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private FRACTURED FUTURES: Crystal Expedition


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@Lektra Bolt  @woodchunks66 @Denim&Venom @GoldieS 

The farm had grown quite a bit since all those years ago. It wasn't even sweet apple acres any more. Physically and in name. Many things had happened in the past years, things both regrettable and inspiring. 

The Crystal Empire was one of those regrettable things... no one knew what happened to it, not exactly. It was perhaps the only city no one knew weather or not it was still around. So it was a surprise to many within the city of New Everfree, when Applejack herself proposed an expedition to the lost city, maybe even Applejack herself. Had she become to cramped in the crowded city, or did wanderlust simply overtake her? Only she knows for certain. 

Applejack now finds herself standing at one of the causeways leading into one of the many upper levels of Bright Mack Memorial Hanging Gardens (formerly Apple Acres). The complex of towering greenhouses was filled to the brim with various food producing crops. It was, after all, the primary source of food for the entire city. No surprise then that it was a sprawling collection of structures near the outer edge of the city, just before the giant walls that protected one of the last bastions of civilization from the Wildlands. 

"Excuse me, miss?" Someone tapped Applejack on the shoulder as she stood there at the entrance to the farm. "Director Lektra is ready to speak with you. I believe Twilight Sparkle is there as well."

The guard, a burly earth pony clad in heavy plates of powered armor, gestured for AJ to follow him towards a tram, which would eventually take them to the administrative complex. 

@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @woodchunks66

The complex was an ornate system of structures, made specifically for the top of the leadership there in the city. The building they walked towards was perhaps the most massive in all of the city, dominating the center and acting as one of the nexuses for the massive system of shields that covered the sprawling utopia. 

"Right this way." The soldier barked, AJ not exactly as well known as she once was as they entered the admin building.

After navigating the giant hallways, bumping into more than a few rushing administrators and workers, they ascended the tower to one of it's highest points. A few more halls, the place was a maze, they reached Lektra's office. Two more officers guarded the entrance, opening it to allow AJ to enter. 

Inside the office, Twilight Sparkle in all her alicorn glory, was sitting on a couch in front of Lektra Bolt's office desk. A wide panoramic view of the city just behind the Director. All three of them, now together inside the office. 

"Please, let us know if you need anything." The officer stated politely, bowing as he closed the door behind the group. 



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@Lektra Bolt@GoldieS @Denim&Venom

AJ steps in the office and looks at Lektra squinting her eyes"You've made some pretty mighty change to ponyville"AJ says to Lektra.

AJ then turns to Twilight and gestures to to the window "do you remember Twi....When thats land over there had been full of beautiful apple and pear trees,how rainbow  would be so exited to get that apple cider each year"Aj started chuckling then her eyes when dark "the only tree there is the tree that my mother and father planted.....but"Aj said with a sigh "thats in the past now and you have made a lot of changes for the better"turning to Lektra "i would think that we've kept true to our values......That would be true if we went to look for them......AJ stomps her hoof in anger and waits for an answer


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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Lektra Bolt @GoldieS @woodchunks66

Twilight was quiet as the construct hovered next to her. Silently she got up and walked to the window where Lektra was, looking out over the city. The regal alicorn closed her eyes, took in a deep breath and exhaled, before opening them again. 

"So much has changed, hasn't it Applejack? It's redundant, I know. But it needs stating none the less. This isn't Ponyville. and that'a not Canterlot up there. This isn't the Equestria any of us have grown in. It maybe cliche, but it really does feel like a life time ago. Now, we're living in a nightmare. Our world, and everypony who grew up in this one, might as well be from different planets. 

did you know that there's a growing number of ponies who believe that Celestia and Luna are only myths? Or if they did exist, that the details were exaggerated and glorified. Sure, aliorns are real. Or rather, an alicorn is real. But given our grim circumstances, knowing that two ponies could hold such power and sway over something as integral as the sun, moon and stars, seems too fantastical. after all, such ponies would be able to make a difference in our world, right? No they're all buying into the theory that the moon rotates around our world while we rotate around the larger sun. It's logical and makes sense in theory. 

But just like the idea that an arrow shot at a tree will never reach it's target, because the distance is halved, than that remaining distance is halved, than that distance is halved, than that is halved, so on and so fourth, it will never reach cause it keeps going halfway, we know that in practice, the arrow will hit. And we know how the universe works. We just need to restore faith in our people. Restore hope in bringing back the world we once knew. 

In a small falsh of light, a locket appeared next to twilight. Opening it, she revealed a picture of herself, Cadence, Shining and Flurry Heart. "If we can bring back such a vital piece of Equestrian history as the Crystal Empire, help it rejoin as one of the pieces to our shattered homeland, it may just be the spark to help ponies believe again. 

But most importantly, and this maybe a bit selfish of me, but I have to know." she looked longingly at the locket. "i need to know what's happened since then. To know if I have any family left in this world..." she raised her hoof and pressed it too the holo-scroll, authenticating it. 

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@Lektra Bolt@GoldieS @Denim&Venom

Applejack SIG 1.png

Applejack looked at twilight and hugged her "we are going to fix all of this maybe not today maybe not the day after but we will have harmony in equstria again and thats not a lie twilight as she winked at her best friend.i know that not seeing Flurry and Cadence and shining has taken a toll on you.Twilight does not look a day older but once you look at her eyes you see what 100 years look like."hope is a powerful thing Twi and it will triumph


Applejack sighed"I'm sorry  for snapping at ya it just that.....getting coped up in her for a very long time isn't healthy for a country pony for me. just give me a few hour to pack and i will be ready to go" AJ tipped her hat at Lektra as she left,"i wonder what kind of stress she's under" she thought to her self as she left "


the trip to the old barn was a strange one as sugercube cover has become more of a mall then a small bakery and Raritys dress shop has become more of a armour building station than a  dress shop but somehow Rari always makes that magic proof armor look as stunning as any of there dress.and ass for the barn...well its become one of the tallest buildings in Ponyville *ahem* excuse me New Everfree City,AJ always hated that name,it made her think of flutter shy deep in the forsest she steps in and is greeted by a blast of humid air.she looks around as pony and magical constructs are taking care of the plants in a machine like fashion "if only Flim and Flam where here to see this she mumbles as she steps into her family penthouse at the top


consumed by her thoughts she is woken up by Big Mac who has not change mostly because of that magical badge. he look at her with eyes that said "whats wrong" applejack looked me older brother sqaure in the eyes  and said I'm going to look for the crystal empire.Big Mac just looks at her with a different expression on his face...one of love and concern.not another word is spoken she hugs her brother and says "tell apple bloom"Eyup"


later at the gate apple jack is the first there "hmm i guess i can use this time to cahtch some Zs" she sits,leans agensit the wall puts her hat on her face and starts to dose off....

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @woodchunks66

A small force was mustering at the gate once AJ arrived. Gradually it grew larger and larger. Officers walked around as soldiers were standing in formation, superiors inspecting their subordinates for all manner of things. It was all remarkably organized, everyone ready and raring to move out. Large constructs stood patiently waiting as more logistics ponies loaded them down with supplies and random cargo. The giant machines didn't mind of course. 

At the end of the formation the battle captain in charge of the soldiers in the expedition was speaking with some of his command team when he finally noticed AJ lying over to the side against the wall. 

"Excuse me, miss? You're Lady Apple Jack, correct? Captain Candor. I'll be your battle captain for this operation. With any luck, I won't have to really do my job." He chuckled, offering a hoof to help the other earth pony up. 

Candor was a rather tall earth pony, with a white coat and black main. At the moment he was sporting his heavy powered armor, minus the helmet. 

"I was informed Lady Sparkle would be here as well. Was I misinformed?" He tilted his head curiously. 

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@Lektra Bolt @GoldieS @Denim&Venom

Applejack SIG 1.png

Applejack started to rub her eyes with her hoof "hmm oh oh no you weren't misinformed i was just sleeping,we have a long journey ahead

Aj adjusted her saddlebag full of apples and her sword then she look at the tall pony who helped her up then she looked at they traveling party "so much for traveling light "she mumbled under her breath she looked up and sighed turned and pointed to the sparkling mountines "do you see those captain those are the crystal mounties,they surround the empire,no pony has been there for 100 years so be ready for anything.....and captain i hope you like snow.....Now where is that Lektra isn't she suppose to come with us or what? 

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Candor lifted up his armored hoof to examine it with a twisted and somewhat embarrassed smile, then looked over to the heavy troopers and giant golems. He gave a shrug before looking back at AJ. 

"Well, I suppose travel outside isn't exactly... a pleasurable affair. Start with a few soldiers... they need food and shelter. So someone has to carry that around. Then someone carrying that around ends up being a golem. That golem needs a control team... control team needs their own food and shelter-" he cut himself off, then chuckled. "So... yah."

"I'm afraid director Lektra decided to busy herself with other pursuits. I'm sure she and Commander Luster would both love to come with, but there's far too much happening these days for them to take any extra unusual travels." Candor replied. 

The captain gestured for one of the soldiers standing in formation. Without hesitation, the pony rushed over and rendered a salute, to which the captain rendered back before gesturing to AJ's things. The soldier quickly took all of the earth pony's bag and rushed over to one of the golemns laden with gear. 

"Come, let's find out which one you'll be riding on. Wouldn't be right to have you down on the ground without any proper armor." The captain added, before getting a look of her sword with a little smile. "I would try to avoid combat if necessary. Just let us handle it, our equipment's a bit... bigger."

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Applejack SIG 1.png

Applejack gave a small laugh"captain i have to admit,you are extremely prepared for this mission"AJ trotted over to a golem and looked up at it and shook her head i didn't think that 100 years in equestria would bring so much change.she patted the captain on the back with her hoof and 

while waiting for all the  food and water to be prepared AJ grabbed her sword from the soldier carrying it and ran up to  the captain at the front of the group,"what do you think the odds of us surving this,I've fought changelings,manticores ,other ponys.....but the infected.....they are NOT something normal.....

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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"Odds of-" The captain paused for a moment, before bursting out laughing. "Ma'am, the odds are 100%. We may not have the correct troop ratio... or even have access to a comprehensive supply line... but we are still a moderately sized strike force. Even if something terrible DID happen, I've made certain to bring along a number of wildlands survival experts... about a quarter of our troops have that title."

"Despite their connection to one another, the infected are nothing but a mindless horde. I guarantee we'll encounter them... but they're rather easy to deal with, and we don't plan on assaulting a nexus on our trip. With our sheer numbers and presence, they'll hear us. But we can deal with them." He concluded. 

Candor gave another look at AJ's weapon and gave her an apologetic look. "Please, I can't stress this enough... you shouldn't be fighting on this trip. Leave it to us. I've heard stories of you... and while I respect it, we don't need your old world brashness along for the ride. Ah... no offense, didn't mean to sound rude..." 

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Applejack SIG 1.png

AJ paused for a minute and then looked up and at Candor and gave a hearty chuckle “none taken Candor, your a feisty one that’s for sure. Applejack then unsheathed her sword and started to examine it “it looks kinda rough and it might be time for a upgrade but this” AJ said while she started to sharpen it on a nearby rock “this stays by my side the whole time”AJ then sheathed her sword again and look up at Candor “would you mind finding me something a little more.....fancy”she said with a small smile.

“You sound very confident captain,that’s a good thing but what I’m about to tell you isn’t “old world brashness” it good old advice.” “Your strongest weapon” AJ said “is your common sense.....that’s something those monsters don’t have.

i have no doubt that you’ll lead us there safe and sound but as you probably remember that technology has failed us before” AJ said while gestureing out to the desolate wilderness. “Your a good man captain.....make sure you stay that way” Applejack said while walking away “don’t worry I hope it doesn’t come to fighting.....oh and remember to get me that upgrade captain” AJ gave him a smile as she walked of.....


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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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The captain looked over at AJ as she started walking away, just as the Lt. arrived. He gave his Lt. a condescending and angry look before snatching the sword from her with his own earth pony strength, combined with that of the armor of course. 

"Our VIP doesn't need any additional equipment," Candor grumbled, before leaning forward to speak quietly. "She is not to engage in combat, under ANY circumstances, understood?"

He perked back up, looking over to AJ to make sure she hadn't been listening. Candor already knew what kind of pony she was, she wouldn't just sit down and watch things. Not willingly at least. At least if she didn't have any advanced weapon, she would feel less inclined to interfere. She wasn't a soldier... no discipline, no training, just an extremely old farmer. 

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Applejack SIG 1.png

Applejack took one look at the beam sword and was immediately interested."hmmmm" Aj said as she snatched the beam sword from the the captain,stood a good distance from every pony and lit its blade.oh ho Ho AJ said with a smirk. she spotted an leaf on a tree about 300 yards away  out of the corner of her eyes,she closed her eyes and focussed....she threw her beam sword and sliced the leaf dead on in half. she then galloped over to the tree and kicked down with one clean kick ."thank celesitia for my strength and my coordination,takes practice to catch all the falling apples from a tree before the hit the ground.she pulled the sword out of the tree and jumped back on...she eyed Candor...she trusted that pony with her life,or at the least she had to.

He kinda reminded her of how the Princess described Twilight before she meet all of her friends...so sure of her self and so confidant....she had to do everything her way....now that not necessarily a bad thing esspicaly in the captains case but she did feel something off about him....AJ shrugged her shoulders and thoughts "lets he how he does under real stress........

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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The captain watched Applejack and her little display. It did little to alley his concerns over the other earth pony. He nodded at her with a friendly sort of smirk, trying to be as friendly as he could be, before turning to Blade. He gave her a deep scowl. 

"Thank you for volunteering, Lieutenant. Find your second and let them know you'll be foalsitting for the duration of this operation." He stated a little sarcastically. "I don't want her anywhere near combat... if she can see it, she's too close. Fail, and you'll be a butter bar faster than you can make up some kind of excuse. Understood?"

Candor turned around, taking in the convoy as it was virtually ready to depart. Of course they were just waiting on one pony. No surprise who it was... 

"Do me a favor Blade, see what's taking our Illustrious alicorn." He said the last quite sarcastically, not at all hiding his disdain for the supposed royalty. 

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@GoldieS @Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66 

Within the highest guard tower of the former Canterlot city, an intelligence was watching. Observing. Listening. An all seeing eye looking across the last bastion for ponykind. 

She received a notice. A construct had appeared at her residence, requiring her authentication. A camera on the outside took in the request. 

"Official petition for 1000 noble steeds. For use in expedition to last known coordinates of Crystal Empire. Authenticated by Lektra Bolt and Princess Sparkle. Are they joking?" 

{transferring to physical proxy unit}

A hatch opened up in the guard tower, and rocketing out was what appeared to be a black alicorn robot, a bit bigger than a full grown stallion. Glowing amber highlights adorned onyx steel armor. A straight, golden shoulder length mane w/ a silver and copper streak on the side adorned her head. thin steel lashes accentuated wide, expressive black eyes w/ glowing orange LED iris. Wings with feathers like daggers folded in as she hovered next to the messenger droid.

"I'll be taking this." she said, as the droid obeyed and transferred the holo-scroll to her. A split second later, she rocketed off on a ballistic trajectory that would land her right in front of the assembling force in 3... 2...

Even before the sonic boo had echoed from atop the Canterhorn, Military Governess and War Master General Luster was standing between the captain, the element of honest, and what appeared to be more than 16 squads worth of soldiers and resources being assembled. 

The Governess turned to the bearer and the captain, still holding the holo-scroll. "What is this?" she gestured to the scene before her. 


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The captain couldn't help but dawn a small grin as the construct arrived. Candor stood up a little straighter, and of course rendered a respectful and full salute. 

"Ma'am. This battalion sized element has been assembled for immediate departure. Our objective is to escort Ms. Applejack and Ms. Sparkle to the northern reaches of the former Crystal Empire." He explained quickly. "Our efforts will be directed towards establishing contact with any remaining government forces within the Crystal City, provided any remain. The operation was proposed by the VIPs previously mentioned, and pre-approved by the Director."

He paused, before leaning in so eavesdroppers wouldn't hear him. "Uhm, ma'am, you exceeded the flight speed cap again..."

Candor bulled back and continued standing, waiting for a response from either AJ or the Governess. 

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@GoldieS @Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66

"That by law doesn't cover objects fired in a ballistic trajectory, otherwise anything fired from one of our rail guns would have to be fined, captain." Luster pointed out matter o factly in her cyber distorted voice. "And I can see that you have an entire battalion assembled. What I'm asking is why is there a battalion being assembled for what should be a reconnaissance and expeditionary force? Unless some facts were omitted from the holo-scroll and were instead spearheading an invasion and establishing a beach head into the former territory of the crystal empire?" 

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"No additional information ma'am." The captain concluded. "This was a specific order I received from the Director and Ms. Sparkle."

Candor already understood the confusion... a thousand troops was a bit excessive, and a waste of resources in his eyes. If nothing else, it would be an excellent training exercise, but it still wasn't entirely necessary. Not only that, but for his preference, he would have chosen more front line infantry for such an operation. Not that the Director or the Alicorn understood warfare... he often received orders that didn't make sense from a military perspective, but usually the Military Governess intercepted them before he had to implement them. Not today though... 

"Perhaps the director wished to make a statement to our enemies? Flaunting our military presence in a far flung region would certainly show them we can go anywhere anytime." He said, at least trying to justify the huge battalion sized element of troops getting ready for the expedition.  

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Applejack SIG 1.png

AJ galloped over and looked up at the black robot alicorn"I'm pretty sure that with the amount of troops we have as Candor told me our chances of failing are 0 and why use stealth if we are supposed to make contact with a potentially dangerous government force...if we send say 10  operative to make contact and it turned out that the government was hostile whats stoping them from taken our pony prisoner or worse killed,with this force we have a chance to fight back if the circumstances arise".

I may not be an expert on warfare like Condor here but i am certainly not an idiot....

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66 @GoldieS 

(why does no pony use mentions?)

"Sending a force that big up north isn't flaunting our strength. It's provocation. No pony has walked up to the steps of a domain w/ a force 1000 strong and welcomed as an envoy of peace and comradere. We won't be a vulgar display of power. We'll be a giant target. That big of a force can be spotted miles upon miles away. More than enough time and distance to set up ambushes, traps, pretty much decide the field of battle on their terms. You think moving an entire battalion up hostile terrain is a logistical nightmare? Try doing the same in a fighting retreat. And no, I'm not just talking about the forces of Troneon. All manner of raiders and tribal forces can continue to whittle our forces down through days or weeks of guerrilla tactics. They'll see us long before we see them and they'll have the home field advantage. And that's not counting the various monsters and hordes of nano-beasts roaming the land.  Sun Tsteed has a few pointers on why this should be reconsidered:

  • “Ye who wishes to fight must first count the cost” Are you willing to potentially see so many brave souls lost?
  • ”The wise warrior avoids the battle.” With this grand a force, we'll only invite it. 
  • “Great results, can be achieved with small forces.”  A smaller, more mobile force can be supplied easier, move faster, and be evacuated more efficiently. 
  • “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” There is no stealth to be had moving a battalion. Nor any secret to where we're heading. Nor whom we fight for, nor our size, strength and limitations. 

In lay mare's terms, this is a dumb idea and I will not sign off on it." she threw the request aside, shattering into protons once it hit the ground. "There is nothing to be gained but disappointment leading a force like that into the frozen north. 

That and it'll just piss off the Yakistani's. And no pony wants that hassle." 


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@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @woodchunks66

Candor's ears folded down and his mouth twisted a little apologetically. Of course he was aware of the more obvious risks, and certainly there were some large ones. He expected to run into some sort of issues on the trip, but none that couldn't be handled with a little planning. Having it laid out so curtly was a little off putting though... certainly made him feel like an idiot for not explicitly mentioning any of that. 

"Well... yes ma'am... perhaps you should discuss it with the Directer herself and Lady Twilight? The signing order is... well, more customary than anything. Ultimately the Director's order is law." Candor concluded. 

"There are inherent risks, certainly, but it isn't our place to question the director..." He reminded Luster, then lowered his voice. "I love this city and all it stands for... so... well, I can't risk being exiled because someone thinks I'm a trouble maker. I was born out there, and I'll die before I'm exiled." 

He looked around for a brief moment before sighing. "I'll make it work. Regardless of the decision."

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@Lektra Bolt @GoldieS @Denim&Venom

Applejack SIG 1.png

Aj stood there and listened to the conversation between Luster and Lektra,gave a small smile when Lektra kissed the metal Alicorn.AJ turned to Lektra and said "you child is one smart cookie but you need to make her understand that the crystal empire.....its something thats been lost to something evil for millennia before,we can't let that happen again.AJ put her hoof on Lusters heart or at least where she thought her here would be. and pointed to the sparkling mountains in the distance,they look untouched by the plague or any other horrible goverment,those lands are one of the few places left in equstria that still radiate beauty and peacefulness,Then AJ raised her hoof towards the city,more specificly the tallest tree in the city...her mother and fathers tree,"see that tree Luster......I like to thing that not only repesent the unity of my family but all the family in New Everfree".then gesturing towards Lektra "that means your family too,as your mother said...this is important to every pony.....or at least every pony that know that the crystal empire is the center of harmony and love for equestria.AJ looked at the group of ponies listening to her and gave a sigh


"to all of you I may just look like a century old pony just babbling about better times but you must understand......if this succeeds...the world will be a different place,for the better"Applejack then walked up besides Lektra and whispered "apple on the hilt..nice touch" and smiled.

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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On 12/7/2017 at 4:33 PM, woodchunks66 said:

If Luster could show signs of embarrassment or being flustered, she would've, had she not been a machine, avoiding such biological pit falls. She let her mom treat her like her biological child. Reinforce the fact that she was alive and sapient in a sense, as much as that question would be debated till the heat death of the universe. Sapient life existing in a form other than bio-chemical. it also helped that the element of honesty also approached the war master with such consideration. Luster almost felt honored. 

Slowly, she removed AJ's hoof from her chest plate. 

"You both mention that this cause is for family." she turned to look towards the battalion. 

"Steed Tzu once said "Treat your soldiers as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley."" she turned back. "Well they are my family. I've seen many of them as they were young. And I've seen them die old. And I've seen them die long before their time. I've helped train them to be Equestria's spear and shield. I see them beyond being assets or simply disposable. That's what separates us from the saves and the nano's out there. Our soldiers have friends, family and a country that wants to see them come home. And I hate being the one to tell them all when it's not the case. When that life is sacrificed in the line of duty, nothing can bring it back. 

Am I willing to risk the 'family' that puts their trust and faith in me, for the family that 'might' be? Am I willing to gamble so many resources on what amounts to hopes and hunches? We all know I wouldn't have made it to this position if I did. Besides-"

Luster brought her hoof forward and emitted a holo-projection. Images began flickering across it. 

A back and white pixelated image was presented of what looked like a snow flake. A snow flake filled in by many structures, w/ an elegant monolith of a tower in the center, all surrounded by mountains. What looked like tiny specs of dust in it, were probably the ponies. 

She then swiped that image to the side and presented another one. A crisp full color image of a snowy landscape. One surrounded by mountains, containing a faint giant snow flake shape.

And nothing else. 

"I said you'd be disappointed."


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@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @woodchunks66 

The captain rubbed his forehead in dismay. At this point, there was really nothing he could do. Him and his troops were at the whims of three arguing mares, none of which he could try to reason with or offer any suggestions to. As far as they were concerned, he was just some random nameless soldier that just so happened to be standing around. Fortunately, he wasn't the only one. 

Candor stepped back, pulling AJ and the lieutenant both away from the tyrant trio. 

"Ma'am, it might be bet if we stay out of this." Candor stated to AJ. "All we can do is wait for them to finish arguing. Not much point in trying to give our two cents. They've already decided in their heads what they want to do." 

And that was that. Of course now he needed to worry about wasting resources and whatnot, just sitting around waiting for them to make a decision. That's how coin got wasted in the army, just sitting around waiting for superiors to make a blasted decision. Every minute off schedule is another drop of coin in the bucket. 

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@Lektra Bolt @GoldieS @Denim&Venom

Applejack SIG 1.png

Applejack looked over at the ponies arguing and sighed and nodded at the captin"we've keep these crystal ponys waiting for 100 years,I'd hate to make them wait long but....."AJ looked over at the ponys and scowled"Confound it! Candor once these ponys finish there conversation we.are.moving.out PERIOD!Idon't care who wins the argument they can bring it up  with me...on the road to the crystal empire! And by the look on your face captin you look ready to go"Applejack then said" tell these colts that rest time is over!its time to make the history books!" AJ stated.

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66 @Denim&Venom

Candor dawned a furious scowl as he slowly turned to address the lieutenant. He didn't mind it if his subordinates spoke informally with him, but there were just some things that weren't wise to mention to your superiors under any circumstances. Especially when standing a spitting distance from the Director and the Grand Marshal. 

"You're what?" He snapped at the Lt. 

The captain paused, looking around to examine the large highway they currently stood on. The convoy started at the gate, and trailed quite a distance down a few blocks. There were a thousand troops standing around. Everyone was formed up on one side of the highway, while the other was completely empty, save for the small command staff discussing things among themselves and the three higher ups beside them. 

"Assemble your company." The captain ordered, anger in his voice. "Form up in front of me. Tell them to leave their ruck sacks where they are, just bring combat gear. GO!" 

He snapped the last bit, waiting for the Lt. to get to it before he turned back to AJ. "That's the attitude of a greenhorn with a fresh commission out of the academy. She's never even been out in the field before, I guarantee it. 75% of being a soldier is waiting. Out of the 24 hours in a day, maybe 30 minutes of that is spent in combat, if it even happens at all. The rest is waiting for battle and remaining vigilant. I don't have a need for someone who doesn't have the patience to wait for orders."

Candor chuckled a little bit. "Plus, with her attitude, giving her remedial training won't change her attitude. She doesn't care what happens to herself, that's most good soldiers. But, she might care about what happens to her soldiers. So, we punish her soldiers for her actions. If she doesn't care, then she's not the kind of leader I want in the field with me, and I'll send her back to rear detachment to work in an office while we're out on our expedition."

"Normally I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to weed out good troops to take with me, but they kind of just threw all this at me last minute." He added. 

Edited by GoldieS
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