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ooc Sunrise's Rebirth OOC


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Looking for players for my second RP in this forum, all character sheets and OOC discussion are to be posted here. The RP itself will start two weeks after at least 3 players submit their character sheets, but it is allowed for players to join in after that.

When Luna became Nightmare Moon and was banished to the moon, Celestia decided to pick a member of her court to become her chancellor, someone she could go to when she wanted a second opinion, who could write her speeches and decrees and  who could take her place when she wasn't available, acting as a placeholder until Luna returned. That chancellor was none other than Sunrise Shadow, daughter of the royal mortician and respected member of the magical society. She at first seemed like the perfect right hoof mare: loyal and intelligent, Sunrise served Celestia for three years without letting her down one single time, and never showed  signs of having malicious intentions.

This however, proved to be but a mascarade, and Sunrise Shadow proved to be but a filthy parasite and backstabber: both Sunrise and her father resented all of the royal family, including Celestia herself. They saw them as weak, both as rulers and as magic users, and believed that by overthrowing Celestia and taking her power to themselves they'd be able to lead Equestria into an expansionist war that would make it into a mighty empire, bringing in a golden age of wealth and prosperity at the cost of the lives of all other kingdoms. By striking a deal with The Corruption, a natural force older than the universe that is the source of all dark magic and loathes all existing lifeforms, Sunrise was able to gain the power to tap into the life force of other beings, using it as fuel to her own foul magic. Her plan was to overthrow Celestia by draining her life force bit by bit, ultimately destroying her and gaining  her magical powers and immortality. Celestia eventuallly discoverd about this, however, and banished her spirit for one hundred years to the astral realm, while Sunrise's father ran away to his home country, never to be seen again. 

That was one hundred years ago.

Now sunrise is reborn in a new body that was stored in the far away land of Romaneia, homeland of Sunrises father, who prepared it after fleeing from Equestria especially for her spirit to return to once her banishment was over.

Now she is more powerful than ever: she is the duchess of decay, the empress of enthropy, the countess of corruption, she is The Lich Queen! and she seeks once again to overthrow the royal family and claim the throne for herself, raising an army of undead creatures and monsters of all sorts to carry out her plans.

But Celestia knew she would come back, and she was prepared: knowing that she could not send the elements of harmony on this quest - for Sunrise's corrupting magic would render them powerless - she waited for the right moment to call forth a group of adventurers who could defeat Sunrise Shadow and stop her once and for all.

As a letter you recieved just this morning has revealed to you, you are one of those adventurers.

So, will you awnser this call to adventure and take a stand against the Lich Queen? or will you let her ruinous powers plunge our world into the dephts of despair?

If you do choose to face the challenge, you and your companions must travel to Romaneia, defeat Sunrise's minions, storm her fortress and slay Sunrise Shadow herself! It will be a long and perilous journey for sure, but glory, riches an fame are sure to await you when you return!...Well, if you do return, that is...

Basic Rules:


 When you try to perform any action that can result in either success or failure, the Game Master(that's me) will determine wether you do it or not by rolling two 6-sided dice(also known as D6) and adding one of your attributes to the result(so if the result is a 3 on both dice and you have a 4 in Strength, the result is a 10, for example), the attribute being used depends on what action is being performed.

 Every character has six attributes that determine the result of everything they do: 
Strength representrs the vigor and physical strength of the character, and it is utilized to perform physical attacks, running, jumping, scaling, lifting heavy objects and other similar actions.
Agility represents the dexterity and precision of the character and is utilized to dodge attacks, balance on top of things, move silently, fall without recieving damage, move stealthily and perform ranged and stealth attacks. 
Intelligence represents the logical reasoning and mental capacities of the character, it is utilized to awnser riddles and questions, find hidden objects or messages, solve puzzles, decipher codes and perform certain magical attacks.
Willpower represents the character's mental and emotional fortitude, it is utilized to resist persuasion or intimidation as well as persuade or intimidate others, bargain and negotiate with merchants or enemies, make up convincing stories or lies  and perform certain magical attacks

HP, MP, XP and GP
 HP, otherwise known as "Health Points" or "Hit Points", represents the very life force of the character: every attack you recieve reduces your character's HP by a certain number, if your character's HP reaches zero your character dies and you have to make a new one. Every character starts with 60 HP.
MP, otherwise known as "Mana Points" or "Magicka Points" represents the magical energy that flows within the character: every active skill they utilize costs a set amount of MP, and if your character's MP reaches zero they will no longer be able to utilize any active skills. Every character starts with 60 MP.
Both HP and MP, if reduced, can be restored by consuming potions/food, using certain skills or sleeping.
XP, otherwise known as "Experience Points", represents the experience your character has gathered throughout the adventure, and once you reach a set amount your character levels up, allowing you to add +1 point to 3 attributes of your choice and learn 1 new skill as well as gain +10 HP and MP.
To level up from level 1 to level 2 you must gain 150 XP, to level up from level 2 to level 3 you must gain 200 XP, to level up from level 3 to level 4 you must gain 250 XP and so on and so forth.
XP can be earned by completing quests and defeating enemies, the mount depends on the difficulty of the quest(Easy = 50 XP, Medium = 75 XP, Hard = 100 XP) and the level of the enemy (XP gained = Level of the enemy x 10)
GP, otherwise known as "Gold Points" or "Bits", represents the amount of money the character currently has, which can be spent by buying items/equipments and earned by completing quests or selling items/equipments. Every character starts with 400 GP.
Combat is divided in rounds, in each round each character has one turn to perform an action of their choice, in your turn you can move, consume items and speak to other characters freely before performing your action. Said action can be to perform an attack, use an active skill or interact with the environment in one way or another. If you choose to perform an attack, you can choose between doing a physical, ranged, stealth or magical attack. Physical attacks have their damage determined by your strength + the damage of your weapon, Ranged attacks have their damage determined by your agility + the damage of your weapon and can hit far away enemies, Stealth attacks have their damage determined by your agility + the damage of your weapon and allow you to attack without being detected by the enemy and Magical attacks have their damage determined by your intelligence or willpower(depending on the your choice) + the damage of your magical item(unicorns can perform magical attacks using their horns, your horn's damage is 1/2 of your intelligence). Once an action is performed the character must wait until next round to act again, but they are still free to speak to other characters, equip and unequip items and move around the area.

The result of an attack is determined after two steps:
step one: rolling 2 D6 + the target's agility. If the target's result is higher than the attacker's strength/agility/intelligence/willpower(depending on the type of attack) + the damage of the weapon,  the target dodges the attack and recieves no damage.
step two: rolling 2 D6 + the defence granted by the target's armor and shield , then subtracting the attacker's strength/agility/intelligence/willpower(depending on the type of attack) + the damage of the weapon by the result, the result of that will be the amount of HP lost by the enemy.
Special Talent:

You may pick one special talent for your character, and they will gain a +1 advantage when doing anything related to that talent.



Earth Pony/Zebra/Saddle Arabian

Strength: 3
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 3
You always recieve 5 points less in damage when attacked with blunt weapons(hooves, maces, hammers, etc.), and attacks that would normally kill you in a single hit instead only reduce you to 1 HP.

Pegasus/Bat Pony
Strength: 2
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 3
You can fly, allowing you to reach high places as well as walk on clouds.

Weather Report

Whenever you're out in the open air you can spend 5 MP to fly towards a cloud to summon lightning(deals 20 shocking damage to one enemy), hail(deals 20 ice damage to one enemy

or rain(puts out fires, destroys paper and turns dirt or sand into mud)

Strength: 2
Agility: 2
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 3
Arcane Nature
You start off with 70 Mana Points instead of 60, and you start off already knowing the "Telekinesis" skill, while still being able to pick as many starter skills for your character as the rest.

Strength: 4
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 2
Willpower: 2
You can fly, allowing you to reach high places as well as walk on clouds.
You can spend 10 MP to unleash a mighty screech that intimidates all enemies, making them deal half the damage they usually deal for an amount of turns equal to your Strength.

Strength: 2
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 2
You can fly, allowing you to reach high places, but you can't walk on clouds.
You can spend 10 MP to shapeshift into an object or living being of your choice in order to fool your enemies. Your attributes and skills will remain the same, however.

Strength: 5
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 2
Willpower: 2
You can fly, allowing you to reach high places, but you can't walk on clouds.
Fire Breath
You can spend 5 MP casting a fire attack that deals 20 burning damage to the target, and can be used to melt ice and burn wood.

Classes & Skills: 


Your character's class determines what skills they can use in combat and learn upon leveling up as well as which weapons and armor they are most proficient with, each class has a set of skills and, when making your character, you must pick three of them, these will be the only skills that your character will be able to perform until he learns new ones.
There are two types of skill: "passive" ones(which are always activated and cost no MP to use) and "active" ones(which have to be activated by the player and cost a set amount of MP to use)
You may wonder: "how can characters that aren't unicorns use magic-based skills?" that's because they use the weapon or armor they have equipped as a focus through which they channel their magical energy, an "artificial horn", if you will.

Fencers are specialists in melee combat, their skills are focused on 1-on-1 fights with quick and precise attacks, "strike fast and  never miss" is the motto of every good fencer.
Fencers gain a +1 bonus to strength and agility.


  • Acrobatics(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to balance on things, jump with precision or land without taking damage.

  • Combat Agility(passive)

You can use your agility instead of your strength for physical attacks if so you wish.

  • Redirectioned Attack(passive)

If someone attacks you and misses, you can redirect the enemy's attack to another enemy, forcing them to take the damage.

  • Dual Wield(passive)

You can carry two weapons at the same time so you can perform two attacks per turn, but the total weight of the weapons must be 6 or less.

  • Tactical Combat(passive)

Upon defeating an opponent you can immediately perform an extra attack on a nearby enemy.

  • Aerial Slash(active)

You can spend 5 MP to slash at the air with so much power that it sends a gust of wind towards a far away enemy, dealing the same damage as a regular physical attack.

  • Sword Dance(active)

You can spend 30 MP to perform a graceful dance that follows the flow of battle, giving you a +2 bonus in your agility. This lasts until the end of the fight or until you fall down. 

  • Disarming Strike(active)

You can spend 20 MP to perform an agility test, if you succeed the target's weapon will fall to the floor on the space between you and them.

  • Makeshift Shield(passive)

You can use whatever you have on your hooves/talons/claws at the moment as a shield, giving you a +2 bonus when blocking attacks for the next turn, that bonus, when added to the one granted by your armor, cannot be higher than 4.

  • Phantom Sword(active)

You can spend 15 MP to create a sword out of pure magical energy that has a +8 bonus to all damage it deals and can hurt noncorporeal enemies such as ghosts. 

  • Faulty Armor(passive)

You always attack the faults and gaps on your enemy's armor, and as such the damage of your attacks is not affected by the defense bonus that it grants them.

  • Slashing Dash(active)

You can spend 10 MP to charge against the enemy, dealing the damage of a normal physical attack +10.

  • Burning Blade(active)

You can charge any cutting weapon with magical energy that sets it ablaze, causing it to deal +8 points of burning damage as well as the damage of its normal attacks for 1 round.

  • No Escape(passive)

If an opponent tries to run away from or get up from the ground you and fails, you can attack them and if it lands the opponent not only takes damage, but will also be unable to move in the next turn.

  • Bladestorm(active)

You can spend 30 MP to perform a physical attack. If the attack lands, you can deal damage and then deal a second attack with a -1 disadvantage, if that  also lands, do it again while doubling the disadvantage, and keep doing it until you miss an attack.

  • Touché(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you attack with a weapon with less than 3 in weight.


Warriors are heroes who focus on mass combat and military strategy, warriors are strong and hardy, resulting in a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. 
Warriors recieve a +1 bonus to strength and durability


  • Power Throw(passive)

You can use your strength instead of agility to use throwing weapons such as javelins and tomahawks.

  • Buffalo Strike(active)

When using a weapon with weight 5 or more you can spend 10 MP to deal damage and make the opponent fall down.

  • Hurricane Strike(active)

You can spend 10 MP to perform a single attack that affects all enemies near you.

  • Dogpile(active)

You can spend 20 MP to attack an opponent and, if it lands, all of your allies will be able to immediately attack them as well.

  • Thunderstrike(active)

You can spaned 20 MP to perform a physical attack with a weapon with weight 5 or more, if it lands, the attack deals +10 points of shocking damage that has a chance of electrocuting the opponent for one round.

  • Brawler(passive)

Your disarmed attacks(punches, bucks, headbutts, etc.) deal +2 points in damage.

  • Tactical Combat(passive)

Upon defeating an opponent you can immediately perform an extra attack on a nearby enemy.

  • Teamwork(passive)

Your attacks deal +1 point in damage for every ally that is currently fighting the same enemy as you.

  • Deflect(passive)

If you have a shield or two-hoofed weapon you have a +2 advantage when blocking ranged attacks.

  • Combat Strength(passive)

Your physical attacks deal +2 damage for every 2 points you have in strength.

  • Devastating Strike(active)

You can spend 30 MP to perform a physical attack that deals two times its normal damage and stops the enemy from acting in the next turn.

  • War Cry(active)

You can spend 10 MP to perform a mighty war cry that gives all your allies a +1 advantage in everything they do for one round. This effect does not stack up.

  • Dash Attack(active)

You can spend 10 MP to charge against the enemy, dealing the damage of a normal physical attack +10.

  • Knockout(active)

If you have a weapon that weights 5 or more you can spend 10 MP to strike the oponent, causing half of the usual damage and knock out the oponent, stopping them from acting in the next turn and making it so they have to perform a strength test before every action, and if their result is below 12 they won't be able to act.

  • No Escape(passive)

If an opponent tries to run away from or get up from the ground you and fails, you can attack them and if it lands the opponent not only takes damage, but will also be unable to move in the next turn.

  • Strong Legs(passive)

Three D6 instead of two are rolled when you try to avoid falling down.

  • Protect Ally(passive)

If you have a shield you'll help defend your allies whenever they are attacked, adding the defence bonus of the shield to that of the ally you are defending.

Barbarians are wild warriors who live in tribal groups and fight with all the fury and strength of nature itself. Their skills focus on heavy and destructive combat and very little else.
They gain a +2 bonus in stength.


  • Power Throw(passive)

You can use your strength instead of agility to use throwing weapons such as javelins and tomahawks.

  • Buffalo Strike(active)

When using a weapon with weight 5 or more you can spend 10 MP to deal damage and make the opponent fall down.

  • Hurricane Strike(active)

You can spend 10 MP to perform a single attack that affects all enemies near you.

  • Brawler(passive)

Your disarmed attacks(punches, bucks, headbutts, etc.) deal +2 points in damage.

  • Tactical Combat(passive)

Upon defeating an opponent you can immediately perform an extra attack on a nearby enemy.

  • Animal Companion(passive)

You can choose to have a wolf, eagle, snake or owl to be your companion that will  aid you in your adventure, it will have 10 HP and MP points more than a regular member of its species.
You can give your companion a name if so you wish.

  • Spirit Animal(passive)

You can choose to have a spirit animal, an etherial creature that embeds you with the power of nature itself, you must chose your spirit animal to be either a wolf(gives you +1 advantage in all physical attacks), a fox(three D6 are rolled instead of two when you attempt to chase or run away from someone) or a bear(three D6 are rolled instead of two when you attempt to lift heavy objects and grab opponents).

You will have a mark shaped like the pawprint of your spirit animal on your chest that glows whenever you use the power it grants you, when not glowing its color will be slightly darker than your coat/scales.

  • Combat Strength(passive)

Your physical attacks deal +2 damage for every 2 points you have in strength.

  • Berserk Rage(active)

You can spend 30 MP to unleash the primal fury of your inner beast, gaining a +2 bonus in strength and becoming immune to all forms of intimidation until the end of the battle.
When you're in this state your eyes will start glowing red and your voice will several times deeper.

  • Devastating Strike(active)

You can spend 30 MP to perform a physical attack that deals two times its normal damage and stops the enemy from acting in the next turn.

  • Spiritual Guide(passive)

The ghost of a long gone ancestor acts as your guide by visitting and speaking to you in your dreams, appearing in the same form they had when they were alive. They will warn you of things to come, give you advice on what to do and either praise or criticise you based on your actions. Your spirit guide can help you solve riddles or puzzles and give you information about animals and plants, to speak to them you just need to either sleep or meditate.
Your can describe the appearance of your spiritual guide and give them a name if so you wish.

  • Dash Attack(active)

You can spend 10 MP to charge against the enemy, dealing the damage of a normal physical attack +10.

  • Bite(active)

You can spend 10 MP to bite your enemy, dealing 4x the damage of a regular physical attack. The damage of this attack doubles if you have Berserk Rage activated at the moment.

  • Scent(active)

You can perform an intelligence test to identify and track the scent of a creature based on a foot/paw/hoofprint, drop of blood and whatever else might have the same scent as them.

  • Thick Skin(passive)

When unarmored, you gain a +2 bonus to your Durability.

  • Natural Wisdom(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to identify a species of plant, fungus or animal.


Rangers are warriors who specialize in facing their enemies from long distances, using the environment around them and their connection to nature to their advantage. 
Rangers gain a +2 bonus to agility.


  • Combat Agility(passive)

You can use your agility instead of your strength for physical attacks if so you wish, as long as the weapon's weight is 4 or less.

  • Disabling Arrow(active)

You can spend 20 MP to perform a regular ranged attack, if it lands, not only will it cause damage but it'll also hit the opponent's knee or hoof/paw/talon/foot, causing them to lose 10 HP every time they move.
This effect stacks up.

  • Arrow Volley(active)

You can spend 40 MP to shoot 5 arrows at once, each arrow can target one enemy and two or more arrows can target the same enemy. Each arrow has its damaged decided by its own test.

  • Dual Wield(passive)

You can carry two weapons at the same time so you can perform two physical attacks per turn, but the total weight of the weapons must be 6 or less.
Animal Companion
You can choose to have a wolf, eagle, snake or owl to be your companion that will  aid you in your adventure, it will have 10 HP and MP points more than a regular member of its species.
You can give your companion a name if so you wish.

  • Spirit Animal(passive)

You can choose to have a spirit animal, an etherial creature that embeds you with the power of nature itself, you must chose your spirit animal to be either an eagle(gives you +1 advantage in all ranged attacks), a fox(three D6 are rolled instead of two when you attempt to chase or run away from someone) or an owl(three D6 are rolled instead of two when you perform an intelligent test).
You will have a mark shaped like the pawprint of your spirit animal on your chest that glows whenever you use the power it grants you, when not glowing its color will be slightly darker than your coat/scales.

  • Evasion(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make an enemy that landed an attack on you roll the dice again, if they fail, you recieve no damage. This skill can only be used once per round.

  • Faulty Armor(passive)

You always attack the faults and gaps on your enemy's armor, and as such the damage of your attacks is not affected by the defense bonus that it grants them.

  • Elemental Arrow(active)

You can spend 10 MP to enchant your arrows for one round, causing all your  ranged attacks to deal +8 fire, frost or lightning damage depending on your choice.

  • Phantom Arrow(active)

You can spend 10 MP to enchant your arrows for one round, allowing them to phase through walls, armor, shields and anything that isn't organic or supernatural. Said arrows are capable of damaging noncorporeal beings like ghosts.

  • Double Shot(active)

You can spend 20 MP to shoot two arrows instead of one in your turn.

  • Sneakyness(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to move without being detected, hide and 

  • Spiritual Guide(passive)

The ghost of a long gone ancestor acts as your guide by visitting and speaking to you in your dreams, appearing in the same form they had when they were alive. They will warn you of things to come, give you advice on what to do and either praise or criticise you based on your actions. Your spirit guide can help you solve riddles or puzzles and give you information about animals and plants, to speak to them you just need to either sleep or meditate.
Your can describe the appearance of your spiritual guide and give them a name if so you wish.

  • Natural Medicine(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to brew medicines and identify medicinal herbs.

  • Scent(passive)

You can perform an intelligence test to identify and track the scent of a creature based on a foot/paw/hoofprint, drop of blood and whatever else might have the same scent as them.

  • Natural Wisdom(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to identify a species of plant, fungus or animal.

  • Lock On(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make it so three D6 are rolled instead of two in your next ranged attack.



Rogues are specialists in stealth, spying and traps, being able to scout ahead to deactivate traps and open locked doors and chests, as well as attacking their foes without being detected.
Rogues gain a +1 bonus in agility and intelligence.

Rogues are specialists in stealth, spying and traps, being able to scout ahead to deactivate traps and open locked doors and chests, as well as attacking their foes without being detected.
Rogues gain a +1 bonus in agility and intelligence.

  • Acrobatics(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to balance on things, jump with precision or land without taking damage.

  • Combat Agility(passive)

You can use your agility instead of your strength for physical attacks if so you wish, as long as the weapon's weight is 4 or less.

  • Lay Trap(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two of them when you try to lay out a trap of any kind.

  • Pick Lock(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two of them when you try to pick a lock.

  • Disabling Attack(active)

You can spend 20 MP to perform any non-magical attack, if it lands, not only will it cause damage but it'll also hit the opponent's knee or hoof/paw/talon/foot, causing them to lose 10 HP every time they move.
This effect stacks up.

  • Evasive Attack(active)

If you attack with a weapon that has weight of 2 or less you can spend 5 MP to hide somewhere immediately afterwards, preventing anyone from attacking you until you stop hiding.

  • Redirectioned Attack(passive)

If someone attacks you and misses, you can redirect the enemy's attack to another enemy, forcing them to take the damage.

  • Dual Wield(passive)

You can carry two weapons at the same time so you can perform two physical attacks per turn, but the total weight of the weapons must be 6 or less.

  • Contacts(passive)

You have many contacts among other rogues, allowing you to speak to them for priviledged informations and ask them for help on your quest. You can find other rogues by searching through cities and villages.

  • Evasion(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make an enemy that landed an attack on you roll the dice again, if they fail, you recieve no damage. This skill can only be used once per round.

  • Faulty Armor(passive)

You always attack the faults and gaps on your enemy's armor, and as such the damage of your attacks is not affected by the defense bonus that it grants them.

  • Escapist(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two of them when you try to break free from ropes, traps, cages, etc.

  • Sneakyness(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two when you try to move without being detected, hide and 

  • Quick Attack(active)

If you're using a weapon with weight 2 or less you can spend 20 MP to attack twice instead of once in your turn.

  • Silver Tongue(passive)

Three D6 are rolled instead of two of them when you try to persuade someone, bargain with them or convince them of something.

  • Master of Daggers(passive)

When equipped with a throwing weapon(such as throwing knives or darts) you can throw four of them instead of just one in your turn as long as their weight is 2 or less.

  • Cheap Trick(active)

You can spend 10 MP to confuse the opponent, stopping them from acting in the next turn.


Mages are specialists in spells of all sorts, dedicating their lives to the study of the arcane. 
Mages gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence.


  • Magical Ram(active)

You can spend 10 MP to cast this spell that releases a wave of kinetic energy that causes 10 blunt damage and can break through wooden walls and containers or knock over enemies and objects.

  • Fireball(active)

You can spend 20 MP to toss a fireball that deals 20 burning damage to one enemy and 10 burning damage to two enemies near them.

  • Detect Magic(active)

You can detect all magical creatures and objects within your field of vision, this skill costs no MP to use.

  • Fire Elemental(active)

You can spend 30 MP to pull a fire elemental from the elemental plane of fire, summoning a dragon-shaped fire elemental that stays for as long as the current battle lasts.

  • Ice Elemental(active)

You can spend 30 MP to pull an ice elemental from the elemental plane of ice, summoning a yak-shaped ice elemental that stays for as long as the current battle lasts.

  • Force Field(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make a force field around yourself or anyone in your field of vision, giving them a +2 defence bonus, this effect lasts until the current battle ends.

  • Familiar(passive)

You have an animal that is magically binded to you, allowing you to speak to it telepathically and summon it whenever you like. Said animal can be an owl, raven, rat, cat, eagle or snake.

  • Scorched Earth(active)

You can spend 30 MP to set a patch of ground of up to 4 meters in diameter on fire, dealing 10 burning damage to everyone standing on it for three turns.

  • Recharge MP(active)

You can lose a quantity of HP of your choice to recover that same quantity in MP for yourself or for others.

  • Elemental Resistence(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make yourself or anyone in your field of vision resistent to fire, ice, lightning, poison and acid, causing attacks based on such to only deal half their damage. This effect lasts until the current battle ends.
You can only use this with one element at a time.

  • Sleep(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make an opponent fall into a deep sleep, stopping them from acting for one round or until they recieve damage.

  • Telekinesis(active)

You can spend 10 MP to move any object within your field of vision with the power of your mind. You can move the object around, but you instantly drop it if you perform any other action while holding it.

  • Teleportation(active)

You can spend 30 MP to teleport anywhere in a 6 meter radius, taking anyone who's currently touching you with you.

  • Hailstorm(active)

You can spend 30 MP to summon a hailstorm that deals 10 ice damage + 15 blunt damage.

  • Arcane Blast(active)

You can shoot beams of pure magical energy that deal 8 damage to your opponent. This skill costs no MP to use.

  • Freeze Ray(active)

You can spend 10 MP to shoot a beam that can freeze up to 10 liters of water and cause 10 ice damage to your opponent.

  • Lightningbolt(active)

You can spend 20 MP to shoot a lightningbolt that deals 20 shocking damage to an opponent.

  • Levitation(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make yourself or anyone else levitate, allowing them to move freely through the air in any direction at the same speed of their usual movement. This effect immediately ends if you perform any other actions while it's activated.



Clerics specialize in spells related to healing and protection, and much like mages, spend their lives studying the theories and practices of magic.
Clerics gain a +1 bonus to intelligence and willpower.


  • Bless Allies(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make all allies in a 10 meter radius recieve a +1 advantage in everything they do.

  • Bless Weapon(active)

You can spend 10 MP to bless a weapon, making it cause +6 damage to undead enemies and evil spirits.

  • Weapon of Light(active)

You can spend 20 MP to conjure a version of your current weapon made out of pure light magic that deals +6 damage to all enemies. This effect lasts until the battle ends.

  • Create Food(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make a meal that can feed up to 6 individuals, that meal is composed of bread, apples, jelly, water and cider.

  • Magic Walking(active)

You can spend 10 MP to allow yourself or anyone you touch to walk on top of any surface(including liquids) as well as walk on walls and ceilings as if they were the floor.

  • Cure Wounds(active)

You can spend 10 MP to restore the HP of yourself or anyone you touch by 10 points, this effect has +10 points added to it every time you level up.(so if you go from level 1 to level two this skill goes from restoring 10 HP to restoring 20 HP)

  • Detect Magic(active)

You can detect all magical creatures and objects within your field of vision, this skill costs no MP to use.

  • Destroy Undead(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make all undead creatures in a 6 meter radius return to being lifeless bodies.

  • Touch of Grace(active)

You can spend 5 MP to make yourself or anyone you touch have +2 advantage in their next action.

  • Spear of Fate(active)

You can spend 10 MP to summon a magical spear made out of solid light, throwing it at any opponent to deal 10 piercing damage. If the opponent is an undead or an evil spirit the damage will be multiplied by three.

  • Invisible Wall(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make a 3 by 3 meter invisible wall that lasts until it recieves 60 damage of any kind, or until the current battle ends.

  • Recharge MP(active)

You can lose a quantity of HP of your choice to recover that same quantity in MP for yourself or for others.

  • Elemental Resistence(active)

You can spend 10 MP to make yourself or anyone in your field of vision resistent to fire, ice, lightning, poison and acid, causing attacks based on such to only deal half their damage. This effect lasts until the current battle ends.
You can only use this with one element at a time.

  • Sleep(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make an opponent fall into a deep sleep, stopping them from acting for one round or until they recieve damage.

  • Telekinesis(active)

You can spend 10 MP to move any object within your field of vision with the power of your mind. You can move the object around, but you instantly drop it if you perform any other action while holding it.

  • Lightningbolt(active)

You can spend 20 MP to shoot a lightningbolt that deals 20 shocking damage to an opponent.

  • Speed Up(active)

You can spend 20 MP to allow yourself or anyone you touch to perform two actions instead of one in your next turn.

  • Levitation(active)

You can spend 20 MP to make yourself or anyone else levitate, allowing them to move freely through the air in any direction at the same speed of their usual movement. This effect immediately ends if you perform any other actions while it's activated.




Equipments are the weapons and armor your character uses, each equipment has a price and a weight, if the character's strength is lower than the equipment's weight, they cannot use it.

Ranged Weapons:
Price: 100 GP
Damage: 2
Type: Piercing
Weight: 1

Wooden Bow
Price: 100 GP
Damage: 4
Type: Piercing
Weight: 1

Iron Bow
Price: 150 GP
Damage: 8
Type: Piercing
Weight: 2

Steel Bow
Price: 200 GP
Damage: 10
Type: Piercing
Weight: 2

Crystal Bow
Price: 250 GP
Damage: 12
Type: Piercing
Weight: 2

Small Crossbow
Price: 300 GP
Damage: 14
Type: Piercing
Weight: 3

Large Crossbow(2-hoofed)
Price: 350 GP
Damage: 16
Type: Piercing
Weight: 3

Price: 400 GP
Damage: 18
Weight: 4

Price: 100 GP
Damage: 4
Type: Slashing
Weight: 1

Price: 150 GP
Damage: 6
Type: Slashing
Weight: 1

Throwing Knife
Price: 200 GP
Damage: 8
Type: Slashing
Weight: 1

Price: 250 GP
Damage: 10
Type: Slashing
Weight: 2

Price: 50 GP
Damage: 4
Type: Blunt
Weight: 1

Price: 100 GP
Damage: 6
Type: Blunt
Weight: 1

Price: 150 GP
Damage: 8
Type: Blunt
Weight: 2

Throwing Weight
Price: 200 GP
Damage: 10
Type: Blunt
Weight: 3

Melee Weapons:

Price: 0 GP
Damage: Your strength.
Type: Blunt
Weight: 1

Price: 50 GP
Damage: 6 
Type: Slashing
Weight: 1

Price: 100 GP
Damage: 8 
Type: Slashing
Weight: 1

Price: 150 GP
Damage: 10
Type: Slashing
Weight: 2

Price: 200 GP
Damage: 12
Type: Slashing
Weight: 3

Price: 250 GP
Damage: 14
Type: Slashing
Weight: 6

Price: 300 GP
Damage: 18
Type: Slashing
Weight: 4

Price: 350 GP
Damage: 20
Type: Slashing
Weight: 5

Lumberjack Axe
Price: 100 GP
Damage: 8
Type: Slashing
Weight: 2

Battle Axe
Price: 150 GP
Damage: 10
Type: Slashing
Weight: 4

Great Axe
Price: 200 GP
Damage: 12
Type: Slashing
Weight: 6

Price: 50 GP
Damage: 8
Type: Blunt
Weight: 2

Price: 100 GP
Damage: 10
Type: Blunt
Weight: 4

Price: 150 GP
Damage: 12
Type: Blunt
Weight: 6

Price: 200 GP
Damage: 14
Type: Blunt
Weight: 8

Light Pickaxe:
Price: 100 GP
Damage: 8 
Type: Piercing
Weight: 1

Heavy Pickaxe:
Price: 150 GP
Damage: 10 
Type: Piercing
Weight: 2

Price: 200 GP
Damage: 12
Type: Piercing
Weight: 4

Price: 250 GP
Damage: 14
Type: Piercing
Weight: 6

Price: 300 GP
Damage: 16
Type: Piercing
Weight: 8


Fur Tunic
Price: 50 GP
Defence: +1
Weight: 1

Leather Tunic
Price: 100 GP
Defence: +2
Weight: 2

Price: 150 GP
Defence: +3
Weight: 3

Price: 200 GP
Defence: +4
Weight: 4

Price: 250 GP
Defence: +5
Weight: 5

Price: 300 GP
Defence: +6
Weight: 6

Character Sheet:








Cutie Mark: (only for earth ponies, pegasi or unicorns, sorry Gabby.)

Special Talent: 

Motivation: (what's the reason for your character to go on this journey?, optional.)

Backstory: (Optional)

Appearence: (optional)





Edited by GreenGreenWhirlWind
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Oooh! This looks great! Let me know if I missed anything!

Name: Roefire

Race: Pegasus

Class: Fencer

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Cutie Mark: A simple compass with inscribed sun-rays at its center. It represents her love for adventure and exploration, and her ability to help other ponies find their way.

Special Talent: Wayfinder - Roefire is exceptional at cartography and constellation reading, thus enabling her to help guide the party on the correct path. 

Motivation: Roefire is a freelance adventurer for hire ((she hates the term mercenary)). No task, big or small, has ever phased her before, and she's not about to let some cranky Lich scare her away!

Backstory: It's not that Roefire had a tragic, haunted childhood. It's really not like that. 
Roe had wonderful parents, who loved her very much. She grew up safe and warm in the clouds, with a nice home and dozens of other Pegasi foals to play with. There was no horrific, life-changing event that shook the foundations of everything she believed in, nor any terrible, crippling loss to scar her formative years.
Roefire grew to be a proud and confidant young mare, the apple of her parents' eyes. But it was as she grew that Roe began to feel the weight of expectation and responsibility. The reality of becoming a teenager, and then an adult, really. 
Her parents had always just... assumed she'd go into the weather business. It was almost unheard of for a Pegasus not too. I mean, we couldn't all be like the Wonderbolts. 
At least, that's what her parents had said. 
But it just didn't satisfy Roefire. Like... ever. There was never any flash of inspiration or excitement, or any gentle wave of contentment. Helping the weather along was... just that. Helping the weather along. It wasn't her calling. It wasn't who she was meant to be. Her parents has insisted she was being over-dramatic, that she'd settle into her niche in time. Her cutie mark would appear, and all would be well. 
But time marched on and Roefire grew increasingly restless and agitated. She'd eventually grown to despise the work she did, viewing it as an awful chore that kept her from growing into the pony she knew she could be. Yet at the same time, she felt incredibly guilty for thinking this way. She desperately wanted to make her parents proud, to find a place in the weather teams among her friends, but it just wasn't working. It was draining the vitality out of her, and Roefire just wanted something that would satisfy her. 
So, one night she quietly explained to her parents that she would be leaving. She would strike out on her own, to find something she loved to do. Something that made her happy. They ranted and raved and demanded she stay, but eventually she got them to understand. Despite their fear and worry for their only daughter, they let her go without a fight. And so Roefire traveled this way and that, facing obstacles both big and small, and weathering through quite a bit more peril than she bargained for. 
It wasn't until a full six months later that her cutie mark finally appeared, and Roefire recognized her true calling. Seemingly without even realizing it, Roefire had become a "professional" adventurer, and began offering her services to ponies far and wide. Need to recover an artifact from a collapsed tomb? No problem! Need help breaking an ancient curse threatening your small, country town? Got ya covered! Need someone to run to the store and grab you some flu medicine? ....Well okay, just don't sneeze on her. 


Personality: Roguish and witty; clever, carefree, and just a little too flirty. Roefire carries an enthusiasm and excitement for life. She hungers for new and fresh experiences, and delights in meeting new ponies and going on grand adventures. Roe is determined to leave the confusion and guilt of her fickle childhood behind, and make up for lost time with as many happy memories as she can cram into the rest of her life.  


  • Combat Agility
  • Dual Wielding
  • Faulty Armor


  • Aerial Slash
  • Phantom Sword
  • Burning Blade


  • Dirk 1 (100 GP)
  • Dirk 2 (100 GP)
  • Chainmail Armor (150 GP) 

350 Total GP spent; 50 GP Remaining

Edited by BlackShardNixium
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On 26/12/2017 at 6:55 PM, BlackShardNixium said:



Just two things: the "Attributes" are supposed to be the Strength, Agility, etc. of the character, taking the base attributes of your race and then adding the attribute bonuses of your class.

And you only pick three skills, be they Passive or Active, not three of each.

Other than that, it looks like you're good to go!

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