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private An Equestrian Emergency

Ice Storm

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Luna pushed herself from underneath a pile of debris from where the tornado had ripped through the palace. She wasn't quite sure what had happened or how the tornado had even gotten there to begin with. She had in fact, just finished her evening watch and had just fallen asleep. The devastation around her left her in a state of shock. How could something this strong had hit Canterlot without any warning. Surely if Cloudsdale was planning a storm at all they would have at least let the city know before hand, and Cloudsdale had never a tornado in their direction. It puzzled her greatly. She moved down into where the audience chamber would have been, and it too, was almost in ruins. The walls were still mostly in tact but all of the windows were busted out and there was debris from broken statues all over the floor.


She went over to look at the statues and upon further inspection, Luna noticed that the patterns of destruction that was present in the room wasn't consistent with that of the tornado though, and in fact didn't even follow it's path. The tornado had torn through the western part of the palace where Luna slept and this was closer to the eastern side. Something wasn't right. As she start to think, Cadence walked into the room and saw the devastation. "Luna! Have you seen Aunt Celestia!? I haven't seen her at all since the storm. I've been trying to keep everypony calm while I waited for her to make some sore of announcement and at least restore some order but so far nothing."


"I know, and I haven't seen her either so that worries me. Not to mention this damage here in this room is not consistent with that of the tornado. Look," Luna said pointing with her hoof towards the path that the tornado had taken. "There is the destruction path of the tornado, and while I realize that some damage would occur outside of that path, there would be no way this much damage happened inside of this chamber without it directly being hit. And look at this here. These statues are broken out towards the windows, not in. Which meant there was a fight in this very room while the tornado occurred..." Luna said coming to a realization. "I don't think that the tornado was a mistake. I think it was a cover up for something much larger. Help me search the room for anything. If my suspicions are correct, then Celestia may have been abducted and already in more danger than we could realize."



"Wouldn't that just be convinient for you?"




"Just what I said. You're the next in line to take over the throne right? And you have a nice display of scrapes and bruises. And by covering it with a tornado, as you said you could kidnap Aunt Celestia and banish somewhere before like you did when you were Nightmare Moon and then pass it off as someone else!"


"Oh Cadence, would please stop with the Nightmare Moon insults please. I'm not her anymore, and I would never hurt my sister. One thing that does bother me though. Whoever did this was stronger than Celestia. Which only disproves you because you and I both know that I am not as strong as she is,"


"I suppose that's true,"


"Exactly, so whoever did this is stronger than all three of us, which means if we have any chance of finding my sister, and rescuing her, we will need The Elements of Harmony."


"I'm still not completely convinced it wasn't you, you know. It's still all a bit too convenient."


Luna huffed and grabbed a black scroll with her seal and silver ink. The black scrolls were only supposed to be used in times of absolute emergencies. The disappearance of Princess Celestia was possible the largest of all emergencies that could be classified as an emergency and had to be taken care of immediately.


Twilight Sparkle, the presence of you and your friends are required in Canterlot Immediately. An Equestrian Emergency has occurred. Bring the Elements of Harmony. Hurry!


Princess Luna is best pony

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Hanging amongst the clouds RainbowDash was busy enjoying a wonderful day in the sun. She had gone earlier to prank with Pinkie Pie, only to end up with a couple cheap tricks landed on herself. She sighed, Pinkie you goof. She had thought to herself. She darted through another cloud, spacing out a bit as she flew. Mmmph! I really should be paying a bit more- Hey what's that?! Rainbow gawked, her entirety halting to a stop in front of the rotating wind current in the air. This... Cannot be good... I better go get Twilight and the others! Rainbow zipped away in a hurry, trying with all her might to make it to the friend closest to her current location at the highest possible speed, FlutterShy.


The rainbow mare made it to the door with a bit of time to spare, gasping not from the dash, but more from the shocking development of the unscheduled twister.


"FlutterShy! FlutterShy open up! Please!"


Dash rammed on the door with her hoofs, watching the tornado behind her distance itself towards the castle, her wings unfurled and ready for quick transportation to the next house.


(How'd I do? :3)

Edited by Just Derpin'
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As she trotted around her small cottage, having woken up just an hour ago, she noticed that her animal friends were distraught, running around and hiding nervously. The yellow pegasus did her best to gather the little creatures and calm them down, despite not knowing what was it that had scared them and feeling very nervous herself. The small white rabbit that was her most vocal pet approached to her and pointed out of the window.


Her attenttion directed to the outside,she noticed the strong wind currents that were blowing around.


"Oh, my! What's all of this? I'm sure there weren't any scheduled storms for the next days... And so strong! I wonder what Rainbow Dash is doing..."


As in cue, a series of strong knocks was heard from her door, and the loud voice of her high spirited friend called from her. Gasping and picking up her pace, Fluttershy opened the front door to meet with the cyan pegasus with an alarmed look on her face. This setted off the alarms in the cottage owner's mind


"What's wrong, Rainbow Dash?!"



Fluttershy's Fan through and through

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It was that time of year again when the Apple Family was to buck the apples from their orchard. Applejack, as scheduled, went out to do just the same. She effortlessly tossed baskets under the trees and kicked them, making all of the apples fall from the branches. "Whew," Applejack said to herself "Feels like we get more of them trees ev'ry yea-"


Applejack was cut off by a loud sound coming from behind. She slowly turned around and, to her horror, a huge tornado was forming. It began shaking the houses and buildings of Ponyville. Horror-struck, Applejack ran as fast as she could back into the farm. "BIG MAC! APPLEBLOOM! GRANNY SMITH! GET TO THE HURRICANE CELLAR! A HUGE TORNADO IS COMING OUR WAY!" The Apple Family rushed to the cellar. Applejack then slammed the trap-door shut once the entire family was in.

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Luna looked to Prince Lightning as he asked about the Bearers of harmony. She flew up next to the him. "For the moment we need to get back inside and search for more clues. The bearers of Harmony, I'm sure are already on their way here from Ponyville. I know Twilight and her friends will responds as soon as Twilight gets the letter. For now though, we have nothing to go off of. Not even a direction, so see if you can help Cadence and I find anything that could give a hint to where your mother could be, or who could have been strong enough to grab her."


Cadence Just watched the two of them talk. She thought investigating anything was pointless because she couldn't get over the fact that everything was to convenient for Luna. She leaned down into Prince's ear, "Honestly, I don't trust her. I think she may even be the one responsible."


"Please Cadence. I am not Nightmare Moon anymore, and even if I told you the complete truth about what happened a thousand years ago you'd never believe me. One thing I do know is that I would never willingly hurt my sister for one, and two, I'm not even strong enough to. So you can stop blaming me for this any time you'd like!" Luna said starting to get a bit agitated with her niece.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Prince was starlted by their petty arguing. "Mothers missing and you two fight? That energy could be used to find her faster!" Prince looked at them with agitation. "We must find her, this cannot get to the public, or our enemies may take this chance."

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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(OOC: Since the others aren't at the throne room yet, I'm going to continue on with TagTeam until Twilight's player posts.)


"Thank you Prince, perhaps we can get something done. These statues, as I was telling Cadence where broken from the inside, not from the outside. That means someone else was here with Celestia. And as much as something like this would need to remain Silent prince, I'm afraid that's not an option. It's not like we can just replace my sister with nopony noticing. Besides, you and I both know that Celestia would want everypony to know about something like this so that they would be on the look out. Everypony is going to be looking for Celestia, and at this point, the only enemy we have is whomever did this," Luna explained walking over to the stained shards of glass on the ground. "Interesting..." she said aloud noticing that the glass here was mostly outside and drifting away. She looked up in tome to see a dark mass sink over the peaks of The Eponnine Mountains. "Does anypony else notice anything else odd about how this Glass broke?"


Princess Luna is best pony

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"Not really Auntie, but I have just woke up literally about to fall of the edge. Our enemy has taken great care to cover this up, he or she, knows exactly what they're doing and how they're going to do it. AKA a professional." Prince reasoned with Luna then turned to his cousin Cadence. "Luna won't take total control, I think we should turn Equestria into a Oligarchy, ruled by us three until she returns. We are in a state of emergency and we all are worry enough to rule but not anymore than the other."

Prince tried to calm down their arguing with this proposal so that a crack in leadership would not become apparent.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Cadence looked to her cousin, "At this point anything is possible honestly, but I suppose you're right. Though I have to agree with Luna. Even with all three of us working at our max, there is no way that we would be able to account for a missing Celestia. I mean Aunt Celestia NEVER misses a meeting. Even if she has to postpone a meeting she will still at least show up to say she has to post pone it. The public will question, and if we aren't completely honest with our subjects, they will turn completely on us just like I had done on Luna."


"Which hurts more than you can imagine honestly," Luna added. "Both of you are right though. I'm not taking control of Equestria. At all in fact. I can not in good conscious sit here in this castle while my sister is in trouble. No, once Twilight and her friends get here, I will be officially be stepping down as princess until we find my sister. I'm going to be out there with them trying to get my sister back. I will not put countless number of ponies on the front lines when we don't even know what we're dealing with. I just saw a dark mass sink over the peaks of the Eponnine Mountains. As soon as everypony gets here and are briefed on the situation, I 'm leaving with them. Prince Lightning, you can either stay here and help Cadence in Running Equestria, or you can help me find your mother. Either way you help would be appreciated," Luna explained.


Princess Luna is best pony

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"With you and Pinkie Pie leaving? Nope!" Prince grinned. "She's my mom too you know? And I don't think id keep a good enough eye on cus' here." Prince pulled Luna away from Cadence "Auntie, me and you should be ready to come back and take command. The guilty dog barks first and we already knows which pony has done that. Should anything back here go wrong, we should be ready to come back and set it straight. " Prince turned around to address them both. "We should organize a cleaning and repair effort, the city is a mess... We should also locate the elements and put them in a safer place until twilight arrives. A royal address will also need to be made before our departure, volunteers?"

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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"I will make the address... The Subjects of Equestria already hate me more than they hate either of you, so I shant let thy good names be tarnished by the events of recent. As much it will hurt to hear the resentment in everypony's voice. It's better me to have to deal with it than either of you," Luna said.


"Luna, you don't have to do that... You already take so much from everypony as it is... Even myself hath falsely accused you of misdeeds that simply, as you pointed out could never be true." Cadence Replied.


"I do have to... I can't let everypony's hate for me flow over to any of you for having to make an address such as this. If it would comfort you, then you may stand by me as I make the address, both of you, but as for now... Everypony hates me, so why not give them another reason to. Maybe once this disaster is over with, I'll be rid of the curse that Nightmare Moon bestowed upon me."


Princess Luna is best pony

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Pinkie Pie didn't like gloomy days, but there was no need to make this day any gloomier, by being sad herself, she jumped up from her bed and wen't dowsnstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Cake rocking both sleeping foals, "Can I play with the babies?" Pinkie asked enthusiastically in a voice that almost woke both of them "Sorry Pinkie, but we finally managed to get them to sleep" "the storm made them cry for hours" "Really I didn't hear any-" "shush they're waking up ag-" Mr cake was cut off by two screaming babies Mr. and Mrs. cake tried to calm them, while Pinkie walked back upstairs, she would normally go to her friends, but because of the weather that wasn't going to the be possible




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Twilight gave a grumpy sigh as she waded through the large stacks of books, now piled to the ceiling. "A History of Economics...no that's not it," she muttered, tossing one book aside. "A Theory on the Evolution of Magic? No..." she grumbled, tossing another book behind her as she dug deeper into the pile. "Oh, come ON! Where is it?" she cried in angry desperation, making a tunnel through the pile of books.



"What're you looking for, Twi?" Spike asked nonchalantly, strolling into the room. "Oh..."



Twilight turned to him, more than slightly agitated. "I'm looking for the Dictionary of Obscure Arcane Magicks. And I can't seem to find it."



"Big deal," yawned Spike, lazily chowing on an apple. "Read this instead," he added, lugging a heavy-looking book at Twilight.



Twilight caught it neatly. "The Encyclopedia of Strange Arcane Magicks? Nonono Spike, I can't read this!" She tossed it away, back into the pile with the others. "I need that dictionary! It's not even mine, it's Princess Celestia's. It's got some of the most powerful spells in Equestrian history in there, and if she finds out I've lost it...!" She continued digging through the pile. "Spike, could you help me look? Please? ...Spike?" she asked, turning her head behind her. "What's wrong, Spike?"



Spike was doubled over, holding his paws to his chest. "Oh...oh..." he whispered queasily. "Gahh!" he yelped, releasing a small burst of green flame from his mouth, along with a parchment scroll.



Twlight's eyes grew wide and fearful. "A...a letter from the Princess? W-what if it's...oh nooo!" she yelped, diving back into the mess of books, frantically tossing them left and right.



"Chill out, Twi," Spike said calmly, picking up the scroll and unfurling it. "I'm sure it's nothing bad..." he commented as he began reading aloud. "My faithful student Twilight Sparkle. Equestria is in danger once more. We need you and your friends, the bearers of the elements of harmony, to come to Canterlot as quickly as you can. Erm, Twi?" he added at the end. "Pay attention, will you?" he snapped, as Twilight continued fruitlessly searching through the pile.



"Just one second, Spike," called Twilight, her horn glowing slightly. Come on, magic. Tell me where the book is...she thought desperately. She turned to the left and randomly grabbed a heavy-looking reference book from the pile. "The Dictionary of-yessss!" she cheered, jumping happily in the air. "My life is saved!"



"TWI!" yelled Spike, visibly agitated. "Pay attention!" He tossed the startled Twilight the scroll, who unfurled it and read it quickly.



"My faithful student Twilight Sparkle. Equestria is in..." Twilight murmured to herself as she quickly scaned through the scroll. "Danger? Equestria? Oh, Spike! Why didn't you tell me earlier! This is a disaster!" Dropping the dictionary on the ground, she scrambled for the door.



Spike stared after her, mouth agape. "But...but I did," he protested, but the door had already slammed shut.



As soon as Twilight stepped outside, strong gusts of wind nearly pinned her back to the door. "What the...?" she gasped, glancing upwards at the sky. A monstrous tornado loomed in front of her, tearing trees from their roots. Every single door in Ponyville was shut and bolted tightly. "Oh, come ON!" Twilight yelled, grabbing onto the door latch just in time as the tornado tried to drag her away. Spike quickly opened the door, grabbed Twilight, and ran back inside, closing and locking it tightly. "Th-thanks, Spike," Twilight said gratefully. "But what am I supposed to do now? How do I get to Canterlot like this?"



"Oh come on, Twi," said Spike, rolling his eyes. "Use your magic! Teleport, or something."



"But...I can barely do that more than once," protested Twilight. I'd have to do it five times to get the others, and then teleport them all to Canterlot...



"Think of it as a good way to practice your magic," Spike said easily. "Go!"



Twilight nodded in determination. "Clean up these books for me while I'm gone, okay?" Quickly jumping into the air on the spot, Twilight summoned a crackle of magical energy that quicky enveloped her. The world went black as she disappeared, leaving an aghast-looking Spike behind her.



"I...have to clean..." asked Spike weakly, turning slowly back to the book pile.




Pop! Twilight tumbled to the wooden floor with a thud, causing a few nearby ponies to yelp in alarm. "Ow..." she groaned, trying to recover her senses. As she looked up, the first thing she noticed was Applejack looking down at her, a frown of confusion on her face. Twilight immediately jumped to her feet. "Applejack, we need to go NOW," Twilight said urgently. "Canterlot needs us! You okay with me teleporting us to Fluttershy's cottage?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Prince's eyes twitched as he stood becide the two princesses looking over Canterlot from a open balcony. "She has the message and she'll be here soon. Are you ready? I hope with their help we can find her quickly and easily." prince looked at Luna for a response. "What shall we do to prepare?"

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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"What in tarnation is goin' on, Twilight?" Applejack asked her, worried. Everything was going on so fast. "Actually," Applejack said, regaining her senses, "Never mind. This must be extremely important."

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"It is, it is!" promised Twilight, grabbing Applejack's hoof. "Take a deep breath, this won't take long." Summoning up a bit more energy, her horn crackled as Twilight and Applejack were enveloped in a soft purple light. Then everything went black-again.


*pop* "Oof," grumbled Twilight, tumbling to the hardwood floor. Dizzily, she got up, in time to see Applejack dusting herself off, looking slightly dazed. "You alright, Applejack?" asked Twilight.


Looking around, Twilight recognized the place immeditately-Fluttershy's cottage. "Fluttershy? Hey, FLUTTERSHY! Come out from where you are, this is important," called Twilight urgently.

Edited by Aureitas d'Aequitate


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Luna started to walk out onto the balcony to give the Royal Address on the situation. "Anypony that is standing next to me for the address just has to get next to me. Just let me do the talking," she told them before clearing her throat to use her Royal Wee. The crowd had gathered and she found that now was as good a time as any for the address."CITIZENS OF EQUESTRIA. AS YOUR PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT, IT IS MY ROYAL DUTY TO KEEP OUR SUBJECTS INFORMED AS TO THE STATUS OF ALL DISASTERS IN CANTERLOT, AND IN EQUESTRIA IN A WHOLE. NORMALLY THOU HATH KNOWN THAT ADDRESSES LIKE THIS DURING THE DAY ARE NORMALLY DONE BY MY SISTER CELESTIA, WHICH BRINGS ME TO THE MOST DISTURBING NEWS EQUESTRIA HAS EVER BEEN STRICKEN WITH. PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED." Princess Luna stated, the crowd becoming furious. She couldn't hear all the comments, but she could make out a few 'what have you done with her's in the crowd.




"Luna... Are you alright?" Cadence asked genuinely concerned.


"What do you think? My sister, the only pony that hasn't hated me since I've been back is gone. and most of Canterlot probably only hates me even more," Luna snapped as she continued walking towards then destroyed throne and laid next to it. The only thing they could do now is wait for Twilight and her friends to get here.

Edited by Ice Storm


Princess Luna is best pony

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Just when Rainbow Dash was opening her mouth to speak, a strong light and a thump that were heard behind them caused Fluttershy to turn around. A loud voice called after her


"Fluttershy? Hey, FLUTTERSHY! Come out from where you are, this is important," said Twilight's voice with an urgency.


"Um, Twilight! I'm here up front with Rainbow Dash! What is it?" called the shy pegasus to her friends.



Fluttershy's Fan through and through

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"We need to go, now!" called Twilight hurriedly. "Bring Dash with you, I'm teleporting us to Sugarcube Corner."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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She looked at Twilight expecting some clarification, but seeing her friend's expression, nodded and went to retrieve Dash, both pegasi trotting hurriedly towards their friends



Fluttershy's Fan through and through

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Dash blinked a couple times, a bit confused with all the hectic noise. "The hay...?" Rainbow mumbled, but she just solemnly nodded and followed after Twilight, urging Fluttershy to follow with a beckoning hoof movement.


(Sorry I've been gone! School work is becoming tedious...

:mellow: )

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Pinkie laid on the ground watching Gummy play with apparently a ball of yarn "aren't you just soooo Bored Gummy?" Gummy didn't respond "if only Dashie was here, we could play pranks on each other" Gummy didn't respond "yeah, she's going to see it coming if only both of us are there" Gummy didn't respond "what if we pranked Applejack, or Rarity, or Twilight, or Fluttershy" Gummy didn't respond "oh yeah, Fluttershy shouldn't be pranked" she giggled to herself "Gummy you are so silly"




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"Alright," Twilight said, relieved, as she saw Dash and Fluttershy hurrying towards her. "Keep calm, everypony, this will only take a second..." Concentrating on a spot in the ground in front of her, Twilight lowered her horn, filling the room with a familiar pink glow. The world spun around her head as she and her friends disappeared with a *pop*.


"Ouch!" yelped Twilight, crashing to the ground on the second floor of the Cakes' pastry shop. "Jeez, I need to work on the landing part of the teleportation." Rubbing her head ruefully, she looked at the others. "See if you can find Pinkie."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Uh, Twi?" Applejack said. "She's right behind ya." She pointed behind Twilight, where Pinkie was giggling with Gummy, playing with a ball of yarn.

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