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private A Race to the Very End (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and Emerald<3)

Dynamo Pad

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As the sun morning sun rose into the sky, it's bright light shined upon the town of Ponyville, to signify a new day. it was around 8:00 in the morning, as the blue unicorn, Dynamo Pad, had awoken from his slumber. He threw the covers over his head as the rays of the sun had shone through his windows. "Why do I have to be cursed to be a morning pony? Can't I get a few more minutes of rest?" He muttered to himself with a groan. He reluctantly threw off the covers as it was no use in going back to sleep. He was up and decided to make the most of the day. After some time of getting ready and eating some breakfast, Dynamo had finally exited his home. He made sure he had everything with him, before locking the door behind him. He took a deep breath to breathe in the calm, refreshing morning air. He took off in a power trot as he set his sights on his ideal destination: The gaming arcade. "I hope I can get some practice on that new game that was just installed this past week." He said to nobody in particular, but himself. What he didn't realize was that he was going to be in for a journey of a lifetime.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight
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Around the same time, a mare called Ursa was trotting through the Crystal Empire searching for a new telescope. For you see, the previous night had been so lovely that she had leaned on it, causing it to fall off her balcony.

Ursa spotted the store she often visited, and picked up her pace. But she was blocked by three of Equestria's top gaurds.

Ursa could tell, because they all were wearing matching gold Roman style helmets.

"Ursa?" The scariest look one asked, "We need you to come with us."

Oh, dear.


@Dynamo Pad

The unicorn looked at herself in the chariot's reflection, suddenly insicure about her appearance. Ursa slicked down a cowlick in her light blue mane. Her navy colored skin seemed lighter in the reflection of the sun, and as did her cutiemark; a vortex.

Why have these gaurds come for me?

After all, Ursa was just an ordinary unicorn. Even though she lived in the Crystal Empire, Ursa didn't have the fantasizing Crystal skin as the other ponies did.

Compared to them, she was boring.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo decided to quicken his step as he saw the arcade was within his sights. As he began to reach his way to the building in question, he was stopped in his tracks as two guards stood in front of the doors. Dynamo looked from side to side, seeing if there was anyone else that was going to show up at the arcade.

"Dynamo Pad!" One of the guards had called out. "We need you to come with us!" The other exclaimed while their narrowed gazed burned holes into his body. Dynamo could only gulp as he began to feel quite nervous. "Y-Yes, sir." He called out quietly as he followed the guards to the golden chariot, that was parked on the side of the arcade. Once Dynamo stepped onto the chariot, the guards quickly took flight and started the ascent towards Canterlot castle. Dynamo gripped the chariot with all of his might. He was deathly afraid of heights, but he didn't want to let the guards know about that. He sighed softly as he noticed the town of Ponyville began to fade out into his vision. He turned his head towards the front of the chariot. He could only notice the guards, who were flapping their wings, the clouds that passed them by and the castle the was coming into view. 

'I don't understand why the Princesses would like to speak with me. I'm just a gaming unicorn after all. Plus, I'm not truly the best when it comes to magic, but I'm getting a little better at it." He sighed once more as he questions were getting him nowhere. "I guess I'll have to wait and see what they want with me. I hope I didn't do anything wrong." He muttered softly to himself as he sat down and got comfy in the chariot. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Ursa was sitting nervously outside the castle by the time the second chariot arrived. The unicorn looked up to the gaurds for an explanation, but instead, the doors magically opened and out came Princess Celestia.

Ursa bowed, her body still shaking and her nerves skyrocketing. She bit her lip, what was going to happen now?




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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It didn't take long for the guards to make their way towards Canterlot. Dynamo looked out of his chariots to see the regal ponies going about their day. He was somewhat mesmerized by the ponies, as he had never been to Canterlot before. He had only been living in Ponyville for around half a year, so he was never used to being in different parts of Equestria.

"We're about to land! Make sure your strap yourself into the chariot, so you don't fall out." He guard warned the blue unicorn as the chariot began to make it's slow descent before the castle. Dynamo felt the rough turbulence, but it wasn't as bad as he imagined it would be. He stepped out of the chariot and felt his legs were feeling somewhat wobbly. 'I guess the ride took more out of me than I thought. That, or my fear of heights got the best of me.' He took a few calming breaths to steady himself. 

'Hey! Eyes front! We're about to head into the castle." One of the guards called out, which caused Dynamo to jump with a yelp. The blue unicorn nodded quickly, before following the guards to the castle gates. The walk felt like it was going on for hours. Dynamo felt like he was short on breath from the amount of stairs that he had to climb, but the walk was worth it as the group finally made it to their destination. The guards stopped as they saw another group with a female unicorn accompanying them. The two guards bowed slightly before the group of guards before them. "Greetings. I see that you were able to recover your pony that was to be summoned, correct?" The second of the two guards asked.

Dynamo's ears perked as he couldn't help, but listen in on the conversation between the guards. He took his attention off of the guards and looked to the female unicorn that was with them. 'I wonder why she's here at the castle? I guess it's the same reason as to why I am here.' He thought and sighed in relief. 'I guess it's a good thing that I won't be alone in this, but that still doesn't answer my earlier question. What does the Princess want with both her and myself?' He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He smiled softly at the unicorn across from him and gave a brief, but friendly wave.

As if someone had been reading his thoughts, the doors opened to reveal a tall white, regal alicorn. She walked out slowly and smiled softly at the two unicorns before her. Dynamo nervously bowed before the alicorn. Celestia opened her wings up and stood proudly before the group of ponies. "My dear subjects. I must thank my royal guards to bringing my chosen candidates here today. Now I must ask my two ponies who have joined us to state their name and from where they are from." He called out as she kept her eyes on both Dynamo and Ursa. 

Dynamo gulped, before finding the confidence to speak. "My name is Dynamo Pad and my current residence is in Ponyville." 

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@Dynamo Pad

"M-M-my name is..." She gulped, trying to swallow her nerves, "M-My n-name is Ursa, your Majesty. A-A-And I am f-f-from the Crystal Empire." 

Ursa blushed with embarrassment. She looked at the male pony next to her and squeaked in fear, for her being afraid that he would thinking she was odd. The stallion probably thought she was awkward. Or at least, the situation was awkward.

Ursa remembered he had waved to her when landing, but had that just been out of pity? Probably. 

So, she just ducked her head and readied her ears to listen.

Because, in versus to talking, she was much better at listening.

Am I? Oh my Goodness, what if this is all in my head? What if she's talking and I'm not listening? Is she talking right now? Did I miss anything? Oh, dear!

(If you hadn't noticed, Ursa is a bit of a worrywart).





Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Celestia nodded as she took in the names of the two unicorns. She almost smiled sadly at Ursa, who looked to be a nervous wreck. "My dear, little Ursa." She called upon the female unicorn in front of her. "There is no need to be nervous. What I have called you here for is not because neither of you are in trouble. Rather, there is a task I need and I can't think of anyone else better fitting for the job." 

Dynamo made a mental note in his mind of the unicorn's name. 'It's a surprise to hear that she's from the Crystal Empire. I've heard stories that the ponies there are like they were made from crystals, but she doesn't seem like she's from that place.' He then quickly moved next to her to stay out of the way of the guards. He frowned slightly as she began to stutter in nervousness and fear. He couldn't blame her, as he was feeling nervous himself on the situation at hoof. Deciding to be brave for the two of them, he placed a calm, yet comforting hoof upon her shoulders. At the same time, he offered her a calm, yet kind smile. "Hey, Ursa, was it? You don't have to be afraid. I'm nervous, as well, so you're not alone in this. I know we just met, but I've got your back. Everything will be okay, so it's no worries."

Celestia smiled at the interaction between the two unicorns. 'I can just tell that those two will work very well together.' She turned around and began making her way towards the castle doors. "Come along, you two. We have some things to discuss. As well as why I have chosen you and what task I need your assistance with." The guards used their magic to open the doors to allow the Princess to step inside the castle. Dynamo watched the retreating Princess, before turning his attention back to Ursa. "So, what do you say? Ready to see what the Princess wants from us?" He smiles softly while offering her a hoof for support. 

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Ursa's eyes bugged out of her head as she looked at the other unicorn. She was still shaking, but her eyes were more focused on him now. She gently pushed his hoof away.

"Not...not really." She answered honestly. But nevertheless, she managed to turn her head away from him and focus her attention back to the Princess, "Your Majesty? Y-you said we would be w-w-working together...w-why...?"


Edited by Emerald<3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo frowned softly as he felt Ursa gently pushing his hoof away. He couldn't blame her as it was probably in her nature to feel worried. 'I hope I didn't say anything wrong to her. I was only trying to help.' He thought to himself as he quickened his pace to catch up with the group. As he stepped through the castle, he could only stare and marvel at the amazing stained glass that filled the walls. He noticed that some of the pictures had held special events with six individual ponies. He had only heard stories, but he remembered they were Princess Twilight and the rest of the mane 6. Otherwise, known as the Elements of Harmony. He remembered seeing them around town every now and again, but he couldn't say he knew them personally.

He nodded his head in agreement with Ursa, as they followed the Princess into her throne room. "That's right. I remember you telling us that we'd be working together. Was there a reason you'd summon us?"

Princess Celestia, who had entered the throne room, had climbed the steps and sat upon her throne. "It is because I have received word that the Golden Orb had been stolen from is rest place in the Canterlot Castle. I haven't heard who had stolen it, but it must be retrieved at once." She narrowed her gaze at the two ponies. Indicating that this was a serious matter. "It is not the golden orb that a band of thieves are after. It is a certain red ruby that's within the orb. Legend states that about 1,000 moons ago, there were three ancient evils that scowled the land of Equestria. This threat is almost as powerful as Starswirl the Bearded, my little ponies. If they are to ever be released from the ruby, then we'll have a difficult task upon our hooves."

She softened her gaze as she could see the look of fear and worry upon their muzzles. "That is why I have called the two of you. I have heard of your accomplishments. I have heard of your deeds. I have heard of your talents and I can tell that they will aid us in this quest." She leapt off of her throne as she floated down towards them. "I need the help of you two. I need you both to work together. I know neither of you don't know each other, but I have the utmost of hope that you both will succeed."

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@Dynamo Pad

Ursa sucked in a huge breath of air, "Um..." Her eyes flickered from Dynamo Pad to the Princess, "Sorry, I think you have the wrong pony." Ursa looked down at the ground, "B-B-But...I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, Princess. I j-j-just didn't want to l-l-let you d-d-down, I'm just so...ordinary. I would be of no use." 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Celestia slowly walked over to Ursa. Her hoofsteps could be heard echoing off of the walls in the room. As she slowly came to a halt at the ebony unicorn mare, she placed a hoof under Ursa's chin and lifter her head up to meet her gaze. She smiled softly, which held no anger or mirth, but only kindness and understanding. "I think I did choose the right pony for this job. I talked this over thoroughly with my sister, Luna. As well as Twilight and the rest of her friends." She says before continuing. "Please, tell me. Why do you think of yourself of being no use? What talent does your cutie mark represent? What kind of magic are you capable of? The way I see it, you have something special hidden within you. All ponies do and I know that you're truly strong."

Dynamo watched the interaction in stunned silence. He was beginning to wonder on why he was chosen by Celestia. He was surprised to hear that Luna and even Twilight and the others recommended him. He turned toward Ursa and nods. "The Princess is right. I mean, look at me, Ursa. My talent is all involved in video games. Plus, I'm not truly the best when it come to magic. When I was born, the doctors told my parents that my horn was practically a birth defect. They told them that I probably would never be able to use magic." He looked down towards the ground sorrowfully. He wasn't fond of telling about certain parts of his past, but he knew it would be brought up eventually. Plus, he hated seeing Ursa looking and feeling sad. "After such a long time and having to deal with my bullies, I was able to gain my cutie mark, as well as my magic. I'm still learning on who I am, but I can't stop and won't stop being true to myself." 

Celestia nods with a proud smile. "You see, Ursa? I think Dynamo will be able to bring you out of your shell if you only get a chance to know him. Who knows? You might find yourself being great friends. It's always better to go together on a journey than going alone." She says before turning her attention to Dynamo. "I really appreciate the help and you're right. My sister asked for you to be here." She giggled slightly at Dynamo's surprised reaction. "Truth be told, my sister is somewhat a gamer during her spare time. She had heard the name "Kyubiki Tenchu," and she wanted me to bring you here to find out." She took her hoof away from Ursa's chin as she stepped back slowly. "I hope that you two will be able to get along and work together."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well...I suppose I just don't comprehend how Astronomy could be useful in such a dire situation. Unless you gave me a star map, I suppose I could read that." This time though, she did not stutter one bit, "But in fear of letting you down, I suppose I could give it a try."

Ursa turned around and smiled at Dynamo Pad, "I am so sorry. I just have issues meeting new ponies. I hope I didn't come across too rude." She rubbed her front left hoof, "I...I am just so unsure of myself."


Edited by Emerald<3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Celestia turned back to her throne, as she levitated a map over to her and the two unicorns. "I know that astronomy and stars can help guide ponies who are lost on their way. Magic is strong, but it's only strong when one believe in themselves." She says as she levitated the map to Ursa with her magic. She smiled warmly at the Ursa. "Neither of you will fail. I have a good feeling about this. I believe in you both wholeheartedly."

Dynamo was still feeling nervous, since he had heard the Princess state that she believed in them. He felt that he wasn't strong or capable enough to handle this task, but he knew he wouldn't be alone on this journey. He remembered all of the things that had lead up to this moment. He nods, before his hears perked as Ursa had called out to him. He smiled kindly and shook his head. "Hey, it's okay. Honestly, you don't have to apologize for anything, Ursa. I can be shy sometimes when it comes to meeting new ponies, but I act silly and a goofball to break the ice at times." He chuckles sheepishly as he ran a hoof through his mane. "You didn't come across as rude to me." He made his way over to her and placed a hoof upon her shoulder. "Trust me, I know that feeling. I don't truly know how my talent in video games will come into play, but the Princess believes in us. We'll both do our best and do what we can, to make sure that we can recover this item."

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@Dynamo Pad

Slowly, a smile crept up her face. She nodded shyly and two gaurds sighed in relief, and then a whole group of them led the two unicorns out and helped them into the chariots. Ursa's posture faulted as the large castle grew so small. She was nervous, wait, no. That's not true at all. She was freaking out! The only reason Ursa had agreed to go along with this mess was because she was afraid of what Celestia would do to her if she ruined the mission.

Oh, if only The Elements of Harmony could do this instead of me.

 She placed her muzzle in her hooves and stared down at the view below her. A dark forest, the Everfree Forest. 

She had heard of that place from her Mother, City Scape. Apparently, it was the number one place ponies should never go. Like, ever.

The chariot descended, and as the two unicorns got closer and closer to ground, Ursa realized something. Their landing point was the Everfree Forest.

Ursa squeaked, "Um...excuse me? I change my mind. Take me home!"





Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo smiled as he saw Ursa smile and nods at both his and Princess Celestia's reassurance. Celestia nods as she both directed their attention back to her. "Now, from what I've been told the orb is somewhere in the far side of the world. You'll be going into territory that's outside the border's of Equestria." Dynamo was surprised to hear about that. Excuse me, Princess Celestia? You said that we'll be going outside the borders of Equestria. Where exactly are we going to anyway?" Celestia smiled softly, before opening the map for them to see the star locations. "You'll be starting at the Everfree forest, but then you'll be making your way towards Klugetown. From there, you'll be trying to make your way to Mt. Aeris, where the item will be kept guarded. I notified some creatures that will be knowing of your arrival. Just look for Queen Novo of the Sea Ponies and you'll be just fine."

Dynamo wanted to ask more, but the guards encircled them and lead them out of the throne room. The guards decided to take both of the unicorns in one chariot, so they would save time on the travel. As Dynamo boarded the chariot, alongside Ursa, the guards opened their wings and began to take flight. As the chariot left the ground, they could see the castle getting farther and farther way from their point of view. Dynamo took a deep breath and sighed softly as he knew there was no turning back now. The blue unicorn was happy to be back home, but he frowned as the guards flew over the town and started descending towards the forest. Dynamo looked to Ursa with a surprised look upon his muzzle. "Ursa? Is everything okay? Why do you want to go back home when we just got to the forest?" He asked as the chariot began to touch the ground.

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@Dynamo Pad

Ursa's heart raced as the chariot came to a stop. She watched Dynamo Pad get out, but she stayed.

What if something eats me? What if I eat something? Will that something be poisoned? Or, will it be him that eats me? Oh my Goodness, I could be traveling with a cannibal!

Ursa looked at the gaurds, "Please take me home! Pretty please with a cherry on top!" She begged, "When I was a filly, my Mother said this place eats ponies. Please let me leave."

Edited by Emerald<3
I had to fix it




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo made his way out of the chariot, but he frowned as he didn't see that Ursa wasn't with him. He looked behind him to see that Ursa was still in the chariot. The guards had an adamant look in their eyes, as they wouldn't budge an inch at this pony's request. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but the Princess gave us her orders to bring you both to the Everfree Forest. Now will you please step out of the chariot before we have to force you?" The guard grunted out with authority. Dynamo raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 'Talk about being rude. She's afraid and who wouldn't? This is the Everfree Forest, so it's bound to freak somepony out.' He thought as he walked over to the chariot. He leaned on the railing of the chariot while looking calmly at Ursa. "Hey, Ursa? You shouldn't have to worry. Everything is going to be okay." He says, but it seems like she wasn't convinced. "Let me promise you something. You and I are in this quest together. Even if we fail, even if the journey is dangerous, then we can always call in for some backup." He could feel his heartbeat quicken, signifying his fear of the situation. "I'm just as scared as you are, but it's okay to be afraid. You need to keep telling yourself that you can do this and to have confidence to fail and to never give up." He extended a hoof for her to take to show that he wouldn't let her down. "I can promise you this. I'll be with you every step of the way and I will protect you. I know we just met, but I can see you as a friend. So, what do you say? Do you trust me?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Ursa's hoof hovered slightly over Dynamo's. Finally, she gave him a unreadable look and took his hoof, "O-Okay."

He helped her down and Ursa smiled at the unicorn. As soon as her hooves left the ground, the Pegasi carried the charriot up into the air and left the two alone.

"If only I had decided to stay inside today..." Ursa said to herself, thinking back to her morning stroll.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo briefly nods at her unreadable expression as she responded to his statement. He felt her grab his hoof with her own as he helped her out of the chariot. The guards expression didn't change, but it seemed like they were grateful that the situation was averted. "It'll take some time for you to make it towards Mount Aris. Just follow the map like the Princess has stated and you'll make it there in a few days. We've made sure that you have been given supplies for your journey." The guard stated while pointing to their saddlebags. The guards soon took flight as the chariot was flown back to the castle. 

Dynamo could only give Ursa and apologetic smile as he listened on her words. "I don't think that would have been too simple. You would have probably been given a letter or the guards would have gone to your home." He turned to look at the forest before them, before turning his attention back to the ebony mare. "So what does that map say about our travel?" He asks as he was taking their journey one step at a time, but knew they had to act quickly. 

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13 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


Dynamo briefly nods at her unreadable expression as she responded to his statement. He felt her grab his hoof with her own as he helped her out of the chariot. The guards expression didn't change, but it seemed like they were grateful that the situation was averted. "It'll take some time for you to make it towards Mount Aris. Just follow the map like the Princess has stated and you'll make it there in a few days. We've made sure that you have been given supplies for your journey." The guard stated while pointing to their saddlebags. The guards soon took flight as the chariot was flown back to the castle. 

Dynamo could only give Ursa and apologetic smile as he listened on her words. "I don't think that would have been too simple. You would have probably been given a letter or the guards would have gone to your home." He turned to look at the forest before them, before turning his attention back to the ebony mare. "So what does that map say about our travel?" He asks as he was taking their journey one step at a time, but knew they had to act quickly. 

Ursa's navy unicorn horn glowed a soft blue, and the map was lifted into the air. She unfolded the piece of parchment, square by square. Ursa stuck her muzzle closer to the parchment, "Let's see....taking in the account of this, and that is over there....I'd say we need to start..." Ursa rubbed her chin, "Over there. Just past the clearing." She said, folding the map back up and tucking it away.

@Dynamo Pad




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo watched as Ursa unfolded the map and levitated it with her magic. It looked as if she had a calculative, yet confident look upon her face as she read the map. He watched as she pointed to where they were to where they needed to go. He nods as she folds the map back up and stores said map into her saddlebag. "Okay and sounds like a plan. Then let's get going." He starts to walk towards the clearing that she pointed out, but he made sure to place a comforting hoof upon her shoulder. He quickly back away and blushes slightly. "I'm sorry about that. I know how you're scared, so I put my hoof on your shoulder to let you know that I'm right here with you. That way, you wouldn't have to feel afraid, if that's okay." He continued to walk, while shaking his head to remove the blush upon his cheeks. He chuckled sheepishly as he tried to think of what to talk about. "You said you were from the Crystal Empire, right? Was that where you always grew up at, or did you live somewhere else in Equestria?"

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14 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


Dynamo watched as Ursa unfolded the map and levitated it with her magic. It looked as if she had a calculative, yet confident look upon her face as she read the map. He watched as she pointed to where they were to where they needed to go. He nods as she folds the map back up and stores said map into her saddlebag. "Okay and sounds like a plan. Then let's get going." He starts to walk towards the clearing that she pointed out, but he made sure to place a comforting hoof upon her shoulder. He quickly back away and blushes slightly. "I'm sorry about that. I know how you're scared, so I put my hoof on your shoulder to let you know that I'm right here with you. That way, you wouldn't have to feel afraid, if that's okay." He continued to walk, while shaking his head to remove the blush upon his cheeks. He chuckled sheepishly as he tried to think of what to talk about. "You said you were from the Crystal Empire, right? Was that where you always grew up at, or did you live somewhere else in Equestria?"

(Is Dynamo into Ursa?)

Ursa looked up at him and offered a small smile, "That's all right. It seems that I only have the confidence to go on quests like this when I can still use my talent. I was born in Phillydeplphia, but my parents let me move to the Crystal Empire by myself two years after I gained my cutie mark." She pointed to the vortex on her flank, "There are so much more interesting things to see in the night sky of the Crystal Empire." She swooned, "I know it sounds impossible, but one time I swore I saw a star that looked just like a crystal twinkling in the sky."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo nodded in agreement as they walked along the pathway presented for them. "I know what you mean, to be honest. I don't know how video games can work on a quest like this, but I think I have a pretty good idea. If it comes down to it, then you'll see what I mean." He winked as he chuckled slightly. His eyes widened in surprise at the mention of her original home. "Wait a minute. You grew up in Fillydelphia too? That's my old hometown!" He exclaimed in excitement. He blushed as he grins sheepishly. "I'm sorry about that. It's just a surprise to hear another pony who lived in the same place I did. I moved to Ponyville about half a year ago. I wonder if we went to the same school together." He wondered as he looked off toward the sky. He shook his head as he knew he'd figure things out later. He looked to where her hoof was pointing and noticed her cutie mark. "It must be pretty cool to see the night sky. Almost as if you're watching a show filled with constellations, shooting stars and such." He chuckled softly as she swooned. "It seems you're a really dedicated astronomer. That sounds pretty cool, if you ask me. I take your word on seeing a crystal in the sky at night." He says, before bringing up another question. "What is your talent all about anyway? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

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25 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


Dynamo nodded in agreement as they walked along the pathway presented for them. "I know what you mean, to be honest. I don't know how video games can work on a quest like this, but I think I have a pretty good idea. If it comes down to it, then you'll see what I mean." He winked as he chuckled slightly. His eyes widened in surprise at the mention of her original home. "Wait a minute. You grew up in Fillydelphia too? That's my old hometown!" He exclaimed in excitement. He blushed as he grins sheepishly. "I'm sorry about that. It's just a surprise to hear another pony who lived in the same place I did. I moved to Ponyville about half a year ago. I wonder if we went to the same school together." He wondered as he looked off toward the sky. He shook his head as he knew he'd figure things out later. He looked to where her hoof was pointing and noticed her cutie mark. "It must be pretty cool to see the night sky. Almost as if you're watching a show filled with constellations, shooting stars and such." He chuckled softly as she swooned. "It seems you're a really dedicated astronomer. That sounds pretty cool, if you ask me. I take your word on seeing a crystal in the sky at night." He says, before bringing up another question. "What is your talent all about anyway? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

Ursa smiled at him, "I can confirm that we have never gone to the same school. I was homeschooled, you see. By my Father. Though, there may be a small chance that you may have heard of me. I was quite unpopular, you see. I was even nicknamed..." She winced, "Space Cadet?" 

She looked at him, "My talent?" She asked, perking up a bit, "Well, you know I am gifted at astronomy. But I am also good at anything revolving around space and stars. That's why I favor the Romans over Greeks. They named their Gods after planets; Pluto, Venus, Jupiter." 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo closed his eyes to think for a moment as she said her nickname. "Hmm...to be honest, I don't think I've ever heard of anypony by that nickname. Maybe you know of a pony that was a unicorn, but couldn't use his magic?" He said, before slowly raising his hoof up into the air. "That would have been me a long time ago. You see, when I was born the doctor's had talked to my parents. They said that my horn was a birth defect and that I would probably be unable to ever use magic. I was always picked on at school by this bully named Cosmic Clown. He was the type of pony that wouldn't like other pony's for their kindness and friendship." He opened his eyes and looked sorrowfully towards the ground. "He always tried to make himself the greatest and strongest at the school. I was last in my class to gain a cutie mark, so he used that as fuel to pick on me." He looked to her and gave her a smile. "It was okay, though. In the end, I was able to stand up to him and I gained my magic and cutie mark because of it." He says as he looked down and pointed to the video game controller on his flank.

"I'm really sorry that other ponies gave you that type of nickname. You don't look like a space cadet to me. To be honest, you sound like a pretty awesome pony, in my opinion." He said with a honest and heartfelt smile. He chuckled at how enthusiastic she was being, while explaining about her mark. "That's actually pretty interesting. I've never taken astronomy before, but it sounds pretty cool. I guess there are other parts of the world that had Roman and Greek Ponies. It makes you wonder if they had their own way of living like we do in Equestria. We follow Princess Celestia, Luna and the other Princesses, as well. I wonder if they had some to look up to, since you said their Gods were named after planets." He said while feeling pretty fascinated about the subject. "My talent is my love and passion for video games. I can also do something unique when it comes to video games. You see, whenever my talent and/or magic activates and I throw a punch or a kick, then the character I play as does that as well. I don't even have to move the controller to make it happen. I can make the character move in ways that's not possible in a regular game." He said while trying to come up with another question for the mare next to him. "Is there any questions that you'd like to ask, Ursa? Since we are on a journey, I thought it'd be nice for us to get to know each other more."

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