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private New Girl in Town (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

It was afternoon already when Scarlet Rose had checked into her hotel room, put her luggage away and had decided to go on a walk around Canterlot. How-ever, she had already started getting lost, having never been there before, and had happened across a cafe. Stepping in, she orders a tall latte and a piece of cheesecake to eat while thinking on her next move. Sitting down at her table, she puts in one of her earbuds, playing "Extinct" by Moonspell and looking over some designs she was working on.

Edited by Scarlet Rose


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@Scarlet Rose

It was a sunny and beautiful afternoon in the regal city of Canterlot. A blue unicorn, Dynamo Pad, had just got exited the gaming arcade that was just recently added in town. He sighed as there weren't many gamer's in Canterlot as he was expecting. He should have figured that most ponies would find games to not be fancy or befitting in society. He remembered that there was a tournament the next day, so he arrived the day before to prepare for the tournament.

He decided to make his way back to the hotel that he was staying at. He lived in Ponyville, but he decided to stay in Canterlot for a few days. "I guess I can go and bring some extra games with me back to the arcade. Hopefully, some more gamer's will show up." He muttered to himself as he saw the building that he was staying at. As he walked past the cafe, he noticed that someone was sitting outside at the tables and chairs. He slowed down in his walk, before stopping completely in his tracks. He looked to the creature as she was listening to music with her earbuds. 'Who is she? I don't think I've ever seen her before. In fact, she doesn't look like a pony, either.' He wondered as he decided to go over and talk to her. He didn't know what prompted him to strike up a conversation. However, he thought it'd be nice to get to know a new friend in Canterlot. 

As he reached the cafe and the outside tables, he walked up to the creature and gently placed a hand on the table. "Excuse me? I hope I'm not interrupting, but I don't think I've ever seen you before in Canterlot. Would you mind if I sat with you?" He asked with a kind and a somewhat nervous expression upon his face.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

As Scarlet listened to her music and worked on some designs, she heard an unfamiliar voice and looked up to see who was speaking to her "Oh hello, and yeah, I kinda just got here from Los Angeles." she says, taking her earbud out and looking the pony over "Sure you can sit with me, I won't be going anywhere, at least until I can figure my way around this city" she says, stifling a little giggle. "oh and you're not interrupting, I was hitting a creative block anyway" she says, putting her designs away and sighing softly.

"How about you?" she asks as she makes the other seat available for him "You don't exactly seem to be the type to be around here, you seem too..kind" she says with a soft smile, "I'm used to the upper class, uptightness of the ponies here, having been born in the affluent part of Los Angeles, but you seem well, I hope I won't offend with this, but you seem out of place here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiled as he took a seat to join her at the table. He tilted his head to the side as he raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Los Angeles? Do you mean Los Pegasus? I've been to that place and San Franciscolt, but I've never been to Los Angeles. Is that a location that's somewhere in Equestria?"  He couldn't help, but chuckle along with her giggle. "I'm guessing you're new around here. Don't worry. I was the same way when it comes to visiting another town, or city. Is there a certain place in particular in Canterlot that you're looking for?"

He sighed in relief as he was thankful for not bothering her. He did notice the sigh as he saw the drawings on the table. "I'm sorry to hear that you're having a writer's block. I can imagine that happens to everyone from time to time. I know an idea will present itself to you soon. What kind of drawings are those? If you don't mind me asking, that is." He smiles softly and nods at her claim. "Thank you for the kind words and you'd be right. I'm actually from Ponyville. Although, I used to grow up in Fillydelphia when I was younger." He listened intently, before nodding. "I'm guessing that Los Angeles and Canterlot are somewhat similar. So, it's like you never left home, or something along those lines." He chuckled and shook her head to reassure her. "You don't have to worry about say that. I get that a lot when I'm traveling around. I'm actually here for a video game tournament that's taking place tomorrow. I got here early to set up and prepare for the big day." His eyes soon widened, before he extended his hand to the one siting across from him. "I'm sorry, but I didn't introduce myself. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. What's your name, miss? I also hope you don't mind me asking, but what kind of creature are you?"

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet couldn't help but giggle at how chatty Dynamo was being. She shakes her head "Los Angeles is..not in Equestria, more like, outside the ream of Equestria" she says with a smile and nods a little, "As for where I'm looking to go, well I heard there's a fashion boutique here, Canterlot Boutique, I think it is called." she then looks to him and smiles a bit more "And it's not really writer's block, but creative in general, and to answer your question about what kind of drawings these are, they are fashion designs" she says and sighs.

"I'm a fashion designer, but I left home because it was becoming more and more impossible for me to succeed, due to the sharks in the industry snapping up all the good clients" she sighs and puts her designs away "You'd think it'd be easy to design clothing and accessories for the scene I am in, but it's actually quite difficult, especially if i want to be original and creative with it" she says, but then looks up to Dynamo, "A video game tournament? Sounds cool, and my name is Scarlet Rose, but most people just call me Scarlet, and I'm a wolf"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

"Los Angeles is somewhere outside the realm of Equestria?" He closed his eyes, while folding his arms in thought. After a few moments, he nods and opens his eyes. "It's a bit crazy, but I can believe it. I mean, a lot of crazy things happen in Ponyville. I'd be surprised if there wasn't anything crazy going on anywhere in the world." He chuckled and shook his head. "I think I remember hearing about that place. It's owned by Rarity and also ran by Sassy Saddles, right? I think that's a few blocks from here. If you want, then I could show you around the area." He looked at the creature as she explained her field of work. "A fashion designer, huh? I think that's actually pretty cool. You seem to have the eye of fashion, if you ask me."

He sighed along with her and nods in agreement. "I know what you mean. It gets difficult when it comes to being a professional in video games. I left home to make a fresh start in Ponyville. I'm looking to get signed onto a team one day and hopefully going into EVO." He says as she puts her designs away. "I still hope you'll find someone that appreciates your work. You have my vote. I do like the style that you have. The outfit you wear really shows you have an eye for fashion." He says as he listened to her remark and nods. "I guess it all depends on what your fashion line would consist of. I'm not sure what it is, but I can guess it would be original and creative." He smiles at her approval of video games. "Thank you and it's for an anime game that just recently came out. I've been practicing and hopefully I'll be set. Also, that's a lovely name and a wolf? I think it's my first time seeing a wolf in Equestria. I've seen changelings, dragons, yaks and other creatures, but never a wolf. That's pretty cool, in my opinion." 

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@Dynamo Pad

"You have no idea how crazy it is back home" she says with a giggle and then nods at his explanation of Canterlot Boutique "Yes, that is the one I am looking for. I am hoping to show Miss Saddles my designs and see if I can work with her, as for my style, thanks, it's mostly a mix of my favorite cultures like Gothic, Metal and Rave" she explains "For example, take my tshirt, Moonspell is a band back where I come from, and my jacket, Rob Zombie is a musician, also back where I come from. My pant and skirt combo is what is called Tripp pants, often seen in the rave scene, and my accessories and boots, from the Goth and Metal scene" she says and smiles at him, her tail wagging a little as she saw she hadn't bored him to tears.

She giggles a little "I just hope that Equestria has that kind of crowd that I can cater to, you know" she says but then smiles "But from what I have heard from you, it should, I mean, if Equestria has both anime and video games, something I also have back home, then I don't see why there wouldn't be ponies I can cater to for the right scene" she then thinks for a moment, finishing her drink and closing her eyes "As for your offer, I would like that, I'd rather not get lost again" she giggles and then she blushed at him saying her name was lovely.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo chuckled in agreement and nods. "I could imagine what you mean, but i'll take your word for it." He nods at her thanks, before continuing. "Okay and that's no problem. I've passed by the shop every now and again when I'm visiting, so I know my way around the city. You're welcome and it's true. I think Miss Saddles would hire you in a heartbeat. It would be cool to have Rarity there, so you let her see your designs." As he listened to her, he learned of the styles that she designs when it comes to outfits. "Gothic, Metal and Rave, huh? Those are some interesting designs. Especially if you're adding all three styles into one unique style. I haven't seen many ponies dress up in those styles, but I guess I never noticed that well. I would like to see how this new style would turn out. I also like your style. You look really nice and it really suits you." He stifled a chuckle as he noticed Scarlet was wagging her tail. He couldn't help in thinking that she was being cute, but he didn't want to push his luck, at the moment.

"I think you'll be just fine. If what you said is true, then Equestria will be just like back home. I can imagine some places here are just like other places back home for you." He says with a smile, but raised his eyebrows at the mentioning of games and anime. "They have those sorts of things back where you're from? Well, I might just need to take a visit to those places sometime. It wouldn't hurt to expand my horizon on playing games in other areas of the world." He folds his hands as he twirled his thumbs. "So, what are some things that you like? Would you like to go back and forth on some things?" He chuckles, before continuing. "When we walk around, we can hold hands. That way, you won't have to worry about getting lost, if you want." He says, while he had a slightly blush to his cheeks. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well if you think that miss Saddles will like my designs, then yes, please do lead me there" Scarlet says, her tail wagging a little as she listens to him and nodding "Oh yes, we have all forms of entertainment and media back home" she says with a smile "I do like anime and cartoons, as well as listening to music, hell I even play guitar and bass and sing too" she says with a smile before finishing her cake and standing up, picking up her bag and offering her hand to him "I'd like to hold hands, like I said, don't really wanna get lost again" she says, allowing him to lead the way.

Along their walk, she discussed what animes she liked and what kind of music, occasionally brining ups ome of said music on her phone and letting Dynamo listen to it. She also mentioned her favorite cartoons,tv shows and movies. "One of my favorite anime is actually one called Swort Art Online, and I really do hope that Full Dive VR can become a thing soon, as I'd totally love to play games that way." she says.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles and nods at her remark. "Will do and that's pretty interesting. I wonder if where your from is like a somewhat alternate universe of sorts. I've heard from my friend that she visited a place that was similar to Equestria. However, they walked on two legs and weren't ponies." He whistles as Scarlet explained her interests to him. "It sounds like we have a lot in common. I do like video games, anime, listening to music, singing, reading, swimming, cosplaying and going to conventions. I also like to listen to music too. You said that you like to listen to Metal and Rave music. Are there any other types of music that you listen to? I listen to mostly alternative rock and Japanese alternatvie rock. My favorite band would have to be One OK Rock." He says as she finished her cake and stood up. As she picked up her belongings, he noticed her hand that she was offering to him. He smiles and takes her hand into his own. "I understand and I promise that I won't let you go. If you ever feel worried, then just hold onto me." He says as they exited the cafe and walked down the road.

Along their walk, he listened to Scarlet, who was discussing the types of anime that she liked to watch. He even listened to some of the music that she had on her phone. He had to admit that some of the songs were actually pretty catchy to listen to. "I might have to expand my taste in music. These are some pretty good music genre. You've got good taste in music, Scarlet." He almost stopped in his walk as she mentioned Sword Art Online. "You like SAO too? I've only seen the first season, but I like that anime. The idea of going into the virtual world is a pretty cool concept. Except the whole part of what season 1 was all about." He shuddered at the idea, before continuing. "I would like to play in a Full Dive VR setting too. It sounds like a really interesting experience for a video game. I even think that there's such a thing as a video game world out there. Maybe we can play some video games together sometime." He says as they turned the corner and saw that the Canterlot Boutique shop was just down the road.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well in all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if Equestria is a parallel universe. Aside from everyone being a pony here, everything almost seems to be the same as back home" Scarlet explains and nods "Yes, Sword Art is one of my very favorite anime series. I love how it has a perfect blend of seriousness, action, romance and comedy all in one series." she says "then there's the more comedic ones like Negima: Magister Negi Springfield and Little Witches Academy" she giggles a little.

"As for music, well I like all sorts, gothic metal, gothic rock and black metal are just some of my favorite genres. I like punk, rock, vocaloid and nightcore sometimes too" she explains, walking with him "And if you are right about there being a video game universe out there, that'd be awesome, but what do you think about this..what if that multiverse is actually inside those games that we play? Like the programming is their predetermined destinies to be played out, how-ever they have a life of their own when the game isn't being played?" she asks curiously.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo was quiet as he listened intently to Scarlet's explanation. He did, however, raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "You said everything almost seems to be the same. Is there a difference between back home and Equestria. Also, are there ponies and other creatures from your old home? I hope you don't mind me asking such a question." He smiles and chuckles along with her as she explained her love for some of her favorite anime. "I can agree with you on that. I do hear some fans complaining that the main character is too overpowered. I can agree, but he still is pretty awesome, in my opinion. I guess I tend to overlook that aspect when it comes to the action and other genre's you've explained." He chuckles along with her as he felt he could relate to her. "I've heard of Negima, but I've never had a chance to see it. I guess I have something to look forward to. Maybe we can try and watch it together sometime. Also, I've heard of Little Witch Academy. Although, I've seen more of the anime, My Hero Academia. It's like Naruto, in my opinion. Although, I think My Hero is becoming one of my favorite anime. I've also seen Lucky Star, Pokemon and this one anime called Ghost Stories. The Japanese version wasn't that good in production. When they brought it over here, they said to keep the plot, but do whatever you want. So, they basically made it into an abridged series and it was hilarious." He chuckled once again as he remembered some funny moments of the anime. He unintentionally and gently tightened the hold of his hand over hers.

"Hmm...I've heard of some of those genres, but there are those that I don't believe that I've heard before. I guess there are certain genre's that are where you're from. Still that's very cool." He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in confusion. "What is Vocaloid? I've never heard of it, but it sounds interesting." He says as they neared the Canterlot Boutique. He hummed in thought as Scarlet explained her theory of video games. "That is something to think about. However, I could actually see that. It gives me that sort of Toy Story vibe. The characters get to do what they want, but go back to the story when in the hands of the player. It would be pretty awesome to meet the characters from video games." He grinned in excitement at the idea.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet nods "Well, I mean from what I have heard, you have cities and towns here with pony sounding names but are also derivatives from the names of places back home. For example, Las Pegasus sounds a lot like Las Vegas, Manehattan is just Manhattan with an e, and Whinnieappolis is another version of Minneapolis" she explains "there's also the similar social norms with like wearing clothes in public and in company, greeting people and the such. Back where I am from, there are indeed varying species, wolves, foxes, cats, dogs, birds, even humans" she explains then listens "Yeah, we had that same problem with My Hero Academia back home" she says "We also have the problem where some companies that dub anime, actually tone things way down to make them kid friendly, it's just..kind ugh" she says with a small smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo was flabbergasted as Scarlet explained the different places of his world to her old home. "So, I guess both of our worlds aren't that much different, after all. I wonder if there would be alternate versions of other ponies and creatures." He looked to the sky and shook his head with a chuckle. "Nah. I mean, possibly, but one can't guarantee that possibility. Although, it's cool to see how the social norms and such are the same. So, it wouldn't be awkward being in a place that you wouldn't understand how things work. Are these other creatures like you, or are some just regular animals you would find in a forest, or something along those lines? Either way, it's nice being able to see other creatures outside the world of Equestria are visiting." He frowns as she mentioned about My Hero Academia, but he couldn't blame her.

"I know what you mean. I like both dubs, but sometimes the dubbing feels off. It's odd how they even change some of the dialogue. That's why I stick to the original at times, but it's annoying when reading subtitles." He chuckles, before continuing. "I'm glad we can agree on that. I hate when some companies tone down things to be kid friendly. I mean, young kids watched Dragon Ball when it was on TV. So, why can't we watch what we want in it's original format? Parent's should be able to teach their kids right from wrong, in my opinion." He smiles as they neared the Canterlot Boutique. He noticed that there were a lot more ponies out and about than normal. Some were just bumping into them, while some just stood in their way. He rolled his eyes at the ponies, but chose not to say anything. He turned back to Scarlet and placed an arm around her shoulder to keep her close. As they reached the shop, he walked up to the door, before opening said door for his new friend. "After you, m'lady." He bowed to her, before chuckling and giving her a smile.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "Thank you Dynamo" she says as she walks into the store, her tail wagging as her eyes light up at all the different fashion lines she saw in front of her "Oh wow, look at all this amazing fashion, all these different lines" she says as she then sees the pony greeting everyone else "Oh, that must be miss Sassy Saddles" she says, rummaging around her bag, getting out her portfolio and looking to Dynamo "wish me luck" she says as she approaches Sassy Saddles "E-excuse me miss, are you miss Sassy Saddles?" she asks.

The mare turns around and smiles "I am indeed and you are..?" she asks before she noticed the portfolio "Oooh, you must be miss Scarlet Rose, my apologies dear." she says before she leads her to the back, where her office is.

About twenty minutes later, an excited and happy Scarlet Rose emerged from the back, her tail wagging happily. "Dynamo! Dynamo!" she calls out to him, waving him over.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo smiles as she walked into the store. "You're welcome and it's no problem, Scarlet." He says as he follows her into the shop. As he stepped around, he was surprised at the multitude of dresses and designs that were available. He noticed Scarlet's eyes had lit up like a Christmas tree. "I remember that look. That was the same exact look I had when I first entered an arcade. It's a look that never gets old." He chuckled, but he couldn't blame her. It looked like she was in her own personal Heaven. "These outfit lines are pretty interesting. It's like they have any kind of outfit for anyone." He nods in agreement as he looked at the different displays.

He noticed Scarlet pulling out her portfolio as she saw the manager of the shop. "You won't need any luck. I know you'll do great. Just do your best and you'll be just fine." He waved to her as she went to talk to Sassy. As the manager took Scarlet into her office, Dynamo decided to browse the line of clothing. He had to admit, that each dress was really well made. He wondered if he should have his own kind of outfit made here. 'I wonder if a cosplay outfit could be made here, at this shop'. He was brought out of his train of thought as he heard his name being called. He turned to see that it was Scarlet, who wagged her tail and waved him over to her. He walked over to her and had a hopeful look upon his face. "How did it go, Scarlet? What did Sassy say?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet hugs him "She really enjoyed the designs and patterns I showed her, she has agreed to show them to miss Rarity and see if I can start working with them soon" she says and smiles "But it might take some time, so until I hear back from them, I have some free time" she says, smiling at him and wagging her tail. "Know any good places to eat? I'm actually quite famished, so somewhere with full meals would be quite lovely" she smiles and offers her arm to him to hold.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo blushed slightly as he was caught off guard from the hug. He still listened intently on what she had to say. As she told him the good news, the blue unicorn grinned and spun her around in his arms. "That's amazing new, Scar!" He exclaimed, before continuing. He was unaware that he gave her a nickname, but he was too happy to notice. "That just means that you're halfway from possibly getting a job in the fashion industry. I'm really proud of you and I knew you would make it. I hope Rarity will approve of the designs and take you under her wing. She doesn't have any wings...but still." He chuckled, before nodding at her question of finding something to eat. "Actually, I know a great place. Most places to eat in Canterlot are the same. However, there is a great place that's just down the road from here. I think you'll like it, in my opinion." He winked to her as he noticed that she offered her arm for him to hold. He smiled as he hooked his arm with her, before they exited the boutique. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and giggles as she is spun around in the air, then nods, holding his arm, and following him "Thank you again Dynamo, it would seem I got here just in time for my appointment" she says "if it wasn't for you showing me the way, I would have either been late or had to postpone it" she says, looking around, trying to find any landmarks she could use for finding her way around "I never knew Canterlot was so big, but miss Saddles says, there is a chance I may get to work directly for miss Rarity in the small town Ponyville" she says, following him around the town "and I get what you mean, it's a figure of speech, we have the same one back home"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo had a look of confusion on his face as she thanked him. He didn't understand at first, until she gave him her reasoning. He soon smiled gently tightened the hold of his arm around her arm. "It's like I said before. You're welcome and it's really no problem, Scarlet. You're my friend and it's always good to help out a friend, you know?" He says, before continuing. "I'm glad I was able to show you da wae. Those that do not know da wae will be in trouble." He snickered at his own little joke, which turned into a full on laughter. "I'm sorry, but I had to say that little pun. I can be terrible at times." He says as he wiped a stray tear from his eye. "I know what you mean though. I said the same exact thing the first time I arrived in Canterlot. I thought Fillydelphia was a big place to live in, but this take the cake." His eyes widened at the mention of working with Rarity in Ponyville. "Are you serious!? I live in Ponyville, so we might be able to hang out more. I hope everything goes well. Did Sassy Saddles say anything on how long to wait for Rarity's answer?"

His raised an eyebrow as she admitted to having the same figure of speech back home. "I guess that's another thing we have in common from Equestria to your place back home. It really makes me wonder what kind of other similar traits we have." He says as they arrived to their destination. "Ta-da! Welcome to the Tasty Treat. I know it might look out of place in a noble society, such as Canterlot. However, it's a really nice restaurant with very tasty food. Would you like to go and see what the place is like?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "She said it could take anything from a week to a month" she says "It's all dependent on how busy Rarity is" she says and smiles even some more "It would be nice to have someone friendly nearby, and honestly, I think it would be best if I started in a small town like Pony, rather than in a big city like Canterlot" she says and as they arrive at the restaurant and she smiles "Well with a name like The Tasty Treat, I bet their treats are very tasty" she says as she walks inside, wagging her tail.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo's eyes widened at what Scarlet had just told him. He winced slightly as he felt sympathy for her. "I didn't think the wait time would take that long. Although, I guess that does make a bit of sense. Rarity is busy when it comes to making dresses and going on map missions. Hopefully, she'll be able to let you know as soon as possible." He says and smiles at the possibility of having another friend in the same town as him. "If you have to wait that long, then I hope you'll have a place to stay. If not, then maybe you can stay with me until you get on your feet." He suggested as he nodded in agreement. "Ponyville is a big place, but not as big of a place as Canterlot. I could imagine starting off in a small town and working your way up to the big cities with dress making." He says with a chuckle as they walked into The Tasty Treat. "That would be a bit of an understatement. I wasn't sure at first when I first came to this restaurant. However, one I tried their food, I always came back here when I could. It's a lot better that most other restaurants here. It's a shame that his place is underrated. Some ponies and creatures don't know what they're missing." He says as he looks around and finds a seat for the two of them. He lead them over to their table and took a seat, while he waited patiently for someone to bring them a menu.

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@Dynamo Pad

As they were brought their menus, she looks through it and smiles "Well it seems they cater to every diet here" she says "I sure could go for some steak and chips" she says, smiling over at Dynamo "I mean so long as me eating meat doesn't irk you or anything" she says, continuing to look at the menu, looking to see for a suitable replacement, should her meat eating diet should offend Dynamo.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Dynamo looked through the menu and nodded in agreement. "They have such exotic kinds of food. You're right that they cater to every diet for every pony and creature here." His stomach growled as she mentioned what kind of food she would want to order. "I'm going to go with the curried oat cake and grass sandwich with Dijon dressing." It was a personal favorite order for him to pick on the menu. He looked to Scarlet, who seemed worried about what she wanted to order. He chuckled and shook his head to reassure her. "It's no worries, Scar. You eating meat doesn't bother me in the slightest. Actually, I heard that ponies can digest meat. So, in a way, we can eat meat. Although, I guess it's a choice. I might give it a try sometime, but I'm sticking with what I ordered." He placed his menu down as he gave his order to the waiter. "I know we talked about what we liked and how we have a similar interest in anime. However, I still want to know more about you. Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" He asks curiously as he waited patiently for his food.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles and sighs in relief and smiles as she makes her order, "Oh but the oat cake does sound delicious too" she says, adding that to her order with a cherry cola float "and as for you getting to know me better..well lets see..I was a straight A student in both High School and Fashion School.." she thinks for a moment "I come from a wealthy, but honest and hard working family.. I'm not sure what it is like here, but back home, a lot of the wealthy people are scheming scumbags who cheat people all the time. My parents were the complete opposite. Started from the bottom, and worked their way up to the top with honest and hard work" she says then looks to him "How about you, what is your family like?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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