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A bat's shadow RP (1x1 Rp w/ Maple Bat)


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Shadow placed his claw in front of the pole and stopped right before it connected, then he pulled it down to the ground as he jumped away to the side, and went hit the stomach or the right side under the wing. His moves were a little sluggish from the drink, but he can still fight almost as well

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Maple didn't anticipate the pull but the follow up attack she saw coming. She spun in mid air to avoid the hit, following her dodge was a kick aimed in his general area something similar to a kick she gave to a certain changeling queen but weaker.

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Shadow moved a bit out of the way after catching himself. He heard the wind passed and back up with his claws in front of him like he was getting ready to punch or block. He closed his eyes and thought about the movement. He kept a location of Maple's shadow, as he thought how it will go. He could try to sweep the legs, but with the pole, it won't work, and she won't allow me to take out the pole.

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Maple swung her weapon in an arc sideways forcing Shadow to either duck or jump over it. After the swing had finished she was going to leap sideways bringing the weapon down with the full force of her body for a swift and strong hit. She wasn't sure what would happen if she didn't hit him this time.

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Shadow opened his eyes and duck, he heard to the swing pass he, then he used the force momentum of the to placed the tip of the pole into the ground and went into a kick. He couldn't explain it other than just an instinct of his

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Maple was still recovering her balance from the huge swing the kick hit her in her exposed area so her armor didn't absorb the hit and she got knocked away. The combination of her not bracing herself and it being a direct hit to the stomach means it hurt. She was gonna have a bruise there later. "Augh! Right in the stomach" She said laying where she landed  "That... really hurt." She got up and looked over at the recruits "That's why we wear the armor, however the bottom is open so you're a bit exposed down there." She felt really woozy "Shadow's in charge 'till I get back." She handed him a list of exercises for the recruits to do. "Best of luck to all of you." She said walking off.

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Shadow winced as he watched Maple fly from the kick, he didn't expect the kick to be powerful. He took the list and headed over to the bottle, he took a gulp and said as he read down the list, "Alright, like Maple said, I'll be in charge. So, let's get started on the exercises." He placed the bottle down and started working them through the exercises.

Edited by reader8363
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Maple wanted to put in a complaint about the armor being open at the bottom but the reason it was that way is so you could move in it easily, So she technically couldn't. She was a bit embarrassed, She wanted to beat him that time but lost again. She was resting on a small, hidden perch under one of the towers, watching Shadow lead the training.

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After a while, Shadow said, "Alright, let's take a few minutes break." He watched the recruits sit down. He sat down in the shade and thought about what happened. He would've blocked the pole or took the blow since his leg can't be taken out, but he got a feeling that he should duck. He shook his head and blamed it on the drink in the cupboard. He got up and said, "That's it, now let's finish it up good." Then he joined them in most of them, telling them better ways to do it, and other stuff.

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Maple flew back over to shadow "Alright I'll wrap it up from here. Well... I mean once it's over." She waited about 30 minutes and then stepped towards the ponies "Alright you few. You show quite a bit of promise for the guard. You'll have to return tomorrow for evaluation but if shadow kept up my scheduled then you should pass that easily. Good luck to you all and I look forward to working with you."

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After the recruits left, Shadow said as he sat down completely drenched, "So, are you alright from the kick?" He got the bottle and took a gulp of it, then opened a portal and got a towel to wipe off his head. 

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Maple looked at where she got hit there was a bruise there and out of curiosity she poked it and flinched. "Yea I'm fine, be more careful next time though and if not at least aim for the armor." She said "You look beat where the exercises of mine too much for ya."

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Shadow nodded and said as he wiped off his head, "I'll try, and your exercises weren't that hard, I just pushed myself further. He was about to toss it in the bag, but then he remembered that there's some stuff he needs to get. He added as he opened his wings, "I need to go get some stuff, why don't you take it easy with that bruise, while I go shopping." He didn't want to mention that he was getting some illegal stuff since he was in the castle.

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"Guess I'll need to ramp it up a bit and it's fine I already tended to it, I'll be fine." Maple said "But it seems you want some privacy I'll head back to your place." She sighed as she attempted to opened a portal to head back to shadows house and realized she still had the collar on. She had been so shocked by the hit to the stomach she forgot about it. she took it off Feeling a much strong wave of magical return.

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Shadow flew out of the castle to the streets of Canterlot. After a few minutes, he looked around before heading into the underground market. A pony that looked ragged asked for a bit, then Shadow told him as he gave him two bits, "A bit for the buried." The pony smiled as he opened the door. Shadow walked into breath in the smells of the market. He picked up some poison jokes, herbs that cause hallucinations, slow-acting poisons, a sauce with the hottest mixture known to Equestria, and some other stuff. Once he was done, he started heading home, but not before getting some medicine for the bruise and the pain.

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Maple had laid down on the bed, Bruise down. She hated seeming so weak but she considered herself lucky it could have been worse had shadow not been wearing guards on his claws. "I'm not sure why that hit hurt so much. Must be because he had some sort of instinct." She said to herself.

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Shadow landed outside his house and opened the door, He decided to go the kitchen before fixing the wall and window. As he started thinking about the jobs that were piling up for him to do. He placed the herbs and plants in a cupboard and the sauce in the fridge, then he headed upstairs to fix the window

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Maple heard shadow walking around. She got up to see what he was up to. Seeing him fixing the window she went to go fix the wall where she broke it, it was a simple task for her since she was used to fixing things around a house anyways.

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Once Shadow got finished with the window he headed to get the wall fixed. When he saw Maple fixing the wall, "Hey, how's that bruise?" He opened a portal and grabbed the medicine for the bruise and the pain for something rubbing against it.

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Maple looked over at him. "It's fine." She said "Well I mean it hurt but I'm lucky you had the guards on your claws otherwiseit might have been a bit more than a bruise." She saw the medication shadow had and subconsciously moved back a bit she preferred the natural healing process over the use of medication but this time she'd make an exception.

Edited by Maple Bat
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Shadow said as he held it out, "It's fine, I got this from the market when I was getting other stuff. it'll help with the pain." He made a table with his shadow and started taking the guards off his claws.

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"It's alright." She said taking the stuff "I usually prefer to just let things heal on there own but since you went through the trouble I'll use it anyways." She didn't realize though that the pain relief was for her to use before the stuff to make the bruise heal so it wouldn't hurt as much. When she finished, she realized that and felt stupid but what was done,was done

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Shadow said as he finished with the claws, "Yeah, sorry about that, I was going to block it, but something told me to duck, and I played off it. I need to get some stuff ready for a few jobs." He tossed the guards into a portal and headed to the kitchen where he worked on the poison that's specific to the race.

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"Again it's alright." She smiled "Guards need to take a beating every now and again right? Anyways you need help making things for any of your "Jobs" or should I just hang around here for a while?" She really hoped she could help. She was getting kinda bored around here.

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Shadow nodded and said, "Yeah, I need to make three soups and a cake with some stuff I got, but what I got stays in the house." He unrolled the recipes out on the table and decided to work on the cake, it needs to make everypony have hallucination by eating it, but it couldn't happen with the first bite, so it can't be really potent.

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