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open Rise of the Stars roleplay (1x1 with CatponeCerberus)


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"The problem is, power is blinding, how many tyrants see themselves as that? they most times see themselves as the saviors of their kind." "Starlania for example, they already became this world's police-nation, they are easily the most powerful, they can just say something isn't allowed and so it be." "The magic situation for example, while I agree with Quasi to certain degree on the matter, what about the negative effects removal of a magic type causes to those less well of who depended on it?" "As some Earthlings say, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'." 


"If it is something you can spot medically, a similar word to twisted is present, so it could be something they can't see." Ruby mentioned "But, I do agree and will go to checks, because that is a way to see if there's any basis for the prophecy to be real, as it implies two offspring instead of the usual one."  a realization hit her, speaking about it out loud made her realize extra possibility, since their language didn't translate perfectly "It could also imply that I am the thing twisted...or corrupted, the exact translation can wary...." she fell quiet as a thought came to her, an unpleasant one, but she didn't reveal that thought.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Yeah, Starlania is powerful compared to the other nations of this world. Only this world if we're talking military. Economically, they got something happening. But I do admit, Quasi couldn't win an offensive against Earthlings. A defensive one certainly, his military is pretty good. And there's the fact that I've not met a single Starlanian that doesn't own a weapon."

"Just the other day, I watched some sandwing rebel killed by everyone in a store. Lots of stab wounds and bullet holes."


"Don't think like that. You're gonna be fine and if something went wrong with that, we figure this out."


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"And they are dragons, so they would kill even without weapons." "But I doubt the Earthlings would ever reach this far, until they somehow manage to sneak full armies through the portal, why? because the portal, it's the only way in here, a choke point, as you may call it, any attacker, be it to either direction, would be decimated with right planning." "And since it's in the middle of a sea, there's limited options on crossing it in the first place." "But I'm not worried that he'll attack Earthlings, I'm worried he'll become like Earthlings." 


"My worry isn't moral corruption....." "It's...." "I..." Her expression changed to almost distraught stare as few things clicked together in her mind, though she wasn't willing to share her realization, her demeanor then turned to what would be familiar to Quasi if he at any point had tried to get her tell about her experience "It's nothing." it was clearly something "That aside." she continued very quickly, trying to change the topic "It also speaks of destruction being linked to one of the offspring mentioned, so if it turns out to be true, probably need to keep an eye out for that." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"That is what I worry about in Equestria. Earth has a lot of influence. Equestria already joined NATO and sits with the UN. I don't like that. I don't want my country to become a puppet."


Quasi had an idea of what might of happened. Quasi's distress said it all.

"What did he do. I will have everyone who was in his government killed. Every single one. Not a single part of them will exist."


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"Either Equestria is already lost cause or the Princesses have some kind of plan that's beyond my imagination." Ember said in neutral manner, she wanted to be optimistic, but she didn't have high hopes , before she could continue, Cinder joined the conversation, again just kinda appearing "Told you you were being too optimistic."  "Wha- how long have you been listening?" "Not long, couldn't really care less what you and your pony boyfriend talk about." 


Ruby lowered her gaze towards the floor almost in shame, she was unwilling to confirm or deny anything, but after some silence she spoke quietly, almost too quietly to be heard, "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"So, do you get paid to sneak up on people?"


Quasi would hug Ruby.

"I'm sorry. I wish I put an end to him sooner. Whatever happens, I'm always there."

After the hug he closed his eyes for a moment and then walked out returning a few minutes later.

"Every single dragon in his government will be executed. Every single leader in his army will die. Do you want to kill them. I've signed their death warrants. And no, I did not tell anyone what he's done."


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"Sometimes." Cinder said with her usual smirk "I get paid to do lot of things, and sometimes I do things without payment." Ember rolled her eyes "Any leads on things?" she asked, to which Cinder shook her head "The collar? nope, can't really find much more until travel opens up again." "But I did stumble on another thing, though I probably shouldn't tell you anything, Ruby may rip my head off if I do." 


While Ruby didn't react much physically to the hug due to being occupied with less than pleasant thoughts, she did speak during it "Still not your fault." , or well, it was more whispering than speaking, she had gone through lot of individuals to blame in her head, but Quasi was never one of them, she had had lot of time to reflect on things, and even if she ignored her own fault in things, there was still a long list of names before Quasi's.


"I don't know who the others directly involved were, and I'm unlikely to recognize them, so killing them brings me no joy or  relief." "But I will oversee it." "All but one, whoever was the closest to him, the most loyal, I want to kill them, publicly." "It's time for our citizens and enemies to see me." she got up, having been laying down this whole time, she was bit shaky, and had to use her wings to help keep balance, but she managed, getting her 'dress' from nearby and wrapping it around herself, wasn't necessarily the perfect outfit for something like this, but she needed the protection.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"There's many villains in Equus that would use a collar if they owned one. But who would give one to Darkstalker? Take a moment and think about this. Gladia wanted to use him as a puppet. She never took into account Starlania which only happened when it happened because of her death. If she had gotten her way, Ruby would be dead, Quasi would be dead. And Darkstalker would be ruling the nightwings as a puppet."

"Gladia would've had no use for a collar. So who gave Darkstalker the collar? Chrysalis? Sure she's somewhere in this world but she'd probably use it to control Thorax or Princess Twilight or whatever. Probably that Starlight unicorn, she hates Starlight."

"Tirek is still locked away, Discord is reformed. Sombra. I have no idea, he loves mind control but he has his own trick for that."

"Sure, there was allegedly a future where Chrysalis, Tirek, and whoever would've gotten together but the timeline is on a different path because of Gladia just rumors though. If it's true, Gladia causing Equestria's military to get better ruined any crazy villain team up."

"Maybe he found the collar himself? Not much is known about what happened before Starlania discovered Darkstalker's regime."

A nightwing guard would walk up to them and give them some good news.

"Travel has been approved. Security has made some changes so, Quasi felt it would be safe. That was yesterday but it had to go through council and court. You will be given free passage whenever you choose to leave."


Quasi would pick up a spear and go with Ruby. He seemed to be more protective of her after all that happened. He wasn't controlling and would let Ruby do whatever but, he obviously took her safety very seriously.

When he saw her get the dress he did say something.

"Would you like some sort of armor, the citizens will think highly of you regardless but, maybe the look will make you feel a little more confident."

It was well meaning, he didn't really care what choices in clothing Ruby made he just wanted to ensure she felt happy.


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Cinder and Ember acknowledged the guards message and waited for them to leave before responding to Arrow "That is what I'm trying to figure out, those things are ancient, and as far as everyone knew, all unmodified versions were destroyed, someone had to find it, probably buried somewhere, figure out what it was, and then somehow get it from Equus to here to Darkstalker." Cinder explained, to which Ember continued "One thing that makes locating the source harder is that it didn't go through the Equestrian black market." "Or the local black market" "Which means it was direct delivery." 

"Though now that the border is open again, I can contact few of my friends in Equestria to see if they know anything." Cinder mentioned,  Ember was thoughtful for a moment "I wonder about the motivation too if he didn't find it himself, if it was just money, I'm sure there would have been willing buyers in Equestria too, and if it was personal, was it aimed at Quasi or Ruby?" 


Ruby didn't seem to pay much mind to Quasi being protective, she expected it, and it wasn't like she could claim she didn't need it, she wasn't totally helpless anymore, but she wasn't even near to her best either. "I appreciate the offer, but this is custom made to fit my body perfectly, and it offers protection." "But we could look into making me my own set of armor eventually, if not for anything else than ceremonial use." she didn't take the head wear, as it served no practical purpose, "I also like the dress, I exceeded my own expectations with how it turned out." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I know a few things about the markets. Took down plenty of dealers. Of course, there's some we got our eye on that aren't easy to catch. Lots of laws we guards gotta follow when it comes to dealing with these guys."

"Not sure what good my dragon connections from my dragon hunting days would do for us. They'd be more likely to have Darkstalker killed than help him. If he had a bounty, it would be expensive. The kind to set one up for life."


"Shall we visit the prison then. We can let them know they're fate and see if we can get an official confirmation on our dead enemy's actions and what part they played. They're already charged with war crimes and crimes against dragonkind but if they've done anything to you, the charges will be much worse and we will know who to execute publicly."


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"We both have connections to the markets." Cinder stated, meaning her and Ember "The individuals that guards manage to take are small players, you cut one head off, two come in its place." "That's why we know the collar hasn't traveled through there." Ember cut in "It's also because nobody in there would want to sell that, even if there wouldn't be some standard of morality, nobody wants something like that connected to them, it's one thing to be on the wrong side of the law, but it's totally different to be involved with something that evil." 


Ruby became visibly uncomfortable "Can we...just see who took part in the physical torture?" "I..." she hesitated a bit, and then switched languages to make sure only Quasi heard "*I rather not have them speak of the....things, before that, any of it.*" "*The things...he made me do with that collar. If those who were there are still alive...I....I don't want others to know, I don't want you to know.*"  everything about her tone and demeanor told that this was a truly genuine request, one could say she was pleading with Quasi "*Please don't give them the satisfaction of sharing that information, I feel humiliated enough already.*" while she managed to keep her cool enough to explain her wish in clear words, her discomfort from even thinking about it was great, it was actually bit similar to her discomfort after the meeting with Cinder, and while her wording didn't really tell it, in her eyes, her experience becoming knowledge of others was pretty much the worst thing that could happen to her now, and she didn't know if she could handle it if it spread wider. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus


"The diplomatic situation will be something. Quasi will demand those who gave the collar to him be given over. I don't expect Equestria to like the idea of sending one it's citizens to be executed in a foreign country. For both nations sake, I hope whoever it is isn't from Equestria or its allies."


"*Alright. I'll always think highly of you, that will never change you're still that strong dragon to me.*"

Quasi would agree to keep this secret to help Ruby move on.



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"Depends on who finds them first, I for one will deal with them myself if I find them." Cinder stated "And may deal with them even if I'm not the first, I already have Ruby's blessing." "And me killing them can't cause any diplomatic problems, because there's nothing that would prove, or even hint that I'm in any way connected with Starlania, because I'm not, there's also nothing else useful anywhere, the only real trace of me is individuals who have met me, and the prisons I've escaped from." 


"*That's not really the problem, It's..., I...I don't know how to explain it, it just...I don't want it to happen, I guess it's one of those things you only truly understand when you experience it.** "*The thought of someone knowing it makes me unreasonably uncomfortable.*" "*I know you already promised me my privacy, but I wanted to explain myself.*"


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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"I'll do my thing until I figure out who's behind the collar, and then I'll go deal with them." Cinder stated "Can't really plan how to deal with them before I know who it is." Ember rolled her eyes again before taking over "My contacts are already looking into things and I've told them to inform Cinder if they find anything, she also has her own contacts and.. ways to....persuade, to help her with finding information." "What's with the hesitation, you can just say that I-" Ember put her hoof on Cinder's mouth to shut her up "Don't, I don't want to hear a single word more about your 'mutual exchange', it's gross and uncomfortable." Cinder gave an amused smirk.


"*At the moment just the fact that you're trying is good, and I mean it, I...had lot of time to think and, just know that I thought about you, positively, for the first time I didn't feel like I was alone, I knew you would come to save me."* 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I guess that gives me time to figure things out. It'd be nice to just live in one place without being stationed somewhere and not traveling so much. Probably stay in my home in Ponyville and deal with local outlaws and monsters from everfree, not a shortage on those."

"You haven't lived until you take down an Ursa Major with a sword. Spears are better but y'know. Ever tried slaying a dragon with a sword? Very hard, so many rookie dragon hunters go running in with a sword only for it to bounce of them or break and then you got some rookie who gets burnt or eaten or whatever, they don't even bother to enchant the thing, dragon scales aren't known for being cut easily."


"*I'll topple powerful nations for you.*"


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"I once killed a dragon using sharpened chain." Cinder boasted, Ember gave her a doubtful look "Granted he was Equestrian dragon only twice my size and my ex, but still." Ember narrowed her eyes, she didn't know if she was more shocked by Cinder having an ex or by her killing him.


"*You already did.*" Ruby pointed out in surprisingly playful tone before going back to more sincere tone "*I know I'm not good at showing it, but I truly appreciate you companionship, it is....pleasant to know that someone actually cares about you.*"  it was one of the few things she was glad to be wrong about, and she almost felt bad for some of the things she had done or said, almost, she had seen bit of herself in Darkstalker, and the sight wasn't pretty, she felt she had to make sure she wouldn't become him or her mother. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Huh. I don't know if that's how dating works. I hope not."


"*Well, that nation had it coming. Dragons in this world take things seriously. It use to be populated by humans with like... Earthling medieval technology. Well, humans stole eggs, dragons got mad and now the dragons have countries. Sneaky little creatures. We're peaceful with each other now.*"

"*We all need someone in our life. Being alone is a sad life, hard to be happy.*"


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"In my 
defense, he chained me up in a cave that was going to fill with molten rock, and that was before I was fire proof." Cinder added nonchalantly "I actually still have the chains." she pointed at the repurposed shackles on her wrists and the steel grey collar of her armor "Haven't dated anyone since." Ember kinda just stared at her, Cinder had told her that her life hadn't been as easy as Ember's, but this wasn't what she had expected. 


Ruby just nodded, she didn't really know what to say to that, she didn't understand everything enough to agree fully yet, but she also couldn't really disagree. After a short silence, she spoke again "*That reminds me, how much does everyone else know? our citizens I mean, it would be good to know if I wish to speak to them. How did you explain my absence?*" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Well, I guess some people are like that. They'd probably would've been a menace if they were alive."


"*We did what we could to be discreet when bringing you in, unfortunately, something like that is hard to hide, people were going to see. They don't know entirely how bad it is but, they knew you weren't well, so we had to answer a few things.*"

"*We told them that you were severely injured and recovering. This was already known. Though the story of you losing horns, claws, and scales did get out due to unknown witnesses of bringing you in.*"


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"Most dragons were back then, they didn't really like my pony-half." Cinder stated nonchalantly "In hindsight, it was obvious he had ulterior motives, I was just so focused on trying to impress others that I didn't see it." Ember cut in "And that's why you are now the total opposite?" Cinder shrugged "Partly, at best that whole situation lead me to the right place at the right time." "I do whatever I want because nothing truly matters, and if I don't make my life fun, who else will?." 


"*So I guess I'll start with addressing the latter, it's better to tell the truth than let rumors spread.*" Did she feel bit bothered by the fact that it had spread? Yes, did it ultimately matter? no, she was going to be honest about it anyway, having had time to think, she had come up with a way to try and twist things bit into her own advantage, mostly she was happy that the collar part hadn't spread. "*And don't criticize yourself about it too much, better the truth to go out than having to hold a web of lies.*" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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"They are still territorial, they are just bit less violent about it." Cinder remarked "Bit too much less actually, Equestrian dragons have become boring, that's why I'm more interested in those like Ruby." "And yeah yeah I know, she's married, don't start." "Besides, she already said no." 


Before they reached the view of the officials, Ruby took a deep breath and raised her head high, she may have not felt too proud at the moment, but she for sure wasn't going to show that to her enemies, though she couldn't hide the fact that she still had trouble with her balance.

To Quasi's question she nodded, and responded "*Keep an eye on their emotional states, if any of them were there.....before the torture part, they will most likely feel some kind of self-satisfaction or other emotion that implies them having less respect for my power, but please, if it seems they are thinking about it, don't read their thoughts*" 

She then addressed the prisoners, looking at them all rather closely as she passed them, she was purposely trying to pull reaction out of them, be it before mentioned self-satisfaction, a wariness expected from someone in their situation, or greater fear that implied they had reason to believe their fate was worse than others, the last being a possible implication of they having part in the torture. "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, you all are going to die, I would list your crimes that lead to this, but in truth I'm not fully aware of them myself either." "You have no way out of death, but you have a way to make it as painless as possible, and to have some dignity in your death." "It is most likely well known to all of you that I had an involuntary visit with your worthless ruler, but only some of you know what that visit entailed, and some of you took part on what happened." "This is your time to come clean, and assure more pleasant end, you cannot hide your involvement, so keeping it to yourself only brings you harm." "But, choose your words carefully, as if you try to use your knowledge to spite me, I will rip out your tongue, and make sure your last moments are pure agony." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

"Their leader was somewhat interesting in terms of solving arguments through combat then Thorax kinda convinced her not to do that. The Changelings had to have an incident with a giant mole to build a proper army. Bunch of pacifists. Ironically, Equestria becomes more willing to fight things. But, at the price of becoming a puppet. The one thing I didn't like about Earth to begin with."

"Wait until you see the further chaos going on. Part of Equestria to the west is planning to secede. They say the Princesses have been made subject to Earthlings and they want no part in it."

"Hopefully the Princesses let them go peacefully. Twilight is the only one weary of Earth but, she has no desire to leave Equestria."


Quasi would keep an eye on their minds to make sure none tried to spite Ruby.

Quasi would find a mix of emotions and thoughts. The ones having been part of the torture feeling the most fear.

There were a couple Quasi was weary of but they seemed to safeguard the actual thoughts so he wasn't sure.

One would speak up.

"How does it feel. A foolish dragon who thought they were strong being subject to who you thought was inferior. A helpless dragon with no control even over yourself."

Quasi opened the cell and grabbed the dragon by their neck.

"I cannot torture, and for that you are fortunate. I can make your death slow however because you are subject to wartime court and not that of citizens of the country. I could have you slowly burned from the inside right now."


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