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open MLP Magic Academy RP (closed)


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Shadow shook his head and said, "No, I can't teach you that type of magic." He noticed that Shadow was a bit disappointed and added, "But, I might be able to teach you how to put your own magic in, even though it just makes it sound better without the long effects."

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After the assembly was over, Heidi was left a little disappointed with some of the lackluster performances from her new peers. It seemed as though very few of the newbies had left any lasting impression on her. Meanwhile, the introduction of a certain pegasus pony with self-claimed 'no talent' aroused some skepticism, since she was one of the many students that had heard the rumors revolving around Shadow Flare's incident... However, she decided not to engage in the matter now, as students either began making their way towards her and the other student helpers or filtering out offstage to their dorms. Instead, Heidi chose to keep her appearance positive as she greeted some of the new faces she would be seeing around campus.

@Dynamo Pad

Some of the new students had fairly easy questions for her, so they were handled with ease. Then she noticed a particular neon stallion close by waiting for his turn to be helped. Only from what she could tell, he seemed to be loosing a bit of patience. Getting up from her seat, she trotted over to him, greeting him with one of her grade-A smiles. "Well hello there darlin! Cosmic Clown, was it? You certainly know how to put on a good show don'tcha?" She mused, "I must say, I was thoroughly impressed with your demonstration. Not many first years can do that sort of thing on their first day."


Meanwhile, back in the audience seating of the auditorium, Comet found himself indulging in his favorite thespian book. That is until suddenly he was hit in the back of the head by a random classmate passing by, a unicorn by the look of it, clearly picking on him for his nerdy appearance and non-magical abilities. He sighed softly to himself, closing his book and taking off his reading glasses, placing both of the contents inside of his saddle bag. The earth pony decided it was time to head back to his room, he'd left his puppy alone for long enough and wanted to make sure she was fed before lunchtime.

Standing up from of his seat, he went on leave the auditorium and proceed to the dormitories. After reaching the designated room number, he walked inside, closing the door behind him to be greeted by a pair of beds, his suitcase placed on the floor beside them, and a dog carrier on top of one of the beds. His young canine friend whining and fidgeting in her carrier, eager to get out.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@Alex Van Gamer

While he waited for other ponies to be helped, Cosmic's ears perked at the mentioning of his name. He turned to see a purple unicorn mare trotting over to him. He smirked at the praise she was giving him, before deciding to strike up a conversation. "That be me. Cosmic Clown. Don't ware the name out now." He chuckles before nodding in confirmation. "I take it you saw my performance, huh? I'm glad you were able to enjoy the demonstration." He puffed his chest with pride. "I always say if you got magic, then you either use it or lose it. Failures don't deserve to be in a world where you're meant for greatness." He shot a look at Dynamo, before turning his sights back on the mare. "It seems as if you know me, but I don't know a thing about you. What's your name?"


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@Dynamo Pad

Solar pad chuckled at the mention of the incident she refrained from telling him before.

"Oh, that.. yeah it was a hoot," Solar Spout said, "But Some Unicorn apparently learned a mane spell.  She casted it on herself to style her main... ended up looking ridiculous.  The more she tried to fix it with magic, the worse it got."  Solar Spout got lost in a giggle fit as she remembered the story, "You should of seen it!  Well, you may if you can track down the pictures that were taking during it.  I've yet to get my hooves on one."

She laughed again before changing to a more important subject.

"Anyways... for your schedules, just leave it to me," She said, "I'll be able to get your schedule and bring it back too you.  In fact..." She glanced around, "Doesn't seem any other ponies need my help, right now.  So if you follow me, we can chat while I work on getting it."



Shadow Flare wasn't entirely sure what he meant by that.

"... Well, I was hoping to learn how to calm someone...mainly myself..." Shadow Said keeping the last two words more quiet before returning to her normal volume "with that spell."


Edited by JCKane


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As Dynamo listened to the story, he couldn't help himself in chuckling at what had happened. He almost collapsed to the floor in a laughing fit, but refrained and did his best to keep his composure. He wiped a stray tear from his eye while giving Solar Spout an apologetic look. "That's actually pretty funny. I could imagine it would take the teachers a good amount of time to clean up the mess of mane from the spell." He looked around to make sure that Sunshine Daisy wasn't still on stage with the new students. He leaned in closely towards Solar, while keeping his voice below a whisper. "I'd hate to imagine how angry your mom might have gotten. She must have had a fit and panicked at the disaster that was going on stage at the time." He whispers while chuckling at the thought. "If you do ever get your hooves on the photo, then you've got to show me sometime. Although, I guess it's better to actually be there to see it first hoof."

Dynamo was grateful that Solar would be able to get a schedule of his classes for him. He was planning to wait on stage, until she would return. However, he had a change in plans, as she asked him to walk and chat with her, until he attained his schedule. "Sure and that sounds like a plan." He grinned happily as the two made their way out of the backstage area. "What are some things that you like? What are some hobbies that you like to do in your spare time?" He asks, as he started off the conversation between the two. 


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@Dynamo Pad

Solar Spout began to lead Dynamo out of the stage and down the halls of the school.  "Well, My favorite past time is swimming," Solar Spout said with glee, "I'm a regular Aqua pony!  Too bad my mother's not to found of it.  She wants me to be an all powerful magical unicorn or something like that.  What about you?  What do you like to do in your spare time?"


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Merx shook his head again and said, "I"m sorry, but being able to calm everyone down is dangerous. I was using only a portion of it by a dampening spell. If I used all of it, the whole auditorium would be blanketed by sleeping ponies, except for me. Do you get what I'm saying?"


Pollu finally arrived at the library and found a seat, then she took out a book on the supernatural, then she heard Lil say, "Seriously Pollu, again? We already looked through the book a hundred times, and I told you we can't be separated. It's in our dna and as well as our cutie mark."

Pollu replied as she flipped the page, "I'm not looking for that. I'm trying to find something on zombies or reanimated corpses. Now be quiet the last thing we need is someone overhearing me talking to you."

Edited by reader8363
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@Dynamo Pad,

The mare let out a small giggle, it seemed stroking this stallions ego was a fairly easy task. However the words he spoke were things she could wholeheartedly agree with. "I understand completely!" Heidi exclaimed, placing a hoof against her chest. "As somepony who comes from a family of business, we accept nothing less than success!"

She noted how Cosmic seemed to be directing this comment at a particular pony among the now much smaller crowd, but did not immediately identify which one that was before he turned his attention back to her. "Ah, yes. My apologies darlin!" The mare replied with a soft chuckle, crossing her right two hooves over the other as she tilted her head up with an air of grace and superiority. "The name's Heidi Hustle, third year student at this here academy, but you may refer to me as Heidi."

Relaxing her posture once more, the unicorn returned to her more casual demeanor, "Now with the formalities outta the way, I'm left ta believe you came here looking for a student helper, correct? If so than I'd be delighted to help you with any questions you may have!"


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@JCKane @Alex Van Gamer

As Solar was leading the blue unicorn down the hall, Dynamo smiled fondly at her hobby. He did raise an eyebrow in surprise, yet curiosity of her being an aqua pony. "Do you mean something along the lines of a sea pony? I remember telling me stories of them when I was younger, but I always thought they were just stories. What is an aqua pony anyway?" He asks and frowns at her mother's idea of a future. "If you ask me, the goal that's being set for you is nonsense. I don't like the idea of being forced to be something that your not. Especially being told what you can an cannot learn and/or do. You should do the things that you love best, no matter who or what tries to deny you of your passion." He says as he looks to her while giving a heartfelt and honest smile. He then looks up towards the ceiling while humming in thought. "Hmm...that's a good question. One of my hobbies is playing video games, but you know that by my earlier demonstration."

He chuckles briefly, before getting back on topic. "Some other things that I like to do is read manga and stories from time to time. I also like to go swimming, so you're not alone in that past time. Whenever I'm not playing video games, I like to watch anime. I also enjoy cosplaying as certain anime characters and go to conventions. I guess the only other hobby I got is listening to music from time to time." He says while trying to think of another question for the mare next to him. His eyes lit up as an idea came to mind. "Do you have any dreams for the future? Anything that you're looking forward to doing once you graduate from the Academy?"


Cosmic grinned softly, which turned into a wide grin at the mare's agreement of his ideology. "Sounds like somepony finally knows what I'm talking about. What kind of business does your family run, anyway?" He asks as he heard the entrance to the back stage had closed. He looked around and saw that Dynamo and Solar Spout were nowhere to be seen. He assumed that she chose to help him out and sighed in relief. Finally, he's gone! I thought he'd never leave." He shook his head. He walked up towards the mare until he was out of earshot from the other students and Student Helpers. "Between you and me, that's the pony that I just cannot stand. I hate how he's all about friendship and hard work. If you ask me, friendship is for the weak and who needs hard work when you're born with talent like me." He says with a huff. "That's the pony I can't stand, if you couldn't tell. His name is Kyubiki Tenchu. Well...that's his gaming name, but I refer to him by his name. I will never acknowledge his real name. He may be a rival in video games, but in the real world, I just can't stand him." He felt as if he was trembling in anger, but chose to ignore the feeling.

He watched as the mare before him crossing her two hooves over the other, as well as tilt her head up high with superiority and grace. Cosmic's jaw dropped slightly at how arrogant her pride was. He picked up his jaw, before smirking inwardly. 'I think I can use this mare to my...advantage. Maybe I can try to knock my favorite punching bag down a peg or two. That, or I can get some help in picking on a few students. Either way, I think I can make great use of this mare." He chuckled deviously, before putting up a fake smile. "Heidi Hustle, huh? I think that's a lovely name. A third year student at that. I feel like I'm not worthy to be in your presence, my dear." He joked while chuckling, but was inwardly gagging in his mind. He nods at her assumption and grins with a nod at her offer to help. "That would be great and thank you. I just want to have a small tour of the campus and where my room will be. If I'm going to be staying at this dump of a school, the least I can do is know where everything is." He says, but smirked inwardly once more. 'This is just too easy. First day here and I've got someone wrapped around my hoof. I just need to be careful. This one is pretty cunning and might try to use me. Let's see who can outsmart the other.' 



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"I.. only wanted to cast the spell on myself," Shadow Flare said seeing that this was a waist of time and she was only bothering the Stallion, "... not on any pony else."

@Dynamo Pad

Solar Spout Smiled at his answers, "OOH, yeah I heard you play games from the demonstration," Solar Spout said, "I'm not the best player but I wouldn't mind playing if you got any multi-player games."    Then he asked about her plans after graduation, "...I try not to plan that far ahead," Solar said with a slight dip in her demeanor but it returned soon, "So, where you from exactly?"



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@Dynamo Pad,

Heidi's smile widened a bit at his approval, clearly that was at least one thing they could both agree on. "My family runs a financial business." The mare replied, a minor fib on the job title, but the resulting definition was still relatively the same. "We provide new and preexisting companies with the means to keep their business afloat. And if we don't think they can keep up with the standards, then they won't have the funds to keep up with the best!"

Her ears perked up slightly as Cosmic seemed to come closer, she was never one to stray from gossip. And although, learning more about this stallion's dislike for a certain student was intriguing and painted a better picture of who it might be, she grit her at his disapproval for hard work, as she was being forced to do just that. However, Heidi never once let her smile falter, she had an image to uphold after all. "I see," she replied. "And this... Kyubiki Tenchu... He wouldn't happen ta be that blue unicorn fellow who sat there playing games as his demonstration, would he? I can only assume since ya mentioned he was a gamer. And it's hard ta believe that pony actually got accepted into this school!"

Heidi's brow rose up a bit in slight suspicion of the sudden praise she was receiving. As someopony who conned others for a living, she could tell right away that he was trying awfully hard to kiss up to her. Luckily she wasn't a fool enough to fall for such vanity, but she may as well play along, no need to ruin the fun so soon. "Oh well, thank ya kindly! But please, I may be a student helper, but I don' approach just anypony. As I said earlier, not many students can demonstrate such an amazing performance on their first day! And, if I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm almost certain you'll be flyin' through yer classes and be outta here in no time at all!"

Cosmic's requests for a tour and dorm search were easy enough, meaning they would probably be talking for a while. Plenty of time to get some more dirt on this particular stallion, possibly even this rival unicorn of his as well. Two birds with one stone, so to speak. "Well those are certainly things I can do for ya!" The purple mare responded. "But let's walk and talk now shall we, I'm sure yer gettin' tired of this musty ol' stage when the curtain ain' open! I know I am!"


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Merx nodded with kindness and patience, then he said, "if it's just for you, then I could help with that, but let's do it in another area." He with talking to her, he got an idea, but he didn't know if it would work.

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10 minutes ago, reader8363 said:


Merx nodded with kindness and patience, then he said, "if it's just for you, then I could help with that, but let's do it in another area." He with talking to her, he got an idea, but he didn't know if it would work.

Shadow Flare nodded her head, "How about the gymnasium?" Shadow Flare suggested, "Or should we go somewhere outside?"


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Merx thought about which one would work better and said as he started to pluck at the strings and making a ball from the notes, "the gymnasium will work just fine." He turned around and started heading there

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Dynamo smiles awkwardly and sighs He honestly didn't feel like remembering his earlier demonstration during the assembly. He looked over to the unicorn mare as the continued walking. "I guess I was that bad, huh? At least I wasn't as bad as the pony with the mane spell. I still feel a little embarrassed that I messed up, or something." His mood brightened up as she mentioned that she was interested in games. "I carry a spare handheld and a console wherever I go. My mom made sure that I sent my stuff over to my dorm room, so I took a few things with me. I have some games like Pony-o-Kart Guitar Hero and other games that are multiplayer, if you ever want to join me in playing co-op." He frowned slightly as he felt as if he noticed her expression had changed, before she went back to her regular self. "Is everything okay? Did I say something that I wasn't supposed to? I'm truly sorry if I did." He says while rubbing the back of his head. "I'm actually from Phillydelphia. I was planning to go to move and live down in Ponyville, but my mom enrolled me into the Magic Academy. How about you Solar? Where are you from?"

@Alex Van Gamer

Cosmic could only chuckle at how her family business was ran. "I guess my way of doing things and your family business are pretty similar." He nods in confirmation of her assumption of Dynamo. "Yup. That's him, alright. His name is Dynamo Pad, but every gamer has their sort of gaming name. Mine is the Otaku Knight of Wrath. That, or you can call me Wrath for short, since you'll suffer my wrath if you get in my way." He says while emphasizing the meaning of his name. He shook his head in disbelief. "Even I can't understand how he was able to get into this school. I'm wondering what's going through that Head Mare's mind on how she invited him. Tell me something, Heidi. Are there more gamer's in this "prestigious school?" He asks while using his front hooves as air quotes. "It just makes me wonder if there's a reason why he was called to this school. 

Cosmic basked in the praise and bowed. "You're very welcome and I only say it cause I mean it. A beauty like yourself should deserve the best this place has to offer. I can imagine you have the stallions around your little hooves." He says, before continuing. "Once I gained my mark, I aimed to have the best spells in my repertoire. I can only hope, so that I can get a head start on being the best gamer myself. I don't want anyone, not even Kyubiki, to one-up me on gaining the glory of a gamer." He grinned and nods in agreement, before making his way towards the exit with Heidi alongside him. "I thank you for the help and I can appreciate a bit of help. I want to get off of this stage as soon as possible. That musty old scent is the reek of losers that are sitting in here!" He yelled out behind him, so he would make sure that the others could hear him. As they exited the backstage room, he smirks with a cold and calculative look on his muzzle. 'Sounds to me like she wants to use me, as well. Well game on, Heidi. If I have to, then I'll take you down, as well. You'll regret crossing paths with me.' 



Edited by Dynamo Pad
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Midnight wandered the halls wondering were the hell the god dang cafeteria was. He kept on looking when he stumbled upon an office that said Head Mares office he wondered what the inside the office looked like so he peaked his head in only to see an older mare staring at a computer and sorting through papers. He pulled his head out fast enough not to get discovered. Midnight continued on towards the hallway only to hear people speaking in he gymnasium he peaked his head in to see two ponies on the stage talking. It looked like they were deep in conversation and kind of angered with each other. He kind of hid off to the side out of the ponies sights. 

Edited by Midnight madness
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@Dynamo Pad

"Those are some great games," Solar Spout replied with a smile, "And you're performance wasn't that bad.  Trust me you're not the first pony to fail a spell during it."

She then heard where he was from and nodded her head, "Well I'm from... Well, I'm not really sure to be honest," Solar Spout said scratching the back of her head, "I remember being young and our old house... I remember it had such a beautiful view over the ocean... But, that's about it.  Me and my mother moved here at some point and most of my memories were living here with her as she ran the Academy.  I've asked her a few times before on where we used to live.. but she never tells me." Solar Spout frowns only slightly as she wished she could go back there.  That view was amazing.  But she shakes her head again as she giggles, "Whoops, forgot you asked about what an Aqua pony is... It's nothing like a sea pony which ooh, I'd love to be one!  That magic is SOOOooooOO amazing!!  But, an aqua pony is simply a pony that spends most of their time swimming.  Some even compete in events, like high dive, Synchronized swimming, and your basic races."


Shadow Flare nodded as a slight smile itched in the corner of her lips.  She really didn't show much happy emotion.. not much for her to be happy about.. ok there was but with what she did... Either way, if she can learn this spell, perhaps it would help with her problem.

"Alright," Shadow Flare said, "I know where the gym is.. this way," She said as she began to lead the way to the gymnasium.


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… He would ask that, Shadow Flare thought.  But it wasn't like she could hide what happened forever.

"Well..." Shadow Flare said still walking to the gymnasium, ".. Let's just say... bad things happen when I get mad.  I could really use a spell that could instantly calm me down."


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Dynamo nods in agreement and smiles kindly at her kind words. "I'm glad you like and approve of those video games. I'm a fan of fighting, RPG, action/adventure and some puzzle games. Also, thank you. I honestly felt like I made a fool out of myself, but I guess it's just a relief that I'm not the only one, who's had a situation like that." He says and nods once more while feeling confident in himself. "I have to start at the bottom and make my way up on the path to success. The road will be difficult, but the end result will be worth it in the end. Besides, being at this school might help me become better when it comes to playing video games."

Dynamo frowned slightly as he heard her story of where she used to live. He felt bad hearing that she had no recollection of her old home, or why her mother didn't give her any answers. "I'm really sorry to hear about that. I can imagine the view to the ocean must have been pretty cool and beautiful. Even if you don't know the exact location, I hope you can get a chance to go back to your old home someday." He chuckles at the mention of her wanting to be like a sea pony. "I can imagine you becoming a sea pony, Solar. It sounds like it fits well with your talent and cutie mark. By the way, what is your cutie mark and talent?" He asks as he listened to her while she listed off what an aqua pony was. "While I've never heard of what an aqua pony was before. Hearing you talk about it, an aqua pony sounds pretty amazing. Have you competed in any events or races before?" 


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Merx nodded and muttered under his breath as he looked at the ball he was levitating next to him, "Well, here's to hoping that it works."


Pollu was reading up on books and decided to get a bit of sleep even though it's early in the morning. She said as she laid her head down on the table, "I'm going to sleep, you can do almost whatever, but cause any trouble, you want."

As she closed her eyes Lil's features again started to appear. She said as she stood up, "Sweet dream, Pollu." Then she headed out of the library to find something to do.

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@Dynamo Pad

Solar Spout giggled at the many questions Dynamo was asking her at once, "Give a mare a chance to answer," Solar said with a smile, "Anyways, I tried once to enter an event that was happening near by... but mother found out about it.  'No daughter of mine will be waisting her time competing in such unimportant endevours.' " Solar Spout said micking her mother a moment before shrugging her shoulders, "As for my cutie mark... well it's right there on my flank for you to see," She said at the first part of the question, "But for the other part you'll have to excuse me a second... as we're here."

Solar Spout gestured up at the door they were headed towards.  It was the office to the Head Mare, and Solar Spout's mother, Sunshine Daisy.


Soon enough the pair of them arrived at the gymnasium.  Shadow Flare was a bit relieved she remembered where it was, as she had spotted it the day before.  They entered the gym which was currently empty of any pony.

"Well, here we are," Shadow Flare said.


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Dynamo sheepishly smiled, as he bombarded her with question after question. "My bad and I'm sorry about that. It's just...you're pretty awesome. I don't believe there is anything related to being an Aqua pony from Fillydelphia. That, or I've never heard anypony talk about Aqua ponies. It still sounds really cool, if you ask me." Dynamo says, before frowning softly. "I'm really sorry to hear about that. I hope you get a chance to compete in an Aqua pony event. I think you could take first prize." He did his best to hold back a fit of laughter, but a few chuckles had somehow escaped. "That's a pretty good impression of your mom. Are you sure you're not a comedian, as well?" He took a few breaths to calm himself down. He looked back to her and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that. It's just my dad could always sound like me. He even tried to get me in trouble with my mom, but she knew it was my dad joking the whole time." He shook his head with a smirk at the fond memory.

He looks to her cutie mark and saw a sun with an ocean wave. He looks back to her with a bright smile. "I think that cutie mark is pretty cool. I also think it suits your pretty well. You're bright, cheery and warm like the sun. Your feelings are like the wave. Always flowing from one feeling to the next. It's also like an ocean current, so the cheerful attitude travels from one friend to the next." He was brought out of his train of thought as they stopped walking. He was about to question why, but she gestured him to the door of the Head Mare's office. He blinked a few times in surprise. "Huh. The time to get from backstage to the office didn't really take that much time, in my opinion. I guess it's time flies by when you are having fun talking with a friend." He says, but stopped his words in worry. He didn't even know this mare since this morning, but he hoped that they could be friends. He rubbed a hoof through his mane, as he tried to change the subject. "So, I guess we should head into the office to get my schedule. Then, I guess we'll find the dorm room and then head to lunch?" He asks as he tried to figure out what the plan would be.



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Merx nodded as he looked around, then he closed the door and placed a barrier around the gym. He said as he placed the guitar down, "Okay, let's get started, and see if this will work for you to learn."

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46 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


Dynamo sheepishly smiled, as he bombarded her with question after question. "My bad and I'm sorry about that. It's just...you're pretty awesome. I don't believe there is anything related to being an Aqua pony from Fillydelphia. That, or I've never heard anypony talk about Aqua ponies. It still sounds really cool, if you ask me." Dynamo says, before frowning softly. "I'm really sorry to hear about that. I hope you get a chance to compete in an Aqua pony event. I think you could take first prize." He did his best to hold back a fit of laughter, but a few chuckles had somehow escaped. "That's a pretty good impression of your mom. Are you sure you're not a comedian, as well?" He took a few breaths to calm himself down. He looked back to her and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that. It's just my dad could always sound like me. He even tried to get me in trouble with my mom, but she knew it was my dad joking the whole time." He shook his head with a smirk at the fond memory.

He looks to her cutie mark and saw a sun with an ocean wave. He looks back to her with a bright smile. "I think that cutie mark is pretty cool. I also think it suits your pretty well. You're bright, cheery and warm like the sun. Your feelings are like the wave. Always flowing from one feeling to the next. It's also like an ocean current, so the cheerful attitude travels from one friend to the next." He was brought out of his train of thought as they stopped walking. He was about to question why, but she gestured him to the door of the Head Mare's office. He blinked a few times in surprise. "Huh. The time to get from backstage to the office didn't really take that much time, in my opinion. I guess it's time flies by when you are having fun talking with a friend." He says, but stopped his words in worry. He didn't even know this mare since this morning, but he hoped that they could be friends. He rubbed a hoof through his mane, as he tried to change the subject. "So, I guess we should head into the office to get my schedule. Then, I guess we'll find the dorm room and then head to lunch?" He asks as he tried to figure out what the plan would be.



"Actually," Solar Spout said, "It'd be a better idea if you wait here while I talk to my mom about your schedule.  Trust me, you do not want to be in there."



4 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

Merx nodded as he looked around, then he closed the door and placed a barrier around the gym. He said as he placed the guitar down, "Okay, let's get started, and see if this will work for you to learn."

Shadow Flare nods to Merx, "Alright," She said, "What do I need to do?"


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