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It came to me as sort of an epiphany, one of those eureka! moments, that Community is give and take just as much as family is.

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Fig. 1 "Like Apple Pie."


For the longest time I admit that I've been rather hesitant- avoiding really, the 'biting' and somewhat 'disheartening' components of the community, such as the Life Advice section and Welcoming Plaza because as an internet persona I intended just to see the good bits and only post on things which fit the overlap of "Topics that I am interested in" and "Topics on which I think I have a good chance of saying something clever and witty". But that's take. That's me looking for and expressing on only the parts of the site that are, for lack of a better word 'uplifting', Taking the experience from the Forum for myself and not really contributing except for the rare occasion that said witticisms would cause someone to laugh (see Fig. 1).


But it is hardly charitable nor contributory if there are users out there who ask for attention, who ask for advice, who are the part of the forum whom are the cause of Give hereon. I now realize that it is the responsibility for myself as a member to be giving myself for what I am to whomever may require that of me, in any section of the forum. Have advice? Give it. Someone wants critique? Give it.

Don't give a [****] about users who only care about themselves? GIVE IT. (Seeing as them caring about themselves need to be told that.)


Here once again I come to the end of the discourse of my own thinking whereupon I really don't know if the things I say are conducive to conversation as much as actual cut-and-clean questions. Come to think of it, this was more of a public confession (as well as a prompt to others if need be) but if I'm not completely honest, I'm better off somewhere and someone else.

  • Brohoof 13
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I have no interest in most of the discussion topics around politics, religion, or things like the 'super virus' thread for example. Things like that just don't interest me. And then as far as Life Advice goes, I suck with advice most of the time, so I rarely even go in that forum. Looking at this sort of thing for myself, I suppose my giving is made up through things like creating banners for people as being a part of the Signature Team in Creative Resources simply because I find joy in it, and giving feedback on art and such here and there. At any rate, that's very...deep if nothing else Blue. A pleasant read into your thoughts ^^

  • Brohoof 1


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I just like watching things to burn. ^_^


Humanity gives of such a pleasant smell as it cinders.


You're such a joker.

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It came to me as sort of an epiphany, one of those eureka! moments,


According to Tom Baker's Doctor Who; ""Eureka" is Greek for "this bath is too hot"." LOL!

- "The Talons of Weng Chiang"

  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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This thread is relevant to my interests...


I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me god.


Disclaimer: The oath is false and I have no intention of adhering to it. Please forward all further inquiries to my attorney.

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Aren't I?

Care for some villainy?



I am the Harbringer of your perfection.

Your salvation through destruction.

You are to young to understand my plans.


Comparing any contrary power to the power of love is like a pig fart to a supernova.
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Comparing any contrary power to the power of love is like a pig fart to a supernova.


Please define matter "love" and provide basic calculations and examples for use as a power source. Edited by Libertina of Ariamis
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Well, we all contribute in our own way. Some people keep the site in order, some are there for every group activity to spike up the action, and some are nice to newcomers and eager to greet them. But even if you all feel like you're not helping much by being here, trust me when I say you are. You all make my day a bit brighter just by being here, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. High-five and a free glomp to all of ya! :)

Edited by Summer Aury
  • Brohoof 3


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Please define matter "love" and provide basic calculations and examples for use as a power source.


A middle-aged woman lifting a car to save her baby! xD

Love Powerrr!

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Adrenaline surge due to a stressful situation.

Chemical reaction in response to an evolved instinct to protect the offspring.




Physics: Le Science of Motion!


Pop Quiz: What part of the brain is pressed to trigger a dangerous disregard to the body's health?

(Hint: It's gray XD)

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Adrenaline surge due to a stressful situation.

Chemical reaction in response to an evolved instinct to protect the offspring.


Physics. Biochem.


Sorry, it was bugging me :/



Anyway, I give my opinions and take the other users souls.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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A nice write up as always Blue


I give laughter to others in the form of my wit and humor and I see myself as a "veteran" representative of the users to the site staff. I like giving suggestions to help the site be the best it can be on behalf of the common user. The Doctor of the people,for the people.


As for taking, I accept all major credit cards, check, cash, and Paypal for your convenience =D

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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[Needless fix.]

Sorry, it was bugging me :/


Applied Physics, but physics none the less.

Biochemical reactions are physical reactions in the world around us.

That's why it's called physics.


It's called dumbing down as not all are well versed in cause and effect nor in the labelling of physical actions to their corresponding labels under the branches of physics and/or even understanding what is physics and what is not.


Enjoy your complimentary cookie.


Pop Quiz: What part of the brain is pressed to trigger a dangerous disregard to the body's health?


For you, I'm assuming it's every part of it.
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Applied Physics, but physics none the less.

Biochemical reactions are physical reactions in the world around us.

That's why it's called physics.


It's called dumbing down as not all are well versed in cause and effect nor in the labelling of physical actions to their corresponding labels under the branches of physics and/or even understanding what is physics and what is not.


Enjoy your complimentary cookie.



For you, I'm assuming it's every part of it.


Holy shit -- I think I'm in love XD

Hold up, Newton's Third Law is working its magic upon me -- your cynicism and snarky remarks have cast their spell! Profound admiration for the smallest of victories shall be shared around the table tonight -- family, come hither! *Clap clap*

We shall feast upon this good fortune, cookie!


Stay classy, Libertina -- I love your posts ;) .

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I give suggestions, help, critiques and ideas when asked for... And I'm pretty sure at least ONE person has found my posts funny ;)

And as for taking... I TAKE NO PRISONERS.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Adrenaline surge due to a stressful situation.

Chemical reaction in response to an evolved instinct to protect the offspring.




Those who explain away their emotions via chemicals do not have any.


Musical preference simply is a function of math and may as well be such.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 1
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Those who explain away their emotions via chemicals do not have any.


Your statement, sir, is an factual lie.


Brain functions are a chemical/electrical reaction. This is a fact.

Brain functions and provides output based on input.


I do not hide behind mis-definitions or inaccurate approximations.

I try to understand the world, not just to go along with it.


I feel, and I know those feelings are a chemical/electrical evolved function in a biological function known as collectively human psyche.

This is real to me, no hiding behind hear-say or "because it is so" for me.

I shy from nothing no matter how clinical if it increases my understanding of the world.


Understanding this does not diminish anything, quite the opposite.

You think I feel nothing?

I do, and know how and why I feel because I seek the knowledge about how and why.


To me, that understanding is a wonderful thing as I know more.

I'm inquisitive, wholly an definition of my psyche, therefore, a physical reaction to the world around me.

It's a self-feeding input-output loop that has a positive end result as it makes me feel better about the world around me.


I just created this approximation of an aural-analog communication that uses highly evolved syntax input/output system to convey meanings or metaphors from one person to another using a I/O based network over vast distances in an instant.

All this is based on that brain, self fuelled chemical/electric engine that evolved purely based on chance.


If that's not awe-inspiring and emotion invoking, I don't know what is.


Of course, I could have even conveyed the whole point of this communique using a crass image and text based "meme".

A packet of sociological information that can be understood in an instant, even further increasing the complexity and the scope of this demonstration of a chemical system "in-situ".

But that's not so "nice" is it?

Therefore I have also provided an example of how I'm fully aware of humans around me and can make logical conclusions about the approximate response.

This is called sympathy, also a chemical/electrical response of biological system that is brain.


Therefore, my emotions are as presented; Chemical.


Musical preference simply is a function of math and may as well be such.


And no, unless your mathematical function uses a quantum based algorithm.
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Therefore, my emotions are as presented; Chemical.



I am not going to respond to your argument with a contrary opinion.

There is a drastic substantive difference in the minds of the men who say "The world works; why" and "The world works".


The statement I started with, the metaphor that "Love is to Dark Magic (or whatever-have-you) has no fair comparison in its power" was directed at narrative tropes. I had no intention of directing its applicability to actual fundamental energy or force, nor did I wish to engage in the Metaphysics War of Naturalism vs. Supernaturalism or by inferred data it's proxy cousin God vs. Non-God (which I bring up because my pretext against a wholly-chemical explanation for emotions is that I am a Christian).

However if you wish to continue this discourse (which I might add I am not interested in), please do so in Private messages and cease derailment of this topic- which thusfar has been a rather argumentative imposition.



I apologize if I have seemed rude.

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 1
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...Getting back on track and re-railing this topic (and also being the first to post and break the ice after the derailment), what an interesting opinion you've posted, Blue. Perhaps though in taking, one also unintentionally gives. Much of my moderation duties, for instance, I consider to be more take than give. My purposes for doing them are selfish - for the heightening of my self-esteem, and to prove I can. And also, to create a section which I personally enjoy roleplaying in. (For RP World) Yet they apparently give much to the forums. A symbiotic relationship exists.


Your posts certainly do contribute a lot to the forums, I think. You're an intelligent mind whose writing is worth reading 99% of the time, in my opinion. When I see you post, I immediately stop skimming over the threads list, and say: "Now this is going to be something good." I think if you get at least one person to do that, then perhaps you are doing a lot of giving even if you're taking in the process.


Even if you don't feel like helping others always, that's okay. A person's wise words and intelligent contributions may end up giving more than they think. They may even change an entire person's mindset, or cause them to reconsider their points or consider something they may have not considered before.

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I personally try to stay away from the Life Advice section, for I am not fit to be giving any advice to anypony. I do only apply to threads that interest me, but I do sometimes venture off into threads that usually don't hold my attention, just to put in my output.

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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