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private Meeting of the Minds (1x1 RP with Jedishy)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter breathed an internal sigh of relief. She had either not heard his comment or was being polite and letting it pass unquestioned. He hated seeming like a charity case but at the same time, it felt dishonest to hide how grateful he was to have a stable situation in his life again. 

" I would love whipped cream but marshmallows would be a bit too sweet. So what are your normal evenings like? I mean what does a normal pony do at night? I mean I was a vagabond so I generally did not have lighting to do much outside a bit of reading by a campfire or small lantern before bed. But in a city like this it feels like you could do anything anytime you want. I wonder if other ponies realize how free they really are to live as they wish...

He trailed off wondering why some ponies wanted to stifle that freedom with codes of conduct that were stuffy and overbearing. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles "Whipped cream, hold the mallows, got it hon" she says and continues to make the cocoa, "As for a normal night for me? Do you mean before or after the curse?" she asks with a giggle "Regardless, for me, before the curse, it was either playing the piano or sitting in front of the fire, reading a good book" she says, bringing the mug over to him and handing it over "After..Well the later, but also sometimes conversing with spirits"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter dug into the bags of sweets and set a bar of dark chocolate, a role of sweet bread and a chocolate chip cookie on a plate. Then made a second plate and brought it to Tranquil. As he settled in he sat with the mug of coco in his hands and gently fanned his wings to cool it. It was a trick that let him speak and cool his drink at the same time. 

" So what is speaking to spirits like? I mean I tried to render aid to you earlier with my energy work but I am not sure if that helped, hindered or did nothing. I dont even know if it something that would help in well I dont know if your line of work is the right phrase but I am sure you get my meaning.

As he finished speaking he took a square of dark chocolate and a small hunk of the sweet bread and put them in his mouth. He then took a small sip of the cooling chocolate and let it melt the two sweets together. His eyes slid half closed and he sighed a bit with pleasure at the taste. As he sat there enjoying the treat he gestured towards Tranquil half suggesting she try his method of eating the sweets and half indicating she could speak as he was paying attention. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She smiles and picks up a cookie, nibbling on it and swallowing her mouthful "For the most part, it's fine, kind of just like conversing with another pony" she says "Like, I mostly get a spirit who is lonely and just wants some company or comfort. But  when the darker, more evil spirits try to communicate with me, well, for the most part I just do a little ritual to shoo them away" she smiles "But I guess that has all changed now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Scarlet Rose

Winter continued to nibble at his treats and slowly sipped the coco thoughtfully.

" Why would it have changed? What is different? I know that the artifact is not exactly good but outside of that, I feel out of my depth. I know that Father Sunrise said that I might be able to help with some martial training. But is there anything else I can do to help? Any training you could share that might make me more useful in this situation?  

He stood and stretched out slowly flexing himself working out the kinks from the day that had passed. He wonders if he can really help her with an area he feels like a school pony in knowledgewise. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She sips on her cocoa a little "Mm well, I mean, I can still communicate with spirits, but now that I am finally rid of that artifact and the negativity in my life, the bad spirits will have a much harder time getting to me" she says, "and I am sure with the martial training you will be giving me, it will help to strengthen my wards" she says then nuzzles his cheek gently "Even the littlest bit helps, never forget that"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Winter nuzzles back and gives Tranquil a hug. 

" That makes sense. So do you want me to show you a trick I learned with energy? Its a bit taxing which is why I got so much sugar. If I get a lot of calories it keeps me from being exhausted after the fact. " 

Winter stands and breaks off two bricks from his chocolate bar and places them at the end of the table. He circles slowly pulling his hands close together and then across his chest. Reaching out his right arm out pointer and middle fingers extended together a small spark of electricity crackles out from his fingertips. As the energy departs his knees wobble and he staggers to grab the chocolate and crams both together in his mouth alongside a large draught of coco. Breathing shakily he turns to Tranquil with a grin. 

" You see the monks have found that everypony has a bit of magic or energy within them. Earth ponies use it to be strong and help plants grow. Pegasi use it to fly, walk on water and wtalk to animals. And well Unicorns have magic related to their talent but with training can expand it. But for nonunicorns, it's much more limited and very very hard to tap into consciously. 
Please keep this between us. It's one of the deepest secrets of the Temples and one that they have been hard-pressed to get
anypony to believe. I am not sure if even Celestia herself knows. Though what she knows is a mystery.....

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles and eats some of her snacks, listening to what Winter was saying and then watching him. "Winter..this energy, or life energy as you call it, is it anything like Chi energy?" she asks after swallowing a mouthful "like with Chakras and the such?" she asks, looking at him and smiling, "or as the spiritualists call it, Aura"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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" Yes, it is exactly that. The study of chakra and meditation is one of the keys to unlocking this power in nonunicorns. We have a very different sort of magic then the more overt unicorn magic but it still there

Winter sipped his coco and ate more of the snacks. The tremble in his hand from expending so much energy at once was slowly fading away. He was out of practice with this form as it had just not been useful in his travels. But now he felt it might be a tool to resharpen. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She smiles and nods "Excellent, I have been aware of the life energy, but I've never done anything with it" she says "In essence, I've been pretty scared to, in case I just caused an even bigger opening for the evil spirits" she says to him "but now that the curse is lifted, it may be safe to do so"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

" I can see why you are worried about it leaving a bigger opening. It can leave you very drained. That is why physical training is important. A healthy body and a strong mind are essential for this sort of thing. Also, the training is a bit slow. First, you learn to cycle the energy internally then move to external efforts. You saw how that tiny display buckled my knees. That is what happens when you are out of practice. "

Winter slowly munched on his cookie contemplating a training schedule among other things within this new life. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil nods "I  can see, but you don't have to worry, I won't  tell anyone, besides, who'd believe the crazy mare that talks to spirits?" she asks with a giggle, she then nods once more "but I can see how that would work, a healthy body equals a healthy mind, or so they say. That's why I try my best to exercise and have a good diet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Winter polished off his cookie and smiled at Tranquil. 
" So do you meditate? What do you wish to do with the rest of the evening? I mean we could get to sleep and get an early start tomorrow. "

He gently patted her hand knowing he would be happy here regardless of how his family situation turned out. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"I've meditated a couple of times, but in the sanctity of the Church and under the guidance of a Priest" she says "I mean I don't put much stock in the religion, but I for some odd reason, feel at peace and restful at the Church, and I've always known that despite our differences in beliefs, the Church will always give me sanctuary and  aid should I need it" she smiles and looks out the window "It's reassuring, you know..like..they emulate the good naturedness, kindness and care that I've always known Celestia to show" she then blushes "I-I'm sorry, I'm rambling.." she giggles "As for the rest of the night, hmm..it may seem weird but...would you be up for snuggles and maybe just..watching a show or reading?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Winter smiled and nodded. 
" That sounds like a plan but if we are going to watch a show I think we could use some more coco? Maybe Yakyakistan this time switch things up a bit?

Winter settled back ready for a nice silent evening. It would be a far better night then he had in a long time. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Tranquil smiles and nods as she gets up and picks up their empty mugs, carrying them to the kitchen, cleaning them out and then begun to mix up the Yakyakistan cocoa "I am really happy we bumped into each other, you know" she says with a soft smile "I hope you don't mind me saying but..you give off a feeling of serenity and peace..I like it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Winter almost let out a snort of laughter. He did not want to seem dismissive but it was amusing to him. He snickered a bit and shook his head. 

" That must be the meditation. I practice daily. Generally three sessions a day. But you should see me when I spar. Meditation is a leash on things so that I can choose when I slip off the collar and get emotional. That way I am not rowdy at the wrong times. I am glad to have met you too. Most people are not sweet to me the way you are. That and despite the craziness of the day it was nice to feel normal for once. It's nice not to feel alone anymore. "

The last part sounded almost like Winter could not believe that he indeed was not alone anymore. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She smiles, bringing  over the cocoa "Here you go, and well, you were the first to show me kindness without wanting anything in return" she replies "and as you know, I believe that kindness given should receive kindness in return"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

" Well, I mean how should you treat somepony that sends you a drink without even knowing your name? I just figured I was bing polite. Besides being a vagabond with an empty bits pouch sorta leaves you used to not wanting much.

Winter chuckled at the last statement remembering how a bad storm left him in an abandoned shack in the woods with nothing but rainwater and some gathered crabapples and a few roots he found for about a week. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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She nods "Well yeah I get what you mean, but hey, look at how things  turned out" she smiles and nuzzles him "Well, if you stick around, I don't think you'll be having to worry about that anymore, which reminds me, we never discussed your pay" she says, thinking for a moment "I do wonder what the fair wage is"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

" Well considering you are letting me stay here I would think that 60 bits a week plus the room and board is fair compensation. That would allow me to build a savings and have some spending money. That does mean I need a bank account. I can't sleep on a bed of bits. Well, I could but that seems uncomfortable.

Winter nuzzled back and sipped his hot coco. It was a unique flavor that Yakyakistan had all its own. He smiled remembering a party that he attended with the Yaks there. The were gruff but friendly and it was fun to smash things with them. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"60 bits a week plus room and board sounds fair to me, alright I'll write up the contract so  its official, tomorrow" she says to him, enjoying the taste of the Yakyakistan hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows "I'll also increase your duties in time as well, give you more responsibility"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Winter nodded in agreement. This seemed like a plan. 

Well, that makes sense. Though we might have to train me a bit in store policy on things and give me some time to learn the inventory. I did ok for a day but I am sure there is a lot that goes into a store that I am unaware of. Oh and tomorrow we should start your training. The sooner we get started the sooner you reap the rewards. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Of course, you already know about the books and how they work, at least for me" she says with a smile "Tidying up is pretty basic, you've shown a good aptitude for it, and for selling and buying, well that's where the training will come in" she says and leans back a little, cuddling up to him "we will also need to work out a schedule"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Dream Walker

Winter put an arm around Tranquil and leaned back in his seat. 

" Well, I will just trust the boss to make the schedule then. Though I doubt I will have much of an excuse to be late considering... "

He trailed off with a chuckle and then a yawn. It had been a long exhausting day for him. But it was a good sign of things to come. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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