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private Showing the New Girl Around (Private W/ Emerald<3)


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Nikita was wondering through the streets of her home town, wondering what she could do, as she was finished with her work for the day and was growing increasingly bored. It was just then that she had passed a pretty and ornate mirror that had just seemed to have been put on the side of the road to be taken by someone who wanted it, or by the rubbish collectors. She looks around, finding no one nearby, her curiosity got the best of her and she had begun to look over it "There must be something wrong with this" she thinks to herself, running her hand along the edges "It's far too nice to just be thrown out like this" she once again thinks to herself, but as she had begun to gently run her finger along the glass of the mirror itself, she would feel her entire hand being drawn in, "What the.." she says out loud as she pulls her hand out and looks at the mirror. After giving it some careless thought, she would put her hand through the glass once more and then just find herself being drawn into the mirror in entirety.

After a few moments of going through the time and space vortex, she found herself being spat out of a statue that was in front of a high school. After rubbing her head a little, she would look up "O-ookay, just where the heck am I?" she'd ask, using the statue to help her stand up again, and then looking at the statue "Is..is this what I came out of?" she'd ask no one in particular before putting her hand against the stone, but nothing happened.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Hairspray was walking  when she saw the "strange creature." She jumped in fear, about to run away when she thought better of it. Pushing her uncombed, untamed, electric blue locks out of her violet eyes. She walked over to the girl and offered a kind smile, "Um... hello?" She said, her eyes brim with worry.

She didn't really like introducing herself to anybody, because at first sight she always seemed so be so unkempt and uncaring. However, her voice was filled with concern. 

Edited by Emerald<3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita blinked a little and turned to look around before she heard the voice and turned to see who it belonged to "O-oh uhm hello there, could you please tell me where I am?" she would ask the pony, "I uhm..found myself here after being pulled into a mirror I found where I am from"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Pulled into a mirror, huh?" Hairspray asked, touching the tip of her chin with her light grey hand, "Well, doesn't sound that unusual to me." She said with a quick shrug, her mind flashing back to when Twilight had come over from a different world.

"Nice to meet you, though." She said with a smile on her face, "I'm Hairspray."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"So I suppose that sort of thing happens often here?" she asks, but then smiles back "Nice to meet you too Hairspray, I'm Nikita, but my friends just call me Gray" she says with a small smile, her ears flicking somewhat as her tail slowly sways.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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7 minutes ago, Inlé said:


"So I suppose that sort of thing happens often here?" she asks, but then smiles back "Nice to meet you too Hairspray, I'm Nikita, but my friends just call me Gray" she says with a small smile, her ears flicking somewhat as her tail slowly sways.

"Well I wouldn't say it happens often, just three times so far." She took in the girl's ears and tail and shrugged as if they were nothing new, "Well then Grey, I'd love to show you around but class starts in just a few minutes."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita smiles "I can wait until you are free" she says "I might find the library though, see if I can find some books to read" she would wag her tail slightly, just happy the first person she met was friendly and nice.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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8 minutes ago, Inlé said:


Nikita smiles "I can wait until you are free" she says "I might find the library though, see if I can find some books to read" she would wag her tail slightly, just happy the first person she met was friendly and nice.

"Sounds good to me!" She replied, blowing back a large clump of her electric blue hair that had fallen into her face, "The library's pretty close, you should be able to find it easily." She nervously reached forward and hugged the girl, releasing a couple seconds after, "I'll see you after school, Grey!"  




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Inlé Hairspray returned an hour later during lunch hour, her frizzy blue hair now pulled up into a tangled bun. She was holding two trays of food as she walked over to the library to meet her new friend, figuring she would be hungry by now. She was close by when suddenly she was confronted by like, four people.

"Hey, Hairspray!" One greeted, "I totally love the new look you gave me when I came in last week."

"Yeah, can I have one exactly like it?"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

She slid down the wall in a mess of anxiety. She hated being confronted like this. 

Edited by Emerald<3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita wagged her tail a little more as she hugged Hairspray back before letting go "Alright, see you soon" she says as she made her way around the school ground to find the library.|

Nikita was busy reading a history book when she heard the noise outside the library and put her book down to see what was going on. when she saw what was happening, she sprung into action, putting herself between Hairspray and the group of girls "If you'd like to make an appointment to see miss Hairspray after school, please see me in the mess hall, but please do not harass her as she is quite busy with school herself and cannot afford to get ill from anxiety" she says, kindly yet sternly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The crowd backed up, studying the girl who dared to interrupt their "conversation" with the infamous teen hairstylist. Then they just shrugged and walked away, leaving a relieved Hairpray on the ground. 

She noticed the food on the ground, "I..  I wanted to bring you something to eat." She said sadly, looking down at the overturned food trays, "I'm sorry."

She got up on her own feet and smiled at the fox girl, "Thanks a lot, though Grey." She adjusted her backpack straps and smiled at her, "So, what have you been up to?"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita giggles and flicks her ears "It's no problem at all, and thank you for the thought" she would say, helping Emerald up and then helped her to clean up the mess "I've just been reading the history of this world, seems that our two worlds are fairly similar" she would say "Hey, I am hungry and if those girls do want you to do their hair, they'll have to see me to make an appointment anyway, lets say we get some food"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Inlé Hairspray nodded, "Let's go to the cafeteria, then. Hopefully they have some food you like there, though." She shrugged lightly and turned around.

She was wearing a white blouse with a red pendant in between her folded collar. The collar, as well as her sleeves, were lined with a single magenta stripe. Her skirt was a magenta sort of color, with a green can of hairspray on it, puffing out a cloud of the hair product. She was also wearing a pair of pearl white booties with black heels. 

"Not that most of it's edible, though." She mumbled, "Off topic, I'm not a expert on magic portals, but even I know that every world or dimension is going to be different, there are still things that will always be the same. Like... like the most important part of ourselves." She stated, "At least that's my theory."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita nods and smiles "Can only see and try it, if there isn't anything I like, I suppose I can wait until after and make my way to the shops or something" she'd say, shrugging in return and smiling. Her ears twitch at the mention of portals as she looks at her new friend "I guess that is true to say, from what I've been able to gleam from what I've read in the library" she smiles at her a little "most of the history and culture are pretty much the same"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Hairspray nodded and led the girl into the cafeteria, where they took their place in line. The frizzy-haired teenager grabbed her meal and announced that she would pick a table for them, quickly waving her hand after she had chosen a spot away from the more crowded ones, waiting until her new friend had paid. She pulled out a notepad and a piece of paper, copying some words down. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita had chosen a burger meal and a soda with a milkshake. She takes her tray and drinks over to the table that Hairspray had chosen and sat next to her. she smile as she picks up her burger and eats "Mmm, not bad, better than what I'd have at work or home anyway" she says after swallowing her bite.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Well, I mean, if there is a way for me to get home. I'm not too much in a rush though" she says with a bit of a sigh "Was a bit of a homebody back home, my day mostly consisted of wake up, shower, coffee with breakfast, work, home, dinner in front of tv or my computer" she'd explain then nods "and you are right, back home I'd mostly have ramen noodles"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"My family..I can't remember much of my family" she says, "Last I heard, they were all too busy to have anything to do with me" she says with a bit of a shrug, "and well, like I said, my life pretty much revolved around me being a loner"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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(Sorry @Inlé my phone was being stupid when I tried to reply earlier).

Hairspray frowned, "Well, I'm super sorry about that. I wish I could do something to help." She said sadly, "That must be lonely." She commented, "But to be honest... I'm lonely too."

She poked at her salad and treated her chin down on her hands, "Nobody seems to care to get to know me. They only know that I exist just because of my job. In fact, I don't think I have had an actual friend before."

Edited by Emerald<3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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//It's okay @Emerald<3

Nikita could somewhat understand "I can feel you Hairspray" she says and then places a hand on hers "But hey I'm here now" she would offer a sincere smile. She then continues her burger, looking to see if the girls would want to make any appointments, shrugging as she would swallow her bite and then look to Hairspray "I suppose looks can be deceiving" she giggles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"You can say that again." Hairpsray said, letting out an agitated growel when some of her hair fell loose from her bun. She blew it out of her face, only to have it spring back into place, it's greasy and dry texture annoying her.

"Stupid hair." She mumbled, "Stupid job." She finally just pushed her tray away from herself without eating anything else. Playing with the fabric of her white sailor-like top, she tugged at her sleeves, "Say." She commented, letting her knotted hair loose, "I have an idea... since we're friends and all? I was... well, mayb-- would you like to spend the night at my house?" She blurted out, covering her mouth in embarrassment.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Nikita would smile "I'd love to stay the night with you" she says, softly reaching over to hold her hand "I mean, it also gives me somewhere to stay other than the streets" she says with a gentle smile, noting three of the girls had started to approach them, "Well, guess it's time to earn my keep"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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19 hours ago, Inlé said:


Nikita would smile "I'd love to stay the night with you" she says, softly reaching over to hold her hand "I mean, it also gives me somewhere to stay other than the streets" she says with a gentle smile, noting three of the girls had started to approach them, "Well, guess it's time to earn my keep"

"Hey there, Spray!" The first one greeted, "Well, I see that nothing's going on with you at the moment, so I was wondering if you could give me that haircut? I was looking at the one you gave Moon Star a couple days ago, and want one just like that!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The messy-haired girl turned around, "Well, a style like that wouldn't frame your face well. I would suggest getting highlights, oh and some bangs. That would make you look fantastic." She faced the third girl, "Besides, Lucky Strike is the only one that could pull that cut off." She then turned to face the second girl, "I think your hair suits you just fine."

"Oh, come on! You don't mean that."  The girl said, "Besides, bangs are for ugly girls." She paused, "Like you."   She motioned to the girl's knotted electric blue bangs, "Seriously, for a hairstylist you sure have horrible hair."

More tears spilled down her face and she turned her head away in shame.

I don't understand why she's suddenly so mad at me...

Edited by Emerald<3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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