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private A Race to the Very End (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and Emerald<3)

Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad

Ursa saw the tear and began to cry herself. She hadn't meant to hurt his feelings, she was just very paranoid at the moment and didn't want either one of them to be harmed, and she told him so. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She sighed and wiped a tear from her eyes, "I...I was just trying to protect us...trying to protect you. I shouldn't have snapped, I'm sorry." She shuffled her hoofs, "I just...I'm not used to...you know, having friends." Ursa said this last part quietly, as she was rather embarreced, "Forgive me, Dynamo Pad?"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo could have thought that he heard Ursa sniffling. He quickly sat up and noticed that she had tears in her eyes. "No...don't apologize. I got paranoid that I heard a noise and I wanted to make sure that you were safe." He nodded in understanding while looking away awkwardly. "I know what you mean. To be honest, you're pretty much the first friend I've ever made since I've moved to Ponyville. I...never really had a friend growing up back home. Maybe I'll explain more on our travels, but it's getting late right now." He sniffled as he wiped his tears away. "I forgive you, Ursa. Also, you don't have to call me by my full name. You're my friend, so you can call me Dynamo." He walked over and pulled Ursa into a tight hug. He pulls away and steps back. "It's getting late and we are both tired, so we can talk about this again in the morning. Again, I'm really sorry." 

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@Dynamo Pad

Ursa wiped a tear from her left eye and managed a smile, "Wonderful." She ushered him inside the tent and went inside herself. She levitated a blanket over her friend and trotted back outside to keep guard.

Ursa heard the squeak sound again.

Yes, something was definetley out there.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo smiled and nods as he was ushered into the tent. He yawned as he laid back down in the sleeping bag. He felt warmth as Ursa levitated a blanket over him. "Thank you and I'll see you soon. If you need help, then don't hesitate to call me. If we need a code word, then let me know, so we can collaborate. Just in case we have a situation on our hooves to take care of." He said and closed his eyes to rest. He still felt restless, but he decided to rest until he could fall asleep. The blue unicorn thought he had heard the squeaking sound again, but decided to pay it no mind for the time being. 'Hopefully everything will be okay until it's my turn to keep guard.' He thought sleepily as he continued to rest. 

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8 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


Dynamo smiled and nods as he was ushered into the tent. He yawned as he laid back down in the sleeping bag. He felt warmth as Ursa levitated a blanket over him. "Thank you and I'll see you soon. If you need help, then don't hesitate to call me. If we need a code word, then let me know, so we can collaborate. Just in case we have a situation on our hooves to take care of." He said and closed his eyes to rest. He still felt restless, but he decided to rest until he could fall asleep. The blue unicorn thought he had heard the squeaking sound again, but decided to pay it no mind for the time being. 'Hopefully everything will be okay until it's my turn to keep guard.' He thought sleepily as he continued to rest. 

Ursa's luminecent purple eyes flickered towards the sounds. She could hear whispers in the distance, but who could it be?

The astronomer breathed nervously but stood her gaurd. 

There was a sudden pain on the back of her head, and the whole world went dark.

For now, a band of theives we're trotting off with Ursa. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo had awoken as he heard a sound in the distance. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes, so he would feel awake and alert. 'How long was I asleep for? I hope that Ursa is okay.' He thought as he look towards the entrance of the tent. "Perhaps I should check on her. Just to make sure that she's okay and all." He nodded in his choice of a plan. He made his way to the tent and opened the entrance. He stepped out, but stopped in his tracks as he noticed that Ursa wasn't there. His eyes widened in shock and worry as he searched everywhere around the area for his friend. "Ursa! Where are you!? Ursa, can you hear me!?" He yelled out, but it was no use. "Please tell me where you are, Ursa. Please give me a sign." He whispers softly to himself. She might have been captured, or she might have wandered away. He tried to stay calm, but he didn't know what to do. 

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@Dynamo Pad

In the distance, a large burst of magic exploded in the sky like a firework.

Ursa had hoped her friend had seen it, for being possibly trapped with a band of theives would be quiet inconvenient.

She was being tugged along by a makeshift leash. Her neck hurt terribly, and Ursa wouldn't doubt if it had turned pink.





Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo strained his eyes to look endlessly to find Ursa. His ears perked as he had heard a loud bang off into the distance. He looked up to see what almost looked like fireworks in the sky. 'This might be Ursa, or I might be on a bad trail, but I have to try.' He thought as he sprinted off in search of that burst of magic. He sprinted, but did his best to stay low and quiet, so as to not gain any attention from others. He panted as he was feeling tired, but he knew he had to save his friend, no matter what. After a bit of running, he stopped as he saw Ursa being pulled by a band of thieves. He squinted his eyes to see that she was tied up with a leash and being dragged away. "Nopony hurts my friend and gets away with it." He quietly made his way around to cut off the thieves path. When he knew he was close enough, he jumped out and landed in front of the thieves a few feet away. "Hey! What do you think you're doing? That's my friend you have there. What do you plan to do with her?" He asks asks with a neutral expression, but began to narrow his gaze at the thieves.  

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@Dynamo Pad

"That's none of yer business, is it, runt?" The tallest one asked.

"Easy, Crook." The scruffy-beareded one asked, "Just get lost, son. This doesn't concern you." 

"But Boss, you said-"

"Not you you dinwit. The kid." He pointed at Dynamo, "Now men, let's head out. Gotta get home before the sun comes up."

They continued to walk, tugging Ursa along the path with them.

Inside, she was frightened. But her outer character looked to be tough as nails.

"You guys are relentless." She muttered to herself, "...and rather obnoxious as well."

Edited by Emerald<3
I had to fix it




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo didn't like how these thieves were acting. He kept his cool, but knew he would act if he had to. "I'm sorry, but this is my business. That's my friend that you have with you and she doesn't belong with you. What gives you the right to treat her that way and take her away, huh?" He asks, but saw that the thieves just walked past him. He looked to the ground as his mane covered his eyes. He chuckled slightly at Ursa's comment. "She's right, you know? You don't seem to be very bright, if you ask me." He ceased his laughing and got right to the point. "Now, I'm going to ask you this one more time. Let go of my friend, get out of here and we won't have a problem." He paused momentarily, before continuing. "Otherwise, I'm going to make sure that you will regret what you've done." He muttered softly, but it was loud enough for them to hear him. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh, yeah?" The leader asked, throwing Ursa to the side with a loud thud, "I'm Larcen, and these are my boys Crook and Prowler. We've got you outnumbered, kid. What could you possibly do to hurt us so bad, huh?" He taunted, "You're just no match for us." He smiled in pleasure, and his horn began to glow. A laser shot from it and was headed straight for Dynamoe. But as it was about to hit him...it rebounded.

"Huh?" Prowler, the ebony pony asked.

"Wadn't that 'spose to hit him, Boss?" Crook, the tallest out of the three asked.

Ursa winced and looked at her front right hoof. It was bleeding, and most likely broken. She was the overprotective type, and had magiced up a invisible shield to save her friend. But, she got hurt in the process.

Larcen looked at the mare, "Ha!" He cackled, "Need your girlfriend to protect you, eh? Now I get why you want to save her. Need your muscle back, huh?" He looked at Prowler and Crook, "She's right handy, she is. Might even take her in as a recruit. She could be quite useful to find the ruby."

Ursa chuckled, "Please. Like I would ever help you." 

She rolled her eyes, and she passed out.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo kept his composure as he watched Ursa being tossed aside by the pony, who was now known as Larcen. "Number don't mean anything unless you know how look at a situation. I'm a gamer by trade, so playing against the odds usually comes with the game." His horn began to glow as he watched Larcen fire a beam at him. The blue unicorn was surprised as the attack had never connected. He looked over to see Ursa, who had blocked the attack, but had gotten hurt in the process. He gasped slightly in shock and wondered why she would do something so reckless. He snarled back at the group of thieves as they had crossed the line. 

"She's not my girlfriend, but she's my friend. She's the first pony to accept me for who I am. She didn't shun me away because of my kindness. She didn't rally with others for problems that I could not overcome in the past." He almost shook with anger, but remembered what his old teacher had taught him. "I'm guessing you don't know much about video games, so how about I teach you a little lesson." His horn glowed as he instantly disappeared. He soon reappeared behind Prowler. He reared back his legs and kicked Prowler into Crook, sending them pilled on top of each other. He turned around and used a teleportation spell towards them. "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" He yelled as he began to spin at high velocity, which made direct hit to Crook and Prowler. 


He jumped back, before his horn began to glow once again. He shot four energy wave orbs and kicked them with his front hooves at his opponents. "Hadouken!" He screamed as the energy wave orbs hit their mark. He landed back on the ground and looked back to Larcen. "I guess your two lackeys were just all talk. Now why are you looking for this ruby? 

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2 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


Dynamo kept his composure as he watched Ursa being tossed aside by the pony, who was now known as Larcen. "Number don't mean anything unless you know how look at a situation. I'm a gamer by trade, so playing against the odds usually comes with the game." His horn began to glow as he watched Larcen fire a beam at him. The blue unicorn was surprised as the attack had never connected. He looked over to see Ursa, who had blocked the attack, but had gotten hurt in the process. He gasped slightly in shock and wondered why she would do something so reckless. He snarled back at the group of thieves as they had crossed the line. 

"She's not my girlfriend, but she's my friend. She's the first pony to accept me for who I am. She didn't shun me away because of my kindness. She didn't rally with others for problems that I could not overcome in the past." He almost shook with anger, but remembered what his old teacher had taught him. "I'm guessing you don't know much about video games, so how about I teach you a little lesson." His horn glowed as he instantly disappeared. He soon reappeared behind Prowler. He reared back his legs and kicked Prowler into Crook, sending them pilled on top of each other. He turned around and used a teleportation spell towards them. "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" He yelled as he began to spin at high velocity, which made direct hit to Crook and Prowler. 


He jumped back, before his horn began to glow once again. He shot four energy wave orbs and kicked them with his front hooves at his opponents. "Hadouken!" He screamed as the energy wave orbs hit their mark. He landed back on the ground and looked back to Larcen. "I guess your two lackeys were just all talk. Now why are you looking for this ruby? 

He chuckled, "You really don't know what yer lookin' for, do you?" Larcen said, "The Ruby in that orb is much more than a simple trinket." He said simply, "And it could help me and mah boys pretty well."

He levitated them in the air and helped them get back on their hooves.

"Its not smart to go lookin' for something without knowin' 'bout it."

"Yeah, you should read a book sometime." Prowler said with a laugh.

"When was the last time you read a book?" Crook asked his companion.

"Aw, shut it!" 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo raised his eyebrow at Larcen's words, albeit slightly. "All I know is that I need to find something to help save Equestria. I won't allow somepony like you three to get your grubby little hooves on that ruby. If you want to sell it, then you're making a big mistake. What if you just sold it to somepony who wants this item for bad intentions?" He clicked his tongue and snarled as Larcen got Prowler and Crook back on their hooves. "You three just don't know when to quiet, do you? I guess I should have put more strength into those attacks." He sighs and shook his head in disbelief. "Very well, then. I'll just have to make sure that you surrender." He huffed at their words and smirked. "It's funny. I would have said the very same thing to you. I read plenty of books, including manga. I really can't say the same thing to you. You just look like a bunch of fools who's probably never seen a book in your lives. Oh, well. Hopefully you know something about Dragon Ball Z. Otherwise, I hope your ready for a one way trip to the next town over."

He acted quickly firing three magical orbs at the thieves. For an instant, it looked like time was starting to slow down. Dynamo got into a stance and began to charge some energy. He stood his ground as he began to charge more magic into his horn for one more attack. "Ka...Me...Ha...Me..." Before he fired his magic, he quickly made a teleportation spell. He appeared behind the three thieves and narrow his eyes. The orbs were a feint in preparation for the real attack. "HA!!!" The magic from his horn became a giant laser beam that slammed into the three thieves with full strength. He held the spell up until he saw the thieves were being launched far away from the area. As his spell came to a close, he panted as he looked up into the sky to see a twinkle. He strained his eyes until he knew they were gone. He knew his attack wasn't enough to severely hurt them, but he knew that they wouldn't bother them for quite a long time.

He looked over to see Ursa still downed from earlier. He quickly made his way over to her and shook her lightly. "Ursa? Ursa, are you okay? Please wake up." He quickly, but carefully got the leash off her of her neck, so her airway wasn't constricted.


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@Dynamo Pad

(Team Rocket is blasting off agaaaaiiiinnn).

Ursa coughed and sputtered, but even though her hoof was broken and all that had happened, somehow she seemed stronger than before.

"They're right, you know." Ursa stated, her voice hoarse, "This is more than just a ordinary object. Based on what has happened..." She coughed, her voice seemed to be fading away, "...there are probably going to be more obstacles awsy. We need to be prepared."

She looked down at her broken hoof then up at her friend, "I didn't mean to hurt myself. I was just trying to protect you." Ursa chuckled (though it sounded faint), "Seems like I've been saying that a lot huh?"

I was just trying to protect you.

Ursa had said that multiple times.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Dynamo was relieved that Ursa was okay, but was concerned for her well being. He winced slightly at how hoarse her voice had become. "Shh...don't speak. You need to save your strength, okay?" He said, but soon nodded in agreement. "It would have been better had Princess Celestia explained more on what this Ruby is. All she said was that the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance. We'll need to keep our guard up even more from now on."

He looked to her hoof as it appeared to be broken. He looked back to her and smiled. "You didn't have to protect me. You've done that a lot, but I feel like I haven't protected you at all. You and I are friends, so helping each other because we want to is what friends do. I appreciate your help, but you saw what I could do. Those three don't know much about video games like I do, so I had somewhat an advantage." He helped her up and helped her in making their way back to camp. 



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