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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

PWF: Attitude is Magic (Ponyville Wrestling Federation)


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Me and My brother started writing this story. It took us a lot of time and brain storming. It's a crossover of WWF: Attitude and My Little Pony. We are still working on this story. Enjoy!WWF.thumb.png.2d103b730bda69b5b6ba4f76d4a18ce0.png

(Chapter 1)

It was a bright sunny peaceful day in Ponyville. All the ponies were taking a relaxing day off after a hard working week of their businesses, accept for one pony named "Filthy Rich". Who is a well known business pony that loves doing business and making money. Instead of taking a relaxing day off. He had an idea to talk to the mayor of Ponyville about named, "Mayor Mare".

"A wrestling tournament?" replied Mayor Mare to Filthy Rich's business idea. As the two ponies have a conversation at the Town Hall. "Yes, a wrestling tournament. This would draw in a crowd for exciting entertainment. Plus the contestants would have a chance to fight for a grand prize of 1 Million Bits.", said Filthy Rich. Mayor Mare was surprised. "So what do you think?", he asked. Mayor Mare was always known to take care of her town and keeping every pony happy. But having every pony entertained is what Mayor Mare loves to do.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. We shall break the news to every pony.", she said excitingly. "Thank you Mayor. I'll get things together." said Filthy Rich as he shook hooves with the Mayor and left the Town Hall. Happy that his business with Mayor Mare was a success.

"That is a great idea that you have their, Filthy Rich." said an unknown voice to Filthy Rich. "What.......Who goes there?", as he looks around to see who was speaking to him. He then looks up and notices a creature that was a half dragon and half goat like. This creature had miss match body parts and color too. "I've been watching you, Filthy Rich.", said the mismatch creature as it disappeared from the second story and reappeared in front of him. "The name is Discord. Master of Chaos. I like to be a helping hand in your tournament.", Discord offered. Discord has always been known to cause trouble and chaos. But ever since he was reformed. He hasn't cause much trouble since then. "What kind of helping hand idea do you have?", Filthy Rich asked. Rubbing his chin with a carious look in his face.

"Why, I can help by doing television production. I'll be capturing all the action that goes inside the ring and outside the ring.", explained Discord. As he appeared a movie camera on a tripod stand. Looking around in it while moving it around.

Filthy Rich took the moment to think about it. "Hmmm.........Television production you say.", thinking about how more entertaining could be brought to viewers with outside action.

"Discord, you got yourself a deal." said Filthy Rich giving a hoove shake. Accepting discords offer. Discord was well pleased and couldn't wait to get to work.


(Chapter 2)

The next day, all the ponies in ponyville gathered around outside the Town Hall to hear the announcement.

"Greeting ladies and gentle colts. Your probably wondering, whats the exciting news. We are going to hold an exciting event..........A wrestling tournament." announced Mayor Mare, speaking at the podium. As all the poines looked at each other with smiles; whispering excitingly to the idea.

"This event will be hoated by yours truly business pony........Filthy Rich.", she announced. Stepping away from the podium, allowing Filthy Rich to take center stage to make his speach. "Greetings ponyville, as youall heared Mayor Mare that I will be hosting a wrestling tournament. This event will bring entertainment and a chance to win One Million Bits to the winner. Any pony may participate. Strong or weak. The matches will be one on one qualification matches. Only 8 competitors will be in the main tournament bracket." announced Filthy Rich.

"One Million Bits?" said Rainbow Dash. A skyblue colored pegasus with a rainbow color mane. "Do you hear that you guys? One.....Million.....Bits. Do you know how much Apple Cider I can get?" she said to her friends while day dreaming.

"Calm down, Rainbow Dash. If any pony that's gonna win that grand prize. It will be me.", said Apple Jack. Pulling Rainbow Dash back to the ground by her tail with her teeth.

Apple Jack is a country cowgirl orange earth pony. She has a blown braided mane and wearing a brown cowboy hat to go with it. "Oh yea! Then what would you do with the prize money, Apple Jack?", asked Rainbow Dash. "I would use it to expand Sweet Apple Acres. Not like some ponie's selfish needs." "What did you just say?"

"Girls, girls. Is the prize money that important to make a ruckus?" ask Twilight Sparkle. "YES!", they both replied. "Urrrgh....." said Twilight Sparkle putting her hoove to her head. in fustration. Twilight Sparkle is a Purple Alicorn pony. Also the Princess of Friendship.

"Twilight darling. It's normal for Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash to act in such a way. Thats what strikes up the fun in competition." said Rarity. Wrapping her right hoove around Twilight's back with a smile. Rarity was a White color unicorn with long Purple curl mane.

"Hmmm........I guess your right Rarity. Are you going to participate in the event too?"

"Oh of course not. I want to work in the outfit department. All my designs will be fabulous." said Rarity. Day dreaming. about a crowd of ponies admiring her designs as participants in the wrestling tournament walking to there ring wearing them. "Pinkie Pie and I thought about doing commentary.", said Spike. Following up after Rarity. Pinkie Pie was a Pink Earth pony with a Pink curly mane. Spike was a Small Purple & Green Dragon. Which he is Twilight's side kick.

"The sounds great Spike. You and I will be the best commentators.....EVER!", shouted Pinkie Pie. Having one hoove around his back and raising her other hoove in excitement. "That sounds great you two. Fluttershy, what about you?", asked Twilight. "Ummmm.....well, I thought about...." "Being an interviewer.", said Discord. Interrupting in the middle of Fluttershy's sentence as he appeared out of nowhere.

"DISCORD!", shouted the group. "What are you doing here?", asked Rainbow Dash. "And more importantly, what are you up too?", asked Apple Jack as well. "Why I'm doing Television Production.", replied Discord. Appearing a movie camera on a tripod in front of them. "Are you sure your not trying to plan another sceem, are you?", asked Twilight. Lacking trust in Discord. "Oh please. I'll be able to capture all the action that goes on inside the ring and outside the ring. What in possible thing that can happen with a camera?"

Twilight Sparkle thought about it for a second and didn't think any harm can come from Discord filming all the action for the audience. "Ok Discord. But NO Funny Business.", demanded Twilight. Knowing Discord would cause some kind of mayhem. "I keep my word.", Discord response back.


(Chapter 3)

The next day at the Ponyville Town Hall. The place was crowded with different ponies from different places. Earth ponies, Unicorns, and pegasus. Some were from Chanterlot and Clousdale. Some were different sizes and forms. Some were bigger, some were smaller, some were faster, and some were slower. But it didn't matter what you were. All of the ponies that were gathered here today were here to have a chance to win 1 Million Bits.

In the middle of the room was a corner wrestling ring which all the ponies crowded around. Among them was Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack, who were so excited to get started.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Look how many ponies are here, Apple Jack. Do you think we have a chance?", asked Rainbow Dash. Astonished of how many ponies were participating. "It sure is quite a crowd. But I'm sure we have a good chance. We just need to stay positive and do our best.", said Apple Jack with a positive attitude. "Your so correct, Apple Jack.", said a familiar voice approaching up from behind them. "TWILIGHT!!!", they both said. "What are you doing here? Your not an athlete.", said Rainbow Dash suprised. "I thought you were going to do.....to do.....what was it you were going to do again?", said Apple Jack. Trying to remember what Twilight was going to do. "I never said what I was going to do. I'm going to be in the competition. It will be a great experience to see what wrestlers are like in the ring. Plus it's a good workout.", said Twilight excited. Rainbow Dash than commented quietly to Apple Jack, "Egghead". They both giggled.

In the middle of the ring stood Filthy Rich, ready to begin the qualifying event. "Good afternoon every pony and welcome to the qualification event. Today, we'll be going over some inside and outside performance ring drills. Then, tomorrow you will have 1 on 1 matches. It is not about winning about winning or loosing the match. I'm looking for talent and entertainment. This is your chance fora 1 Million Bits prize. But only eight competitors will be selected. Now if you want to add other things to your character. Let me introduce to you my helpers." Filthy Rich stepped to the side to allow his helperd take center stage. "If you want to cut a promo speech. Fluttershy is here with Discord on Live Television.", said Filthy Rich introduced both of them as the two of them smiled and waved. "If you want to look good. You can ask Ms. Rarity to design an outfit.", he introduced Rarity. "And for our commentary, Pinkie Pie and Spike." "Thank you, thank you every pony.", Spike and I will be the best commentators EVER!!!", shouted Pinkie Pie as Spike held his ears on the side. All the others ponies were quite. "Yes.....Ms. Pie.....Thank you. Alright every pony. Lets line up and get started.", said Filthy Rich.

Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Twilight Sparkle were ready, until a little group of familiar faces approached them. "Twily!" "Big bro!", replied Twilight as she turned around and saw her big brother, Shiny Armor along with others; Cadence, Tempest, Spitfire, and Big Mac. "Tempest, Spitfire, and Big Mac? Are you all in this too?", she asked as they all nodded in response of yes. "Well, I hope we both don't end up fighting each other, Big Mac. It sure would give us Apple's a better chance of winning.", said Apple Jack. "Eeee-Yup!", agreed Big Mac. "That's awesome that your in too, Spitfire.", said Rainbow Dash. Excited to see another Wonderbolt taking part in the event. "Well I can't let you have all the fun, Rainbow Dash.", said Spitfire jokingly. "It's really nice to see the both of you in this too, Tempest and big bro.", said Twilight Sparkle. "Well every pony, good luck and may the best pony win.", said Shiny Armor. "YEA!!!", they all shouted in cheers.

For the rest of the day, all the competitors went through wrestling training. Hoping to perform good in their upcoming qualifying matches.


(Chapter 4)

The next day after training, it was time for the qualifying matches.
"Skill.....Entertain.....Awesomeness. Skill.....Entertain.....Awesomeness.", repeated Rainbow Dash as she was getting ready for her match.
"Rainbow Dash, I see your ready for your match." said Twilight Sparkle as Apple Jack and her approached Rainbow Dash.
"And I see some pony here has already gotten her outfit." said Apple Jack. Referring to Rainbow Dash's black leather vest that she was wearing. On the front it had her name vertically while the other side was her cutie mark. On the backside read "20% Cooler" with a pony skull in the middle.
"I see that you both have noticed.", said Rainbow Dash admiring the comment.
"Ummm.....don't you think that looks kind of dark?" asked Twilight Sparkle. Looking at the vest in a different way than how Rainbow Dash sees it.
"What do you mean? Of course it is. It's a black leather vest."
"What she means is that she is referring to the pony skull on the backside." said Apple Jack. Pointing out the obvious.
"Oh that, I figured it would look cool and show the crowd that I'm serious of winning this. You might as well call me Rainbow Austin." said Rainbow Dash with a smirk on her face. Feeling proud about it.
"Rainbow.....Austin?" Twilight Sparkle said confusing of what she means by that.
"Beats me.", agreed Apple Jack.
"Well if you now excuse me. I would like to get back to my warm up before my match."
"Alright, good luck out there.", said Apple Jack as both Twilight Sparkle and her was leaving away from Rainbow Dash.

"Skill.....Entertain.....Awesomeness." said Rainbow Dash. Getting back to her warm ups until another pony approaches her. It was the pegasus Lightning Dust. Rainbow Dash's rival from the Wonder Bolts Academy.

"Hey Rainbow Dash. Getting ready to loose." she said mockingly.
"And why do you say that, Lightning Dust?", asked Rainbow Dash. Annoyed by Lightning Dust's appearance.
"Did you not know. You and I will be squaring off."
"Say what?" Rainbow Dash surprised.
"And I will be taking you down to be in the main tournament.", said Lightning Dust with a serious mean looking tone.
"We'll just see about that.", said Rainbow Dash back to her with her muzzle in her face.

"Alright every pony. Our next match for the qualifying round is Rainbow Dash versus Lightning Dust.", announced Filthy Rich. All the other ponies cheered as the two ponies went to the ring.
"Now entering the ring......From Cloudsdale.....RAINBOW DASH!!!", shouted Fluttershy. Introducing the two ponies.
"And now her opponent in the other corner. Also from Cloudsdale.....LIGHTNING DUST!!!" As the crowd cheers.

"Go Rainbow Dash!", yelled Twilight Sparkle.
"You can do it!", yelled Apple Jack.
"Just be careful and try not to hurt yourself Rainbow Crash!" yelled Spitfire. As Rainbow Dash's friends cheered her on.

"You know Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash was once Lightning Dust's wing pony at the Wonder Bolts Academy. But then Lightning Dust got kicked out for her stunts of putting other ponies in danger. Could that be a motive for her to defeat Rainbow Dash?", said Spike.
"No way, LETS GO RAINBOW DASH!!!", shouted Pinkie Pie.

"DING! DING! DING!" went the ring bell. Sounding the signal that the match has officially started.
"Here we go ladies and gentle cults. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust ties up.", said Spike. Commentating on the match as both ponies wrestle, Through out the match, they perform punches, kicks, suplexes, and jumping off corner turnbuckles. Doing everything that they can do to win. The crowd was loving it. They had know idea who would win.

"Lightning Dust is climbing the turnbuckle. Rainbow Dash is down and not moving. And........Body Slam! Is there a doctor in the house?" said Spike. Getting into the action.
"Oh no! Get up Rainbow Dash!", yelled Pinkie Pie.
Lightning Dust looked down on a helplessly Rainbow Dash. She realized that victory was in her hooves. But also wanted to humiliate her a bit to the crowd. Lightning Dust turned to the crowd, showing off ans shouting. "Who's the best? Lightning Dust!", shouted the crowd along with Lightning Dust. They were getting into the action. Except for Rainbow Dash's friends who were worried about her.

"Get up!"
"On your hooves, Rainbow Crash!" yelled Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, and Spitfire. Hoping that she'll get up.
"This could be it! Rainbow Dash is down and Lightning Dust is showing off to the crowd!" said Spike.
"Come on Rainbow Dash! Get up!", yelled Pinkie Pie.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash started to get up. Lightning Dust then turned around and got into position to do her signature finishing move.
"Lightning Dust is waiting for Rainbow Dash to get up.............Scissor Kick!....She missed it......Rainbow Dash! Stunner!..........Sweet Celestia!", Spike commentated. As Lightning Dust missed her Scissor Kick finisher and Rainbow Dash turned around to hit her with her finisher the Stunner. The crowd was going wild.

"Sweet Celestia! Sweet Celestia! Rainbow Dash turned the tables! She's going for the cover! 1!.......2!.......3!" Spike counted with the referee.
"DING! DING! DING!" went the ring bell.
"Here's your winner, RAINBOW DASH!!!", shouted Fluttershy.
"What a Great match that was Pinkie Pie." said Spike.
"Yay! Rainbow Dash won! Woooohoooo!" Pinkie yelled happily.

Rainbow Dash felt proud of herself for defeating her opponent and qualifying for the tournament. The crowd was cheering for her as she left the ring and headed back to the room's entrance. At the door waiting for an interview was Fluttershy and Discord. Which they couldn't wait to hear what Rainbow Dash had to say.

"Rainbow Dash, That was an incredible match. Do you have anything to say about your victory?", asked Fluttershy.

While Discord had the camera focused on Rainbow Dash. She was trying to think of what to say. She wanted to sound good to the audience. But then she remembered what Discord had told her. "Give it some attitude."

"Yea well, the first this you should do is get that piece of crap out of my ring." said Rainbow Dash with no concern about Lightning Dust. All the ponies in the townhall and including backstage were silent with the jaws dropped. Even Fluttershy was stunned.

As soon as Rainbow Dash seen the looks on every ponies face. She knew she was making her mark and wow the audience.

"Don't just get her out of the ring, get her out of Ponyville. Because I'm through with girl. Without a shout of a doubt. You ain't got what it takes anymore. You sit there and say your prayers to sweet Celestia and that didn't get you anywhere. The only answers you gotten were Rainbow Dash just whipped your a**!." said Rainbow Dash.
"Come on, that''s not necessary." said fluttershy. Trying to calm Rainbow Dash down.
"All she's gotta do is go buy herself a cheap bottle of Apple Sider and try to dig back some of that courage, she had in her prime.
As far as qualifying, I'm sending a notice to every other qualifying competitor. I don't give a damn what they are, there all on the list. And that's Rainbow Dash's list. And I'm fixin' to start runnin' through all of them.
As far as this tournament is considered Fluttershy. I don't give a damn if it's Apple Jack or Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash's time has come and when I get the shots, your lookin' at the prize winner of this tournament. And that's the bottom line. Because Rainbow Dash said so." said Rainbow Dash. Ending her speech and went to the backstage. Leaving all the other ponies still stunned.
"NAILED IT!!!" shouted Pinkie Pie from the commentator table. Coming back to her senses quicker than others.

In the back stage. Rainbow Dash felt good after what she just said.
"RAINBOW DASH!!!", shouted Twilight Sparkle as she approached her.
"What in Equestria was that? You had completely insulted Lightning Dust. And using fowl language on top of it. What do you have to say for yourself?", demanded Twilight. Wanting an answer.
"Yea well.......you see......."
"That's enough you two.", said Filthy Rich. Cutting Rainbow Dash off while approaching up to them.
"Today's matches are over. Every pony may go. We will continue the qualifying matches tomorrow. The ones who qualified are in. Accept you........Ms. Dash.", Filthy Rich turning his attention to Rainbow Dash with a serious look.
"For your actions of your speech. You are Disqualified."
"WAIT!....SAY WHAT!....DISQUALIFIED!" Rainbow Dash reacted. Shocked about what Filthy Rich just said.
"Mr. Rich, Can't we just talk this out. I'm sure Rainbow Dash has a good reason for her actions.", said Twilight Sparkle. Sticking up for her friend.
"Sorry Ms. Sparkle. That will be out of the question. And she will not be allowed to attend the event." said Filthy Rich.

Rainbow Dash was about to cry. She turned away, left Town Hall, and flew back home.
"Rainbow! Wait......", Twilight called back to her but Rainbow Dash didn't look back.


(Chapter 5)

Rainbow Dash layed on her bed crying in tears. Thinking about what just happened. How excited she was about the tournament and was wanting to entertain the audience. She figured that giving a bit edgy and attitude would excite them. Then she noticed her pet tank the turtle tye next to her. She looked at Tank and hugged him.

"Oh Tank, what can I do?", Rainbow Dash asked.
"I try to bring excitement but all I did was get kicked out. Have you ever felt like that, Tank?"
Then Something came to mind. She remembered the first time that she met Tank.
"You know. I do remember how I use to push you to the side and never gave you a chance. But as hard as your shell is, you never gave up." Rainbow Dash started feeling better.
"I just need to do the same and not give up. Thanks Tank. Your the best.", she said with a smile and a hug with confidence. She flew to her closet and pulled out a black vest that she and Rarity make for her. It had her name "Rainbow Dash" on the front side alone with her cutie mark. On the back side it said "20% Cooler" with a pony skull in the middle.
"I'm ready to open a can of whoop ass.", she said with a grin.


The next day at the Town Hall. Ponies that were participating gathered around the ring for the rest for the rest of the ponies to qualify for the tournament. In the middle of the ring was Filthy Rich with a Mic along with Fluttershy and Discord. Ready for Mr. Rich's Speech.

"Greetings every pony and welcome back to the qualifications for the tournament. As you all know there are only eight open slots. For what happen yesterday with Ms. Dash and her act. Her spot is open. Now........."

Suddenly Discord popped up a live broadcast of Rainbow Dash flying to the Town Hall which captured Filthy Rich's attention. The way how she looked, he knew she won't stop coming to the event since she was banned.

"DON'T LET HER IN HERE!!!", he demanded the security.
The security blocked the entrance door. But before they knew it. They were tossed to the side by the doors as they burst open from Rainbow Dash flying in. She landed right in front of Filthy Rich. All the ponies were quiet but had their attentions on both of them in the middle if the ring. After bursting right in with a serious look., Filthy Rich didn't know what to say.

"Rainbow Dash, why are you here?", he asked.
"Because I got something to say to your face. And I rather do it here with every pony here.", said Rainbow Dash.
Filthy Rich tried to give a hoove shake to Rainbow Dash but she didn't accept it.
"I'm not gonna shake your hoove because I'm not here to make friends with ya. Mr. Rich I........."
"Shut up!", said Rainbow Dash after Filthy Rich trying to cut her off.
"Mr. Rich I respect what you have done in the business world. But sweet Celestia son. When you step in this ring, your messing with Rainbow Dash and that's something you don't do. Let me make it short and sweet what I'm telling you, that is I want a piece of Filthy Rich's ass.
I respect what you have done, but your out here thinking that it was ok to disqualify me.
Right now you got your biddy little eyes, locked on the eyes of Equestria's toughest Son of a B****.
I can beat you any day of the week. Twice on Sunday. Wanna think you can beat my ass. Hell No! Do I think I can beat your ass. Why Hell Yea!
I don't know how good your hearing is. But if you don't understand what I'm saying. I always got a little bit of sign language. So here's to ya.", said Rainbow Dash giving Thilfy Rich the the sign to go screw himself. Which made Filthy Rich to ended up loosing his cool. Rainbow Dash and Thilfy Rich pushed each other for a moment until they both started to beat the heck out of each other. Security got into the ring to hold them back from each other while the crowd was cheering excitedly. They couldn't believe what was going on. They arrested Rainbow Dash and started heading her out.
"I'm not through with you Filthy Rich. Not by a long shot." commented Rainbow Dash into the TV camera on her way out.

"Rainbow Dash is going straight to the Canterlot Dungeons!", said Spike on commentary.
The crowd started to boo. But for Filthy Rich, he didn't know what to think about this. He cooled down and stayed cool to finish up the qualifying matches.

Later that day, Twilight gathered Filthy Rich and Mayor Mare together to discuss about Rainbow Dash at the Town Hall.

"Thank you both for coming. I want to talk about the situation about Rainbow Dash. She may have been rough around the edges lately. But was it necessary to throw her in jail?", Twilight showing some concern for her friend.
"Ms. Sparkle, I do understand your concern about your friend. She has been out of control and needed to get her to settle down. She is not going to be locked up forever. Just for the meantime to figure out this situation. Do you agree Ms. Mare?",Filthy Rich turning his focus to Mayor Mare.
"I do agree as well.", she nodded.
"But I have come to a conclusion. After seeing....."
Filthy Rich was suddenly interrupted by a thump sound at the door. He walks over to it and opens it. Suddenly three young fillies fall down past the door. It was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo. Who were trying to listen in on to the conversation. Not to mention that they were wearing Rainbow Dash T-Shirts & Wigs. And it wasn't just them three. The whole Rainbow Dash Fan Club was there behind them. Even half of ponyville was there to hear the out come of Rainbow Dash. Filthy Rich, Mayor Mare, and Twilight Sparkle were all suprised to see how many Rainbow Dash Supporters there was.

"Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, whats going on here? Why is every pony here?", Twilight asked the question.
"We're all here because we wanted to say please don't ban Rainbow Dash from the tournament.", said Scootaloo.
All she wanted to do was bring excitement to every pony.", Apple Bloom followed up after Scootaloo.
"Just look how many supporters are out here, Mr. Rich?", Sweetie Bell pointing out the door.
"Girls, I appreciate you all for rounding up every pony here. But I had already made up my mind and will not change it.", said Filthy Rich looking intimidating to the three fillies.
"Now then, as I was saying.", turning towards the big crowd outside.
"After seeing how the ratings went up and how the crowd liked the entertainment that Rainbow Dash was giving. I here by to announce that Ms. Dash will be in the tournament. But her first opponent will be........Me."
Every pony cheer in excitement. They couldn't wait for the show.
"Well, we'll see you all there tomorrow. Have a good day every pony.", said Filthy Rich as he closes the doors.
Twilight and Mayor Mare went to Rainbow Dash to tell her the good news and went home for the rest of the day until tomorrow.


(Chapter 6)

It was the day to start the wrestling tournament. All the ponies in Ponyville gathered at the townhall. Surrounding the ring but there was Barricade gates keeping the crowd backed away from the ring. In the middle of the ring was Fluttershy and Discord. Ready to start today's show.

"Umm........Hello every pony. Welcome to Filthy Rich's wrestling tournament.", Fluttershy starts off a little nervous while Discord is focused in on her with the TV camera which viewed on television screens outside the townhall and inside for those who can't see the ring.

"We........have many incredible matches here tonight........Ummm.......Please let me introduce to you your commentators, Pinkie Pie and Spike."

"Whoooooooohooooooooo!", yelled Pinkie Pie excitedly. While Spike stood on the commentary table smiling and waving.

"And now........Ummm........enjoy the show."

Suddenly the lights dimmed. The only light there was coming from the television screen which all the ponies were focused on. Which showed a garage parking lot with a big overhead entrance door, with Filthy Rich riding on a fancy carriage pulled by two ponies through the entrance door.

Pinkie Pie: "Oooooo, look who is coming in with a fancy ride."
Spike: "Mr. Rich is here every pony. Tonight he'll be facing off against Rainbow Dash."

"Leave the overhead door open. I want Rainbow Dash to feel welcomed." Said Filthy Rich to an operator as he steps down from his carriage and walks away from the camera veiw.

Spike: "But the question is. Will Rainbow Dash show up tonight?"

Suddenly an intro video with heavy rock music plays on the screen. The video consisted photo age of ponies wrestling in a ring inside of a facility place with explosions of fire popping up around the ring.

At the end of the intro, Fireworks began to go off at the entrance door. The crowd was going wild and excited.

Spike: "It's a sold out crowd. Here at the townhall in Ponyville. Hello every pony and welcome to PWF: Ponyville Wrestling Federation. As we'll be kicking off with the first round tonight. I'm Spike."

Pinkie Pie: "And I'm Pinkie Pie."

Spike: "Were here tonight for a great show."
Suddenly a rock music type sound comes on.

"Now entering the ring. BIG MAC!!!.", Fluttershy announced as Big Mac walked down the entrance aisle to the ring. Every pony was cheering. He gets into the ring and looks around at the crowd and says "E-YUP!"

Spike: "Big Mac may work on a apple farm. But will his laboring skills bring him to victorious?"

Pinkie Pie: "Big Mac maybe large. But will he be in charge."

Then the next song came on. It was another rock song but with lyrics saying words of "It's me time".

Fluttershy: "Now entering the ring, accompanied by his wife Princess Cadance, SHINY ARMOR!!!"

As Shiny Armor walks to the ring. He gets a goods luck kiss from his wife before entering. Him and Big Mac glare at each other waiting for the bell to ring.

Spike: "Shiny Armor has worked as a royal guard. But will that be enough to take down Big Mac?"

Pinkie Pie: "His name may have Armor. But is he hard as armor?"

DING! DING! DING! went the ring bell as both ponies go at it. Grappling up together. Tossing each other over against the ropes and doing leg holds. The crowd was cheering for both competitors. Sometimes they would stop for a seconded and do a pose for the audience.

Spike: "And their they go at it. Big Mac tosses Shiny Armor. He bounces off the ropes. He ducks under a clothes line from Big Mac. Off the ropes.....Ooooh! What a take down! The crowd is going wild."

Pinkie Pie: "Ooooooh. This match is so exciting. Exciting as cake."
As Pinkie Pie pulls out a piece of cake and starts to eat.
"Yummy. Chocolate cake with sprinkles. Want some?"

Spike: "Ummm. Maybe later."

In the back behind the entrance curtains. Twilight sparkle watches her brother's match until Filthy Rich approaches her.

"Has Ms. Dash show up yet Ms. Sparkle?", he asked. Wondering if his opponent has arrived yet.

"No Mr. Rich. I have not seemed her yet. Quite frankly, I have not seen or heard from her since her release."

DING! DING! DING! as the ring bell catching both Twilight sparkle and Filthy Rich's attention.

"And here's your winner.......SHINY ARMOR!!!", shouted Fluttershy as the crowd was cheering and Shiny Armor was raising his hooves in victorious.

Spike: "Sweet Celestia. What an incredible match that was. I thought for sure Big Mac had him."

Pinkie Pie: "Really? This cake and I are still going at it."

Spike: "Urrrrrgh......."
Spike rolling his eyes.

"Congratulations Shiny Armor for defeating Big Mac. Do you have any thing to say?", asked Fluttershy holding the microphone to Shiny Armor while Discord focused on him with the camera.

"Lets just make one thing clear here. This whole tournament is about me. It's not about Cadance or any pony else. It's about a few days from now. It's about me getting what I want out of this tournament, and that's becoming a champion among all.", said Shiny Armor giving attitude.

Fluttershy: "So your saying is that you will win this tournament without Princess Cadance's help?"

"Your damn right. I don't need any pony else Fluttershy. This is about me. It's not about being royalty. This about me. It's about me reaching my goals..........You know, while we're at it. This goes back along way Fluttershy. This goes back to Crystal Empire. This goes back to the battle of King Sombra. Me being the prince and couldn't save my own Empire."

Fluttershy: "That was Season 2."

"You damn right that was Season 2 and everyday it has eaten a hole into my stomach, Fluttershy. Every single day.

It was back in Season 2, Crystal Empire, I threw my wife to catch the Crystal Heart, to save my Empire.........But who was the real hero Fluttershy?......Spike.....Wanna know why. Because I was too busy caring about her health and throwing my wife to catch the Crystal Heart before King Sombra got it. No pony else had the guts to do that with their wife. I did it. Why? Because I was their New King. I was suppose to be their hero......Good old Shiny Armor will be ok about Spike's statue. It's ok. Well you know what, that makes me sick in my stomach. Every time I look at him and his group of friends, It makes me sick to think what you guys did to me holding me back. You guys talking about Friendship is Magic, I am the Game. There is no pony that eats, sleeps, or breaths this tournament more than me. And now it's my time to prove to Equestria, Final Match, It's my time to take what is mine. And that's becoming a champion among all."

Fluttershy: "You know Shiny Armor. This tournament is more than just about you. It's about the prize money......."

......."To hell with the prize money. To hell with Rainbow Dash. To hell with Apple Jack. To hell with my sister Twilight. I own all their asses. The prize money. I can care less. You want to promote that prize. Then go right ahead. But when it is all set and done. This tournament is about me. It's about no pony else. It's about me. It's about me getting what I deserve in this tournament. And that is what I want and that's becoming a champion among all.", Shiny Armor finished his speech and walked away with Cadance. Leaving every other pony stunned including Fluttershy.


(Chapter 7)

The crowd was shocked about what Shiny Armor had said. Most of them never knew how he really felt about Crystal Empire. Even Spike wanted to get up out if his seat to talk some sence into him.

Spike: "What is his problem?"
Pinkie Pie: " Yea! Sounds like some pony needs to learn how to Smile!"

Pinkie Pie couldn't help the fact that Shiny Armor wasn't smiling.

Shiny Armor meant every word in his speech. Making a statement to have the other competitors to be aware that he is serious about winning this tournament. Not taking any concern of hurting others feels. Especially his own sister Twilight Sparkle, who was in tears after what she just heard.

"Big Bro?.......*Sniff*.......Did you really mean that?", asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Of course I did, Twily. I'm sick of Spike. I'm sick you you. I'm sick of all of your friends.", said Shiny Armor with no concern.

"But.....But.....Your my BBBFF.....Big Brother Best Friends Forever.", Twilight cried out.

"I'm sick of that too!", shouted Shiny Armor.

Twilight cried on Apple Jacks back.
"Look here Shiny Armor. I don't know whats gotten in to ya. But apologize to her right this instant.", demanded Apple Jack.

"You can not talk to my husband like that.", Cadance stepped in.

"It's alright my dear. Lets not waste our breath on them.", said Shiny Armor. Starting to walk away with Cadance.

"Well good riddance. What has gotten into them?", asked Apple Jack.

"I have no idea.", Twilight responded. Trying to calm down.

The lighting in the arena dimmed to where the only light source was the television monitor screen. On it, it was showing a view of the garage parking lot area in the back. Showing a cement truck driving in.

Spike: "Wait a minute. What the heck is that?"
Pinkie: "What the heck is that?"
Spike: Is that?......"
Pinkie: It's a Cement.....a Cement Truck and Rainbow Dash is driving it."
Spike: "Oh my.....Rainbow Dash is in the building."
Pinkie: "Is she a loco in a coco. First she was sent to the Canterlot Dungeons. Now she's driving around in a Cement Truck?"
Spike: "Well folks, this is about to get really interesting. Rainbow Dash is here. Is that gonna make Filthy Rich happy or not?"

Suddenly Fluttershy gets to the scene to have a word with Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy: "Rainbow Dash! What in Equestria are you doing!? A Cement Truck!?"

Rainbow Dash: "Sweet Celestia, you heard girl. I have an open invitation to come here. So I don't know what you are so worked up about. But what I will tell ya , you might wanna go get that rich boy Filthy Rich and tell him to get his ass out here. Because what I'm gonna do, might creat a little interest on the Rich side of the family. Now get your ass out of here. Because I got some work to do and I wanna check my equipment out."

Rainbow Dash closed the driver door while Fluttershy backed away. Looking onward towards the television screen was Filthy Rich. "She's driving a CEMENT TRUCK!!!", he shouted.

Pinkie: "I knew it Spike, she is gonna try and drive it right in here. Get ready to run. She'll run right over us."
Spike: "Wait a minute that's....."
Pinkie: "Hey! Wait a minute! Don't run over Mr. Rich's fancy carriage."
Spike: "Oh I don't think she.....it doesn't look like she's gonna run over it."
Pinkie: "Wait a minute!"
Spike: "Sweet Celestia! I don't believe this ladies and gentlecolts!
Pinkie: "Mr. Rich!......Mr. Rich!"
Spike: "That's one of the carriages of Mr. Rich's collections."
Pinkie: "That's a 50 thousand bit carriage!......No!......Spike!.......No!"
Spike: "Sweet Celestia! Rainbow Dash is loading Mr. Rich's carriage with cement......Mr. Rich's carriage has been loaded with cement!"
Pinkie: "Sweet Celestis!"
Spike: "Mr. Rich's carriage, one of his collections, has been destroyed by Rainbow Dash!"
Pinkie: "Nooooo!"
Spike: "Rainbow Dash has struck!"
Pinkie: "Some pony call the cops!"

The crowd inside the townhall was going wild about what just happened and couldn't wait to see the next up coming match.

Twilight Sparkle & Mayor Mare were shocked. But Filthy Rich was more stunned than any other pony. All three of them went to go and take a look at the sceen of the destroyed carriage.

Rich: "It's completely.........destroyed.
Mare: "Is your briefcase in there?......Your briefcase is in there."
Twilight: "We are gonna need to get a shovel, Mr. Rich."

Suddenly Pinkie Pie showed up at the scene a hurry to help dive into the cement and find what they need salvaged.

Pinkie: "I've seen worst situations. You should be able to salvage something."
Rich: "Ms. Pinkie......"
Pinkie: "Hey that just gave me an idea. Let me see what I can do."
Mare: "There is a briefcase in there, see if you can get the briefcase."
Twilight: "Pinkie, see if you can get the briefcase."
Spike: "Pinkie Pie is looking for the briefcase. I don't know how she got over there in a blink of an eye from where I am at."
Pinkie: I'm gonna give it another try."
Rich: "Don't give it another
try.....Don't.....Just leave the damn thing along!"
Pinkie: "I got it! I got it!"
Rich: "You got what?"

After Pinkie Pie was able to retrieve his briefcase. He was happy that his business paper works were saved but still furious about what Rainbow Dash has done. He knows that their match is up next and knows that's where she is headed. Filthy Rich starts to head towards the arena to settle the feud.


(Chapter 8)

All the ponies in the crowd were excited. The match that they all have been waiting for, Rainbow Dash VS Filthy Rich was about to happen. After watching everything that has happened between the two ponies. There's no doubt that this will be the match of the night.

Spike: "Welcome back, ladies and gentlecolts to PWF! Just moments ago we witnessed Rainbow Dash ruin one of Mr. Rich's prize carriage collections."

Pinkie: "Ruin? She destroyed that carriage ad I still got cement on my hooves."

Spike: "This feud started from a speech, to being disqualified, to a brawl, and now getting too personal where we are now a few moments away for business to be settled.

Filthy Rich's song starts to play. His song was speaking lyrics of "You got no chance.". Indicating that if you mess with him, you got no chance and that's how he acted coming down to the ring. Half the crowd cheered but the the other were waiting on for Rainbow Dash. But Filthy Rich didn't care for the cheers. He was ready to settle personal business with Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly a sound of glass shattering is loudly heard, followed by music that sounded like trouble was coming which made the crowd jump and started to cheer "Rainbow Dash".

Spike: "And here she comes ladies and gentlecolts. Rainbow Dash is here.

Fluttershy: "His opponent, now entering the ring.....RAINBOW DASH!!!"
Fluttershy announcing her as she gets into the ring.

Spike: "She's gonna settle the score with Filthy Rich. Oh here we go ladies and gentlecolt! Rainbow Dash and Mr. Rich are going at it."


Spike: "And the referee has started the match."
Pinkie: "Sweet Celestis! This is intense."
Spike: "Rainbow Dash has Mr. Rich trapped in a corner doing punches and kicks."
Pinkie: "Come on! Stop stalling! I came to see some good action.!"
Spike: "Oh! Rake to the eyes by Filthy Rich, turning this match around."

As Filthy Rich swiped Rainbow Dash across the eyes. It had her back off of him from being trapped in the corner. Now he was able to start fighting back.

Spike: "Filthy Rich throws Rainbow Dash to the ropes.....and.....misses the clothesline.....Rainbow Dash turned around.....Neck Breaker! What a match his has been so far."
Pinkie: "It sure is Spike. I don't even know who to cheer for. I need help deciding what T-shirt to wear. Want to help me pick?".
Spike: "Ummmmm......."

The crowd was going wild. They didn't know who to cheer for half the time they cheered Rainbow Dash. The other half of the time they cheered Filthy Rich. The match was really intense as it was expected. But until a certain pony interrupts.

Spike: "Rainbow Dash gets the cover.....1.....2.....Wait a minute!."
Pinkie: "Whats this.....What is Cadence doing out here?".
Spike: "Cadence is distracting the referee. Forcing him to stop the count."
Pinkie:"Rainbow Dash ain't to happy about that.....Wait! It's Shiny Armor getting into the ring from behind."
Spike: "The ref is unaware."
Pinkie: "Don't turn Rainbow Dash!"
Spike: "Pedigree! The referee didn't see it. Shiny Armor is getting out of the way and now being ejected out of the arena by the ref."
Pinkie: "Shiny Armor just cost Rainbow Dash the match."
Spike: "Filthy Rich is going for the cover.....1.....2.....Sweet Celestia! Rainbow Dash kicked out of it."
Pinkie: "How did she kick out of that?"

Every pony couldn't believe it. After an interference of Shiny Armor and Cadence trying to take out a big threat in the competition. They were all shocked about Rainbow Dash's determination to win the match. They all started cheering "This is Awesome!"
Spike: "Ladies and Gentlecolts. I've known Rainbow Dash for a long time. But this is as far as determination that I ever seen from her.
Pinkie: "Really?
Spike: "Rainbow Dash is getting up. Filthy Rich.....Rainbow Dash ducks from a punch.....Kick!.....Stunner! Rainbow Dash got her finisher.....she's going for the cover.....1.....2.....3.....She did it!"
Fluttershy:" Here's your winner.....RAINBOW DASH!!!
Fluttershy shouted her name as Rainbow Dash's music played. But Rainbow Dash wasn't in the mood for any victory celebration. She was well pissed off about Shiny Armor and Cadence trying to screw her over. She grabbed the mic from Fluttershy.

Spike: "Rainbow Dash is Victorious.....Uh-Oh. Wait a minute."

"Shiny Armor!.....You better start running, because I'm coming back there to kick your ass you son of a b****.", said Rainbow Dash catching her breath. She rolled out of the ring and started heading towards the backstage.
Spike: "Rainbow Dash is not wasting anytime. She is on a hot pursuit for some pay back."
Pinkie: "I have never seen Rainbow Dash the mad before."

She was so pissed off that she couldn't wait to get her hooves on Shiny Armor. But she was unaware that Twilight Sparkle was behind the curtain waiting to stop her in her tracks.

"Rainbow Dash! I need to talk to you.", said Twilight. Trying to catch her attention.
"Sorry Twilight. I don't have the time.", answered back Rainbow Dash walking right past her like she wasn't there.

"WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!!!", yelled Twilight. Using her magic to freeze Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know whats gotten into you and Shiny Armor. But this attitude you both have needs to stop. Your being reckless. First you insult another pony. Then destroyed personal property. And on top of that. Your using foul language on a children show!"

"Listen.....Twilight, I totally get what your saying. But this is a competition. You can not win by being nice and win over the crowd. You need to loosen up a bit and get serious. Give the crowd what they want. You don't have to do what I do. We all have different personalities. You can use your words to win over the crowd.", said Rainbow Dash. Calming down from her mood.
"I guess your right. But it doesn't mean you need to be reckless.", said Twilight. Looking at things from a different point of view.
"I'm sorry. I guess I have been getting a bit carried away."
"I guess your right about that. Sorry that I had to freeze you like that.", said Twilight apologizing.
"It's ok. Now where did Shiny Armor go? I want to know why he tried to screw me out of this tournament."
"I just gotten done talking to him and Cadence. He was trying to take out the biggest threat in this competition. But he calmed down now and went to his Crystal Empire Express train at the train station to relax."
"Ok, thanks Twilight."
"Promise me that you won't do anything reckless?"
"Don't worry, I just want to talk with him.", Rainbow Dash replied. But it didn't seem like a good enough answer to Twilight as how Rainbow Dash seen Twilight's look on her face.
"And I promise that I won't do anything reckless."

Twilight then smiled to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh and one more thing Twilight. When you have your match. Give it some.....Attitude. And lets also meet face to face at the finals.

"Attitude ?", Twilight repeated curiously as Rainbow Dash took off to the train station.

When she got there, it was dark and quiet. Only a few lights were on to brighten up the area. She walks around looking for Shiny Armor.
"Hello? Shiny Armor?.....Cadence?", said Rainbow Dash.
But then she sees his shadows on the walls walking around, which it made her a bit upset that he didn't hear her.

"Come back here you son of a B****.", said Rainbow Dash.

Spike: "Rainbow Dash outside at the train station area. Looking for Shiny Armor."

"Come here you little bastard."
Suddenly a sound of a train engine could be heard. It started low, but got louder as Rainbow Dash stumbled onto the tracks and turned towards it. Seeing a train heading straight at her.

Pinkie: "What is this?"
Spike: "It's a train.....WAIT A MINUTE!!! Sweet Celestia! That train just ran over Rainbow Dash! That train just ran over Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash just got run down! Oh my.....Sweet Celestia.....Oh my.....Sweet Celestia.


(Chapter 9)

Spike: "Welcome back ladies and gentlecolts to PWF. Just moments ago during the Rainbow Dash and Filthy Rich match, Shiny Armor and Princess Cadance interupted to try and screw Rainbow Dash out of this tournament."

Pinkie: "But they were not successful as Rainbow Dash was was victorious of her match."

Spike: "But it didn't end there as she went on a hot pursuit chase following Shiny Armor to the train station, looking for him."

Pinkie: "But then this happened. Rainbow Dash wad run down like a dog by Shiny Armor's Crystal Empire Express Train."

Spike: "That's just sickening. That's a 4-legged living pegasus.
During the commercial break, Medical Attention has arrived with an ambulance and long with her friends.
Fluttershy, sorry that Pinkie and I can't be over there at the moment. But whats the situation looking?"

Rainbow Dash's friends, Twilight, Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Discord, Big Mac, and Spitfire, were there. Worried and hope for her a fast recovery as she was unconscious while the Medical Attention ponies lifted her up on to a stretcher. Including Filthy Rich and Mayor Mare who were pissed off about the accident, asking every pony that were around in formation on who did it or have they sden anything thing suspicious.

"What the hell happen? Who did this? Did you see anything?"

Fluttershy: "Well......as you can see. Medical Attention has arrived and lifting her up on a stretcher to go to the hospital. She tried flying up to avoid the train, but got caught by the smoke stack and tumbled over the train. They said she was lucky that she wasn't severely injured, but only gotten bumps and bruises. She is unconscious at the moment, but hope that she will wake up in the hospital.
But the question is who did this and why? Also will she be able to show up at her next match tomorrow against Shiny Armor."

Fluttershy reported back, trying as hard as she can to not cry so much on Camera. But to the others, who were there, had each different emotions."

Apple Jack is the type who cries on the inside instead of the outside while gripping her hat to her chest.

Big Mack was the same as Apple Jack. The only thing you would hear from him is a "E-Nope"

Spitfire sees these types of situations at the Wonderbolts Academy. So it/s nothing new to her. All she could do is wish her a fast record.

Rarity was worried about her. But she was also worried about the black leather vest that she designed for being torn. On that note, she was generous enough to go with her to the hospital.

For Twilight Sparkle, she felt the worst.
"This is my fault. How could I let this happen?", said Twilight.

"Say what?", Apple Jack reacted.
"What do you mean, Darling? How is this your fault?", Rarity asked

"I told Rainbow Dash where Shiny Armor was at. If I hadn't, she would of never came here and get hit by a train. How could I be so careless? I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. It's all my fault.", said Twilight. Speaking to Rainbow Dash.

"Twilight, It's not your fault. You had no idea this was gonna happen. Be at least glad that she didn't get hurt any worse than being knocked out. Right Big Mac?"

"E-Yup!", Apple Jack cheering Twilight up along with here brother Big Mac.

"Don't worry Twilight. We are all here for Rainbow Dash.", Fluttershy added in to cheer her up.

"She'll be fine. She's a Wonderbolt. It will take a lot more than that to bring her down.", said Spitfire.

"And if it will help, I'll be more than happy to go with her while you guys keep the show going.", Rarity being generous.

"Thanks every pony. I don't know what I would do without you all. And your right. I shouldn't blame myself.", said Twilight. Getting a group huf from all of them. Accept Discord who was still had the television camera rolling. But wasn't happy about the loving moment.

"Oh for goodness sake! You all suppose to be entertaining your audience. Not bored them to sleep with your friendship is magic.", said Discord. Mocking their bond.

Look her Discord. This may be a competition, but doesn't mean we to be competitive all the time.", said Apple Jack.

"You may not care about others feelings, Discord. But situations like this is more important.", Twilight followed up. As Discord just let their speeches go through his head from one ear and out the other. Not caring whats going on, but rather keep the audience entertained.
He than noticed Shiny Armor and Princess Cadance approaching them. He knew things were about to heat up. So he went back to filming.

"Well, things better get interesting again,"

"You son of a B****. You son of a B****. What the hell did you do?", Filthy Rich asked Shiny Armor aggressively.

"I didn't do anything. I'm not gonna get blamed for this sh*t.", Shiny Armor argued back.

"You! How could you?", yelled Twilight stepping into the argument.

"You know what you did. Running over Rainbow Dash with your Crystal Empire Express Train."

"What? I settle my business in the ring.", said Shiny Armor.

"It doesn't matter what you say. The matter of facts is that you attached Rainbow Dash during her match. You told me that you were coming here. It is your express train that ran her over. And now you show up like nothing happened?"

"But I......"

"And I'll prove it by doing some investigating. When I do find that you are guilty. I'll stick those facts so far up your candy ass. If you smell lalalaloooooo.......What Twilight Sparkle is cookin'."

"Whatever, lets go Cadence.", said Shiny Armor. Walking away from the crime scene.

"Ummmmm.........Twilight? What was that about you said?", asked Apple Jack. Seeing Twilight act differently.

Twilight felt good after what she just said. Being able to have her brother back off with this Attitude feeling that Rainbow Dash wad talking about.

"I'm great! Just Great! Nothing like entertaining the crowd with some catch phrases. It doesn't matter what you say, or candy asses, or can you smell what Twilight Sparkle is cookin'. Ooooh I like that one." said Twilight zoning out and thinking of catch phrases.

"Oooook........well you better bring your A-game or you will be singing some sweet Muzzle Music.", said Apple Jack as she headed back to the arena along with every pony else, while Rarity went to the hospital with Rainbow Dash.


(Chapter 10)

It was still the first day of the tournament and the show has already gotten the crowd on the edge of their seats after what just happened. But everypony's emotions changed. They were worried about Rainbow Dash and confused. Wondering if it was real or scripted. It even came down to where Apple Bloom, Sweat Bell, and Scootaloo to leave the event and go support her at the hospital. But the show had to go on as Fluttershy stepped into the ring to announce the next match.

Suddenly an explosion of fire appeared on each side of the stage with red lights and a scary organ type of music playing.

Fluttershy: "And now fir the third match. Coming down the stage. From Cloudsdale.........."SPITFIRE!!!"
Announced Fluttershy as Spitfire walked through a blazing inferno of fire all around her on the pathway to the ring. The fire of her entrance was so hot that even the crowd was sweating. But it didn't effect her because she was wearing a fire resistance wonderbolts uniform and googles. With Rainbow Dash on the possibility of being out of the competition. She knew that she had to be the one wonderbolt to make it through the tournament.

Spike: "Wow! What an entrance. Is it just me ir is it really that hot in here?"

Pinkie: "It is getting hot in here, so come on and take off your clothes."

Spike: "Ugggg.........Pinkie, we don't wear clothes."

As Pinkie Pie sings while taking off her Rainbow Dash gear.

The lights dimmed. It was quite for a moment. Until the sound of thunder was heard. Fog started to roll out around the arena as lights flickered. Then the sound of a low bell was heard........and again. Along with an instrumental tune playing the song "Open Up Your Eyes". With the sound the sound of a choir humming, a drumming snare drum, and violins playing. Sounding like going into battle.

Slowly walking down the stage was Tempest wearing her battle armor. Like she was ready for a battle. Also alongside of her was her trusty sidekick Grubber. Who was eating a piece of pie.

Tempest's entrance gave the audience a chill down their spine. But not for Spitfire, whom wasn't scared or intimidated. Tempest stepped into the ring while Grubber stayed on the outside of the ring.

Fluttershy: "Now introducing her opponent........accompanied by Grubber.......TEMPEST!!!"

Spike: "Wow! That entrance gave me the chills."


Both competitors starred down at each other. Hoping to intimidate the other. But it didn't seem to work.

The bell ranged to start the match.

Spike: "And here we go."

The two ponies walked slowly in a circle. Starring at each other. waiting to for the other to make the first move.

Tempest was able to keep her cool with her sinister look in her eyes. Spitfire on the other hoove was breaking a sweat until she decided to make the first move. Spitfire charges at Tempest for a take down. But Tempest knocks her down with an uppercut.

Spike: "Spitfire makes the first move........OH MY! An uppercut by Tempest. This could be over."

Tempest looks down on her helpless opponent for a moment. Then picked her up and gave her another sinister look. This time Spitfire was terrified. She had underestimated Tempest.

Tempest then held her upside-down and delivered her finisher the "Tombstone Piledriver".

Spike: "Tempest picks up Spitfire."
Pinkie: "Look at the look on her face."
Spike: "Spitfire......looks like she has seen the Pony of Shadows itself.......wait a minute.....TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!.......the cover......1...2...3.


Spike: "It's over. Tempest will be moving on."
Spike: "That has been the shortest match that I have ever seen."

The crowd was stunned by how short the match was and how easily Spitfire was defeated. The match results gave the crowd the assumption that Tempest is a possibility of going to win the this tournament. After seeing how powerful she is.

Fluttershy: "Heres your winner......TEMPEST!!!
Tempest, after seeing that incredible knockout. What do you have to say to your future opponent?"

But Tempest had no interest for an interview and so as her music played. Grubber and her walked to the backstage quietly.

Twilight was in the back getting ready for her match that was coming up in a few moments. She was getting nervous as she talked to herself to be get calm down.

"Ok Twilight. You can do this. Keep it together. Electrify the crowd. Be the pony's princess. Pancake eating, Trailblazing, Eyebrow raising........."

"There you are Twilight. Are you ready for our match?", asked Apple Jack. Cutting her off from her deep thoughts.

"Huh?.....oh.....Apple Jack.....Yea.....sorry. I was just talking to myself.", Twilight replied.

Fluttershy and Discord saw both Twilight and Apple Jack together, figuring it was a perfect timing to get an interview from the both of them.

Fluttershy: "Girls, in just a few moments you both will be face to face in the middle of the ring and to see who will be taking on Tempest in the next round......."

Apple Jack then stops Fluttershy by pulling her microphone towards herself.

AJ: "Hold on Fluttershy, I just wanted to let you know that your interviewing the Hear Break Filly. The Show Stopper......"

Twilight then pulls the microphone away from Apple Jack towards her.

Twilight: "Finally.....Twilight Sparkle HAS COME BACK!!! To Ponyvilles Townhall. From the train station that is. You know what Twilight Sparkle says that tonight's the night........"

AJ: "I don't give a donkey's ass what Twilight Sparkle has to say. You and your royalty, and your friendship is magic lessons.....what lessons. A vomit bag? A fig newton? Or how about HBF giving you the sound of a Sweat Muzzle Music. Because all it matters that tonight, HBF will go on to the finals for the tournaments prize money."

Twilight: "So let Twilight Sparkle understand this. HBF Tonight! You actually think your gonna go on to the finals for the tournament's prize money?"

AJ: "nononono.....not just think, I......"

The only thing that matters. Is tonight......"

AJ: "nononono......Twilight, your wrong. The only thing that matters is that I've tasted gold. And I know what it tastes like and I love it, and I want it again. And the only thing that matters, more than anything else is the fact that every single Apple Family member of mine wants to see me win that prize money......If you smallllllll.......What HBF is cookin'."

Twilight: "Small what HBF is cooking? You ask Twilight Sparkle to small what your cooking? Well lets just say for argument sake that Twilight Sparkle does indeed small what your cooking. Because Twilight Sparkle will try anything one time. So here it goes.........*Sniff Sniff Sniff*.........Ah yes, there it is. Indeed Twilight Sparkle does small what your cooking. And quite frankly Apple Jack. What your cooking smalls like 100%, grade A, moneybag, guaranteed, one big bucket of Sweet Apple Acres of horse piss.
You see Apple Jack, you come out here and run your mouth of how you have tasted gold. But the fact that matters is that Twilight Sparkle has lived royalty gold. And Twilight Sparkle will be putting it down on any pony that stands in her way. So rather it's you Apple Jack, Apple Jack's Daddy, Apple Jack's Mama, Uncle Jo Apple with the glass eye, or maybe Grandpa Jimmie Jack Apple with the iron lone. Or hell, it might be Grandma Jezebel Apple with the double X dirty panties.
The only thing that matters, Apple Jack. Is that we have one big family reunion, you bring them all, so Twilight Sparkle can take her hoove and lay the Smackdown on ALLLLLL THEIR CANDY ASSES!!!
And what you fail to realize is this, Apple Jack. When it's all set and done. All the dust has settled. All the smoke has cleared. And Twilight Sparkle is done whipping that candy ass. And Twilight Sparkle goes on to face Tempest. And Twilight Sparkle goes on to the finals for the prize money. You Apple Jack and the entire Apple Family will be singing Sweet Muzzle Music."

Spike: "Twilight Sparkle Vs Apple Jack is coming up next Ladies and Gentle colts. We'll be right back."


(Chapter 11)

Spike: "Welcome back ladies and gentle colts to PWF. Just moments ago was our third match, Tempest VS Spitfire........and what a knockout it was!"

Pinkie: "It sure was. At first it was getting really really hot in here. Then it got dark, foggy, stormy, and creepy. Didn't think anything was going anywhere. Then.......POW!!!.......Knockout by Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Walking away with a flawless victory."

Spike: Uhhhhh.......Yea, you said it Pinkie Pie. Every....detail....of it. And now we are just moments away from our final match tonight. Twilight VS Apple Jack."

Pinkie Pie: "It should be a classic."

Suddenly Rock N' Roll music started playing, popping up the letters "H" "B" "F" on the television screen. Standing for "Heart Break Filly". The lyrics were singing phrases about Apple Jack like "I'm a sexy pony." But more in a cocky way with back up singers.

Apple Jack came out and danced her way down to the ramp to the ring. The crowd was cheering and dancing along. Like it was a party.

Spike: "And there she is! The Show Stopper, The Heart Break Filly, Apple Jack is rockin' the house! Getting everyone pumped up for this last match of the evening."

Pinkie: "Ooooooo.....Rockin' the house means PARTY!!!"

Spike: "Uhhhhhh......Yea!"

Fluttershy: "Now entering the ring.....From Ponyville......APPLE JACK!!!"

At the peak of her song, there was a guitar solo playing. Which she stretched out her left rear leg, leans to the right, holds her front legs up in the air like she was showing off her muscles. And at the same time, Fireworks went off behind her.

Apple Jack's song tuned down and it was quite for the moment. Then a loud phrase was heard followed by rock beat type tune. "IF YOU SMELL! WHAT TWILIGHT SPARKLE! IS COOKING!"
Along with a repeated phrase saying "Twilight says".

Twilight came walking down to the ring looking at the crowd on her right and then left with a serious look.

Spike: "There she is! What a motivation! The Pony's Princess of Friendship.......Twilight Sparkle! She is gonna lay the Smackdown tonight!"

Pinkie: "Apple Jack better back up what she said, or the entire Apple Family is gonna get all their candy asses whopped."

Twilight climbed up to the top of the turnbuckle, as soon as she got into the ring, and raised a hoove up into the air to get the crowd. They all cheered. Then she closes her eyes to small the air for a moment and than looked at her opponent, Apple Jack. They both gave eye contact while Twilight gets down from the turnbuckle and both of them moves in towards each other. Muzzle to muzzle.

Fluttershy: "And her opponent.........From Ponyville..........The Princess of Friendship.........TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!"

The match has not started yet and the crowd were already chanting their names.
"Twilight! Twilight! Apple Jack! Apple Jack!"

Spike: "Listen to this crowd!"

Pinkie: "It is indeed electrifying in here!"


As soon as the bell ranged, both Twilight and Apple Jack went at it. Throwing punches at each other. Left and right.

Spike: "And here we go. The last match of tonight is underway!"

Pinkie: "Left, right, left, right they go!"

Spike: "Apple Jack whips Twilight to the ring ropes....Clothesline......she misses......ooooh takedown by Twilight!"

"You Pinkie, there's a lot riding on this match between both competitors. Both of thier brothers, Shiny Armor and Big Mac, fought each other earlier tonight which Shiny Armor was victorious. That would be a motivation for Apple Jack to be the one Apple family member to move forward in the tournament. But you also got Twilight Sparkle who promised Rainbow Dash to meet in the finals."

Pinkie: "And that's a hard to break. It would of been a lot harder if it was a Pinkie Promise."

After a hoove drop from the top turnbuckle on to Twilight by Apple Jack, she waited for Twilight to get back up. While repeatedly stomping her back rear leg in a rythem. Getting ready to finish Twilight of with "Sweet Muzzle Music"

Spike: "Apple Jack is tuning up the band!"

Pinkie: "Twilight don't get up!"

Spike: "POW! Sweet Muzzle Music to Twilight Sparkle! It's over, here's the cover........1......2......Oh sweet Celestia! How did Twilight kick out of that?"

Pinkie: "That's heart and determination she has. Not going down that easy."

Twilight then got back up and tied up with Apple Jack again. Bu this time, Twilight started to bring it to Apple Jack with repeated right hoove punches and finishes it with a move called the "Rock Bottom" by throwing Apple Jack's right leg over hers, lifts her up, and slams her down to the mat.

Spike: "Twilight is back up........and here we go. Twilight is unloading on Apple Jack with the multiple punches......."Rock Bottom!!! The cover.......1.......2.....Awwww Apple Jack kicks out!"

Pinkie: "Wow! What a match! Neither one of them won't give up!"

The crowd was going crazy. They were chanting both of their names loudly. They had know idea who will win this match. This match has been tonight's main event.

Both Twilight and Apple Jack were slowly getting back up again. Twilight tries to unload punches again but Apple Jack kicks her in the stomach to deliver a "DDT" to the mat. Apple Jack gets back up and stands in the corner. Catching her breath while leaving a helpless Twilight Sparkle down.

Spike: "They both slowly get back up. Twilight strikes first......Awwww!......Apple Jack delivered a DDT on Twilight."

Pinkie: "Noooo! Don't destroy her good brain cells!"

Spike: "Apple Jack is back in the corner. Striking up the band again for another Sweet Muzzle Music."

Apple Jack stomps the mat, slowly watching Twilight getting back up. She is ready to deliver another "Sweet Muzzle Music" again to end the match. Twilight gets back. Not giving up. She was determined to win. Apple Jack the makes her move.

Spike: "Twilight is back up!"

Pinkie: "Stay down Twilight!"

Spike: "And......wait a minute! Rock Bottom by Twilight on Apple Jack!"

Pinkie: "Apple Jack missed!"

Spike: "Twilight dodged Apple Jack and turned it around into a Rock Bottom!"

The crowd was going wild over Twilight dodging Apple Jack's kick and turned it around into a "Rock Bottom". Twilight gets back on her 4 hooves and looks around at the arena at the cheering crowd. She amazed how much excitement that her and Apple Jack were bringing to them. Then she stood over above Apple Jack's head. Looking to finish the match. She threw her front legs crisscross, ran to the left side ropes, bounces off them, hopped over Apple Jack, bounces off the right side ropes, throws a rear leg in the air, and falls backwards onto Apple Jack with a hoove drop.

Spike: "Twilight is back up again......feeling it from the crowd."

Pinkie: "She's going for it."

Spike: "Crisscross......over Apple Jack.....and......THE PONY'S HOOVE!!! The cover.....1.......2.......3.... She did it!"


Fluttershy: "Here's your winner......TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!"

Pinkie: "What an incredible match that was."

Spike: " It sure was Pinkie. Twilight will be moving on against Tempest."

As the bell ranged after the "3" count. Twilight stayed down to catch her breath. Couldn't believe an incredible match that her and Apple Jack just had.

Apple Jack was the first one back up and looked a Twilight. When she approached her, the crowd assumed that she was going to attack her after loosing the match.

Spike: "Wait a minute......"

Pinkie: "Looks like some pony is a sore looser."

Spike: "I don't think.......A Bro Hoove!.....That's the sign of showing respect. There's no shame in loosing this match by Apple Jack!"

Apple Jack gave Twilight a "Bro Hoove" and walked back to the backstage. Twilight was still in the ring as her song played. Until the sound of thunder was heard, then a low sound of a bell, and then the lights turned off.

Spike: "Ah oh, I got a bad feeling about this."

Pinkie: "Who didn't pay the electric bill?"

The lights came on in a dark blue dimmed lights. Like it was night time outside. And there in the ring appeared Tempest and Grubber. Along with Storm King's troops surrounding the ring. Tempest gave Twilight a sinister look on her face while Twilight was speechless.

Spike: "It's Tempest and Grubber! appearing out of no where."

Pinkie: "Along with Storm King's troops. Are they about to get it on?"

Then the lights went out again with the sound of the low bell ring again and the the lights came back on. Tempest, Grubber, and Storm King's troops were gone but, all there was left on the spot where Tempest and Grubber stood was Twilight's Friendship lessons Journal book. Twilight was confused of how did her journal get there. She then took a step towards it and suddenly a bolt of lighting struck her journal book. Causing it to be caught on fire. Twilight dropped to the mat and couldn't believe what just happened. Then Tempest's voices was heard saying.........

Tempest: "Twilight Sparkle.......You will......Open your eyes!"

Followed by her song being played and leaving Twilight crying. Wondering her and Tempest's friendship bond is real.

Pinkie: "What is that book?"

Spike: "That's Twilight's Friendship lessons Journal book........Sweet Celestia!....her journal has been caught on fire!"

Pinkie: "What does this mean? Is their friendship based on a lie?"

Spike: "Tempest is making it clear that there is no friendship! What will happen tomorrow night? Will Rainbow Dash be able to compete against Shiny Armor? And will Twilight Sparkle defeat Tempest? We'll see you until then ever pony! Good Night!"


(Chapter 12)

It was the second day of the tournament. All the ponies in Ponyville were excited and couldn't wait for tonight. After the events that took place last night, word had spread out across Equestria to places like: Yakastan, Griffin's Peak, Manhattan. And everyone was planning to be in Ponyville tonight. But today, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle had a different mission, which was to find out who ran over Rainbow Dash.

"What! She's gone!", Twilight said to Rarity. Learning that Rainbow Dash had left the hospital.

"Yes, Doctor Hooves even said she didn't check out either. I slept there over night and next thing I woke up, she was gone.", said Rarity. Explaining what happen.

"Oh my. I hope she is ok.", said Fluttershy worried.

"Knowing Rainbow Dash, she's probably planning to get back at Shiny Armor for running her over.", said Apple Jack.

"I agree Apple Jack. She isn't in the condition to be fighting. But she did indeed promised me that she would meet me at the finals. Where ever she is, we definitely know where she'll be at later today. In the mean time, Pinkie Pie and I will be doing a little investigating on who ran over Rainbow Dash.", said Twilight.

"Don't we already know that it was Shiny Armor?", Apple Jack for sure thought it was him.

"We just want to make sure before we jump to any conclusions."

"Well ok, good luck. I gotta go get Apple Pies ready to sell tonight.", said Apple Jack departing.

"I'll be heading off too. I got PWF merchandise to sell.", said Rarity. Leaving as well.

"I huh.......I'll best be going as well.", said Fluttershy leaving.

"Well, now it's just the two of us, Pinkie. Where do you wanna start?", Twilight asked.

"A great mystery starts at the crime scene. TO THE TRAIN STATION!!!", shouted Pinkie Pie excitedly.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie both arrived at the train station. Finding the Crystal Empire Express at the boarding platform. They went up to it and knocked on the door to Shiny Armor and Cadence's private coach cart. *Knock!, Knock!, Knock!*

"Twily?", Shiny Armor answering the door surprising to see his sister.
"What are you doing here?"

"Pinkie and I are investigating the Rainbow Dash incident.

"Well whoever used my train. It wasn't Cadence or I. I already said that I take care of my business in the middle of the ring. I have already filled in Mr. Rich and Mayor Mare.", explained Shiny Armor. Opening the door a bit more to show Cadence, Mr. Rich, and Mayor Mare with him.

"Shiny Armor has a good point on this situation, Ms. Sparkle. After Shiny Armor and Cadence left the town hall after my match. There was not enough time for them to come to the train station to turn on the train and know where Rainbow Dash was gonna be at.", explained Filthy Rich.

"Yes that's a good point. Pinkie and I will have this case solved."

"Also Ms. Sparkle. Tell Ms. Dash if she doesn't make it to her match, she will be disqualified."

"I don't know where she is at. Seeing that she had left the hospital. But knowing her, she will be there. Come on Pinkie, lets go.", said Twilight Sparkle. Leaving with Pinkie Pie.

"WOOOOO!!! HOOOOO!!! MYSTERY!!!", said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

Filthy Rich was speechless.
"What? What is it?" Shiny Armor asked Filthy Rich.

"What if.......What if Rainbow Dash is here........What if Rainbow Dash is planning something?", Filthy Rich answered worried.

"You really think that?"
"I'm just saying!"
"Then lets go!."
"Go where?"
"To end this!"

As Shiny Armor's Temper built up. Filthy Rich, Cadence, and him left their private coach to go find Rainbow Dash.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie had arrived inside the train Engine. Looking for any kind of clues that could help figure out who was the suspect.

"Hmmmmm........where to begin?", Pinkie Pie asked herself. Getting started to look. Trying be like a professional detective with her her detective hat, magnify glass, and pipe.

"It's going to be difficult to find hoove prints and clues. Seeing that the train has been operated in the past 24 hours.", said Twilight Sparkle. Knowing it's going to be a tough job.

"Well, lets start looking.", said Pinkie Pie. Starting to look for clues.

Meanwhile, Shiny Armor, Cadence, and Filthy Rich were looking around Ponyville for Rainbow Dash.

"It's pretty busy today.", said Cadence. Surprised to see a lot of different creatures in Pthat were from different towns.

"That's because of last nights PWF had attracted others across Equestria.", said Shiny Armor. Explaining the reason.

"This is fantastic. I didn't imagine how big the popularity would of been.", said Shiny Armor.

"Hold on......look.", said Shiny Armor. Pointing to Rainbow Dash going into a shop.

Shining Armor waited outside at the shop's door. Waiting for Rainbow Dash to come out to jump het. As soon as Shiny Armor saw Rainbow Dash came out, he jumped on her and started throwing punches. But then he stopped and realized it wasn't Rainbow Dash. It was a sky blue color earth pony wearing a Rainbow wig and a fake set of wings to cosplay as Rainbow Dash.

"What the hell?", said Shiny Armor.

"Please don't hurt me. If it's about money. I'll give.", said The cosplay pony.

All the ponies around him saw what happened and gave him mad faces. Shiny Armor felt embarrassed.

"It's ok......sorry. I tripped and fell on him.", he said for an excuse while leaving the scene with Cadence and Mr. Rich.

Back at the train engine. Twilight and Pinkie Pie were looking around high and low. Until Pinkie Pie spotted something on the floor hiding in a corner.

"Oooooo........Twilight! Look what I found.", said Pinkie Pie. Showing Twilight excitedly of a dusted military medal badge looking object.

"Hmmmm.......it looks like a medal or badge type of thing that some pony would wear in the Royal Guard. And do you know who had joined the Royal Guard?"

"Oh! Oh! I know! I Know!.", Pinkie Pie shouted raising a hoove.
"Shiny Armor!"
"That's right Pinkie."
"But why would he lie about it?", Pinkie Pie wondered.

"It's probably because he doesn't want everyone to think that he won the tournament by cheating. And they can't disqualify him because Filthy Rich and Mayor Mare have no proof that he did do it. It's a clever move for him to knockout Rainbow Dash with out having to fight her."

"So I guess we do have proof. When should we tell them?", asked Pinkie Pie.

"We'll tell them after their match is over. Guaranteed that Rainbow Dash will be there and will want pay back. But if Shiny Armor wins, this will disqualify him.", explained Twilight.

Back in Ponyville, Shiny Armor, Cadence, and Filthy Rich and Mayor Mare looked around some more for Rainbow Dash. Until they passed by a house that Filthy Rich heard Rainbow Dash say "....And that's the bottom line. Because Rainbow Dash said so." coming from inside. Filthy Rich signaled Shiny Armor and Cadence that Rainbow Dash was in the house. They all stood at the door while Filthy Rich cracked the door open a little bit to see who was in there. It wad dark but only one light was on. Then right there a black figure shape of Rainbow Dash was near the light.

"Rainbow Dash 20% cooler says that I just whipped your ass!", said Rainbow Dash.

Filthy Rich then burst right in and attacked Rainbow Dash with a clothesline. Shiny Armor turned on the lights by using the light switch near the door. Filthy Rich then realized what he broke in half was a cardboard cut out of Rainbow Dash with a voice box.

"HEY! It took me all night to make that! Why would you do that?", said the creator pony. Who was crying about his hard work being destroyed.

"Sorry......I huh.....thought that it was a burglar. Sorry about the mess......here.....here's a bag of bits for your hard work.", Filthy Rich apologized and payed the creator pony for his time of hard work. Shiny Armor, Cadence, and Filthy Rich left the house.

"Dammit Rainbow Dash. Where the hell are you.", said Shiny Armor. Getting frustrated.

"There's to many signs of Rainbow Dash here. Our best chance will be waiting for her tonight in the ring.", suggested Cadence.

"Your right my dear. Lets just hope Twilight is right about Rainbow Dash showing up.", said Shiny Armor. Heading to the Town Hall and wait for tonight.


(Chapter 13)

It was the second day of the tournament. The semi-finals was schedule for tonight. Shiny Armor VS Rainbow Dash and Tempest VS Twilight Sparkle. After the events that took place last night, gave these two matches hyped up for. Ponyville was jammed packed, surrounding the Town Hall. Word about the event after the first night was spread like wild fire across Equestria. All others across Equestria had came to watch: Clousdale, Chanterlot, Crystal Empire, Manhattan, Griffen's Peak, Yakastan, and many more. Sports bars around town was packed, hosting PWF parites, some business were closed, and a few others were open such as: Sugercube Corner and The Apple Family selling pies. Even Rarity and Sassy Saddles was selling PWF outfits. Ponyville was indeed the place to be at tonight.

"Wow! It sure is a busy crowd out there.", said Twilight Sparkle. Looking out the backstage curtain.

"I can't believe how many other towns that this tournament has attracted.", said Filthy Rich.
"Have you seen Rainbow Dash Ms. Sparkle?"

"I have not Mr. Rich.", replied Twilight. Starting to wonder if Rainbow Dash will show up.

Everyone in Ponyville quiet down as the Town Hall lights dimmed to show a replay of the main points of what happen last night on the television screen. Events of Rainbow Dash destroying Filthy Rich's carriage, winning the match, and being runned over by the Crystal Empire Express train. Tempest defeating Spitfire with a knockout, Twilight Sparkle winning her match against Apple Jack, and being torn apart about her friendship with Tempest. It got everyone excited and hyped. After the replay, the intro played. Playing a rock song while showing photoages of ponies wrestling in a warehouse like place with explosions going off around them. Once the song ended, fireworks started to go off at the stage and a few shooting from the ceiling down to the stage. The crowd was loving it, cheering loudly, and alot of them holding up poster signs. Signs that said their favorite wrestler among the remaining four competitors. Signs that showed a picture of them or catch phrases.

Spike: "100s of ponies, griffins, dragons, yaks with an attitude! This is PWF, we are sold out here at the Ponyville Town Hall and jam packed in Ponyville just in 24 hours after the most heart stopping event in Equestria, of all time!"

Celestia: "Spike, Luna, and I have been around for a long time and never have we ever seen anything like it. Except last night."

Luna: "Never? What do you mean? What about that one time when the Storm King........."

Celestia: "Luna shhhhh.........."

Luna: " But what about that one time when our evil sides from the other dimension........"

Celestia: "Luna Shhhhh.........."

Luna: "Don't Shush me."

Celestia: "Oh here we go again......"

Spike: "Ugggg........Can I not just have normal commentators? Speaking of that. Pinkie Pie will not be joining me tonight. All day today she has been on an investigation on who ran over Rainbow Dash. And speaking of that. We have seen signs of her appearance all day. Sending Shiny Armor, Cadence, and Filthy Rich into a loop. But the question is, will she show up?"

Shiny Armor's music started to play. Showing words on the screen "GAME START". The crowd started to boo. But it didn't effect him. he was more pissed off after running around on a wild goose chase.

Shiny Armor, Cadence, and Filthy Rich came out and walked into the ring. Cadence grabbed a microphone quicker before anyone else could and starter speaking.

Cadence: "I'm sick and tired of all these games. Let me tell you one thing. Rainbow Dash, if this is you. I'm tired of this Rainbow Dash 20% cooler. So Cadence 20% cooler says if you are here, why don't you come down to this ring and we will all welcome you back to the Ponyville Wrestling Federation right now."

Spike: "Their hot!"

Celestia: "Can't make it any plainer than that."

Luna: "If your here, show yourself Dash."

Spike: "Twilight Sparkle guaranteed Rainbow Dash would be here......"

Rich: "Alright Ms. Dash, If your here. I promise you, Cadence and I will leave the ring."

Celestia: "What?!"

Spike: "Yea right!"

Rich: "It will be just you and Shiny Armor, Rainbow Dash."

Spike: "Yea Right!"

Luna: "That's the way it should be. That's fair."

Rich: "Come on Rainbow Dash. If your here, come on out! wheres your guts, Rainbow Dash! Come on! Come on!"

Celestia: "I told you she wasn't here."

Spike: "Mr. Rich is liven."

Shiny Armor then grabs the microphone from Filthy Rich.

Shiny: "Dammit, give me this. RAINBOW DASH!!!"

Celestia: "Uh-Oh!"

Shiny: "Alright, you been back in less than 24 hours supposedly and I'm already sick to death of you. So Rainbow Dash. Pony to pony. I am talking to you, Rainbow Dash. This is The Game. This is Shiny Armor. I am the ruler of Crystal Empire. And I am telling you to get your ass out her now!."

Spike: "I don't think I've ever seen Shiny Armor get hyped up like this."

Celestia: "If she is here, then she should show her face."

Luna: "I believe Rainbow Dash is here."

Celestia: "Where is she?!"

Spike: "Rainbow Dash is so unpredictable, Celestia. You know that. She could strike at any moment."

Celestia: "Telling ya, I think all this was a woose."

Shiny: "Know what Mr. Rich? Know what? She's either not here. She's either not in this building. or Rainbow Dash is a chicken sh*t!"

Spike: "I guaran-damn-teed she ain't that."

Celestia: "Well, it's one of the two."

Shiny: "That's what I thought. I'll tell you what tho. Yea, after all that. She is not gonna spoil this little party. Because I know some pony that is here......Twily!"

Celestia: "Uh-Oh! That's right!"

Shiny: "I know your in the back of the building, Twilight! And I'll tell you what. I know I told ya that I was sick of you. I know I told ya that I was tired of you. But I changed my damn mind.

Twilight! Your match is with Tempest, right? So I'll tell you what. Why don't you and Tempest walk your asses down this ramp right now. And fight me, Twilight!"

Celestia: "Now?!"

Shiny: "Come on, Twily!"

Celestia: "Right now?!"

Shiny: "Lets have a 3-way finals match now."

Spike: "Shiny Armor is calling out Twilight and Tempest!"

Shiny: "Go head! Cheer for your princess.......Na.......I guess just like Rainbow Dash. The Princess of Friendship is nothing but a chicken sh*t!"

Luna: "Jeeze!"

Spike: "I can guaranteed that that ain't right either."

Suddenly Twilight Sparkle's music came on and she came out on stage with a microphone. Looking at her brother with a serious look.

Spike: Wait a minute.........Twilight Sparkle is answering the challenge."

Celestia: "Come on, get in Twilight."

Shiny: "Come on, Twily!, None of us needs to wait until tomorrow!"

Twilight puts up a hoove at Shiny Armor to get him to stop talking.

Luna: "Uh-Oh! Talk to the hoove."

Twilight: "Finally, Twilight Sparkle HAS COME BACK to Ponyville!
Twilight Sparkle promised that Rainbow Dash was gonna be here tonight.

Spike: "She did do that."

Twilight: "And Twilight Sparkle is a pony and a half living up to her word and always keeps her promises."

Celestia: "Oh my gosh!"

Spike: "Rainbow Dash is gonna be here then!"

Twilight: "Now all day long, Twilight Sparkle therely enjoyed watching all your candy asses.......get confused.......get paranoid. Mr. Rich beating up the cardboard cut out of Rainbow Dash. You should be lucky that the creator didn't beat your ass. Real tough........Shiny Armor beating up the Rainbow Dash look a like in front of a shop. Who do you think Twilight Sparkle is?
Twilight doesn't dress like Rainbow Dash. Twilight doesn't talk like Rainbow Dash. Twilight doesn't look like Rainbow Dash. But, She looks like Rainbow Dash."

Twilight pointed towards the television screen show Rainbow Dash on it. The crowd was going wild.

Celestia: "What?"

Spike: "Celestia and Luna, it's Rainbow Dash! It's Rainbow Dash!"

Celestia: "Where is she?"

Luna: "It's Rainbow Dash, but where is she?"

Rainbow: "I understand you jackasses been looking for me. Hell, I'm out at the train station. I been out all night long. There seem to be some concern if I'm still going to be able to compete tonight. Will Rainbow Dash show up to face Shiny Armor? Or will Rainbow Dash won't be able to show up to face Shiny Armor. Thats an easy one for Rainbow Dash to answer and the answer to that is, Hell Yea. I'll be there. But what I've got right here now is a little demonstration what will happen to you. When I got my hooves on you.

You see, there are a lot of ponies that are good at construction. A lot of ponies are good at building with their hooves. Hell, since all I ever been good at is tearing sh*t up. Basically what I'm saying is, I'm good at deconstruction. So what we got here is my little build toy and Rainbow Dash got just a little example of what might happen when I get my hooves on you.

Spike: "Wait a minute Celestia and Luna! That's.......that's the Crystal Empire Express! SWEET CELESTIA!!!"

Rainbow Dash sat in a crane and dropped a big cement road construction block on to the train. Which caused it to explode into flames of fire.

Rainbow: "And that's the bottom line. Because Rainbow Dash said so."

Spike: "Rainbow Dash just blow up Shiny Armor and Cadence's Crystal Empire Express train. She is on her way here. We'll be right back ladies and gentle colts. Shiny Armor VS Rainbow Dash is next!"


(Chapter 14)

Spike: "Welcome back ladies and gentlecolts to PWF. Just moments ago, Rainbow Dash has returned after being run-down by Shiny Armor and Cadence's Crystal Empire Express train. Just in less than 24 hours."

Luna: "Indeed Spike. Rainbow Dash came back with an explosive vengeance by blowing up their express train."

Celestia: "How dare she! That was royalty property."

Spike: "Royalty or not. Rainbow Dash has struck and now the match is about to get underway."

As Rainbow Dash's song started to play following behind a glass shattering sound. The crowd started cheering wildly. Shiny Armor was gettinng pumped up while Filthy Rich and Cadence stepped out of the ring to head back to the backstage. Rainbow Dash then came out ready to fight. The crowd cheered even louder as Shiny Armor got out of the ring and headed towards Rainbow Dash to start the fight halfway down the stage ramp.

Spike: "And their she is, Rainbow Dash! She's here to settle business with The Game."

Luna: "Uh-Oh! Wait a minute."

Celestia: "Shiny Armor is not gonna waste any time.

Spike: "And here we go ladies and gentlecolts. The fight is on. But the match hasn't officially started yet. Nor did Fluttershy get a chance to announce the two competitors."

Rainbow Dash and Shiny Armor were brawling it out. Left and right hoove punches. Back and forth up the ramp, heading towards the left side of the stage where the crowd was.

Spike: "Rainbow Dash is taking the fight into the crowd. The fans are loving this."

Luna: "They gotta get back to the ring."

Celestia: "Come on, Shiny Armor. Get her!"

Rainbow Dash was doing most of the beating in the crowd. Throwing Shiny Armor left and right against Discord's television equipment area. Shiny Armor was wearing down from all the hits. But also Rainbow Dash to was wearing down from throwing him. One thing they both know is that they need to get back to the ring to pin the other.

But before they do, Shiny Armor needed to think of something to turn the tables. He noticed Discord following them with a TV camera, which gave him an idea.

Spike: "The Iron Pony is wearing down The Game, over by Discord's television production area. She just needs to get him back to the ring."

Luna: "If she gets him over back to the ring. Rainbow Dash would probably have a clean sweep victory."

Celestia: "How dare she. Shiny Armor has a wife to go back to."

Spike: "I don't think Rainbow Dash plans on having him go to his wife in one piece, Celestia...........SWEET CELESTIA!!!"

Celestia: "What the!?"

Spike: "Sweet Celestia! Rainbow Dash is busted wide open!"


Spike: "Shiny Armor grabbed the TV camera from Discord and smashed it across Rainbow Dash's face."

The crowd was going wild chanting: "Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t!", after Shiny Armor smashed the TV camera across her face. Leaving her with a bloody face. Shiny Armor wasn't wasting anytime. He grabbed Rainbow Dash by the tail and dragged her back to the ring. He pushed her into the ring while she was still trying to recover and stood in one of the corners on the ring, waiting for the referee to officially start the match as he checked on Rainbow Dash's injuries.

Rainbow Dash wasn't giving up. She was determine to defeat Shiny Armor. She waved off the referee to let him know that she was good to go.


The sound of the ring bell made as the referee signaled to start the match.

Spike: "And here we go ladies and gentlecolts. The match is official and The Game is not wasting anytime."

Shiny Armor rushed over to Rainbow Dash and wore her down some more with multiple punches to the face. Then he pulled her out from the corner into the middle of the ring to do his finishing move, "Pedergree". The crowd was booing loudly at Shiny Armor but, he didn't care. No matter how tough Rainbow Dash was. He was going to defeat her. Even if it ment ending her career.

Celestia: "Rainbow Dash is in a bad position...........PEDERGREE!!!"

Luna: "Here's the cover! Is it over?"

Spike: "1......2.........No! Rainbow Dash kicked out by a moments breath."

Celestia: "What does Shiny Armor got to do to put Rainbow Dash away."

The crowd was shocked about Rainbow Dash kicking out of the pin. Shiny Armor couldn't believe it either as he sat there looking at Rainbow Dash's helpless body on the mat. He was starting to get fustrated. After a few moments of catching his breath. He snapped. He rolled out of the ring and looked under it for a weapon to use. He didn't care about getting disqualified. He was wanting to end Rainbow Dash's flying days.

Celestia: "Uh-Oh! What is he looking for?"

Luna: "Don't do it Shiny Armor. You'll get disqualified."


Celestia: "Some pony stop the match!"

Luna: "This is going way to far!"

Spike: "Celestia! Luna! You both are rulers of Equestria! STOP THIS DAMN MATCH!!!"

Celestia: "We can not interfere. Only the referee can make that call."

Luna: And that's only if the sludge hammer gets used."

Shiny Armor pulled out a sludge hammer. The crowd went wild over it but also booed at the same time.

He got into the ring and the referee was in his face, telling him to get rid of the weapon or he would be disqualified. But Shiny Armor had no intention to listen and shoved the referee to the side. Rainbow Dash was still helplessly lying down on the mat, bearing moving.

Shiny Armor stood over Rainbow Dash, speaking directly to her about that he is better and above her. Then he raised the sludge hammer over his head. Until suddenly a party song came on from the stage. It grabbed the crowd's attention. Including Shiny Armor's as well.

The crowd looked and see who was coming out. It was pinkie pie, wearing her detective outfit and with a microphone in hoove.

Spike: "It's Pinkie Pie! Is she her to save Rainbow Dash!?"

Celestia: "What is she doing here?"

Luna: "The incident with Rainbow Dash has already been solved."

Pinkie: "Now I did say that I'll have this investigation of, Who ran over Rainbow Dash?, solved. And unfortunately, all the evidence points to you Shiny Armor."

Celestia: "Well we pretty much already know that. Lets get on with the match."

Spike: If thats official. Shiny Armor should be disqualified."

Shiny Armor had his eyes locked on Pinkie Pie while the crowd booed him.

Pinkie: "You and Cadence were art the train station at the time of, before and after, the crime took place. It was your private train with your hoove prints all over it."

Luna: "That's right!"

Pinkie: "Shiny Armor! I here by that your.........Not!.....Guilty!"

Celestia: "What!?"

Luna: "Not guilty!?"

Spike: "Then, who did it!?"

Pinkie: "You see, the one question remained. How was the engine already running in a short amount of time before Shiny Armor and Cadence arrived? Who else had a motive against Rainbow Dash. The one item that was found solved it. At first it looked like a badge from the Royal Guard. Which you were in, Shiny Armor. But, after cleaning it. It turned out to be a lead pony badge from the Wonderbolts Flight Academy. And who was Rainbow Dash's lead pony?........The one sitting right there front row seat Lightning Dust!"

The crowd went wild after hearing it was Lightning Dust along. Lighting Dust was sitting front seat with a guilty look on her face. Even Shiny Armor turned around and looked at her with a pissed off face.

Spike: "Sweet Celestia! It was Lightning Dust all along!"

Celestia: "I knew Shiny Armor hadn't done it!"

Luna: "Say what!?"

Pinkie: Admit it! You were mad at Rainbow Dash for defeating and humiliating you at the qualifying rounds. When you saw Shiny Armor and Cadence going to the train station. You knew Rainbow Dash would follow. So you flew there fast and waited on the train engine to run her over. And you thought you would get away with it because it would made it look like Shiny Armor did it. Noe you are sitting there, front row seat, to watch Rainbow Dash's downfall."

Shiny Armor put down the sludge hammer and grabbed a microphone.

Shiny: LIGHTNING DUST!!! You tried to frame me!?"

Lightning Dust then got up and flew out of the Town Hall. Leaving the place before any pony starts laying a hoof on her.

Spike: "And there goes Lightning Dust. Like a damn coward!"

Luna: "Wait a minute......wait a minute."

Celestia: "Shiny Armor, don't turn around!"

Spike: "STUNNER!!! Here's the cover......1!......2!......3!"


Fluttershy: "Here's your winner.........RAINBOW DASH!!!"

The crowd cheered while Rainbow Dash's song played. She was victorious after getting up and waited for the moment to pull off her finisher on Shiny Armor. She then got up after catching her breath and started to walk back to the backstage. There was now only two things on her mind. The final match and wanting some pay back on Lightning Dust.

Spike: "What an incredible match that was. Who will be Rainbow Dash's opponent in tomorrow's finals? We'll find out next! Tempest VS Twilight Sparkle."


(Chapter 15)

Spike: "Welcome back ladies and gentlecolts to PWF. Just moments ago, Rainbow Dash had returned to take on Shiny Armor."

Celestia: "The match started off as brawl in the crowd, but then got violent when Shiny Armor smashed a TV camera across Rainbow Dash's face."

Luna: "But it didn't end there. They finally got the match started and Shiny Armor still couldn't put her down. So then he snapped."

Spike: "It was all thanks to Pinkie Pie for coming out to expose Lightning Dust was the one who ran Rainbow Dash over. Distracting Shiny Armor from, who was going to end her with a sludge hammer. But then Rainbow Dash stunner him from behind for the victory. Now the question is who will be Rainbow Dash's opponent tomorrow. Lets take a look at what happened last night."

The crowd was hyped from the previous match and they were wanting more action. As they were showing a reply of Tempest and Twilight Sparkle's matches from last night. Twilight was getting prepared for her match.

"Rainbow!", yelled Twilight approaching her as Rainbow Dash came back from the ring. Hurting and bruised up.

"Rainbow! Are you alright?

"Oh, hey Twilight. Yea I'm alright.", replied Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow......please......for your sake.......please drop out. I'm asking you as a friend. Because I don't want to see you get hurt any worse."

"Drop out? Are you crazy? These bruises are nothing. I am not a quitter."

"Rainbow Dash please! This Attitude also needs to stop. Things have gotten way out of hooves."

"Twilight......I understand. But you need to understand that I am not a quitter. I made a promise to you to meet face-to-face at the finals. And I tend to keep it."


"No buts, Twilight. I'll be fine. You need to get going. Your match is next.", said Rainbow Dash leaving Twilight.

Twilight was still worried about Rainbow Dash's injuries. But she needs to get out to the ring for her match.

"IF YOU SMELL!!! What Twilight Sparkle is cookin'."

Twilight's music turned on as the crowd started to cheer while Twilight came out on stage. Walking to the ring.

Spike: "And here she comes. Ponyville's Princess, The Princess of Friendship, going to give a lesson to Tempest about friendship."

Celestia: "Spike, as Twilight's teacher. I have never seen Twilight more serious and focused than ever before."

Luna: "One thing she will definitely needs to do is avoid Tempest's knockout punch."

Spike: "Back when the Storm King came into Equestria. Tempest was the commander of the Storm Creatures and invaded Canterlot. Tempest had different thoughts about friendship. But thanks to Twilight for showing her the light. But now, it seems that those thoughts, had been re-ignited."

As Twilight got into the ring. She climbed up on a turnbuckle to smell the air and feel the electricity from the crowd.

Fluttershy: "Introducing.......from Ponyville......The Princess of Friendship......TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!"

Twilight Knows what happened to Spitfire when she faced Tempest. She felt fear towards Tempest. But that's one thing that Twilight will not allow. And to not get hit by her knockout punch. Twilight was ready.

There was a sound of thunder. Then Suddenly the lights went out. But leaving a dim blue light. The sound of a singing choir chanting loudly was playing. Like the sound of war. Coming down the stage ramp were a group of Storm Creatures in two single file lines marching. The front 2 Storm Creatures were holding Storm King's flags while the rest behind them carried fire torches.

Spike: "The thunder.........The Lightning."

Celestia: "What is this?........what...what is this?"

Luna: "It's them. We have seen the Storm Creatures before. Representing Storm King, worldwide."

Celestia: "Spike! Luna! This is not fair to Twilight..........Look at this!"

Spike: "My goodness. How many Storm Creatures are there?"

The Storm Creatures stopped marching at the end of the ramp. All the ones with fire torches turned to each other and held them up touching them together, forming like arches. The chanting music had came to an end. Then a bolt of lightning struck the stage.

Celestia: "Wow!"

Spike: "A bolt of lightning just struck. Uh oh.......here she comes. This ovation will be not of this world."

Luna: "It's gonna be definitely."

Tempest's song "Open Your Eyes" instrumental started to play and out from the back stage, walking slowly, was Tempest. Wearing her battle armor while being accompanied along side with Grubber, who was eating some cake.

Spike: "There she is! The Princess of Combat!......Thunder and lightning! What a hilarious match this will be. Two leaders are about to collide."

Celestia: "Twilight Sparkle swore that she wouldn't due battle with Tempest again. She had promised not to break that friendship bond. But, she has been pushed over the edge. And now, it's gonna happen."

Spike: "Who will........Open.......their eyes?"

Fluttershy: "Now entering the ring.......from Crystal Empire........TEMPEST!!!"


Spike: "Here we go. The match is starting with a stare down."

Celestia: "Don't do it Twilight. You saw what happen to Spitfire."

Luna: "Twilight should know better."

Tempest and Twilight stated at each other, walking slowly around in a circle. Tempest was trying to intimidate Twilight. But Twilight was keeping her cool. But, who was going to strike first. After a few moments. Tempest realized that she couldn't get Twilight intimidated. So she decided to strike first with her knockout punch.

Spike: "And now Tempest going to strike first.....POW!!! SWEET CELESTIA!!! KNOCKOUT!!!

Celestia: "She didn't even wait for Twilight to make a move."

Tempest struck Twilight with an uppercut knockout. The same move down on Spitfire. Twilight was down and out. The crowd was shocked. Thinking this was the end for Twilight.

Spike: "TWILIGHT!!!"

Celestia: "Get up!"

Luna: "This could be over!"

Tempest picked up Twilight's helpless self and gave her a sinister look in the eyes. Twilight was feared. She the held Twilight upside-down to deliver her finisher.

Spike: "I can't watch!"

Celestia: "Nooooo!"

Luna: "TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!! It's over! 1......2.......wait what?"

Celestia: "What is the referee doing?"

Spike "The referee stopped the count because Twilight has her hoove on the ring rope. Which forces go break the pin fall count."

Celestia: "Tempest can't believe it!"

Luna: "Twilight has found away to break out of the pin fall."

Tempest was shocked about what just happened. The referee waved to Tempest to back away from Twilight, who just did a rope break. As Twilight got back up, catching her breath. Tempest was furious and tried to throw another knockout punch but, Twilight strike first by throwing multiple right hoove punches and then gave her a "Rock Bottom" to the mat. Setting her up for her finisher. "The Pony's Hoove."

Spike: Twilight is unloading multiple punches on Tempest and......ROCK BOTTOM!!!"

Celestia: "Here it comes!"

Luna: Twilight is setting Tempest up."

Spike: "Th crowd is going wild.......hop over.......against the ropes and......WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Celestia: "What the?"

Luna: "Tempest isn't finished yet."

Spike: "Tempest raised up like nothing happened."

Twilight couldn't believe that Tempest got back up while she was in the middle of her finisher. Twilight had a shocking look on her face. She tried to throw multiple punches again but Tempest blocked them until Tempest knocked Twilight down with a powerful punch. Then takes a moment to catch her breath. The crowd was chanting Tempest's name, just as well as Grubber outside the ring. Tempest didn't believe the match would of been this long. She figured one knockout punch would of finished Twilight. She knew that she needed to end this. She stood over Twilight and grabbed her by the throat with one hoove and picked her up to finish her with a "Choke Slam".

Spike: "I don't know how much more energy, Twilight has left."

Celestia: "Look at this Crowd."

Luna: "Tempest could end this."

Spike: "Tempest......picking up Twilight by the throat.......looking for a Choke Slam.......TWILIGHT!!!.....she jumped out of the Choke Slam and now unloading once again with multiple right hoove punches......and against the ropes."

Celestia: "Wait a minute! Grubber is distracting Twilight with a piece of cake."

Luna: "Don't fall for it Twilight."

As Twilight ran to the ropes, to bounce off of, Grubber got up on the side of the ring to distract her with a piece of cake. Tempest knew what Grubber was doing. So she went up behind Twilight for an attack. But Twilight was smarter. At the right timing. Twilight ducked out of the way as Grubber accidentally hit Tempest in the face with cake. The crowd was going "AWWWWWWW!!!" loudly. Grubber couldn't believe what he just did. Twilight wasn't wasting any time.

Spike: "Grubber! Hit Tempest in the faced with cake!"

Celestia: "I hope it was tasty!"

Spike: "And here comes Twilight!....ROCK BOTTOM!!!"

Celestia: "Can she put Tempest away!"

Luna: "Off the ropes....hop over...."

Spike: "The Pony's Hoove! The cover!......1......2......3! She did it!"


Fluttershy: "Here's your winner.......TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!"

Spike: "What a match that was! Twilight will now be moving on towards the finals to face Rainbow Dash, tomorrow night!"

After the bell rang. Twilight's song turned on. The crowd was cheering. Twilight took a moment to breath and got up to look at the crowd. Grubber got into the ring to help Tempest get up but before he could do so, Tempest got up on her own. Twilight turned and looked at her to see that her face was still covered with cake.

Spike: "Wait a minute!"

Celestia: "Twilight! I'd get going if I was you."

Tempest wiped the cake off her face. Both Tempest and Twilight looked at the mess on Tempest's hoove, then looked at each other and started laughing together. Tempest and Twilight both gave each other a hoove bump. Tempest and Grubber both left the ring. Leaving Twilight in the ring to celebrate her victory.

Spike: "Both Tempest and Twilight, laughed together. Their friendship is back..........Ladies and gentlecolts. I just gotten news that Mr. Rich is on his way out here to congratulate Twilight and Rainbow Dash for making it to the finals. Don't go away. We will be right back."


(Chapter 16)

The match between Twilight Sparkle and Tempest has come to an end. Twilight had claimed victory. She celebrated along with the crowd, who were chanting her name. But the most important thing to her was regaining the friendship bond between her and Tempest again.

Filthy Rich's music "No Chance in Hell" turned on. It caught Twilight and the crowd's attention, having them to settle down from the celebrating and watched Filthy Rich come out on stage and walked down the ramp to the ring with a microphone.

Spike: "Welcome back ladies and gentlecolts to PWF. Twilight just defeated Tempest and now Mr. Rich is coming out here to congratulate her."

Celestia: "That was one heck of a match."

Luna: "Indeed. Now we're about to hear it from the boss."

Rich: "Alright! Alright! Alright! Settle down. So, how is everybody enjoying the tournament?"

The crowd started to cheer wildly and chanted "PWF! PWF! PWF!" They been loving the action for the past days and can't wait for the finals.

Spike: "It's been one hell of a tournament."

Celestia: "That indeed Spike."

Rich: "Now I want to get both Ms. Sparkle and Ms. Dash out here in the ring together, but. I just want to ask Ms. Sparkle. Are you ready to face Rainbow Dash tomorrow night?"

Twilight took a moment to think. While she looked at the cheering crowd. Deep down, she didn't really want to fight her friend Rainbow Dash, who has been bruised and beaten throughout the competition. But she didn't want to break Rainbow Dash's promise. Then she had an idea that maybe she can talk some sense to her during the match. It may not worked before. But just maybe when they are both face-to-face.

Twilight: "I will kick Rainbow Dash's candy ass!"

Spike: "Twilight is ready!"

Celestia: "Alright.......alright. Now lets go ahead and bring out Rainbow Dash."

Both Filthy Rich and Twilight Sparkle turned towards the stage. Waiting for Rainbow Dash to come out.

Suddenly a loud glass shattering sound was heard, followed by Rainbow Dash's song playing. The crowd started to cheer loudly. But they cheered even louder when instead of just Rainbow Dash coming out. It was Rainbow Dash coming out driving an Apple Cider delivery truck down the ramp to the ring. On both sides of the truck had Flim and Flam's faces on it, smiling side by side with their company logo saying "Flim & Flam's Apple Cider Co."

Filthy Rich and Twilight Sparkle were both shocked. They both had their jaws to the mat. Couldn't believe Rainbow Dash drove an Apple Cider delivery truck into the Town Hall. Rainbow Dash got out of the truck, flew up and stood on top of it. Looking at the cheering crowd with a microphone in hoove. After a moment, she then set her sights on Twilight Sparkle while her music faded.

Spike: "Wait a minute......What the hell!" Celestia, Luna......It can't be!"

Celestia: "Look at this! Rainbow Dash is coming out with an Apple Cider delivery truck!"

Luna: "Rainbow Dash is driving the Apple Cider delivery truck."

Spike: "The Iron Pony is crashing this party. She's planning a party of her own. What a reaction for the pony, who could be the winner of this tournament, tomorrow night........Rainbow Dash!......Twilight!......Tomorrow Night!"

Rainbow: "Your ready for the final match? Give me a hell yea!"

"HELL YEA!!!", the crowd replied to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow: "You damn right, because Rainbow Dash has been jerked around long enough. And I will say this, rather you Filthy Rich try to interfere the match or not. It really don't make a damn, because that prize money is coming with me and that's all I got to say about that.

For the past few days.........Shut your little lips, or I'll come down there and knock your ass out right now.

For the past few days, I come out here and I sit here listening to you, spend your little nursery rhymes about educational lessons or The Magic of Friendship. Sweet Celestia girl! You better get your ass serious because, Rainbow Dash is going to take her ass to Ponyville. Check right into Princess Twilight's Castle, Roll right into room 20% Cooler, and burn that son of a b*tch to the ground.

You look at me........Move some of your hair away from your face. So I can see your eyeballs girl. Move it! Because I want you to look right here. When that bell rings and the match is over. You are looking at this tournament's winner and that's the bottom line. Because RAINBOW DASH SAID SO!!!

As far as right now goes. The big celebration, afterwards, Rainbow Dash is gonna drink a hell of a lot of Apple Cider, but. I Think we are to sure a little pre-match Apple Cider right now."

Rainbow Dash then put down the microphone and got off the delivery truck and started to grad something along side of it.

Twilight: "I tell you what, Hey! Rainbow Crash! You come out here and make your idol threats like your the great one, but. Obviously your not. So Twilight says, you take that truck and drive it right back down to Ponyville. And you check right back into my castle. And you check your candy......"

Rainbow Dash then pulled out a hose that sprayed Apple Cider right at Filthy Rich and Twilight Sparkle. Showering them with non-stop Apple Cider. The whole crowd was going wildly crazy about it. Evern the ponies that were sitting front row were getting a taste of the Apple Cider.

Spike: "Wait a minute.......Rainbow Dash!"

Celestia: "Ah! Apple Cider!"

Luna: "Rainbow Dash is creating an Apple Cider bath."

Filthy Rich and Twilight Sparkle were both soaked. Slipping and falling down. Trying to get out of the way. After a few moments of bathing both Filthy Rich and Twilight Sparkle in Apple Cider, Rainbow Dash put down the truck hose and stood back on top of the truck to get some pop from the crowd. She started waving to the crowd for some bottles of Apple Cider which they threw to her up in the air. Rainbow Dash catched multiple bottles. Smashing 2 bottles together over her head and drinking them, while her music played. Then she got down from the truck and left the arena.

Spike: "Rainbow Dash........A determine Rainbow Dash. She is ready for tomorrow night. The Iron Pony has struck again. Celestia, Luna.......she is focused. She is determined to win this tournament tomorrow night. Can Twilight defeat Rainbow? Thank you Celestia and Luna for joining with me on commentary tonight and the viewers. It's been an explosive night Good night every pony."


(Chapter 17)

It was the day of the final match in the wrestling tournament. Rainbow Dash vs Twilight Sparkle was the main event. Ponyville was still packed with fans of all different creatures. Like it was a festival going on. Half of them were wearing Rainbow Dash merchandise and the others were wearing Twilight Sparkle merchandise. Showing their support to who they were cheering for.

  Everyone was having a great time. Hanging out, buying product from ponies businesses, and meeting new creatures. Except Lighting Dust, who was trying to hide out at a Bingo event room, from Rainbow Dash.

The Bingo event was being hosted by Granny Smith. Who was calling out the numbers to all the players. which were mostly elderly ponies.
  "Ok.......O61", Granny Smith announced. Some of the elderly ponies put down markets on their Bingo board and others didn't. But lightening Dust was getting frustrated about not getting the last number that she needs to win.

  "Next number is.......N31"
  "Listen! Would you please come.....would you please speed up! I don't have all day. Please! Thank you.", yelled Lightening Dust and sat right back down to let the game to continue.
  "How about an E12?"
  "Come on woman.", Lightening frustrated.
  "Ok, try G54."
  Lightening Dust ruffled her main in frustration. She then noticed the elderly pony next to her had only a few numbers left and is on a role. She then tapped on the elderly pony and pointed her attention in a direction to quickly swap Bingo cards under her nose.
  " Yea! Hahaha! I got that one. Haha! Keep them rollin'. Yes! keep them rollin'.", said Lightening Dust feeling good and the elderly pony next to her looking at Lightening Dust. Not wanting to attempt to bother her.
  "Next number is....B6."
  "Yea! Hahaha!.......What are you looking at me for?", said Lightning Dust. Turning around noticing another elderly pony was glaring at her for swapping bingo cards.
  "Is this your friend? Would you please tell her to quit looking at me. No would you just shut up. Cause I don't like you."
  "Huh?.....Be quite Margret. Be quite, be quite.", said the elderly pony behind Lightning Dust. Trying to tell her elderly pony friend to just ignore Lightning Dust.
  "Like I said. Please just shut up. I'm the Bingo Pony and I'm about to win this. One more number. Lets go!"
  "Alright, lets go ahead and continue the game. The next one is RD.....as in Rainbow Dash 20% Cooler.", said a familiar voice which was Rainbow Dash. As soon as Lightning Dust looked up and saw Rainbow Dash standing next to Granny Smith, with a smirk on her face. She flew out of the Bingo Hall in a heartbeat. Rainbow Dash took off as well after her on a pursuit chase.
  "Bingo! I got a Bingo!", said the elderly pony, Margaret. Winning with Lightning Dust's Bingo Card.

  Meanwhile, at Twilight's castle. Twilight was warming up for her match later on. But, also thought about of needing to stop Rainbow Dash from her attitude behavior.

  "123.....123.....123.....",said Twilight. Counting to herself.
  "Twilight? I see you are warming up.", said Spike entering Twilight's room through the front door.
  "Oh hey Spike.", Twilight greeted.
  "So you are going to go through with this?"
  "I have to Spike. The only way that I think Rainbow Dash will listen to me is by being her opponent. This match is not about the prize money. It's about saving her from her attitude behavior. We all came into this tournament for fun and competition. But, Rainbow Dash's actions had been happening inside and outside the ring. She has insulted and destroyed pony's property possessions. I can't let her end up destroying Ponyville."
  "But what about Shiny Armor?"
  "I'll patch things up with him later. Right now it's about Rainbow Dash."
  "Alright, I'll see you later Twilight."
  "Ok, I'll see you tonight, Spike.", said Twilight. As Spike left the room and Twilight went back to her warm ups.

  As Lightning Dust flew to escape from Rainbow Dash's grasp. She figured another place where she would loose her is at the supermarket area.
  While she camouflaged herself among the crowd. She decided to snack on a few things at a booth by pick pocketing behind the vendor's back. She then heard a few ponies yell "Rainbow Dash!". She then turned around and saw Rainbow Dash walking past throw an intersection from left to right. Rainbow Dash didn't see her. So Lightning Dust figured this was the opportunity to ambush her. She quietly looked around the corner and saw the back side of Rainbow Dash. Taking pictures with other ponies. She then came up from behind and attacked Rainbow Dash. Throwing her to the ground, kicking, and punching. While the others around them ran away screaming. But than had a shocking look on her face when she realized it wasn't Rainbow Dash. It was a pony cosplaying as her.

  "What the hell?", said Lighting Dust.
  "Not again. Please, if it's money that you want. Take it!", said the cosplaying pony. Who was terrified.
  She then heard the sound of a can of Apple Cider opening. Which it was Rainbow Dash right behind her. Ready to whip her ass out in the public supermarket.

  Rainbow Dash attacked Lightning Dust, kicking, throwing punches, and then threw her into a fruits/vegetables booth. Having her lat on the baskets of vegetables.

  "Ketchup! Want some ketchup Lightning Dust? How about some mustard too?", said Rainbow Dash. Grabbing a bottle of ketchup and mustard from a nearby hotdog stand and pouring them on Lightning Dust. She then picks her up and throws her into the next booth, which were baskets of peanuts and walnuts. Rainbow Dash was picking up some of the baskets of peanuts and dumping them all over Lightning Dust. Ponies, dragons, griffins, and yaks all stood around them watching and cheering on Rainbow Dash. Even tho business owners were the ones upset about their destroyed booths.

  Rainbow Dash picked up Lightning Dust and laid her on a wheelbarrow. She started to push her towards "Sugarcube Corner".
  "Oh Lighting Dust. We are just getting started. I love shopping.......I love shopping. Wanna go bake a cake? Lets go bake A nice cake.", said Rainbow Dash. Trying to have a conversation with Lightning Dust, which she ended up pushing the wheelbarrow right through the front door of "Sugarcube Corner". Mr. & Mrs. Baker both ran out screaming in terror and didn't want to be involved. Pinkie Pie also ran with them screaming as well. Just to be apart of it.

  Rainbow Dash was throwing Lighting Dust into shelves and bakery stands. She even started throwing eggs at her and flour.

  "Here some eggs and flour too!.....Icing! A nice cake needs to be topped off with some icing!", said Rainbow Dash as she was grabbing some icing of a shelf.

  Lightning Dust was able to catch her breath and counter attacked Rainbow Dash from behind, kicking and punching, taking all her anger out on Rainbow Dash for humiliating her. Even now for being covered in egg yolk and flour. She then throw her into the kitchen and locked the door, catching her breath again, and walked out of "Sugarcube Corner". Needing now to escape from Rainbow Dash. But, little did she know that there was a window from the kitchen. Which Rainbow Dash opened up to get out while drinking a jug of milk.

  "Thanks Lightning! Got Milk?!", yelled Rainbow Dash as she threw the milk jug at her and laid her back on the wheelbarrow. The crowd were still around them sheering on Rainbow Dash. Chanting her name. While they waited for tonight's main event, they all found this fight a special treat.

  "Shopping makes me tired.....shopping makes me tired.", said Rainbow Dash. Opening up a can of Apple Cider and drinking it, which she grabbed from a nearby vendor. Then hit Lightning Dust with the can.
  "Lets go checkout!", Rainbow Dash pushed the wheelbarrow right in front of a cashier pony and rolled Lightning Dust on to the counter table.

  "Price check on jackass!", she yelled while flying away to get ready for her match. Leaving Lightning Dust in a mess.



Last Updated: 2/6/21

Edited by Cl0udChaser
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  • The title was changed to PWF: Attitude is Magic (Ponyville Wrestling Federation)
  • 8 months later...

Fluttershy: Coming to thr ring, from ponyville, KING SLIVER!!


Moments ago, tgtv567 said:

Fluttershy: Coming to thr ring, from ponyville, KING SLIVER!!



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