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I have some specific synopsis ideas. Tell me what you think.


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1. Zephyr Breeze gets a job at a barber shop where Babs Seed is a manager.

There could be Fluttershy /CMC's/ Rarity as a supporting role. The point of it is Babs Seed is way more mature and skillful than Zephyr, who is still cocky as hell. This episode could explore Babs's talent and make Zephyr take a lesson and become a better pony.

2. Applejack keeps getting a nightmare about the day her parents died, Luna has to go deep into her consciousness and let go of her guilt.

There could be various reasons, one is simply survivor's guilt. Others can be something explains her obsession on Applebloom's safety. And might explain why Applejack is trying to be the most dependable pony of all time. Might explain her stubbornness. My intention is to explain some of Applejack's psyche.

3. Scootaloo faces the fact that she can't fly but Rainbow Dash helps her and lets her join the Wonderbolts as an honorary guest member. They put up a aero-terrene show together with Scootaloo on her scooter.

This should have happened at like season 4. It is too late now, but this is kind of Scootaloo's "Fluttershy Leans In" episode. And I also wanted Wonderbolts to do some kind and cool stuff. (cause they don't.)
I disliked Wonderbolts's behavior, so I also thought about a scenario where Rainbow Dash gets disappointed at the Wonderbonts after she joins in, she quits and asks Luna for permission to organize the Shadowbolts. In that scenario, Rainbow Dash is the leader of the Shadowbolts.

4. When draconequus ruled the world, ponies were lesser than toys to them. Young and the only kind draconequus Discord, finds Celestia and Luna, and becomes friends. While Discord introduces Celestia and Luna to the draconequuses, Celestia accidently makes them all extinct by teaching them to act normal.

This is definitely not TV-Y materials. I also thought about a part after draconequus extinct, Discord gets resentful inside but still, demands Celestia to be his bride and rule the world as King and Queen. Celestia refuses, Discord turns evil but being goofy and playful to hide his pain inside. That's why since season 2, they Don't talk to each other that much.

5. Fluttershy gets her personality split into two by magic. (like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde but two different embodiments.)

One is kind but extremely shy, the other is bold and confident but agressive. First she likes it, then thing go wrong, Evil Fluttershy locks Wimpy Fluttershy in a cage. She gets help from Discord. Later on she learns a lesson that she has to live with two sides together. I just want a moment where Evil Fluttershy shouts "How does it feel to being locked up all the time?"and s*it. And just before Wimpy Fluttershy gets hit by a laser beam or something (yeah. you heard me. Evil Fluttershy is a embodiment of her aggression. Of course she can be like Tirek.) She shouts "Discord!" and boom. He appears, blocks the laser beam like nothing, saves the day.

6. Celestia and Luna protects Equestria from a threat before breakfast and since they are so good, the mane six doesn't even know that there was a threat at all.

Rather than a mediocre repetitive premiere/ finale scenario, I'd prefer it handled this way.

7. Pinkie Pie finds a magical mushroom that makes her instantly happy but only to get isolated from her friends.

(no side-effects like real life drugs though. She just keeps laughing at the inappropriate random moments, losing empathy) She later on finds out that nothing can replace a true friendship and happiness. Pinkie can be very smart and serious, but she is hyper excited and seeks fun, sometimes she hurts her friends (and even herself in this case) during the process.

8. Rainbow Dash hits a slump. Then she meets a flyer faster than her. Then she works hard and overcomes her slump.

It's kind of synopsis boring on paper. I just wanted to give Rainbow some obstacle to overcome since she has nothing to do after joining the Wonderbolts. She is definitely the fastest pony in the world, but then the show doesn't make her do something more. Rainbow shines best when it's a physical episode. Lots of athletes, artist, scholars reach this point but life goes on and they have to keep trying to improve themselves. I'm thinking kind of a Rocky 3 scenario.

9. Celestia, Starswirl, Twilight, Starlight have a meeting in a castle and starts to estimate any possible danger in the future.

(Like in the episode Celestial Advice but 4 different armageddon scenarios.) They get too serious, and Pinkie Pie jumps in, breaks all their estimations by just pointing out the obvious flaw in their logic while tumbling. And they all realize sometimes getting too serious and worrisome about the future can blind them from true happiness in the present. This episode would be like the episode on Batman TAS where the villains gather around and talk about the moment they almost got Batman. And then some.

10. A season finale where Flurry Heart grew up. (just like Twilight in season 1 premiere.) She has to find the scattered Mane Six and regroup them to regain harmony in Equestria.

(like in Star Wars 7 or 20th Century Boy the manga.) They all forgot their true element by being busy. (Twilight being princess, Rainbow Dash being a head of the Wonderbolts Pinkie Pie disappears, etc.) Flurry Heart helps them remember what it was to be a true element. (And re-introduces the Mane Six.) It would work better in G5 premiere or something. But we all know that can't happen.

11-A. All the changelings turn into ponyville residents and tricks Queen Chrysalis.

It's like Mission Impossible or The Sting kind of scenario. They predict Chrysalis's revenge and set a trap like that. This could be played out either way, the audience is in Chrysalis's position and knows nothing, or the audience gets to know everything all along.

11-B. Queen Chrysalis turns into a pony and sneaks into Ponyville. She tries to blend in, but ends up getting a friend who genuinely cares about her.

Later on, Chrysalis reveals herself almost gets her revenge but hesitates because she found out that one friend is more valuable. She runs away and becomes a lone wandering refugee, occasionally mails the friend. I don't like her reformed so I made it kind of in the middle. She still hates the Mane Six and Starlight, probably the whole ponykind, but the only one she cares about is the one friend. It could play out like her friend stand between Chrysalis and Twilight. The friend tries persuade Chrysalis not to attack Twilight while still staying on her side even after Chrysalis reveals herself. Chrysalis is still in her black form. And she can't show up in public either. She is still an enemy of state. She would probably never see her friend again. It's kinda classic story archetype. (I came up with this thinking about Flufflepuff. But in this scenario, it isn't.)

12. Rarity forms a death-thrash metal band.

Her friends worry about it. But she gives a lesson that what something appears to be isn't how that actually is. (both Rarity and metalheads) (She has a good growling voice tho) I want MLP to show some legit rock songs. (Brutal-scale can be between AC/DC and Morbid Saint.)

13. Diamond Tiara becomes the next mayor of Ponyville. Spoiled Milk fixes her relationship with her daughter. 

Making up with abusive mother can be an interesting subject. I actually don't care if the show never comes up with Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Milk, but if they do, they have to make it right.

14. Griffonstone gets awesome and Gilda becomes a center of griffon community.

It's more like a wish list than an actual synopsis. Maybe ponies could re-visit Griffonstone. Maybe it could appear on other episodes. It would be awesome if Griffonstone changed so much since the last time we visited.

15. Pinkie Pie's memory of Granny Pie. She finds out that maybe Granny Pie is herself traveled back from the future.

I'm thinking of her recalling old time memories. She could tell the past stories to Twilight. Most of her "Pinkieness" comes from Granny Pie (aka Nana Pinkie), so it could be told while doing all the awesome things she does. (like when she makes a ridiculously complex balloon animal, Twilight asks "where did you even learned to make all these kind of things?") The episode could start with a collection of those incidents and eventually, they come to a conclusion that everything Pinkie does are connected to Granny Pie. They try to find Granny Pie and ends up with something happening which the incident Granny Pie mentioned at the past. (ex "when I was younger, me and my bestest friend who is an alicorn princess tried to find my nana who used to foalsit me long time ago. turns out that it was myself from the future!" kinda thing) Twilight would say it makes no sense and Pinkie would be like "time travel is the easy part since I already did it!" It is just one of the possibilities of this synopsis could play out.

16. Twilight Sparkle and Zecora has a rhyming battle. Twilight gets upset that she studied her whole life about literature while Zecora didn't.

This would totally depend on the writers ability. They have to come up with the best rhymes of all time and not being cheesy or annoying. It could be like "Pinkie Pride" without music or rhythm, more natural. (not a contest) And the rhyming part could be only a small proportion. The rest could be Twilight being "Feeling Pinkie Keen".

  • Brohoof 3


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1. I haven't seen the Babs Seed episodes for a while, not sure she'd be more skillful than him especially since he's finished school for this sort of thing. It would be good for exploring the idea of experience vs. seniority.

2. I think they've successfully covered most of why she is and does things the way she do, but addressing her parents death directly would be a little too dark for the show.

3. Personally I'm not a fan of "participation awards" so being made an honorary member of the Wonderbolts while just being there and not really contributing would feel like an insult to me. A constant reminder of what I'm not capable of. I think it'd be better for Rainbow Dash to help Scootaloo move on from such aspirations and maybe lean more towards her being in a pony version of the X-Games.

4. I don't like the idea of there being more than one draquoniquis. I think it takes away from discord's uniqueness.

5. I think a Jekyll and Hyde episode is a wonderful idea! However we've scene the opposing sides of the mane 6 on more than one occasion now so It's probably too late to implement this.

6. This should be done, or at least another episode that shows them being competent in what they do, or how about they decide to take the day off but it's constantly interrupted so by the end of the episode we empathize with them and they're reminded of just how important they are.

7. We've seen this before. It didn't go well and for a day she was the least likable character.

8. Rainbow Dash needs to take on more of a leadership role, continue to inspire others, and probably have her ego checked on occasion. Maybe have her called in by the Wonderbolts to deal with an emergency, and she has to adjust to saving the day under a stricter setting rather than just doing whatever with her friends.

9. This could make for a good episode, but I feel like it's too predictable since we've had growth from all of these characters besides Star Swirl. Also since you left Luna out of this meaning I'd like to see her walk in, ask what they're discussing and then tell them that she's just dealt with all of those threats.

10. They're too close for that to happen at this point. They have busy lives already but arrange regular outtings together and have made it so they interact all of the time. Going back to that idea about the princesses taking a day off, perhaps Twilight can in order to go see some family and the rest of the mane 6 have to try running the school without her for a few days. I honestly have no idea what to do with Flurry Heart.

11 A-B. Her obtaining a friend would be nice. I don't look forward to seeing her reform, but she is going a little off the deep end.

12. A change from the regular songs would be fun to see and hear but that clashes with her style. The one time she shreds on guitar was just to show her inner rage.

13. That would be awful to have your name be Spoiled Milk. Perhaps they could repair their relationship by having her explain how she was bullied as a filly for her name, and it just so happened that it was done by blank flanks. We have a scene with maybe her father who could be called Sour Cream who tries to explain the importance of what they do as dairy farmers only for his words to fall on deaf ears. Whatever happens, I want to see more of Diamond Tiara.

14. Agreed.

15. NO MORE TIME TRAVEL! Unless it means we can see Sombra again. Like he learns the spell that Starlight and Twilight Used after maybe defeating Equestria in the other timeline, and he decides he wants to rule over multiple time lines, which could see him go to war with Nightmare moon! Getting carried away, :squee: But is Granny Pie supposed to be Pinkie Pie's grandmother or is she just accepted as part of the family because I don't want any paradoxes or tome loops.

16. Maybe having a character accidently start speaking in rhyme for a bit.

These were some interesting ideas. Look forward to reading more if you have any.

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18 hours ago, SharpWit said:

1. I haven't seen the Babs Seed episodes for a while, not sure she'd be more skillful than him especially since he's finished school for this sort of thing. It would be good for exploring the idea of experience vs. seniority.

2. I think they've successfully covered most of why she is and does things the way she do, but addressing her parents death directly would be a little too dark for the show.

3. Personally I'm not a fan of "participation awards" so being made an honorary member of the Wonderbolts while just being there and not really contributing would feel like an insult to me. A constant reminder of what I'm not capable of. I think it'd be better for Rainbow Dash to help Scootaloo move on from such aspirations and maybe lean more towards her being in a pony version of the X-Games.

4. I don't like the idea of there being more than one draquoniquis. I think it takes away from discord's uniqueness.

5. I think a Jekyll and Hyde episode is a wonderful idea! However we've scene the opposing sides of the mane 6 on more than one occasion now so It's probably too late to implement this.

6. This should be done, or at least another episode that shows them being competent in what they do, or how about they decide to take the day off but it's constantly interrupted so by the end of the episode we empathize with them and they're reminded of just how important they are.

7. We've seen this before. It didn't go well and for a day she was the least likable character.

8. Rainbow Dash needs to take on more of a leadership role, continue to inspire others, and probably have her ego checked on occasion. Maybe have her called in by the Wonderbolts to deal with an emergency, and she has to adjust to saving the day under a stricter setting rather than just doing whatever with her friends.

9. This could make for a good episode, but I feel like it's too predictable since we've had growth from all of these characters besides Star Swirl. Also since you left Luna out of this meaning I'd like to see her walk in, ask what they're discussing and then tell them that she's just dealt with all of those threats.

10. They're too close for that to happen at this point. They have busy lives already but arrange regular outtings together and have made it so they interact all of the time. Going back to that idea about the princesses taking a day off, perhaps Twilight can in order to go see some family and the rest of the mane 6 have to try running the school without her for a few days. I honestly have no idea what to do with Flurry Heart.

11 A-B. Her obtaining a friend would be nice. I don't look forward to seeing her reform, but she is going a little off the deep end.

12. A change from the regular songs would be fun to see and hear but that clashes with her style. The one time she shreds on guitar was just to show her inner rage.

13. That would be awful to have your name be Spoiled Milk. Perhaps they could repair their relationship by having her explain how she was bullied as a filly for her name, and it just so happened that it was done by blank flanks. We have a scene with maybe her father who could be called Sour Cream who tries to explain the importance of what they do as dairy farmers only for his words to fall on deaf ears. Whatever happens, I want to see more of Diamond Tiara.

14. Agreed.

15. NO MORE TIME TRAVEL! Unless it means we can see Sombra again. Like he learns the spell that Starlight and Twilight Used after maybe defeating Equestria in the other timeline, and he decides he wants to rule over multiple time lines, which could see him go to war with Nightmare moon! Getting carried away, :squee: But is Granny Pie supposed to be Pinkie Pie's grandmother or is she just accepted as part of the family because I don't want any paradoxes or tome loops.

16. Maybe having a character accidently start speaking in rhyme for a bit.

These were some interesting ideas. Look forward to reading more if you have any.

Thank you for the feedback.

3. I was thinking of something like one-time collaboration thing. Scootaloo doesn't have to be a wonderbolt member. She can be by her own. Or make her own group.

4. Well, If it is called by species, it measn there is/was more than one creature of it's kind. He might still be unique because he was a complete different character back then and he is the last survivor of it's kind.

7. If you are referring Yakity-Sax, I think it is a complete different matter. And also the reason why Yakity-Sax was bad is because it was executed badly. And there was some nonsensical moments. If it was adjusted here and there, it might have been the best episode of the season.

9. I excluded Luna because she might be too calm. Or I was thinking her as a pair with Celestia in this group. Maybe Sunburst might be good to be in because I was thinking of a group of over-analyzing nerds.

10. Flurry Heart is the protagonist in this episode. And also she hates that she was born alicorn and destined to become a princess. She thinks being a princess is stupid and pointless, lame. But later on, she accepts for who she is and appreciates all the ponies around her, becomes a less bitter pony. (It would be fun to see her interact with different characters. Her flying buddy, her magic teacher, the one who she really lets her hearts out, etc.)

12. Well, people thinking that heavy metal would clash with her style is the major conflict in this episode. And yes, it is an expression of anger. Sometimes people need it. And also, her punk rock look on 'It Isn't the Mane Thing About You' is a surprise because it unexpectedly works so well.

15. It isn't a time travel. It's like 'When the Apple Lies' kind of remembrance episode. And combined with visiting old places like 'Amending Fences'. Pinkie just puts her memory together and figures out by her own.

  • Brohoof 1


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19 hours ago, RulesofRarity said:

I'm here for Rarity forming a band.

I always thought of the Mane Six forming a rock band, then when I finally watched the Equestria Girls series, I was excited and disappointed at the same time.

This band might have Starlight as a bassist, Spike as a drummer? Tell me if you have a good idea.


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4 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

7. If you are referring Yakity-Sax, I think it is a complete different matter. And also the reason why Yakity-Sax was bad is because it was executed badly. And there was some nonsensical moments. If it was adjusted here and there, it might have been the best episode of the season.

Referring to Filli Vanilli, Season 4 Episode 14.

4 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

10. Flurry Heart is the protagonist in this episode. And also she hates that she was born alicorn and destined to become a princess. She thinks being a princess is stupid and pointless, lame. But later on, she accepts for who she is and appreciates all the ponies around her, becomes a less bitter pony. (It would be fun to see her interact with different characters. Her flying buddy, her magic teacher, the one who she really lets her hearts out, etc.)

Sounds like an over privileged member of the elite complaining about their high status. Maybe if she's overburdened by having to seem presentable all the time and by her responsibilities it could work.

4 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

12. Well, people thinking that heavy metal would clash with her style is the major conflict in this episode. And yes, it is an expression of anger. Sometimes people need it. And also, her punk rock look on 'It Isn't the Mane Thing About You' is a surprise because it unexpectedly works so well.

Still feels like a break in character, especially since she's already a member of the Pony Tones.

4 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

15. It isn't a time travel. It's like 'When the Apple Lies' kind of remembrance episode. And combined with visiting old places like 'Amending Fences'. Pinkie just puts her memory together and figures out by her own.

Except you said "Granny Pie is herself, travelled back from the future."

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10 hours ago, SharpWit said:

Referring to Filli Vanilli, Season 4 Episode 14.

Sounds like an over privileged member of the elite complaining about their high status. Maybe if she's overburdened by having to seem presentable all the time and by her responsibilities it could work.

Still feels like a break in character, especially since she's already a member of the Pony Tones.

Except you said "Granny Pie is herself, travelled back from the future."

Ok, now I get it.


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1. I think Babs Seed is too young. 

2. Good excuse for bringing up how it happened, but it's not going to happen. 

3. This actually seems like a good moment, but not an entire episode. 

4. That's just dark for no reason. 

5. Just a gimmicky way of presenting on old lesson. 

6. Okay, I'd actually like to see this one, though they don't seem to actually take care of threats. 

7. Too direct of a metaphor for drug use, I'd do something with like overpartying instead. 

8. Just make it another Lightning Dust episode. 

9. Eh, just seems contrived. 

10. I'm cool with a flash forward episode, maybe it could be the season finale, I just don't get what you mean by like the Season 1 premiere. I'm working on a story with a similar premise, but it centers around Rarity and is very much an alternative storyline. 

11. I like B. I'm one of the people who thinks Chrysalis SHOULD be reformed, and I think this might be a good way to do it. 

12. So basically the inverse of a story I wrote, Heavy Metal Fluttershy. 

13. Spoiled Milk doesn't deserve redemption. Children don't need to make up with abusive parents, they need out. 

14. I wish, but Griffonstone needs a lot of work before it can become awesome. 

15. I was with you until the time travel part, then it went to PLEASE NO. 

16. Why though? Doesn't seem like the sort of thing Twilight would do. 

Edited by Ganondox
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15 hours ago, SharpWit said:

Still feels like a break in character, especially since she's already a member of the Pony Tones.

People can perform in multiple styles. Many metal musicians also play folk, classical, electronic, or alternative, some even do pop. In fact, if you're in one musical group you're more likely to be in another. 

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1 hour ago, Ganondox said:

1. I think Babs Seed is too young.

10. I'm cool with a flash forward episode, maybe it could be the season finale, I just don't get what you mean by like the Season 1 premiere. I'm working on a story with a similar premise, but it centers around Rarity and is very much an alternative storyline. 

13. Spoiled Milk doesn't deserve redemption. Children don't need to make up with abusive parents, they need out.

15. I was with you until the time travel part, then it went to PLEASE NO. 

16. Why though? Doesn't seem like the sort of thing Twilight would do. 

Tank you for your feedback.

1. I also thought of it so I tuned it down from owning the place into a senior apprentice who occasionally manages the place. The CMC's have their own career where they consult young ponies about their destiny and future life. They also have adult clients, so I think it is not very unnatural. Thinking Babs is too young is why Zephyr looks down of her(and his own cockyness) and it is the major conflict. Thats kind of the point.

10. What I ment by like aeason 1 preiere is

A: It is about a new young protagonist going to a new place and gets (re)introduced by the mane six(five) one by one.

B: I was thinking of the intro with the same artstyle and direction. It starts with the narration with Twilight’s voice explaining about the Mane Six and their current seperated state and ends with Flurry Heart’s voice ending the story. The episode starts with the similar structure. The difference is this episode has no villain to fight and focuses more on the Mane Six regaining their element.

13. Well, not redeeming makes her  even worse. She has to at least try to make it up. I don’t mind if I never see her again tho.

14. The name Granny Pie and Nana Pinkie gave me the idea. And we don’t actually see her time travel on screen.

I think it would be better if it is just suggested by Pinkie and not actually gets confirmed or just a cliffhanger suggesting it might happened.

16. Well, Twilight is very proud of her intellegance. It could start like Rollercoaster of Friendship where Sunset Shimmer and Twilight starts to get obsessed by the ring throwing thing. Twilight meets the unmovable object. Twilight getting angry like “It isn’t even a real word!” seems funny.

Maybe Maud Pie and Zecora having a rhyming battle would be more interesting.


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1. I actually have something like that in one of my episode ideas! The CMCs go to see Babs and the Manehattan CMCs, and while at the barber shop, Zephyr Breeze is there!

2. Seems a little too extreme for this show. I'd like to see that though!

3. Cute!

4. Interesting!

5. I actually have an episode idea where Pinkie and Flutters switch personalities, so it's kinda similar to this!

6. Might be fun!

7. Meeeeh...

8. Yeah, you're right that it doesn't sound that interesting as a synopsis, but maybe it'll be cool on screen!

9. Got an episode similar to that too! The Mane 6 summoning Equestria's allies and getting them to work together!

10. I'd rather use that as a special after the season instead of a season finale.

11A. I don't get it.

11B. Much better!

12. How about in the beginning, Rarity finds out her parents were heavy metal artists, which encouraged her to try it out?

13. She's too young to be mayor.

14. Meeeeh....

15. That seems pretty trippy, like a Steven Moffat Doctor Who episode! I like that! ;)

16. Meeeeh...

Why aren't there any Spike episodes in here? Or in that case, CMC episodes? Just has one Scoots episode.

Edited by FlareGun45
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11 hours ago, FlareGun45 said:

2. Seems a little too extreme for this show. I'd like to see that though! 

11A. I don't get it.

12. How about in the beginning, Rarity finds out her parents were heavy metal artists, which encouraged her to try it out?

13. She's too young to be mayor.

2. Yeah. It’s very fanfic material.

11A. It is like a heist movie where the good guys fool the bad guy. We see Chrysalis planning another evil plan and she sneaks into ponylille. There is sometging unusual going on, but since Chrysalis doesn't know anyone, she doesn't notice it. Only the audience does.

We see Chrysalis gradually succeeding on her plans. The audience shouls feel like she might succeed and Equestria is actually doomed. Chrysalis should  come up with the most clever way possible. And when almost done, it is a trap. Every pony she saw in this town was a changeling. Chrysalis gets away from it eventually, almost captured.

12. It would be awesome if her parents gives her some records, Rarity hesitates because of the cover art. Few days later, Rarity glimpses on the record at the table. Later on, when one of her friend visits, there is thunder blasting out of the boutique (like in Inspiration Manifestation when Rarity consumed by dark magic.) The door opens and loud noise knocks her feiend out, rarity power slides out of the door.

13. Yeah. More like in the future.


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20 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

Tank you for your feedback.

1. I also thought of it so I tuned it down from owning the place into a senior apprentice who occasionally manages the place. The CMC's have their own career where they consult young ponies about their destiny and future life. They also have adult clients, so I think it is not very unnatural. Thinking Babs is too young is why Zephyr looks down of her(and his own cockyness) and it is the major conflict. Thats kind of the point.

10. What I ment by like aeason 1 preiere is

A: It is about a new young protagonist going to a new place and gets (re)introduced by the mane six(five) one by one.

B: I was thinking of the intro with the same artstyle and direction. It starts with the narration with Twilight’s voice explaining about the Mane Six and their current seperated state and ends with Flurry Heart’s voice ending the story. The episode starts with the similar structure. The difference is this episode has no villain to fight and focuses more on the Mane Six regaining their element.

13. Well, not redeeming makes her  even worse. She has to at least try to make it up. I don’t mind if I never see her again tho.

14. The name Granny Pie and Nana Pinkie gave me the idea. And we don’t actually see her time travel on screen.

I think it would be better if it is just suggested by Pinkie and not actually gets confirmed or just a cliffhanger suggesting it might happened.

16. Well, Twilight is very proud of her intellegance. It could start like Rollercoaster of Friendship where Sunset Shimmer and Twilight starts to get obsessed by the ring throwing thing. Twilight meets the unmovable object. Twilight getting angry like “It isn’t even a real word!” seems funny.

Maybe Maud Pie and Zecora having a rhyming battle would be more interesting.

1. I think it would be best to just have them work side by side and have Babs advance faster than Zephyr, let his jealousy build. 

10. Okay, I get what you're saying well, but I think there should still be threat, something to create a sense of urgency. 

13. Some people just suck, they never try to make up. Abusive people though tend to fake making up so they can maintain control. 

14. If it's only suggested that it might be passable, but still. 

16. I don't watch Equestria Girls so I don't know what you're talking about.

With Maud, unlike Twilight she's actually a poet, but she appears to be even less competitive than Twilight is.  


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1 hour ago, Ganondox said:

13. Some people just suck, they never try to make up. Abusive people though tend to fake making up so they can maintain control. 

Most of your adjustments are actually closer to the ideal version of what I thought of.

About Spoiled Milk, she is very hard to work on since her purpose is to give Diamond Tiara, who is nothing more than a bully who bullies for the sake of bullying, an excuse and blame it on other pony so she can have redemption. The problem is, now we have a worse piece of sh*t! And like you saying, her existence reminds us of a cruel real world. Thats kind of a problem I had with Zephyr Breeze. Not that the show has to lack a reflection on real life,(heck, I would welcome if the show covers a topic about sex and death “if done properly”.) but those ponies existence fundamentally threatens the idea of the utopian world. (One of the biggest MLP’s identity is that it takes place in a utopia. They are magical candy colored ponies for ponies sake!) The only excusable threats are cute and fun and educational and eventually-ending-up-positive threats. Those I mentioned are too close to the bitter shitty real world.

So, my attempt was to restore ponyville’s essence.

Edited by Sepul-Coloratura


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On 9/12/2018 at 2:30 AM, Sepul-Coloratura said:

Most of your adjustments are actually closer to the ideal version of what I thought of.

About Spoiled Milk, she is very hard to work on since her purpose is to give Diamond Tiara, who is nothing more than a bully who bullies for the sake of bullying, an excuse and blame it on other pony so she can have redemption. The problem is, now we have a worse piece of sh*t! And like you saying, her existence reminds us of a cruel real world. Thats kind of a problem I had with Zephyr Breeze. Not that the show has to lack a reflection on real life,(heck, I would welcome if the show covers a topic about sex and death “if done properly”.) but those ponies existence fundamentally threatens the idea of the utopian world. (One of the biggest MLP’s identity is that it takes place in a utopia. They are magical candy colored ponies for ponies sake!) The only excusable threats are cute and fun and educational and eventually-ending-up-positive threats. Those I mentioned are too close to the bitter shitty real world.

So, my attempt was to restore ponyville’s essence.

Equestria was never a utopia, it’s just colorful. 

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