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adventure Daring Do and the Emblems of Shadows


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This fanfic is not 100% complete. It is like the first chapter or one part of a bigger fanfic. Regardless, I hope you enjoy reading it!


Daring Do and the Emblems of Shadows

In the mists of the jungle, brave and fearless adventure pony Daring Do finds herself surrounded by a gang of Earth pony stallions.

“Back off! Don’t you come any closer,” warned Daring Do.

The stallions laughed at Daring’s response. “You think you can get past all of us. You’re trapped with nowhere to run,” one stallion responded.

It was true. The stallions have cornered her in the trees, and she was in no condition to fly due to an earlier fight with Ahuizotl and his gang, where she injured her wing in the process. But still, I’m not going to let these lousy stallions outsmart me, she thought. She needed a plan. She knows she cannot attack head on because there were just too many of them. Twenty or so, she counted. She did not recognise these stallions before. She had never seen them before at all, and she wondered who were they working for? Daring scanned her situation. There was nothing but trees, but she sees that the branches from the trees can create a path for her. That will work, she thought. She quickly leaped into action, towards a tree with a low, thick branch. She then jumps onto another and another as if she were a monkey. If she was able to reach the highest branch, she would be able to jump over the stallions and make a run for it. The stallions simply just stood there, watching Daring move from tree to tree, helpless of intercepting Daring’s escape. Daring nearly reached the highest branch, but when she landed on the branch just before it, it snapped, unable to hold her weight. Daring fell from a great height and landed on some of the stallions. The unharmed stallions quickly captured her and tied ropes around her hooves and wings.

“Gotcha! You’re not getting away that easily!” exclaimed one of the stallions. He then puts a blindfold over Daring’s eyes.

Daring said nothing, as the gang of stallions took her away.


Daring had no idea where she was going, but it was a long walk. Eventually, the stallions threw her to the ground.

“Boss, here she is,” said one of the stallions.

“Very good,” replied the boss of the gang. He walked up to Daring. “Look who we have here. Daring Do! Hahahahaha! You’re not getting away this time!”

“Oh no,” said Daring, recognising the voice. The boss stallion removed Daring’s blindfold.

Caballeron!” Daring exclaimed. “So, it was you, huh? And it looks like you found a new group of henchponies who can actually do your job properly.”

“Silence! I know why you are here in this desolate jungle. What you are looking for, I want them too. I already have one of them!” said Caballeron, in a fearful tone.

Daring gasped. “You know what will happen if all of them come together. You cannot let that happen! It will doom all of Equestria!”

“You know me well enough that I’m not here for the destruction of Equestria. If I get my hooves on all of them, I’ll be able to sell them for thousands of bits! I’ll be rich!”

“But at what cost? If you get your hooves on all four, then Equestria will be in grave danger.”

“Ah, Daring. A criminal mastermind like myself already has a plan to deal with that. In the meantime, you will stay here so you won’t interfere with my plans. I only have three more to find.”

Caballeron then left through a door with his new henchponies, leaving four of them to guard Daring Do. Daring knew there was no way to escape now that she had been tied up. She looked around. She couldn’t make out where she was exactly, but she could guess she was in some temple. She looked up and saw that the room of the temple she was in didn’t have a roof. The position of the sun indicated that it was around afternoon at the moment. Daring, helpless, lied tied up on the floor with the four stallions around her. She was thinking of what her next move should be.


Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, the Mane Six were having a picnic at the park. Twilight and her friends brought plenty of food to share. They were eating and talking about their adventure when they defeated the Storm King.

“It was quite an adventure, wasn’t it?” said Twilight.

“It definitely was. I so glad we were able to help the hippogriffs return to Mount Aris,” said Fluttershy. “I just hope there won’t be another one anytime soon. I was very tired after all that excitement.”

“It was so much fun! I would love to go back to Seaquestria and make more seashell necklaces with the sea ponies!”

“When I told Apple Bloom the story, she could hardly sit still,” said Applejack.

“It was most certainly an exciting adventure. Visiting the land of Seaquestria has even inspired me to create a whole new line of ocean-themed dresses! I’m sure these dresses will look fabulous, and I can’t wait to show all of you!” said Rarity, excitedly.

“Rainbow Dash? How did you find the adventure?” asked Twilight.

“Huh? What?” said Rainbow Dash, surprisingly.

“Rainbow Dash? Is everything okay?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah. You’ve been awfully quiet lately. Usually talking about an adventure would get you all excited,” said Applejack.

“Oh, sorry everypony. I just don’t feel right today. Something seems wrong, but I can’t say what exactly,” replied Rainbow.

“I hope you’re not sick, Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy, concerned.

“No, I’m not sick.” I think it’s something else. Can you girls excuse me for a moment? There’s something that I need to do.”

With that, Rainbow Dash flew away.

Everypony else watched her fly off with puzzled looks on their faces.

“Should we go after her and make sure she is alright?” asked Fluttershy.

“Hmmm, I don’t think we should,” replied Twilight. “I think whatever Rainbow Dash is doing, she wants to do it alone, otherwise she would have asked us.”

Everypony looked back at where Rainbow Dash was headed, hoping everything was okay.


Rainbow Dash flew as fast as she could, heading towards A.K Yearling’s cottage. She felt that there was something wrong and needed to investigate. Once she entered, she had look around and spotted a map on a table nearby. The map was already rolled out and there were marks on it. The marks showed a trail that leads to a temple of some sort.

“I knew it! Daring Do needs help!” Dash quickly grabbed the map and flew off.

“Don’t worry, Daring Do! I’m coming to rescue you!”


Back at the temple, Daring was still tied up and out of ideas. No matter how hard she tried, there was no escaping the position she was currently in. If only I could get my hooves free, then I’ll be able to escape, she thought. Fighting four ponies is much easier than fighting twenty.

In the distance, a rumble could be heard, getting louder and louder with every second. Not too long after, a flash of rainbow entered the roof of the room Daring was in. After a couple of seconds of colourful flashes, stood there was Rainbow Dash. The guard stallions lied on their backs on the floor unconscious.

“Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?”

“I’m here to rescue you! I found this map on the table inside your cottage.” She gave Daring the map, which she stashed in one of her pockets.

“But what were you doing at my cottage in the first place?”

“That’s the weird part. I just sort of ‘felt’ that you needed help.”

“You ‘felt’ that I needed help?”

“More like ‘sensed’. I have no idea why I was able to though.”

“Beats me as well. It must be a friendship thing or something.”

“Probably. Anyway, is this another Daring Do adventure?”

“Let’s not talk here. These stallions could wake up at any moment. Let’s go over there.”

The mares quickly moved into the next room.

“Okay, what’s this about?” asked Rainbow.

“Right now, I’m on the search for the Emblems of Shadows.”

“The Emblems of Shadows? What’s that?”

“They are old artefacts. There are four of them out there, and Caballeron is trying to get them all. He already has one. His henchponies captured me and took me to this temple.”

“Caballeron? Those stallions before didn’t look like they were part of his gang.”

“Well, he hired new ones. Tons of them. Twenty at least.”

“Well, no matter who we face, they are no match for the two of us!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Anyway, what’s so special about these Emblems anyway?”

“They are super dangerous. I read in ancient, old texts that if all four of them come together, their union could create a massive vortex that could suck up all of Equestria inside!”

“What! Why would Caballeron want to do that?”

“He doesn’t. He just wants to sell the Emblems to the highest bidder of course.”

“Oh, right. No surprise there. What do these Emblems look like?”

“They look like this.” Daring took an object from her pocket. It looked like a type of symbol with a picture of a Pegasus pony.

“Huh? So that’s what they look like. Does Caballeron know you have one of the Emblems already?”

“I don’t think so. But even if I just kept this one, I cannot let Caballeron sell the other three.”

“Okay then! Looks like it’s time to find some Emblems! Where should we start?”

“That’s the thing, I have no idea. I found this one in a cave in the jungle, protected by creepy three-eyed snakes. But considering that this is a temple, and that Caballeron took me captive here, the other two must be somewhere here in the temple.”

“Then where should we start? Any clues?”

“Not that I know of. The ancient texts said that these Emblems are well hidden and carefully guarded. I think the first thing is to explore the temple. Just be careful that there are no traps. Follow me.”

“Lead the way, Daring! I’m right behind you!”


A couple of hours later...

“Found anything yet, Daring? We’ve been here for hours.”

“Nothing yet, Rainbow Dash. Wait! What’s that?”

Daring pointed to a wall that showed a scrambled image. A closer look at the wall revealed that there were multiple panels that made up the scrabbled image.

“Aha! A puzzle! One where you have to slide the panels to create a complete picture.”

“Awesome!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Let’s solve it!”

“Problem is that I have no idea what the final picture should be. The panels also look very similar to each other.”

Daring stared hard at the puzzle.

“It appears to be a pony of some kind.”

“An Earth pony!” exclaimed Rainbow. “Look at the drawings on the wall. They all show an Earth pony fighting a different monster.”

“Yes!” said Daring, excitedly. “And look at the cutie mark of the Earth pony. It also shows the same Earth pony. I bet that’s the picture of the puzzle. Look, Rainbow!”

Daring quickly ran back to the puzzle and began sliding the panels. It didn’t take her long to solve it. Once she completed it, she stood back. The picture was indeed the Earth pony’s cutie mark.

“Wow! Would it be weird to have yourself as a cutie mark?” said Rainbow.

“Probably, but look at the wall!” Daring pointed to the wall where the puzzle was. The wall split into two, revealing a secret tunnel.

“A secret passage! Awesome!” said Rainbow, excitedly.

“No time to waste. Let’s go!”

The two quickly ran into the tunnel, and once they reached the end, they stood right in front of what appears to be a number of loosely connected rope bridges dangling from the roof, over a deep ravine.

“Look over there!” shouted Daring. “See that light? It’s an Emblem! We must get across this ravine to get it!”

“There’s a river full of crocodiles! Look!” Rainbow pointed to the ravine below. Below was a river with tons of crocodiles, showing their jaws and sharp teeth, readying themselves for lunch.

“We cannot stop here! We must get past!”

“Can’t we just fly over?” asked Rainbow. She attempted to open her wings, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t. Neither could Daring.

“No good. Looks like we must do this on hoof. Stay close to me and follow my lead.”

Daring jumped on the first dangling bridge. When she landed, the bridge shook very vigorously.

“Whoa!” yelled Daring. “Come on Rainbow! Be careful when you land. The bridge will shake a lot.”

Rainbow Dash leaped onto the first bridge with Daring. The crocodiles started jumping from the water, in attempt to catch the ponies.

“Hurry, or our hungry friends down there are going to have us for lunch!” Daring shouted.

The two ponies continued leaping from bridge to bridge. When they landed on the last bridge, the ropes that connected the bridge to the other side of the ravine snapped into two, causing the rope bridge to fall and hang from only the other two connecting ropes, leaving the two ponies dangling. Rainbow Dash, being at the bottom of the dangling rope bridge, was just a few inches away from being caught by the crocodiles!

“Daring! Do something or I will get eaten!”

“Hang on tight, Rainbow! I’m going to swing you across! Get ready! Help me swing this bridge!”

Rainbow and Daring began to move their bodies to get the hanging rope bridge to swing, hoping to get enough momentum to launch Rainbow into the air.

“That’s enough, Rainbow! Get ready to jump! On the count of three. One... Two... Three!”

Rainbow Dash then jumped for dear life, from the dangling bridge. She easily made it across, landing with a loud thud. She then quickly approached the edge of the ravine to help Daring.

“Daring Do! What should I do? I can’t reach you from here!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Use a broken rope and throw one of the ends to me! Maybe you can pull me up!”

Dash quickly grabbed one of the two broken ropes and threw an end to Daring, while holding on tightly to her end. Daring quickly tied the rope around her waist.

“Got it! I’m going to jump to you! Hold on tight!”

Daring took a massive leap off the rope bridge, attempting to land on the other side. She missed, but fortunately, the rope tied to her waist prevented her from falling into the crocodile-filled river. Dash quickly responded and began trying to pull Daring up. It was a struggle, but Rainbow was successfully able to get Daring onto the other side of the ravine in one piece.

“Thanks, Dash!” said Daring.

“It was your plan! I should be thanking you!” replied Rainbow, still panting from the struggle.

“You know what? We make quite an excellent team!”

“Heck yeah!”

“Let’s get that Emblem!”

Daring and Rainbow approached the glowing Emblem, which was attached to the hoof of a large drawing of an Earth pony on a wall. Daring removed the Emblem from the wall, and it stopped glowing. She showed it to Rainbow Dash. It looked similar to the Emblem Daring had with the picture of a Pegasus pony, except that this one had a picture of an Earth pony instead.

“Awesome!” Dash exclaimed. “Two down, two more to go!”

“Let’s not get too excited yet. We need to keep moving. Come on!”

With that, the two ponies exited through a door on their side of the ravine. They had no idea that what they are about to face is going to be their greatest challenge yet.

  • Brohoof 6



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Looking great! Looks like Rainbow has got her own Rainbow sense :dash:

And lol, when Rainbow got sick, I was thinking "uh oh! she's got the corona virus"

"create a massive vortex that could suck up all of Equestria inside!"  - ^_^ I'd like to think that you got the word vortex from my username. 


Two questions:

1. Is it just gonna be Rainbow Dash, or will other members of the mane 6 appear later on? Maybe Starlight will appear. She barely appeared in the movie and I don't remember her ever going on an adventure with Daring Doo. 

2. Will there be a Rara cameo?:Rara:

  • Brohoof 4


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On 3/17/2020 at 5:56 AM, Princess of Hearts ❤️❤️ said:

Looking great! Looks like Rainbow has got her own Rainbow sense :dash:

And lol, when Rainbow got sick, I was thinking "uh oh! she's got the corona virus"

"create a massive vortex that could suck up all of Equestria inside!"  - ^_^ I'd like to think that you got the word vortex from my username. 


Two questions:

1. Is it just gonna be Rainbow Dash, or will other members of the mane 6 appear later on? Maybe Starlight will appear. She barely appeared in the movie and I don't remember her ever going on an adventure with Daring Doo. 

2. Will there be a Rara cameo?:Rara:

Thanks, my friend! :BrightMacContent:

Yeah, I saw the word "vortex" from you previous username, which reminded me of the vortex Cozy created in the Season 8 finale, which she used to suck up all the magic in Equestria. :oh_golly:

I didn't intended of adding the rest of the Mane 6 nor Starlight in it, but it is a good idea. I might consider it... (if I ever get the time to finish it). :adorkable:

I would of liked to put Rara in the fic, (in fact, that was my initial plan) but I just thought that an 'adventure' story wouldn't suit her as much. :Rara:

On 3/17/2020 at 9:55 AM, lyrabetes3939 said:

This is great, dude! :yay:

Have you considered putting it on Fimfiction?

Thanks so much, my friend! :BrightMacContent:

I probably will, but at this stage, not yet. It's not fully completed and I doubt I'll ever find the time to finish it. :sunny: Though, I do hope that one day I'll get a chance to finish off the story. :fluttershy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! Imagine my surprise to find out that not only are you writing a fanfic, but it's about Daring Do of all ponies! :grin:
It's actually pretty good so far, almost makes me wish we could collaborate on a story some time.

  • Brohoof 2


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8 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

Wow! Imagine my surprise to find out that not only are you writing a fanfic, but it's about Daring Do of all ponies! :grin:
It's actually pretty good so far, almost makes me wish we could collaborate on a story some time.

Yeah, I do write some fanfic from time to time. This one was for the Rainbow Dash Day event, hence it’s about Daring Do. :ph3ar: I also have actually written another fanfic and that one is about Rara. :Rara:

Thanks, my friend! :BrightMacContent: Sadly, I don’t think I am able to find time to continue it anytime soon, but when I do I sure hope I can finish off this story. It was really fun writing it! :squee: Maybe one day, we could do a collaborative fanfic. That would be awesome and fun! :yay:

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/1/2020 at 9:21 AM, Muffinnz said:

Wow, this looks really good!

Thanks so much, my friend! I'm glad to hear you liked it! ^_^

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