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private FRACTURED FUTURES: Crystal Expedition


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@Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66 @GoldieS

"Luster." said a voice from above, as the princess herself decended from the heavens. 

"You're concern for those under your command is commendible. But they're soldiers, the iron steeds of the crown. They know what they signed on for, they are well aware of the risks and they're willing and able to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Yes, I've seen the sat photos. Most likely there isn't anything left up there, Cadence potentially arranging an exodus of the whole empire sometime during the quarentine she imposed. Decades of sacavengers probably reduced the city to ruins. 

But then again, looks can be decieving. Even if that is the case, we need to know for sure if Equestria truly stands alone. 

Please Luster, with your approval, can the force proceed?"

Luster looked at her co-creator w/ as stoic an appearence as her metal and LCD optics could convey. Then she sighed a metallic sigh.

"You're all stubborn. Your hearts in the right place but your brains obviously aren't. This needs to be a tactically sound venture. I'll authorize a forward expiditionary force of 250, w/ another 250 reinforcement trailing behind. We will be going by air as it would be a logistical nightmare running a supply line from New Everfree to the empire through hostile territory. If the situation goes to tarturus, then the reinforcement arrives for an extraction. 

Then we send a proper retaliatory force of a few thousand to handle the situation. We're going to recon the area and/ or establish contact. And we need to do that quickly and efficiently. "

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Applejack SIG 1.png

AJ smiled at Candor"Welp captain would say the same for farming,most of the time your waiting for your crops to grow.....not anymore though"AJ said"with your new fertilizer and genetical sciences we don't really need to do that anymore,.....but i sense good in all these ponies,their going to make you proud cap"Then AJ turned and saw the princess flying down and trotted over to hear the conversation

AJ nodded and trotted back over to the captain"Welp i guess that we should get a move on now,There a whole empire awaiting"with that AJ hopped on the Golem carrying her two swords, laid down and put her hat on her face and started to doze off......

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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Lektra Bolt @woodchunks66 @Denim&Venom (OOC: A few time-skips here and there, feel free to fill in the blanks as needed)

The captain noticed a message pop up in his helmet that hung at his side. He briefly put it on to see the newest marching order, travel by airship now, before taking it back off. At that time the Lt. had assembled her company in front of him. He rose a brow at her comment, before turning to address the company. 

"Well, mare's and gentlecolts, your Lt. says she's bored. Any of you bored?" He asked. 

The entire group perked up. They already knew what was going to happen. Of course they all shook their heads no, some giving angry vicious looks at the Lt. Others had already resigned to their fate and began quietly stretching. 

"I suppose that's good for you lads, but let's not keep your Lt. bored. Let's do some buddy carries, no magic, from the gate all the way to the airfield. Your commander wants to join you, so you'll be carrying her while she makes sure none of you cheat. Secure your ruck sacks on a golem and ready yourself at the front gate. Dismissed." he ordered. 

Candor turned around to move towards the front of the convoy to give the lead golem the new orders. All while the company scoffed and sighed, joked and whispered harsh things about their Lt. Some, however, were a little confused by her behavior.

The latter half of the day went by fairly quickly, with the convoy and its personnel moving quickly to the airfield. Blade's magic company walked there in twos, both carrying their own equipment, and a squad mate on their back, switching out who was carrying who every so often. Two robust soldiers agreed to carry the Lt off and on, but Candor ordered them not to let her touch the ground, all while she watched her soldiers do the heavy lifting. Even with the power armor, it was a challenging task, power armor carrying power armor was still not easy. 

By the time they had reached the airfield, the various companies were being further divided, with many being dismissed back to the barracks. The few that remained being those who would be going on the operation. Only two airships, both were loaded quickly. And, while the order didn't explicitly account for golems, Candor had quietly ordered a few onto the ships after accounting for weight. 

It was nighttime by the time everyone and everything was loaded onto the ships. Candor had sent for his command staff, Lt. included, and their VIPs to the bridge of the lead ship. 

"Ms. Apple... I figured since you had plenty of sleep earlier you wouldn't mind joining us here on the command deck for the evening." He stated as Apple Jack was admitted onto the bridge. 


Edited by GoldieS
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@GoldieS @Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom

Applejack SIG 1.png

Applejack shook her head to help wake her up" its fine Candor your right i had plenty of sleep " AJ quietly  said as she just noticed the clouds on the big window behind Candor ...... then she looked at the captain "captain would you mind pulling up a hologram to show me the battle plan in case we run into trouble.

AJ look around the bridge, it was very high tech..even more so then the hanging gardens that AJ herself oversaw "Lektra..or Luster, does know how choose there weapons"aj said under her breath....then AJ looked outside again then asked the captain "whats the protocol if a pony...say falls form this aircraft,without any pegasus on broad, what would happen"AJ brushed of dust from battle jumpsuit and thought of home....apples...."Captain if you wouldn't mind me taking a look at the stock of food..i would like to..alter it...a bit......." while pulling out a test tube of liquid out of her pocket...

Edited by woodchunks66
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beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@woodchunks66 @GoldieS @Lektra Bolt

"Two air ships is too few. We need a flexible reserve fleet. It's a had idea to put all the ponies who are meant to be saving us all in one moving target." Luster accessed her hud and begun reassigning her reserve forces between to more air ships. She'd notify the captain after take off. "Besides, we don't need to be screwed when our back up ride home somehow gets downed." She looked down at the modified petition form needing her signature. "Welp. this is probably as good as I'm gonna get it." she signed off on it, green lighting it w/ the third required hoof print. 

The metal alicorn then looked to the north. "I really hope there's nothing up there. Let this be a waste of resources and time, instead of lives. Besides, do we really want to know what life was like up there all this time? And does it really matter in the end, when we've got our own problems down here?" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@woodchunks66 @Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom

"Not to worry ma'am." The captain replied to AJ. "As much as I... dislike flying... we have plenty of flyers capable of dropping down for rescue. Let's just avoid falling over altogether. And... please don't tamper with the food rations. They're sealed in individual meal kits, airtight seals. We'll discuss necessary battle plans shortly. But, you will be staying with the command team in the event of a hostile engagement." 

He waited patiently for the others to arrive, since the ship was already underway. At that point it was in the process of passing through the city shield, and rising to attain cruising altitude. 

He looked around and noticed a particular purple alicorn conspicuously absent. He gave an annoyed sigh and scowled. 

"Princess Twilight never signed into the crew and passenger roster. We're already underway, so I suppose she changed her mind last minute about coming." The captain grumbled. "I've already given the top priority order to verify she's still in garrison, someone follow up on that. I'm not interested in playing games with an alicorn, and we're not playing chauffeur either."

"Look, I know we're off to a rocky start. But out here, you're all under my command, no one else's. That means you only have one set of orders to follow, not four. We do everything by the book." He stated. "As of right now, are there any questions about what I just said?"

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@Lektra Bolt @GoldieS @woodchunks66

"Not so much a question as a correction, captain." came a familiar metallic voice. To the heavy steps walked Gen. Luster, though not the ornate, black and gold vizier class chasis of the military governess, but the taller, arctic camo, heavy plated, venetrix class assault construct. The walking definition of 'built to military specs.'

"Everypony here does have one set of orders to follow: mine. Due to the priority set upon our endeavor, and the profile of accompanying personel, I will be heading up this operation. Other than that, the rest is accurate. This operation will be run by the book as a reconassiance and expiditionary venture until evidenced otherwise. 

Any questions regarding what I just said?"

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