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open An Arrow to the Wing (1x1 with Catpone Cerberus)


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Hmm... I'll spare you your punishment. You've discovered a significant threat. We will hold Quasi prisoner, you will guard him since you know much about him."

"You fight a losing war."

"Take him to the prisons, down the hall and down the stairs."

When Quasi was in his cell, he spoke.

"Mira wanted to make you suffer. When you felt that pain as if you were there, it was as if you were but an animal. I saw you were terrified. She was going to have you turned to stone and have you feel that pain. It would rob you of who you are and who you could be. To watch you and know you're suffering is too much. Strange, when I killed Mira, I sensed she was... proud of me and remorseful for what she tried to do. But... I'm only strong because I written it down in some magic book. How will I ever be truly a dragon?"


"Dragons are unpredictable, I hoped that Ruby's greed for treasure would triumph over pride."

"Now, we will go to the capital of Fironia."

"We will all fight Ruby. My explosive arrows and tactics, Sky's technology, Arrow's combat experience, and Ember being part dragon may give us what we need."

"Unless she does something unexpected and kills Gladia. But, what are the chances?"


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Ruby said nothing, and just nodded in understanding before leading Quasi away, she didn't thank 
Gladia, or even show relief for being spared from a punishment, she was as cold as always, once again showing that mentally Gladia did not have a grip on her, she may have followed her orders mostly without question, but she would never look at Gladia as her superior, that was the power of pride, Gladia could maybe physically force Ruby to bow to her with magic, or even make her say things she doesn't want to say, but she would never get Ruby to see herself as less than her.

Ruby did a sealing spell on the lock of Quasi's cell "By being an overgrown lizard that hatched with four legs and wings and can spew things out of its mouth." she responded coldly "There's no such things as 'real dragon', think about it, how many different species you can think of, all of them are different, yet all of them are called dragons." there was also the more snake-like wingless variant of dragons, but that wasn't the point "And don't take this as me trying to cheer you up, I just find the language you use ridiculous, you are too obsessed with how others think of you, and to think your kind tried to educate me about pride."

"Rest of my kind see me as a failure, a weakling, I conclusively sealed my fate by sharing my territory with you, even the most pathetic males won't be interested in continuing my bloodline from now on regardless of my future success. All other species hate me because I'm a threat to them, not that they are wrong to do so." "Yet, I still see myself as superior, why's that?" she looked directly at Quasi "Because others do not matter." 

"Because I don't have weaponry and experience." Ember said rather sarcastically "You really couldn't come up with anything else than me being part dragon?" "Only thing that specifically does for me against Ruby is that I don't get cooked alive as easily as rest of you." sure she had brought attention to her dragon-part several times but she didn't really like when others summarized her whole existence to the species she was, was it hypocritical? maybe, but she was part-dragons, and dragons were known to be hypocrites. 

"That aside, I wouldn't be surprised if Ruby did go against Gladia, the little I did learn about her as individual when she pretended to be a pony was that her motives are total mystery." "While I left her alone, I still tried to make some kind of profile of her to know who I'm dealing with in case something goes wrong, but she's the was the only pony, or well, creature, with whom I just gave up." 


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@Catpone Cerberus

"You'll never be weak to me, Ruby. And why did you share your territory with me? I know it couldn't have just been the gem I gave you, because I did kind of stab you just before."


"That's not what I meant. I am highly aware of your skills, it may even surpass Sky's."


"Your understanding of dragons may help. Although Ruby is something else and I don't mean just a different race of dragon."


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"I hadn't thought things through, the obviously planned banishment mixed up my thoughts." Ruby stated "I also knew that the only way to get rid of you was to either kill or seriously injure you, but to my annoyance, I can't get myself to kill you without a real reason." he was like a cat in that way, she could easily get rid of him but she couldn't convince herself to do it. "Don't ask why, as I have no answer, and don't think it means anything too important, I will still rip your head off if you come in my way again, not that it should happen now that you're in here." 

"Ruby is a wild card, I don't really know anything useful about her kind, and from the little I do know, she's different from all that regardless." Ember said "I had my sources look into her after we first met in that tavern, and while they didn't come up with much, one things is sure, Ruby is more sophisticated than others of her kind, calling them animals would be quite accurate statement, intelligent animals, but animals nonetheless." "It's a truly horrifying thought to think what would happen if they all became like Ruby." 

"To go against her, we must think of the most obvious plans, and throw them all into trash, unpredictability is the way to go, and we have only one try with everything, same tricks won't work twice." "In fact, it may be that the best way is to not have a plan at all, she can't guess our plans if we don't know what we are going to do either." "It may sound stupid to you all since you have been taught to do everything in certain way in the military, but that's exactly how Ruby does things, she judges each fight separately and adapts her actions based on it, the only way to combat that is to do the same." she had managed to gather all this through her connections and observations, to her it was actually quite poor amount of information, but it was what it was.


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Sure, you won't kill me but, you've shared your territory, your books, things of your own property. Things you would never do with anyone else. What I think is that there is a caring side to you that you simply cannot comprehend. How long have you lived? 100 human or pony years? As time passes things you know become what you know and things that are foreign turn more foreign. You do care about certain things to an extent at least, but you don't understand what you are feeling. Imagine you are deaf your whole life and you hear a buzzing sound. You may not understand what is happening, or even that you are hearing a sound."

"I find it plausible that you do care about certain things. Like myself. I've also noticed something with that cat that is currently standing on your head. You wouldn't let a dog stand on your head, now would you? You'd probably eat the thing. Look at you, you could find that kitten absolutely adorable and you wouldn't know."

He looked thoughtful, genuinely curious as if he may have discovered something scientifically interesting to him.

"I wonder if it is possible for you to understand what is going on with you. Whether or not this is genuine feelings of caring. Perhaps a sort of therapy is possible. Oh! Maybe some sort of experimenting is possible. Nothing too crazy, not like I'd stab you with needles or attach weird things to your head. Let's start with some questions!"

He'd call the cat over, who would comply.

"I want you to look at this cat, what goes through your mind?"


"Or we could just overwhelm Ruby with something she simply can't fight back against. Think about it, if you hold a human in place and drop a nuke on them, they can't do anything. Now, I'm not saying drop a nuke on Ruby, but what if we set a distraction and barraged her with high explosives?"

"Ruby might smell the explosive powder in the weapons. But Ember, you might be onto something. Sometimes in war, a plan doesn't go as expected because you cannot always anticipate what your opponent will attempt. Adapting to surroundings and situations is important to win wars. Ruby may know our smell, so we may need to find a way to hide our scent. We Dasonians are no strangers to such things."

"We could call in some fighter jets? The one I use is specifically for my team, it's experimental, an experiment that is successful. They've not been mass produced. However, the f-22 raptor is still very advanced and fast. Not as fast as the coy-50, my jet but, it still is capable of breaking the sound barrier. It's missiles could probably take Ruby down. But...  admit... it is Ruby we talk about. I say we bring in multiple."


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"Some under 200, not in exact pony years but they're not far off, I stopped counting the years around 150, I have no reason to go any more precisely than in 50 year intervals." Ruby corrected, blatantly ignoring most of what was said as she couldn't really deny it and didn't want to admit it, not that it was hard to ignore since Quasi moved the conversation forward enough that she had an excuse to not address it. "It's a cat." "Predator like myself but small enough that we are not rivals when it comes to prey." "It also doesn't bother me, as while I have been aware of it the whole time, it is unnoticeable enough for me to forget it's around." "I can also appreciate their bravery, one of the few creatures that doesn't flee or attack instantly when seeing me, yet they are not stupid enough to take a fight they don't believe they can win." If Quasi decided to go against his own word and look into Ruby's mind, everything would match what she said.

"Ruby will smell the powder, even I can smell it and my senses aren't as sharp as a full dragon, and since she has already been under fire, she most likely recognizes the smell." "But let's not forget she can sense things like metals, something she hasn't been shy about to tell even when she still pretended to be a pony." "Sneaking up on her is out of the question if we want to use any weaponry that actually does anything against her or any kind of real protection." Ember pointed out "And if the way Sky has been bragging with me around is anything to go by, Ruby is most likely well aware of all the various machines that you use, and thus will be prepared for them." "It may be her surrounding herself with civilians, or something as simple as waiting for us underground." "we would also need to be able to keep her in one place to hit her with the explosives, which would mean sacrifice, that of course assuming we would succeed in the first place since she would most likely figure out we are trying to do so." she was pessimistic about the fight, part of the reason why she was so critical of the decisions that had driven Ruby to the other side.



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Quasi didn't read his mind. After some time though, felt faint thoughts. The battle would happen soon.
"Ruby, regardless of the decision you make in the final battle, I still love you. However, I cannot stand to see you die. I have one last thing for you.
Hidden from view was one last shred of paper. He would write in his own blood.
For a 100 heartbeats let Ruby and Quasi hear what is being said in the Fironian Castle Throne Room.
He didn't know what was being said but, it was one last desperate move.
"But Ruby seems loyal to you, and she is a useful ally."
"Her loyalty is fleeting. She only serves herself in the end. She must die. I had her guard the cell to distract her from spying. The fool tolerates the nightwing. It'll take a moment to get powerful enough, we count on her having no idea."
The rest would be discussing preparations for the final battle.
After the talking stopped loud explosions were heard.


After some time, the castle would be off in the distance. American tanks, many soldiers from NATO countries, and many Equestrian and Dragonland soldiers waited.

There were also many Dasonians ready for battle, general Canarious gave a speech to the soldiers.

Multiple B1 bombers would fly over the the castle guarded by fighter jets that would decimate the dragons.

Bombs would be dropped on the castle and then the soldiers advanced.

"And thus begins the last battle of World War D, the most one sided war."


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"Such a waste of power." Ruby said shaking her head "You probably expect me to be 
shocked or be taken over by realization, but that was nothing new to me, I told you, some things are obvious even without the ability to read minds." she was unfazed "You really think I'd join the losing side without a plan? I told you it's not about the war." she turned away to head back up "You can't open the cell from inside, you'll need someone outside to damage the lock, it'll explode like my chains did back in the arena." she looked over her shoulder towards Quasi "Goodbye Quasi." she then left and headed back up towards the throne room, it was time for the final act. 

"I still don't get why Equestria got involved, but well, this is the point where i must leave you all alone for a moment, I have a job to do." Ember took off without giving anyone time to respond, she would come back in bit over half and hour with her weapon just a bit more bloody. 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Quasi would throw himself against the cell door for a good while as gunshots rang out. He saw a jackal walking by. After a long while."

"You're carrying out your plan to attack against the Fironians, hoping to take the land for your kind. I can be of use to you."

Knowing Quasi's opposition to Fironia, the jackal took his RPG and launched it at the lock. Quasi was at the back of the cell behind a metal wall for privacy in the event of needing to use the restroom, this gave him the safety he needed to survive in case the explosion was big.

He'd then run out to the thrown room and make it at the same time as Sky's team was there.



When Ember would return, Sky would be in a tank, Arrow manned the machine gun, having been shown how to use it by Sky. Myra was inside the tank with Sky.

Soon they would head towards the wall of the castle and Sky would blow a whole through it into the throne room. Quasi would stand at the other side.

"Is this gonna work? Like, one tank?"

"Who said the tank was the only part of the plan?"

"Ruby! Show yourself! Or marry Quasi, I don't care, I'm not your mom!"


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Ruby's spell was the least of Quasi's problems since the jackal used an RPG, it also made the spell pointless, since the whole door would be gone after that, and the doorway, and probably few eardrums too...though the spell still exploded, sending a tiny magical explosion away from the lock, towards what would have been the outside of the cell, it was small, but it was powerful enough to destroy metal, so if there would have been something left near it, it would have been destroyed too.

Ember rolled her eyes at Sky's remark, and wondered what was the sense in putting everyone in the same metal box when going against someone capable of melting metal, but there wasn't much time to wonder, as they would be attacked, not by Ruby, but Fironian guards who were known to be the closest to the leader. After they would be dealt with, all of them having been already injured when they attacked, and the dust had time to settle, one could get a better view of the room, it was lot more red than before, and it was quite damaged, Gladia was still on her now broken throne, or well, her head was, rest of her was...in many places.

Among all the mess was a slightly differently shaded red lump in one of the corners, breathing heavily and painfully, and familiar, if lot weaker voice said "Just kill me already, I know you want to." the outer injuries on Ruby were noticeable, mainly consisting of bleeding wounds of different depths, but it didn't take a doctor to realize that that was far from all of them, her weird position told of broken bones, and it was quite easy to tell she had trouble breathing normally.

Ember lowered her weapon after seeing it. 

(the fight shall stay in imagination,) 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Quasi would grab some supplies from a pony medic and tend to Ruby's wounds.

"So you did listen. I guess it's on me for trying to predict someone like you."

"Get me some help over here!"

One of the unicorn medics would use their magic to sustain Ruby in case any injuries were deadly. Quasi was trained by Mira to deal with severe injury so, he'd put that training to use.

A U.S. army medic would show up too, putting breathing equipment on Ruby, probably was mass produced by the Equestrians given how fast they were made and the fact they were made for dragons.

"Are dragons in this world able to have morphine? If so, it would help with the pain. We'll need to get you airlifted."

Luna walked up to Ruby.

"You won't be prosecuted, we've agreed to pardon since you killed Gladia. And... we will hold up on our end of the deal, you will get the reward we said we'd give you."

"Ruby, what was it that made you kill Gladia?"


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"Don't waste your medicine... the amount you'd need is not worth it... this isn't my first time almost dying." she wanted to refuse everything and anything but she wasn't exactly in the shape to start fighting off creatures trying to help her.

After this she would address Quasi, Luna didn't get direct attention from her yet, "Nothing made me do anything... this was my plan from the start... no credit for any of you... " "I knew nobody else would be able... to do it... too obsessed with nonsense." "I would have loved... to see you all go down... so don't take it as me... caring about Equestria... or anyone else... I just knew that... I would hear from Gladia again... if I didn't kill her first." only after this she looked at Luna "You're still not welcome to my territory... wherever that territory may end up being... or my head... I have gotten enough of you magical equines... and your nonsense." some things didn't change, the sky was blue, and Ruby didn't like ponies.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Why didn't you tell me your-"

"If Ruby told you, it would lead to your own death. You would die fighting for Ruby. I cannot confirm that this was HER reason. However, Moonwatcher did her part to ensure we didn't know."

"And I'd die many times over for Ruby."

"You've sacrificed much for her. Killed someone close to you to save her from a fate worse than death. I was told of Ruby's true intentions before the battle. What will you do now, Quasi?"

"I hope to go with Ruby. I have deceived her much and I want to make it up to her. I may make peace with Ruby, but I don't know if I'll ever make peace with myself for my deceit."

"Ruby, I want to go with you. You won't have to hunt for me, I'll do so for myself, and for you if you wish."


"No, too dangerous, I've read some books on it and it could make her instincts take over. It would be safer to use something that make her sleep. But, we should leave it up to her."

They would decide not to use morphine for safety reasons.

"I know you're strong but, you do need some help. The breathing trouble makes me suspect damage to the lungs. And there's the broken bones, we still need to ensure they heal properly or the effects could be permanent. There's no shame in needing help."

A unicorn would use a spell that would help see what Ruby's insides were like, though, only that unicorn could see.

"You did show your strength today. Fought a draconequus and looking at the injuries, you killed them while you were injured. Most dragons even many of your kind wouldn't stand a chance."


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"You all really like to talk... like I'm not around... and you wonder why I left." Ruby said in slightly snarky tone "Firstly, like I said... save your medicine to something more useful... the pain keeps me conscious." "Second, it's not the lungs... it's the ribs, and I may have inhaled some blood also." her position also made it so that her windpipe wasn't as open as it could be, thus making it even harder to breathe. In general, all her vitals were in good enough shape, there may have been tiny bit of internal bleeding somewhere, but her body seemed to already be fixing it, and she was bit low on blood in general, but not dangerously low yet. 

"The reason why I told nobody... was because that was the only way... to make sure that none of you ruined it." "and what comes to the future... we need to talk about that when we are alone... it's nobody else's business... besides, I hadn't planned... to make it out alive... so I need to think for a moment." 


Ember stayed quiet as she didn't have anything to say in the situation, she walked to the hole they had came in from and sat down, putting her helmet next to herself and staring into the distance. She started to clean her weapon out of habit, it was one of those things she did when she had nothing else to do with her hooves, and meanwhile the crow landed in her mane and took a comfortable position.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Her vitals are good. Rough shape but, she'll make it. Her bones are expected to heal like they should too."

"The med bay is still intact."

Some Dragonland warriors would lift her up and take her there. While they let Ruby rest, Quasi stayed with the red dragon.

"I'm glad you did live, Ruby."


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Ruby complained about something in her native language when she was carried, but due to weird breaks and odd accent, even Quasi wouldn't be able to tell what exactly, one could only guess if it was on purpose or if the pain and general weak state just had her blather nonsense.

"I'm not" she responded honestly when they were alone enough, she spoke in her native language to make sure there was no eavesdroppers, and because it was easier for her  "I don't know if you have noticed... but I'm not a big fan of life... it's such a chore." "Sorry about Mira... that wasn't the plan, but... what I said back there was true.. I have no dignity left, or anything... else in that matter, you really think... my boasting and brutality... is for others?" "I won't be returning to the... Homelands, I'll get my belongings but... I won't stay there... I have no place there... I'm weak, and before you argue... my body may be a good healer... but I'm still mortal, every time... something heals, it gets weaker, normally it's... not a big problem, but... I have seen the end of life... twice now... having to heal everything from nothing... has its effects." "We can argue... about my mental... strength all day... and night, but my body... is getting weaker every time this happens... and it will happen again... and again... and again...if I return to the homelands."  

It was probably weird to hear this from Ruby, in fact, the way she said all of it, it was very different to her usual way of being, she sounded low-spirited and defeated, there was no arrogance, no pride over her victory, she was cold, but in a new way, it seemed she truly felt nothing this time. 





“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Mira is not your fault, she made her choice. She tried to take justice in her own talons and paid a heavy price. Yes, I'm saddened that Mira is dead but, it I wont blame you for Mira's actions."

He was speaking in Ruby's language too.

"You're not weak Ruby. But if you don't wish to live in your lands, I'd suggest a place with fellow dragons, maybe the rainwing or skywing kingdom. Rainwings have a forest Skywings have mountains. Rainwings, those things are friendly."

He looked thoughtful.

"Ruby, you have something to live for, I'll help you find it. The rainwings could use a general, you could toughen them up. There's also the Skywing nursery, you're surprising good with hatchlings. I'm sure you'd like to hear little Cliff tell you all about how his mother killed his mean grandmother, such a little barbarian, that one."

"Whatever the case, you aren't weak. You killed a draconequus. I'll be with you and help you get through this."


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"I won't argue with you about my state... you may see into my head, but... only I know what I am." Ruby stated "And while your world... was the one I considered, I have no... interest in joining anyone... or anything." "I'm no leader, I lack... the morality to be motivated to try... to keep those under me alive, and I still don't get... why you think I'm good with hatchlings... all I did was refrain from hurting them." "I... just want a territory... where I can be in peace... with no other creatures constantly trying to... bother me, where I can hunt freely... without someone trying to teach me morals and friendship." 

"It's clear... I won't be getting my once... great position back.. ever, so I want... to at least not be... constantly reminded how... down I have fallen." 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I have no need to teach you morality, the seed is planted. That's all up to you to choose what you do. You've fallen many times and you got up, the answer is simple. Get up again like every other time. You're a dragon, you are more intelligent than the ponies and even all of your kind. If you aren't able to have a high position that would mean no one is able to because you ARE the strongest dragon you will always be the strongest."

Quasi left the room and returned with Gladia's head.

"This right here was something that even your kind would fear, they'd beg for mercy. And you killed this. You say your body is getting weaker, you act as if that decides how far you go in life. Humans have weaker bodies than even the ponies and one could kill me, a healthy fully grown and magically enhanced dragon within seconds, I wouldn't have the chance to beg for mercy. How weak your body gets doesn't determine a thing. What determines how far you get in life is how hard you work and how smart you work. If a creature without strength, magic, razor teeth, fire, or anything useful can destroy the world in a day, imagine what you, a dragon even more intelligent than a human can do."


"Ruby seemed discouraged. I know a discouraged dragon when I see one and what a rare sight. Do you think Quasi will be able to help her? He seems fond of Ruby and Ruby seems to respect Quasi. Oh I know, use your mind and think really loudly in your mind so Quasi can hear, it works with mind readers in this world. Give him some kind of advice."

He looked at Ember.


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"First, your first point... I get what you're trying to do, but... your logic doesn't really work, to get... to the position I was in, I would... need to take it from others, thus.. meaning that someone already has it, meaning... there's plenty who can do it." Ruby pointed out, while she liked getting praised, one couldn't deny reality, her success was stolen from her, and there was only two options on where that success was now, either the one who stole it still had it, or someone stronger had stolen it from them, the only way for it was up.

"And you still don't get it, it's not about who... I can kill, weapons are not... strength, period." "Technology can help the weakest... of a species survive, but that doesn't... make them strong, it just means... they don't die... to their weakness." "Weapons are but technology... used by weaker creatures to give themselves... any chance against those stronger... than them." "Magic isn't as... simple, but I still don't... see it as strength."   

She suddenly reached out to grab Quasi, her grip was weak, easily escaped, but she only did it to face him, to look into his eyes, though regardless of her success she continued "I lost... everything Quasi, you name it, I lost it, have you... not stopped to think why... I'm so ready to die? Why I'm so willing... to throw my life on the line... for some stupid gems?" "Why I came with the plan... to fly into a bigger dragon's mouth? something you saw... would have killed me."  

"I have nothing to give him, I'm not a therapist, I don't know about these things." Ember said, still cleaning her weapon, though at this point it was probably more polishing than cleaning "She seems depressed." "Even when pretending to be a pony, something was clearly on her mind, her hostility was something else than just her being a dragon." "And her hubris, something off about that, truly prideful creatures push themselves up, but Ruby pushed everyone else down, it is always a comparison." "Can Quasi help her? don't know, but anyone else certainly can't"  



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I see, you've felt this way for a long time. While that war was going on, you're fighting one of your own. I'll help you fight this war in your head. No matter if it takes a lifetime, I will ensure you are happy."

It felt that it was up to him to help Ruby, and he was glad to help, he wasn't going to let her suffer but, he would not let her die either.

"Is the loss of this position that is hurting you or is it more? I feel that you don't truly regard yourself as high as others may think you do. What about yourself do you not like?"


"The thing about Mira said she taught Quasi combat and healing. Mira was a physical and mental healer, maybe Quasi's ability and his chemistry with Ruby might help. Reports say the Quasi killed Mira after she went rogue. It's speculated that he was protecting Ruby, as it wasn't far from a base Ruby destroyed."

"Oh yeah, she broke some of my brother's bones according to one of the Dasonian warriors. Came, limping over to another Dasonian camp." She seemed nonchalant about it. "Eh, he got the treatment he needed. Not sure why she'd do that, he's pretty nice to everyone."

Myra ate some salted meats give to her from a Dasonian soldier.


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Ruby let out a painful laugh "I'm petty but not that petty, you have felt what I feel, that doesn't come from just losing material things and social standing, even for a dragon." "It's not that I don't like myself, I dislike my failures and signs of weakness, I acknowledge my increasing inferiority,  but I don't dislike myself." "I dislike life." "I lost everything, that doesn't only include things outside myself, can't go in to too much detail, while I remember what happened, my mind has buried the details deep, and as you saw before, for a good reason, I can't go through that again and stay sane." "But there's some things even a dragon can't get back, I tried revenge, but it left me 
unsatisfied." "As you know, I don't fear many things, you know why? The worst already happened, nothing anyone can do can be worse" her sentences didn't necessarily follow each other perfectly when it came to topic, but it wasn't like she could think perfectly straight at the moment.  

"While I still think that few days of agony wasn't enough compensation for what that dragon did, I realize why he did it, not only was he a weakling, he was a male, it's not a good combination, males are already looked down upon in the Homeland for being naturally weaker in all ways, they are also.....expendable, there's always more males available somewhere, that's why they are the ones who need to impress and not other way around. Then you add being a weakling, he was nothing, not even worth of being killed, and then someone who used to be feared by those like him appeared in his territory, unable to defend themselves." familiar hatred filled her mind "Couldn't even kill me after, he truly was a worthless waste of oxygen." again, no matter how deep one tried to dig, what exactly happened would remain mystery.

(She still speaks in the slow and painful manner, I just got bored adding the ... )


"He was the messenger." Ember stated "Can't tell from that if it was a warning, threat or just an insult, but I have seen similar things done before, though I'm surprised she left him in good enough shape to make it back by himself." "It's a lot more effective way to threaten others when the only way to know something has happened is by someone seeing what happened and making all the way back to tell about it." "Also, you really think Ruby cared the slightest if someone was nice or not?"



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Everyone loses things, some more than others. You can get it back or you can gain something else, but one thing you need to get back is your ambition. You can go to your land and take back your position, or you could find a good position elsewhere. You're literally capable of guarding royalty directly or even ruling a nation of your own. I know that may not interest you but, you're capable of so much Ruby."


"I mean, Miror is literally a pacifist, he doesn't resort to violence. Though this is mostly due to painful experience."


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"I'm tired Quasi, tired of everything." "Every time I'm ready to settle down, someone comes to ruin everything, young Ruby didn't go around killing for fun, it was always for food or progress, and I killed quick, took no joy out of suffering." "Now death and pain is the only thing I have left, only things to bring me any kind of joy." she gasped for air once as she breath too deep and it hurt "I don't care for guarding or ruling anything, because it gives me nothing, I'm addicted to violence, I didn't join the war because of treasure or extortion, I did it for the fights, the spilled blood." "I lost myself Quasi, when I said Charir Kethend died that day, I meant it, I was left an empty husk, and the empty space was filled with hatred and rage, hatred towards everyone and  rage towards everything." "I was never a good dragon when it comes to your morals, but now I'm a monster." 

"My point still stands, I don't think Ruby is the type to care the slightest about kindness or pacifism." Ember pointed out "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she attacked him due to him being one, just to spite him." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

"The last bit of innocence was stolen. You're no monster, you're a dragon that is wounded mentally. I took away the wounds of the event but, I failed to take the wounds that came after. That dragon that once was still lives. And there is more to that dragon you never discovered. One capable of many emotions and feats of strength."

"My goal isn't to change you but to help you find yourself again. Together we will retake what was stolen from you and you will gain what is yours."


"That's pretty mean of Ruby."

"So... are we still getting coffee later?"


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