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private The Love Between Two Gamer's (1 x 1 between Dynamo Pad and AzureMoon)

Dynamo Pad

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles at the suggestion and nods. "That sounds good to me. I can definitely tell that Button will let Dusk play games for free." He chuckles, before sighing in relief on when his son's birthday was. "That's good to know. That gives me plenty of time to get him a great gift. I just got to call an old friend and see if they can get the gift ready by then." He wondered as he would be sure to call his friend in the morning. He sipped a bit of his soda as Broken listed off who would be at the party. He almost did a spit take at the mention of Starlight showing up. "Are you serious!?" He asks in a hushed whisper, so as to not wake up Dusk. "That would be amazing. Plus, I think Starlight would like Dusk, in my opinion." He says, returning the nuzzle. He grinned at her favorite genre's in video games, before chuckling at her thoughts on visual novels. "I guess we have some similarities, but a few differences. I like the dating ones if the story works, like Clannad. I've heard of Danganronpa, but I've never played it. I'm not sure the genre this game fits with, but I do also like the Ace Attorney games."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Clannad is okay, I mean there are some that has dating in them but there's more story to them. Think of games like Major/Minor and Angels With Scaly Wings" she says and then giggles at his reaction to Starlight coming, she nods "And yes, I was thinking of inviting Twilight and all her friends, and when you mentioned how you and Starlight are good friends, I thought it'd be perfect to invite her as well, may even get Sunburst as well" she chuckles "If anyone can drag him away from his books." she then looks at Dynamo "I know I've probably said this a million times already, but, I love you" she kisses him and giggles "And I know Dusk does too, I haven't seen him this happy in a long time." She then smiles at him "I think the Ace Attorney is definitely a visual novel game, but those are quite fun too, some of the characters are pretty funny, and I even saw this funny video someone did with using assets from the games" she giggles and pulls it up on her screen.



Edited by Scarlet Rose


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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods in understanding to her remark. "That makes sense when you put it that way. I've seen the anime and I think they take some scenarios from the games. At least that's how I would perceive the idea, when it comes to an anime adaptation." He thought about the titles of the games she mentioned, before shaking his head. "I don't think I've ever heard of those games. I guess I'll be learning more when you show me those games sometime. Something that I can guarantee that I'll look forward too." He says with a chuckle. He listened to her explanation about inviting Starlight, the mane 6, Sunburst and others. "I think that's a great idea. They are all friends with Princess Luna, so it would make sense for Dusk to meet them." He chuckled and nodded in agreement about Sunburst. "If anyone can get him away from his books, then it's definitely Starlight. I remember her telling me that during the time she hung out with him. He had so many books with him that he brought said books to wait on the train." He laughed and shook his head. "I've met him once and he's a pretty cool guy." He smiles softly as he returns the kiss. "You can say it as many of times as you want and it will never get old to me. Even then, I'll always tell you the same thing. I love you too." He pulls her close to him and nuzzles her lovingly. "I'm glad I was able to make a good impression to Dusk. He deserves a great dad and I'm glad I can be the father he deserves."

His eyes widened in surprise as he heard that the Ace Attorney series was a visual novel. "I didn't think that game would fall under that category. However, it does make sense when I look at the game play. It seemed more like a puzzle game of sorts. I guess some games can fit more than one category." He shrugged his shoulders as he nods in agreement to her remark. "I like some of the characters and the cases are pretty interesting." He raises and eyebrow as she brought up a video on the screen of her phone. As he watched, he snickered, while trying to hold back his laughs. He placed his face in his pillow and let out a fit of laughter. After calming down, he placed the pillow behind him and chuckled lightly. "That was truly priceless. I can get a kick out of random and funny internet videos."

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nuzzles him "Well Angels is a lot like Danganrongpa in some ways. There's dating aspects to it, but the main point is to gather clues to get who killed who" she says "Except it's with dragons and Major/Minor is all furries" she laughs a little but then gets a bit serious "How-ever, Danganronpa and Angels are both fairly dark and gruesome, and I do not let Dusk play them yet" she says "and I flat out refuse to let him play Doki Doki Literature Club" she shivers "I played a bit of it, and stopped after a while" she then smiles "I think that a lot of the visual novel games are like that. The gameplay is a mix of Visual Novel and puzzle solving/clue gathering. One of my favorite games like that that I let Dusk play are the Professor Layton games, and he loves them too." she nuzzles him.

After she hears and sees Dynamo laugh at the video she nods "I know, sometimes I will just lay in bed and watch silly internet videos and laugh at them" she then sips on her soda some more, "And you will be the best dad for Dusk, dear" she says and smiles at him


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo returns the nuzzle as he listened intently on Broken's explanation of the video games. "I think I've seen, or heard of games like that before. Dating sims that have a sort of mystery in the story. Games like that aren't too bad and they add a unique twist on the overarching plot." He chuckles along with her, before noticing the serious look in her eyes. "I have heard that Danganrompa is pretty over the top. Even if they try to make is somewhat kid friendly. I don't blame you for not allowing Dusk to not play that game yet." He shivered as his girlfriend mentioned Doki Doki Literature Club. "I can't even play that game. I've watched over ponies play that game on the internet and the game looks scary. I've even seen the Game Grumps play that game. True, they make it random and somewhat funny. However, it still doesn't take away from the scary aspect of said game." He says, before smiling at her. "I've heard of Professor Layton. I haven't played that game, but I know there was a crossover between Layton and Phoenix Wright. It was a pretty cool and interesting game and concept."

He returns the nuzzle, before finishing the rest of his soda. "I know what you mean. Sometimes, I watch some speed runs of games, or funny internet videos when I'm not playing video games." He smiles softly and nods at her remark. "Thank you for the kind words sweetheart. I know that you are the best mom for Dusk. I have no doubt that we'll be really great parents for our son." He kisses her and pulls her into a hug. After a few moments, he pulls back from the kiss and looks into her eyes. "I love you with all of my heart, my love." He says, before covering up a tired yawn. He looks over to the clock on his nightstand and sees that it was around 10:30 pm. "It's really getting late. I think we should turn in for the night. We need to be up early, so we can call my mom and make the plans for said party." He winks at Broken and chuckles.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles, grateful that Dynamo understood why she wouldn't let Dusk play games like Doki Doki or Danganrongpa. She smiles and gets up to put the snacks and drinks away, "You're right though love, It is getting late, and we have a big day ahead of us" she says, coming back, taking her mechanical arm and leg off before kissing his cheek and snuggling under the blankets, "Could you do something for me, please?" she asks "Check on Dusk" she says, as she slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep.


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo nods as Broken got up to put the snacks and drinks away. "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to my mom in a while. I think she'll be surprised to see me. That, and she'll be surprised to meet you and Dusk. She's always told me that she wanted to be a grandmother one day. Looks like she'll get her wish when she sees Dusk." As she got back into bed, he noticed that she removed the mechanical limbs, before snuggling under the blankets. At the mention of her asking him for a favor, he nods without question. "Of course, sweetheart. What do you need me to do?" He asks, before being asked to check up on Dusk. He nods with a soft smile as she kissed his cheek and slowly fell asleep. "I can definitely do that. I'll be right back, my love." He softly kisses her cheek, before getting out of bed and made his way to the door. He left the room and went across the hall to Dusk's room. He quietly opened the door to Dusk's room, before checking up on the young colt.

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@Dynamo Pad

When Dynamo checks on Dusk, he would see that the young colt is happily asleep, cuddling his plush of Luna. Broken was waiting for Dynamo, but had decided to get up and go to check on Dusk herself, being the mother she is. She goes behind him, and as she had to put her mechanical limbs back on, she wrapped her arms around him "Look at him sweetheart, sleeping soundly, an adorable smile on his face and cuddling his favorite plush" she smiles, still hugging Dynamo "Which reminds me, the gift I want to get him, we'll talk more once in our room and out of earshot" she says before letting go of Dynamo and making her way back to the bedroom.

After a few minutes, Broken was once again under the covers of their bed and waiting for Dynamo. Once he had returned and snuggled up to her, she smiles and nuzzles him "I was thinking..getting him three more plushies. One of mom, one of you, and one of his birth father" she suggests "What do you think?"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Dynamo peeked his face into Dusk's room, the gaming unicorn noticed that the young colt was fast asleep. He smiles softly as Dusk was cuddling his plush of Princess Luna. He jumped slightly as Broken was behind him, while wrapping her arms around him. "You scared me, sweetheart. I thought you were still asleep." He whispered, while chuckling softly. "Still, I don't blame you. I could guess that you wanted to check up on Dusk to see how he's doing." He smiles softly as he nods in agreement to Broken's remark. "It sounds like he's getting used to his new home very well. I still wouldn't be surprised if he cuddled with us in bed." He nods at her idea of Dusk's birthday gift, while following his girlfriend back into their room.

After a few minutes, Dynamo entered the room to see Broken was under the covers. He walked to the bed, before throwing the blanket over him and Broken. He wrapped his arms around Broken and snuggled up to her, while returning the nuzzle. At the mention of getting Dusk more plushies, Dynamo closed his eyes to think. A few moments had passed, before he opened his eyes and shook his head. "While I think the idea is a great plan, I still feel like we can get a few more plushies. I do like the idea of a plush of my mom, his birth father and myself. However, I think he could also have a plush of Night, Button and you, his kind, loving and caring mother." He says as he places a kiss upon her cheek.

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken smiles and nods "Oh yes, plushies of all the family, sounds great" she says and kisses his cheek, "But I think we should also get other things than just plushies for him" she smiles "Oh and Vinyl Scratch will definitely be there" she says, snuggling up to him and smiling softly. Just as she was about to close her eyes, her ear flickers "Dynamo..." she says softly "Dusk is crying" she says, immediately getting up and once again putting her mechanical limbs on. "Come on, we need to go see why he is crying" she says "It is likely a nightmare, or he misses his nana" she says, helping Dynamo up and out of the bed.

After Dynamo had gotten into a dressing gown, Broken leads him to Dusk's room, to see him curled up in his bed, clutching his plush of Luna and crying. Broken, obviously feeling her heart break at seeing her son cry like this, she walks right over to him, scoops him up and cradles him "Shh, what's wrong sweetie?" she asks him gently. Dusk looks up to his mother and father, sniffling, "I-I had a bad dream.." he says "I was at the arcade with daddy and grandpa Button.." he starts to tell them about his bad dream "I was having a lot of fun, playing all my favorite games, when..when a bully comes up to me and shoves me away, he made me spill my drink and drop my snacks.." he sniffles "he then sneers at me, saying that I'm a freak for not having a daddy and that you, daddy will never really be a daddy to me, that you're just pretending to love me to-to get in bed with mummy, and he also c-called mummy a f-freak" he looks at him "I-I tried calling for you and grandpa, b-but you were both busy w-with customers, t-then the bully took me outside a-and beat me up" he starts to cry again as Broken scowls and rocks him gently in her arms "Shh, shh, it's okay sweetie, one it is only a dream, and if something like that did happen, I know your daddy and grandpa will drop everything to help you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as Broken had approved his his plush idea. He nods in agreement to her remark as he winked with a grin. "Oh, don't worry. I have another idea all planned out. I just need to phone an old friend and see if they can make my idea possible." He raises and eyebrow as Broken mentioned Vinyl Scratch. "You mean your old friend and teacher, right? I think that's a great idea. It would be an honor to meet her and tell her that she has a wonderful student such as yourself." He says, wrapping his arms around her and snuggling her in return. He was about to close his eyes, but stopped as Broken had heard a noise. He didn't hear anything at first, but he soon heard something. It was the sound of Dusk crying. He frowned as he hoped that his son would be okay. As Broken helped him out of bed, he began to follow Broken to Dusk's room. "Whatever is happening, then I know we'll be able to help him." 

As they reached Dusk's room, the door opened to see Dusk, who was curled up and crying, while clutching his Luna plush. Dynamo's ears fell as he felt awful seeing Dusk in such a state. As he listened to the dream, Dynamo frowned and shook his head as he knew something like that would never happen. He soon walked over to Broken and Dusk, before placing a hand on Dusk's head and ruffling his mane. "Everything is okay, my son. I promise that a dream like that will never come to pass." He says, taking Dusk into his arms and hugging him tight. "If there was ever a pony bullying you, then I'd drop everything to make sure that you would be kept safe. Grandpa Button can hold down the fort without me for a while." He chuckled to make Dusk smile, before continuing. "You're not a freak, Dusk. If anything, I think you're a great pony, who has a loving and caring mother and father." He pulled back from the hug and used his thumb to wipe Dusk's tears away. "If there's one thing I can promise you, then it's this. I love you with all of my heart, my son. I'm not pretending to love and care about you. I truly and wholeheartedly care about you. I'm not with you mother because of any wrong reason. I'm here because I want to be with you mother. To get to know and love her and to know and love you. I'm truly happy and grateful to have the two of you in my life. I just hope I can continue to know you more and be a great father for you. I promise that I will always protect you and your mother and keep you both safe." He says, hugging the young colt and rubbing his back reassuringly. "Come on. Let's all go back to our room. Dusk wants us right now and we'll be there in his dreams together." He smiles softly to Broken and Dusk as he gently took Broken's hand into his own.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk curled up into Dynamo's hug as he nods, "I-I know, b-but it was scary, b-because it reminded me of what happened to mommy before" he says softly, and Broken looks to Dynamo before softly smiling "It's okay sweetheart, mommy and daddy are big, strong ponies who can take care of ourselves, though that pony who bullied me was quite the mean one" she then rubs his ears a little "But your daddy is right, if something like that ever does happen to you, your daddy will make sure you are kept safe" she echos Dynamo's words before picking up the dropped plush of Luna "and remember, if you ever have a bad dream, our bedroom isn't that far, plus you can always call on your aunt Luna" she reminds him, as the small colt nods and curls up a bit more.

Broken simply smiles, holding Dynamo's hand and gently rubbing her thumb over his knuckles "You're right, plus we all have a big day tomorrow, don't we honey?" she asks Dynamo, before leading them back to their room and helping to tuck Dusk in, so he would be in between them. She smiles before taking her mechanical limbs off once more. She then snuggles under the blankets, holding Dusk close with her natural arm and resting her head gently ontop of his while holding him close to her chest.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo held Dusk close as he gently rocked the young colt back and forth to soothe his sorrow. "I understand how you feel Dusk." He says, nodding in agreement to Broken's remark. "It's just like what mommy had said. That pony, who bullied mommy was indeed scary. However, I was able to stand up to that bully and used my wits and strengths to stop him. Even your grandpa Button was able to help when the time was right. I know losing others in the past is scary. I can't deny that things like that may happen again in the future." He looks to Dusk, while giving the young colt a reassuring smile. "However, I can promise you like I promised in your dream from before. Your mommy and daddy love you very much. We're here for you now and we will always be here for you, no matter what. We want to see you grow up to be a healthy and happy adult. Your mommy and I will protect each other and in turn, we'll protect you." He says as Dusk curled up a bit more in his arms. 

The gaming unicorn smiles as he felt Broken rub her finger over his knuckles. "You've got that right. Plus, we'll be giving you a really big surprise in the morning. That, as well as a gaming marathon." He winked as he saw the confused look upon the young colt's face. "You'll see what I mean in the morning." He promised as Broken lead the three of them back to their room. He climbed into bed as Broken tucked Dusk into the bed. As Broken snuggled under the blanket, Dynamo wrapped an arm around the two and held them close. "There we go. If you have a bad dream again, then your mommy and I will be right there beside you. We'll always be here to make sure that you are loved and kept safe, my son." He says as he kisses Dusk's forehead. He then leans over and kisses Broken's cheek.

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk nods and smiles, hugging his plush as he snuggled in between his mom and dad "O-okay mommy and daddy" he says, yawning pretty cutely as he then curled up and fell asleep again. Broken just smiles as she strokes Dusk's mane and ears gently, she smiles at Dynamo "Looks like you got your wish" she teases with a wink and giggles quietly and kisses him softly on the lips "I know you didn't mean for Dusk to have a bad dream, but it ended up well in the end, with him snuggling with us. I honestly cannot think of a better way to spend the rest of the evening in our new house with you, than snuggles with Dusk in bed and sleep" she smiles at him and snuggles more towards him, while holding Dusk close to her and closes her eyes half way and kisses Dynamo on the lips "Love you so much Dynamo, sleep well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as Dusk hugged his Luna plush, while snuggling between Dynamo and Broken. "Goodnight, my son. Sweet dreams and we'll see you in the morning." Dynamo turned and gave Broken a soft smile. He chuckled quietly at her joke, before nodding in agreement. "It looks like I did. I know things will not be easy for Dusk, but I know everything will be just fine. He's our son, after all. If there's one thing I know, then he's got our will to never give up." He says as he returned Broken's kiss. He pulls back from the kiss and nods with a smile. "I don't blame him for having a bad dream. It'll take some time for him to become adjusted in having a new dad. What I said to him will always be true and that I'll always be there for you and him. I also think that's the best way to end the evening. The three of us together and falling asleep sounds perfect, in my opinion." He says, snuggling more towards Broken, while holding Dusk close them them. "I love you too so much, Broken. Pleasant dreams and goodnight, my love." He kisses Broken on the lips, before his eyes started to close. As he laid his head on the pillow, he sighed peacefully as he allowed sleep to take hold of him.

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@Dynamo Pad

the next morning arrived with little to no interruptions during the night, having given Broken a unbroken night's sleep, and Dusk was still asleep when she had woken up and opened her eyes. "Mmm" she murrs a little as she stretches and smiles, gently holding him close to her and then smiles over at Dynamo. She smiles, he was still asleep and as she checks the time, she saw it was still pretty early, and had decided to go back to sleep, holding the two ponies she loved the most, close to her.

A few hours later, Dusk would be awake. He looks to his parents who were still asleep and simply snuggled up to them. Sure, he was excited about the surprise they had planned for him, and for the gaming marathon with his new dad, but he wasn't one to jump on the bed and wake them up, especially as he had seen that his mother had the first good night sleep she has had in a while. He nuzzles into her warm chest fur and sighs happily "Love you mama" he whispers and feels Broken's arm wrap around him, and hears a soft whisper in return "Love you too, angel" Broken whispers.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As the next day had rolled around, the morning sun had shined to signify a new day. As the sun made it's way through the window, Dynamo scrunched his eyes as he felt the light hit his face. He slowly opened his eyes and could only see the ceiling. He looked down to notice that he wasn't he only one laying in his bed. He was confused for a brief moment, but he remembered what had transpired the past few days. He smiles as he held Broken and Dusk close to him. So much had happened these past few days, but he couldn't complain. At the moment, he was truly happy to have Broken and Dusk home. He could hear that Dusk was wide awake and smiles at the whisper. "You can't forget me now, you know?" He whispers with a tired chuckle. "I love you sweetheart." He says, kissing Broken's cheek. "I love you, as well, little buddy." He says, ruffling Dusk's mane playfully. He slowly sat up, while leaning his back against the headboard of the bed. "Good morning, you two. How are you two? Did you both sleep well?" He asks, while stretching his arms above his head. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Dusk giggles and nuzzles into Dynamo "Love you too daddy" he says as he then sees his mother kiss Dynamo and pulls a face "Eeew, mummy gave daddy cooties" he giggles "Nana did that to grandpa a lot last night" he giggles and gets out of the bed, "Every time we would be about to enter a dungeon, grandpa says it was for good luck" he pulls another face and then climbs back into the bed, he then snuggles into Broken's chest, and she just giggles "Sorry baby, looks like mummy's taken for now" she giggles, holding Dusk close to her, stroking his mane and ears gently "Do you think you could please get us breakfast, daddy?" she asks, putting special emphasis on daddy teasingly towards Dynamo with a wink and a giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as he playfully ruffles Dusk's mane. "Are you ready to have an awesome day, Dusk? We have a surprise for you when we get out of bed. I just need to make sure that somebody is up and just need to make a few calls." He says with a wink. He chuckles at Dusk's reaction as Broken kissed him. "Hmm...I wouldn't call those kisses as getting cooties. I would call cooties as a myth, but you'll understand when you're older, my son." He couldn't help in laughing joyously at Dusk's mentioned Button and Night kissing. "A kiss can be considered good luck, in a way. It's difficult to say, but it does show affection and such. Although, I don't blame you for feeling that way." He makes a fake pout and shrugs his shoulders at Broken's remark. "Oh well. I guess it can't be helped. You have two perfect boys in your life, who care about you deeply, sweetheart." He smirks, before sticking his tongue out playfully at his girlfriend. He chuckled at her remark, before nodding. "I think I can do just that, mommy. Breakfast will be ready right away." He says, putting a special emphasis on mommy teasingly towards Broken. "Is there anything in particular that you both would like to have? I can make us some bacon and eggs." He suggested as he got out of bed and stretches. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Grandpa and Nana said the same thing about kissing" Dusk pokes his tongue and then snuggles more into Broken's embrace and smiles, looking up at Dynamo and nods "Can I have some strawberry milk too, please?" he asks, as Broken just smiles, holding her son close and looking to her boyfriend "Bacon and eggs sound perfect right now" she says then kisses him once more "Let us know when you've made the calls babe, I think I'm going to actually get up and go to shower" she says, letting go of Dusk "Now go on sweetie, go and get changed" she says to Dusk, who nods, hugs both his parents before getting up and going to his room to get changed into his day clothes.

Broken smiles as she gets up, and grabs her crutch, "Just as well I have this, don't want the metal parts getting wet and rusted" she says, making her way to the shower "O-on second thought, Dynamo love?" she asks, hoping he was still within hearing range "Could you please help me dear? I-I'm a little afraid of slipping while we don't have the railing installed just yet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled at Dusk's remark and nods. "It sounds like grandma and grandpa have the same exact train of thought as your mommy and I." He grins and shakes his head, before nodding at Dusk's question. "Of course you can, my son. I think there's some strawberry milk in the fridge. I think Night gave us some to place in our fridge for later. I'll make sure you get some strawberry milk for breakfast." He says, before continuing. "Then that is the plan on the menu. Bacon and eggs are coming right up!" He says, nodding to Broken about the phone calls. "No worries. I'll let you know about the one call. That is more private as I'm calling my old teacher. The other, I'll let you both know after we have breakfast. This way, Dusk will get to meet a special person. That's all I'm going to say about that." He chuckled as he wanted to keep Dusk in a surprised sort of sense.

Dynamo noticed Broken's crutch and nods in agreemnt. "That's good to know. I remember you said you have a spell that makes the mechanical limbs more comfortable when falling asleep in bed. Is there a spell that helps the mechanical limbs in not rusting in water? I'd worry if there were certain situations when it comes to rainy weather." He says as she started to make her way towards the shower. As brought up the question of getting help, he smiles softly to her and nods. "Of course, I can help you, my love. There's no need to be nervous. All you have to do is ask." He says, before gently picking her up bridal style. "Just hold on tight and don't let go. Okay, sweetheart?" He asks, kissing her softly on the cheek, before making their way towards the bathroom. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Broken nods and then giggle a little as she is picked up bridal style, snuggling into Dynamo's embrace "Thank you dear, I was thinking..home renovations are pretty expensive and well..if I can actually find a surgeon who knows how I can regain my lost limbs..it would make things so much more easier and not to mention comfortable" she says, nuzzling into his chest fur "The only thing is, that sort of thing is still rather expensive, just, more practical and longer lasting than something like a bathroom rail" she says to him and kisses his cheek, "Also, while you're calling your old teacher and your mom, I'll call my mom and Button to see if they can foalsit Dusk while we go sort out things for his party" she then kisses him "Wanna shower together?"

Edited by Scarlet Rose


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckles as Broken nuzzled into his embrace. "You're welcome and it's no problem, my love." He says, holding her close as he listened to her intently on her suggestion. "That's true, but I wouldn't mind. If it's any way to make you more comfortable around the house, then it's okay by me." He raised a curious eyebrow about the mention of a surgeon. "Do you know if there's anyone, who could help you regain your lost limbs? I've never heard of such a pony, creature, or artifact that could do such a task. If there's any way that I can help, then I'll do my best." He says, kissing the top of her head, while she nuzzled into his chest fur. "Hmm...I guess we'll have to look into that idea for a while. Maybe I can ask Luna tonight. Seeing how I'll have my training and it might be in my dream. Perhaps Princess Celestia or Princess Twilight will know something we don't." He wondered as the two had reached the bathroom. "Okay and that sounds like a plan." He says as she brought up the mention of Button and Night, before continuing. "I'll call my old teacher, while you call them. Afterwords, we'll call my mom and you and Dusk can meet his other grandma." He smiles as he opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. He gently placed Broken onto the toilet seat, before going to the closet and getting her a body towel and a hand towel. "Here you go. All the shampoo and bottled soap is within arms reach in the tub. Just let me know when you're finished your shower and I'll help you back to the room." He kisses her cheek and makes his way out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen to make breakfast. 

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@Dynamo Pad

As Dynamo turns to leave the bathroom, Broken reaches out after being put down and handed the towels "Hey Dynamo, uhm, well want to you know..shower with me? I'd feel so much better with you here to catch me, if I should slip and fall" she smiles at him though her eyes were half lidded and she had a slight purr to her voice. Though she wasn't really trying to be seductive, she was just trying to put on a little charm, as unneeded as it was."Please darling" she asks once more, fluttering her eyelashes at him.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

As Dynamo was making his exit out of the bathroom, he suddenly stopped as he felt a tug on his shoulder. He turned around and tilted his head in curiosity to what Broken had needed. As he listened to her question, he blushed. However, at the explanation, he could only nod in agreement as what she had said made sense. "It would be better to do that, so you won't slip and fall. I probably wouldn't be able to make it up to the bathroom in case of an emergency." he noted as he described a sort of situation. He blushed as she tried to get him to say yes, but there was still one thing that worried him. "I'm not saying yes or no, but what about Dusk. I wouldn't want him to worry about where we are after you told him to get dressed for the day." He says, running a hand through his mane. 

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