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private FF: The Less You Know


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@WiiGuy2014 @Lektra Bolt

Zephyr stood on a six lane bridge leading up to Everfree city, one of many entrances of course. A Praetorian, he was somewhat taller than the average pony, with a set of impressive segmented pincers jutting up from his head. His pink shell covering his wings extended further, hanging out behind him. Like the others of his particular hive, House Pisces, his shell and eyes were a delightfully glowing pink with lighter white where the lights reflected. For this particular mission, he had made sure his ponies had polished his chitin and shell extra well, almost as if he were headed to a fancy gathering back home. 

Behind him, were six drones. Zephyr would have preferred to bring a more intimidating group, but it was probably a better idea to encourage a more... calm atmosphere.

"Now Will, remember what I said... wild ponies are skittish creatures. Irrational, and very emotional. Not particularly logical creatures." Zephyr stated as they stood before the gate, waiting for someone to come and greet them... hopefully. "It's important that we use extreme care to gain their trust. Most already have a phobia of our species..."

The drones, with the exception of Will, stood in a perfect formation behind Zephyr. They stood straight and tall, just as shiny as the Praetorian himself, though of course less regal and important looking. He waited patiently for one of the guards, or someone of equivalent rank as he, to greet them. 


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Before the arrival of the Welcoming pony, Will the Changeling took Zephyr's orders and tried to stand at attention. It wasn't as uniform as the rest of the drones, but he still kept a good first impression. I hope that soon I can prove my worth to Praetorian Zephyr; This is the first time I've been to New Everfree and I better not screw this up. He thought.

Then when the pony arrived to welcome them to town, Will spotted the dark green flash of the pony's eyes, but he didn't let on that he knows. For now, he would follow Zephyr's orders first and foremost.

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Zephyr was taken back at first, surprised actually. That is, until the first arrival flashed her eyes... a pointless and unnecessary tell, one that could have easily been prevented if it were unintentional. He was, after all, a drone at one point in his life. He gave her a condescending look, looking down at her even as the second pony finally arrived. 

He only glanced down at Will when he noticed the smaller drone rather tense and standing at attention. Zephyr chuckled. 

"William, I said pay attention. Not stand attention. Calm yourself, you're my pupil after all! It does you no good to think and maintain the mindset of a drone..."  Zephyr chuckled. "Ah, but you'll get used to it."

The praetorian then adjusted his attention to the second arrival who was apparently in dismay. 

"Ahem..." Zephyr interrupted Lektra's minor meltdown with herself. "If you're not interested in taking this meeting seriously, perhaps we should leave?"


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@Lektra Bolt @WiiGuy2014

"Tired?" Zephyr responded curtly. "Your lack of preparation is none of my concern... I came here out of respect fore peace, and a... former friend." 

He pat Will on the back after mentioning the last. "Perhaps the life of a single creature isn't important enough for you to amend your busy schedule, but it is for me. I pulled more than a few strings to arrange this mind you, and many powerful superiors to convince."

Zephyr stomped his hoof. Two of the drones behind him stepped forward, one standing directly beside will and the other beside Zephyr. They quickly expanded, exploding into large hulking creatures, genetic monstrosities not so surprisingly. These one's were tanky if nothing else, with thick chitin plates over their skin and hard elongated shells much like the Praetorian. The difference with these ones, beside size, thickness, and powerful jaws, was the extended insectoid abdomen. It was vaguely translucent, with some sort of glowing pink ichor glorping about within. Their bellies glowed translucent with that same ichor as it traveled up an extended goiter of a throat like a frog's. 

"Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have brought such security, but I suppose it was for the best today." He explained. "I have been directed to execute William should I feel you don't present as trustworthy. As someone I know, I'd rather not hurt him... but my hooves are tied. Will you take this more seriously now?"

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@GoldieS @Lektra Bolt

Will was stunned by the appearance of Chrysalis. He thought she was gone! 

Will was scared by Zephyr's threat. He hoped by some form of past mentor-student relationship he had with Zephyr in the past would at least allowed to at least live. He gave Zephyr a pleading look.

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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"Praetorian Zephyr, of House Pisces, and current project officer of this region." Zephyr replied. 

He didn't follow right away, considering her question. There did appear to be a genuine crisis of conscious across his face as he battled angrily with himself. For a moment he stamped the ground in thought, before tapping Will on the flank. That, in turn prompted the behemoth beside Will to rudely shove the changeling forward. 

"The needs for his release into your custody have just been met." Zephyr replied as a matter of factly, though he didn't at all go into detail about those criteria. "However, I recommend you remain in this company for the duration of this little tour. While I typically have no patience for traitors... I see few others who could adequately explain some of the stranger cultural trends I will no doubt experience here, William."

His changeling retinue, even after the shield suddenly trapped them in, remained stalwart and focused as ever. If they had any ounce of fear in them, they hid it well. It was generally a matter of course to limit emotions for their species, at least in the modern empire. 

Casually, Zephyr and his group began following behind Lektra. "I had hoped to visit on a more... positive note. Negotiations and discussions are much easier when all involved are relaxed and comfortable, wouldn't you agree?"

He gave Lektra a smile and a slight chuckle as he followed her. "Thank you for meeting me. Though... I do have some curious questions about your... function here."

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"Marvelous, of course!" Zephyr replied to Lektra, seeing things going fairly well all things considered... "I'm so delighted to see our first hurdle being cleared so quickly. Truth be told, I was concerned it would muddy our little engagement. Oh! And no need to worry, we're capable of processing most forms of biomass. Usually prefer baggy beetles myself, but I'd be more than delighted to try some of your exotic cuisine!"

He and his retinue of six followed Lektra's group without pause, boarding the tram. It did shake a little when the two fireflies stepped on board... but nothing the system hadn't experienced before. There were some big folks in armor running around the city after all... not to mention some rather large golems. However, instead of sitting down, the fireflies stood in the center of the isle in the back of the rear car, while the other four 'drones' and zephyr sat with Lektra and her group. 

Zephyr decided to stare out the window, quite unable to hide his glee at both the speed of the tram and the grand view of the city. He frowned at one of Lektra's last comments though...

"Forgive me... but I don't understand. I've heard you alone are significantly involved in the cities physical construction efforts... to an exponential degree, unless I'm mistaken. Aren't you concerned you're taking away you're citizens independence?" He questioned. "If you were to disappear one day, your society would collapse, unable to function on its own because they've relied so much on you. Well, at least the areas you personally involve yourself with." 

He shrugged. "We have specialists of course, replaceable ones. But... you're forcing them to rely on you... are you not?"

Zephyr rose a brow curiously. His comments sounded more accusatory than anything, perhaps merely a result in differences in philosophy than anything. Feelings towards one's ideology could be strong at times. 


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14 hours ago, Lektra Bolt said:


I nodded, then bowed as he said his name. Showing respect earns respect. Usually.

As Will was shoved forward, Chrissy grabbed him and placed him safely by her side. Not actually grabbed him as one would expect. Casting a gigantic Dark Magic Claw, soft as a mother's touch and disappearing just as it appeared. She trotted with him as we all headed to a Magitek tram that was waiting for passengers.

Chrissy sat with William and turned to him. "I imagine you have questions? I have wronged you in the past, though there's more to it than that." She hung her head

Will couldn't stop staring at the Beautiful Chrysalis. He soon snapped out of it and whispered."Yeah, I have several. First of all, I still remembered your words when we last crossed paths and Starlight's rescue squad defeated you. You swear revenge on her and even shamed me for being the only Changeling there that didn't turn beautiful after Thorax showed the rest how to share the love. So, my first big question is what happened to you after that?"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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The two fireflies glared at Chrysalis and Will. They were thoroughly disgusted by the conversation they were having, taking just about everything they despised and mashing it up into one convenient package. What could be worse than Chrysalis... let alone a REFORMED Chrysalis, perhaps the only queen to ever absolutely fail hair hive in such a spectacular way, and giving rise to the green shells and their ilk. To make matters worse... the traitors seemed entirely too friendly to one another. Without actually absorbing the words of the conversation itself... all they saw was proof they had been in collusion this whole time. Why else would they be so friendly?

"Mmm... I see..." Zephyr replied to Lektra, having confirmed his assumptions. He couldn't help but overhear the other two's conversation, but he was quite a bit better at brushing it off and focusing on the task at hoof. 

"Interesting." He said, perking up again when the tram stopped to let off its variety of passengers, he was clearly intrigued by the mix. "The safety and security of your citizens is of utmost importance! Certainly commendable, which is why I'm delighted you will likely be more than accepting of my terms and offers."

Zephyr beamed with excitement, before a sudden thought popped into his head. "Oh! I apologies, you wouldn't be averse to any... unscheduled detours, would you? I have so many things I'd like to see. I ah... I've never visited a city of such magnitude! The colonies back home across the shimmering sea are built purely for efficiency, at least my houses. Perhaps we could uhm... visit one of your schools? If it's not too much to ask of course..." 

He blushed, a little embarrassed for some reason about his request. There were few genuine enjoyments in life for a Praetorian, but the young an innocent happened to be one of those for Zephyr. Creatures without a care in the world, only focused on the here and now rather than the mundane of every day life. Grubs' certainly had it better, most were selected for duties and 'responsibility' after they reached the age of eleven, sometimes sooner. That included the non-native classes within the hive. Everyone had to pull their weight. Those that didn't... well, they were re-purposed as needed.

At least the ponies and other such creatures under the control of a single changeling had their over watcher's discretion. Zephyr himself had a few dozen serving in his abode, doing nothing more than cleaning, preparing meals, and purchasing goods with the occasional gardening. Typical house chores. Otherwise, he generally allowed them to do as they pleased. 

Zephyr shook his head, his thoughts rambling on. "Just uhm, curious about the education they are receiving." He said to justify his request. 

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1 hour ago, Lektra Bolt said:

."What about you? How are you still alive? Do you hate me? I hope not. I have her memory of casting you out, believing you were weak. Why would she do that? I don't have an answer for this rash decision. All life is precious, and besides the ponies in this city, you're the only one I have left from the old world. I thought I lost you too." Chrissy hugged Will tightly and fluffed the pillow of darkness under him

Will was amazed by the warm feeling he got from Chrysalis, no, Chrissy. Will sat in silence for a few moments before before responding.

"Oh, you hugged me! The old you never hugged me, ever! She casted me out just because I get the best love nutrients feeding off of love between same-sex ponies, especially Stallions, instead of the usual stallion and mare. Yes, I'm gay.

"As for how I'm "alive". Well, I guess this body is just a reincarnation of the original Changeling from long ago. But I have all his memories up to a certain point. I guess seeing you brought those old memories of my past self back. 

"By the way, what's this pillow?" Will asked looking at his seat.

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Everything happened rather suddenly and unexpectedly. Zephyr, though surprised, kept his cool and maintained control over his retinue of lings. Once the tram stopped, he patiently waited on the platform outside the doors. He didn't make a move towards the school, or further to have a better look at what was happening with Chrysalis. Instead, he stood, scowling at the scene with his two fireflies on either side doing the same. 

Zephyr glared at Lektra, clearly angry and displeased at the turn of events. "I have no interest in continuing this tour." He stated bluntly. 

"You seem to think I'm some sort of simple minded creature, one that can be swayed and influenced with so called unforeseen events and subtle manipulation. I understand the desire and purpose of showing others your supposed 'importance' by claiming fatigue and tardiness due to your... tireless efforts for the masses. But this... Intimidation? I am not at all amused."

Zephyr's elongated shell split open down the middle to reveal his wings as he spread them out. "I see this as one of three results. First, you're arrogant enough to believe showing off a former queen will sway my beliefs and opinions, having 'tamed' her unstable side. Second, you're stupid enough to think bringing along an unstable changeling to begin with is an excellent and safe idea. Or third, you are genuinely oblivious to the dangers in the world around you and out of touch with the safety of your citizens. Or perhaps their safety isn't as important as your personal friendships?"

The praetorian scoffed indignantly. He shook his head, already deciding which of those was the case. 

"We'll be deploying weather and climate control spikes in your local region. As you clearly aren't interested in frank discussion, there will be no debate on this matter. Good day." He stated, giving a curt nod he began to buzz his wings in preparation for take off.  

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1 hour ago, Lektra Bolt said:

I turned to Zephyr and his delegation, as well as William. "I'm sorry you had to see that. Chrissy has issues with herself. Inner turmoil." Looking specifically at the young changeling I patted him on the head. "She could probably use a hug right now, even though you might be scared and confused."

Although Will was indeed scared and confused, he DID want all races, whether Changeling or Ponies, to get along! That is his greatest Hope and Dream. He approached the hurt and sad Chrissy and gently gave her a big hug! "It's okay" Will whispered to her. "If you truly want to change for the better, I will do everything in my power to help you do that!"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Zephyr was caught off guard by her sudden response, not quite expecting her to grab onto his head and essentially hold  him down. The two fireflies moved to respond, but some signal sent by their commander put them at ease. Well, somewhat at ease, they remained uncomfortably close to Lektra, snarling in preparation to do the deed if need be. Of course, they held themselves at bay for the time being. 

Zephyr channeled his magic, both pincers on either side of his head glowing purples and pinks. Just as Lektra let go and tried to step back, the changeling shoved her back even further. Fortunately, as annoyed as he looked, he wasn't all that perturbed by her entirely physical response. The others were though...

"Is that so?" He rose a brow, finally looking towards Chrysalis and Will. "So the traitor queen, the one that abandoned her hive when they needed her most, one that appears interested in hiding behind whatever facade she's created and unwilling to accept responsibility for her actions?"

He huffed. It was clear he didn't fully grasp, or perhaps not even believe what Chrysalis or 'Chryssy' was saying. Likely the latter... her tale was a cautionary one told to his kind, a reminder of how thinking oneself superior to those around them could result in utter destruction. What made all this worse, was that both the traitors were in the same place, hitting it off relatively well all things considered. Perhaps his emotions really did obscure his judgement this time, letting will go that is. It didn't matter to him if she was 'reformed' or phase zero as his kind called it, more the point her person was there. 

"Help?" Zephyr replied incredulously as he stared at Chrysalis, before giving a suspicious look to Lektra. "Not only have I convinced my superiors to suspend any possibilities of hostilities between our two nations before even meeting you, I've also released a known traitor into your custody as a sign of good will. Now you and that... thing... are asking for my help? Doing what exactly, removing the miasma from her being? And what incentive do I have for doing such a thing?"

"I would have much rather not been brought here under false pretenses..." He growled to Lektra.

Zephyr then shifted his focus back to Chrysalis. "Even if I did want to help it, I would need additional Praetorians, and perhaps even a hexapod to amplify my abilities. I am very hesitant to bring a weapon of such magnitude and value anywhere near your city at present... current events notwithstanding."

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Will blushed when Chrysalis, no, Chrissy kissed his horn. He heard her story and felt sorry for her. He stood close to her as she tried to talk to Zephyr.

Will realized he could never go back to Zephry's Hive. If his life were to continue, he hoped it could be here in this city with Chrissy and Lektra. "So, what will happen to me now?" He asked them.

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Zephyr glared at Will. "I've already released you, traitor. Keep pressing your luck and I'll apprehend you again."

He huffed a few times, considering 'Chrisie's' request. He didn't like the idea of helping the former traitor queen though, the very same that helped to destroy her own hive. There was no telling what others might think of him if he assisted both a traitor and the cause for all of those phase zero reformed changelings. Then again... he didn't have to 'help' her. Instead, he could 'clip her wings', figuratively speaking, effectively destroying her more powerful dark magical abilities. Such an act would surely be seen as beneficial, to destroy this new Chrysalis and leave her a shell of her former self by removing the miasma within her. 

She leaves happily, New Everfree is thankful, and he's removed a dangerous threat from the world. Sounds like a win all around, but he wasn't going to let it be just the one victory. 

Zephyr sighed. "Fine. I agree to help you... Queen." he said the word begrudgingly, she was still a queen after all. Should he tell her about the other exiles?

"Let us continue on our tour. We now have a great deal more to discuss." He closed his shell and relaxed, along with his followers. "Proceed."

The praetorian gave a polite tilt of the head in acknowledgement to Lektra. 

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Zephyr only gave a cursory glare at Chrysalis. He tried not to even look at her, or Will for that matter. The praetorian was thoroughly displeased by the current turn of events, and the impromptu continual changes in plans. This was not at all how he planned things to go... not that he had a specific itinerary, but he expected quite a bit less strife and excitement. He got enough of that out in the wildlands. 

"Very well. Let us proceed." He responded to Lektra as they walked into the building. 

He looked around curiously, even at the main hall as they entered, getting glimpses of some of the students rushing through the halls. Most classes were in session at the time, but there were always a few going to various rooms for different reasons. His changeling retinue trailed in behind him, two by two with the two fireflies directly behind Zephyr. 

He paused when Lektra posed the question about grades. The changeling tried to consider what she was referring too... did she mean intelligence levels? House Pisces didn't really have schools in the typical sense... a pod of twelve to twenty grubs were assigned a single caretaker. That caretaker remained with them until the grubs were old enough to be assigned responsibilities and sent off for specialized training. Until then that single caretaker was responsible for teaching them basic concepts, and provide additional teaching to those under their care that shows aptitude or interest in various areas. That meant there was no such thing as school breaks or 'days off', as the process was a daily affair. Colts and fillies, and other young creatures were generally mixed in with the grubs. 

Zephyr blushed a little, looking back at Lektra with a little bit of embarrassed confusion. "You mean intelligence phases or... age? I suppose I'd like to start at one of the newer uhm, grades." 

Zephyr reached over, partially using his magic, to pull Will beside him. He lowered his head to whisper to the other changeling. 

"What does she mean by grade?" he asked with his whisper. 

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Zephyr nodded. "Oh! Yes, that would suffice." He replied to Lektra, before noting the Receptionist. 

The fireflies gave each other uncertain looks, as did Zephyr, when she offered the visitor passes. Zephyr already seemed to know what to do with his, clipping it to the fin between his two horns, a rather awkward spot all things considered, but there really wasn't many other places to place it. His retinue of six did the same, facing similar wardrobe challenges. 

Unfortunately, the lift wasn't exactly big enough for all of them to ride at the same time, so of course Zephyr stepped in behind Lektra along with two of his smaller 'drone' companions, while the fireflies and last to drones waited downstairs with the guards. 

"Interesting. Your military presence seems... unnecessary, excessive even. Once again I feel as though this is intentional for the sake of my visit..." He added suspiciously as the elevator ascended. "Perhaps not. I've heard pony societies can be quite inefficient at times."

"Mm... no matter. Are the grubs in this facility in class at this time? I was also wondering how you accommodate refugee children and orphans. Do you use separate facilities or are they integrated?"

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@Lektra Bolt

For a while, Will fell into a mindless state and just follow the group, staying close to Chrissy. He, by instinct, put on his red unicorn disguise when they entered a public place full of ponies, just in case. 

Chrissy's question finally did snapped Will out of his unresponsive state. "Sorry guys, for whatever reason, I seemed to lost my memory of whether I had a school experience." 


"Zephyr, can you please remind me if I had one?"

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Lektra Bolt @WiiGuy2014

Zephyr stepped up to the door with Lektra to take a look inside. He glanced at all the students, supposedly some of the younger ones, quite studious and focused on whatever task they were on. He frowned. There was just something... off about it. The changeling pretended to himself he didn't know what it was... but he did. It was precisely why changelings needed to rule. This place, was nothing more than a factory. 

After peaking into a few more rooms, he settled on the youngest room he could find. "If you would please." He gestured to the door for Lektra, right before Will asked his question... the gall...

"Don't insult me." He replied indignantly to Will. "Everything I knew about you was apparently a lie. I have no idea who you even are anymore, let alone what your childhood was like." 

The question angered him once again. This was turning into an unpleasant trip, but at least he would be interacting with random ponies and creatures. With any luck, he could get a real feel for what life was like here. Then again, he had a striking suspicion he already knew what they would say in front of Lektra, or anyone of any importance for that matter. 

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