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private The Worst Nightmare Ever


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After unknown forces bring Nightmare Moon back to Equestria, she confronts Princess Luna and Princess Celestia about her existence and what it means to their power.

Participants: @Loyal Defender

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Chapter 4: A new kind of dream

Nightmare Moon loafed outside of Everfree Forest, somewhat weakened by the intense days spent in Canterlot. Her emotions ebbed and flowed, a dynamic she'd learned to laugh away. Anger was so easily comforting, and sorrow a strength greater than anything she'd possessed. But somehow, seeing Luna apart from her, soaked vital serenity from her spirit. She could not reconcile it. The paradox sapped her energy and she had to do something about it. Downtime was necessary, even for a Princess as powerful as she. So after mustering her followers, they took to Everfree to fulfill the banishment declared by Celestia and take rest.




  • Brohoof 2


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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  • The title was changed to The Worst Nightmare Ever
5 minutes ago, Mirage said:

After unknown forces bring Nightmare Moon back to Equestria, she confronts Princess Luna and Princess Celestia about her existence and what it means to their power.

Participants: @Loyal Defender

OOC Link:


Chapter 4: A new kind of dream

Nightmare Moon loafed outside of Everfree Forest, somewhat weakened by the intense days spent in Canterlot. Her emotions ebbed and flowed, a dynamic she'd learned to laugh away. Anger was so easily comforting, and sorrow a strength greater than anything she'd possessed. But somehow, seeing Luna apart from her, soaked vital serenity with her spirit. She could not reconcile it. The paradox sapped her energy and she had to do something about it. Downtime was necessary, even for a Princess as powerful as she. So after mustering her followers, they took to Everfree to fulfill the banishment declared by Celestia and take rest.




"So...I'm not one to often trek these grounds, but either it's just me, or the Everfree seems to change every time someone enters it, or so I'm told...should that be something to keep in mind?" My wings had already been folded shut from slight fear of the forest. Sure, I knew my way around some paths, perhaps to the castle within it, but it didn't mean one couldn't be attacked regardless of how well the path had been etched into their little pony minds.

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"Everfree is cursed. The Two Sisters have little control over it anymore. It thus dwells in sweet chaos. We shall find safety from order here, but little else." Nightmare walked boldly into the thickets, the gnarly brambles and dead breaches clawed at her sides and wings with harsh resistance, but they did not slow her stride. The snapping and cracking noises alerted nearby birds which scattered loudly into the dusky sky.

"I will carve our own path, for this is a new beginning."



  • Brohoof 2


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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3 minutes ago, Mirage said:

"Everfree is cursed. The Two Sisters have little control over it anymore. It thus dwells in sweet chaos. We shall find safety from order here, but little else." Nightmare walked boldly into the thickets, the gnarly brambles and dead breaches clawed at her sides and wings with harsh resistance, but they did not slow her stride. The snapping and cracking noises alerted nearby birds which scattered loudly into the dusky sky.

"I will carve our own path, for this is a new beginning."



I promptly followed after her, the warm, fresh air being replaced by a cold, brittle atmosphere almost instantly upon entering the Everfree. "Well, hopefully that path doesn't end terribly, because the last thing I want is to wind up angering the Princesses somehow.."

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"I have already angered them enough." Nightmare chuckled uneasily. It was not her typical laugh, full of energy and confidence, but rather strained, almost forced. "The night is falling quickly, there should be no worry of them. Luna is much too cowardly to confront us anyway."

As they travel deeper into the forest, odd noises and creatures sounds became louder and more frequent from the misty darkness. Slight movements and scurrying could be seen from between the grey, gnarled trees. Sets of glowing eyes peered momentarily from all around and from above.

"Are you afraid of the forest? What is it that scares thee here?"

  • Brohoof 2


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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The unpredictability...there's so much of this forest that hasn't been uncovered, and that means there could be hundreds of creatures that lurk out there, waiting to strike, and make one's innards become outards." This pl

1 hour ago, Mirage said:

"I have already angered them enough." Nightmare chuckled uneasily. It was not her typical laugh, full of energy and confidence, but rather strained, almost forced. "The night is falling quickly, there should be no worry of them. Luna is much too cowardly to confront us anyway."

As they travel deeper into the forest, odd noises and creatures sounds became louder and more frequent from the misty darkness. Slight movements and scurrying could be seen from between the grey, gnarled trees. Sets of glowing eyes peered momentarily from all around and from above.

"Are you afraid of the forest? What is it that scares thee here?"

The unpredictability...there's so much of this forest that hasn't been uncovered, and that means there could be hundreds of creatures that lurk out there, waiting to strike, and make one's innards become outards." 


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"I suppose this is true. But why fear pain and death? It is inevitable." Nightmare snorted in disgust. She knew the statement was cynical, but didn't care about Loyal's feelings. No one cared for hers, why should she care for anypony else's.

As they walked deeper into the wretched folds of the Forest, the shadows seems to follow Nightmare, encasing them both in a dark chill that pierced right to their bones. Nightmare kept walking - through brush, over dead trees, up and down steep hills and jagged roots. The air became thick with foul stenches, unusual for the seeming clean and natural deep forest. The ground became soft and damp as they pressed on, until finally they were sloshing through dark, stagnate water of to their ankles.

"There is no swamp thither. Yet the stars speak our true path." Nightmare stopped and looked around. "The air is foul. I do not recognize any of this."

A sound, like a huff came from behind them. "Halt! Speaketh before thine Princess!" Nightmare exclaimed into the still night behind them. Her gaze was that of stone, peering intently toward the sound, but no other sounds came.

Nightmare shifted slowly to face the sound, then suddenly a gurgling noise came from their right flank. "Halt! I demand it!" Nightmare horn started to glow this time, and Loyal could feel the familiar sensation of magical energy gathering around Nightmare.

  • Brohoof 2


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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4 hours ago, Mirage said:

"I suppose this is true. But why fear pain and death? It is inevitable." Nightmare snorted in disgust. She knew the statement was cynical, but didn't care about Loyal's feelings. No one cared for hers, why should she care for anypony else's.

As they walked deeper into the wretched folds of the Forest, the shadows seems to follow Nightmare, encasing them both in a dark chill that pierced right to their bones. Nightmare kept walking - through brush, over dead trees, up and down steep hills and jagged roots. The air became thick with foul stenches, unusual for the seeming clean and natural deep forest. The ground became soft and damp as they pressed on, until finally they were sloshing through dark, stagnate water of to their ankles.

"There is no swamp thither. Yet the stars speak our true path." Nightmare stopped and looked around. "The air is foul. I do not recognize any of this."

A sound, like a huff came from behind them. "Halt! Speaketh before thine Princess!" Nightmare exclaimed into the still night behind them. Her gaze was that of stone, peering intently toward the sound, but no other sounds came.

Nightmare shifted slowly to face the sound, then suddenly a gurgling noise came from their right flank. "Halt! I demand it!" Nightmare horn started to glow this time, and Loyal could feel the familiar sensation of magical energy gathering around Nightmare.

I wasn't sure what was happening, but I wanted to find out what was lurking so frighteningly close to us. With my magic, I lit up the area around us, hoping it would quite literally shed some light on the situation. "W-Whoever's out there, leave us alone!" I barked, unsure if such a demand coming from a small Alicorn would work. "If you're gonna hurt Nightmare, you have to get through me first!"

(No one cares for her feelings but Loyal, who practically worships her. :twi:)

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They could hear slight shifting sounds, but no voices came forth. Nightmare's horn shot magical glowing orbs in the direction of the sounds, illuminating the dense forest ahead. The gnarled branches and thickets made it impossible to perceive any kind of form other than twisted slender shadows and glistening swamp beneath them.

The gurgling started quietly again, followed by a choking cough.

"Move forward...I believe whatever it may be remains low to the ground." Steadying her glowing orbs in the general area of the sounds, Nightmare paced slowly, her hooves sinking into the muddy terrain with a sloshing sound.

"Who goes there. Answer me now or I shall strike!" Nightmare clenched her jaw, her anger giving every word a cutting edge that shot chills up Loyal's spine.

  • Brohoof 2


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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29 minutes ago, Mirage said:

They could hear slight shifting sounds, but no voices came forth. Nightmare's horn shot magical glowing orbs in the direction of the sounds, illuminating the dense forest ahead. The gnarled branches and thickets made it impossible to perceive any kind of form other than twisted slender shadows and glistening swamp beneath them.

The gurgling started quietly again, followed by a choking cough.

"Move forward...I believe whatever it may be remains low to the ground." Steadying her glowing orbs in the general area of the sounds, Nightmare paced slowly, her hooves sinking into the muddy terrain with a sloshing sound.

"Who goes there. Answer me now or I shall strike!" Nightmare clenched her jaw, her anger giving every word a cutting edge that shot chills up Loyal's spine.

I thought for a moment, then concentrated, sending a magical shockwave through a large radius. "Elevate!" I exclaimed, causing whatever, besides Moon and I, was caught in the radius to lift up helplessly. "Now we shall see who the culprit is."

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The glowing orbs illuminated a terrible sight rising out of the dark murk. It appeared to be a slender pony, lifelessly dangling from Loyal's magic.

Nightmare hustled forth, shooting her gaze in all directions before stopping next to the floating pony, dripping with murky water and mud.

"How can this be?" Nightmare's eyes were wide with fear as she studied the body. The pony shifted, still barely alive. It's eyes only slightly open, and muzzle agape in a suffering distress, it wheezed laboriously, holding onto its dwindling spark of life with all its might.

"Child...I demand you...cease thine death!" Nightmare's horn glowed a pale light, enveloping the pony's body in a shimmering glitter. But nothing happened. The pony coughed weakly as its eyes jumped open for only a moment, then wearily closed.

Nightmare studied the pony intently, her gaze distressed as she looked for clues. There were no wounds. No signs of battery or trauma. Her skinny form seemed to indicate undernourishment, or perhaps disease.

"What happened?" Nightmare hissed softly gazing at the pony, her magic still activated. But there was only silence in return. The dripping sounds from the dirty water invaded the moment, casting eerie streaks of shadows before them.

Suddenly the pony breathed out, and its body drooped completely still in a dull stasis, and all color left its form. The breath was cold and persisted around them, as if the forest itself breathed its last breath with it until it became a gusting breeze that caused Nightmare's mane to lift and swirl in its strength. The cold wind howled around them through the trees and thickets, and branches creaked and leaves danced in the macabre light.

"Let her go." Nightmare demanded Loyal. She turned from the pony's body, gazing into a chilling darkness beyond the glow of her magic.

The wind grew stronger, focusing toward the same direction as Nightmare's gaze. A faint orange glow could be seen now in the distance, and a rushing sound, like fire building up through a cold chimney. The glow grew brighter and brighter until a raging flame danced in the furious wind.

Three dark figures, tall lanky equines, stood abreast behind the flame. No detail could be made out of there dark forms, only hints of their species.

The flame danced and glowed more and more reddish, but the forest was ignited around them in a pale green - green unlike the presence of life, but that of some dreadful emotion...

"You again?" Nightmare's voice was strained with fear. She lifted her forehoof and started to back away.


"Fire feeds thine fury, Princess Luna! Burn it down..." Spoke a raspy voice from the shadowy figures.


"Burn it all..."



  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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On 12/3/2018 at 9:14 PM, Mirage said:

The glowing orbs illuminated a terrible sight rising out of the dark murk. It appeared to be a slender pony, lifelessly dangling from Loyal's magic.

Nightmare hustled forth, shooting her gaze in all directions before stopping next to the floating pony, dripping with murky water and mud.

"How can this be?" Nightmare's eyes were wide with fear as she studied the body. The pony shifted, still barely alive. It's eyes only slightly open, and muzzle agape in a suffering distress, it wheezed laboriously, holding onto its dwindling spark of life with all its might.

"Child...I demand you...cease thine death!" Nightmare's horn glowed a pale light, enveloping the pony's body in a shimmering glitter. But nothing happened. The pony coughed weakly as its eyes jumped open for only a moment, then wearily closed.

Nightmare studied the pony intently, her gaze distressed as she looked for clues. There were no wounds. No signs of battery or trauma. Her skinny form seemed to indicate undernourishment, or perhaps disease.

"What happened?" Nightmare hissed softly gazing at the pony, her magic still activated. But there was only silence in return. The dripping sounds from the dirty water invaded the moment, casting eerie streaks of shadows before them.

Suddenly the pony breathed out, and its body drooped completely still in a dull stasis, and all color left its form. The breath was cold and persisted around them, as if the forest itself breathed its last breath with it until it became a gusting breeze that caused Nightmare's mane to lift and swirl in its strength. The cold wind howled around them through the trees and thickets, and branches creaked and leaves danced in the macabre light.

"Let her go." Nightmare demanded Loyal. She turned from the pony's body, gazing into a chilling darkness beyond the glow of her magic.

The wind grew stronger, focusing toward the same direction as Nightmare's gaze. A faint orange glow could be seen now in the distance, and a rushing sound, like fire building up through a cold chimney. The glow grew brighter and brighter until a raging flame danced in the furious wind.

Three dark figures, tall lanky equines, stood abreast behind the flame. No detail could be made out of there dark forms, only hints of their species.

The flame danced and glowed more and more reddish, but the forest was ignited around them in a pale green - green unlike the presence of life, but that of some dreadful emotion...

"You again?" Nightmare's voice was strained with fear. She lifted her forehoof and started to back away.


"Fire feeds thine fury, Princess Luna! Burn it down..." Spoke a raspy voice from the shadowy figures.


"Burn it all..."



"Uhm.....Princess? What are.....those?" I lowered the deceased pony's body downward, hoping that maybe the mysterious figures were friendly. This forest was terrifying enough. This just unintentionally added to it.

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Loyal felt a chilling grasp on his foreleg. Looking around, there was nothing to be seen, yet somehow, he was held in place as the raging wind blew straight at him from the dark figures ahead. All if the twigs and branches were stripped away, leaving an open path with sturdy rows of tall trees on either side of them. The forest seemed to be changing into something more ordered somehow.

The flame grew and grew, engulfing Nightmare in pale greenish light. She planted her hooves into the mud, refusing to yield to the force of the wind, and the magic of the flame.

Loyal heard a hissing sound, coming closer and close to his ear. The left figure reared its head into the sky, where the stars had all turned crimson.

"Invite the shadow..." Hissed a voice.

Nightmare screamed as she was engulfed in flames. The forest around them quickly caught fire with her, sending bright orange embers into the night sky, and shifting all life below into black ash.

Nightmare turned her head toward Loyal, her eyes glowing in bright, golden fury. "Into the deep thou must go! Trust no light!"

She spread what was left of her dark wings, set aflame with her flowing mane and tail. Her horn glowed bright blue as she chanted, "nunc in profundis!"

Loyal felt the water rising, and fast. Before he could do much, the water was up to his snoot. As the waves ebbed and flowed he could see Nightmare's form crumbling from the raging flames, until leaving a crumpling mass of ash and chunks of coal, which floated helplessly above him as he plummeted deeper and deeper underwater.

The darkness took over all his senses, until there was nothing.


After some time, Loyal was awakened by a faint ticking sound. He opened his eyes to see he was lying on a flat stone floor. The floor was white and black, in a checkered pattern. There was no visible walls, just a faintly lit area around him, and a massive structure behind. He could not yet make out the detail, for it was still a bit far away, and motionless.


  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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17 hours ago, Mirage said:

Loyal felt a chilling grasp on his foreleg. Looking around, there was nothing to be seen, yet somehow, he was held in place as the raging wind blew straight at him from the dark figures ahead. All if the twigs and branches were stripped away, leaving an open path with sturdy rows of tall trees on either side of them. The forest seemed to be changing into something more ordered somehow.

The flame grew and grew, engulfing Nightmare in pale greenish light. She planted her hooves into the mud, refusing to yield to the force of the wind, and the magic of the flame.

Loyal heard a hissing sound, coming closer and close to his ear. The left figure reared its head into the sky, where the stars had all turned crimson.

"Invite the shadow..." Hissed a voice.

Nightmare screamed as she was engulfed in flames. The forest around them quickly caught fire with her, sending bright orange embers into the night sky, and shifting all life below into black ash.

Nightmare turned her head toward Loyal, her eyes glowing in bright, golden fury. "Into the deep thou must go! Trust no light!"

She spread what was left of her dark wings, set aflame with her flowing mane and tail. Her horn glowed bright blue as she chanted, "nunc in profundis!"

Loyal felt the water rising, and fast. Before he could do much, the water was up to his snoot. As the waves ebbed and flowed he could see Nightmare's form crumbling from the raging flames, until leaving a crumpling mass of ash and chunks of coal, which floated helplessly above him as he plummeted deeper and deeper underwater.

The darkness took over all his senses, until there was nothing.


After some time, Loyal was awakened by a faint ticking sound. He opened his eyes to see he was lying on a flat stone floor. The floor was white and black, in a checkered pattern. There was no visible walls, just a faintly lit area around him, and a massive structure behind. He could not yet make out the detail, for it was still a bit far away, and motionless.


"H-Hello....?" I squeaked, hoping for an answer from a familiar face. What had happened? Moonie...she'd...she's burned in those flames. Those elementals had done something to her.. 


"Moonie?" I struggled to get up, only with slight difficulty. "Oh, Celestia....am I alone?" Was I alone? I couldn't be too sure. Was my closest friend dead? Burned into nothingness? "Why...Why, when I get my hooves on those stupid elementals, they're gonna be sorry!"

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On 12/10/2018 at 10:30 AM, Loyal Defender said:

"H-Hello....?" I squeaked, hoping for an answer from a familiar face. What had happened? Moonie...she'd...she's burned in those flames. Those elementals had done something to her.. 


"Moonie?" I struggled to get up, only with slight difficulty. "Oh, Celestia....am I alone?" Was I alone? I couldn't be too sure. Was my closest friend dead? Burned into nothingness? "Why...Why, when I get my hooves on those stupid elementals, they're gonna be sorry!"

The only response Loyal received was his own distant echo from the great chamber. No stirring in the shadows, no motion whatsoever. Only a large figure looming behind him. He would have to walk closer to see what it was in such dim light.


  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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29 minutes ago, Mirage said:

The only response Loyal received was his own distant echo from the great chamber. No stirring in the shadows, no motion whatsoever. Only a large figure looming behind him. He would have to walk closer to see what it was in such dim light.


Shaking in my nonexistent boots, I approached the stranger. "H-Hello...? Please don't hurt me..I-I just want to know where I am." I felt alone, and a little frightened. And this existing being didn't make the feeling any better. "I don't know what happened....my friend, she just...she just burned to ashes in front of me, and I passed out.."


Edited by Loyal Defender
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52 minutes ago, Loyal Defender said:

Shaking in my nonexistent boots, I approached the stranger. "H-Hello...? Please don't hurt me..I-I just want to know where I am." I felt alone, and a little frightened. And this existing being didn't make the feeling any better. "I don't know what happened....my friend, she just...she just burned to ashes in front of me, and I passed out.."


As Loyal walked closer, he sees a towering Princess Celestia. With a highly raised head, she looked down at him, her mouth in a snarl - the whites of her eyes plainly visible above her dark irises, staring down like jagged knives through his soft flesh.


For a moment, Loyal's eyes tore away from the gaze to see the source of the clicking sounds. Looking down he could see that Celestia was atop a marble podium, with a golden clock affixed to the front. Its face was carved with the sun and moon, clouds, stars, and bright red jewels for the hour places. The minutes were measured by a graduated ring of silver and onyx.

The slight distraction helped him to realize that the figure before him was actually a great white statue. It may or may not have been Celestia, it was perhaps hard to tell for sure, he realized.

"Rigel?" He heard a small voice from beyond that great status. Bright golden light shot through a long slender opening that grew in width slowly, along with a slight creaking sound. The light eventually brightened the room Loyal was in, revealing the glorious status in the middle of a grand atrium. The alicorn statue was certainly proud, but the new light made it plain that it was in fact Celestia, not angry and snarling but smiling and serene. Her gold cutie mark was now plainly visible, along with her chest plate and slightly blue and green colored mane and tail.

"Rigel...what are you doing in here?" An elderly servant pony walked up to Loyal. His blue coat and silver mane and tail shimmered slightly in the gold light, and his tattered leather saddle bags, stuffed with supplies, seems to absorb all colors into its worn, dull finish.

"Rigel?" His voice was soft and weak, but very friendly and relaxing. His horn lit up and he adjusted his spectacles, watching and waiting for Loyal to respond.

  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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12 hours ago, Mirage said:

As Loyal walked closer, he sees a towering Princess Celestia. With a highly raised head, she looked down at him, her mouth in a snarl - the whites of her eyes plainly visible above her dark irises, staring down like jagged knives through his soft flesh.


For a moment, Loyal's eyes tore away from the gaze to see the source of the clicking sounds. Looking down he could see that Celestia was atop a marble podium, with a golden clock affixed to the front. Its face was carved with the sun and moon, clouds, stars, and bright red jewels for the hour places. The minutes were measured by a graduated ring of silver and onyx.

The slight distraction helped him to realize that the figure before him was actually a great white statue. It may or may not have been Celestia, it was perhaps hard to tell for sure, he realized.

"Rigel?" He heard a small voice from beyond that great status. Bright golden light shot through a long slender opening that grew in width slowly, along with a slight creaking sound. The light eventually brightened the room Loyal was in, revealing the glorious status in the middle of a grand atrium. The alicorn statue was certainly proud, but the new light made it plain that it was in fact Celestia, not angry and snarling but smiling and serene. Her gold cutie mark was now plainly visible, along with her chest plate and slightly blue and green colored mane and tail.

"Rigel...what are you doing in here?" An elderly servant pony walked up to Loyal. His blue coat and silver mane and tail shimmered slightly in the gold light, and his tattered leather saddle bags, stuffed with supplies, seems to absorb all colors into its worn, dull finish.

"Rigel?" His voice was soft and weak, but very friendly and relaxing. His horn lit up and he adjusted his spectacles, watching and waiting for Loyal to respond.

"Who's.....Rigel? I'm Loyal. Loyal Defender. Could...you perhaps tell me where I am, please? I honestly don't know how I got in here, but I was sure I was about to die....have I died? Is this the golden valley above?"

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10 minutes ago, Loyal Defender said:

"Who's.....Rigel? I'm Loyal. Loyal Defender. Could...you perhaps tell me where I am, please? I honestly don't know how I got in here, but I was sure I was about to die....have I died? Is this the golden valley above?"

"You jest surely! Thine name is Rigel, the Princess knows this." The servant huffed dismissively. "Remaining loyal is wise, my child. We are all Loyal Defenders here, lest ye forget." The servant salutes, rather clumsily, but it worked.


  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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2 minutes ago, Mirage said:

"You jest surely! Thine name is Rigel, the Princess knows this." The servant huffed dismissively. "Remaining loyal is wise, my child. We are all Loyal Defenders here, lest ye forget." The servant salutes, rather clumsily, but it worked.


"Wait.....you're all me? Am I dreaming, then? I'm....this is most confusing, to say the least. Where AM I?" Was he implying they were all like me, or was he taking my name too literally? 

Edited by Loyal Defender
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3 minutes ago, Loyal Defender said:

"Wait.....you're all me? Am I dreaming, then? I'm....this is most confusing, to say the least. Where AM I?" Was he implying they were all like me, or was he taking my name too literally? 

"Hast thou fallen and popped yer noggin? You're in The Castle." The servant raised his voice, stomping lightly in frustration. "Wouldn't be good to lose all thine memory right before the Summer Sun celebration...if ye can remember what that is!"


  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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4 minutes ago, Mirage said:

"Hast thou fallen and popped yer noggin? You're in The Castle." The servant raised his voice, stomping lightly in frustration. "Wouldn't be good to lose all thine memory right before the Summer Sun celebration...if ye can remember what that is!"


"Well, of COURSE I know what that is! I'M SORRY MY FRIEND JUST DIED BUT I SHOULD INSTEAD BE WORRYING ABOUT SOME CELEBRATION INSTEAD OF WONDERING IF THEY'RE ALRIGHT! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS LIVING, CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THINGS TO ME?!" Much like a solar flare would flare up, so did my anger, causing my horn to spark a bit, and flames could practically be seen rushing out around me. I didn't like to have ponies beating around the bush intentionally, or for ponies to be too clueless to do it on accident. I felt like I was crying, but the fury within me caused the tears to evaporate shortly after.

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2 minutes ago, Loyal Defender said:

"Well, of COURSE I know what that is! I'M SORRY MY FRIEND JUST DIED BUT I SHOULD INSTEAD BE WORRYING ABOUT SOME CELEBRATION INSTEAD OF WONDERING IF THEY'RE ALRIGHT! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS LIVING, CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THINGS TO ME?!" Much like a solar flare would flare up, so did my anger, causing my horn to spark a bit, and flames could practically be seen rushing out around me. I didn't like to have ponies beating around the bush intentionally, or for ponies to be too clueless to do it on accident.

The servant gasped in fear, falling to his trembling knees. "Forgive me! Don't hurt me!"


  • Brohoof 1


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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2 minutes ago, Mirage said:

The servant gasped in fear, falling to his trembling knees. "Forgive me! Don't hurt me!"


I took a deep breath, the flames extinguishing, the fury dying down, and my horn stopped sparking. "I just want to know where I am, what's happening, and what's become of my friend, Moonie. Erm....Nightmare Moon. We were out in the forest, and these...elementals of sorts appeared and attacked us...well, attacked HER, causing her to burn into ashes. And my name is Loyal Defender. Literally. It's not a title. It's my actual name. I just want to know things. I'm sorry for losing my temper, but when tomfoolery is a-hoof, and I need to know things, they do not mix well."

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3 minutes ago, Loyal Defender said:

I took a deep breath, the flames extinguishing, the fury dying down, and my horn stopped sparking. "I just want to know where I am, what's happening, and what's become of my friend, Moonie. Erm....Nightmare Moon. We were out in the forest, and these...elementals of sorts appeared and attacked us...well, attacked HER, causing her to burn into ashes. And my name is Loyal Defender. Literally. It's not a title. It's my actual name. I just want to know things. I'm sorry for losing my temper, but when tomfoolery is a-hoof, and I need to know things, they do not mix well."

"If thou say it, tis true." The servant remained low, tears streaming down his cheek. "I shall lead you to the Princess. If thou wishes, speak of my trespassing so that I shall be punished for offending thee."



“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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