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A bat's shadow RP (1x1 Rp w/ Maple Bat)


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This was Maple's first time trying alcohol. After finishing it she felt a bit warm inside, it felt nice to her. "So are we testing more of these mixtures or is that the only one for now?" She asked reluctantly after seeing him write something in his book.

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Shadow left his drink on the table and said as he got up to measure out the things he needed, "I'll have to make it, but it will be really simple to make. It will take a few minutes " Once he measured everything thing out, he grounded up the plants into a fine powder, added a drop of spring water, and so it goes down easier, added a drop of alcohol which would be diluted by the water."

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"Guess I'm drinking this one?" Maple said watching him "You could inject it again if you'd rather. Might be more potent that way." She prepared her self for whatever effect this could possibly have. She was ok with whatever happened as long as she didn't hurt anyone besides herself.

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Shadow nodded, placed the cup that he was about to fill, grabbed the syringe, filled it up with the second draft, and injected it into her. He sat down at the table and watched her as he opened the book to collect the data from it.

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Maple looked around for a second. "I don't think anything happened..." She looked over at Shadow and she saw only a shadowy version of him with those glowing red eyes. "Never mind. It worked" She said starting to sweat nervously "I don't think like this one Shadow."

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Shadow nodded and said as he scribbled it down what it does, "So, that makes you see creatures differently." The one that he should've given Chrysalis is somewhere in the middle of those two. He scribbled a note it the book and said as he shut it, "I don't have anything for it, so you'll have to wait till it wears off.

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"I'm... I'm gonna go lie down" She said still panicking "We can continue in a bit." She walked into the other room and sat on the bed waiting for it to wear off. What was it about those eyes that scared her so much. She knew it had to do with her magic but she wasn't sure how that made her scared.

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Shadow nodded and sat down at the table. He knew from experience that it might take a bit to get over. He gulped down the rest of his drink and placed it on the table. He got up and tried to take a step without the cane. He stumbled for a bit but was able to walk afterwards

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The effects wore off but Maple sat there for a few minutes after She was trying so hard to think why she was so scared of those eyes. Perhaps it's the chaos magic I mean that's how I see it. She thought But if i rid myself of that I risk never getting it back. "Shadow!" Maple shouted walking over to where he was "Do you have something that temporarly removes someones magic."

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Shadow thought about the different kinds of things he had and said as he dug into the cupboard, "I have a collar that was enchanted to block the entire flow of all magic, but I don't think you would want that." He pulled out a less concentrated alcohol and placed it in the fridge.

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"If we continue to try these mixtures and what not, those eyes could appear again." She started "however if I don't have my magic I can't see them so it'll be less concerning." She was relived that he did have something and she really wanted to help him out so this could help her help him.


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Shadow nodded and said as he pulled out of a box, "By wearing it, you won't be able to fly, create a portal or anything until it's taken off. In other words, it will be like you were an earth pony your whole life. He placed it down in front of her and started on making mixture between the two

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"That's fine" Maple said Picking it up "I didn't know I could use magic until recently anyways. Not flying's gonna feel weird, but I can always just take it off... Or is takeing it off more complicated than just removing it."

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Shadow shrugged and said, "It will have a kick with it as the magic resumes flowing, but I broke the lock on it awhile ago." He finished the liquid up and said, "do you want it injected or do you want to digest it?"

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Maple put the collar on and thought about it for a second "It doesn't matter much to me." She said "But if I had to pick one then I'd choose injection at least it won't taste bad." She'd never had good experiences with medicine type things.

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Shadow nodded and injected into her. He headed over to the table and started cleaning it up while thinking about the what the effects might be since it's in the middle of the two. He scribbled the notes for it, then watched Maple

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Maple waited for something to happen she looked around. When it kicked in Shadowy creatures started to show up around her whispering her worst fears into her ears she didn't focus on that though she was relived the eyes where gone she couldn't handle it with those. She described the effects to shadow saying "It creates a bunch of shadowy ponies who target your insecurities."

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Shadow nodded and said as he written it down, "Huh, so I'm guessing that you don't see the eyes." He headed up to his room and opened the safe to find a plant that was rare to get since no pony wants it in their house for accidentally eat or put it in food. He headed down the stairs and said, "We can stop if you want."

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"Yea" She said taking the collar off after the effects of the mixture wore off "Let's stop for a bit." She was working overtime in her mind not to get overwhelmed by her fears. Stuff she had repressed an forgotten about was brought back up by those creatures but it didn't bother her too much she was a success story even with her dark past.

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Shadow nodded and placed the plant on top of the cupboard. He picked up the cane and said as he grabbed his hat from a portal, "I'm going to head for a walk around the country if you want to come with me."

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Maple shrugged until Luna called her into action she had nothing better to do. "Sure. Sounds relaxing." She felt the kick of the magic coming back and started to fly a bit above the ground "Sorry had to make sure I could still do that." She laughed.

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Shadow smiled and said right before heading out the door, "It's fine, I had to kinda do the same thing, but it was flying through portals. He headed out the door and locked, so when Maple comes out and shuts the door, it will be locked. 

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Maple was about to follow him out the door when she had an idea she went and got the sliver orb out of her armor grabbing a few things and she made a necklace so she could bring the orb in case of an emergency. She walked out the after finishing the necklace. "So we're just walking then?"

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Shadow nodded and said, "It sometimes good to just take it nice and easy after having a hard day." He didn't want to get technical that it's been a few days. He looked up at the sky to see that it was clear.

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Maple felt the slight breeze it felt good. She rarely ever got to relax but now she had a chance and she felt safer with the orb with her as well as shadow being here too "Sky's clear want to fly a bit?"

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