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adventure Elements of Equestria: Chapter 8


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Chapter 8: The Search

It was quite a beautiful day at the royal city of Canterlot, with the sun shining brightly in the sky and not a cloud in sight, and everypony was out enjoying the day. Meanwhile, at the royal castle, Princess Celestia was sitting by herself in the dining room reading a newspaper and sipping tea as she hummed to herself happily.

Celestia laid the newspaper down for a moment to look out the window and take in the bright sun shining through the window. A bright smile appeared on Celestia's face as she felt the sunshine on her.

"Ahh, such a beautiful day indeed! I hope everypony is enjoying the day today!"

A moment later, Celestia heard the entrance door open and saw her sister, Princess Luna, enter and walk towards the table.

"Hello, dear sister! How are you doing today?" Celestia asked with the same bright smile.

"Oh, I'm doing just fine, thank you sister! Celestia, can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course. What's on your mind?"

Luna sat down next to Celestia, grabbed an apple from the bowl on the table and took a bite out it.

"Have you... heard anything from our guest, Mister Lee? I haven't seen or heard from him in a few days and I'm starting to get worried about him. You wouldn't happen to know would you?"

"No, actually, I haven't heard anything from him. Wasn't he supposed to come back to the castle to visit us?"

"Yes, he was. Hmm, I hope he's okay... Maybe we should send some guards to check on him?"

"You worry too much Luna. I'm sure he's just fine and maybe he had something else come up."

"I don't know... I just have this crazy feeling that something happened to him."

"Oh come now, sister. There's nothing to-"

Just then, two sun guards entered the room and made their way to the two princesses, bowing to them before they spoke.

"Your highnesses, Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer wish to speak to you two at once. They said it was urgent and they wait for you in the throne room!"

Celestia and Luna looked at one another, sharing the same confused and concerning look in their faces. Celestia dismissed the guards and the two sisters stood up not a moment later and walked out into the hallway.

"What do you suppose the trouble is, Celestia?"

"No idea. We'll find out soon enough."

Celestia and Luna walked into the throne room and saw Twilight and Starlight standing near the thrones as they talked amongst themselves, but Twilight turned to look at the two sisters the moment Starlight saw them and nudged her with her hoof.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, we need your help with something important. It's very important! Super super important! "

Celestia calmed Twilight down and asked her and Starlight to sit down. They did as Celestia asked, but Twilight still remained fidgety in her seat. 

"Now, we'd be happy to help you, Twilight! Just tell us what the trouble is."

"Well, do you remember Lee? The pony who visited you two the other day?"

Luna looked at Celestia with a concerned look and turned back to Twilight a moment later.

"Y-Yes. We were just talking about him... What about him?"

"Well you see, something... happened in town last night and well... uhh..." Twilight was at a loss for words as she didn't know how to tell Celestia and Luna about what happened.

Starlight took over as Twilight pondered and cleared her throat.

"Perhaps it's better to start at the beginning..."

Twilight and Starlight told Celestia and Luna about all that had happened: Lee stormed off after talking with Twilight and Starlight, he turned over a cart, which started a fire that burned down somepony's house and then running away after that had happened. After Twilight and Starlight finished the story, Celestia stood up to think as all these thoughts passed through her mind.

"I don't understand... He ran away? Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"

Twilight nodded her head in sadness. "No, I have no clue... We don't know where he is... We searched his house but he wasn't there."

Luna stood up a moment later and walked away with Celestia and the two sisters talked with one another.

"I can't believe this... How did this happen? Especially to Lee, who's already been through enough grief, why him of all ponies?"

Celestia looked out the window and looked at the courtyard below and saw many well-dressed ponies gathering by the large fountain in the center. She sighed as she realized how this exactly happened and turned back to Luna.

"We did this Luna... We caused this."

"What? What do you mean?"

"He came to the castle because of us Luna. If we had never invited him to the castle, he wouldn't be going through all this. We're the ones invited him here, told him to not worry about anypony else... It's because of us he had to put up with all of these snooty uptights and now because of us... he's gone."

Luna hung her head down in sadness, but still agreed with what Celestia said. She had hoped that that talking with him before would help him, but now she realized that she might have made things worse by pressuring Lee to come back for her and Celestia. Luna wondered what to do about this situation and looked back at Celestia with a boost of confidence now.

"You're right... You're right... We did this and now we'll be the ones to fix it. We'll find where he is and bring him back home together!"

"Yes, that's exactly what we'll do! We'll set this right and make sure he comes home safely and together, we'll surely find him."

Celestia and Luna nodded in agreement to each other and went back over to where Twilight and Starlight were sitting.

"Okay you two. We have finally come to a decision: I and Luna will find Lee together and bring him back home." Luna nodded in agreement to her sister's words, but saw a dumbstruck look on Twilight's face, making her very confused.

"Heh heh... I'm sorry princesses, but you really don't have to trouble yourselves with that. Really..."

Luna disagreed with Twilight. "No, we need to do this. We're the reason this has happened to Lee and we'll be the ones to set it right and bring him back."

"B-But, he could be anywhere! How do you hope that you're gonna find him?"

"We'll just ask around any villages we come across and see if anypony there has seen him. Surely somepony saw him."

Twilight looked at Starlight for a moment, but sighed as she knew she wasn't gonna change their minds about this.

"Well, if anypony can find him, it's you two! Do you want us to come with you?" 

"No, we need you and your friends to watch over everything here while we're gone. There's no need to worry about it because I have no doubts that my star pupil can handle this!"

Celestia winked at Twilight and she looked at Celestia with a massive smile on her face.

"You can count on us, princesses! We'll make sure that you have a kingdom to come back to... Promise, heh heh. I seriously hope you guys can bring Lee back, for both me and Starlight."

Celestia and Luna nodded to Twilight and Starlight and they both walked out of the room. They walked upstairs and went to Celestia's room to gather some supplies for the trip. Luna filled two saddle bags with food and water and grabbed a map while Celestia grabbed two sleeping bags and strapped one to her back and the other on Luna's back.

"One more thing sister: It's probably for the best that nopony knows that we're princesses so that we don't attract any unwanted attention. We're just two ponies looking for a friend."

"Yes, that would be best Celestia. Just two normal ponies."

Celestia and Luna both removed their crowns and regalia and placed them on the bed. They then tied their manes in a ponytail and looked at each other once more before going out onto the balcony. They looked at the castle and surrounding mountains and Ponyville around them.

"Lee could be anywhere... but we'll find him nonetheless."

"Together, there's nothing we can't do! We got this, my dear sister!"

Celestia and Luna hugged each other before they opened up their wings and took off towards the clouds, ready to search for their lost friend.


Meanwhile, Lee and Tempest were heading to a nearby town for some more supplies and they were talking with one another about all the things going on around. Lee started to feel more comfortable around Tempest now and he felt that Tempest was a good friend to have. Once they reached town, Lee had a look around the square and saw a bunch of ponies sitting around and talking with one another.

Tempest patted Lee on the back to get his attention and told him to head towards the shop on the other side of the square.

"We'll just grab some food, perhaps some cake and cookies, and we'll head on back to the house."

"Sounds good. Thank you for letting me tag along Tempest and I thank you for being so awesome!"

Tempest laughed at his comment and thanked him for his kindness. Seeing Tempest smile made Lee smile widely and was glad he could make Tempest happy. 

After Lee and Tempest entered the shop, the clerk at the counter greeted them and she asked if she could help them find anything, but Tempest told her that everything was fine. Tempest went to gather the supplies while Lee browsed the shelves and he saw so much delicious food, some toys for fillies, home decorations and books on all manner of subjects.

As Lee continued to browse, he looked out the front window and caught a glimpse of something outside: He saw a Sky blue Pegasus pony and a minty green unicorn cuddling together on a bench and nuzzling one another. Lee looked away from the scene and just looked at the floor as he felt a strange feeling inside of him.

Lee looked over and saw Tempest browsing the shelves beside him and all he could do was stare at her longingly, completely unaware of what he was doing. Tempest looked at Lee and noticed that he was looking at her, which made her a little confused, but she simply smiled happily at him and waved to him. This made Lee snap out of his trance and he nervously waved back at Tempest before returning his gaze to the floor and felt a small blush on his face.

Tempest walked away towards the counter a moment later and Lee let out a sigh of relief and ran his hooves across his face. He laughed a little as he sighed again.

"What am I doing? What am I thinking?" 

Tempest called to Lee and he quickly went back over to her before exiting the store with her. Back outside, Lee noticed it was getting dark and saw street lamps lighting up throughout the town. Lee had noticed the same couple he saw walking by together, but simply hid his face away from them.

"So, what would you like to do now Lee? Anything in particular?" Tempest asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we could just take a walk through the woods? Still got a few hours before it's completely dark"

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. We can have some of these cookies I bought along the way too."

Lee and Tempest laughed together and made their way back towards the forest. Before leaving, however, Lee had noticed a message board nearby and quickly went over to it alone. On the board, he saw a bunch of wanted posters for criminals of Equestria and he recognized one of them: A frightening and evil image of Tempest.

"What? Tempest? Why in the world is she on here?"

Lee took down the poster and saw that she was wanted for "unspeakable crimes against Equestria" and saw that the reward for her capture was 100,000 bits. Lee looked the poster over throughly a couple times, angrily crumpled up the poster and threw it in the trash before walking away from the message board.

"That's not Tempest! No way it's not... I can't tell Tempest about this and who knows what she'll do if she finds out."

Lee caught back up with Tempest and told her that he got separated from her for a moment. The two of them then walked back into the forest and made their way back to Tempest's house.


A/N: And another one done! I'm so glad that you all enjoy my story and I hope to keep the good work going!

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