to gain their interest in stopping by and enjoying any and all games that were available to the public. He never asked for much, but the attention, the joy from others and games in general? To him, it was the simple things like that made life worth living." He recalled Pinball saying the same thing on what was thrilling to his teacher. Yet, it was more of a watered down version compared to what Chip had explained to the couple.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, sir. If not, then I hope it's okay for me to ask you, Coco-chan." He looked between his crush and the arcade owner, while trying to gain his crush's attention. "How did you two happen to meet each other? I was just wondering as Chip had called you 'Buttercup' just now. I also think he called you that during the time we played against each other about a year ago." He says, his memory of that day had slowly begun returning to him.

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@Dynamo Pad

Both Coconut and Chip glanced over at each other, remembering how their lives collided into this student-teacher relationship and how Chip called the girl 'Buttercup'. He smirked at the mare, receiving a smile from the mare, as he turn towards the unicorn waiting in anticipation. He rested his arms against the counter to support his weight as he started to explain the turn of events of the duo.

"How I met Buttercup? Bah... that takes me back a few years ago where the nightly tournaments were all the rage within young fresh minds like you two. It was around 5pm where I originally started the night tournaments. The usual 5pm crowd of young children, adults and veterans came rushing in, eagerly awaiting the game of the night. Conveniently, the game was Mario Kart 8. I've never seen the crowd get so enthusiastic about a game before! Especially one from the Nintendo franchise. However, there was a catch with that tournament. Whoever could get the most amount of first place placings at 200CC can become my pupil to learn my secrets of success. But they had to play through the entire grand prix through the set rules of the multiplayer. I still remember the rules. They were: Shells only, Karts only, the courses were in order, no bots allowed and 24 races. Do you still remember that, Buttercup?"

He turned towards the mare who just frowned and groaned in remembrance from the tough rules. She shook her head to try forget those stupid rules from those years ago as she looked over at her teacher.

"Please... that was a n-nightmare..."

He chuckled in amusement, placing a caring hand on her sunken shoulders and lightly patting it for reassurance. The man then continued on his story,

"My apologies. Anyways, the race was on and everyone there was wanting the glorious grand prize of being my pupil. There were many wins, many losses, a lot of rage and complaining but importantly, there was bets on who would win in total. At first it was a free for all, then shrunk to 100, then 50, 36, 21, 10 and finally top 5. Funny enough, Buttercup was in the top 5 to become my pupil. She was very talented at Mario Kart 8 and not once did I see her whine, rage or cheer. She had a poker face while she raced to become first place. She had one of the fewest losses out of the top five and I was very impressed at her skills. At that moment, I was determined on making her my pupil. But there was one thing I didn't realize until after the tournament, which will come later. Anyhow, the top five was now the top three with an arrogant yet cocky unicorn who wasn't happy that a girl got into the top three with him and also a very skillful earth pony that had the highest amount of points out of the two. You couldn't have imagined how wild the crowd got, bets going wild. Eventually all things came to an end and the arrogant unicorn won with a total of 20 wins. Coconut had 19 wins. But something didn't feel right with him... Something felt wrong and I just had to come investigate. So I proposed a challenge to end the tournament night. The top three has to race against me with those conditions set in place PLUS they had to race on four tracks I chose. Well.. in the end, all three competitors lost due to the inexperience of the tracks and the unicorn was cheating by using a hacked controller that guaranteed his wins no matter what. Ha... when I found out, he was immediately disqualified. Which brings the winner title to Buttercup here."

Coconut rubbed the back of her neck with her left hand awkwardly, laughing bashfully as she nodded in agreement with Chip. Lowering her hand down from her neck, she glanced back over to her crush and spoke up (as if it was her turn to continue the story).

"After I had won the tournament and I was crowned the Queen of Mario Kart 8, Horizon took me in as his p-pupil and taught me over 100+ games with different techniques that almost guaranteed a win in that specific game. There was always one game that I always s-struggled with a-a-and that's the game you and I m-met playing at... Naruto Storm. D-Did you know LuckyStreak w-was inspired after my streak of 19 wins i-in Mario Kart 8? Ever since then, I loved that n-name and wanted to go by that gamertag. But if you're w-wondering why he calls me Buttercup, i-it's because I r-reminded him of his sister whose also called Buttercup... She e-even was a yellow pegasus! But sadly s-she passed away through illness... and I guess in a way... I remind h-him of his b-baby sister...


... Sorry for b-bringing up your sister, Chip. I k-know it hurts you to t-think about her... passing."

He shook his head gently with a sorrowful smile as he patted her on the shoulder again. While it did hurt him to think about Buttercup's passing, he was willing to pass on her legacy that she gave him before she passed. What was the legacy? He doesn't even want to say yet, it's too soon.

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Blinking in confusion, Dynamo stared helplessly as Coconut and Chip had glanced at each other. Almost as if they were speaking to each other in their mind, before witnessing a smirk from the arcade owner. Upon listening to his tale, the gaming unicorn replicated Chip's leaning position. Resting his elbows on the counter, while his chin rested in his hands. Dynamo had soon learned that they had each other a few years back. He smiled happily, learning that nightly tournaments were still a thing even from a few years ago. He was brought out of the story/memory as his ears perked from the sudden remark from his crush. Glancing over, he frowned as he felt he could sense that same sense of dread from what Chip had retold them. "I don't blame you for not wanting to remember something like that. I've seen videos and even played Mario Kart with a mode like that on. Shells only results in multiple red shells and the dreaded blue shell. Especially if you don't have that horn to get rid of said blue shell. I'd probably lose my mind with having to go through that many races in a tournament. It sounds like fun, but it sounds like a challenge of concentration and will to not lose it." He explained, reaching over as he rested his hand upon her. Repositioning his free elbow as he gently rubbed her knuckles with his thumb to try and console her.

Chip soon continued his story, Dynamo flashed Coconut a smile. Showing that he was proud of her for not raging, but also keeping calm under pressure. He even gave a whistle in showing he was impressed that she had made the top five. Especially getting a nineteen win streak when competing in said tournament. A curious eyebrow was soon raised upon learning that a unicorn, who was arrogant had made it to the finals. A low growl could be heard from Dynamo as his throat vibrated in both anger and annoyance upon learning of the unicorn's cheating. He gave a brief huff, shaking his head as he tried to not let anger to take hold. Considering that he learned that Coconut had been accepted as Chip's student as he smiled at her success. "I like how you changed things up, in the end, Chip. I guess you had that feeling and you wanted to make sure. Since the others didn't know of the tracks you chose at the time, then you could have an idea of what was going on since you were familiar with everything. That unicorn you mentioned did seem familiar as I was dealing with someone just the other day, who also had a hacked controller. I'm not sure how or why those controllers are a thing, but it takes away the skill or talent a gamer works towards."

Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling alongside the tan pegasus mare. Just seeing her laughing and being happy was a joy to him. He hoped that if he could confess to her, then he could try and give her that same happiness she was radiating. Soon, however, her laughter faded as she took over the storytelling. His eyes almost bugged out of his head as Coconut mentioned being taught over a hundred games. "I can relate to that as Mr. Pinball put me through something similar. I played so many games and had to learn a lot that it felt like my mind was about to go into an overload." He chuckled, shaking his head with a soft smile. "I managed to figure out how to retain the information a bit better, but it still wasn't easy. Even then, I'm glad that Mr. Pinball didn't give up on me. I especially like how you got your gamertag as it shows a special moment, in a way. It's sort of the same way for when I got my gamertag. The next time I was at the arcade and was offered in being Mr. Pinball's pupil, I remember him calling me Kyubiki Tenchu. Since he knew I liked the Naruto series, Kyubiki is sort of related to that. However, he told me that it was how he saw a pony without a cutie mark at that time had showed true prowess and courage to take on something like a game. Especially, if it was because of dealing with a bunch of bullies. So, he said that the meaning of Kyubiki Tenchu was 'Hidden Strength'." Dynamo smiled, before the smile slowly faded into nothingness.

Learning that the meaning of Coconut being called Buttercup was because of Chip losing his sister through illness. He had never known that Chip had a sister, but he could see it now with how he and Coconut interacted. To the two, it was like there was a sense of family between the earth pony and pegasus. It hurt his heart that he had brought up a sensitive subject that was unknown, until now. The unicorn felt the same as he truly cared for Console. "C-Chip...I-I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was such a delicate subject to bring up. I have a sister that means a whole lot to me and I'd hate to have anything happen to her. Again, I'm really sorry, sir." He gave the arcade owner an apologetic look, before wrapping an arm around Coconut's shoulder. Effectively pulling her close towards him as he leaned off of the counter and gave the mare a hug. 


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@Dynamo Pad

Chip turned his attention towards the apologetic unicorn who shared the same feelings as Coconut back then. He closed his eyes very briefly, shaking his head very gently yet again and looked up back at Dynamo. The feelings of grief and pity were long gone for him but the memories of his beloved sister still remained close to his heart, as if she was still breathing in his eyes. Even though she was 6 feet under, he was determined to not let his sister down and Coconut was the male's biggest chance of proving his worth to her. Brushing off a bit off dust off his clothes, he spoke up to the male who had brought the woman into a close hug.

"Oh no, it's quite alright. It was a long time ago, way before I opened the arcade in Canterlot. She had problems with her immune system and was bedridden for the majority of her life, it was only fate that she would eventually pass away peacefully. But she was a special character, she was. That mare always loved to entertain everyone around her through her unique sense of humour and her ability to make anyone smile. There never was a day in her life in which she wasn't smiling and acting like every other woman on this planet. Even on days in which she felt so much pain because of her body. But that damn mare, hah... she put up such a fight to continue smiling to comfort us, to tell us that she wasn't backing down from her illness. She refused to believe that giving up was an option. Her bravery and courage to fight something that would eventually kill her gave me courage to never back down from challenges in life because... she believed there was a good side after every obstacle, a light at the end of the tunnel in a sense."

He reached into his trouser pocket and grabbed something, taking his hand out and opening it to the couple to discover. What he showed the couple was a small, yellow, chubby star with two small eyes and that particular star was reaching out to the couple happily. Letting them get a proper look at the item, he started to toy with it more as he continue to speak.

"This right here is a Luma pin, my sister's favourite pin she would love to wear every day. I presume you two know of the game 'Super Mario Galaxy', correct?"

Coconut nodded to his response, remembering the old game from her childhood and how she would spend so much time travelling to different planets to collect stars and meet Lumas. Not to mention, that's where she met her current favourite princess of the entire Mario Franchise: Princess Rosalina. Bringing a hand to gently rest on Dynamo's chest for comfort and leaning on said hand, she replied.

"That game is a b-beautiful game! It was an all time c-classic growing up as a young g-girl. I don't s-suppose your sister likes L-Lumas just because of their appearance, Chip?"

He shook his head to her question as he set the pin down on the counter face up. While the lumas' appearance was indeed adorable, that wasn't exactly the reason why his sister liked the pin nor the reason why he kept it safe in his pocket. Fighting back the urge of tears, he gave her a smile while responding back to her question.

"No, but the appearance is quite adorable. That was only one of her many reasons why she wanted the pin. You see, when my sister was playing the game, she came across a segment of the game she loved to pieces and would purposefully go back to listen to that segment again... and again. What I'm talking about is Princess Rosalina's story, how she became a mother to all the lumas and how she left everything behind to take care of them. She loved the story so much that I remember her telling me she wanted to be a Luma herself. Her reason being that when she passes on, she wanted to become a star that makes someone special smile. Her own star called the 'Buttercup star'. I remember trying to laugh it off, saying that's a cheesy way to say about death but that mare kept true to her promise..."

His voice lowered to a very soft yet sorrowful tone and his worn out eyes were now fixated onto the Luma pin instead of the couple. His expression couldn't even be read from their position as he continued to talk.

"Even at her death bed... She said that same desire to me again and handed me that Luma pin, telling me to always take care of it and she'll visit Earth among the other stars and maybe Rosalina if she's lucky. She... sent us off with one last smile, telling all of us that she will be watching over us from space and she doesn't want to see her death as a goodbye... More of a 'see you later' she said. Then as my mother held her in her arms, she... ... she stopped breathing for the last time. T-That-... That's when her desire came t-true... and she turned into the m-most grand star of t-the entire galaxy... It's only b-been 20 years s-since my sister passed b-but... Still remembering it g-gives me bad memories... I c-can't even go to her grave properly w-without tearing up. Some b-brother I am, huh? H-Hahah..."

His eyes were watering at the remembrance of her death and how her desire to become a star became true, at least in her eyes. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he tried to wipe them away using a hanky from his jacket pocket. His voice got lower in tone as he tried to make sure the counter didn't have any tears drops from his crying. Unfortunately there were a few that he tried to cover up using his arm.

Coconut, from listening to the tragic story of his sister's death, began tearing up herself as she let go of Dynamo to lean over the counter and bring the crying male into a tight embrace. She rubbed his back in circles very gently as she couldn't even find the words to even describe how she felt after hearing a tragic story. What could she even say? There was nothing in her head that could be said to try brighten the conversation back up.

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Dynamo's eyes trailed over towards Chip, who had been brushing off his clothes with his hands. From what Dynamo could imagine, the arcade owner was getting rid of any dust that littered his clothing. It was further proven to be fact as he could see dust flying off into the air around the trio. The blue unicorn was relieved to discover a gentle smile making it's appearance on Chip's facial features. Along with a shake of his head in response to Dynamo's earlier apology. He gave a thankful, but brief sigh of relief in realizing that his question hadn't brought any issue. He soon listened intently as Chip had gone into his memories to recount the tale of him and his sister, Buttercup. His lips parted slightly in worry to where you could see his teeth disengage from one another. As if he was about to speak his concerns, but held his tongue. Eventually, he managed to find his voice, before seeing Chip dig into his pants pocket. His hand clenched into a fist as it seemed he had found the item that he was searching for. Upon unclenching said fist, Dynamo soon looked at what appeared to be a star. The star itself was a bit chubby in appearance, while have two small, rectangular eyes. Nearly a second of looking at the star, Dynamo gasped as his eyes widened slightly to the size of dinner plates. "I remember that game. It was a while after the Super Mario Sunshine in regards to main Mario titles. The moment I got Galaxy, I got to playing it right away. It was one of those games that I was so addicted to playing that I just couldn't put it down. With the multiple types of levels, challenges and characters you meet. It was simply a masterpiece, in my opinion." He explained, feeling nostalgic as he recalled playing said game when discovering his cutie mark. 

Dynamo began to wonder how the Luma had played a part in all of this. Upon discovering that Buttercup had loved Luma's, it was revealed that the pin was once hers. Feeling slightly confused at first as to why Chip had the pin, Dynamo had grown quiet as he listened to what Chip had to tell the two. Going into detail of the story Rosalina had read to the Luma's, Dynamo had remembered that moment vividly. It was only achieved through getting a certain requirement of stars. Along with completing certain objectives in the story in order to receive more chapters. The unicorn even remembered reading the story from start to finish upon discovering that hidden detail. Listening to her sister's fate, as well as it all eventually leading up to her passing. Dynamo felt as if his heart had momentarily stop. His legs shaking slightly as if he was about to lose his balance. Thankfully, the counter was there for him to lean against to catch his balance. He felt Coconut let go of him as she leaned over to hug and comfort Chip. He understood as Chip's choked sobs were a pain to Dynamo's heart. He even felt tears were welling up in his eyes. He had never experienced the meaning of loss, but he felt he could understand what Chip had gone through.

As Coconut continued to comfort Chip, Dynamo tried to think of something. Anything that could try and help brighten up the conversation, or to give Chip some form of comfort/reassurance. He tried to think back to the conversation that had just been told to the young couple. Trying to think if there was something that he was missing, or if there was some hidden meaning. It was then that Dynamo gasped in both shock and realization dawning upon him. Standing up straight as if some unknown force had pulled him away from the counter. "That's not true, Chip." He started, trying to get both Coconut's and the arcade owner's attention. "You shouldn't say that about yourself. I understand that what you told us still gives you bad memories, but there's something that you missed." He felt his body tense and shake slightly as the emotions and anxiety were getting to him. He wasn't much of a public speaker or one to speak his mind on topics or subjects, but he still pressed on. "You said that she wanted to become a star that makes someone special to smile. I think she did the moment that she was gone and as her desire came true. You told us that she didn't even want to consider her passing as a goodbye, but more of a 'see you later.' That's because when it becomes night, the stars appear one by one that light up the sky. I think her way of seeing you later is because she's not truly gone. She's up there among the stars as her own grand star. Waiting for those that she considers important to her to look up at the night sky. To let her and those know that she's still here, as well as she's still watching over those who are important to her." He explained, placing a comforting hoof upon Chip's shoulder, while catching his breath as he started to continue once more.

"I think that someone special is you, Chip. Even with all her complications, even through all the pain and possible suffering. She still continued to smile, while making others smile and to not have them worry. I can even imagine that you were there with her every step of the way. It goes to show how important the both of you were to each other. That really goes to show how strong of a pony she truly was. I can only guess that you couldn't go to her grave properly because you felt bad for laughing off her desire to be a Luma herself. However, she gave you that pin for a reason, sir. She wanted to let you know that the pin represents her and that she's still in the night sky watching over you. Whether it be the daytime or nighttime, she's always with you. She wouldn't want you to put yourself through all of this suffering for twenty years. She would want you to find peace and acceptance, while knowing it's okay to be sad and that it's okay to move on and remember the good times. So, please. Don't beat yourself up, sir. I know Buttercup still loves and cares about you. I know it might be a bit of a stretch, but maybe we can also ask Princess Luna. She's the one that raises the moon and watches over dreams and stars. Maybe she can tell that there's a special star in the sky that might be like Buttercup." He knew it might not be possibly, but he still wanted to help Chip in any way that he could.

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@Dynamo Pad

Coconut still continued to hold the arcade owner in her now shaking arms with a very sorrowful frown upon her face. Hearing his choked sobs upon his shoulder ultimately broke her heart in the worst ways possible. She could only close her eyes with guilt, now strengthening the hug with all of the strength she can muster. Losing a sibling to an illness must be heartbreaking and not that easy to forget no matter how long time goes on. She wished she could understand how he's feeling so she could at least understand his feelings but with all of her siblings alive, it was a bit hard to understand the feeling of grief. It upset her even more but that didn't let her take her mind off Chip's current situation.

Suddenly hearing Dynamo's voice rung out with such confidence and back away from the counter frightened the mare, making her jump a little as she wasn't expecting that tone of attitude from her crush. Especially for a very sensitive topic. Her attention turned away from the upset arcade owner to Dynamo as she moved her arms away from a loving embrace to a single arm wrapped around his shoulder.

Eventually, Chip's heartbreaking sobs and light gasps quietened down both in tone and volume to listen to Dynamo's explanation. While listening to his comforting words and how his sister won't be completely gone from Equestria but apart of something grand made the male start to rest his worries he kept for a long time. He glanced back down to the Luma pin he kept safe for a certain period of time, reflecting on the events that happened throughout his entire life. Losing his sister, traveling all across Equestria to find inspiration, discovering Pinball's arcade, opening an arcade in Canterlot and making ponies happy throughout his successful business... His life has been not very eventful but definitely a large journey to where he is today. Despite his sorrowful expression, from their perspectives they could've swore they saw a tired smile forming on his face. Looking back up at the unicorn who placed a hand on his shoulder and the pegasus who still had her arm wrapped around his shoulder, he brought up a hanky up to his eyes to wipe his remaining tears away. He shook his head with a light chuckle, speaking up after Dynamo had finishing speaking.

"Bah.. You don't need to bother the princess just because of my sister whose long gone is now a star in the star. It's highly appreciative, believe me, but I don't think I'm ready yet to involve royalty over death. I'm getting old with age, physically and mentally. I should be focusing on making my sister's life more significant and making ponies happy rather being selfish to worry over my sister's death. I must apologize humbly for getting you two involved with my own personal life and hearing me out for so long. You two have a whole life ahead of you, many things to discover, many challenges to overcome and so much more. You don't need a word of an old man to tell you what to do with your life. For all I know, I could be facing ageism and losing my marbles already."

He chuckled more, turning to face Coconut first. From his eyes, it looked quite serious but yet caring. As if he's giving his final advice to her before surrendering his title of teacher to her.

"Butter- Nay, Coconut. You've been through a lot as my student and I can't even explain how much you've changed an old man's heart through our time together. There's something I must tell you... it's important that you keep it secret. It's about my sister's legacy. You see..."

Covering his hands around his mouth and her ear, the male began to whisper into Coconut's ear. Throughout the entire time he was whispering into her ear, her expression changed from a calm to a very shocked and surprised one. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The mare so desperately wanted to tell Dynamo what he told her but she knew that it was a secret and this secret wanted to remain hush hush between the earth pony and the pegasus. Near the end of his whisper, she began to nod solemnly and started to understand mostly everything from his secret. Once he pulled away from her ear, he gave the pegasus a solemn smile before glancing over to the unicorn.

"Thank you for your wise words, Kyubiki. You're very wise for a young man, intelligent as well. You remind me of myself as a young boy, frankly. It's funny really. But words can not tell you how much I appreciate you and Coconut's words. If I were to blunt, it seems like you two were dating from how close you two were."

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Dynamo had blinked a couple of times in confusion, while adding a tilt to his head as something hadn't added up. He felt what he had said had hopefully helped Chip in his hour of need, but he didn't expect to hear an eruption of laughter from the arcade owner. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he swore he could have seen a tiny, yet tired smile from the elderly stallion. Readjusting his position, he listened in as their earlier talk had seemed to have broken through to the elderly earth pony. "I know Master Luna might not have that kind of power, but even so. I guess it's just wishful thinking and that I want to help. If there's one thing I just can't do, then it's to just abandon a friend, you know? Please don't apologize, sir. I'm glad you were able to tell us about what happened over the years. I think it's better to talk about things instead of having to bottle it all up. Also, what are you talking about? You look like you haven't aged a day. You're still looking sharp, Chip. You just need to keep your marbles in a bag and make sure not to drop them or trip." He chuckled as he tried to reassure the arcade owner, but to also lighten the mood. Even though he had never experienced loss, Dynamo had felt he could understand Chip, in a way. He wouldn't know what to do if he ever lost his sister, Console. Just the thought of it was like a unbearable pain in his heart. Hearing his words of wisdom had sparked something in Dynamo's heart and soul. Chip was right in that both he and Coconut had their lives ahead of them. They had their goals, or searching for the future they were fighting for. It was all the more reason as to why he would ask the tan pegasus mare out sooner rather than later.

Taking notice of Chip's expression in his eyes, Dynamo had raised a curious eyebrow in concern, yet wonder. He glanced over to see the elderly stallion had been whispering into the tan mare's ear. He recalled Chip mentioning that Coconut had managed to change Chip as a student, while having to tell her something about Buttercup's legacy. He truly wished that he could learn of that legacy. Given with how Chip covered up his mouth and her ear with his hands, Dynamo felt closed off from the world. He had to understand that maybe this was something that he wasn't meant to know of at the time. Considering that Chip and Coconut had known of each other with her time being in Canterlot. Maybe in time, he would learn of this legacy, as well. In the meantime, he had to know that there were things that were out of one's reach. As their conversation ended, Dynamo watched as the arcade owner turned his attention to the blue unicorn. He couldn't help in blushing slightly at his gratitude, while Dynamo shook his head. Along with a small smile gracing his lips. "Y-You're welcome Chip, but there's really no need to thank me. To be honest, I'm just glad that I could help out in any way that I could." Dynamo's blush deepened from Chip's assumption of him and Coconut dating. His cheeks turning from blue, to light pink, to beet red. While he wanted to tell Chip that he and Coconut were just friends, he also didn't want to deny his claim. "O-Oh? Do you really think we'd make a great couple, sir?" He glanced over to Coconut, while taking notice of how close the two were. From their position, their shoulders were just about next to each other. Had they always been that close to one another? He wasn't entirely sure, but he wouldn't complain, either. With everything that had happened recently, the blue unicorn knew for sure that he enjoyed his crush's company.

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@Dynamo Pad

A light smirk was slowly appearing on the earth's pony face from the unicorn's reaction/response to his statement. From the view Chip was seeing them, Coconut and Dynamo were nearly shoulder to shoulder and glancing down were their hands interlocked. On one hand, he got a little suspicious of their behaviour entering the arcade since most ponies wouldn't act so cutesy nor hold hands for long durations at a time. He assumed the mare had gotten herself a boyfriend. However, on the other, he didn't expect the two to not be dating and just remain "friends" for the most part. If not friends, then close friends at best. Earlier, he saw the mare rest her head upon Dynamo's chest while he continued to talk to them. Not many friends would just accept this kind of gesture and see it as a romantic gesture. Hand holding and that action confirmed his suspicions of them potentially becoming a couple but seeing how they are still within the "friendzone" would need to change for the better. Glancing over to the pegasus who had an admiring look towards the unicorn, he cleared her throat to catch her attention with an idea in mind. He spoke up to the mare,

"Hey, Coconut? Mind if I talk to Dynamo alone for a little bit? It's a guy thing that he needs to understand."

Coconut got a little confused by his wording at first, tilting her head in confusion before reality set in and giving Chip a gentle nod. If it was something related to Dynamo's gaming technique, then sure she would curious but she understood privacy is a thing. Whatever it is, she understood and gave Dynamo a caring smile. She let go of his hand hesitantly and spoke up to him.

"If you need me, I'll be near the M-Mario Kart arcade g-game... have fun!"

Giving the unicorn a quick kiss on the cheek, she wandered off to the arcade games while the male wrapped an arm around him and gave him a smirk.

"She's giving you the obvious signs! Head resting upon your chest, hand holding, signs of affection upon the cheek... She's eager to have you as her boyfriend, Kyubiki. I'm surprised you haven't taken advantage of it yet. You need to make up your mind on when you're going to tell her or you'll lose a pretty face like her to other men in Equestria. Many men would kill to have a girlfriend with a gentle personality, cute looks and her gaming abilities are a bonus. If I were you, I would confess to her either tonight or tomorrow. If you don't tell her how you feel about her, then you might as well kiss her goodbye. From your actions between each other, I don't think you would want her being with another man or multiple men if she's unlucky."

He adviced the younger unicorn in a quiet tone of voice so Coconut wouldn't be able to hear from where she was positioned. It was as if he saw the red string of fate tied between the two of them and it was clear as day that they had romantic feelings for each other. If Dynamo couldn't see it then there's something seriously wrong with him.

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As he took note of how much space, or lack there of between the young couple, Dynamo's eyes glanced over towards Coconut's. He wasn't entirely sure if it was something he had said from before, but he still smiled at the tan pegasus mare. He couldn't explain why, but he felt as if he could get lost in her eyes. Jumping slightly from Chip's ringing voice, the gaming unicorn was pulled out of his thoughts as his eyes quickly glanced back to the arcade owner. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, he was still curious as Chip wanted to speak with him alone. Had he done something or said something wrong? Did he forget something from the last time he had met Coconut and Chip at this particular arcade? He wasn't entirely sure, but he guessed that he would find out soon enough. Dynamo had flashed a ghostly frown as he felt his hand slip away from hers. To him, it almost seemed like a piece of a puzzle was ripped away. He'd even be lying if he said he didn't like having her hand in his. The flash of a frown was soon replaced with a calm, yet understanding smile. Nodding as their separation would only be temporary. "I'll try to have fun chatting with Chip. I'll be back soon, so hold a spot for me at the Mario Kart game. I owe you race." He flashed her a wink, before blushing brightly like a Christmas tree as Coco pecked him on the cheek. His eyes shrank to the size of a pea in shock as to what had just transpired.

The gaming unicorn felt himself turn into a statue as he could only helplessly watch Coconut walk away. Moving like a mechanical machine, Dynamo's hand trailed up to where she had kissed him. He could even feel his heart kicking into overdrive, while not noticing an arm wrap around his shoulder like a snake about to strike it's prey. In a flash, Dynamo was nearly pulled over the counter, while taking notice that it was Chip who had wrapped said arm around his shoulder. He was about to ask why, but he stayed quiet as he too note of Chip's knowing smirk. Listening to Chip's words of wisdom, Dynamo's jaw unhinged as it slowly lowed like a drawbridge. Glancing slowly to where Coconut had gone off to, before looking back at Chip, who's smirk had never left his face. Looking back, both Coconut and he had been really close to one another. Rushing to one another when danger approached, the hugs, the words of comfort. Even the hand holding, resting her head against his chest and even the kiss. If these weren't a sign that she had feelings for him, then he wasn't sure what was. With a long and winded sigh, Dynamo looked back up to Chip with a look that spelled defeat. "Was it really that obvious?" He asked, his hands moving towards one another as they interlocked. Twiddling his thumbs as the blush never truly went away. 

"I mean, we've had moments like this when we met yesterday. Even after that, we met up today and it's been the same thing. I won't lie to you about this sir. I-I...I l-like Coco-chan..." He made sure to keep all of this conversation as low as a whisper. So, as to not to alert Coconut, or the other gamer's that were among the arcade. Dynamo couldn't help in shivering as if the temperature in the building had just gone down. The mention of Coconut being with someone else didn't sit right with him. Hearing Chip mention all of the tan mare's strong points just made the unicorn fall more and more in love with her. However, he was still worried. "I-I get what you are saying, sir. I-It's just that...w-what if she doesn't like me? I mean, I don't know if she has a boyfriend or anyone waiting back home for her. That, and I-I guess I'm just s-scared..." The last words he spoke were almost nonexistent. As if they weren't uttered at all, but it would be enough for Chip to hear. Dynamo lowered his gaze away from Chip that his mane covered his eyes. "S-Something had happened a few years ago when I was in school. I had dated someone before, but they used me and told me that I never meant anything to them. That they never loved me. I almost wanted to give up on love and a relationship altogether, but M-Mr. Pinball tried to tell me otherwise. I don't think C-Coco-chan would do something like that, but I-I'm afraid to get hurt again. I-I don't know what to do, sir." He felt his lips quiver as he tried to bite said lower lip to stop himself from panicking.

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@Dynamo Pad

Chip's confident yet helpful smirk turned into a calmer and supportive smile as he let his arm unwrap around Dynamo, now replacing it with a comforting hand on his shoulder. He could see the worry in Dynamo's eyes, the fear of being hurt and also losing Coconut to someone else. That kind of feeling made Chip more determined to help the desperate male in need and he's glad he lowered his guard to admit his confirmation of liking the tan pegasus. His eyes trailed over to the mare who was now talking to a young child who was struggling with Mario Kart and boy... he couldn't help but to think how lucky of a guy Dynamo was to be if he confessed to Coconut and make her his girlfriend. But before they could even touch that stage with a 10 feet pole, the first steps were to confront him on his worries of getting hurt or being abused by her. Looking back to the male, Chip started to tackle his issues:

"Being used as a child in terms of dating would be very heartbreaking, nearly traumatising. But you can't think with that mentality and stray yourself away from romantic relationships forever. It would turn from a sad memory into a voice inside your head telling yourself to never open yourself up to any mares that ain't family. That's surely something you don't want to deal with for the rest of your life. As I mentioned before, you have a whole entire life ahead of you and there are many challenges that will try to prevent you from achieving your main goal. Getting over your fear of being hurt is one of many obstacles. Love doesn't come easy for anyone, even if people say it does to them. There will be trials and tribulations to overcome, some obstacles to avoid and some hurdles to jump over to finally achieve peace. Now look at Coconut, your crush. Does she seem like the kind of person to use you in any way necessary? To harm you until you can't stand anymore? Or is she the kind to run to your side when you get hurt, to worry about your health and making sure you don't go a day without smiling? In my view, she is too kind and gentle of a mare to hurt anyone she cares about. I mean, look at her now."

He pointed over to where the mare was, seeing her helping the child out with some advanced yet simple techniques. The child was so busy concentrating on his driving and moves that he didn't realise that he had won first place in the race. He couldn't believe it. The child got so ecstatic that he pulled Coconut into a relieved hug with a smile from ear to ear. Coconut got a little startled from the unexpected hug but she didn't complain. She, in return, wrapped her arms around the child and gave him both words of praise and a proud smile. Like a student to teacher relationship. Chip couldn't help but to smile at Coconut's generosity and kind guide to help that child that it even reinforced his point about her even more. Lowering his hand down and turning back to Dynamo, he continued to speak.

"Look at how she made that young child smile. Would an abusive and manipulative person help a child? Or would they make the child lose confidence in the game he's playing? Because what I'm seeing is a kind, gentle, caring, selfless, helpful and independent mare whose willing to share a life with the person she trusts the most. You, Dynamo Pad. I've never seen Coconut so happy with anyone else before and seeing how much she cares about you makes me happy that she's opening herself up to you. The only thing left to do is to whether believe my words and finally confess or not believe anything I said and continue to live in fear of being hurt. Whatever you chose is your choice. But if I were to be frank, Coconut would love to have you as her eternal partner. What do you say, Dynamo? Still believe in your childhood fears or are you willing to overtake them to win her heart?"

He glanced back to the mare again who was now pointing at different karts on the screen and telling the child which one would be more suitable to drive in, considering his skills at Mario Kart. The child was practically learning so much that he started to address her with 'Coco-Sensei' which made the mare both surprised yet happy. Chip knew he raised the right mare and was proud of her accomplishments of now becoming the teacher.

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Dynamo slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, before slowly exhaling through his nose. He felt embarrassed to admit such a childish reason for a fear, but he knew he wouldn't hide it for long. Pinball could tell from a mile away and it seemed that Chip understood, as well. Whether it was because he was easy to read or if it constantly happened to others. To Dynamo, he honestly couldn't say for sure. His eyes flew open as he felt the snaked arm turned into a comforting hand upon his shoulder. Looking up, his eyes were finally revealed through the tangled mess that was his mane as his gaze locked into Chip's. He listened closely as Chip tacked the issue like he wielded a pick-axe. Cracking away at each piece, before finally uncovering the issue at hand. Dynamo blinked as he began to hang off of every word that he was being told. All the while, following the hoof that pointed out to Coconut, who had been helping out a young child at playing Mario Kart. The gaming unicorn stared at the lovely scene as she looked very patient, while understanding at the same time. From the sound of the game, it seemed as if the child had won the race. Time seemed to have stopped for the child, before reality had caught up to the young colt. Dynamo's expression morphed into a warm, caring smile as he laughed at the scene before him. He couldn't blame the tan mare for being caught off guard, but he found her expressions to be cute. From what Dynamo saw, it looked like Coconut was quite the teacher. It seemed that as time passed, the student had now become the teacher. Just like when he was told by Pinball that he had nothing left to be taught.

The next generation was now beginning to rise up to take what the previous generation had taught. All for the current generation to teach those that would be the next generation in line. He smiled proudly at Coconut as he heard the colt address the tan mare as 'Coco-Sensei.' Even as he watched on, Chip's words echoed in his head. With a horizontal shake, Dynamo turned his attention back to his guide. His gaze trailing back to Chip's and wasn't leaving. "No, you're right, sir. A manipulative person wouldn't do something like that. Coco-chan is much different and is much better than someone of that caliber. Since I've met her, I've seen nothing but kindness, care, compassion, generosity and love from her. It's even like you said when she would run to one's side for the one she cares about. I remember facing off against someone and as soon as it was over and I passed out. I heard that Coco-chan had rushed over to me to make sure that I was okay. It really shows how important she is to me as I am to her." He felt a few tears were welling up in his eyes, but he quickly threw his arm up to wipe any tears that threatened to fall.

"I suppose love is just like friendship. It's never easy, but it's no doubt worth fighting for. I know I've only met her just recently and we've remembered each other from our meeting a year ago. However, I can easily say this without a doubt. I want to confess to her and let her know that I want to share my life with her. I really want to see where this road takes us as Coco-chan really makes me feel happy. She has a way to make me feel like I have everything I could ever ask for. I want to do the same and to let her know that I'll always be by her side." As he took a deep breath, a sniffle could be heard to Chip. Dynamo let out a shaky breath as he gave the arcade owner an affirmative nod. "So, to answer your question from before, sir. I'm going to believe in your words and I'm going to confess to her tonight. I won't lie as I'm still scared, but I have to take that risk. If everyone always held back because of a fear or risk, then we can't achieve what we want in life. So, I'm willing to overcome that fear to win her heart. So, I guess I shouldn't keep her waiting, huh?" He reached out with his arms, before wrapping them around the elderly stallion's back. Effectively pulling him into a comforting hug. "T-Thank you for the help, Chip. I remember Mr. Pinball telling me something similar, but what you said really helped me out. I guess I needed a good reminder, you know?" He asks, pulling back from the hug to flash Chip a small, yet sheepish grin.

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  • 1 month later...

@Dynamo Pad

Chip returned a sheepish grin back to the male, relieved to know that he's not afraid anymore to face the future and is willing to confess to the mare this evening. While he returned that gesture to him, he was also watching the new student-teacher relationship blossoming into
fruition right in front of him. This reminded him of all the sessions he had with Coconut while she was training underneath his wing... or care, so to speak. He had other students in the past, true, and most of them reached their full potential in no time at all but they didn't have a special connection with him unlike Coconut. He truly really cared for that female and would do anything for her happiness. Looking back down at his watch, his eyes widen a little as he realized that he had some business to attend to and he had to wish Dynamo good luck before leaving. Shaking his head to try to not worry Dynamo, he looked back up to meet his gaze with a hearty smile. Then he spoke up to him.

"Well, I need to attend to some of my duties. This arcade doesn't pay itself, hahah! Remember what I said, Dynamo! Good luck tonight, I'm rooting you and her on."

Patting him on the back and giving him a thumbs up for support, he opened a door that had a gold plaque that read: "Staff Only" and walked in. The door slowly closed behind him and all that was left was Dynamo on his own in the arcade.

Meanwhile, Coconut had finished teaching the young male how to play Mario Kart alongside some basic tips she had picked up from all of her years playing the game. He seemed rather pleased considering when she first approached him, he was on a 7 losing streak on 50cc. Then again, his kart choices weren't so flash and only caused him to go much slower than most NPCs in the races. It definitely took a while to explain to the male that his kart choices weren't up-to-scratch and the main reason why he was getting 11th-12th place in every race he was in was because he didn't know how to use the items to his advantage. Either that or he was a complete newbie... poor thing. Either way, he was much happier once she taught him a few tricks of her own and now he's getting much better placing in the races. From 12th place to 1st - 2nd place. That is a giant leap, even for a boy his age. Theeeen again, he was still on 50cc and not on 100cc so that explains his lack of gaming.

Returning back to the counter, she noticed that Dynamo was on his own and Chip was no longer with him. She got a little concerned for Chip, knowing that sometimes Chip would randomly disappear for a few hours and come back as if nothing happened. Her proud expression was now replaced with a worried one as she approached Dynamo and spoke.

"Hey, Dynamo! W-Where did Chip go? I c-could've sworn h-he was here a m-moment ago... also, what d-did you two talk about?"

While she spoke, she rose an eyebrow and tilted her head to the left to emphasize on her questions.

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