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open Rise of the Stars roleplay (1x1 with CatponeCerberus)


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Why did Darkstalker hate Ruby that much? I don't really get that."


"*You have no reason to apologize. Darkstalker is dead. I had him executed.*"

He would grab his horns and tear them off, blood dripped down his head.

"*I will not have horns until you heal.*"


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"Maybe he didn't." Ember pointed out "Maybe he just enjoyed causing pain? Or maybe he hated Quasi, and wanted to use Ruby to get back at him." "Or maybe he did hate her, she didn't see him as much of a threat after all, that tends to annoy those like Darkstalker." she had some experience with different kinds of evil "Or maybe there's no reason, we shouldn't try to use our logic to those who don't think like us, what we see as irrational could be perfectly reasonable for him." 


In a different situation, Ruby would have probably pointed out how...odd it was what Quasi had done, and probably made sure if he was feeling aright mentally, but in this case she didn't, as being not only barely conscious, but also heavily drugged, she wasn't exactly in the clearest of minds, and wasn't entirely certain what was actually real, she kinda just assumed she was currently awake. 

She kinda just stared at Quasi for a minute, before her leg got tired and fell limp "*You.....blood...*" she was quiet for some time again before speaking again "*It's....cold....here.*" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Some, I can understand others I cannot. Some are hurt others are mentally sick but Darkstalker. He thought he was good."

Over a few days they would stay, the transport to and from this world was stopped for a little bit to make sure there were no threats.


Quasi would call in a healer who looked at Quasi horrified before he ordered her to get blankets for Ruby. Quasi would bandage himself.

"*You're being treated with drugs to help with the pain.*"

A few days would pass, Quasi would spend most of his time with a Ruby. Healers watched her all day and guards would be protecting her from any threat.


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"Just because someone thinks they are good doesn't mean they aren't wrong in the head." 

Ember again spend her time in the same way as before.


Blankets were slight help at best, as Ruby's cold feeling was less about actual temperature and more due to her weak state, though it was also temperature, since lacking her scales, she also lacked her natural insulation, meaning that her body heat freely escaped her body. 

Ruby wasn't much of a talker during the days that passed, most of the time she was sleeping, and when awake, she'd only speak when spoken to, she also didn't resist any care given to her, though if it was because she was too weak to, or because she worried Quasi would force her to if she didn't obey, or a combination of both, was anyone's guess. Her nightmares continued, and they all were very similar, the exact details changed, but the general idea was always the same, it was her doing things against her own will, be it acting friendly with Darkstalker or her just sitting in place, the lack of control was always the main theme. 

While her state was still poor, as days passed she started to get slightly better, mainly, her basic functions started to work, while she still needed the machines and medication, she started to move more and her speech, while still weak, had improved enough that she could hold an actual conversation.

At this point it was getting clear that it wouldn't be any time soon that the collar could be removed, even with her kind's better healing capabilities, it would take a while to heal fully, and it was starting to seem it couldn't be taken of before that, as they didn't know if removing it could cause damage.

Vix had visited the castle during those days, mainly to ask how Ruby was doing and informing Quasi that Enduur had offered to help if help was needed regarding Ruby, but he hadn't stayed long. Cinder was still hanging around the castle, but she didn't really bother anyone, only really asking Quasi about Ruby when he left her side, she seemed to be genuinely worried about her.

"*How long....... has it... been... since the.... wedding?*" Ruby suddenly asked one day, she knew she had been in Darkstalker's claws for at least two days, as that long she managed to keep up with the time before losing her sense of time, and especially after the physical torture started, she had no idea how much time had passed. 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

Arrow would speak to Ember again.

"I've gotten more word on Ruby's condition. She's hooked up to some machines and given medication. She's starting to be able to speak more and her functions are improving."

"You may have noticed Quasi missing his horns. He says he won't allow himself to have horns until Ruby heals enough to not need the collar. That will take a while."

"Quasi is spending most of his time with her."


Over these days, Quasi would spend a lot of time with Ruby. He would make sure to tell Vix and Cinder Ruby's condition.

He would be careful with his words around Ruby, making sure to not say anything that would make the collar control her. He considered what he'd do if Ruby resisted treatment he came to the conclusion that  Enduur could help with this. He told Vix that he couldn't talk Ruby down is she did anything because of the collar, so he asked that he brought Enduur to stay with her to help with this.

He looked thoughtfully at Ruby's question.

"Two weeks, maybe more."

"They still respect you. They're thinking about you, hoping their queen will be okay."


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Ember was somewhat knowledgeable on Ruby's state too as Cinder had shared what she knew, she was almost worried about her sister, as she wasn't as annoying as she used to be, and was actually quite reserved, Ember recognized that state, Cinder was clearly working on something that didn't go like planned. 

"He can't be blamed for not being dedicated that's for sure." Ember remarked "Be it bit weird way to show it in my mind, thought then again, it's Ruby we're talking about, I'm sure she appreciates the actions over any words." she had started to get over the shock of the situation, though it was really only because she now knew Ruby was safe, she still felt slightly bad for not being able to do anything to help. "It's curious how peaceful it has been since the wedding, one would assume the rebels would try to take advantage of the situation." 


Enduur had accepted the invitation, though she had insisted she'd only get involved if she had to, stating that Quasi was Ruby's family, not her, and she stayed in the hallway that lead to Ruby's personal room, mainly because it was the closest thing to a cave in the castle. Though while her words were bit cold, Enduur actually showed what was probably the first sign of genuine caring from their kind up to that point, as when she saw at the time sleeping Ruby, she looked genuinely sad for her, a feeling confirmed by her emotions if checked. 

She wouldn't be needed though, because in a twist of sorts, even when not controlling Ruby, Quasi's control over her had an effect, because no matter how much he assured otherwise, even if Ruby may have believed him, the acknowledgement of his ability to do so haunted Ruby's mind, and she wanted to do everything possible to make sure she didn't give him reason to use his power against her, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy, she was so afraid of Quasi using the collar, that she would do anything he wanted to make sure he didn't, her own opinions and dignity be damned.

"Felt....longer." she still held the opinion that physical pain wasn't as bad as other things, but she couldn't deny it was real torture to be...well, tortured. "*How much.... do they.... know... how much...do you ...know?*" she didn't mean only her injuries with that question, she knew there had been others besides Darkstalker present at different times of her...experience, but she didn't know who they were or if they were still alive, and if they were alive, if they had spoken about it, so she wanted to know if Quasi, or anyone else, knew what exactly she went through. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"The rebels have trouble with the militias. They lack numbers."


"I don't know the exact things that happened. I know your horns and claws have been removed. Much of your scales too. You were found bleeding and barely moving. We're investigating to find others involved in your imprisonment."


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"I guess joining up with Darkstalker didn't exactly help with their popularity." Ember remarked "I wonder if that one Earthling nation that traded with him will see repercussions from it." 


"Good....some things.....better....unknown." she didn't want Quasi to know certain details, not because she didn't trust him, but because she wanted to protect him from them, though it was also because of shame, she didn't want him, or anyone else, to know some of the things she was made to do. "*Horns...claws.......I did it.....he made me...do it....*" "*One of...the first. Thing.*"  


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"It was a fragile relationship, they didn't like each other after previous events. The nation trading with Darkstalker is banned from entering this world. Since Starlania is the only nation in this world with a navy, this goes uncontested."

"Quasi has also expressed interest in a space program. It's only natural to be curious about such things. There's a lot of work with such things, especially since they are new to advanced technology. They don't use fossil fuels, they use some alternative energy so that's another thing. Finding an alternative to rocket fuel."


"He won't be able to do anything now. He was a coward, hid behind immortality."


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"Sounds like waste of resources to me." Ember commented "Curiosity is one thing, but I don't see what good getting involved with space brings, advancement for sake of advancement rarely leads to good results." 


"Maybe..." Ruby started "....but...it doesn't...undo...what he did..." she sounded defeated "I see....him in my...dreams." she took few deep, still painful breaths, she was able to talk, but it didn't mean talking didn't take effort "He won....Quasi....I lost." "I gave up..." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"There is practical reason for his choice. Nightwings born under the three moons of this world in certain ways effects their ability to read minds and see the future, basically they decide if anyone gets these things. Also the color of their eggs change I think. Quasi wants to learn how this happens."


"*Did he win if he was killed as a result? He died knowing that he would never get what he wanted. You live with a future and surrounded by those that love you. You are a queen and Darkstalker is ashes.*"

"*But I know you are in pain, physically but also mentally. I'll help you heal*"


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"And why assume there's a physical reason?" Ember questioned, "Maybe this reality, like Equestria's reality is just magical, a world where everything has magic, like everything has gravity?" "I guess I can see the logic, but still in his place I wouldn't do it, though then again, I know that knowing too much can be bad."  


"*Does this....look like a....victory to you?*" Ruby asked meekly  "*I was mutilated....humiliated....made a slave....to the word....of others.*" "*I screamed...begged.....cried for help*" "*He got exactly....what he wanted.*" "*Yes, you won....the war....but I, I lost...the battle....he wanted me....to fear....now his name....gives me nightmares....he won.*" the first step to solve a problem was to admit it existed, this wasn't the first time Ruby had hit the bottom, and while she didn't know how to deal with it, she knew how to not deal with it.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Maybe, Quasi also wants his nation modernized in certain ways to defend against advanced technology. Even Equestria is modernizing a bit."


"*I wish I could take away the nightmares and the pain. The truth is, this is something that doesn't go away. But it is something you can learn to deal with. I will ensure that you heal from this.*"

The truth was, he tried to use animus magic to heal Ruby but, it didn't work. There were rumors that Gladia made sure Darkstalker had one animus spell and that he saved that spell to ensure animus magic couldn't heal her. Though, it seems he didn't consider making her unable to heal at all, he probably didn't account for Ruby's rescue.


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"And that brings the topic back to me not liking earth, which I'm not on the mood to discuss again." Ember concluded, she knew she was right about Earth and that others knew it too, how did she know? the fact that the two worlds without advanced military technology both started to ready themselves to defend against the technology told more than clearly that they too saw Earth as a threat, after all, they were the only ones with said technology, until now of course,

"I know you are fan of all the technology coming in, but that's something we just have to agree to disagree." 


While reason for the magic failing could be as stated, it could have also been something to do with Ruby's own actions, as she had been trying to get some amount of resistance against Animus magic before all this, though most likely it was combination of things, but if Ruby would have been asked, she would have seen it was a good thing that it failed, since even after all this, she didn't believe magical solution to be a good one, not only did she not trust magic enough to use it as the be-all end-all solution to everything, but she also still saw it as the weakling solution, if she couldn't handle healing from this without magically making all well, did she really deserve to be healed at all? Hardship was part of life, those who always took the easy solution were weaklings.

Ruby let out a groan of discomfort, even with all the medicine, she was still in pain, and being unable to move for so long was aching her muscles, and nothing she could do in her current stated took away that ache, she simply couldn't move enough to help, while at this point the pain may have been lesser than when all of her bones had been crushed in her past, this was certainly more torturous, she was glad she wasn't alone this time.

If he was close enough, Ruby would reach out her leg to touch Quasi's face, if not, she wouldn't, but regardless she spoke "*I still don't... understand why... you are like this.... why all of you... are... why you think... I deserve.... all this..... kindness.... but I'm... certainly.... glad you.... are.*" she was quiet for a moment "*And Quasi....it's not.... your fault.... I don't.... regret .....taking the hit.*" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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"You know as well as I do that that's just wishful thinking, we have some kind of crisis monthly if not weekly, and that was when we had only one world to worry about." Ember pointed out in slightly humorous manner "Though who knows, maybe ponies are finally left alone now that there's a bigger fish in town." "At least windigos and sirens would probably love it on Earth, all that negativity and tension." 


"*Better I... than you.*" Ruby stated weakly "'If it helps.... take it as... an insult... I think... you are too... weak... to have to... go through... what I did.*" "*Factually.... this is better... he had plans... for you too... I'd have... ended up... like this... regardless, he would.... have won.... everything... without you.*" Darkstalker had been very open about his plan for if it had been Quasi that got transported instead, and as much as she hated to admit it, he had been able to predict what Ruby would have done in that situation, she would have lost. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy that our economy isn't crippled from all the damage. Say what you want about the Princesses but don't tell me they aren't good at managing Equestrias money."

"Starlania's problems aren't over yet either. Queen Thorn announced that she doesn't support the sandwing rebellion and now instead of fighting in her name, they became anarchists instead. They even made their own little mascot named Mother Anarchy, I'm pretty sure they stole the name from Earthlings."


"*Well, we have much to look forward to. That hatchling, what will we name them?*"


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"That's because Equestria isn't build on profit." Ember stated "It's more important to fix the damage than to make sure construction companies get their profits from it." also things just were lot more efficient with magic.  "The rebellion is pretty much done I'd say, they have no support, and with them having worked with Darkstalker, no doubt the Starlania's law will....fail to notice, if the rebels get mistreated by someone." "Even the black markets don't support them, I've learned that illegal weapons trade refuses to sell to them due to it being more profitable to not to do so." 


Ruby didn't say it out loud, but she wasn't 100% certain about successful offspring, partly because she didn't know how much all her injuries affected the process, if at all, but mainly because it was simply too early to tell, she would need to ask the doctors if there was a medical way to tell earlier, but as far as she knew, she herself couldn't tell if the process had started until month or two after it did. 

"*I think...you have to....choose the name.*" "*As you know....my kind....doesn't really....use names like....that.*" some mothers called their offspring just that, offspring, after all, most of the time there was only one, so there was no need for any differentiating, some mothers, like Ruby's, named their offspring based on their appearance and other possible unique aspects, and then there was Enduur, and Ruby had no idea what her naming logic had been, Enduur didn't mean anything, and naming one's daughters 'Dear' and 'Hope' wasn't something she had heard before. "*We usually... just name ourselves.... if needed.*"


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Its a surprise Equestria lasted this long. And that it took so long to reform the military. Equestria is pretty much secure from any threat that can be destroyed by military force. Got an Ursa Major? Call the military to kill the thing. Some lunatic from a country I've never heard of? Call the military and get NATO to just tear them apart."


"*Depends of they're male or female.*"


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"If Equestria starts killing those that could be dealt with peacefully, I need to find a new place to live, I won't support military tyranny." Ember stated "In fact, I may have to become enemy of the nation at that point, a murderer is a murderer even if they're hired by the government." 


"*Only if... you use... that kind of.... names.*" Ruby pointed out "*My names... are quite neutral... for example.*" the name Ruby could be argued, but that really depended on one's culture, but Deathbringer was quite gender neutral, in fact, as far as Ruby was concerned, even the name Quasi Nix was neutral name, to her the name alone told nothing about Quasi being male. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Don't get me wrong, I don't support military tyranny either. To be honest, I feel the princesses hold too much power. They're essentially dictators. Sure, they're nice and I like them as people but, should they have such power? Our work in the war hasn't gone unnoticed, maybe I can use the notoriety I've gained to get the citizens of Equestria to demand some sort of parliament."


"They're kinda neutral too I guess. But y'know. I think my names quite neutral... though I wouldn't know. Mira had that animus book first before giving it to me. She used it to make a name for me from another world, Quasi Nix is what came up. Turns out, the name is from Earth, a language called Latin it was used by this powerful empire called the Roman Empire. Long gone now though."


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"Good luck getting trustworthy creatures in there." Ember said "Not to offend you, but ponies are very easily manipulated, you need just one villain who can choose their words right and the whole parliament is on their side." "While I dislike Equestrian government, it is a way that works for ponies, and I don't think you should fix something that is not broken, like said before, advancement for sake of advancement is not good." "Also, the good side with princesses is that it's obvious when they turn evil, but if the leaders were just normal ponies, evil could easily infiltrate the ranks without notice." "History also tells why such system is unlikely to work, after all, the princesses were chosen for the sole purpose that they are all the races, the last time ponies tried to make their own decisions, everyone almost froze to death." at first it may have seemed that Ember went against her own word here, but she didn't, she can dislike something while still acknowledging that it is needed, it wasn't really different from her view on military, she hated the fact that Equestria became more militaristic, but she also saw the good things it brought and blamed Earth rather than Equestria for it. 


"*Sound's like... an overly complicated... way to name... someone.*" Ruby remarked "*Above all....I don't care.....as long as...they can...change it if....they want to.*" no parent should have the right to force a name on someone, her offspring would be allowed to call themselves whatever they wanted. "*As long as...they're able....to earn....a new name....if they want.*" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Villains are a problem. Quasi has a pretty good procedure for when they cause problem for his country. Take Darkstalker for example, he basically went over to the guy and had him killed. Chrysalis has a bounty on her actually. She tried to cause a bit of trouble, wanted to kill Quasi and Ruby and take the land. Fell apart quickly, rumor has it, she's gone unhinged."


Quasi nodded when a guard walked in.

"The talks with Vulpine went well. They seem pretty understanding about the incident. The council has ruled that the families of the dead Vulpinians be compensated. You can still veto the ruling have the court decide."

"I'll accept the councils decision. The Vulpinians had no way of knowing and the navy admiral didn't follow procedure. I want the admiral reprimanded. I... think we'll need to have this one discharged, as much as I hate to do that."


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"What works in one place, doesn't necessarily work in another, and while I myself have critiqued Equestria's pacifism, without it Equestria would be notably weaker, there would be only Celestia as a ruler, and someone like Discord would have never joined Equestria's side." 


Ruby kinda just sighed and fell silent, she wasn't in the condition, or on the mood, to talk about politics, especially since she had no idea about the context of the situation, though she did speak up after everything was said, speaking so that everyone understood "Move them... to some offensive... unit. No point..... throwing skill away... due to... what I assume... is too... aggressive actions." "If there....isn't any subdivisions...for more.....aggressive individuals.....make one....." she then changed so that only Quasi understood "*Please..... choose your..... words carefully.... now, you know... why.*"


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Too bad these things aren't easy to fix. Need a dragon killed? I can do that. Need to invade a country? I can lead Celestia's army into battle. But it seems the sources of our problems are out of my league."

"Now everyone is worried about the windigos returning. If they attack Earth, Equestria will have to intervene due to their alliance. I guess they could send Discord to turn them into who knows what."


"I'll opt to keep him on leave until I discuss this with Ruby later."


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