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private Lord of Stalliongrad 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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On 8/6/2020 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Yes, you'll do nicely."

Redd gave a small grin; he knew his worth, but he actually had little reason to stroke his own ego right now; he'd pat himself on the back later.


On 8/6/2020 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"While I trust you have the script memorized in it's entirety, you're well aware that each director has their own take on the base script, so you'll do well to read up on this version, specifically... here and onward. We can't tell until the play begins if it is in fact the same stallion whose been ruining the plays before, this scene is late enough that he'll have made an obvious mistake by then if he is, but early enough that you'll be able to turn the play around after he suffers an... unfortunate accident. Historically the knife scene was a turning point for Rasputin, so changing the actor will hardly surprise the more seasoned viewers, especially in renditions where Rasputin loses his horn to save the Countess."

Stalliongrad's Knife... yes, that was perfect.

Redd had always been the one to step away from his sister's talent enough to exist quite happily in her shadow; he thought the world of her, and wanted nothing more than to see her succeed in her dreams.  Granted, he'd had his own dreams as well... but he'd shoved them to the side as a teenager, using his free time to help her get the subtlties and nuances down pat, and helping her learn to memorize script.

Honestly speaking, he'd had an enormous talent... yet he chose to support her instead of outshining her - something that had irked his parents for years.  As they were both older Applewood classic movie stars, they had tried to get him to outshine her (to encourage her to try harder), but he never gave it a second thought.  The day she had come home from the hospital, he'd been taken with her, and had learned to change diapers and feed her and everything.  

His folks thought it was adorable, of course... yet they still felt that he was wasting his potential.  

As the years had passed, they'd eventually given up on grooming him for the stage or screen, yet still loved him and his sister dearly.  He'd aslo been known as the foal of famous stars, and had been hounded and teased at school for not following in their hoofsteps... but his goal was to help make Rising Star the greatest actress the world had ever seen.  To his great surprise, though... SHE had been the one to finally reach him:

"Redd, if I'm going to play the hero," she told him one day after an exceedingly long practice session, "then I want YOU to play my villain!"

That phrase had followed him for the rest of his life; he'd done everything he could to make her a star, and she showed her gratitude by practically begging him to come with her.  But he also felt he needed more work on the matter; if he was going to do her own part justice, he had to be ON TOP of his own role.  Hence, the search for the roughest place to work in Equestria... then the letter sent to Luther Blackwater himself... then preparing for what was to only be a year-long stint as a sour and dour workhorse...

Then, his brothers' betrayals.


On 8/6/2020 at 2:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"You better get studying Rasputin, opening night's less than a week from now, and if all goes according to plan... I suppose you have more than opening night to prepare for. You might just have to stay on for the whole run. Come to the Silverhoof theater tomorrow, we'll give you all the training you need. Until then, farewell."


He'd always LOVED the play, and had grand respect for the role of the rascally Rasputin... but he'd always considered the idea that he would have to train even harder to prepare for such a role, and that he'd never be good enough for his own satisfaction.  And yet, here he was... preparing for the role of his life, to help his sister achieve her own goal through her starring role in Stalliongrad.  Redd shook his head in mild disbelief; he never thought he'd find the role through real-life intrigue, THAT was for sure.  

With a light sigh, he held up the script and began reading through the scene, making note of whatever changes he'd have to be aware of.  Granted, he had no idea where he actually WAS... but if he'd been led here, then it was obvious he was supposed to be here.  

Far be it for him not to take full advantage of the fact he didn't have to be in that dismal hotel room...


  • Brohoof 1

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The changes in the script were subtle, mostly drawing greater emphasis to the small movements and turns of phrase that would usually go unnoticed by most of those in the audience either due to poor viewing angles or unfamiliarity with the subject matter. If Redd was sufficiently well versed in popular productions of Stalliongrad he'd recognize the verbiage as being the same as the rendition famously performed by the Cheshire acting troupe in Las Pegasus. A performance often called the single greatest rendition of Stalliongrad ever performed.

Whoever the director was, it seemed they had eyes to overthrow the title using a version of their own script as a base.

Redd would be able to study uninterrupted for nearly an hour after Filigree left before a member of the staff found him there. The young stallion was surprised to find him, mid oration, in what was effectively a prop closet. "Um, sir? I'm, uh, not sure you should be in here... but, I uh need that prop halberd hanging on the wall behind you if you want to pass it over."

The stallion would leave once he got the prop in question. Perhaps it would be best if Redd found somewhere else to practice. It wouldn't do for their plan to be revealed before the time came after all.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Redd looked up at the newcomer, and gladly levitated over the halberd in question.  Then, gathering up the script and himself, he made his way out into the hall, half-expecting someone to shoo him outside, now that Filigree was no longer accompanying him.

But, any port in a storm, right?  He took himself into the greater part of the theatre, stashing the script so it wouldn't make any connections for anyone here.

He'd been away from the stage for so long... and now, in the theatre, he could feel its' siren call; so close... so near to where his heart of hearts would LOVE to be... up on the stage, under the lights, entertaining a packed house...

Foolish stallion, what are you thinking?  Wake up!  The part you're taking is only to save your dear sister, and besides - chances are, as soon as the scene is over, you'll be replaced by the understudy to finish the piece!  No... no, you should be ready to act when the time is right, and then - like a good stand-in - simply fade into the background as Rise does her thing, and makes the world notice her finally.

He sighed... but inwardly, the tiny flame of hope was kindling - he might not be there for the entirety of the play, but he would have a single moment to shine, and he was determined to make it count.

For her.

With only a slight struggle, he turned away from the stage entrance, and began to make his way toward the front doors once more.

  • Brohoof 1

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While he did get some strange looks as he walked about the theater, no one stopped him or spoke to him, not that he'd notice as enamored as he was with the place.

Walking outside he was once again treated to the frigid winter air. Knowing where Raven Silverhoof had turned away from him he could likely find the Silverhoof Theater near the Silverhoof Estate. While it wasn't the most popular theater in Canterlot it was well known for being a rather exclusive one.

Outside of arriving early to the theater he could return to his room to practice his lines.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 1 month later...
On 8/27/2020 at 12:12 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Knowing where Raven Silverhoof had turned away from him he could likely find the Silverhoof Theater near the Silverhoof Estate.

Again, Redd couldn't shake the feeling he was just another pawn in someone else's chess game, and he HATED the thought of it.

All his life, he'd either purposely sidestepped the spotlight in favor of his sister, or been relegated to the villain role he'd been practising for so many years; this resulted in a very disharmonious mental picture of himself as someone who never deserved anything good out of life.  His parent's disapproval of his refusal to outshine his dear sister, his brothers' duping of him and theft of his savings, and the acting practice he'd been taking up in the quarry causing him to be seen as nothing more than a pest...

Well, Redd simply felt that he didn't deserve success.

It was perhaps a bit of a dark raincloud that had followed him around for quite some time, but it was one he was sadly used to.  It caused him to only see the worst of things in association with himself.  True, he could break character at the quarry, actually make a few friends, maybe even become the amazing actor that he had bottled up inside himself... but after so many times where he'd come up on the short end of the proverbial stick, he felt there was no point in it.  It'd take too much effort to reverse the way the quarry workers saw him, or it might be wishful thinking to believe he could ever land the part of Lord Stalliongrad on his own, or he shouldn't even get his hopes up for anything resembling friendship or - HA! - love.

These thoughts brooding in the back of his mind, the unicorn stallion began to make his way back towards his room at the hotel; if nothing else, maybe a hot shower and a quick skimming of the director's take on the play might help him forget his collective woes for a while... then, onto the theatre, and what would inevitably be a meeting with nobles who were leagues above him... and, if his luck went as it usually did, they would lord that fact over his head for the entirety of this fiasco.



  • Brohoof 1

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It wasn't overtly obvious to Redd when he returned to his room, but someone had been through his things. Redd didn't know it but he was immensely lucky that he had taken the knife with him when he went to the theater.

Redd might notice that some of his things were out of place, but nothing was missing, and it could reasonably be explained as housekeeping having been through while he was gone.

If that didn't stop him from going on to the Silverhoof theater, he'd be able to arrive without incident, though if he were particularly observant as he traveled he'd notice as he passed a certain alley a pair of stallions getting beaten down by a slightly larger stallion. The stallion would look out of the alley at Redd, nod, and return to beating on the pair.

Soon enough Redd would reach the gates of the Silverhoof Theater, a guard opened the gate for him as he approached with a nod, "The Lord is expecting you, go on in Sir."

The grounds themselves were empty outside some sparse shrubs, the theater itself was an older style building, ornately carved of grey and black wood and wrought iron filigree. It was an imposing structure that was refined in its own right.

Inside the main hall there was a cool warmth that quickly cleared the chill from the winter air without, Filigree Silverhoof was standing in the hall speaking with an actor when Redd entered, "Ah, there he is now."

The two of them approached Redd, both nodding once they had entered social distance, "You normally go by Redd correct? This is Dramaturge," Filigree motioned to the actor, who bowed, "They'll be in charge of ensuring that your acting is perfect for the play. They are the best in the business, as who better to teach acting than one whose whole existence relies on their ability to fill a role."

In a burst of red fire the actor was replaced by a dark black changeling with red accents, they had a rather smug expression at the end of their reveal, but Filigree continued, "I understand you may have some hesitation working with a changeling, but I assure you Dramaturge is harmless, mostly. I trust them with my life."

Dramaturge nodded again, they spoke with a perfectly androgynous voice, "I look forward to working with you, my Lord sees great promise in you, which is a high honor, I look forward to helping you reveal your true potential. If you would follow me,"

Dramaturge would turn to lead the way through the theater onto one of the stages and would wait for Redd to get his bearings on the situation.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/5/2020 at 1:27 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The stallion would look out of the alley at Redd, nod, and return to beating on the pair.


It spooked him a bit, but he kept walking.  Far be it for me to even consider what might be going on there... best to just keep moving.


On 10/5/2020 at 1:27 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"The Lord is expecting you, go on in Sir."

"Thank you kindly," he said, though he felt anything BUT welcome in this place; with the reputation the Silverhoofs had, he almost expected to never be able to leave.  Thankfully, they seemed to require him for their plans, so he didn't feel like his life was in danger just yet - though, when they'd achieved what they were trying to achieve, he'd have to find a way to get out of town FAST, he was fairly certain.


On 10/5/2020 at 1:27 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Ah, there he is now."

He gave a polite bow to Filigree, and to the others as well.  Never hurts to be polite when you don't know if your life is in danger, he thought.


On 10/5/2020 at 1:27 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"You normally go by Redd correct? This is Dramaturge. They'll be in charge of ensuring that your acting is perfect for the play. They are the best in the business, as who better to teach acting than one whose whole existence relies on their ability to fill a role."

Redd jumped at the flash of fire... but strangely, upon seeing an actual changeling in the... uh, carapace... he smiply shrugged, then bowed again.  Frankly, he didn't seem to have much fear of the creature's race - his concern was more for how far this 'acting coach' would push him.


On 10/5/2020 at 1:27 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"I look forward to working with you, my Lord sees great promise in you, which is a high honor, I look forward to helping you reveal your true potential. If you would follow me,"

A changeling in the employ of the Silverhoof family?  Oh, now I may have seen too much; this can't end well for me.

But, professional he was, and professional he gave as he nodded.  "Yes, let's get right to business, sir; I may have a bit of talent, but I am aware that I can always seek improvement... and from one such as yourself?  I assume it will be quite a feat to even consider matching your ability - but I can try, correct?"

He followed to the stage, where he stopped long enough to close his eyes and take a deep breath.  Ah, the stage - he always loved it, even in his worst funk, and he was looking forward to his training, as it would give him ample time to enjoy being in the role.

"Very well... how shall we begin, sir?"


  • Brohoof 1

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20 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Very well... how shall we begin, sir?"

Dramaturge waived their hoof at Redd's use of Sir, "You may simply call me Drama, or Turge. As to how we will begin, I trust you've read the script? I would like to see how you perform. I will play the part of the supporting roles, and at the end of each scene I will tell you what you need to improve on. Once we've gone though the whole play I will get more involved in the finer nuances of the character."

If Redd agreed, they would proceed as Drama had outlined, the changeling transforming seamlessly between the different roles, their pitch being a perfect match for the part they played at any given moment, and at the end of each scene they would give helpful commentary on the larger things Redd needed to adjust.

"Chin up dear! You are powerful!"

"You call that your smug face? You just turned them on their tails!"

"Expand your chest more, you're the star! Take up the stage with your presence!"

"Project your voice! Even when whispering the bats in the rafters should hear every sultry syllable."

"Swing like you mean it! The other actors will gladly take a bruise if it means the performance looks that much more real."

"That's it! There's the Rasputin Fire!"

Once they got to the end of the play Drama reverted to their undisguised form, "Better than I expected, It seems my lord was not exaggerating. Though, given your sister's talent it is to be expected. Now, lets start with what you think your weak aspects are, then we'll get into where think you're lacking."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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