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slice of life Pixel Dusks friend finds out hes a BatPony (working title)

Pixel Dusk

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Quick short story on the first time one of Pixel's friend found out he was part BatPony. 

Please say if you can think of a better prefix/tag for this.

Pixel Dusk - My OC (more on my profile)
Pegasus Friend - I havn't completely designed or decided on who this is but all that is really needed to be known is she has been Pixel's friend for 2-3 years and Pixel trusts her. For the purpose of this story, I'll temporarily name her Crystal Quill (because it's the 1st name that came to my head :P ).

Pixel's Bedroom durin a sleepover (before anyone asks... they are just friends)

"AAAAAHH!" Crystal screamed, backing away to the wall. "AAAAH!" Pixel screamed, flying out of bed, head hitting the ceiling, "Ouch! Whats going on?" "V-v-v-vampire!" stuttered Crystal, edging toward the door. "What!? Where?" Pixel asked, "Aaahh!" Crystal screamed again, trying to open the door with her back hoof. It wouldnt budge. "Wait a second..." Pixel said, "Vampires aren't real! What did you try to scare me for?" "Get away from me!" said Crystal, fear in her eyes. She picked up a nearby hoof-mirror to protect herself. "Ooh... I get it..." said Pixel, seeing his slit eyes in the mirror, "Ok, I can explain." "I wont listen to anything you say! Vampire!" shouted Crystal Confidently. "I'm not a vampire!" yelled Pixel loudly, Crystal stanfing on her back hooves in order to try and get further away. "Right, fine." said Pixel, putting a hoof to his face, "I'll just turn back a sec..." Pixel closed his eyes, "Nrrgh!" nothing happened, "Come one! Nrrgh!" Nothing happened. "Oh, nevermind." said pixel falling to the floor in a slump. "Crystal, just listen to me for a sec... I'm not a vampire, those don't excist. I'm just part BatPony. "Yeah right!" said Crystal, dropping back onto all four hooves, "BatPonies are just a myth!" "So you believe in vampires but not BatPonies?" asked Pixel. Crystal breathed in, putting her hoof up to defend herself. She breaths a sign of defeat, putting her hoof back down and lying on the floor. "Fine." she said, "But how do you explain the door being locked!" "Because it opens inwards?" Pixel said, demonstrating by opening and closing the door. "Yeah? well... How come you were a Pegasus yesterday!" Asked Crystal defendently. "Like I said, I'm PART BatPony. My other part is Pegasus." Crystal looked at him confused. "Alright," Pixel said, "Basicly my grand... my GREAT grandmother was apparently a BatPony, The rest of my family being Pegasi. I... I was hoping to explain under better circumsances, but I guess the cats out of the bag now..." "What do you mean?" asked Crystal, "I, I mean I DO trust you but... ok fine, what I know is mostly speculation and research but as I said, my great grandmother, my Mom's Dad's Mom was a BatPony, My Grandad was mostly pegasus, just with slightly better night vision that most ponies, plus his mom died when he was quite young so he didn't really see much of her. By the time my mom was born, there was basicly no obvious traits suggesting she wasnt pure Pegasus so she was never told about it, but for some reason, I was probably born, like, 50% Pegasus and 50% BatPony or something, because for the last year or so, I've been able to switch forms between the Pagasus you know, and this BatPony form  which I... yeah..." "Wow... If your mom didnt know, how did you find out all this?" asked Crystal, "Well," continued Pixel, "When I first transformed, it was a pretty similar situation to this one, though I had never even heard of BatPonies before so... I guess you can guess my reaction" Pixel said with a smirk. Crystal giggled. "Wow, that must have been a fright!" "I knwo right!" said Pixel, "Back then, I thought I was a vampire too!, I was all like, Oooh noOOoo! get awaAAY from me!" laughed Pixel, "My mom may not have known what was going on, but she HAD HEARD of BatPonies so was able to explain that much to me... though she was still a little wary for a while incase I WAS a vampire, but after a little research, I found I had alot more incommon with a BatPony than a vampire, so I started to read up on some old myths and found out my great grandmother was once suspected of being one, as she was hardly seen in public and moslty wore a cloak to hide herself... I guess she wasn't too sure how regular ponies would react to a BatPony." "Yeah..." said Crystal, "I can imagine!" "I was worried too..." confessed Pixel, "But you seem alight with it..." "To be honest," said Crystal, "I'm really not sure where I stand in this, but if you say its fine, and you are the same pony I know, then sure!" "Well... Apart from the obvious bat wings and slit pupils" joked Pixel" "Oh yeah..." said Crystal, "How do you change for anyway?" "I don't really know." said Pixel, "I just kinda try to relax and visual myself in the other form and..." A thin black shadow flowed over Pixel, transforming him back into his Pegasus form. "YES!" whooped Pixel, "I did it!" Pixel looked down at Crystal, looking up at him in awe, "Umm... sorry for getting you caught up in all this... But can you not tell anypony? I'm still kinda nervous about letting the general populous know about my... Heritage..." "Oh, sure!" agreed Crystal "No need to be sorry though! I, for one, think it's kinda cool to be two types of ponies!" "Yeah! I guess it is!"


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