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private The Good King


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(Someone finally posted? YES YES YES YES YES YES!)


Night Flash was apparently relaxing in his barracks room alone but in truth, he was thinking up of strategies and what not to beat Nova. He knew his army was not like anything the Equestrians had fought before.

Memories of the brutal battle fought not long ago rang through his mind. He remembered fighting a Super Soldier three times his size, he remembered seeing many of his troops being killed brutally. Fortunately, in the end it was Sule and friends thanks to a timely reinforcement.


Only ten minutes into his quiet thinking, a rapid knocking was heard. Night Flash cursed and got up to open the door. It was Storm Comet.


The commander looked a little bit surprised, ''What are you doing here?''


Storm Comet seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, ''Just a few words.''


Night Flash looked around outside, then turned back to Storm, ''Come on in.''


Storm Come sat down at one end of Night Flash's ''command table''. Which was where he kept all his maps and random clutter.


''So, what did the Archon say?'' , inquired Night Flash.


''He bargained with me saying that if we didn't let the Malumai in Equestria, he wouldn't send the army to help us.''


A slight smile spread across the Commander's face, ''And what did you say?''


''Well, I said I would try my best.''


Night Flash chuckled, ''Does he really think that way about my army? I'll admit Nova and his mutated soldiers are not exactly your everyday opponents but is he kidding me?''


''Night Flash, you saw first-handed what they could do. Are you really willing to risk the sake of Equestria just because your too arrogant about your army? And besides, you wouldn't have won without Sule's special ops team or your buddies in the reinforcement army.'' , argued the Ambassador.


''Remind me, when was the last time we lost a battle or a war?'' ,asked Night Flash.


Storm Comet stayed silent.


''Exactly. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to planning.''


Storm Comet got up and started heading for the door, ''Oh, you mean kicking your hooves up and thinking about how 'awesome' you are?''


Night Flash was about to reply but it was no use, she had already left.

  • Brohoof 1



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(OOC: It occurs to me, the pacing in this RP is terrible.)


Indigo fluttered along, absent-mindedly. He didn't like the fact that they were considering sending the army out already, this soon after they fought to re-take the castle. The Malumai had fought enough wars in the last three generations, after all.


However, the truth was still the truth: Nova was a threat to all ponies everywhere. He had an army, no doubt harvested from Malumai civilians, and he was on his way to conquer the only known place where all the races were able to cooperate with one another. Indigo knew Nova's type, Nova would never back down. Once he held Equestria, what's to stop him from wanting more? One day, he will make another attempt on Chiroptera. He had to be stopped now, before he becomes too powerful to threaten the Malumai.


As Indigo flew, he soon spotted an earth pony on the ground, that quickly proved that that wasn't the real reason why Indigo wanted Nova stopped. He swooped down and alighted on the ground in front of the blue earth pony mare.


"Ah, there you are, Shiri." Indigo said as he landed.


"Took your sweet time, didn't you? You missed the banquet." Shiri chided.


Indigo shrugged. "I had some ...stuff to take care of."


"Still no excuse to keep a woman waiting." Shiri said in mock annoyance.


"I do apologize m'lady." Indigo joked with mock chivalry, before mentally kicking himself. He did, after all, just leave her behind without talking to her. "I'm sorry, i-it's just that, with all that's happened..."


"Whatever." Shiri said. "I didn't much care for it, anyway. Everypony kept staring at me."


"They stared at you?"


"Yeah. I'm an earth pony, so of course they all thought I'm with the enemy. Not to mention that a couple days ago, I was."


Indigo sighed. "They didn't do anything against you, did they?"


"No, they just stared. Since they were judging my every move, I gave them a little show to remember me by." Shiri said.


Indigo raised his eyebrow. "You didn't throw somepony again, did you?"


"Oh, no, not this time. I just pigged out on my food so they'd think I'm some hick." Shiri said


Indigo paused "...wut"


Shiri smiled. "Hey, at least they won't think I'm as much of a threat."


"...you're a strange mare, you know that?"


"Oh, and that's why you love me." Shiri said, smirking, before sitting down next to Indigo. Indigo sat down; their backs were to the castle wall and they were watching the activity in the courtyard. After a few minutes of quiet, Shiri spoke up, "So...what happens now?"


Indigo furrowed his brow. "To be honest, I don't know."


Shiri continued staring forward. "What will your military do? With Nova and his army on the loose?"


"You know about that?"


"Your generals aren't very good at keeping secret information secret. The whole military has to know by now."


Indigo closed his eyes. "I...don't know. Nova's a threat to all ponies, but..." Indigo sighed. "The malumai aren't a friendly people. We don't change easily."


"They have changed." Shiri said.




"The malumai have changed." Shiri repeated herself, and Indigo stayed quiet. Shiri continued. "For one, they put you in power. You and Sule are the most compassionate ...politicians I've met, even more so than most of the village leaders among the earth ponies. Your army fought with ours as brothers, Midnight Moon himself, of all ponies."


Indigo looked aside. "You truely believe so?"


"Indigo, ask yourself one question. If you had an army...if you were in Sule's horseshoes, what would you do? Would you risk yourself and your own countrymen, for the sake of the rest of ponykind?"




"Would you?" Shiri asked, this time more forcefully. "Would you order the army to stop Nova and his army, before they could get to Equestria? Or would you hold off and let the Equestrians die before you moved in, so your own countrymen will be less hurt? What. Would. You. Do?"


That's a stupid question, so Indigo answered immediately. "I will NOT let Nova kill any of your people. But-" But before Indigo could finish, he was cut off as Shiri suddenly embraced him.


"That's the proof I need, Indy." Shiri said as she hugged him. "What you said there came from the heart, and that's all I need to know to know the Maluma still have a future."


Indigo paused. Maybe that wasn't such a stupid question after all. Indigo answered immediately, he would know that he would fight to save the other races, and that alone set him above the other racist rabble on the streets.


Shiri spoke up again. "You said you grew up on the streets, right? You had to endure the hardships of life yourself and fight to survive. And yet, here you are." Indigo closed his eyes, it was as if Shiri read his mind and dissapproved of his line of thought. "You are as maluma as they come, and here you are, now, with me. If you made it this far, then your nation has hope."


Indigo closed his eyes and nuzzled her gently, and Shiri responded in kind. Shiri had a point, Indigo knew. He was a product of his time, his upbringing. And he answered her question instinctively, he would help save the other races. If that was how he felt, than who's to say there aren't others who can feel the same way? Indigo's upbringing was hardly unique; all he could claim for himself was the gifts his sister gave him: his literacy and his refined sense of honor. Perhaps there was hope for his race after all. "Yeah, you're right."


Indigo and Shiri continued nuzzling each other for what Indigo felt like a long time, and Indigo was thoroughly enjoying her company. After a moment, though, Shiri spoke up. "Don't you have something Ancient-y to be doing?"


"Probably. But I can get away with shirking my duties for a bit longer."


Shiri giggled and stood up. "I know. But come on, we can't be having laziness from someone of your stature. Hup-hup, get moving." Shiri said, and she started headbutting Indigo into the castle.

  • Brohoof 1
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Midnight yawned resting his head on his hooves watching the ponies mill about, before gently closing his eyes,



he blinked and looked around, he was somewhere, where was he? he didnt understand, all he knew was his sister was beside him, whimpering and curled against him, "w-where are we?" she whimpered.

he looked down and nuzzled her cheek with his own, then looked up and around, it was pitch black "i dont know sis, just....stay quiet...think you can?"

she swallowed and nodded.

midnight stood up and lifted her up by the scruff of her neck and plopping her onto his back, and started down the smallish tunnel, it made a sharp curve left and right, the right tunnel seemingly to have caved in "well, left is the way to go i guess." he mumbled to himself.


as they rounded another corner, midnight tilted his head, they came out into a large room, it was full of beakers and other sciency stuff he didnt understand, until he looked further and noticed a unicorn, who turned and smiled, an unsettleing smile

"well well well, my newest test subjects."



midnight whimpered and started to yell at the mysterious unicorn, it seemed like ages, and his sister and him had been "tested" on multiple times, midnight lost count at 15, but he could hear his sisters screams in yelps.


"LEAVE HER ALONE!" but usually his cries went unanswered until his voice went hoarse, and then his sister would reappear looking worn and very tired, she had stopped screaming ages ago.


then it was midnights turn, "hmm, ran your voice out so quickly?" the unicorn laughed and strapped him too the table, "well no matter, i means less pain to my ears." he looked down "now lets see...." he looked in a leatherbound book, "hmm, how to give you magic......could be tough... but.." he produced some type of cutting instrument "im sure we could work something out."




midnight curled around his shivering sister, it was cold, and from what he could gather, it was snowing outside, it must be winter, they have been there for a year. and midnight was feeling tired and was only fighting for his sister, but that was a losing battle, he had been cut up, put back, his body was in pain, and on fire.


"nngg...." he groaned as he was pulled out, he had made a deal with nova, leave his sister alone, and midnight wouldnt complain, nova took it quickly, and continued his work.




midnight awoke with a jolt, as he heard his echoing screams, "nnngg" he rubbed his eyes, then jumped when he looked up and met the face of storm surge.

"bad dream?" she tilted her head and sat down next to midnight,

midnight sighed, "yeah, just.....something from my childhood.."


storm frowned and scooted a little closer, "care to tell somepony?"

midnight smiled, "sure you want to hear it, its bloody and brutal."

she laughed "i just survived a bloody and brutal conflict, i think i can handle a story."

midnight shrugged, "alright, but dont say i didnt warn you."

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Ze capitalization, you have none, Midnight. This is actually just a long filler post.)


Night Flash stood at the table in the 'command room' alongside his generals. He cleared his throat and began to speak, "Alright now here's the deal. I'm sure you're all aware of the situation?"


Everyone nodded.


"Okay, here's the thing. Nova and his steroids addicted Super Soldiers got a head start on us. That mean we've got to lose some extra weight so we can cut them off before they reach the borders of Equestria. That means discarding all the heavy siege equipment and leaving the non-combatant staff behind, they can catch up later. Also, everyone will only bring their sleeping bag with them." Night Flash paused to catch his breath and then continued, "Also, we need to get moving as soon as possible. We've already lost a lot of time as it is."


One of his Generals protested, "But Sir, how can we trust these Malumai with our machinery and equipment? We can't just leave it here."


Night Flash gave him a funny look, "Amazing, we fought as brothers on the battlefield and died for each other but you idiots are still skeptical? Why do I even have you guys on high command?"


"Why do you even let that coward medic in the army?", retorted one of the Generals.


The Commander looked at him and glared, "What did you just say?"


He stammered, "Uh..nothing."


Night Flash looked away from him and returned his attention back to the matter at hand, "Well..don't just stand there, do something!"


The Generals quickly shuffled out the command room and started relaying the orders to the troops. The Commander also left the room and headed back towards his own barracks. He could see the grand Malumai city just a half mile away with it's gigantic walls being repaired because of the damage they had received during the invasion. He could barely make out the workers flying to and fro laying the bricks and plugging the gigantic hole.

Edited by The Awesome One



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(OOC, meh, this post was planned to have more.... but I decided to be lazy)


Sule had decided to go see how preparations for the armies was going. As he stepped out of his office, he saw Shiri and Indigo walking down the hall.


“Ah, I see you two are back together. Er, Indigo, I hate to ruin your time with her, but I need you right now. We need to speak with Night Flash. I decided that we are going to help out anyway.”


“Are you sure sire? That could blow up in our faces.”


“I’m aware of the political risks, but It’s necessary. Now, Shiri, do you mind?”


“Not at all. See honey?” She nudged Indigo, “I told you that you had some Ancient-y stuff to do.”





“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T WANT OUR HELP!?” Sule yelled. He and Indigo were in Night Flash’s tent.


“I’m sorry, but I think my army will be just fine without your help.”


Sule was about to yell again, but Indigo beat him to it. “You arrogant idiot!” Indigo said, “There’s no way you can do this on your own. We are literally GIVING you help.”


“Nah... My army is big enough to handle it.”


Sule took a deep breath to calm down “You do realize that we integrated the armies, right? It’s unrealistic to believe that you can just take them apart.”


“On the contrary, I think it’s very simple” Night Flash said, kicking his hoofs up. “Look, I appreciate the offer, and I wish you good luck on you guys coming to Equestria... But I dont need your help.”


Sule was about to lose his temper. “Are you going to risk the lives of millions of ponies just because -”


“Listen. You guys need to fix up your city. I need to leave. Night Flash got up. “Guard, escort these two back to the castle”


“No need, we can do it ourselves” Indigo spat. He and Sule left the tent and took flight back to the City.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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Night Flash looked at Indigo and Sule angrily leave the tent.


The Guard sighed, "Well that didn't go to well."


Night Flash nodded, "You can say that again. You're dismissed by the way, go join up with your squad and I'll be joining you all shortly as well."


The Guard nodded, saluted and left, leaving the Equestrian Commander alone. He also got up from his seat and quickly put on his armor. Five minutes later, he emerged outside to see his soldiers neatly standing in rows looking like a marching band. Except, they weren't playing instruments, they were army ponies.


Night Flash raised his voice, "All right, we gallop as much as we can. It is important that we get there before those..things do. Am I understood?"


A deafening 'Sir Yes Sir' was shouted in return by the troops. While the Equestrian force was very large, it had lost many in the previous invasion and wasn't as big.

Night Flash flew up to join his generals standing at the front of the gigantic square formation.


He looked back and raised his sword, "Forward..march!"


The sound of more than ten thousand footsteps echoed through the land as the Equestrians marched back to their homeland to defend it.


(OOC: What do you know, turned out much longer than I expected :3)



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Midnight looked up, as the equestrian army began to leave, he had just finished telling the story of his terrible childhood to storm surge, "hmm, shouldnt you be going with?"


Storm looked up at the other four, and a messanger "mmmm, no, not without you."

the earth pony stepped forward, "commander night flash has denied the offer of the malumai army support."


Midnight frowned, "what in the hell is that idiot thinking....." he shook his head, then turned, conjuring a black robe with a hood and putting it on,

"Wait.....what do you think your doing?" storm surge stood up.


Midnight smirked and pulled the hood up covering his sword and armor with the large cloak, and making it look like hes just a medic or equipment carrier, and melded in with the rank and file of the equestrians, while whispering " I can do what i want, i was only a drill instructor before all of this happened, and i was never put back into the military, i was just thrust into training you all, and that technically means im still a civilian and under no ones command," he smirked "night flash be damned, i promised on my wifes grave i would destroy nova, and so i shall, and if that means helping equestria in the process, then so be it."

he winked at storm surge, "Besides, i wanted you four by my side when the fighting started, and i still do, someone has to keep you in line."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Damnit, Midnight :3)


The Equestrians had traveled about a 100 miles before it was too dark to carry on. Night Flash had accidentally damaged his armour and was on his way to the blacksmith's tent. All the non-combat troops except for the blacksmiths had been left behind because the equipment carriers wouldn't have been able to keep up.


Night Flash entered the tent and greeted the lone blacksmith on duty, "Hello, Anvil. Got a job for you."


The blacksmith, his face hidden under a cloak, responded, "What is it, Sir?"


Night Flash was puzzled, he remembered Anvil's voice much more deeper than what he just heard, "Er..what's wrong with your voice?"


"Um..nothing, Sir...umm..I have bad throat?"


The Commander noticed another thing, "Why are you wearing a full body cloak in this heat? You're standing over a hot fire you know."


The Blacksmith paused as if he were thinking of something, "Because..I'm..feeling cold?"


Night Flash made a skeptical face...he looked at him for a while. The Blacksmith prayed he didn't get more suspicious. But then all of a sudden, Night Flash's face turned cheery again, "Oh okay, here, take my armour, I managed to get this huge hole on the chest plate, can you fix that up?"


The Blacksmith sighed, "Uh...right away sir."


The Commander left the room leaving the work pony alone in the tent. He took of the hood of his cloak revealing Midnight, "Huh...I know he wasn't very bright in school but I didn't know he was that easy to fool."

Edited by The Awesome One
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Midnight began work on the armor, it gave him something to do, and anvil was nice enough to not tell any of the commanders about midnight going with, as long as he helped around the armory tent and knew a bit about blacksmitching.

Midnight looked down and started to hammer away, applying heat every so often like anvil had taught him, and before he knew it, the hole was repaired, and it was almost morning, now all he had to do was to hammer it a bit more here and there, and make sure it fit flush with the rest of the armor and it would be done.




                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Indigo paced in a corridor of the castle. He was still massively peeved about Night Flash had said, but what drove him crazy is that Indigo couldn't exactly blame him. After all, they couldn't ping the exact numbers Nova had at his command, and there was still plenty of bad blood between the malumai and the equestrians that couldn't exactly disappear in one night.


That being said, Indigo couldn't help but feel frustrated with the turn of events. As he paced, he quickly eyed the catalyst of his frustrations in the form of a blue pony in a tan cloak.


"Hey, Shiri" Indigo said, as he approached her. Indigo quickly noticed she was pulling on a leather strap with her teeth. Indigo walked around her and saw that she was apparently trying to put on a harness, with an assortment of supplies attached to it. "What are you doing?"


"Trying to get this harness on."


Ask a stupid question... "I can see that. Why are you trying to get that harness on?"


Shiri looked up at him and spat the strap out. "Take a wild guess. Actually, before you do, help me out here."


Indigo abliged, biting a strap around her shoulder and pulling it into position, allowing her to tighten the harness properly. After he let go, Indigo asked. "So, you heard what happened?"


"About the Equestrian commander refusing your help? Yeah, your commanders aren't very good at this whole 'classified information' thing.


Indigo made a mental note to start firing ponies as soon as everything was over. "Yeah." He said, "Shiri, I'm sorry."


"I know." She said, "I don't blame you. But I hope you understand, I have to help my people. So I'm heading out, now; I have a pretty good idea where Nova might be."


Indigo stepped forward, "Shiri, I-" Indigo stopped. He almost said he wanted to go with her, and that revelation took him by surprise.


Shiri picked up on this. "Stay here, Indigo. Your duties are far more important than a girl you fell in love with in just one day."


That much was obvious. "I know that." But Indigo still mentally kicked himself for even considering that. "It's just that...Look, take care, Shiri. I can send a few soldiers to go with you, you know.


"That's ...tempting, but no, I think I'll work better on my own. I'm more an agent than a soldier, and I'll find better ways to help than to just throw myself at some super-soldiers." Shiri cocked her head. "A few extra lives won't do anything to help."


Indigo stepped forward again. "Shiri..." he said, miserably.


Shiri nuzzled him. "I'm sorry, Indy, but I can't sit here and wait. That's just not who I am. I have to go out there and try to do something, anything, to stop Nova, before he kills more ponies."


So brazen, needing to go out and attack the problem instead of being cautious and calculating. Violet would've hated her.


Shiri spoke up. "I have to go, before-"


Indigo interrupted. "Wait, I-" Indigo sighed, resigning himself to what had to happen. "...just, be careful. I'll do what I can to send support to Equestria, I promise."


Shiri smiled. "Thank you."


Indigo stepped forward and locked his lips with hers. After a moment, he broke off the kiss and spoke. "I love you."


"I love you too." Shiri stepped onto the sill of a window and pushed the window open with her flank as she still faced Indigo. "Goodbye Indigo." And with that, she stepped back and fell from the castle.


Indigo blinked, processing what just happened before shouting, "Shiri!" and running to the window. He looked down to find her, before he finally got his eye on Shiri running through the streets below. Indigo smirked, that crazy bitch.

Edited by Jadefire
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(OOC: Fast forward to get things going.)


After about two days of galloping/marching. The defending force made it to the borders in record time. Since there was no sign of any hostile activity, the army took it's time to set up camp and rest up a bit in preparation for the battle that was to come. Night Flash was sitting in one corner, examining maps trying to find areas from where Nova might attack. Some soldiers had been assigned to stand guards while the others were digging up trenches.


One of Night Flash's underlings walked up to him, "Sir, one of the scouts has returned."


Night Flash nodded and followed him. The soldier went straight to where the medic's tent was. In there, Pansy and a few army nurses were trying hard to keep a Pegasi Soldier alive. He looked as if he had been thrown into a cage full of tigers.


Night Flash ran up to him, "Trooper, what happened? And where's the rest of you squad?"


The injured soldier struggled to speak, "Dead...all dead...."


"Did you find Nova's army?", demanded Night Flash.


The half-dead Pegasus pointed towards the mountains that lined Equestria's border, "Behind them...he's coming."


At that moment, he stopped twitching or moving at all. Pansy quickly checked his heart beat and pronounced him dead. Then covered him with a white sheet.


At that moment, shouting was heard, "They're here!"


Night Flash ran outside and his jaw literally dropped. Mutant Soldiers coming from all sides, they were surrounded.



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Midnight heard the announcement, and looked over at storm surge, einzig, and schlafer, his three friends, "looks like this is it." throwing off his cloak he started to get ready, like every other pony in the camp.

He then turned to the armorer who smiled and set a sword on the table, midnight took it and attached it too his side and said his tank you before departing.

"Well.....it looks like were surrounded, so.....take your pick of a front." storm surge sighed, midnight looked around him, trying to think where he would be needed most and moved tword the front, where he knew nova would be.

he approached the lines of equestrians, they were all a little more then tense he noticed and some were afriaid, "well, well," he smirked and examined the line of supersoldiers, they werent much of a mach alone or seperated, but together, that was a diffrent story.


Turning midnight looked at all the equestrians who were giving him funny looks, as maluma werent supposed to come along, "alright," he looked at the group in front of him, "things look bleak i know, beacuse well, from a civilian standpoint, they are bleak, but remember what i said a few days ago, EVERYTHING has its weakness, these supersoldiers are mindless zombies, so try to remove the head ojr at least the horn, that should at least cut off their potent magic, alright? spread the word."


Midnight turned and smiled, "alright nova, im ready.....are you?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Night Flash ran along the trenches shouting out orders at his troops.


"Get your arrows ready! You there, man the tower!", said Night Flash as he put up his helmet and grabbed a bow and arrow himself.


In the distance, the mutated soldiers could be seen charging from all directions. Night Flash ordered his ponies to hold their fire until he said so.


"Wait for it.....wait for it....", he said as they got closer and closer.


"Any time now, Sir.", said one of the soldiers.


"Now!", ordered Night Flash and just as he had said that, arrows started flying all over the place and raining down on the incoming invasion force. They continued firing for about five minutes but by then, the super soldiers were getting very close. Night Flash noticed that and quickly ordered his troops to use 'Plan B'. They got out of their trenches and got back a bit. The Super Soldiers noticed that and took control of the trenches only to be blown sky high by explosives.


A wall of fire surrounded the whole camp as Night Flash marveled at his engineer's work, "Works every time."


However, that was not enough to stop the monstrous invaders, although a lot of them had been killed, their numbers weren't very small and one of them alone could inflict much damage. They quickly put out the fire in certain places and started passing through.


"Get your swords out!", ordered Night Flash as the Equestrians charged at the enemy.


Slowly but surely, the sizes of both armies started to dwindle. Although the Equestrians were losing their's faster.



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Midnight flew above the armies then straight into the supersoldiers followed by storm, the two of them creating a small gap in the rows of supersoldiers, "keep at it." midnight smiled as he cut down another.

"theres...t-too many." surge panted, "a-are you sure we can beat them."

midnight lifted his front hooves causing a wall of flames to spout up from undrneath the closest to the equestrians, and slowly pushed the supersoldiers back for the moment, giving the equestrians a moment to rest.

"n-no....i-im not sure, but we can at least try."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Oh look, a short one)


It was then that the Equestrians noticed Midnight and his companions flying above. They had been so caught up in battle that they had never noticed. The temporary divider began to get smaller and smaller soon, they were at it again. Night Flash took his own squad and took to the air to provide aerial support. Doing so, he joined formation with Midnight.


"What in the name of Equestria are YOU doing here?", he asked.


"I'm just here to settle a score with Nova", replied Midnight.


Night Flash didn't have much more time to talk to him and broke off and started firing arrows from the air. Most of the super soldiers didn't have wings, and those who did, couldn't fly as fast or as high as regular Pegasi so it was quite easy for Night Flash and his squad to pick them off one by one. While making a turn, out of the corner of his eye, Night Flash could have sworn he saw Nova but didn't check because he couldn't, there were arrows flying all over the place and it was tricky flying around them.



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Midnight dodged arrows himself, and landing below night flash, "besides, im TECHNICALLY" he growled as he punched one of the supersoldiers hard enough that a snap was heard, and the soldier fell dead "im a civillian and can do what i WANT." as his sword cut through one of the others horns, "and you could use the help." he shut his eyes and started chanting a bit.


"what in the gods names are you doing?" night flash growled,


"something i learned from one of novas many collections of spells." midnight grinned as some of the fallen soldiers weapons picked themselves up and started to fight back against the supersoldiers, it was only a small group, but it was enough to keep the supersoldiers occupied.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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(OOC: Nice idea with the spell :3)


Night Flash watched in awe as Midnight cast his spell on the fallen soldiers and start fighting.


"Well..I guess we could use all the help right now....WATCHOUTCANNONBALL!'', said Night Flash as he pushed Midnight out of the way of a flaming fireball aimed at them. It missed them by a hair's length and land smack in the middle of some Super Soldiers.


Night Flash chuckled, "Fatality!"


Midnight recovered from being pushed violently, "Catapults...where the hell did they get catapults?"


Night Flash shrugged, "Beats me...now get back into the fight."


They both dived into action again, Midnight casting a magic forcefield around the two ponies while Night Flash shot arrows as they buzzed above the chaotic battlefield.




Nova was sitting calmly on a cushioned sofa he'd stolen from the palace, eating some grapes and watching the battle currently taking place with a pair of binoculaurs at a safe distance. Two Super Soldiers stood guard beside him and one was fanning him.


"How goes the invasion?", he inquired.


"All according to plan, my lord. The Equestrian army is dwindling in size as we speak. They are no match for us.", replied one of his guards.


"Tell me, why is Midnight here?", he asked, spotting Night Flash and Midnight zigzagging in the sky.


"We don't know, he just came out of no where.", said the guard.


"Pity, he could have been a great ally. Make sure his head is on a pike by the end of today or it'll be your's.", he ordered.



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(OOC, before you kill me for a full on Scrabble post... Sule needed his sleep)


***2 days or so earlier***


The flight back to the castle had no discussion, no sharing of thoughts. Once at the castle, Sule and Indigo went their separate ways. Sule was simply too angry to speak to anypony, trying his best to suppress it. Office... need to do something.... He thought. Sule just wanted to go to his office. If the Malumai couldn’t help save Equestria and their future, He might as well see if they can rebuild their hell-trap of a city. Sule wasn’t exactly thinking of where he was walking. Finally, he stood in front of a door. Wait a minute... He thought This is my bedroom... why the hay am I here?


A yawn and a sleepy blink answered that question. I need to sleep... Indigo can worry anything that comes up for now. Sule knocked on the door. He didn’t really know why he knocked on it, but he did anyway.


“Who is it?” He heard Clover say.


“Uh... It’s Sule.” Sule went ahead and opened the door anyway. Clover was lounging on the bed, waiting for him.


“You’re back early” She said, winking at Sule. Of course, If he wanted to sleep, he would have to go past Clover...

Edited by AnonyPoni


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(OOC: Is Sule done with his sleeping? I want to kill you.)


"Um..Night Flash? They're getting closer.", said Midnight as he and Night Flash flew above the battlefield.


Night Flash bit his lips, "This would have been much easier if we all had wings."


By now, all the Equestrians were literally packed in the middle trying to fight off horde after horde of zombie like mutant ponies. Night Flash was not out of arrows and he and Midnight landed on the ground as well, tired of flying erratically all over the place. The commander than handed a bottle with a cork on it.


Midnight looked a bit puzzled, "Uh..I don't think this is the best time for one of your drinking parties."


Night Flash grinned, "One of Sule's inventions. Open the cork and throw it."


Midnight did as told and after landing in the middle of a couple of charging enemy soldiers, it exploded in blue flames.


"Damn...Sule's got some nice stuff."

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Meanwhile, in the past...



Indigo paced through the corridor. It had only been one night after the Equestrian army and Shiri had left, and thanks to the exhaustion from the chaos of the last week, Indigo had found it remarkably easy to get a good day's sleep. The reprieve didn't last long, however, as at the crack of dusk Indigo found himself bombarded with reports and issues and all-around work. It was to be expected, after all: with the rebellion, Tyrannus's breif return, and the Equestrian/Malumai invasion of the city, Indigo was just thankful that he wasn't already having to put down another revolt. Plus, being kept busy with administrative duties also helped keep his mind off a certain mare that never otherwise strayed far from his thoughts.


For that matter, the only thing he was waiting on was to deliver a report to Sule, keeping him informed of the last day's precedings. That is, if Sule were to ever venture out of his godsdamned bedroom.


Indigo's irritation was immediately answered by Sule's appearence. He tiredly acknowledged Indigo as he walked by him and pushed open the door into his office. Indigo waited a moment for effect, before pushing the door open.


"Evening, sir." Indigo said as he approached the desk and set his report down in front of Sule.


Sule responded with incoherent mumbling, before looking down at the desk. "The hell is this?"


"My report. Just a record of the decisions I had to make while you were asleep, and some other stuff you need to be informed of."


Sule blinked. "Is any of it important?"


"Not really." Indigo replied matter-of-factly.


Without missing a beat, Sule brushed the papers aside and rested his head on the desk. "Then it'll wait."


"Didn't sleep well, I take it?" Indigo observed.


"Take a wild guess."


Indigo shook his head. This isn't going to be a simple conversation.

  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: Wayell, I'll post in another two days.)


Only a couple of minutes ago, the battle had turned sharply in the Equestrian's favor. But then it turned out that the super-soldiers they were fighting were just half of the actual army. Nova was holding them back because he knew half of his invasion force was already enough to defeat an army that was already exhausted from a previous invasion.


"This is not going to well....maybe now you regret refusing Sule's help.", said Midnight as he blocked wild blow after wild blow from a gigantic mutant soldier.


Night Flash, standing near him and also fighting another super-soldier shoved him backwards so he had a moment to talk, "No way. Besides, he's probably too busy in bed with Clover."


"You're an idiot."


"Thank you.", said Night Flash jokingly.


**a couple of hours later**


"Are all the Equestrians captured?", asked Nova.


"Dead or in cages, Sir....but mostly dead.", answered one of his troopers.


"Well that's music to my ears....but what about Midnight? Bring him to me.", Nova inquired.


"Er..we couldn't find him...he was smart enough to run.", said the super soldier again.


Nova nodded, "Never mind, we'll have his head on a pike soon enough. What about Night Flash though?"


"Critically injured, but alive."


"Execute him and bring me his helmet...will make a nice trophy to put in my palace at Canterlot.", said Nova, dreaming about the lavish palace at Canterlot which housed Royalty.


Suddenly, from one of the cages which were currently housing the captured Equestrians, a loud voice rang out, "BITCH DID I JUST HEAR YOU SAY YOU GONNA TAKE MY HELMET?"

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Midnight frowned looking back at the 3 dozen soldiers he had convinced to come with him and hide for the moment, being this was a battle that was going to be rapidly lost.

"so what do we do now?" stom was beside him scanning the cages, "we cant just leave them there..."

midnight shook his head, "no we cant, but we dont have the numbers or the strength to take all of these soldiers on alone we need help."


He turned to one of the youngest a pegasai that looked to be only 16, who managed to avoid any fighting by hiding, "fly as fast as you can to the malumai capital, tell them what went on here, my wing is too damaged and i cannot go," he smiled at the young pegasai, "if the guards stop you, tell them midnight moon sent you with very urgent news for the archenons ears only."


the young pegasai nodded, "y-yes...um what are you going to do?"

midnight sighed, "hide, mabey rescue a few ponies down there, but you shouldnt worry about that right now, just go, and may your wings have the strength to see you all the way."


*1 and a half days later*


a young pegasai crash landed on the steps of the malumai castle, looking worn out and on the verge of passing out, as the guards blinked and went to chek on him he stood up a little shakily, he had a job to do, and wouldnt allow himself to pass out until his message has been relayed.


"i-i have a message for sule....from midnight...."

the guards nodded and led the young colt into the castle while one ran to find sule

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nova looked at Night Flash with a venomous look, "What did you just call me?"


Night Flash gave him back an angry look as well, "Why? You mad?"


"Didn't I just kick your armies ass a day ago? And I'm pretty sure you refused the Malumai's help. Who's gonna save you now?"


Night Flash didn't say anything but then he suddenly remember about Midnight, he hadn't been captured. Had he gone to get help? He could see Nova knew as well since he was constantly sending out search parties just in case he was hiding close by.


"No answer? I thought so," said Nova as he turned back to one of his soldiers, "Take him to the lab."


The soldier obliged and knocked Night Flash out, took him out of the cage, and carried him away.


*night time*


Night Flash awoke, the first thing he saw was an ugly and old looking Malumai, who was wearing a lab coat, examining him and poking at him with his weird instruments. He tried to move but realized he was completely chained to a metal table. The whole tent looked as if it were a torture room.



"You don't look like one of those ugly bastards."


The Malumai put on a pair of medical gloves, "No, I am one of his scientists and I will make a lovely killing machine out of you."


Night Flash had a look of alarm on his face, "Wait, you're turning me into one of those...things?"


The scientist nodded, "Now, I am going to give you an injection that contains a drug that will make you sleepy. In a couple of minutes, your body will completely shut down."


He grabbed the syringe in his hoof and gave Night Flash a full dose of the drug. It started travelling through his bloodstream and already, Night Flash started to feel drowsy. It looked like this was the end of the line for him


The Malumai started to look around for something, "Oh here it is!", he said, as he pulled out a knife


"What the hell are you doing?"


"Oh nothing...this wont hurt a bit...it will hurt...a lot."



(OOC:@Midnight: Rescue...NAO)

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The young pegasus was too weak to walk. Realizing the importance of the matter, one of the guards hoisted the colt onto his back. The guards made haste as they escorted the Pegasus down the hallways to the Archon’s office.





“Alright, Indigo” Sule said, somewhat more awake than he was earlier, “What do we need to do to fix the city? If we can’t go to Equestria, let’s at least fix our hell hole...”


“The sensible thing to do, Sire, would be to fix that Wall we destroyed.” Inigo said, not knowing exactly what else to say.


Sule sat back in his chair. He knew that fixing the wall was Indigo’s way of saying he didn’t know There were too many things that were wrong with Chiroptera. It wasn’t just the physical things that needed fixing, but the crime, welfare, and mental attitude of the Malumai. Did they have the ability, or the right, to even accomplish that? Just to roll his train of thought, Sule humored Indigo a bit with his Wall remark. “I don’t know, I’ve been thinking we tear down the wall”




“Hasn’t it occurred to anypony that this Wall surrounding the city is completely stupid? We are flying ponies, so it can’t keep ponies in. Our former enemies were flying ponies, the Malumai have been at war with the griffins, not to mention that we found ways around it. It’s a massive, useless pile of stone.” Sule said, rolling his eyes.


“Uh, sire, that....” Indigo didn’t get to finish his thought. There was a loud knocking on the office door.


“That better be my coffee,” Sule mumbled, “Come in.” The door swung open as several guards walked into the room. Sule, not thinking straight, immediately assumed the worst. Oh, great, the Praetorian Guard’s finally going to get rid of me...


Luckily, that wasn’t what the guards were there for. One of them had a young pegasus on his back. Before Sule or Indigo could say anything, the guard leaned to one side, letting the colt fall on the ground. Then they all stood at attention.


“Sire, this pony claims he has a message for you.” The guard said in a gruff voice.


Sule got out of his chair and looked to see if the colt was alright. The pegasus opened his eyes and tried to stand up. Indigo and another guard helped him.


After he was standing, the Pegasus coughed and spoke, in a weary voice. “General Moon... sent me. The Equestrians... they’ve been captured...” He coughed again “We need... help.”


“Are you bucking kidding me?” Indigo started angrily, “First, you say you don’t want our help. Now, when we are trying to solve our own problems, you literally come crawling to us, saying we need to pack up everything, and go help you? What the buck is wrong with you ponies... wait...”


Sule finished that thought “... did you say General Moon?”


“Yes, your... Archoness” the colt didn’t really know how to address Sule, not that anypony cared...


“Wait, you mean he left with you?” Sule asked in disbeleif


“He was with us, along with a small squad of Malumai.” The Pegasus coughed, “He was in hiding at first, but we fought alongside us when... they came”


“GUARD!” Indigo barked


“Yes sir!” The closest guard responded with a salute.


“Have a search team look for General Moon to confirm this pony’s story!”


“Yes sir!” The Guard motioned for several others to follow him as they walked out the door.


Sule shook his head, “Soldier,” He spoke to the Pegasus, who came to attention, “Go get some rest. It’s quite late, isn’t it? Accommodations will be made for you. Thank you for the intel.” The colt nodded as several guards escorted him out of the office.


For a moment, when all the guards were gone, there was a silence between Indigo and Sule. Sule, though he was still a bit groggy, began to crack a bit of a smile...


“I know what you are thinking, but.... Sire, this is bad news” Indigo said, “The entire Equestrian army could not hold these Alicorns off... THE ENTIRE EQUESTRIAN ARMY.”


“Indigo, this is the moment we’ve been waiting for. We’re going to help them.” Sule said, trying to be official.


“...I am in agreement”


“I don’t care what you say about the fact they refused..... Wha?”


“I said I agree. We need to get the army ready ASAP”


“Uh... yeah....”


“What’s the matter? Didn’t think I would agree for this?”


“Well, I am a little surprised....”


Indigo opened the door for Sule as they exited the office “Well, I believe we need to plan the second largest attack in the last 30 years?”


Sule nodded “but first, coffee”

Edited by AnonyPoni


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Midnight scanned the ponies in the cave where they took night flash, then looked at the guards outside, nightflash was screaming his head off,

midnight sighed, "oi....alright" he turned to storm surge, "stay here."

she blinked, "w-what b-but..."

Midnight shook his head, "i dont want you or any of the others to get hurt i can handle them all on my own.."

storm surge shook her head, "b-but you could get hurt, i mean there are at leas-"

midnight shook his head and kissed her softly, "i can handle it, dont worry about me."


He then turned and slunk off through the bush and trees, "alright, lets see how smart you ugly bastards are." he spread his wings and silently flew above one, then dropped like a cannonball and knocked the first out, pulling out his sword and stabbing the other in the throat.

"hmm, not that super..." he turned hearing nightflash let off a peircing yelp "yeah yeah gimmie a minuite."


he pushed further into the cave sticking to the shadows he deffinetly blended into, and peered around the corner, a tied down nightflash, his entire body relaxed and 2 unicorn scientists poking around in his exposed organds while night flash was still awake.

"nng..." midnight winced "thats nasty."

he snuck up behind the first, drove his knife into the unicorns throat, then pulled it out and threw it, landing hilt deep into the seconds neck, "thank god, nngmi-midnight...."

midnight looked down at nightflash, "lets get you healed up and get you out of here," he put his hoof on night flashes shoulder, and his hoof glowed, as nightflashes body healed itself to perfect health.


"thank you....comon, lets go." night flash got up and began to leave, but midnight wasnt behind, "midnight, come on...."

Midnight shook his head, "i-i cant move....."

he blinked, "t-that, magic might have taken alot out of me..."


"indeed it has, nightflash worked as the perfect trap."


midnights eyes widened, "nightflash, get out of here...."

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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